1# Confession Pliz pliz usarasa step dad.. Kuvaudza pari tricky but on the other hand it's gud if he knows.. Kana mada kuvaudza zvataura Mama vasimbisei kuti hamufi mavarasa kana muchivapa something as a gift of thank u nekukurerai go ahead n do so..
Love stepfather Take care of him till the last day. Take your mother's advice Telling your stepfather kuti havasi ivo baba vake zvinogona kuti family happiness iparare,uye he may die upon hearing this betrayal. Keep loving your stepfather and respecting him. Keep the secret Help your biological father if you can
Gomba harina mwana so unless n until DNA proves otherwise u r your father's son..ivavo vaunoziva, zvemazita izvo mavekuda kudana mhepo dzamusingazokwisa kufamba nadzo.
@Nokutenda774 I understand you, at the same tym vana vangani varikuchengetwa mumadzinza asiri avo and in this case I m saying let this guy do a DNA na mda vake, then and only then he can say or break the news, not to take momz at her word and start doing things behind his "father's" back..izvezvi if heard the confession well the guy is being told kut handei kumusha tinoita 1 or 2
@@collenchoto7385 of course the mother knows muridzi wemwana. Stepfather vakatizirwa because vanga vari soft, didn’t question anything. Yes, many people are in the wrong families but they always feel it. I am here in the UK where children ended up killing parents because they always suspect they were in the wrong family.I am not saying he should abandon stepfather but kuziva kwaunobva chinhu chiri very important. When strange things start happening in your life, you would know where they are coming from and generation curses to pray for.
@Nokutenda774 I hear you and what I am objecting is the SECRECY which is taking place, DNA is easy these days, he can do the test secretly and if it's confirmed kuti surely this FATHER who took care of him the whole life is not his biological then he will have closure and find a way of breaking the news to the sick father..Neni handitodi kungeteswa and in this case mda vakatochengeta kare and now vave kutochengetwa havo.. ITS SAD.
Wekudiridziswa miti uyo fai wazvirega nekuti vakuru vanoti ukadziya moto wembava newewo until mbava. Pachiirungu voting you are an accomplice. Saka zviri pachena kuti pane hushereketwa huripo vanhu ava vakaenda kunganga kana muporofitabunotogona kunobatwa muridzi wenyaya achisara. Final choice is yours.
Mukomana wa step date uyo.Rega nditi kwauri blood is cheaper than water.Dzinza hari rambirwe hurombo. Do not hate the step dad he brought you up well.Give him the best you can in appreciation But Your real blessings comes from your Biological Dad.Look after that old poor man . Shoko rampart rimoti vana kudzai vabereki venyu. Finally ziva kuti pakadyarqa nzungu,nyino,chibage pa gamba rimwe chete each mbeu kana yobuda inobuda its real clan so you are what you are.nzungu haisi nyimo uye nyimo haisi nzungu.
Haiwa chero ukati heeee ini handidi baba vangu biological just kmow kuti iwewe mukati kahutombe ikako futi unako. Now wakuda kupa hurombe ihwohwo kumwana wako😢
1# ndiri iwe i would stay far away from biology father , mai vako kuzoti mupe mwana zita rasekuru rombe yooo. Mucharoyiwa nazvo izvi. Your stepfather is your real father. Don't say anything usayende nemwana
Mukoma go for DNA testing nana baba venyu vese in secret pamwe hazvishamisi pasito Rina baba venyu chaiwo nekuti Mai venyu igevha kubvira vari vadiki uye musaitisa mwana zvinhu zvinozimu netsa kwegupenyu hwake hwose
Plizz call your child his own name,hurombe huye huchadzoka by force amana,plus zvekuendako zvabvepiko futi nhy makuda kupa mwana minyama nemazimhepo or else secret yenyu ini yakuda kuzofumuka manje
Umm bamdik siyanai neconfusion yamums , ini stick to the father you know since birth and vaiwepo when you were growing up. Don’t even tell your dad vanocollapsa kufa chaiko considering the love he has for you. Ko mwana muda kunomuitisei kumusha ? Don’t even agree munotakudza mwana minyama ne mashavi emadzinza.
Mukomanan ucharasiswa na Mai vako usapa mwana Zita remadzisekuru marombe uku inviter nhamo Mumba mako. Udza babavako chokwadi uye usatedzera Mai vako Havana brain vanonyepera Kuda Baba vakakurera but vachirikutodananan na alleged father vako vanotambura uye unoziva sey kuti varikutaura chokwadi Mai vako itai DNA Baba rombe vachi uwane chokwadi so that usaitiswe KO ukazoziva kuti Baba vako vauri kuudzwa namai vako havasi rivo iwe wa betrayer Baba vako chaivo. Mai vako varikukukokera mweya wenhamo. Baba vakakurera vanerudo uye vanoziva kurera mwana usafurirwe namai vako uchatambura or kuita ngozi ukaurayusa Baba vaneshuger avo nekuda kwehunhu hwamai vako hwakafongora ita semurume mangwana ndiwewo uchachengeteswa mwana asisiri wako.
Domt name the child after poverty, generational curses will follow him, dont do that. And also do not go against your mother like that, be wise, she might end your life. Just respectfully refuse to name the child after that man, explain to her how generational curses work, and aslo stop going to see that man ,the man that raiseed you is your father , nothing can change that.
What you & your mother are doing is very bad. Stop it! Your step dad deserves to know the truth. I forsee disaster if you & your mother continue going behind the old man's back.
He mustn't talk, it's going to cause so much drama not only between him and his father but his mother might kill him. He is just supposed to refuse name the child after that said man, or go visit them. The man that raised him is his father now. Nothing will change that.
Your mother is very evil. Hapana secret isingabude. Your father did not deny you vakatonyeberwawo, you can distance yourself from him physically but you cannot separate your blood with his. Pane nguva yauchada baba vako chaivo yekuti stepfather havashande. Mothers can be very evil, your stepfather is going to be heartbroken. Umm vakadzi ndatya navo. So if you are doing well, why can’t you support your father because it’s not like he intentionally abandoned you.
Mwana ngaapihwe zita rake ega.
Mai vako vane confusion, vakaramba baba vako asi vanoda kuti mwana wako aende ikoko.
Uchakoromora zvakawanda nekuteedza dzungu kamai vako. You need to appreciate munhu akakurera
Aiwa kuudza step dad hazviite vanodonha vakafa chingosiya usesekudze hupenyu hwavo...pamwana ahh ingomupaiwo rake
1# Confession Pliz pliz usarasa step dad.. Kuvaudza pari tricky but on the other hand it's gud if he knows.. Kana mada kuvaudza zvataura Mama vasimbisei kuti hamufi mavarasa kana muchivapa something as a gift of thank u nekukurerai go ahead n do so..
Wakaudzwa stepdad wanobva wadonha neshuga yavainayo better kungonyarara
@@TafadzwaMutsaruGud point👏👏👏
That will be the end of him, better keep quiet
Hi brother keep secret go to see you father, mama vako munhu mukuru yakwana nguva yokuti uzive kwawakabva recepect vese vabereki vako
Pliz musaudza step dad movakuvadza apa vagara vachizvirwarira ..motongoita secret sezvakaitwa namai
Maswera sei
@@ZimSecretsandConfessions taswera zvedu mkoma
Yeee first to view and to like.
Maswera sei
Nice yamukoma Nashie asikunatso oneka
Mwana ngaapihwe Zita rake uye don't be caught in ur mother's mess, amai vako vari confused. Nzwira mwana wako tsitsi protect ur son from ur mom
But ipai mwana zita rake ega
Musade mari zvakadaro muchikuvadzisa vamwe vanhu.Zviripachena parikuitwa huroyi apa muchazokuvadzwawo nemwiwo mukaramba muchi entertainer hupi hapana chakanaka chichabuda pakupedzisira zvinhu zvakaipa zvirikuitwa izvi zvichazoku affectai nemwiwo big time.Dai matobatsira zvenyu masiblings ayo
Love stepfather
Take care of him till the last day.
Take your mother's advice
Telling your stepfather kuti havasi ivo baba vake zvinogona kuti family happiness iparare,uye he may die upon hearing this betrayal.
Keep loving your stepfather and respecting him.
Keep the secret
Help your biological father if you can
Gomba harina mwana so unless n until DNA proves otherwise u r your father's son..ivavo vaunoziva, zvemazita izvo mavekuda kudana mhepo dzamusingazokwisa kufamba nadzo.
Iwew would you want kuchengeteswa mwana asiri wako usingazive? Izvozvo zvinshanda kuvarungu not kunesu.
@Nokutenda774 I understand you, at the same tym vana vangani varikuchengetwa mumadzinza asiri avo and in this case I m saying let this guy do a DNA na mda vake, then and only then he can say or break the news, not to take momz at her word and start doing things behind his "father's" back..izvezvi if heard the confession well the guy is being told kut handei kumusha tinoita 1 or 2
@@collenchoto7385 of course the mother knows muridzi wemwana. Stepfather vakatizirwa because vanga vari soft, didn’t question anything. Yes, many people are in the wrong families but they always feel it. I am here in the UK where children ended up killing parents because they always suspect they were in the wrong family.I am not saying he should abandon stepfather but kuziva kwaunobva chinhu chiri very important. When strange things start happening in your life, you would know where they are coming from and generation curses to pray for.
@Nokutenda774 I hear you and what I am objecting is the SECRECY which is taking place, DNA is easy these days, he can do the test secretly and if it's confirmed kuti surely this FATHER who took care of him the whole life is not his biological then he will have closure and find a way of breaking the news to the sick father..Neni handitodi kungeteswa and in this case mda vakatochengeta kare and now vave kutochengetwa havo.. ITS SAD.
Yaa zvakaoma ko ikokkuzoda kuremedza mwana ne zita reumwe, so zvamuri kuita zvakaipa chose muri kubika mbodza na amai vako
Second yoooo weeee
2# zvauchapiwa huroyi or kubatanidzwa muurombwa nekuda mari. Ziva pekugumira. Usango yitiswa
Wekudiridziswa miti uyo fai wazvirega nekuti vakuru vanoti ukadziya moto wembava newewo until mbava. Pachiirungu voting you are an accomplice. Saka zviri pachena kuti pane hushereketwa huripo vanhu ava vakaenda kunganga kana muporofitabunotogona kunobatwa muridzi wenyaya achisara. Final choice is yours.
Mukomana wa step date uyo.Rega nditi kwauri blood is cheaper than water.Dzinza hari rambirwe hurombo.
Do not hate the step dad he brought you up well.Give him the best you can in appreciation But
Your real blessings comes from your Biological Dad.Look after that old poor man . Shoko rampart rimoti vana kudzai vabereki venyu.
Finally ziva kuti pakadyarqa nzungu,nyino,chibage pa gamba rimwe chete each mbeu kana yobuda inobuda its real clan so you are what you are.nzungu haisi nyimo uye nyimo haisi nzungu.
Haiwa chero ukati heeee ini handidi baba vangu biological just kmow kuti iwewe mukati kahutombe ikako futi unako.
Now wakuda kupa hurombe ihwohwo kumwana wako😢
Iwe mfana uribenzi chairo qualified fool chayiro step father uyo ndiye baba vako chaivo kwete chikomba chamai vako ..iwe unotora munhu anevana 2 shuwa...stop following mai vako avo...mese muri 2 murimasasikamu
1# ndiri iwe i would stay far away from biology father , mai vako kuzoti mupe mwana zita rasekuru rombe yooo. Mucharoyiwa nazvo izvi. Your stepfather is your real father. Don't say anything usayende nemwana
Are you okay? Stepfather was lied to , how did you know if given a choice, he would want to raise a child who is not his.
Iiiiiii panyaya dzevabereki andione semunopindira mkoma. I don't think kuti it's your responsibility to tell your step dad. Stay in your lane mkoma
#2 Mkoma muri kubatanidzwa muhurombwa nekuda mari kwenyu. That lady she's killing her own siblings.
Mukoma go for DNA testing nana baba venyu vese in secret pamwe hazvishamisi pasito Rina baba venyu chaiwo nekuti Mai venyu igevha kubvira vari vadiki uye musaitisa mwana zvinhu zvinozimu netsa kwegupenyu hwake hwose
Plizz call your child his own name,hurombe huye huchadzoka by force amana,plus zvekuendako zvabvepiko futi nhy makuda kupa mwana minyama nemazimhepo or else secret yenyu ini yakuda kuzofumuka manje
Musaitiswa zvinhu namai venyu musaende nemwana uye mupei zita rake ega.Uri murume fungavo step dad vako uye kana uchiziva kunamata itai zvinhu izvi nenzira yakanaka kwete zvamai ko.
Umm bamdik siyanai neconfusion yamums , ini stick to the father you know since birth and vaiwepo when you were growing up. Don’t even tell your dad vanocollapsa kufa chaiko considering the love he has for you. Ko mwana muda kunomuitisei kumusha ? Don’t even agree munotakudza mwana minyama ne mashavi emadzinza.
Mukomanan ucharasiswa na Mai vako usapa mwana Zita remadzisekuru marombe uku inviter nhamo Mumba mako. Udza babavako chokwadi uye usatedzera Mai vako Havana brain vanonyepera Kuda Baba vakakurera but vachirikutodananan na alleged father vako vanotambura uye unoziva sey kuti varikutaura chokwadi Mai vako itai DNA Baba rombe vachi uwane chokwadi so that usaitiswe KO ukazoziva kuti Baba vako vauri kuudzwa namai vako havasi rivo iwe wa betrayer Baba vako chaivo. Mai vako varikukukokera mweya wenhamo. Baba vakakurera vanerudo uye vanoziva kurera mwana usafurirwe namai vako uchatambura or kuita ngozi ukaurayusa Baba vaneshuger avo nekuda kwehunhu hwamai vako hwakafongora ita semurume mangwana ndiwewo uchachengeteswa mwana asisiri wako.
Zvakanaka zvakadaro pana step dad na biological father.
Hanzi n'anga yakarova mucheno ma Jersey ebhora 😂😂😂
Nhai imi ava vatinoona vachiti vanobatsira varoyi futi, meaning the other siblings vakaenda kumwechete ikoko vanongobhadhariswa futi vachibvisa huroyi hwavakaisa. Ndosaka vanhu vachizoti chivanhu chakashata😢
Pfeee within 15mins
Thank you
Ipai mwana zita rake ega
Domt name the child after poverty, generational curses will follow him, dont do that. And also do not go against your mother like that, be wise, she might end your life. Just respectfully refuse to name the child after that man, explain to her how generational curses work, and aslo stop going to see that man ,the man that raiseed you is your father , nothing can change that.
It will still follow him because he still has the same bloodline.
What you & your mother are doing is very bad. Stop it! Your step dad deserves to know the truth. I forsee disaster if you & your mother continue going behind the old man's back.
He mustn't talk, it's going to cause so much drama not only between him and his father but his mother might kill him. He is just supposed to refuse name the child after that said man, or go visit them. The man that raised him is his father now. Nothing will change that.
Imi vanhu imi musabatire chirungu padenga zvese nezvechitendero chenyu, muchibata hunhu hwenyu netugunwe kunge chikorobho cheweti. Chero zvikaita sei baba vako ndibaba vako ndiro dzidza rako iroro. Amai vako ndivo honzeri, iwewe taura nanasekuru vako hanvzadzi dzaamai vako kana kuti ana amai nini kana amaiguru nenyaya iyi kwete zvako zvekufumura hapwa pano.
Zvako iwe, ivavo rombe pane pavanoshanda muhupenyu hwako pasingadiwe stepfather.
Your mother is very evil. Hapana secret isingabude. Your father did not deny you vakatonyeberwawo, you can distance yourself from him physically but you cannot separate your blood with his. Pane nguva yauchada baba vako chaivo yekuti stepfather havashande. Mothers can be very evil, your stepfather is going to be heartbroken. Umm vakadzi ndatya navo. So if you are doing well, why can’t you support your father because it’s not like he intentionally abandoned you.