So much quality info here! It would be really nice if this video wasnt so underrated on youtube. I would love watching and listening to soil science podcasts.
Compaction goes deeper and deeper because roots are not growing with normal architecture and increasingly abnormal with shallow VT and no-till practices.
Subsoilers are not for increasing or decreasing crops its use for water penetration deeply.. after using subsoiler water easily goes down and this water matter more than decreasing crop a little bit.. even i doubt on ur study that crop yield decrsases after using subsoiler because in india not a gram of yield decrsase
So much quality info here! It would be really nice if this video wasnt so underrated on youtube. I would love watching and listening to soil science podcasts.
Great stuff! Thanks.
Tire foot print are also bigger
Compaction goes deeper and deeper because roots are not growing with normal architecture and increasingly abnormal with shallow VT and no-till practices.
Subsoilers are not for increasing or decreasing crops its use for water penetration deeply.. after using subsoiler water easily goes down and this water matter more than decreasing crop a little bit.. even i doubt on ur study that crop yield decrsases after using subsoiler because in india not a gram of yield decrsase
Use subsoiler to break this compection befor starting no till
That works great if you don’t have a wet harvest or planting season in the next couple years. Probably best done after small grain harvest.