[Full Story] My Niece Never Had Pizza Until I Secretly Gave Her Some at Her Birthday Party...

  • Опубликовано: 18 сен 2024
  • My Niece Never Had Pizza Until I Secretly Gave Her Some at Her Birthday Party. My Health-obsessed Brother Banned Me From Seeing Her.
    #redditstories #redditupdate #askreddit

Комментарии • 29

  • @claytonthomas1980
    @claytonthomas1980 4 дня назад +19

    The OP's brother may have a right to be strict with his daughter's diet but that was beyond extreme in more ways than one,he should have been flexible and be understanding with what his sister did and let her know about the diet restrictions and allow a few exceptions along the way,at least they are speaking to each other and that's a good thing for now.

  • @QrincessQri
    @QrincessQri 4 дня назад +12

    My best friend had parents that were overly strict about her diet, and the punishments they dished out over it… she struggles with an eating disorder because of it to this day. It’s fine to want your kids to eat healthy, but there’s a right way to go about it and a wrong way that can be permanently damaging to your child. I’m glad this little girl was able to have an honest and open conversation with her dad about it. Furthermore that he listened instead of doing the good ole’ ‘I’m the parent, you’re the child. I’m right, you’re wrong’ bs.

  • @Stephanie-q9o
    @Stephanie-q9o 4 дня назад +9

    He needs to ease up on his restrictions or his daughter will end up with an eating disorder! Watching her diet and giving her nutritious food is one thing but he is going overboard with this.

  • @MH_Prof
    @MH_Prof 4 дня назад +15

    She is a child, and ought to be able to enjoy these things like other children. No food is 100% clean, and things are going to go wrong with this body no matter what one does. The child’s enjoyment and happiness are important too.

  • @kgomotsosekonya9435
    @kgomotsosekonya9435 3 дня назад +2

    Stories about parents that love their kids so much they end up becoming abusive are always so sad to hear

  • @michelleengle207
    @michelleengle207 3 дня назад +1

    This is why I say eat in moderation, and don’t give a f what people say.

  • @pbjelly9663
    @pbjelly9663 3 дня назад +1

    Theres always a Sarah in the story 🦋

  • @spacedfont
    @spacedfont 4 дня назад +3

    Why AI so freaking much love name Mark for dads assholes? Really, only knowing that AI put name Mark for dads you can tell that it's AI made.

  • @errorsanz.
    @errorsanz. День назад

    Call cps tf
    Why does people with no research think they're reaching the light?

  • @dianapickett1690
    @dianapickett1690 4 дня назад +4

    OP said that she’s healthy. She is not Emily’s mother. Who is OP to decide how he raises his child 🤷‍♀️. I wish I didn’t love processed foods so much.

    • @memawknowsbest4978
      @memawknowsbest4978 4 дня назад +2

      He was thanking OP by the end of the video. He had crossed the line between healthy and obsessively restricted, and he needed someone to intervene. Which the whole family agreed on, and they had a full-on intervention. That's when Emily told him that she was hungry all the time and had been swapping food with friends at lunchtime. He was wrong and he was harming his daughter unintentionally with his paranoia about eating healthy, or Emily was going to drop dead at any minute mindset.

  • @Catherine.Dorian.
    @Catherine.Dorian. 4 дня назад +5

    Whatever his stupid diet is, she’s still wrong for getting involved. My aunt used to pull crap like this, trying to interfere with my parents parenting when she has no kids and wasn’t my mom. Stay in your lane unless it’s actual abuse

    • @memawknowsbest4978
      @memawknowsbest4978 4 дня назад +2

      Did you watch the whole video? Because they had to do an intervention where Emily told her dad that she's hungry all the time and their psychologist sister had to explain to him the emotional/psychological harm that he was causing his daughter. He NEEDED someone to intervene on his daughter's behalf before he gave her a full-blown eating disorder. He was also harming his daughter socially by restricting her ability to fully participate in special events, parties, etc, with her peers. He needed help and him getting help helped Emily. He thanked OP for standing up to and challenging him.

    • @Catherine.Dorian.
      @Catherine.Dorian. 3 дня назад

      @@memawknowsbest4978 Yeah I did and that was the right move, my point more was her feeding the kid all of that behind the dad’s back. They always should’ve had an actual intervention but she shouldn’t have fed them. That was my point about the abuse, she wasn’t achieving anything by her actions but if she believed it was abuse she needed to take real action

    • @memawknowsbest4978
      @memawknowsbest4978 3 дня назад

      @Catherine.Dorian. OP gave Emily the same kind of birthday party that her dead mother gave her before she died. Right down to the chocolate cake. If OP hadn't done it, she wouldn't have seen just how bad her brother had gotten, how miserable and anxious he was making Emily, there would have been no reason to reach out to the rest of the family (all of whom were also concerned but didn't want to disturb the peace), and there would have been no intervention. This means nothing would have been done to help Emily and OP's brother because he needed help even more than Emily did. OP allowing Emily to be a normal kid on her birthday was the catalyst that the family needed to get them to finally take action. That's why OP's brother THANKED HER for interfering in his parenting. It needed to be done.

  • @Censorthisbananahamock
    @Censorthisbananahamock 4 дня назад +6

    He may have been super strict with the food restrictions, but she was way wrong for giving her that trash processed foods when he was trying to keep her healthy and not becoming addicted to processed foods, or face health problems from all the garbage chemicals they put in food.

    • @sonnysama16
      @sonnysama16 4 дня назад

      This is the kind of thinking that gives kids eating disorders. Just sayin'.

    • @spacedfont
      @spacedfont 4 дня назад +3

      For your understanding, almost every plant-based food nowadays is in some way contains chems, this is how modern farming works. Almost every animal to not get sick and worsen a quality of meat got pill that in some way add chems to the raw meat. Processed or not, they are in food, and that's why your argument about chems harmful effects are dumb. For some reason from middle ages where all meat and crops doesn't had a chems people live span only increased... Maybe because this paranoia is unreasonable, baseless phobia? We all must be thankful to chemicals that we aren't starving. If we didn't get what fertilize effectively crops, we'll all died from hunger, it was hundreds times proved by scientists, but, if you really believed in such bullshit as that chemicals that freaking 100 times tested on humans, that proven to be unharmful (if they had some even minor effects like remaining in organism they'll not be used, such things already happened in history) is harmful, well, there's no reason to reasoning with you.
      Edit: I mean only chemicals that putted in food, of course exist many harmful chemicals, but people aren't dumb, and last thing that company that gives products wants get in court for food poisoning or even death.

    • @randomnerd1015
      @randomnerd1015 4 дня назад +4

      Processed foods aren’t the only foods that can hide health hazards as plants can uptake and store different things from water and soil. Hunted animals can also have things like chronic wasting disease or mad cow. Just about any food can have negative side effects if you eat or drink too much (even water can be over consumed). Everything is made up of chemicals and the difference between good and bad can be really small (in amount and type of chemical).
      The father was basically teaching abstinence when we all know that doesn’t work. Kinda like how telling kids/young adults that they should never drink alcohol may lead them to binge and be unable to self regulate. It can become far more harmful than properly teaching moderation. The aunt should have opted for the intervention rather than going behind his back but she was right in knowing he was too strict.

    • @eggy4lifey
      @eggy4lifey 4 дня назад

      You know how many health freaks have had their children taken from them because they were malnourished from the lack of real food??? You want to talk about addiction to processed foods let's talk about the addiction of parents who only feed their children nuts and berry's their whole lives practically starving their children to death because extreme behavior is on both sides and if not for processed foods a lot of ppl couldn't afford to feed their children especially in this economy. I think there can be a balance but trash parents are on both sides of this street and this man is a trash parent for forcing his strict lifestyle on his kid... I'd even go as far as to say he would probably disown his kid if when she is old enough to make her own choices and chooses to go against his wishes despite the fact that as a grown woman her choices should be respected like he most likely expected when he became of legal age or even just old enough to say no because no means no

    • @Censorthisbananahamock
      @Censorthisbananahamock 4 дня назад

      @@spacedfont you can buy non gmo products and organic. That eliminates most of the chemicals. But highly processed foods are stripped of their nutritional value that your body can easily pull nutrients out of, and replaces it with harder to process chemicals or processed vitamins.
      Most of the processes for these processed foods and chemical additives are not really studied for long term or short term effects. They just approve of things that are generally considered safe which decades later turn out to be carcinogenic.

  • @edwinxsantiagoaliceasantia6354
    @edwinxsantiagoaliceasantia6354 4 дня назад +1


  • @Formula1maxverstappen
    @Formula1maxverstappen 4 дня назад +1

    Jesus wtf is wrong with the brother

    • @memawknowsbest4978
      @memawknowsbest4978 4 дня назад

      Judging from the ending, he really needed to get laid. And he was completely paranoid about his daughter dying if he let her eat the way her mother let her eat. He's needed therapy since his wife died and he's finally getting it.