Gala is always smiling and always looks so happy to be meeting each interviewer - which is amazing, considering how many interviews they must do on every tour. All the HU members seem to be really nice people❣
We do love The HU in the USA! You've brought us music & culture we never knew before. We don't need to understand the language. The meaning comes through in the music itself. Thank you for enriching our lives!
Their song Wolf Totem reaches me on a Primal level, makes the Cherokee in me want to go on the Warpath, and the Army Veteran in me to prepare for battle!!!
Орчуулж буй залууд... Үзэг цаастай суугаарай. Орчуулгын туршлага дутаж дутуу дулимаг орчуулаад бна. Олон удаа өөр өөр бичлэг үзлээ... ажилд чинь хэрэг болог гээд үнэхээр тэссэнгүй бичлээ. Гол санаануудыг нэг бол орхигдуулаад эсвэл тодотгож гаргахгүй бүрхэг орчуулахын...нэг радио ярилцлаган дээр өмнөөс нь ганцаараа яриад дуусгасан шүү.... тэгж болдоггүй юмаа. Тэд Hu сонсох гэснээс чамайг биш шүү дээ. Хичнээн удаа давтагдсан ч хамаагүй яг л орчуулах хэрэгтэй бдгын... Зөвөөр тусгаж аваарай хө...боловсрол дутаад бна уу эсвэл! Жишээ нь: we named the first album as a GEREGE. This word has a special meaning. In the middle century who had the GEREGE which received from great khan Chinggis, traveled through the countries freely... No custom check or prohibition to travel. It looks like today's diplomatic passport which the person can travel around the worlds without any boundaries... ингэж бүүр тодотгож ярихгүй бол наад хэд чинь маш дутуу өнгөц ойлгоод л өнгөрнө.. Шүүмжлээгүй шүү. Тусгаад аваарай
Gala is always smiling and always looks so happy to be meeting each interviewer - which is amazing, considering how many interviews they must do on every tour. All the HU members seem to be really nice people❣
We do love The HU in the USA! You've brought us music & culture we never knew before. We don't need to understand the language. The meaning comes through in the music itself. Thank you for enriching our lives!
Army Lane !!! Thank you very much for your lovely word for our boys and greetings from Mongolia !!!!
Hope you enjoyed the interview as much as I enjoyed conducting it!
The hu is mongolian idol. We proud of them.
You know I love you, please take care of yourselves.
I am not Mongolian but I am Hu. Cant explain why their music reaches me but who cares. Be kind to one another..or else
Their song Wolf Totem reaches me on a Primal level, makes the Cherokee in me want to go on the Warpath, and the Army Veteran in me to prepare for battle!!!
thank you. A great interview. :)
Please HU, Come to Australia-we'll show you More Love!! HU HU HU
Yes, they should perform in a bigger stage.
The Hu is truly amazing
Great interview and thank you for sharing it !!!! Keep going !!!!
Thank you! It was an absolute privilege! My favorite interview I conducted all weekend!
Hu Hu Hu Hu Hu Hu! Interviewer is right: not enough, LOL! 😀
Амжилт залуусаа! Хү хү хү 😘💖
Awesome 🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘
Хүү гоё хамтлаг шүү
Enkush looks like his thoughts are elsewhere.
1:37 "You guys came out of nowhere" And then started to take over everything and subjugating everyone... A bit like Mongols actually ? ;)
1960-аад оны "Британийн довтолгоо" -г санаж байна уу? 2019 оны "Монголчуудын довтолгоо" гэрч
4 dudes from liverpool?
John Stormm shut ur old ass up
Enkush looked Sooo bored !
They had a long day, and there may have been some California legal fun before lol
And hopefully you enjoyed the interview, I was just excited to have the opportunity to talk to them!
@@akusazero yes, I enjoyed the interview very much ! Love to hear them talk !
What an absolutely beautiful language!
Heike Brooks yeah Enkush is not giving a shoot as usual but love him the way he is
Орчуулж буй залууд... Үзэг цаастай суугаарай. Орчуулгын туршлага дутаж дутуу дулимаг орчуулаад бна. Олон удаа өөр өөр бичлэг үзлээ... ажилд чинь хэрэг болог гээд үнэхээр тэссэнгүй бичлээ. Гол санаануудыг нэг бол орхигдуулаад эсвэл тодотгож гаргахгүй бүрхэг орчуулахын...нэг радио ярилцлаган дээр өмнөөс нь ганцаараа яриад дуусгасан шүү.... тэгж болдоггүй юмаа. Тэд Hu сонсох гэснээс чамайг биш шүү дээ. Хичнээн удаа давтагдсан ч хамаагүй яг л орчуулах хэрэгтэй бдгын... Зөвөөр тусгаж аваарай хө...боловсрол дутаад бна уу эсвэл! Жишээ нь: we named the first album as a GEREGE. This word has a special meaning. In the middle century who had the GEREGE which received from great khan Chinggis, traveled through the countries freely... No custom check or prohibition to travel. It looks like today's diplomatic passport which the person can travel around the worlds without any boundaries... ингэж бүүр тодотгож ярихгүй бол наад хэд чинь маш дутуу өнгөц ойлгоод л өнгөрнө.. Шүүмжлээгүй шүү. Тусгаад аваарай
Amir tataloo
Amir tatalo is king👑