【Taiwan Tempo Run Vol.2 // Flashlight】Chinese Cover

  • Опубликовано: 6 фев 2025
  • 【妙台灣TTR Vol.2 // 白駒過隙Flashlight】Chinese Cover 戲曲版
    原唱 Original Music :
    Jessie J(2015) - Flashlight • Jessie J - Flashlight ...
    楊麗花(1972) - 身騎白馬走三關 • Video
    妙台灣粉絲團 TTR Official Fan Page : / ttrofficialpage
    演唱者 Singer
    田蜜Mi Tien
    特別演出 Special Appearance
    文場Wen-Chang (Chinese Orchestra) :
    笛子Di-Zi:孫羽萱 Yu-Hsuan Sun
    南胡Nan-Hu:羅靜葳 Jing-Wei Luo
    歌仔月琴/柳琴Taiwanese Yue-Qin/Liu-Qin:黃昭郡 Chao-Chun Huang
    古箏Gu-Zeng:楊宥倢 Yu-Chieh Yang
    武場Wu-Chang (Chinese Percussion) :
    司鼓 Si-Gu:鍾采彤Tsai-Tung Chung
    大鑼Da-Luo:李慶軍 Ching-Jiun Lee
    鐃鈸Nao-Bo:林均柔 Chun-Jou Lin
    小鑼Xiao-Luo:張廷庭 Ting-Ting Chang
    弦樂四重奏String Quartet
    第一小提琴Violin I:張華桔Louis
    第二小提琴Violin II:陳奎融Orange
    中提琴Viola:呂宛霓Wan-Ni Lu
    大提琴Cello:黎智軒 Chi-Hin Lai
    爵士鼓 Drum kit:木蘭 Mulan
    電吉他 Electric guitar:楊威宇 J.ASS
    粧佛工藝-林千翔師傅 | tinyurl.com/hw9...
    傳統服飾-康和九間 | tinyurl.com/hsv...
    彰化・鹿港天后宮(舊祖宮)| goo.gl/GS8D0Z
    導演 Director - 張亦 Ferris Chang
    音樂製作人 Music Producer - 楊威宇 J.ASS
    企劃統籌 Project Supervisor - 王薏惟 Eva Wang
    《Taiwanese Opera》
    Taiwanese (folk) opera is the only form of traditional drama known to have originated in Taiwan. The language used is a stylized combination of both literally and colloquial registers of Taiwanese Hokkien. The lyrics are story-telling ballads spoken in Hokkien, each line could have five or seven characters, and every four lines constituted a paragraph.
    《510 Mazu Temples in Taiwan》
    Mazu is the Chinese patron goddess who is said to protect seafarers, such as fishermen and sailors. While being an island, Taiwan has already formed it’s own kind of Mazu religion. There are over 510 Mazu temples only in Taiwan and 40 of them were built before Qing Dynasty.
    《Clairvoyance & Clairaudient》
    The two gods who have the ability to see and hear everything from anywhere. As the story says, they were monsters in Tao-Hua Mountain and were reined by Mazu once upon a time. They give their ability to know people’s needs and help Mazu to bless them. They are the two very well known gods in Taiwan when talking about Mazu.
    《What Is Taiwan Tempo Run?》
    The world is a global village. What else combination of eastern and western cultures can you tell me?
    What if TTR takes global top pop songs and Taiwan features to blend eastern traditions and western trends? Will you RE-define Taiwan?
    Do you know that temples outnumber convenience stores in Taiwan?
    Do you know that Taiwanese woodcarving is the best in the world?
    Do you know that Chinese traditional clothing was the mainstream fashion once upon a time?
    We, Taiwan Tempo Run, will always bring you the beauty of Asian culture.
    We, TTR, stepped out our first try to mix up religion, folk art sculpture, traditional clothing, and pop music. Will you join us to create your, our, and Taiwan’s promising tomorrows?
    加入我們 Join Us | tinyurl.com/gsy...
    工作人員 Crew
    製片 Producer:李科佑 K.night Lee
    製片助理 Production Assistant:林彥廷 Patrick Lin
    副導演 Assistant Director:李科佑 K.night Lee
    場記 Continuity:陳品聿 PinYu Chen
    攝影師 Camera Operator:黃揚根 R.Ken
    攝影大助 1st Assistant Cameraman:蔣舉文 Zack Rock
    燈光師 Gaffer:李科佑 K.night Lee
    燈光助理 Best Boy Electrician:董志倫 Jayden Dong
    化妝師 Make-up Artist:蓓絲 Bessie Wood
    化妝助理 Make-up Assistant:張家晏Chia Yen Chang
    場務 Key Grip:方尹廷Eric
    影像製作 Video Production
    剪接/調色 Film Editor/Colorist:張亦 Ferris Chang
    字幕剪接 Subscription Editor:黃揚根 R.Ken
    視覺特效 Visual Effects:張亦 Ferris Chang/李欣蓉 Koyo Lee
    片頭片尾設計 Title& Rollcard Subtitle Design:張亦 Ferris Chang/李欣蓉 Koyo Lee
    平面設計 Graphic Artist:李欣蓉 Koyo Lee
    音樂製作 Music Production
    製作協力 Production Assistant:黑貓 Black Cat
    編曲 Arranger:楊威宇 J.Ass
    國樂編曲Chinese Orchestra Xi Qu Arranger:曾筱筑 Hsiao-Chu Tseng
    錄音演奏 Recording Performance
    笛子Di-Zi:孫羽萱 Yu-Hsuan Sun
    南胡Nan-Hu:高承駿 Cheng Chun Kao
    古箏Gu-Zeng:曾筱筑 Hsiao-Chu Tseng
    柳琴Liu-Qin:黃昭郡 Chao-Chun Huang
    歌仔月琴Taiwanese Yue-Qin:許伯榆 Po-Yu Hsu
    洞簫Don-Xiao:林均柔 Chun-Jou Lin
    司鼓Si-Gu:梁瓊文 Chiung-Wen Liang
    大鑼Da-Luo:許伯榆 Po-Yu Hsu
    鐃鈸Nao-Bo:鍾采彤 Tsai-Tung Chung
    小鑼Xiao-Luo:梁瓊文Chiung-Wen Liang
    贊助單位 Sponsor
    浣花草堂飲食文化股份有限公司 DufuHouse
    河馬屋Hippo House
    特別感謝 Acknowledgments
    絕響樂團 Seeds Dream goo.gl/ZqHBPa
    鹿港地藏王廟小廟婆-許柔媛 Jou-Yuan Hsu

Комментарии • 141