I hope you like this selection of sad classical piano pieces. What's your favorite sad piece? ♫ Sheet Music (Bach - Concerto in D minor by Marcello): tinyurl.com/57n2y7c2 * ♫ Sheet Music (Mozart - Lacrimosa | Different Version): tinyurl.com/4hzcuctv * ♫ Sheet Music (Beethoven - Moonlight Sonata, 1st Movement): tinyurl.com/yc38zvmm * ♫ Sheet Music (Schubert - Schwanengesang, Ständchen): tinyurl.com/4kyjsbsw * ♫ Sheet Music (Chopin - Funeral March): tinyurl.com/y6e4a46a * ♫ Sheet Music (Liszt - Liebestraum No. 3): tinyurl.com/6zc54mm7 * ♫ Sheet Music (Satie - Gymnopédie No. 1): tinyurl.com/394hf9b4 * ♫ Sheet Music (Debussy - Clair de lune): tinyurl.com/mr2sdahk * ♫ Sheet Music (Ravel - Pavane for a Dead Princess): tinyurl.com/2uremxd7 * * Affiliate Link
Not true actually. Minor-scale music is known to be "sad" or "dark" or "both" unlike major-scale, which is known to be more "energetic" or "uplifting" or "happy"
but some things are kinda set in stone. like Liebestraum, it's literally about love that survives beyond death. Sure, sweet, but also a tragic context, there's going to be some melancholy. Also Moonlight, written when Beethoven was losing his sense of hearing and was contemplating ending it all himself. Not sure how you can interpret that to be something lighthearted.
I LOVED EVERY PIECE!! I DID NOT FEEL SAD AT ALL LISTENING TO IT!! RATHER IT MADE ME FEEL RESTFUL, AT PEACE!!! I thank GOD for all the musical geniuses. Their music transcends verbal communication. This glorious music touches the very core of one’s soul.
Yes.....that is definitely a top 10. I would add Mahler's Adagietto from the 5th symphony. Just strings an a harp. It brings tears. Bernstein was buried with the score put across his chest.
these are the music that we are looking for our days when we feel all alone and these pieces of music give us a new meaning of what we are going through.
A lot of Rachmaninov's music are heavy-hitting in emotions: his Piano concerto no. 2 Adagio Sostenuto & Nunc Dimittis from his All-night-vigil always move me to tears. His C-sharp minor prelude is also a good one for venting out to. Dvorak Symphony No 9: the Largo is a personal favorite of mine: seek out slower performances of it to have the emotion of the piece come to the fore. An underrated gem I can recommend is Hans Bronsart von Schellendorf's Piano concerto in F-sharp minor: the Adagio ma non troppo: something about it just touches the soul in a heartfelt way that will leave you feeling comforted after listening to it. Karl Jenkins Benedictus is just... I won't spoil it but, please give it a listen, but have a box of tissues nearby. If you need a piece of music to let all our emotions out to, make it this one. Have a lovely day everyone.
@@adrianok4266 it's a pleasure 😉 that piece is one of my personal favourites but my all time favourite from Rachmaninov is the 1st of the Moments Musicaux, and the 4th obviusly
I don’t understand, when ever Rachmaninoff is mentioned it’s always those two pieces? The C sharp was despised by the composer himself, and the 2 concerto is still great. But he has so many other works that I would say are even better! His etudes, preludes, operas, symphonies, and other concerti are constantly forgotten. How can people say he is there favorite when they haven’t even listened to anything else he composed?
I love Classical Music i hope the next generation wont let it disappear. Classical music makes me feel happy nostalgic and everything awesome video:heart:
Many people say Liebestraum isn't sad at all but I think this music is the pure representation of love-passion ideals with their feelings that we will never be able to achieve. So it's this frustration that is really sad. Furthermore in my case, this is also actually sad because of my personal story that accompanies this music. I started learning this masterpiece on the piano 2 years ago and I actually struggled during those 2 years. Now, I can play it and several times, I played it to my family and friends and each time I listen to it, I just cry. So because of nostalgia and all the effort that I put into learning it, it's actually sad, like a dream come true.
Your personal, subjective impression of the piece has no merit whether a piece is sad or happy. It's rather the tonaton and intent of the composer that matter in this regard.
@@jarekwrzosek2048 Yeah, I understand your view and I agree with the fact that the message of the composer and its feelings are the most important among all the others. But, art is also something which feels us and so that thanks to it, we can have a proximity and a sensibility for the artist's message. Even if the composer's message is the most important, the comprehension of the art by all has not less of value than of the artist one. Furthermore, Liebestraum stays melancholic and sad because this music is based on German love poems which have a frustration message. According to them, we have to love as long and as intensively as we can before the end of that we love. So this is not a cheerful message at the end, especially when we know that all notes have the loyal feelings of the poem-word ones (you can compare and you will notice that the notes are eventually the exact translation of the poems' words).
The saddest part about Mozart's Lacromosa is that upon writing it on a request from someone, but then he became ill and died before finishing it, and before his death he gave instructions to one of his students and his student finished the piece but Mozart never heard the end
@@dhirajsehgal3884 I think the Requiem was his last piece, and he did not finish the lacrimosa before he died. His student finished it and the full Requiem
As a kid, i used to think classical music was boring. Until I listened to moonlight sonata in the video game “Shadowman”. I like almost all piano pieces that relates to moon. Elementary music class, I learned a little more about Beethoven. I also found out “El Chavo Del Ocho”, a mexican show, intro is modified Turkish March.
Just for the record, The first movement of Sonata 14 by Beethoven doesn’t make any reference to the moon. Beethoven didn’t name the sonata as moonlight and doesn’t make any sense if you had listened to the whole sonata. In fact, the character of that movement resembles more a funeral march rather than evoking the light of the moon.
@@LaXerxes not for me, that broken c sharp minor chord always breaks me everytime i hear it. You do not need many notes to express what you feel, in Beethoven's case he only needs 3. Such a marvel this piece is
I agree. Also Satie's Gymnopodie No.1, in my mind I see someone kicking up piles of autumn leaves in a park. Schubert's Impromptu in G flat Op. 90 No. 3 should have been on this list as should Barber's Adagio for Strings probably the most depressing piece of music ever written.
this is more of the most popular in the modern age, rather than saddest. schubert made much sadder music, and so did beethoven. Its sad that people who watch these videos don't learn about music, they're just regergtaed the same dam music that's been heard 100000 times. music is so much more :(
Estoy de acuerdo, pero la marcha fúnebre es de las más triste de Chopin, y yo he profundizado mucho en él, a igual que en Bach, con respecto a ese último, de sus más de 1180 obras conocidas, el concierto en Re menor es cierto que es conocida pero también es triste, o el Lacrimosa, luego está el Liebestraum o el Ständchen, que no son tristes, pero piensa también que Piano Music Bros (antes conocido como mariorerhrer) le da a su audiencia lo que quiere, aunque le podríamos dar obras para que no sean siempre las conocidas… Y no siempre fue así, él me enseñó muchas obras en sus vídeos de las evolución de X compositor. Un saludo.
¿El funeral de marzo no es realmente sádico, más ternario? También las obras posteriores de Liszt son más tristes, como pazoillios, peregrinaciones y otra tonalidad, nueva música de Liszt. y concierto en sol. Rachmaninoff se lleva la victoria en el Concierto más surrealista, colorido y más triste, aunque el Concierto de Mortzowski es simplemente piadoso. Y Mozart tenía una música mucho más triste, sus últimas sonatas están escritas en un estilo clásico en lugar de la típica forma no estrófica de la música clásica. Estoy envejeciendo, di más sobre la música. Escucha Chopins Rondo Op.17 eso es triste o Chopins Op.17 Una Mazurka menor. O las Peregrinaciones de Liszt, o las sonatas sin terminar de Schubert, o el Preludio de Rachmaninoff op.23 No.4, o los Conciertos de Beethoven. Contienen información que no puede ser superada por ninguna otra cosa.
Funeral March isn’t really sadistic it more Ternary? Also Liszts later works are sadder, like it pazoillios, pilgrimages and other tonality new music by Liszt. and concerto in G? Rachmaninoff take the win on the Most Surreal, colorful and Saddest Concerto, though Mortzowskis Concerto is just godly. And Mozart had much sadder music, his latter sonatas are written in a Classical style rather than the typical non strophic form of classical music. Im aging say there more to music. Listen to Chopins Rondo Op.17 thats sad or Chopins Op.17 A minor Mazurka. Or Liszts Pilgrimages, or Schuberts Un finished sonatas, or Rachmaninoff Prelude op.23 No.4, or Beethoven Concertos. They contain information that cant be beaten by anything else.
@@TrayyTurner Definitivamente, me he encontrado a dos de los míos, os recomiendo un canal que se llama “library of bach” que está subiendo toda la obra de ese gran maestro, escucharé esas obras, gracias
The Pavane for a Dead Princess, is bittersweet, at times happy and at times really sad, depending on how it's interpreted. Nevertheless, it not only deserves a place as one of the saddest pieces, but perhaps one of the most beautiful pieces ever. I wish you would make a computer synthesia of it some day
Fun fact: Ravel was french, and the original name of that piece was “Pavane pour une infante défunte”, which means “Pavane for a dead infant” (specifically a girl) in french. I dont know where they got the princess from in the translation lol
infante in this case doesn`t mean child, it means the daughter of a king that wont become a princess. only the older daughter could become a princess, the younger one was called an infant.@@JolokifYkofccmc-cv8nl
I personally think that many of these pieces are actually very romantic, but it's nice to see someone thinking of it as "sad pieces". I personally think that some preludes and nocturnes by Chopin are actually sorrow itself but it's of course a point of view
@@nasirferguson4098 yes, I think the original one, the lied, is actually sad because the lyrics to the poem are sung and it has made me cry. You, are right; for people who know the back story, it is a sad piece, but I think most people just listen to the piano transcription in which the music just doesn’t sound like one of the saddest pieces of music.
Well, Satie called his Gymnopédie No.1 “Lent et Douloureux”, which is the french for “Slow and Painful”, which sounds pretty sad to me. Also, in the video, its played too fast and too strong. Should be played in Pianissimo, while in the video its played in mezzo forte
Thank you for sharing your "sad" choices! And for putting up with some really snarky comments....some people are never satisfied but would never bother to compile and produce these themselves! Congratulations on your choices and your Forbearance!
I don't know if it's only piano pieces, but some major honorable mentions is Tchaikovsky's 6th symphony, Gorecki's 3rd symphony, Arvo Part's Cantus in memoriam Benjamin Britten and of course Albinoni's adagio.
Here’s my personal list In no particular order accept for number one: 10. Mozart Fantasy in D minor 9. Schubert “Gretchen am Spinnrade” 8. Chopin Ballade no. 2 7. Debussy Rêverie 6. Ravel Jeux d’eau 5. Scriabin Impromptu no. 2 in B flat minor 4. Rachmaninoff “Vocalise” 3. Rachmaninoff Suite no. 1 2. Rachmaninoff Prelude in C sharp minor 1. Rachmaninoff Prelude in B minor (Can you guess who my favorite composer is? Lol)
I love sad songs ever...and just close my eyes and play something...just let the fingers play something. My eyes end up a little watery and i just don't know why, but i know my life was always so sad, yet, i always prefer to listen and play sad songs
I am a student. In my opinion, level 5 s the saddest in this review. Level 5 of sadness:: Funeral March by Chopin. And Concerto in D minor by Bach. And Holberg Suite IV Air.
Schubert has sad sections in many of his later compositions, when it became apparent to him his life was ebbing and there was no hope. Certainly the first mvt of the Unfinished Symphony written shortly around the diagnosis of his syhilis.
The second movement of Rachmaninoff’s second sonata would be a great addition to the list, and I also recommend checking out Rachmaninoff’s choral work “The Bells” especially movements 2 and 4 which are especially filled with emotion. Great video :)
Moonlight Sonata, Claire de lune, Liebestraum, all make me feel tearful, but the piece that brings me undone is the Warsaw Concerto, The Warsaw Concerto is a short work for piano and orchestra by Richard Addinsell, written for the 1941 British film Dangerous Moonlight, which is about the Polish struggle against the 1939 invasion by Nazi Germany.
The 4th part of the 6th Tchaikovsky's symphony is just on another level of sadness. Actually, "sad" is too small to describe it. Tchaikovsky is known for his greatest talent of portraying the most complicated human feelings and this part shows exactly why. I don't think any other composer could make you feel that your death is very near and it's inevitable. That's what he himself felt during his last years. He was quite unhealthy and looked old even for his age. This symphony had been named "Symphony-life", before he changed it to "Pathetique", because he was writing about his life experience.
Chopin Nocturne op48 no1 Liszt (~Liebestraum no3~) Sonata in B minor Ravel 2nd mvt of his G major Piano Concerto Schubert (~Ständchen~) Sonata S960 Rachmaninov 2nd mov of his Sonata 2
The music is slow and gentle and cannot be described as sad. Thus, of the whole selection, only one of the excerpts given, Chopin's Funeral March, which was indeed composed as a sad piece, seems sad.
I would actually put more baroque stuff here. Albinoni’s Adagio for strings is sad, and a really sad one nobody knows is the Chaconne in G minor by Tomaso Antonio Vitali. Also, the devils trill sonata, and even the Bach chaconne in D minor are far more sad than the Liszt, Debussy, and Satie. Also, poor Mahler, he wrote some pretty tragic lieder.
Your definition of "sad" really intrigues me. Where are Tchaikovsky's 6th symphony (the fourth movement), "O mio babbino caro" from Puccini's opera "Gianni Schicchi" and Barber's "Adagio for strings"?
هنا فى النمسا ..اعيش فى بلد اسمها بروك ان دير لايتا ..وعلى مسافة خمسه كيلو متر من هنا بلده صغيره جدا جدا اسمها روهراو ..وفى الشارع الرئيسى بيت صغير ابيض اللون ومدهون جزء منه باللون الأخضر الفاتح ..مثل بابه الخشبى ..هنا ولد وعاش يوسف هايدن ومعلق لوحه وعليها تاريخ انه فى ذلك اليوم جاء ڤولف جانج ليوبلد اماديوس موتزارت لزيارة هايدن ..وقد دخلت المنزل المتواضع وشاهدت كل محتوياته والمنضده التى جلس عليها موتسارت مع هايدن ...والغريب ان النمساويين لا يبدون اى اهتمام بهذا المنزل الذى تحول الى متحف صغير بلا رواد ...
Wonderful curating for this video! I have to nominate the following four pieces as well…, Chopin Waltz in aA minor opus 34 #2 and Prelude in E minor Op. 28, number 4 Albinoni’s Adaggio and G minor for pipes and strings also SamuelBarber adagio…. The first piece you featured makes me remember in the late 90s how much this stuck in my craw because I worked in radio and the soundtrack for the Gwyneth Paltrow Ethan Hawke version of great expectation was in heavy rotation and it absolutely made me bonkers the way a track by a band called Mono /life in mono:INGENUE unabashedly and liberally borrowed music from the first piece that you featured here. I worked with this insipid intern who absolutely loved that track and could not would not acknowledge a remote similarity to it. For some reason, my life was simple enough 30 years ago, nearly that I could afford to get a stick up my butt about something so trivial.but I guess if you’re going to plagiarize just don’t do it halfway go all out lol
Well, Ständchen and Liebestraum are actually love songs, but if you’ve ever listened to Sarabande by Händel and seen the movie Barry Lyndon by Stanley Kubrick you know what real heartbreak is.
Actually, the liebesträume were originally written as lieder set to poetry but then transcribed for piano. Perhaps there is a bittersweet quality to the piece/ song? But I would never classify it as sad.
@prislee9648 well he did, and definitely more than one throughout his lifetime. Marie d’Agoult and then Carolyne zu Sayn Wittgenstein were his two long term amorous relationships. Not great endings in both cases. I think later in life, Liszt turned more to the monastic lifestyle, but it really was Carolyne who encouraged Liszt to turn more to composing rather than performance. She definitely influenced his music significantly and helped him to write a biography on Chopin.
Schubert's Serenade,as with other pieces,was from another place,- -it just popped into his head, like ""Yesterday "did with Paul McCartney-so the supposed composer was really just aa conduit.
I hope you like this selection of sad classical piano pieces. What's your favorite sad piece?
♫ Sheet Music (Bach - Concerto in D minor by Marcello): tinyurl.com/57n2y7c2 *
♫ Sheet Music (Mozart - Lacrimosa | Different Version): tinyurl.com/4hzcuctv *
♫ Sheet Music (Beethoven - Moonlight Sonata, 1st Movement): tinyurl.com/yc38zvmm *
♫ Sheet Music (Schubert - Schwanengesang, Ständchen): tinyurl.com/4kyjsbsw *
♫ Sheet Music (Chopin - Funeral March): tinyurl.com/y6e4a46a *
♫ Sheet Music (Liszt - Liebestraum No. 3): tinyurl.com/6zc54mm7 *
♫ Sheet Music (Satie - Gymnopédie No. 1): tinyurl.com/394hf9b4 *
♫ Sheet Music (Debussy - Clair de lune): tinyurl.com/mr2sdahk *
♫ Sheet Music (Ravel - Pavane for a Dead Princess): tinyurl.com/2uremxd7 *
* Affiliate Link
It's Liebestraum anyway
Chopin prelude 28 no 2
The F# minor and G minor Gondellied by Mendelssohn
Piece, not song
Moonlight sonata 1st movement
One thing I love about ‘sad’ music is that it’s full of emotion which you can tie into joy or sorrow or both. It’s all interpretation.
wow very true
the saddest music imo is the ones that are like a mix of major and minor like very chromatic pieces
Not true actually. Minor-scale music is known to be "sad" or "dark" or "both" unlike major-scale, which is known to be more "energetic" or "uplifting" or "happy"
@@mahmoudalsayed1138You can achieve a very happy feeling even with minor tonalities
@@mahmoudalsayed1138 how are you going to say their opinion on sad music is untrue when it is literally subjective
i love how for all piano music you can choose whether or not its sad, happy or any other emotions its like you can choose the story behind every piece
but some things are kinda set in stone. like Liebestraum, it's literally about love that survives beyond death. Sure, sweet, but also a tragic context, there's going to be some melancholy. Also Moonlight, written when Beethoven was losing his sense of hearing and was contemplating ending it all himself. Not sure how you can interpret that to be something lighthearted.
if you just close your eyes on some of theses songs it almost makes you want to cry. so beautiful😢
Hey I love you
Thanks for making me cry. 😭 😭 *sobs through the whole night*
I LOVED EVERY PIECE!! I DID NOT FEEL SAD AT ALL LISTENING TO IT!! RATHER IT MADE ME FEEL RESTFUL, AT PEACE!!! I thank GOD for all the musical geniuses. Their music transcends verbal communication. This glorious music touches the very core of one’s soul.
God has given these composers a gift to be able to have many generations enjoy classical music, sad or happy!
Praise God!❤😊
It makes me a little happier knowing others like the sadness of the piano as much as me
While it is not for piano, the most profoundly beautiful expression of deep sadness to me is Samuel Barber's Adagio for Strings.
ah, yesss
A masterpiece!! From the soft build up to the high tension and ultimately the release.
Yes.....that is definitely a top 10. I would add Mahler's Adagietto from the 5th symphony. Just strings an a harp. It brings tears. Bernstein was buried with the score put across his chest.
THANK YOU ❤ no music in the entire world ever embodied that feeling of emptiness and pure despair that well. It is perfect
these are the music that we are looking for our days when we feel all alone and these pieces of music give us a new meaning of what we are going through.
A lot of Rachmaninov's music are heavy-hitting in emotions: his Piano concerto no. 2 Adagio Sostenuto & Nunc Dimittis from his All-night-vigil always move me to tears. His C-sharp minor prelude is also a good one for venting out to.
Dvorak Symphony No 9: the Largo is a personal favorite of mine: seek out slower performances of it to have the emotion of the piece come to the fore.
An underrated gem I can recommend is Hans Bronsart von Schellendorf's Piano concerto in F-sharp minor: the Adagio ma non troppo: something about it just touches the soul in a heartfelt way that will leave you feeling comforted after listening to it.
Karl Jenkins Benedictus is just... I won't spoil it but, please give it a listen, but have a box of tissues nearby. If you need a piece of music to let all our emotions out to, make it this one.
Have a lovely day everyone.
you too
Rachmaninov's D-Major prelude has also made me shed some tears a few times, Irina Lankova's performance is particularly moving.
@@Kalos91 thanks for the recommendation: I will check it out 😃
@@adrianok4266 it's a pleasure 😉 that piece is one of my personal favourites but my all time favourite from Rachmaninov is the 1st of the Moments Musicaux, and the 4th obviusly
I don’t understand, when ever Rachmaninoff is mentioned it’s always those two pieces? The C sharp was despised by the composer himself, and the 2 concerto is still great. But he has so many other works that I would say are even better! His etudes, preludes, operas, symphonies, and other concerti are constantly forgotten. How can people say he is there favorite when they haven’t even listened to anything else he composed?
The best music never dies...
Timeless for eternity...
I love Classical Music i hope the next generation wont let it disappear. Classical music makes me feel happy nostalgic and everything awesome video:heart:
Classic is here to stay,
The next Generation are mere visitors to choose to embrace or miss out.
Many people say Liebestraum isn't sad at all but I think this music is the pure representation of love-passion ideals with their feelings that we will never be able to achieve. So it's this frustration that is really sad. Furthermore in my case, this is also actually sad because of my personal story that accompanies this music. I started learning this masterpiece on the piano 2 years ago and I actually struggled during those 2 years. Now, I can play it and several times, I played it to my family and friends and each time I listen to it, I just cry. So because of nostalgia and all the effort that I put into learning it, it's actually sad, like a dream come true.
liebestraum is bittersweet
Your personal, subjective impression of the piece has no merit whether a piece is sad or happy. It's rather the tonaton and intent of the composer that matter in this regard.
@@jarekwrzosek2048 Yeah, I understand your view and I agree with the fact that the message of the composer and its feelings are the most important among all the others. But, art is also something which feels us and so that thanks to it, we can have a proximity and a sensibility for the artist's message. Even if the composer's message is the most important, the comprehension of the art by all has not less of value than of the artist one. Furthermore, Liebestraum stays melancholic and sad because this music is based on German love poems which have a frustration message. According to them, we have to love as long and as intensively as we can before the end of that we love. So this is not a cheerful message at the end, especially when we know that all notes have the loyal feelings of the poem-word ones (you can compare and you will notice that the notes are eventually the exact translation of the poems' words).
You're gonna make me cry
@@dunkleosteus430He gonna say goodbye …
Chopin's nocturne in C# minor deserves to be there.
Prelude in e minor deserves to be there as well
Mazurka in a minor as well
B Fuat minör
Yes, as well as Bb Minor
The saddest part about Mozart's Lacromosa is that upon writing it on a request from someone, but then he became ill and died before finishing it, and before his death he gave instructions to one of his students and his student finished the piece but Mozart never heard the end
You mean the Requiem. Lacrimosa is a part of the Requiem and it's Mozart's composition from the beginning to the end.
@@Elena-jcwtm Yes.
@@Elena-jcwtm sorry, but Mozart was not able to finish the Requiem; one of his students, Sussmeyer finished it from sketches Mozart left
@@musicalme27 I was talking about the Lacrimosa.
Mozart's lacrimosa is more 'dark' piece to me rather than sad music
Lacrimosa got wrong this video
It sounds like Mozart was haunted by death
@@jweyekthanks you for the information
@@dhirajsehgal3884 I think the Requiem was his last piece, and he did not finish the lacrimosa before he died. His student finished it and the full Requiem
Moonlight Sonata - sad but so beautyfull...
Etude Op. 10, No. 3 by Chopin & Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven have always brought me to tears.
The songs really touch the inside of you. It changes how you feel.
good job! love your videos
As a kid, i used to think classical music was boring. Until I listened to moonlight sonata in the video game “Shadowman”. I like almost all piano pieces that relates to moon. Elementary music class, I learned a little more about Beethoven. I also found out “El Chavo Del Ocho”, a mexican show, intro is modified Turkish March.
Just for the record, The first movement of Sonata 14 by Beethoven doesn’t make any reference to the moon. Beethoven didn’t name the sonata as moonlight and doesn’t make any sense if you had listened to the whole sonata. In fact, the character of that movement resembles more a funeral march rather than evoking the light of the moon.
Idk man. To me moonlight sonata always will be boring
@@LaXerxes not for me, that broken c sharp minor chord always breaks me everytime i hear it. You do not need many notes to express what you feel, in Beethoven's case he only needs 3. Such a marvel this piece is
The lacrimosa and moonlight sonata was the dramatic one i love these two ❤❤btw u play well ❤❤❤❤
Moonlight Sonata is not really sad tbh, its about some love story.
The 1s movement was more a funeral march, but not sure about this information
@@Aleksandr_Skrjabinmoonlight sonata isn’t about a love story lol
@@2174863 Yes it is. Search it or ask it.
Definitely one of the best music ^^ Thank you for the playlist
I know it's not piano but to me the all time winner is Samuel Barber's Adagio for Strings.
Thank you for this video, Seriously! i have been looking for like half of these songs. I appreciate you 🫡
I don't get sad when I listen to Clair de lune... it is making me travel softly and dream....
Same here!
I agree. Also Satie's Gymnopodie No.1, in my mind I see someone kicking up piles of autumn leaves in a park. Schubert's Impromptu in G flat Op. 90 No. 3 should have been on this list as should Barber's Adagio for Strings probably the most depressing piece of music ever written.
Whenever I listen to these masterpieces,
my soul is filled with an ineffable sorrow
Oh how I love Clare de Lume all my life. This is a definite conversation asking and expressions of why? And response of a peaceful calm. Love this!!!!
this is more of the most popular in the modern age, rather than saddest. schubert made much sadder music, and so did beethoven. Its sad that people who watch these videos don't learn about music, they're just regergtaed the same dam music that's been heard 100000 times. music is so much more :(
Estoy de acuerdo, pero la marcha fúnebre es de las más triste de Chopin, y yo he profundizado mucho en él, a igual que en Bach, con respecto a ese último, de sus más de 1180 obras conocidas, el concierto en Re menor es cierto que es conocida pero también es triste, o el Lacrimosa, luego está el Liebestraum o el Ständchen, que no son tristes, pero piensa también que Piano Music Bros (antes conocido como mariorerhrer) le da a su audiencia lo que quiere, aunque le podríamos dar obras para que no sean siempre las conocidas…
Y no siempre fue así, él me enseñó muchas obras en sus vídeos de las evolución de X compositor.
Un saludo.
Finally a cultured man
¿El funeral de marzo no es realmente sádico, más ternario? También las obras posteriores de Liszt son más tristes, como pazoillios, peregrinaciones y otra tonalidad, nueva música de Liszt. y concierto en sol. Rachmaninoff se lleva la victoria en el Concierto más surrealista, colorido y más triste, aunque el Concierto de Mortzowski es simplemente piadoso. Y Mozart tenía una música mucho más triste, sus últimas sonatas están escritas en un estilo clásico en lugar de la típica forma no estrófica de la música clásica. Estoy envejeciendo, di más sobre la música. Escucha Chopins Rondo Op.17 eso es triste o Chopins Op.17 Una Mazurka menor. O las Peregrinaciones de Liszt, o las sonatas sin terminar de Schubert, o el Preludio de Rachmaninoff op.23 No.4, o los Conciertos de Beethoven. Contienen información que no puede ser superada por ninguna otra cosa.
Funeral March isn’t really sadistic it more Ternary? Also Liszts later works are sadder, like it pazoillios, pilgrimages and other tonality new music by Liszt. and concerto in G? Rachmaninoff take the win on the Most Surreal, colorful and Saddest Concerto, though Mortzowskis Concerto is just godly. And Mozart had much sadder music, his latter sonatas are written in a Classical style rather than the typical non strophic form of classical music. Im aging say there more to music. Listen to Chopins Rondo Op.17 thats sad or Chopins Op.17 A minor Mazurka. Or Liszts Pilgrimages, or Schuberts Un finished sonatas, or Rachmaninoff Prelude op.23 No.4, or Beethoven Concertos. They contain information that cant be beaten by anything else.
@@TrayyTurner Definitivamente, me he encontrado a dos de los míos, os recomiendo un canal que se llama “library of bach” que está subiendo toda la obra de ese gran maestro, escucharé esas obras, gracias
Some of this, for me, they are not inspire sadness rather serenity. Thabks
Me too. I find most of them peaceful or dreamy rather than sad. But everyone responds differently.
The songs bring sad,mad, and calm music. When you listen to the music you calm yourself and enjoying the peaceful time listening to the music.
The Pavane for a Dead Princess, is bittersweet, at times happy and at times really sad, depending on how it's interpreted. Nevertheless, it not only deserves a place as one of the saddest pieces, but perhaps one of the most beautiful pieces ever. I wish you would make a computer synthesia of it some day
Fun fact: Ravel was french, and the original name of that piece was “Pavane pour une infante défunte”, which means “Pavane for a dead infant” (specifically a girl) in french. I dont know where they got the princess from in the translation lol
@@JolokifYkofccmc-cv8nl Yeah, I've always wondered why that word looks suspiciously like "infant".
@@JolokifYkofccmc-cv8nl But didn't he make comments on it one time saying he thought of some unspecified princess far back in the day?
This is my favourite, it's so elegance at the same time, I love it!
infante in this case doesn`t mean child, it means the daughter of a king that wont become a princess. only the older daughter could become a princess, the younger one was called an infant.@@JolokifYkofccmc-cv8nl
I personally think that many of these pieces are actually very romantic, but it's nice to see someone thinking of it as "sad pieces".
I personally think that some preludes and nocturnes by Chopin are actually sorrow itself but it's of course a point of view
Nothing beats Chopin's Raindrop Prelude and Nocturne 48 1.
My favorites are Gymopedie no 1 and clair de lune. Both are simply so stunning and emotional.
I’m happy Standchen was their one of my favs
How is the love dream, Gymnopedie and Clair de lune sad?
I think that a lot of beautiful pieces are somehow being mistaken as sad. Sometimes the two coincide but in this case I agree with you!
@@laurelmentor404liebestraum is sad though. Do you know the poem?
@@nasirferguson4098 yes, I think the original one, the lied, is actually sad because the lyrics to the poem are sung and it has made me cry. You, are right; for people who know the back story, it is a sad piece, but I think most people just listen to the piano transcription in which the music just doesn’t sound like one of the saddest pieces of music.
Well, Satie called his Gymnopédie No.1 “Lent et Douloureux”, which is the french for “Slow and Painful”, which sounds pretty sad to me. Also, in the video, its played too fast and too strong. Should be played in Pianissimo, while in the video its played in mezzo forte
@@laurelmentor404 okay I actually agree with you for that one.
Thank you for sharing your "sad" choices! And for putting up with some really snarky comments....some people are never satisfied but would never bother to compile and produce these themselves! Congratulations on your choices and your Forbearance!
Sad? Sad is the trash nowadays, these are so beautiful.
I like the way 0:57 and 1:55 was played on this video specifically. I think it sounds a little different than how originally played
I don't know if it's only piano pieces, but some major honorable mentions is Tchaikovsky's 6th symphony, Gorecki's 3rd symphony, Arvo Part's Cantus in memoriam Benjamin Britten and of course Albinoni's adagio.
Beautiful choices, matey! All in my playlist.
Clair the lune just hits different. Great rendition, i love it!
I prefer to say ten very emotional classical music that are giving the soul to piano.🎹💖
I love this one 1:55
Wonderful renderings of the composers as well!
my all time favorite is funeral march of Chopin, even the title is killer
Here’s my personal list In no particular order accept for number one:
10. Mozart Fantasy in D minor
9. Schubert “Gretchen am Spinnrade”
8. Chopin Ballade no. 2
7. Debussy Rêverie
6. Ravel Jeux d’eau
5. Scriabin Impromptu no. 2 in B flat minor
4. Rachmaninoff “Vocalise”
3. Rachmaninoff Suite no. 1
2. Rachmaninoff Prelude in C sharp minor
1. Rachmaninoff Prelude in B minor
(Can you guess who my favorite composer is? Lol)
“Gretchen am Spinnrade”?
Surely this is a happy piece.
Agreed on the 10th! Fantasy in D minor is a particular Mozart's piece, for me is his saddest piece with a happy ending bc he's Mozart.
It couldn’t be Rachmaninov, could it? 😮
Respect for Scriabin. Underrated composer
@@inugaminagayasu8847 I know, right?
Sad but very beautiful
I love sad songs ever...and just close my eyes and play something...just let the fingers play something. My eyes end up a little watery and i just don't know why, but i know my life was always so sad, yet, i always prefer to listen and play sad songs
wow so beautiful. Masterpieces.
My favourite is Clair De lune. ❤️
The last one, my favourite, salute!
I like the blend of happiness and sadness the pieces bring out...just perfect
mozart had 3 hands
No, he didn’t. It’s just some of the notes were extended.
And I think a few extras
It was a joke. I mean, it would make sense if he did bc damn his music gets complicated sometimes.
Si, y Rachmaninov tenía 4 manos
Each hand had 6 fingers
4:00 was looking for this classic thanks
I am a student. In my opinion, level 5 s the saddest in this review.
Level 5 of sadness:: Funeral March by Chopin.
And Concerto in D minor by Bach.
And Holberg Suite IV Air.
Moonlight sonata ✨✨🌔
D minor - the saddest of all keys
I think C#minor is a really sad key
And B minor
@@basilgoldstein6199Nocturne in C# minor.
Reading these comments makes me feel hopeful for the future. God bless!
I think the schubert serenade isn't sad but just very romantic
Schubert has sad sections in many of his later compositions, when it became apparent to him his life was ebbing and there was no hope. Certainly the first mvt of the Unfinished Symphony written shortly around the diagnosis of his syhilis.
If the topic is mainly music for piano, I would also include the 2nd movement from Mozart's Piano Concerto # 23 and Chopin's Prelude #4
The second movement of Rachmaninoff’s second sonata would be a great addition to the list, and I also recommend checking out Rachmaninoff’s choral work “The Bells” especially movements 2 and 4 which are especially filled with emotion. Great video :)
His prelude No. 4 in A is also beautiful
Moonlight Sonata, Claire de lune, Liebestraum, all make me feel tearful, but the piece that brings me undone is the Warsaw Concerto, The Warsaw Concerto is a short work for piano and orchestra by Richard Addinsell, written for the 1941 British film Dangerous Moonlight, which is about the Polish struggle against the 1939 invasion by Nazi Germany.
Adagio sostenuto Appassionato e con molto sentimento sonata 29 op. 106 by Beethoven is a truly minor piece
My God. The sixth symphony of Tchaikovsky too deserves to be there (especially, fourth movement).
Dandys world Dandy music !😭
This is a saddest songs I listen 😢😢the legends of piano🎼🎹
There's is really more sad
Can you this songs
@@HaddiNoureddine-h4r what ? I don't understand
Sorry can you tell me this songs
now this is my jam
The 4th part of the 6th Tchaikovsky's symphony is just on another level of sadness. Actually, "sad" is too small to describe it. Tchaikovsky is known for his greatest talent of portraying the most complicated human feelings and this part shows exactly why. I don't think any other composer could make you feel that your death is very near and it's inevitable. That's what he himself felt during his last years. He was quite unhealthy and looked old even for his age. This symphony had been named "Symphony-life", before he changed it to "Pathetique", because he was writing about his life experience.
Chopin Nocturne op48 no1
Liszt (~Liebestraum no3~) Sonata in B minor
Ravel 2nd mvt of his G major Piano Concerto
Schubert (~Ständchen~) Sonata S960
Rachmaninov 2nd mov of his Sonata 2
When the music started, I felt a chill🥺🥺🥺🥺😧😧❤❤❤❤
Sounds beautiful ❤❤❤❤❤❤
The music is slow and gentle and cannot be described as sad. Thus, of the whole selection, only one of the excerpts given, Chopin's Funeral March, which was indeed composed as a sad piece, seems sad.
I would actually put more baroque stuff here. Albinoni’s Adagio for strings is sad, and a really sad one nobody knows is the Chaconne in G minor by Tomaso Antonio Vitali. Also, the devils trill sonata, and even the Bach chaconne in D minor are far more sad than the Liszt, Debussy, and Satie.
Also, poor Mahler, he wrote some pretty tragic lieder.
Your definition of "sad" really intrigues me. Where are Tchaikovsky's 6th symphony (the fourth movement), "O mio babbino caro" from Puccini's opera "Gianni Schicchi" and Barber's "Adagio for strings"?
هنا فى النمسا ..اعيش فى بلد اسمها بروك ان دير لايتا ..وعلى مسافة خمسه كيلو متر من هنا بلده صغيره جدا جدا اسمها روهراو ..وفى الشارع الرئيسى بيت صغير ابيض اللون ومدهون جزء منه باللون الأخضر الفاتح ..مثل بابه الخشبى ..هنا ولد وعاش يوسف هايدن ومعلق لوحه وعليها تاريخ انه فى ذلك اليوم جاء ڤولف جانج ليوبلد اماديوس موتزارت لزيارة هايدن ..وقد دخلت المنزل المتواضع وشاهدت كل محتوياته والمنضده التى جلس عليها موتسارت مع هايدن ...والغريب ان النمساويين لا يبدون اى اهتمام بهذا المنزل الذى تحول الى متحف صغير بلا رواد ...
Wonderful curating for this video! I have to nominate the following four pieces as well…, Chopin Waltz in aA minor opus 34 #2 and Prelude in E minor Op. 28, number 4 Albinoni’s Adaggio and G minor for pipes and strings also SamuelBarber adagio…. The first piece you featured makes me remember in the late 90s how much this stuck in my craw because I worked in radio and the soundtrack for the Gwyneth Paltrow Ethan Hawke version of great expectation was in heavy rotation and it absolutely made me bonkers the way a track by a band called Mono /life in mono:INGENUE unabashedly and liberally borrowed music from the first piece that you featured here. I worked with this insipid intern who absolutely loved that track and could not would not acknowledge a remote similarity to it. For some reason, my life was simple enough 30 years ago, nearly that I could afford to get a stick up my butt about something so trivial.but I guess if you’re going to plagiarize just don’t do it halfway go all out lol
Well, Ständchen and Liebestraum are actually love songs, but if you’ve ever listened to Sarabande by Händel and seen the movie Barry Lyndon by Stanley Kubrick you know what real heartbreak is.
My favorite sad piece of all time is the Adagio movement from the 9th symphony by Gustav Mahler.
Erik Satie's gymnopédies really hit hard. For having played some, it's just different
merci beaucoup !! ❤❤
How is Liebestraum AKA The Love Dream sad?
Dreaming of love because it will never happen
@@mistadude bruhhhh
Actually, the liebesträume were originally written as lieder set to poetry but then transcribed for piano. Perhaps there is a bittersweet quality to the piece/ song? But I would never classify it as sad.
The piece is about being reunited with a lost love in one's dream, only to be brought back into reality that your love is no longer there.
@prislee9648 well he did, and definitely more than one throughout his lifetime. Marie d’Agoult and then Carolyne zu Sayn Wittgenstein were his two long term amorous relationships. Not great endings in both cases. I think later in life, Liszt turned more to the monastic lifestyle, but it really was Carolyne who encouraged Liszt to turn more to composing rather than performance. She definitely influenced his music significantly and helped him to write a biography on Chopin.
Mahler Symphony No. 5 Adagietto
I was looking for a piece to listen when im depressed, thank you i've found a pavane for a dead princess (not a dead pavane for a princess lol)
Some of the best
Chopin - Prelude in E minor (Op.28 N.4)
Schubert's Serenade,as with other pieces,was from another place,- -it just popped into his head, like ""Yesterday "did with Paul McCartney-so the supposed composer was really just aa conduit.
Hell yeah!! Franz Schubert!
you have a sad peace
I wish to be a good pianist one day!
I feel peaceful when I hear the songs
hello teacher i wish with all my heart that you would This song is my soul song .. .....Nikos ignatiadis - inspiration ..... thank you🙏🙏
I love classical music
Me too
This is good. Needed this list to get me out of my brain.
These are not sad music but solemn music.
I don't think the Moonlight sonata 1st movement is sad. I think its so beautiful it just blows me away, so it might kill me. I'm ok with that.
Really surprised Samuel Barber's Adagio for strings wasn't included.
Moonlight its very cool❤
Gymnopédie No. 1 is not sad , it's relaxing . 6:18
I'm halfway thru the list, if Chopin's Posthumous Nocturne in C# minor is not in the top 3, this list is dub!!