There's a bug, gokdeniz targets plane first rather than missile but it's not supposed to, it's info says its primarily for tackling missiles. The only reason I bought it was its ability to counter missiles. Kin on the other hand targets missiles first then planes.
There's a bug, gokdeniz targets plane first rather than missile but it's not supposed to, it's info says its primarily for tackling missiles. The only reason I bought it was its ability to counter missiles.
Kin on the other hand targets missiles first then planes.
Thanks bro.. I do request for this comparisons.
My pleasure
in real game... kinsam do job better than gokdenz...
idk but it just my opinion and what i fell...
Top 3 A.A missles: 162D - Type 93 - Gökedeniz ER.
yes! JRNG-6 is the last AA that I'll compare it with GOK. (until new update/changes or new similar air defense)
Gok win
Hmm.. I sink will buy it when batle pass will be on marcket
Saya tetep pakai Crotale aja daripada pusing pusing 😂
Keunggulan crotale jelas kemudahan akses buat dapetinya dibanding kompetitornya👍
*Ok Thx Bang... Jadi Tahu Mana Air Defance Terbaik Diantara Dokdeniz, Rim-162D Dan Kim Sam Mantap 👍*