I just heard these yesterday and loooovvved them. They sounded so good. I liked them a lot more than the Arya. Ultra detailed and lush bass. You can hear everything on both the high end and low end
Agreed completely , I felt the he1000se was wider too and better layered . Positioning was miles better than Arya ... So I sold my Arya and got an He1000se ... I don't usually disagree with joshes findings.. but I feel like he's listening to a different headphone
@@albertweedsteinthethuggeni7797 For what it does, completely better, very different headphone. The detail is on a different level completely and so is its dynamics. Soundstage is just glorious too which is something thats bad on the ananda. The quality different sonically and physically is just miles apart from the ananda
$3500 is the price you have to pay to receive decent built quality from HifiMan! The right side of my Edition X v2 broke after 1 year and the headband of my Arya started making a horrible noise after six months, and I don't want to use them anymore. When I contacted customer service they told me to put some kind of lubricant in the headband to stop the noise (like, really?!) The 4xx (which I also own) feels the most sturdy than the other two. I LOVE the sound of my Arya and after 2 months I was thinking about buying the HE1000se (but not now). Hifiman need to change their design and build better quality headphones or at least include a bottle of WD40 with the purchase of the Arya (/sarcasm).
@@petrolhead007 I not buying any Hifiman headphones, Arya sound amazing and I was thinking to upgrade to the HE1000se before I start having problems with the headband.
@@tappyoka7496 absolutely, yes indeed - the resolution and detail is fantastic. Really one of the main things I was looking for in getting this headphone.
@@ozunkeskin6919 hi, sorry but I really don't have the experience to be able to answer that one, and different people like different things so of course it's subjective anyway. I would think Ananda and Arya are worth looking at if you want something similar but lower price.
Hey Josh! Really appreciate the effort you put into each one of your videos, the quality is amazing! Is there a possibility to listen to the full versions of the intro songs you use at the beginning of your videos?
Burn in is not a real phenomenon. Burn in essentially is your ears and brain getting used to the sound signature of a new headphone over time. Studies have been done by giving a new model of headphones to test subjects to listen to for a few weeks and the a brand new headphone of the same model is swapped out. The subjects didn’t notice any difference between the new headphone and the “burned in” headphone, because the subject was used to the sound signature at that point.
Rusty I’m glad you’ve said this. I came to this conclusion too. I hadn’t used my AKG headphones for a while after buying new headphones and went back to them and they sounded much better. So technically burn in is real, but it’s your ears that need burning in.
Definitely what I'd like to see addressed in the full review is how this does during non-critical listening. During your review process you're sort of forced to do a lot of that critical listening, but if you're just _listening_ and trying to enjoy the music, is this headphone capable of that, or is it TOO detailed, too cold in the mids, to really extract that musical enjoyment?
I think a pretty fair first impressions review, cheers - I can hear the treble (or some frequency in the treble) coming down too, speaking as someone also in the run-in period. A few reviewers have missed this burn in point I think, and described the treble as too much. Just maybe you're a bit tough on the sound stage - I accept it's bigger on the Arya and definitely the HD800s, but still what I'd call a fairly big stage. The detail is just stupendous, and having heard it (even if kind of too revealing on occasion) I don't think I can go back.
You do, you do - trust me. These are crazy good, and draw you into the music in such a way that time just flies by and you suddenly see yourself dancing at 5 o'clock in the morning. IF - you eq them.
@joshua, you must try a good cable for the HE1000. Not an expensive cable, but a good cable, with a good wire and connectors. Hifiman make trash cable. I dont believe in cables, but when you use bad materials it can changes the sound. Almost everyone that is using a new and better cable on the HE-1000 realize changes and the overall sound.
I pray every night for you to review the audeze LCD XC. If anybody in the comment section has actually owned them or have got to try them and also has experience with the LCD X, could you briefly describe and compare both headphones and their sound signature, sound stage as well as imaging, I would really appreciate it, thank you! Also super awsome video 😄
I have the XC and find it to be the brightest sounding LCD especially compared to the X. But not piercingly bright(e.g. compared to AKG k812). The XCs soundstage for an closed back is quite good and realistic, maybe even a bit wider than the X. The XCs Imaging is ok, X can do it a bit better. Bass on the XC hits harder than the X. I love my XC
Definitely try before buy. While a very inoffensive sound, it doesn't have a whole lot that stands out and grabs you. Kinda like a really really good generic tuned headphone. Idk I just thought it was boring, and while good, sounded like $700-$800 to me
@@dzemoski45 Based on his description, it's safe to assume he's referring to the Meze. And he probably didn't have it hooked up to an amp and headphone cable that complemented them. All headphones are a compromise. I own the Sennheiser 800S. With the right amp and headphone cable, it sounds musically and emotionally engaging. But with the wrong system, it can sound thin, clinical, and fatiguing.
I do have $3500 readily available, but I am not paying that much for headphones no matter how good they are, because it opens Pandora's box - why not $35,000 or $350,000 diamond encrusted ones. Dear headphone manufacturers keep your aspirations in $1500-2000 range, please.
Nice review as always Josh but its way outta price range lol but i bought the LCD 1 after your review and found my current endgame headphone until the LCD X that is i can see why the LCD series is so legendary im just hooked to their detailed bass response plus its very punchy!
Mine improved a lot after I got the Hugo tt2. But I think it shouldn’t need an ultra expensive Dac/amp to fix the highs, or maybe it was designed only for this kind of amps and dacs? I think lower amps don’t have the necessary speed and it will cause distortions, sharp highs. So you will need to invest on a 5k dollars Dac/amp to hear the hps properly? And for certain genres like dance, electronic music, pop music is not the best.... it will sound fantastic for Classical music, Opera, acoustic, jazz and live performances. The sound signature is tailored for these genres. It is not for everyone, sad to say. I think the Arya or even the Edition X is a crowd pleaser .........
I watched a video a few years ago of a wealthy person buying a custom car. Hearing him describe how the shifter and pedals were just right and every other car ever was wrong was... illuminating. I think you have to have that level of anal retentiveness, hyper focus on the most minute details and vast sums of money to rationalize purchasing something like this.
bassandtrebleclef You are right about having to have a hyper focus on the most minute details to be able to appreciate headphones like these. Logically, I know it really isn’t worth it, but I still find myself chasing after just a bit more resolution. I’ve now fallen into that same rabbit hole when it comes to closed back headphones. I bought a Bowers & Wilkins P9 a few years ago, and was thrilled with it at first because it was so detailed and had such a powerful sound, but after about a year, the very colored sound signature got old. So, I bought myself a pair of Focal Elegia, and they are incredible. Even more detail and better dynamics than the P9, but with a much more neutral sound signature and a more open sound in general. Great headphones, and I’m still happy with them. But, for some reason, I find myself reading about the Focal Stellia more and more lately. I know they are better than my Elegia, but not nearly 3 times as good, which is how much they cost. But, I still keep reading about them, watching videos about them, and pining for them...even as I enjoy the Elegia. Is it a disease? I don’t know. But if it is, I certainly suffer from it.
I have these. They do have some of the best imaging and a great soundstage too, when broken in. They are a little bright yes and will stay that way. As Josh mentioned they are analytical too. Here is the thing about price. No one in their right mind pays full pop for Hifiman headphones. They are are regularly discounted by authorized dealers, just ask. While they still are not cheap even when discounted, they will be nowhere near $3.5K either.
these vs h1000 v2 for imaging and soundstage? and also what is the world best imaging and soundstage headphones? after like orpheus headphones which are them around like over than 10k dolars. 0-10k
Hifiman's Overpriced-ness is almost proportional to how good bang for the buck Sundara is. Kinda feel like Hifiman is the multiDriver BAs of the headphone, they keep adding on stuffs and jacking up the price for the little effort they did. In the end the best performer in their line is usually in the entry to mid level of their portofolio.
I think their CEO once mentioned that the "sales of the susvara would suffer if they priced it too low" I guess some people just have more money than sense. It is thanks to those people fueling the development that we get things like the Sundara though so I'm all for it
Hi There! I havet an eversolo dmp a8, a topping a70pro and arya st. I am leaning toards the 1000se. Do you thingk my setup för those are ok? And am i goding to hear and differens beteende these two pair of headphones? Thank you for a verk good rewiew! Peter from sweden!
It's a first impressions video so it's not much of a focus,so much as the headphones stack up as a product/ experience overall on a first impression. Had it been a proper review I'd call notice to when it starts
I jumped from Mr. speaker Ether C, Ether 2 (I dislike this thing with a passion), Beyer T1 (1st gen) HD800s, HD820 to this, I also have listened to HE6, Meze Empyrean and Focal Utopia. There was no doubt in my mind, this thing is the best for me. I still have my Beyer T1 for days I want to switch it up but generally it sit in it case for majority of the time. I'm driving this out of my Chord Hugo 2 and Woo Audio WA6-se, all give me lovely combination.
@@edwinramos4910 Utopia are much more agressive with their mids, I dont like it from the brief time I listen to it, I ranked it pretty low tbh in term of how I like my sounds, the only thing that is lower is the Mrspeaker Ether 2
When’s the LCD-GX review coming I heard in one of your videos that you where doing to review them .. I’m on the edge about buying them but no one I trust has reviewed them. I have the 660s and the dt177x and I like my headphones to each have a different sound signature and with the price of the lcd-gx idk what to do.
Another great video, thanks! While learning more about the Hi-Fi world, the sad but simple truth gets clearer and clearer: too much detail does not equal to a more enjoyable experience. It actually turns the headphones into a zoom of the issues of each recording. It makes no sense for those (many) people who use headphones to enjoy music (i.e. not professionally), and many companies just fail to understand that. They fail to identify and address the so-called "persona" of their products. For example, when spending 3500 dollars for a pair of headphones, I personally expect a remarkably balanced sound, extreme confort, luxury materials, a wide soundstage and an enjoyable signature. The art of choosing the right compromise between detail and forgiveness is still unknown to most headphones companies.
These are the best cans I've heard in person and I am having a HARD time convincing myself that there's no reason to spend that insane amount of money, and that the aryas are all I need 😬
for £3500 i feel as though manufacturers should burn headphones in themselves, this would also explain why people buy headphonesd like this and are dissapointed by them
I agree with burn-in but don't you think its cool for your headphones to evolve the more you use them until they are at their full potential. Idk I think it's cool.
Eugenio Di Castro If not, why would I buy it lol. But I do think abyss TH phi has better bass and mids, Raal Riboon Headphone has better timber and speed, and Stax might have better clarity.
Mr. X Yes but ive never tried high end headphones. About that category and others you named, is sound that good? Id like to buy one soon . Audeze Hifiman or Stax probably :)
My biggest problem with this headphone is that it truely requires a BEAST of an amplifier. I had to get it into a $4000 Moon amplifier to get its true potential which is frustrating.
Themos Yannakou The SE is much easier to drive than the V2. 35 Ohms resistance and 96dB sensitivity for SE, vs 90dB and the same impedance for the V2. That’s a big difference in power requirements. But you’re correct about the V2; it’s a beast to drive.
Michael Hohl I’m referring to the susvara. I just found that it heavily scaled based on amplifier usage. I was auditioning at minidisc and had it in about 8 different amps and dacs. It truly came To life properly using the sim audio moon beast of an amp. Maybe it’s a driver that particularly thrives with major headroom
this could be the best example about hot it does not affect to be the bullied and spoiled kid back in childhood also still giving thE backyard to the good old money fellows
I own those for months now and they are still kinda bright with slight bass emphasis around 190hz which causes some drums to get on my nerve. Otherwise great headphones.
Dude you prolly get this question a lot but I’m gonna buy some new headphones and was thinking about the HD 6xx with an amp, which amp do you recommend? And do you have any suggestion on which headphone I can get a part from the HD 6xx budget is around 400
Most people who buy for a $1600 headphone will opt for a cable upgrade to complement their particular system. That's why most stock cables are almost an afterthought. I own the Sennheiser 800S. Upgrading to the ToneKraft V.2 was a night and day improvement. I'm upgrading to V.3 when it comes out in a couple months.
Bruh .... I don't get it , my own findings of the he1000se was so different , it was better than the Arya in every way , and wider in sound stage too , watching other reviews seem to agree with what I heard , but this one is opposite , besides the detail Retrieval bit
@@mikylenaidoo1779 Lol this vid was a while ago at this point. I’m pretty sure Josh was subconsciously downplaying it cause of its price & that he prob couldn’t afford it over his prized Arya at the time. Josh also tends to parrot the grain of opinions & it’s common enough for the avrg headphone community to say they don’t “like” the tuning of the Hekse
Edit: I got these and Anandas. Ask me anything.Hey guys. Do those plastic ear/driver protecting ribs every half inch end up affecting the sound signature quality mich more than the rounded vs hard edged magnets? Could an owner remove those black pieces to make it sound better?
Got my own answer: In case it helps on the HE1000se the cross Bars are the magnets themselves they are not protective plastic. I know this because I got the HE1000se and the AnandaBT
The hearing quality to the ear should included were the source of the music is coming from. If it’s being downloaded over the internet, some bits will be dropped. Also the human ear can only hear up 20khz. After that it becomes. Dog whistle. And that’s for someone around 8years old. Some of the higher frequency in teens have showed lose of hearing at those higher ranges. You also have a diminishing return the more expensive the headsets. Just go buy the 58X or a modified Fosteks T50 RP.
One of the headphone i really dislike and sold quickly. Too bright, and mostly very fatiguing after 15’ of listening. I much prefer the lay back sound of a Meze Empyrean for example.. it’s a very technical headphone, like the Utopia, but not to my taste.
I’ve been watching your vids for a long time! I was wondering if you could give me some advice? We don’t like the same sound signature but I think you could give some accurate advice. What’s the best step up from the DT770s when it comes to bass quantity/quality/sound stage/ and separation? I love my dt 770s but I just want something more, more bass more rumble but with the ability to do everything else better. It would also be awesome if it could be powered well by my fiiO Q1 MK2! But I don’t mind getting a desk top dac amp. Also this headphone would be for home use only. Have a great day dude !
This headphone makes me feel like i live in a very very poor area of america with no sunlight...oh well still have my tin t4 and hd58x to listen to under the rock.
I feel you, we can just admire the beautiful craftsmanship on these high end headphones from watching these videos. Josh has amazing video quality, makes me want to eat these gorgeous headphones from my computer screen.
Don't feel too bad about the T4. My daily drivers (IEMs) cost $1,400. I love them and despite the high price I consider them very good value. I bought the T4s out of interest for my wife, who is nowhere near as passionate about sound as me. Man, the T4s are ridiculous value! Mine are better, sure, but the T4s are at least 80% as good, I would say. For a fraction of the price. Amazing sound from them, you got a bargain! Enjoy :)
What , these have HD6XX sound stage ?????? and the Arya has more depth ???? its ether you have defective pair or there is something wrong because thats not what i hear in my pair.
In my listening experience, the HE1000SE is definitely more forward and in your face in comparison to the staging of an Arya or a HD800S. Due to the forwardness of the HE1000SE, I think it would make a great complimentary headphone for any headphones with a wider sound stage.
JOSHUA, after watching your videos on the upper eschelon of HIFIMAN products, I have decided to make you my goto headphones guy. Your observations seem very accurate and I think you have *Golden Ears*. I waste...erm...spend a lot of money on audio products. I have HD800 now from eons ago. Should I upgrade to HE1000SE? I feel it might be an optimal fit with my Denafrips Artemis amplifier. I would love to hear your thoughts!
Do you also want to review TOPPING D90 DAC? here for your reference: shenzhenaudio.com/products/topping-d90-ak4499-ak4118-full-balanced-dac-bluetooth-5-0-dsd512-hi-res-decoder
I just heard these yesterday and loooovvved them. They sounded so good. I liked them a lot more than the Arya. Ultra detailed and lush bass. You can hear everything on both the high end and low end
Agreed completely , I felt the he1000se was wider too and better layered . Positioning was miles better than Arya ... So I sold my Arya and got an He1000se ... I don't usually disagree with joshes findings.. but I feel like he's listening to a different headphone
How much better is the he1000se compared to the ananda
@@albertweedsteinthethuggeni7797 For what it does, completely better, very different headphone. The detail is on a different level completely and so is its dynamics. Soundstage is just glorious too which is something thats bad on the ananda. The quality different sonically and physically is just miles apart from the ananda
@@mikylenaidoo1779 holy shit that's insane. I can't even imagine what the susvara sounds like
Brooooo, I want to buy this SO bad now.
And next Arya vs HEDDphone!
Upvote this
It's now $1,999 retail after 3 years, latest price is $1,699 as the HE1000 Unveiled has just came out.
This thing is phenomenal for gaming ... It's basically replaced everything I own , hd800s , LCD .. this thing does it all and does it well
$3500 is the price you have to pay to receive decent built quality from HifiMan! The right side of my Edition X v2 broke after 1 year and the headband of my Arya started making a horrible noise after six months, and I don't want to use them anymore. When I contacted customer service they told me to put some kind of lubricant in the headband to stop the noise (like, really?!) The 4xx (which I also own) feels the most sturdy than the other two. I LOVE the sound of my Arya and after 2 months I was thinking about buying the HE1000se (but not now). Hifiman need to change their design and build better quality headphones or at least include a bottle of WD40 with the purchase of the Arya (/sarcasm).
After bad experience with multiple hifiman headphones you thought about another Hifiman which sells for $3.5k? You were joking, right?
@@petrolhead007 I not buying any Hifiman headphones, Arya sound amazing and I was thinking to upgrade to the HE1000se before I start having problems with the headband.
@@petrolhead007 Did you even read his comment lmao
I thought the design is pretty cool, unique...the metal makes it look luxurious. My HE1000SE has been very durable.
@@PhotoTerco Go for Meze! You won't regret!
I just got these today, about a couple of hours before your video appeared. Loving them anyhow, amazing already in my opinion.
You find them very resolving?
@@tappyoka7496 absolutely, yes indeed - the resolution and detail is fantastic. Really one of the main things I was looking for in getting this headphone.
@@themeggy do you know the best sounding and imaging headphone without he1 ?
@@ozunkeskin6919 hi, sorry but I really don't have the experience to be able to answer that one, and different people like different things so of course it's subjective anyway. I would think Ananda and Arya are worth looking at if you want something similar but lower price.
Reviewer comment of the year: "It feels like a condom."
I paired my HE1000se with a Chord Hugo TT2, awesome combo.
anything will lul
thats pretty dope to know that like almost everybody watching this video is hearing it with amazing gear... intro is sounding mighty nice my dude
Hey Josh! Really appreciate the effort you put into each one of your videos, the quality is amazing!
Is there a possibility to listen to the full versions of the intro songs you use at the beginning of your videos?
If i'm paying 3500 bucks i'd expect the manufacture to 'burn' them in for me..is the asking too much?
@Nutellah lol
@Nutellah what does this mean? Backstory?
Burn in is not a real phenomenon. Burn in essentially is your ears and brain getting used to the sound signature of a new headphone over time. Studies have been done by giving a new model of headphones to test subjects to listen to for a few weeks and the a brand new headphone of the same model is swapped out. The subjects didn’t notice any difference between the new headphone and the “burned in” headphone, because the subject was used to the sound signature at that point.
dude not even the orpheus comes burned in . and part of the experience in the burn in
Rusty I’m glad you’ve said this. I came to this conclusion too. I hadn’t used my AKG headphones for a while after buying new headphones and went back to them and they sounded much better. So technically burn in is real, but it’s your ears that need burning in.
Definitely what I'd like to see addressed in the full review is how this does during non-critical listening. During your review process you're sort of forced to do a lot of that critical listening, but if you're just _listening_ and trying to enjoy the music, is this headphone capable of that, or is it TOO detailed, too cold in the mids, to really extract that musical enjoyment?
yeah lol, i always do noncritical more since i often gaming or watching videos
for that purpose/usage i think ie900 is better
I think a pretty fair first impressions review, cheers - I can hear the treble (or some frequency in the treble) coming down too, speaking as someone also in the run-in period. A few reviewers have missed this burn in point I think, and described the treble as too much. Just maybe you're a bit tough on the sound stage - I accept it's bigger on the Arya and definitely the HD800s, but still what I'd call a fairly big stage. The detail is just stupendous, and having heard it (even if kind of too revealing on occasion) I don't think I can go back.
Sent in my HE1000 V1's for upgrade to the HE1000SE. Can't wait to get them hopefully next week and begin the burn-in process.
Sounds like it needs to be paired with a hybrid tube amp. Get it less sharp and inject the smoothness around the edge.
I thought the same. I'm guessing a Cary 300SEI with the right NOS tubes would be ideal.
Beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful headphones everywhere except for the wood I can't wait for you to review the hifiman susvara
I’ve got the 3000€ HEK STEALTH. Love them utterly! My fave headphones honestly
beautiful video work man 😌
Holyshit you are already at 40k, when i subscribed you didnt even have 1😂 Realy good to see
$40k worth of gears too :P
For that money, I want to hear an alien life forms.
You do, you do - trust me. These are crazy good, and draw you into the music in such a way that time just flies by and you suddenly see yourself dancing at 5 o'clock in the morning.
IF - you eq them.
@@mariodrv hifiman h1000se vs he1000 v2? for imaging and soundstage?
Needed this video so bad. As an Arya owner (thanks mostly to you) I am more and more being pushed towards the Diana V2 for my next purchase.
@joshua, you must try a good cable for the HE1000. Not an expensive cable, but a good cable, with a good wire and connectors. Hifiman make trash cable. I dont believe in cables, but when you use bad materials it can changes the sound. Almost everyone that is using a new and better cable on the HE-1000 realize changes and the overall sound.
I pray every night for you to review the audeze LCD XC. If anybody in the comment section has actually owned them or have got to try them and also has experience with the LCD X, could you briefly describe and compare both headphones and their sound signature, sound stage as well as imaging, I would really appreciate it, thank you!
Also super awsome video 😄
I have the XC and find it to be the brightest sounding LCD especially compared to the X. But not piercingly bright(e.g. compared to AKG k812). The XCs soundstage for an closed back is quite good and realistic, maybe even a bit wider than the X. The XCs Imaging is ok, X can do it a bit better. Bass on the XC hits harder than the X.
I love my XC
When considering Meze Empyreans as my end game eventually, these make it look like a damn steal for the price.
Definitely try before buy. While a very inoffensive sound, it doesn't have a whole lot that stands out and grabs you. Kinda like a really really good generic tuned headphone. Idk I just thought it was boring, and while good, sounded like $700-$800 to me
Isn't the Empy shall be comfy comparing to this one ?
@@zachjaybseazer94 which the meze empyrean or the he1000 s?
@@dzemoski45 Based on his description, it's safe to assume he's referring to the Meze. And he probably didn't have it hooked up to an amp and headphone cable that complemented them. All headphones are a compromise. I own the Sennheiser 800S. With the right amp and headphone cable, it sounds musically and emotionally engaging. But with the wrong system, it can sound thin, clinical, and fatiguing.
@@LorenzoNW which amp and cable you’re using with the hd800s?
I do have $3500 readily available, but I am not paying that much for headphones no matter how good they are, because it opens Pandora's box - why not $35,000 or $350,000 diamond encrusted ones. Dear headphone manufacturers keep your aspirations in $1500-2000 range, please.
Nice review as always Josh but its way outta price range lol but i bought the LCD 1 after your review and found my current endgame headphone until the LCD X that is i can see why the LCD series is so legendary im just hooked to their detailed bass response plus its very punchy!
When is the full review coming?
Mine improved a lot after I got the Hugo tt2. But I think it shouldn’t need an ultra expensive Dac/amp to fix the highs, or maybe it was designed only for this kind of amps and dacs? I think lower amps don’t have the necessary speed and it will cause distortions, sharp highs. So you will need to invest on a 5k dollars Dac/amp to hear the hps properly? And for certain genres like dance, electronic music, pop music is not the best.... it will sound fantastic for Classical music, Opera, acoustic, jazz and live performances. The sound signature is tailored for these genres. It is not for everyone, sad to say. I think the Arya or even the Edition X is a crowd pleaser .........
Hi Josh, I really like your reviews!
Will there be a final conclusion for the HE-1000SE ?
Would be quite interested in that.
That analogy with a codom proves you're talking with zeos a lot.
I watched a video a few years ago of a wealthy person buying a custom car. Hearing him describe how the shifter and pedals were just right and every other car ever was wrong was... illuminating. I think you have to have that level of anal retentiveness, hyper focus on the most minute details and vast sums of money to rationalize purchasing something like this.
bassandtrebleclef You are right about having to have a hyper focus on the most minute details to be able to appreciate headphones like these. Logically, I know it really isn’t worth it, but I still find myself chasing after just a bit more resolution. I’ve now fallen into that same rabbit hole when it comes to closed back headphones.
I bought a Bowers & Wilkins P9 a few years ago, and was thrilled with it at first because it was so detailed and had such a powerful sound, but after about a year, the very colored sound signature got old. So, I bought myself a pair of Focal Elegia, and they are incredible. Even more detail and better dynamics than the P9, but with a much more neutral sound signature and a more open sound in general.
Great headphones, and I’m still happy with them. But, for some reason, I find myself reading about the Focal Stellia more and more lately. I know they are better than my Elegia, but not nearly 3 times as good, which is how much they cost. But, I still keep reading about them, watching videos about them, and pining for them...even as I enjoy the Elegia. Is it a disease? I don’t know. But if it is, I certainly suffer from it.
I have these. They do have some of the best imaging and a great soundstage too, when broken in. They are a little bright yes and will stay that way. As Josh mentioned they are analytical too. Here is the thing about price. No one in their right mind pays full pop for Hifiman headphones. They are are regularly discounted by authorized dealers, just ask. While they still are not cheap even when discounted, they will be nowhere near $3.5K either.
these vs h1000 v2 for imaging and soundstage? and also what is the world best imaging and soundstage headphones? after like orpheus headphones which are them around like over than 10k dolars. 0-10k
Hifiman's Overpriced-ness is almost proportional to how good bang for the buck Sundara is.
Kinda feel like Hifiman is the multiDriver BAs of the headphone, they keep adding on stuffs and jacking up the price for the little effort they did.
In the end the best performer in their line is usually in the entry to mid level of their portofolio.
that is what happen in all consuming business, 90% ppl only buy in the 10% expensive price range
I think their CEO once mentioned that the "sales of the susvara would suffer if they priced it too low" I guess some people just have more money than sense. It is thanks to those people fueling the development that we get things like the Sundara though so I'm all for it
I think you already did a great job!
It is special edition because it has a lower impedance so it works even with mobile phones. That for me is the biggest plus over the Arya.
Hi There! I havet an eversolo dmp a8, a topping a70pro and arya st. I am leaning toards the 1000se. Do you thingk my setup för those are ok? And am i goding to hear and differens beteende these two pair of headphones? Thank you for a verk good rewiew! Peter from sweden!
Another nice review... thx
9:57 sound review starts
It's a first impressions video so it's not much of a focus,so much as the headphones stack up as a product/ experience overall on a first impression. Had it been a proper review I'd call notice to when it starts
I jumped from Mr. speaker Ether C, Ether 2 (I dislike this thing with a passion), Beyer T1 (1st gen) HD800s, HD820 to this, I also have listened to HE6, Meze Empyrean and Focal Utopia. There was no doubt in my mind, this thing is the best for me. I still have my Beyer T1 for days I want to switch it up but generally it sit in it case for majority of the time. I'm driving this out of my Chord Hugo 2 and Woo Audio WA6-se, all give me lovely combination.
In your opinion, how do they compare to the Utopia?
@@edwinramos4910 Utopia are much more agressive with their mids, I dont like it from the brief time I listen to it, I ranked it pretty low tbh in term of how I like my sounds, the only thing that is lower is the Mrspeaker Ether 2
Mind doing another round up with the Sundara (with the new pads), the new price drop for the Ananda (699), the Arya, and these?
When’s the LCD-GX review coming I heard in one of your videos that you where doing to review them .. I’m on the edge about buying them but no one I trust has reviewed them. I have the 660s and the dt177x and I like my headphones to each have a different sound signature and with the price of the lcd-gx idk what to do.
It's basically a LCD-2 with a mic
Another great video, thanks! While learning more about the Hi-Fi world, the sad but simple truth gets clearer and clearer: too much detail does not equal to a more enjoyable experience. It actually turns the headphones into a zoom of the issues of each recording. It makes no sense for those (many) people who use headphones to enjoy music (i.e. not professionally), and many companies just fail to understand that. They fail to identify and address the so-called "persona" of their products. For example, when spending 3500 dollars for a pair of headphones, I personally expect a remarkably balanced sound, extreme confort, luxury materials, a wide soundstage and an enjoyable signature. The art of choosing the right compromise between detail and forgiveness is still unknown to most headphones companies.
That's why I love Zmf dynamics so much
Thanks for the great initial review. I'm very curious how much 1000SE differs from Arya.
Hey Josh! I keep seeing the lcd gx in your b rolls! When is the review of that headphone coming?!?
Hifiman Susvara next..? If only just to see what Fang is charging $6000 for.
These are the best cans I've heard in person and I am having a HARD time convincing myself that there's no reason to spend that insane amount of money, and that the aryas are all I need 😬
Kinda relative tho, I feel like there’s TONS of people that would scoff at the arya price. That said, have you purchased since commenting? Lol
for £3500 i feel as though manufacturers should burn headphones in themselves, this would also explain why people buy headphonesd like this and are dissapointed by them
Yeah they can afford to add testing and optimal burn in before putting them in the box for sure!
I agree with burn-in but don't you think its cool for your headphones to evolve the more you use them until they are at their full potential. Idk I think it's cool.
I heard it has better depth than my Susvara, due to the larger diagram and earcups. But Susvara is circle shaped which may have more even vibrations.
Mr. X wow you have Susvara? Do you like them?
Eugenio Di Castro If not, why would I buy it lol. But I do think abyss TH phi has better bass and mids, Raal Riboon Headphone has better timber and speed, and Stax might have better clarity.
Mr. X Yes but ive never tried high end headphones. About that category and others you named, is sound that good? Id like to buy one soon . Audeze Hifiman or Stax probably :)
You look hot wearing this wooden stylish headphone. You made me feel Hifiman headphones look better than Audeze as well as Meze.
I really hope you can review the Susvara at some Point.
People go and try the HD280 Pro that cost only 100 bucks!!! Will be love at first ear!!!! 3500 bucks??? NOT WAY MATE!!!!
These things really rumble when you go up in gain on a powerful amp.
My biggest problem with this headphone is that it truely requires a BEAST of an amplifier. I had to get it into a $4000 Moon amplifier to get its true potential which is frustrating.
Themos Yannakou The SE is much easier to drive than the V2. 35 Ohms resistance and 96dB sensitivity for SE, vs 90dB and the same impedance for the V2. That’s a big difference in power requirements. But you’re correct about the V2; it’s a beast to drive.
Michael Hohl I’m referring to the susvara. I just found that it heavily scaled based on amplifier usage.
I was auditioning at minidisc and had it in about 8 different amps and dacs. It truly came
To life properly using the sim audio moon beast of an amp. Maybe it’s a driver that particularly thrives with major headroom
,oon ha430 is not that good...
Josh I can't wait to see which E-stat you review next, that WES in the background got me hyped
this could be the best example about hot it does not affect to be the bullied and spoiled kid back in childhood also still giving thE backyard to the good old money fellows
Curious on how the detail retrieval compares to a Stax 009.
What is the intro music sir?
bought audiotechnica lp60xbt turntable, and sennheiser 6xx massdrop. what's a good amp i can pair with this? (kinda low on cash after these purchases)
very curious to the ID of that intro song! sounds incredible!
darn, sounds like the perfect Mahler headphone..
what was the music intro / outro from
I own those for months now and they are still kinda bright with slight bass emphasis around 190hz which causes some drums to get on my nerve. Otherwise great headphones.
Dude you prolly get this question a lot but I’m gonna buy some new headphones and was thinking about the HD 6xx with an amp, which amp do you recommend? And do you have any suggestion on which headphone I can get a part from the HD 6xx budget is around 400
Try tubes. Plannar usually distorts with tubes.
Can you Review the 1More Spearhead? It's a very Budget friendly Headset
Not $7500, Not $750, Not $175, But $75 !!!
This cable combo should've been included with the Arya as well. $1600 is enough to validate it's inclusion.
Most people who buy for a $1600 headphone will opt for a cable upgrade to complement their particular system. That's why most stock cables are almost an afterthought. I own the Sennheiser 800S. Upgrading to the ToneKraft V.2 was a night and day improvement. I'm upgrading to V.3 when it comes out in a couple months.
8:23 What is that stack beside the HE1000se box>
Jesse Lavey it’s definitely woo audio. I think it’s there electrostatic amp but I’m not positive
For that price can it perform "other" things? ...the cables feel like a condom afterall.
If you guys want to make this headphone sound less analytical you have to get Dana Lazuli Ref cables for them, just my 2 cents.
1:05 - 1:50 quik mats (quick maths)
Bruh .... I don't get it , my own findings of the he1000se was so different , it was better than the Arya in every way , and wider in sound stage too , watching other reviews seem to agree with what I heard , but this one is opposite , besides the detail Retrieval bit
good for you then, idk maybe ive heard this type of sound too much
its kind of the new fiio will sound, which is indeed great
Wow three years later … I think everyone has moved on with life since this comment was posted
@@mikylenaidoo1779 Lol this vid was a while ago at this point. I’m pretty sure Josh was subconsciously downplaying it cause of its price & that he prob couldn’t afford it over his prized Arya at the time. Josh also tends to parrot the grain of opinions & it’s common enough for the avrg headphone community to say they don’t “like” the tuning of the Hekse
Looking forward to the full review.
Edit: I got these and Anandas. Ask me anything.Hey guys. Do those plastic ear/driver protecting ribs every half inch end up affecting the sound signature quality mich more than the rounded vs hard edged magnets? Could an owner remove those black pieces to make it sound better?
Got my own answer: In case it helps on the HE1000se the cross Bars are the magnets themselves they are not protective plastic. I know this because I got the HE1000se and the AnandaBT
You should try the denon d9200
If you would put the bigger magnets of the 1000se in the Arya or the Ananda it would make them much more expensive 😂
The hearing quality to the ear should included were the source of the music is coming from. If it’s being downloaded over the internet, some bits will be dropped. Also the human ear can only hear up 20khz. After that it becomes. Dog whistle. And that’s for someone around 8years old. Some of the higher frequency in teens have showed lose of hearing at those higher ranges. You also have a diminishing return the more expensive the headsets. Just go buy the 58X or a modified Fosteks T50 RP.
Susvara review asap please !
please review the fiio k5 pro.
Someone get Josh a pair of HEDDphones to listen to, to compare to the HD800S.
Check out the blon 03
Susvara coming soon?
Should try those $55,000 sennheiser Orpheus headphones 😂😂
One of the headphone i really dislike and sold quickly. Too bright, and mostly very fatiguing after 15’ of listening. I much prefer the lay back sound of a Meze Empyrean for example.. it’s a very technical headphone, like the Utopia, but not to my taste.
I wouldn't pay $20 for it.
Cable feels like a condom! No wonder they provide 3 of them!
Alright let me go to the bathroom real quick so I can shit out cash for these headphones
Can't stand the style of headband it uses, looking to extend an antenna for an FM radio.
If a review for 3500 dollars headphones is not 30 seconds long where I am told they are extremely comfortable and sound perfect.. Why bother?
You got me at the "Feels like a Condom" 😅😅😅
Aimed for those who just like to pay more than the others cuz that gives them a mysterious feeling only them can explain.
I’ve been watching your vids for a long time! I was wondering if you could give me some advice? We don’t like the same sound signature but I think you could give some accurate advice. What’s the best step up from the DT770s when it comes to bass quantity/quality/sound stage/ and separation? I love my dt 770s but I just want something more, more bass more rumble but with the ability to do everything else better. It would also be awesome if it could be powered well by my fiiO Q1 MK2! But I don’t mind getting a desk top dac amp. Also this headphone would be for home use only.
Have a great day dude !
Is it pronounced "High Fiy man" or "High fee man"?
High Fye, like Wi-Fi not Wee Fee
This headphone makes me feel like i live in a very very poor area of america with no sunlight...oh well still have my tin t4 and hd58x to listen to under the rock.
I feel you, we can just admire the beautiful craftsmanship on these high end headphones from watching these videos. Josh has amazing video quality, makes me want to eat these gorgeous headphones from my computer screen.
Don't feel too bad about the T4. My daily drivers (IEMs) cost $1,400. I love them and despite the high price I consider them very good value. I bought the T4s out of interest for my wife, who is nowhere near as passionate about sound as me. Man, the T4s are ridiculous value! Mine are better, sure, but the T4s are at least 80% as good, I would say. For a fraction of the price. Amazing sound from them, you got a bargain! Enjoy :)
What , these have HD6XX sound stage ??????
and the Arya has more depth ????
its ether you have defective pair or there is something wrong because thats not what i hear in my pair.
In my listening experience, the HE1000SE is definitely more forward and in your face in comparison to the staging of an Arya or a HD800S. Due to the forwardness of the HE1000SE, I think it would make a great complimentary headphone for any headphones with a wider sound stage.
I will change my car for a HIFIMAN...
JOSHUA, after watching your videos on the upper eschelon of HIFIMAN products, I have decided to make you my goto headphones guy. Your observations seem very accurate and I think you have *Golden Ears*. I waste...erm...spend a lot of money on audio products. I have HD800 now from eons ago. Should I upgrade to HE1000SE? I feel it might be an optimal fit with my Denafrips Artemis amplifier. I would love to hear your thoughts!
Pronounced: HI - FI - Man
i usually pronounce it as *hi*-gh *fi*-delity *man*
I just bought a pair and they're shit, they don't even make my cereal in the morning.
stick to what you know
Do you also want to review TOPPING D90 DAC? here for your reference: shenzhenaudio.com/products/topping-d90-ak4499-ak4118-full-balanced-dac-bluetooth-5-0-dsd512-hi-res-decoder
it sucks