Thanks for the video. The default value for "jdk.virtualThreadScheduler.maxPoolSize" property is 256. Do you have any reason why you picked the number of available processors for the demo, e.g., decreased the default number? Can the default value speedup even more demo results?
Thanks for the video. The default value for "jdk.virtualThreadScheduler.maxPoolSize" property is 256. Do you have any reason why you picked the number of available processors for the demo, e.g., decreased the default number? Can the default value speedup even more demo results?
Great content!
If we use the webclient instead of resttemplate, what impact does it have on the result?
Can you share the GitHub link
Awesome results
All this is good, but I would like to see a real word results.
Baden-Baden :)
23:00 LOL
Hello, thank you for the tutorial )
May I know the name of your keyboard ? :)
I think it is a custom one, but it sounds nice doesn't it? I like it quite a bit myself. Oh .. the presentation is good also :D!
I’m guessing they are silent linear switches
It's clearly shown that Josh Long extremely hate php😂😂😂😂😂