Biblical Research Institute, Changing Adventist History? - Dustin Butler

  • Опубликовано: 3 окт 2024
  • Did the Seventh-day Adventist pioneers really come to accept the doctrine of the Trinity? Dustin Butler explores a paper written by the Biblical Research Institute on the Trinity in Adventism.
    BRI Document -
    God's Son, Begotten or Unique? - Dustin Butler • God's Son, Begotten or...
    Personality of the Holy Spirit - Thomas Akens • The Personality of the...
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    The Trinity by J S Washburn
    1889 SDA Fundamental Principles
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Комментарии • 140

  • @brendablackburn879
    @brendablackburn879 Год назад +10

    Very good presentation. Crystal clear.

  • @amybob116
    @amybob116 10 месяцев назад +2

    ❤Thank you brother. God bless and keep you well. Amen

  • @JavendOlsson
    @JavendOlsson Год назад +25

    Thank you for this video brother Butler! Refreshing to hear the pioneer's work defended. "The Bible with its precious gems of truth was not written for the scholar alone. On the contrary, it was designed for the common people; and the interpretation given by the common people, when aided by the Holy Spirit, accords best with the truth as it is in Jesus. The great truths necessary for salvation are made clear as the noonday, and none will mistake and lose their way except those who follow their own judgment instead of the plainly revealed will of God." 5T 331

    • @Seventh-dayChurchofRevelation
      @Seventh-dayChurchofRevelation  Год назад +9

      PTL Javend! This quote backs up and supports what you posted. - The child Jesus did not receive instruction in the synagogue schools. His mother was His first human teacher. From her lips and from the scrolls of the prophets, He learned of heavenly things. The very words which He Himself had spoken to Moses for Israel He was now taught at His mother's knee. As He advanced from childhood to youth, He did not seek the schools of the rabbis. He needed not the education to be obtained from such sources; for God was His instructor. DA 70.1

    • @franknilson180
      @franknilson180 Год назад +1

      Part 1 of 4
      This is a very good question as no statement has ever been provided. But before we get to the switch from a God-being to man, we must look at the facts that we have at our disposal to recognize the switch to get to the conclusion.
      Here is a good indication of the plurality of the original Godhead.
      Joh 1:1-2 - “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God.”
      This text shows clearly that there were two Gods, the Word that was a God, and God the Father Himself and that They were together in the beginning. Refer to Question 1 above, How many Gods were there? (1.2), for a full analysis of the text.
      Jesus was originally created as a God, but He gave up His Deity status to become man.
      Joh 1:14 - “And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.”
      God used John to identify and reveal Jesus to mankind, and to baptize Him with water. God also gave to John all the necessary information regarding Jesus that he had to convey to mankind. Please refer to paragraph 3.1 of Chapter 3 - Is there any indication that Jesus is the true Son of God? That is why John could inform mankind that the Word, the co-God, was made flesh, totally man, and dwelt among mankind. They also witnessed His glory, full of grace and truth.
      Jesus gave up His Godliness to become totally man so that He could be a fair and merciful High priest with God.
      Heb 2:14,17 - “Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is the devil.”, ”Wherefore in all things it behoved him to be made like unto his brethren, that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God, to make reconciliation for the sins of the people.”
      Jesus became totally man, without any Godly powers, to experience what man had to go through on this earth and also to go through the death process so that He may destroy the power that Satan held over death in the world. He had to walk this road so that He may be a merciful and faithful High priest with the things pertaining to God and also to make reconciliation for the sins of mankind.
      This text indicates that Jesus, the Son of God, had to come to this earth in the likeness of sinful flesh, as man, because of sin, and to condemn the sin in man, to show man that the righteousness of the law could be fulfilled, i.e. the fairness of God’s law or Commandments, and that it can be done by man, in him that walk after the Spirit and not after flesh.
      Rom 8:3-4 - “For what the law of the Spirit could not do in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh: that the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.”
      To understand this text properly, each part of the text need to be simplified.
      “Law of the Spirit” = rules of God.
      “Weak through the flesh” = powerless against man’s own will.
      “Likeness of sinful flesh” = just as a human, with flesh and blood.
      “Sin” = breaching the rules of God.
      “Condemned sin” = charged the. breach of the rules of God.
      “Righteousness of the law” = fairness of the rules of God.
      “Law might be fulfilled” = receive a fair judgement within the rules of God.
      “Walk not after the flesh” = do not follow man’s desires; a physical effort.
      “Walk after the Spirit” = acting according to God’s expectation, a physical effort.
      The text could be written as follows:-
      “For what ‘the rules of God’ could not do in that ‘it was powerless against man’s own will’, God sending his own Son ‘just as a human with flesh and blood’, for ’breaching the rules of God’, ‘charged the breach of the rules of God’ in the flesh and that ‘the fairness of the rules of God’ might ‘receive a fair judgement within the rules of God’ in us, who ‘do not follow man’s desires’, but ‘acting according to God’s expectation’.”
      It does thus not give man the right now to act as if he will not be judged under the law, in fact, the keeping of the law is essential and is explicitly being highlighted here and indicate that man will be judged under the law. It also states here that God sent Jesus in the same flesh that humans have, and for the sin of man, i.e. to die on the cross for all the sin of man.
      Jesus did not think twice to become totally man on this earth. He gave up His Godly powers in total and humbled Himself right up to His death on the cross.
      Phi 2:6-8 - “Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: but made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: and being found in fashion as man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.”
      Jesus gave up His Godly position and become totally man and took upon Himself the form of a servant. He knew what lay ahead but He humbled Himself, to remain obedient up to His death on the cross. He was totally obedient to God and that is why He is now sitting at the right hand side God.
      This was part of God’s Salvation plan otherwise it would not have been a success. If God sent Jesus as a co-God to this earth, He could not have died on the cross, as a God cannot die. Jesus had to come to this earth as man to do His work properly, so that His coming could not be branded by Satan as a hoax.
      All sin that man committed will be forgiven unless, he later turns his back on Jesus in which case all sin that he ever committed will be held against him.
      Eze 18:24 - “But when the righteous turneth away from his righteousness, and committeth iniquity, and doeth according to all the abominations that the wicked man doeth, shall he live? All his righteousness that he hath done shall not be mentioned: in his trespass that he hath trespassed, and in his sin that he hath sinned, in them shall he die.”
      When the righteous man turns his back on Jesus and do all the abominations that the wicked man do, all sin that he ever committed will be held against him on the day of judgement. Jesus’ death on the cross ensured the sinners that their sin will be forgiven provided that they will follow Jesus in His footsteps.
      The Spirit of God that moved upon the face of the water was nobody else but Jesus Christ, the co-God.
      Gen 1:2 - “And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.”
      This text refers to the creation as the earth was without form and void, and the one that came to sort this all out was Jesus Christ. Refer to 5 above - Is there any indication that Jesus was involved in the creation? for the explanation of this statement. We can thus accept that the reference to the spirit of God that appears here was Jesus Christ, the co-God’s visible power and might, similar to the spirit of God which came down upon Jesus with His baptism in the form of a dove.
      John referred here to God the Father as a Spirit, as Jesus already gave up His deity and came to this world in the flesh.
      Joh 4:24 - “God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.”
      It is clear from the text above that God the Father, is a Spirit and not a visible and touchable person. He is thus a Holy Spirit and man must worship Him in spirit and in truth.

    • @franknilson180
      @franknilson180 Год назад

      Part 3 of 4
      Here is a specific event where Jesus appeared to the disciples whilst the doors were shut.
      Joh 20:26 - “And after eight days again his disciples were within, and Thomas with them: then came Jesus, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said, Peace be unto you.”
      Here again was an unusual appearance of Jesus which gave the disciples just more indication to His resurrection.
      It was definitely an extraordinary act which could also be described as a miracle, which at the same time revealed the extraordinary power that was within Jesus.
      Jesus appeared more than once to His disciples.
      Joh 21:14 - “This is now the third time that Jesus showed himself to his disciples, after that he was risen from the dead.”
      Here is a specific indication that Jesus revealed Himself to His disciples for the third time after His resurrection in a just miraculous manner.
      All these appearances purely demonstrate God’s might and power.
      We have seen earlier in this document that Jesus was the co-God that became man, and how He died on the cross and was resurrected afterwards.
      There is enough indication right now that Jesus is alive, and that He can appear in Spirit form wherever and when He wants to.
      As God can create matter from nothing, He can definitely convert matter into anything else.
      It is here where the thought of the creation of Jesus as man, came in.
      God has the ability to change Jesus, who was a God, to a one-cell being and at the same time also remove His Godly powers.
      He was still a perfect being with His own personality and memories intact.
      It was a perfect plan that only God could perform.
      The power of the Holy Spirit overshadowed Mary, ........
      Luk 1:30-35 - “And the angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favour with God. And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name JESUS. He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David: and he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end. Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man? And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.”
      ........which means that the power of God worked here to join Jesus as a single cell with Mary’s egg cell and to let it grow without the infiltration of her DNA.
      The fact that Jesus was changed to a one cell size, did not destroy Him at all and He was still a total living being with His own personality, emotions, thoughts and memory.
      Jesus underwent the changeover from the Godly-being to a human within the womb of Mary, and grew within her body up to the birth of Jesus Christ as totally human.
      As Jesus did not contain any DNA from Mary, He was not born in sin and was thus totally pure.
      All of this makes sense and explains how the co-God, Jesus, was born as a sinless human being, who knew and has seen God.
      Jesus had to come to earth as man to destroy him that had the power over death, namely the devil, as well as to have a living experience that man has, to enable Him to be a merciful and faithful High priest and Advocate in the things pertaining to God.
      Heb 2:14,17 - “Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is the devil.”, ”Wherefore in all things it behoved him to be made like unto his brethren, that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God, to make reconciliation for the sins of the people.”
      As man had flesh and blood, Jesus had to be equal and the same in all aspects as man.
      He had to go through this process to be a merciful and faithful Highpriest in the things pertaining to God, to make reconciliation for the sin of the people, when He took His seat on the right hand side of God.
      He also had to go through this process of death to destroy him that has the power of death, namely the devil.
      Jesus manifested Himself to man to remove their sins by dying on the cross for them, and He had no sin or guile in Him.
      1 Joh 3:5 - “And ye know that he was manifested to take away our sins; and in Him is no sin.”
      1 Pet 2:22 - “Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth.”
      Jesus was sinless and came to remove mankind’s sin, Yes, He took all the sin of man and placed in onto His shoulders and died on the cross for mankind, and in His mouth was no guile or falsity.
      Nobody has ever seen seen God.
      Jesus declared Him to the people.
      Joh 1:18 - “No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, He hath declared Him.”
      Jesus, the firstborne Son of God was in the bosom of His Father and His Father gave Him life. God thus created Him and He was God’s first creation and His only Son.
      He knew God and also saw Him.
      At that time He was also a co-God as it was pointed out earlier in this document.
      Jesus told the people who God is.
      The words spoken to mankind by Jesus Christ were the words of His Father that sent Him to this earth. Joh 14:24-25 - “He that loveth Me not keepeth not My sayings: and the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father’s which sent Me. These things have I spoken unto you, being yet present with you.”
      John indicated here that the words that Jesus spoke on this earth were His Father’s, which sent Him with the message, so that He may share it with the people.
      When Jesus was baptized, the Holy Ghost came onto Jesus in the form like a dove.
      Luke 3:22 - “And the Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape like a dove upon him, and a voice came from heaven, which said, Thou art my beloved Son; in thee I am well pleased.”
      When Jesus was born on this earth, He had no Godly powers.
      He only received Godly powers to do miracles etc., when He was baptized by John the baptist.
      Two baptisms took place here at the same time namely the baptism with water and the baptism with the Holy Spirit.
      The baptism with water occurred when Jesus was baptized by John the baptist and the baptism with the Holy Spirit was when the channel of power to God was opened and together with God, entered His body in the shape of a dove .
      God affirmed that Jesus is His beloved Son in whom He was well pleased.
      God spoke from the heavens and everybody present heard His voice.
      God was pleased with Jesus.
      The person who accepts Jesus Christ as the Son of God, receives that link to the channel of power as described above, to profit withal, for the benefit of those people around him .
      1 Cor 12:7-11 - “But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal. For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit; to another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit; to another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another the divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues: But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will.”)
      We can thus see that the baptism of the Spirit is a gift or talent to perform a certain function i.e. Wisdom, Knowledge, Faith, Healing, Miracles, Prophecy etc. Jesus hands out these gifts or activate a connection to the channel of power from God to mankind according to His will, who accepts Him as the Son of God.
      Jesus was talking to His apostles and He said to them that they knew the Spirit of Truth, and that He is dwelling with them.
      Joh_14:17 - “Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.
      The apostles were the only people that really knew Jesus as they have experienced His teachings and experiences for three and a half years.
      They were led in the Truth and Jesus taught them everything that God wanted Him to teach mankind. As Jesus was the only One that taught the apostles the Truth, can we accept that Jesus referred to Himself as the Spirit of Truth that lived with them and will be in them, and that His apostles also knew the Spirit of Truth.
      The fact that Jesus Himself said that they knew Him and that He, the spirit of Truth, dwelled with them and shall be in them, makes the fact so much stronger that Jesus is the Spirit of Truth, which will live in them.
      It is a possibility that the Spirit of Truth is part of the Holy Spirit which will live in man. Refer to information above for a detailed view on the Holy Spirit.
      Jesus said to His apostles that another Comforter will stay with them.
      Joh 14:16 - “And I will pray to the Father, and He will send another Comforter to stay with you until eternity.”
      As we have just seen that Jesus is the Spirit of Truth that lived with the apostles and would be in them, can we accept that the other Comforter that would stay with them, will be the same One, namely Jesus Christ, the spirit of Truth, or plainly the Holy Spirit.
      We find that Jesus did in many cases speak about another person but in fact He was always referring to Himself.
      This made it easier for the people to understand as we can imagine what would have happened if He said that He will personally come in Spirit form.

    • @franknilson180
      @franknilson180 Год назад

      Part 4 of 4
      • We see here that Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God, who was a co-God with God and also the Creator of all things, who became totally man on this earth.
      • He had to come and perform certain tasks on this earth and His coming was necessary to save the most important creation of God, namely man, against the destruction by Satan.
      • Jesus’ change to man was a miracle which could only be done by God as described above, and it is possible with God.
      • The process for Jesus to become man which is described here is just one of many possibilities that could exist. and was set out in an understandable manner.
      • Jesus experienced the baptism with the Holy Spirit when He was baptized by John the Baptist which means that He received back all the powers that He originally had, that special linked channel to God with all God’s power, which was disconnected from Him when He had to come to earth to become man, which then gave Him the ability to do all the miracles on this earth.
      • People saw the works of His hands which demonstrated the power and might of God.
      • It was God the Father that did the work and Jesus was just the connection, or instrument between God and man.
      * The person that repents and accepts Jesus Christ as the Son of God and follows, believes and trusts in Him, will be cleansed by His blood that was shed on the cross, and he will become a new man in Jesus Christ, and will be viewed as a child of the Lord. He will then at this stage also be baptized with the Holy Spirit.
      • The believer that is baptized with the Holy Spirit receives thus a specific direct connection to Jesus’ channel of power which enables him to perform a specific miracle like healing, prophesying or any other specific talent, plus a part of God’s Spirit, to convert non-believers to become children of God.
      • The issuing of talents is controlled by Jesus so that it would produce the best results in the community where it is being utilized by the believer.
      • The Holy Spirit can thus be viewed as Jesus Christ on this earth as He received the direct connection to the channel of power and might from God together with a part of God’s own Spirit which made it possible for Him to be on this earth while at the same time He is in heaven with God.

    • @polycarpsmith1419
      @polycarpsmith1419 Год назад

      The Sabbath is a memorial of children of Israel from the slavery of Egypt as it is written in the 10 commandments in Duet. 5:15 *And REMEMBER that thou wast a servant in the land of Egypt, and that the LORD thy God brought thee out thence through a mighty hand and by a stretched out arm: THEREFORE the LORD thy God commanded thee to keep the sabbath day.*
      While, that's remarkable is not remotely to be compared to the redemption and salvation of mankind from sin and death. Therefore, as much as the Children of Israel celebrated their freedom from physical slavery, it is *no comparison* to the redemption of mankind by Christ through his death and resurrection. Thus, the far lessor gives way and is nothing to be compared to our salvation through Christ.
      So, it is, that the first day of the week shows its excellence by a greater Passover and sacrifice than a lamb and a redemption from and earthly kingdom NOT to be even remotely compared to the HEAVENLY kingdom prepared for us by Christ, *through HIs RESURRECTION*
      And, if the Jewish people of God were to REMEMBER and memorialize the physical rest given to them, how much more all of God's people from every nation should be blessed by Christ through his redemption of all mankind from sin and death to eternal life.
      1 John 2:2 And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, *but also for the sins of the whole world.*

  • @debracollins4756
    @debracollins4756 Год назад +20

    I have thought for many years now when God led me to study the false doctrine of the trinity, that this is the Omega of Apostasy before I heard anyone else comment on that idea. In Revelation 3, the church of Philadelphia, Jesus says we will have the name of His God written in our foreheads, and the name of the city of My God, the New Jerusalem, and My new name. No name for the holy spirit Being because a third Being does not exist. The spirit belongs to God. It is His spirit and it is holy. Make very sure you have the right name written in your forehead and you are worshipping the only, one true God-Jehovah, and His Son, Jesus, who will have a new name.

    • @dennisjohns6012
      @dennisjohns6012 Год назад +1

      ThAnk God for the ultimate truth

    • @dennisjohns6012
      @dennisjohns6012 Год назад


    • @statutesofthelord
      @statutesofthelord Год назад +1

      Ellen White says that the Holy Spirit is a "person".

    • @michaelbj1166
      @michaelbj1166 Год назад

      @@statutesofthelordEGW also says: “We want the Holy Spirit, which is Jesus Christ.”, Letter 66, 1894

    • @statutesofthelord
      @statutesofthelord Год назад

      @@michaelbj1166 Michael, that is an interesting quote, but to be taken as her settled position, it must have another witness. Since it doesn't, I have to take that letter to mean, as it seems she was actually trying to say, that the Holy Spirit is the representative of Christ.
      "The Lord is soon to come. We want that complete and perfect understanding which the Lord alone can give. It is not safe to catch the spirit from another. We want the Holy Spirit, which is Jesus Christ. If we commune with God, we shall have strength and grace and efficiency."

  • @astronome92
    @astronome92 Год назад +10

    Excellent and truthful presentation! I can attest to the accuracy of brother Butler's analysis of Ellen White's hand writing of the capital "H" at minute 37. No need to be an expert in graphology to see that on the same page of the manuscript the word Holy Spirit has the very exact capital "H". It is also obvious that Ellen White formed her capital "H" with a residual "foot" that looked like the lower part of an "h", so one not careful or mindful of accuracy, and driven by his own paradigm would just conclude to a "Th" and render "Here" as "There". God bless you all!

    • @andrewwhite1318
      @andrewwhite1318 Год назад +6

      Thanks for pointing that out about the capital "H" in Holy Spirit. Also on the same page there are a couple of times where she has the word "The" with a capital "T" followed by a lower case "h". Contrasting those places where "Th" is used with her capital "H" helped me as well. So I would have to agree it is "Here" and not "There"

  • @dubedangali4262
    @dubedangali4262 Год назад +4

    Wonderful presentation am blessed alot am from TANZANIA I FOLLOW THE WAY OF PIONEERS

  • @southernyankee2300
    @southernyankee2300 Год назад +13

    AA 52.1 “ The nature of the Holy Spirit is a mystery. Men cannot explain it, because the Lord has not revealed it to them. Men having fanciful views may bring together passages of Scripture and put a human construction on them, but the acceptance of these views will not strengthen the church. Regarding such mysteries, which are too deep for human understanding, silence is golden. “

    • @kerrylucks1700
      @kerrylucks1700 Год назад +2

      So true! That is the NATURE of the Holy Spirit. E.G. White specifically gave the IDENTITY of the Holy Spirit.
      ‘THEY WERE TWO, yet little short of being identical; two in individuality, yet ONE IN SPIRIT,” - (E.G. White, YI, Dec 16, 1897)
      “The ONLY Being who was one with God lived the law in humanity, descended to the lowly life of a common labourer, and toiled at the carpenter's bench with His earthly parent.” - Ellen G. White, Signs of the Times, October 14, 1897
      “God and Christ ALONE know what the souls of men have cost.” - Ellen G. White, Signs of the Times, January 13, 1909
      “Can anyone consider the condescension of God in preparing the gospel feast, and its great cost, and treat the invitation slightingly. No man, nor even the highest angel, can estimate the great cost; it is known ONLY to the Father and the Son.” - Ellen G. White, The Bible Echo, October 28, 1895
      “CHRIST the Word, the only-begotten of God, was one with the eternal Father,-one in nature, in character, and in purpose,-the ONLY being in all the universe that could enter into all the counsels and purposes of God. By Christ, the Father wrought in the creation of all heavenly beings.” - Ellen G. White, The Great Controversy, p. 493
      “But to us there is but ONE God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him; and ONE Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him.” 1 Corinthians 8:6
      And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.” John 17:3Y
      How many beings does the Bible say there are? “But to us there is but ONE God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him; and ONE Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him.” 1 Corinthians 8:6 ---
      “It is something that cannot be treated as a small matter that men who have had so much light, and such clear evidence as to the genuineness of the truth we hold, should become unsettled, and led to SPIRITUALISTIC THEORIES regarding The Personality of God. [Special Testimonies Series B7, p37]
      “Here we might mention the Trinity, which does away with the personality of God, and of his Son Jesus Christ, and of sprinkling or pouring instead of being “buried with Christ in baptism,” “planted in the likeness of his death:” but we pass from these fables to notice one that is held sacred by nearly all professed Christians, both Catholic and Protestant. It is, the change of the Sabbath of the fourth commandment...” {James White, Dec 11 James White, Dec 11 1855, Review and Herald 1855, Review and Herald Review and Herald, Vol. 7, no. 11, P 85 Par 16 Vol. 7, no. 11, P 85 Par 16 Vol. 7, no. 11, P 85 Par 16}
      “The reason why the churches are weak and sickly and ready to die, is that the enemy has brought influences of a discouraging nature to bear upon trembling souls. He has sought to shut Jesus from their view as the Comforter, as one who reproves, who warns, who admonishes them saying ‘this is the way, walk ye in it.’” {Review & Herald p 422}. “The Holy Spirit is Christ’s representative, but divested of the personality of humanity, and independent thereof. Cumbered with humanity, Christ could not be in every place personally. Therefore, it was for their interest that He should go to the Father, and send the Spirit to be His successor on earth. No one could then have any advantage because of his location or his personal contact with Christ. By the Spirit the Saviour would be accessible to all. In this sense He would be nearer to them than if He had not ascended on high.” Desire of Ages p 699}.
      “It is not essential for us to be able to define just what the Holy Spirit is. Christ tells us that the Holy Spirit is the Comforter, ‘the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father.’ It is plainly declared regarding the Holy Spirit, that in His work of guiding men into all truth, ‘He shall not speak of Himself.’ “The nature of the Holy Spirit is a mystery. Men cannot explain it, because the Lord has not revealed it to them. Men having fanciful views may bring together passages of Scripture and put a human construction on them; but the acceptance of these views will not strengthen the church. Regarding such mysteries, which are too deep for human understanding, silence is golden.” {Acts of Apostles p 51, 52}
      “Jesus is waiting to breathe upon all his disciples, and give them the inspiration of His sanctifying Spirit, and transfuse the vital influence from HIMSELF, to his people.” EGW Signs of the Times, Oct 3, 1892.

    • @benneal9309
      @benneal9309 Год назад +2

      ​@@kerrylucks1700 Amen, well said all praise to the father, the ancient of days YHWH, and to his only begotten son, the lamb JESUS

  • @neviswarren
    @neviswarren Год назад +10

    A wonderful presentation. Thank you.

  • @michaelbj1166
    @michaelbj1166 Год назад +4

    Hi Dustin Butler. Where can I get my hands on a facimile or PDF copy of that letter?

  • @adamwagner5264
    @adamwagner5264 Год назад +4

    We are less than dust and we have no comparison to Jehovah. God has promised to make us his sons and daughters. But the Son of God, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace, the Lamb of God slain from the foundation of the world. The great I AM has always been, and will always be. Jesus created all things according to the scriptures. Do you believe that He created Himself and the Father? We all had a beginning and came from God. If Jesus had a beginning than I see no reason why Lucifer or an of us can not become God if God chooses to make us so. And if Holy Spirit is the same person as Jesus why then should we give up self when the Bible clearly teaches that Jesus was full of the Holy Spirit? Was Jesus just full of Himself? I believe in the Godhead that's one in purpose. Not the catholic trinity of one being that does three apparitions all from the same being.
    Christ Himself is the pearl of great price. In Him is gathered all the glory of the Father, the fullness of the Godhead. He is the brightness of the Father's glory and the express image of His person. I am the resurrection, and the life. In Christ is life, original, unborrowed, underived. He that hath the Son hath life. The divinity of Christ is the believer's assurance of eternal life. Christ is the pre-existent, self-existent Son of God.... In speaking of his pre-existence, Christ carries the mind back through dateless ages. He assures us that there never was a time when He was not in close fellowship with the eternal God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
    Sin could be resisted and overcome only through the mighty agency of the Third Person of the Godhead, who would come with no modified energy, but in the fullness of divine power. We need to realize that the Holy Spirit, who is as much a person as God is a person, is walking through these grounds.

  • @TheHolyAvatior
    @TheHolyAvatior Год назад +7

    The beginning in my opinion is our human beginning. When our existence started that will be the beginning. God’s beginning cannot be understood by us. We don’t know how to undertake or understand that with our humanness. This will be unfolded to us in the new earth. That will be our study for eternity to come. We shouldn’t waste time trying to comprehend things that may lead us astray.

    • @Milos-Stankovic
      @Milos-Stankovic Год назад +2

      Earth, Sun and all heavenly stars (material things) had to have theirs start point of existence, or as it is written: In the beginning God created heaven and the Earth.
      Simultaneously with creation of heaven and Earth you had to have space and time. You must have space where to put Earth and Sun and all stars. And at the same time you have passing time (day one, day two...).
      Now, before creation of heaven and Earth God exist. Before creation of angels God exist.
      How can we understand life without mater, space and time? We cannot understand that.
      We understand that God know future, but how He know future we do not understand. We can asume that God is not limited as we are to live in one point in time (we exist only in one picture on film roll).
      Therefore if God existed out of things He created (matter, space and time), why we asume that Christ have beginning in time?
      My understanding of this topic is that Satan hates Michael authority in heaven, and want to disconnect us from our God and Saviour. And we know that we cannot come to Father God other than Jesus Christ who is God and man.
      Attack on Jesus nature (both man and God) is best way to disconnect sinners from heavenly Father.

  • @leoparas8821
    @leoparas8821 Год назад +2

    Ain't it preposterous for finite human mind to describe the infinite person of our Creator God, can't we just reserve those curiousity when we come face to face with God?

  • @julielapierre7
    @julielapierre7 Год назад +3

    Brother when God made Moses to be an Elohim to Pharaoh wasn't God in Heaven still as God , therefore the Universe had now multiple Elohim .... that argument is flawed that Elohim can mean singular....what about Let US make man ......Genesis 1:26, .....Let US go down Genesis 11:17.!!!!

  • @promomail1768
    @promomail1768 Год назад +3

    EGW MANUSCRIPT 20, 1906 “The Holy Spirit is a person…He must also be a divine person, else He could not search out the secrets which lies hidden in the mind of God.”
    TESTIMONIES, SERIES A 10:37 (1897) “The Prince of the power of evil can only be held in check by the power of God in the THIRD PERSON OF THE GODHEAD, the Holy Spirit. Ev 617.1
    See also Manuscript 66, 1899 ev 616.5,6
    Special Testimonies, Series B, 7:51
    SDA Bible commentary vol. 7A Appendix A - Christ’s Place in the Godhead - Eternal ore existence of Christ

  • @Jamie-Russell-CME
    @Jamie-Russell-CME Год назад +4

    I believe the bible

  • @julielapierre7
    @julielapierre7 Год назад +5

    So let me get this straight, finite man thinks he can figure out the Infinite GOD!!!! well friends good luck with that!!! No one can completely explain the God Head!!!! Not in this life.

  • @xael
    @xael Год назад +1

    Dustin can I get a copy of the BRI letter? Was it drafted by Dr. R?

  • @glorialoo3165
    @glorialoo3165 5 месяцев назад

    This is what is written by Ellen White. “All who receive him and believe in him have all the living three personalities of the heavenly trio. …….every soul repenting of their sins receiving Christ by a……”

  • @rustyvoiceinwilderness9580
    @rustyvoiceinwilderness9580 5 месяцев назад

    Gen 3:17 Then to Adam He said, “Because you have listened to the voice of your wife, and have eaten from the tree about which I commanded you, saying, ‘You shall not eat from it’;
    Cursed is the ground because of you; Better translated woman.
    Rev 22:18 & 19 I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues which are written in this book;
    19 and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his part from the tree of Life and from the holy city, which are written in this book.
    Mss White is completely disqualified here.

  • @statutesofthelord
    @statutesofthelord Год назад +3

    Ellen White says that the Holy Spirit is a "person".

  • @lsfirman408
    @lsfirman408 2 месяца назад

    Wonderful insightful message totally agreed amen 🙏🙏🙏

  • @miguellozano7130
    @miguellozano7130 Год назад +1

    Also shouting Methodist members as Ellen white ?

  • @BDB-lt5gd
    @BDB-lt5gd Год назад +4

    Job chapter 11:7 says, " Canst thou by searching find out God? canst thou find out the Almighty unto perfection?" One of the biggest concerns I have regarding Ellen White's view on the Trinity is her complete silence!! As God's messenger she bravely and eloquently exposed the doctrinal errors of Babylon! False Sabbath, exposed! Teaching on the State of the dead, exposed! False teaching on hell, exposed! False teaching on once saved always saved exposed! I could go on. Yet the most widely held doctrine of Babylon, the Trinity, she has not a single word of *CONDEMNATION**. Her silence speaks volumes! In her seminal work on false doctrines, The Great Controversy, she dedicates not a single sentence, paragraph or chapter *CONDEMNING* the protestant belief in the trinity! Why is that? Did God forget a chapter? Why are there so many SDA off shoot groups making such an issue on something God through His servant was silent on?

    • @nonconformist4802
      @nonconformist4802 Год назад +2

      Well she didn't hold back when she had said the Jesus Christ *IS NOT* God almighty.

    • @BDB-lt5gd
      @BDB-lt5gd Год назад +3

      @@nonconformist4802 She often referred to Christ as the God of Ancient Israel. Christ was the one who led Israel in the wilderness. Christ was the Law giver on Sinai. The Bible calls the God of Israel Jehovah meaning God Almighty! Jesus claimed to be the "I AM" that spoke to Moses from the burning bush! The very "I AM" Jews believed was God Almighty. If you researched the entire body of sister White's writings, you would not find a single clear statement from her pen condemning the doctrine of the Trinity. This false controversy is the "Omega Apostacy" she wrote about. The last chapter of the Great Controversy is "The Controversy Ended!" The GC was the book she believed would best expose the doctrinal errors of the Christian world. There is no chapter in this book attacking the Trinity as heresy. On this topic silence is golden. My friend, God has a Remnant Church doctrinally sound yet sin sick and Lukewarm. Please do not be led astray so close to the shaking! And... Remember Jesus is coming soon!

    • @nonconformist4802
      @nonconformist4802 Год назад

      "Jesus Christ IS NOT God Almighty" Letter 32, 1899, quoted in the Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, vol. 5, p. 1129
      So is it now A or B?
      Or do we now have here a forked tongue cult with anti-Christ doctrines?
      _My friend, God has a Remnant Church_
      I hope not you do believe that the SDA cult is this church you are talking about.

    • @BDB-lt5gd
      @BDB-lt5gd Год назад +2

      @@nonconformist4802 You left out the two words preceding the quote you shared. Here is the full quote. "There is no one who can explain the mystery of the incarnation of Christ. Yet we know that He came to this earth and lived as a man among men. **The man** Christ Jesus was not the Lord God Almighty..." How God could become a man is a mystery unfathomable by human minds. Btw, in the preceding paragraphs of the quote you shared Sister White makes it clear that in nature the pre-incarnate Christ was God! As a man He became lower than angels according to Hebrews 2:9. If lower than angels than obviously He could not as a man also be God Almighty. Ellen White is right!

    • @nonconformist4802
      @nonconformist4802 Год назад

      No you fool, the words "The Man" makes no difference.
      The Bible said: In Him dwell the Godhead in full.
      No matter how you twist it, you and your Goddess and your SDA cult are anti-Christ.
      John chapter 1: The WORD was God - The WORD became man- HE dwell among men - The world was created by HIM and they didn't know HIM. Seems that you did neither.

  • @johannestigorpanjaitan1888
    @johannestigorpanjaitan1888 Год назад +4

    Remember Mathew 11:27 (All things have been handed over to Me by My Father, and no one knows the Son except the Father. Nor does anyone know the Father except the Son, and those to whom the Son is pleased to reveal Him). Please be careful !!!

    • @norallaniguez7706
      @norallaniguez7706 Год назад +1

      True because only the Son of God has seen the Father.
      John 1: 18No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.
      John 5: 37And the Father himself, which hath sent me, hath borne witness of me. Ye have neither heard his voice at any time, nor seen his shape.
      38And ye have not his word abiding in you: for whom he hath sent, him ye believe not.
      39Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.

  • @otonielcabrera5145
    @otonielcabrera5145 Год назад +2

    You seems to forget that there others pioneers long before the Adventist that believes in the eternity of Christ and on the the trinity. Those were the apostles, Luther, Wesley and many others. You are using the holy pulpit to influence your listeners to question something that no created being can understand. Who is making the work of Satan. Otoniel

    • @pacs0508
      @pacs0508 Год назад

      Absolutely! How dare we think we can comprehend God.

  • @turtlegrams6582
    @turtlegrams6582 Год назад

    👁️👁️⚖️✝️🩸👑🕯️💧🌡️😡🌪️🌋👀👂🙏⏳, KJV Bible John 1: = JESUS CHRIST IS THE WORD OF GOD ! All need to stop looking at THE GODHEAD with created fallen man's understanding ! GOD SPOKE ! JESUS CHRIST IS GOD'S WORD !

  • @turtlegrams6582
    @turtlegrams6582 Год назад


  • @johnarnold8045
    @johnarnold8045 Год назад

    The statement about the life that was in Christ was immortal etc. Basic English : the word "life" in this statement is the "subject " of the statement. The words that describe the type of life are adjectives and no more. When born again this same life comes into you.

  • @norallaniguez7706
    @norallaniguez7706 Год назад +1

    We only pick and choose the Truth that exalts God the Father and His only begotten Son.

  • @jstrada5077
    @jstrada5077 Год назад +1

    Jhon 16:7

  • @hebrews1313
    @hebrews1313 Год назад

    Do you know of a group of non-trinitarian seventh day Adventist in the Chicago area?

    • @Seventh-dayChurchofRevelation
      @Seventh-dayChurchofRevelation  Год назад +2

      No groups there at this time but there may be a couple of individuals not too far. Contact us at

  • @Winding7005
    @Winding7005 4 месяца назад

    "Satan has a great heart for evil, and is wise only in plotting sin. Ever since his fall, he has been working against God. He has done everything in his power to tear down what God has built. He is the true meaning of the Sabbath. Everything they taught all togather is wrong They built up the tradition(Saturday) and maximized it so that God's Sabbath (Ezk46:3) was hidden from sight (RH1897July). 6)":
    They are not Jews, but a synagogue of Satan. (Revelation 2:9) They say they are a synagogue of Satan, that is, Jews, but they are not... (Revelation 3:9): To avoid following the fables of the Jews and the commandments of those who betray the truth (Titus 1:14)

  • @ksgraham3477
    @ksgraham3477 Год назад

    In latin, words are assigned a male and female value (im not sure about Greek or Aramaic) so, referring to a word using a pronoun, one would use "he" or "she."

  • @alexandersonceltic
    @alexandersonceltic Год назад

    So do adventists not believe in the trinity anymore ?

  • @adrianwinn7120
    @adrianwinn7120 Год назад

    In order to have personality you have to be an intelligent living entity.

  • @josephorenge731
    @josephorenge731 5 месяцев назад

    Leave those founders alone what about you,what is your believe on that

  • @franknilson180
    @franknilson180 Год назад +4

    Part 1 of 5
    Thanks for the presentation. I am not a member of any church because I have realized many years ago that for every different denomination, there are different so-called Truths. In my opinion there is only one Truth as God never changes and will never change. I only studied the bible and did not go into other scriptures as I did not want to waste my time on other documentation whilst the bible has been given to mankind which contains many different writers/author's prophecies/history/true happenings etc which gives us enough information from the beginning of creation right up to the destruction of this world plus a lot of other information about the Godhead, Holy Spirit, creation, etc.
    I also had a huge problem accepting the concept of three beings being one. This is when I started studying Jesus Christ, who He is, where He came from etc. and came to the following conclusion.
    The Bible teaches us that in the beginning there was more than one God.
    Gen 1:26 - And God said, Let Us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.”
    It creates a clear picture here that God instructed to at least one other Creator to assist Him to create man. God communicated with the other Creator/s and said “Let Us make man in our image.”, and God definitely did not speak to Himself. It specifically points to another Creator/s which had the same creation power. The fact that the text refers to “our image”, definitely refers to God and His co-Creator’s image. If there was only one God, He would not have given the instruction to someone else and the Bible would have quoted something like - “And God said, I am going to create man in My image, after My likeness…” .
    The following text indicates to us that in the beginning there were two Gods:-
    Joh 1:1-2 - “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God.”
    Here we see that the Word was with God, therefore two individual entities, and that the Word was also a God, therefore two Gods. The verse also states four other things namely:-
    • the ‘Word was with God’ which means that He (the Word) left God afterwards.
    • the ‘Word was God’ which means that He (the Word) has given up His Godly status and was not a God anymore.
    • It indicates that the ‘Word was in the beginning with God’, before the existence of anything else, and that the Word left God afterwards.
    • It further indicates that the Word that was God, was the same God in the beginning with God, basically a double affirmation of two individual Godly entities at the beginning, and when this text was written it created the image that the Word was no longer with God.
    If the Word did not relinquish His Godly status, the text might have read as follows and could there be said that Jesus was God on this earth:- “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word (IS) God. The same was in the beginning with God.”
    The Word, which was a God, gave up His Godly status and became man or flesh on this earth, and lived among the people.
    Joh 1:14 - “And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.”
    We can accept that the Word that became flesh was Jesus. It is important to note that the Word was a God which then became human. John indicated here that the glory that they beheld was that of “the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.” Jesus must have made quite a unique and exceptional impression on him to make such a statement.
    Paul indicates here that Jesus is the firstborn of every creature.
    Col 1:15 - “Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature.” The Nestle-Aland Greek-English translation quotes “the firstborn of all creation.” which is the more correct translation.
    Three statements are made here:-
    • The first being that Jesus was the firstborn of every creature / all creation, which means that He was the first to see light like a new born baby, which also indicates that He was created by God, His Father. He was thus the first creation of God, before anything else was created such as the angels and cosmos, which included earth, animals and mankind. God did not need a woman to create Jesus as He has the power to create anything out of nothing.
    • The second statement here affirms the fact that God is invisible, a Holy Spiritual being. As Jesus was created by God in His image, it would just be logical to accept that initially Jesus would also have been created as a Holy Spirit, a God, and also being invisible.
    • The third statement that Paul made here was of the Jesus that he knew in person. It says here explicitly that Jesus is the Image of God which means that He was created by God as God wanted Him to be on earth, and not specifically like God self, as He is a Holy Spirit and has no shape or form as man. We believe that Paul referred to Jesus’ perfection i.e. His performance, message and actions and His fleshly image. Everything that Jesus did, created the image that He was perfect in everything that He did, which then also reflected the image and perfection of God the Father.
    God addressed Jesus as God and said Himself that Jesus created the earth and the heavens and that it is the work of His hands.
    Heb 1:8-10 - ”But unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom. Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity; therefore God, even thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows. And, Thou, Lord, in the beginning hast laid the foundation of the earth; and the heavens are the works of thine hands.”
    God addressed His Son as God and anointed Him with oil of gladness because He loved righteousness and hated iniquity. Here we also get indication from God that His Son, in the beginning, before anything else existed, laid the foundation of the earth and that the heavens are the work of His hands. With this information can we definitely accept that Jesus was initially a co-God, that had all the attributes of God ie. invisibility due to His spiritual image and that He created the heavens and the earth which was part of His powers and might that He received from God, and that He knew God personally and that He saw Him. As He had the form of a Spirit and because He was a God could He also be viewed as a Holy Spirit, just as God. Please also note that apart from the fact that God addressed His Son as God, He also mentioned ‘Thy throne’, indicating a separate throne belonging to His Son for ever and ever. This also affirms the fact there were two Godly entities, each one having Their own throne.
    Paul referred to Jesus as being the first begotten into the world which means that Jesus was born or created before He came into this world.
    Heb 1:3-6 - “Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high; being made so much better than the angels, as he hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they. For unto which of the angels said he at any time, Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee? And again, I will be to him a Father, and he shall be to me a Son? And again, when he bringeth in the first begotten into the world, he saith, and let all the angels of God worship him.”
    Paul wrote to the Hebrews and indicated that Jesus as the Son of God, is sitting at the right hand side of God after He came to cleanse man from their sin, and that the angels are to worship Him.
    As many people had already been born and buried before Jesus came to this world, He could not have been the firstborn on this world with His first coming, which leaves us with no choice but to accept the fact that He was the firstborn of every creature, before anything else existed, as quoted in the previous text. The text also mentions that the first begotten was brought into the world which indicates that He already existed before He came to the world. The fact that God referred to Jesus as His Son and first begotten and also said that He will be a Father to Jesus, creates the picture of a newly born baby, which definitely indicates that He was created by God the Father.

    • @nonconformist4802
      @nonconformist4802 Год назад +1

      _I only studied the bible and did not go into other scriptures as I did not want to waste my time_
      YES, you speak the truth here, you only PICK the verses that fits your satanic narrative and DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME TO ACTUALLY READ WHAT THE WORD OF GOD TRULY SAYS.

    • @122.2.1
      @122.2.1 Год назад

      @franknilson I've read that Jesus had his divinity clothed with humanity, still God, but as a man. Reading some of your other comments I was surprised to read that you weren't apart of a denomination. I may not agree with everything you believe, but you surely are a Bible student. God bless you.

    • @franknilson180
      @franknilson180 Год назад

      @@122.2.1 Hi Stacy, you might have read that in some commentary made on internet but nowhere in the bible would you find that Jesus had a 'divine nature clothed with humanity' on earth. If you read through the RCC official catechism you will find in Article 41 that it quotes that there are two natures in Jesus Christ - the nature of God and the nature of man. They also quote that He was really God and really man. If that was the case, Jesus could not have died on the cross, it is as simple as that, as a God cannot die. If Jesus had a deity status on earth, then could satan at the final judgement tell man that Jesus was a hoax as He was a God with humanity and could not die on the cross.
      To avoid this, God sent His Son, Jesus, to this earth as a man, a human being in total, with all the weaknesses, strengths, emotions, His own will, etc and that is why satan tried to deceive Jesus in the desert for 40 days after He was baptized. If Jesus had deity status, satan would not have even tried to deceive Jesus.
      After Jesus died on the cross, He was resurrected by God the Father, and He ascended to heaven and took His seat at the right hand of God, as MAN Mediator, 1 Tim 2:5 "For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus". Maybe that will clarify the deity issue of Jesus on earth.
      The trinity teaching by the RCC, is even a mystery to them, Art 30. They claim that there are three persons in God God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost Art 25. Then in Art 26 it says "these three persons are not three Gods, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, are all one and the same God. Then in Art 27 it says The mystery of the tree Persons in one God is called the mystery of the Blessed Trinity.
      Basically, they claim that if you refer to God the Father, God the Son or God the Holy Ghost, you are referring to God. That is very confusing to say the least.
      The term "God" in Genesis 1 came from the Hebrew word "Elohim" which means GODS or objects of worship. This indicates pluralism which is confirmed with the text when the one God spoke to the other God saying, "Let US create Man." This gels with Joh 1:1 that the Word that was with God, and the Word was God. This indicate that there were definitely two Gods in the beginning and the text indicates that quite clearly.
      What people do not realize is how the term WAS God was used.The Word, who WAS a God, gave up His godliness and deity when He came to earth as MAN and not God-Man or God. The Greek word "Theos" used in Joh 1:1 which is translated as a singular God, which at the time John wrote the text was correct, as the second co-God, Jesus, came to this earth as MAN, giving up His deity and godliness.
      Jesus was totally Man with flesh and blood like any other human being and died on the cross as Man, a human being. Jesus was a God before He became a Man, and so has the Word that WAS with God, left God and Was not with God anymore, and so has the text been written, but there was only one God at the time when the text was written, if it makes any sense to you.
      The Man Jesus Christ confirmed His Man existence in His prayer to God just before He was crucified in Joh 17:5 - “And now, O Father GLORIFY ME WITH THINE OWN SELF WITH THE GLORY I HAD WITH THEE BEFORE THE WORLD WAS." which clearly indicates that Jesus HAD glory and powers before He came to earth and took on the role as Man. At the time of His prayer He had NO GLORY, thus making Him a NO-GOD on this earth.
      When Jesus was with God in heaven before He came to this earth, God addressed Jesus, His Son and co-God, as God, Creator and Lord. Heb 1:8-10 - ”But unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom. Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity; therefore God, even thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows. And, Thou, Lord, in the beginning hast laid the foundation of the earth; and the heavens are the works of thine hands.” God addressed Jesus, His Son as God and anointed Him with oil of gladness because He loved righteousness and hated iniquity.
      Here we also get a clear indication from God that His Son, in the beginning, before anything else existed, laid the foundation of the earth and that the heavens are the work of His hands. In conclusion, in the beginning there were two Gods, Jesus, the Word, being the one who came to this earth as total Man, who gave up His Glory and Godliness, leaving only one God in heaven
      You mentioned that there are certain things that you do not agree with me. Would you be so kind as to give those to me so that we may discuss it.
      The reason that I am not a part of any denomination is that the more denominations I visited, the more differences in theology were dished up on my plate and I decided to leave the churches and start my own bible studies because, I am the one who will one day stand before God to be judged and I will have to answer for myself and the the only one I can then blame is myself where I have defaulted. The bible tells us to search all and keep the good.

    • @122.2.1
      @122.2.1 Год назад

      @@franknilson180 With the differences between our beliefs on Jesus' first advent and you being non-denominational I assumed their would be many difference in our beliefs, but I don't know if that assumption is correct, I haven't talked with you properly to assume that. I am a S.D.A however, so we might not agree on core principles. I don't know what we could discuss, but I did want to ask if you had a group you studied with?

    • @franknilson180
      @franknilson180 Год назад

      @@122.2.1 Hi Stacy, I have made a list of main differences between the churches and if you do a calculation of the number of possibilities that two people would have the same views are less than zero. I know that the SDA accept the trinity teaching but in my studies I have found the trinity teaching to be a false teaching. With regards to the state of the dead, I believe the same as the SDA. I do not believe in re-incarnation. I believe that Jesus will not be on earth during the 1000 year period.
      Some years ago, I decided to read the bible because of all the confusion that I went through regarding many subjects in the bible due to my visits to many different churches in my life, and my starting point was to find out who Jesus, the Holy Spirit and God really is. It was a slow process but well worth every second I did it.
      I am a very slow reader and I lose track very easily and had to read the passages over and over to understand what was said. I started of by reading the New Testament and then the Old Testament and it is amazing how all the things that happened in the New Testament were basically a mirror image of the Old Testament. The prophecies in the Old Testament were fulfilled to the letter in the New Testament.
      I have also learnt a lot from communicating over the internet as I would get many who are either against or for my statements made. I do studies according to the negative statements made against me as I want to make extra sure that I am either right or wrong and I do not want to be wrong.
      Being independent, I can change my views to what is correct and in line with the bible. The crucifixion for instance is another problem I had because the Sabbath was initially also a problem to me. I have discovered that Jesus was crucified on a Wednesday, before the special Sabbath linked to the feast of the unleavened bread and Passover.
      I tend to also use all the texts quoted to get to my answer. If there are any discrepancy, I would question what is said and that is how I get to my answers. I am totally on my own and do not belong to any group and all my studies are done on my own. I do however discuss my findings with friends who would give their opinions in some cases.
      Herewith a copy of my reply to the huge number of denominations and my list of differences plus how I calculated the differences.
      Confusion all starts at satan’s door. He is the master of deception.
      He started with Eve and ever since he is busy all over the world. He uses all methods possible and he still uses most of the churches and their ministers, pastors, bishops, popes etc to spread the lie, by twisting and manipulating the truth from the bible and this will continue until Jesus comes again. This causes lots of division between the people and that is why there are so many different denominations, in fact, my estimate far exceeds the 45000 figure. In my calculation there are only 15 to 16 differences between the churches etc to give us the number of 45,000 denominations.
      If anybody knows binary, used in the computer world, you would realize that there are two possibilities for one difference, for instance, a switch could be either on or off, which equals to two possibilities. If you have two connected switches, with both on/off positions, you end up with 4 possibilities. The moment you add a third connected switch, the number of possibilities would not be 6 but 8. In the first case, the calculation is 2 to the power of 1 switch which equals to 2. The next case the calculation is 2 to the power of 2 switches which equals to 4 and in the last case it would be 2 to the power of 3 switches, which calculates to 8. If the switch is swapped with a teaching, that is the amount of possibilities you will have. So for example if you have 10 different teachings, the number of possibilities are 2 to the power of 10 which equals to 1,024. Where you have 20 different teachings, 2 to the power of 20, and the number of possibilities increases drastically to 1,048,576. So, 15 different teachings, as mentioned above equals to 32,768 and 16 different teachings equals to 65,536 possibilities. If we look at the some of the differences between the churches, you will realize that the possibilities are far worse than the examples I have given above. I will list some of the arguments in my studies.
      1. That the Law of God was nullified with the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
      2. That Jesus was God on earth.
      3. The Trinity teaching that three Gods are one.
      4. That Sunday is the day of the Lord instead of the Sabbath Saturday.
      5. That the feasts of the Old Testament still need to be held.
      6. That the RCC is the first church.
      7. That the RCC is the only church teaching the truth.
      8. That the new covenant replaces the 10 Commandments of God.
      9. That reincarnation will take place at the coming of Jesus Christ.
      10. That people go to purgatory at the time of death.
      11. That you can pray to the dead so that they can be in heaven one day.
      12. That there are spirits in the hades which will reincarnate with their bodies at the coming of Jesus Christ, before and after 1000 years.
      13. That Jesus will be on this earth during the 1000 years.
      14. That Mary is the mother of God and has no sin and that you have to pray through her to God.
      15. That the Messiah is still coming.
      16. That you must pay the church to forgive your sins.
      17. That the church can forgive your old and future sins.
      18. That Jesus existed from eternity.
      19. That Jesus was a prophet on this earth.
      20. That the pope is God on earth.
      21. That the pope has the power to change God’s Laws.
      22. That people may not eat meat.
      23. That Jesus is not necessary when praying to God.
      24. That praying to statues in the church is OK.
      25. That small baptism is OK.
      26. That woman may preach in the church.
      27. That homosexualism and gay marriages are OK.
      28. That praying to the saints is OK.
      29. That the Law of God was just given to the Jews.
      30. That Jesus’ Name is being replaced by all other non-biblical names.
      31. That there was no Law given to Adam and Eve when they were created and the first Law was given to Moses .
      32. That Jesus sinned in this world.
      33. That all of mankind will be saved because they are living under the grace of God.
      34. That man may just believe in God, without doing His Will, and he will be saved.
      35. That Jesus rose from the dead on the Sunday.
      36. That the crucifixion of Jesus took place on the Friday.
      37.That you can keep any day in the week as the sabbath.
      38. That every day in the week should be treated as a sabbath.
      39. Etc. etc. This is for the extras not mentioned above
      2 to the power of 38 calculates to 274,877,906,944 possibilities, so 45,000 is basically a drop in the ocean. The reason why this figure is much lower than the calculated figure is that some churches teaches many of the mentioned differences above which would then basically be seen as one instead of ten or more differences. The only solution is, do your own studies using only the original KJV bible, because in the churches you will not find all the truth. Every minister, pastor, bishop, pope etc. are teaching their churches' doctrines plus their own views, with many deceptions.

  • @adrianwinn7120
    @adrianwinn7120 Год назад

    The Trinity that the early pioneers rejected was the definition of the Trinity given by Roman Catholic

    • @freeinhabitant2422
      @freeinhabitant2422 11 месяцев назад

      Well in that case, you must also think Ellen White was also rejected.

    • @adrianwinn7120
      @adrianwinn7120 10 месяцев назад

      The history bears out the truth of what was rejected by our pioneers especially A.T. Jones, E.J. Waggner and Ellen White. Whenever the Trinity question was presented to the brethren they always began by defining what the R.C. belief was concerning the word "Trinity" and contrasting that with what they believed. Now the reason why the question was asked so much in the 1800's was because the idea of the Godhead, three living beings, or the three heavenly trio was already endorsed and accepted by 7th Day Adventist Movement The issue, therefore, is not the word. The issue is the definition and meaning. The same way I can't find the word Bible in the Sacred Cannon is the same way I can't find the word Trinity but if someone were to ask me to explain and define what the Bible is or means then it is my definition that world render the thing erroneous or true. What is more important is living lives that reflect the character of God. Knowing His Character and form lives that are representatives of the same is what brings eternal life. There will be anti-trinitarians and trinitarians who will be lost. Make sure you find yourself on the side of Christ. @@freeinhabitant2422

  • @brendankane1879
    @brendankane1879 Год назад +1

    Imagine stumbling onto this..
    Should you not say the point you are about to discuss before starting.

  • @jstrada5077
    @jstrada5077 Год назад

    Mark 3:28-30

  • @Genesis-rn5jz
    @Genesis-rn5jz Год назад +2

    Very clever, in defending a deception, without knowing that he himself, the presenter is part of the Omega apostasy. You only presented one verse from the Bible, and a few quotations out of context. I pray for you my brother and for all your followers that have to be following Jesus Christ and not you. Everybody needs to read the Bible by themselves and ask the Holy Spirit to help us to understand what our God wants us to understand, if you are willing to learn, He will show you. "But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you." John 14: 26

  • @JCtheRemedy
    @JCtheRemedy Год назад

    "except for age"? What do you mean by this statement 🤔

      @VIDANEVISUALS Год назад

      He’s saying Christ was created but is still has “godly aspects” completely ridiculous

    • @Seventh-dayChurchofRevelation
      @Seventh-dayChurchofRevelation  Год назад +3

      We do NOT believe that the Son was created. The Bible says that He was “begotten” (1 John 4:9, Psa. 2:7, John 1:14,18, 3:16, 18, Heb.
      “A complete offering has been made; for “God so loved the world, that he gave his only-begotten Son,”-not a son by creation, as were the angels, nor a son by adoption, as is the forgiven sinner, but a Son begotten in the express image of the Father’s person, and in all the brightness of his majesty and glory, one equal with God in authority, dignity, and divine perfection. In him dwelt all the fullness of the Godhead bodily.” ST May 30, 1895
      Notice how the distinction is clearly made between the Son of God and other beings. Not created or adopted, but begotten.
      Also, we do NOT believe that the Son only has “godly aspects”. We believe that He is FULLY DIVINE. Just as his Father.
      “The Son of Man, yet infinitely higher than the angels! Equal with the Father, yet His divinity clothed with humanity, standing at the head of the fallen race, that human beings might be placed on vantage-ground! Possessing eternal riches, yet living the life of a poor man! One with the Father in dignity and power, yet in His humanity tempted in all points like as we are tempted!” ST April 26, 1905
      “God is the Father of Christ; Christ is the Son of God. To Christ has been given an exalted position. He has been made equal with the Father. All the counsels of God are opened to His Son.” CCh 76

    • @JCtheRemedy
      @JCtheRemedy Год назад +1

      Yes this presentation was a bit confusing, while seeking to clean up someone’s else’s mess some debris was left behind. It’s was made clear by the few quotes and texts that Christ is NOT a created being based on the response of the Seventh Day Church of Revelation BUT no clear definition was given on the emphasized words “only begotten”🤔. Perhaps we need to add to the equation a in-depth definition of the word the “INCARNATION” as it relates to Christ to gain more clarity on what the words the “only begotten” really mean.🤔. I request a little aid from the Seventh Day Church of Revelation to provide greater clarity on this vitality important topic to me. Thx 🙏🏽.

    • @JCtheRemedy
      @JCtheRemedy Год назад +1

      @@VIDANEVISUALS interesting observation

      @VIDANEVISUALS Год назад +1

      @@JCtheRemedy I may just have to rewatch it or just stay away so I'm not anymore confused lol. But I really can't complain, I'm not preaching or standing on a pulpit like this man is so I can't really say much. however I agree still need more clarification even with the texts they provided. More care needs to be taken...but again...who am I to request this if I'm not up there trying what he's trying.

  • @naturaltropicalhealth777
    @naturaltropicalhealth777 Год назад +3

    Perfect topic we are getting close to final events🏕🏕🏕🏕🏕

  • @chucksmith4624
    @chucksmith4624 Год назад

    One of the more *bizarre doctrines of Adventism* and Ellen G. White is her claim that The Apostle Paul writing in 2Thessalonians is on one hand making every effort to bring as many Gentiles ( *"all nations"* Rom.1:4) into the Church as possible. At the same time, *the Adventist's* preach PAUL is telling everyone that His own Church which Christ instituted is going to become a great whore in less then 200 years. What people will do to justify themselves.
    In fact, what the Apostle Paul was saying was that the rebellion and persecution of the Church by the Sabbath keepers, was the acts of lawlessness against the authority of the Church, wherein some future date, the rebellion against Christ's duly established Church was going to find it's culmination in some egomaniac so full of himself, that he so try to undermine the authority of the Pope and Church, that he would attack the Church and the Pope to the point he would declare himself God in order to undermine the Pope and the chair of Peter. It is indeed, in the city of Thessalonica that this very thing took place *(Acts 17)*
    5*But the Jews (devout Sabbath keepers) which believed not, *moved with envy, took unto them certain lewd fellows of the baser sort, and gathered a company, and set all the city on an uproar, and assaulted the house of Jason, and sought to bring them out to the people.* (to be killed)
    6 And when they found them not, they drew Jason and certain brethren unto the rulers of the city, crying, These that have turned the world upside down are come hither also;
    7 Whom Jason hath received: and these all do contrary to the decrees of Caesar, saying that there is another king, one Jesus.
    Here you have it, motivated by hate and envy, the fabrication of lies and persecution against the Church by devout Sabbath keepers in the very city to whom 2Thessalonians written.
    Again, to the Thessalonians in 1Thess. 1:14, Paul writes concerning the rebellious Sabbath keepers, *"they MURDERED BOTH CHRIST AND THEIR OWN PROPHETS."* (As Christ also taught in Mt. 23)
    They *"DON'T PLEASE GOD!"*
    And, they are *"CONTRARY TO ALL MEN"!*
    All these same things were taught by Christ in Mt. 23.
    The rebellion and persecution against the Church Christ himself established is well documented in the actions of the Judaizers who vowed they wouldn't eat or sleep until they murdered the Apostle Paul as they did James and later Peter and others. '
    It is the Apostle Paul who wrote these inspired words engraved in scripture for all the world to see in every bible to the Church of Rome in his Epistle called "Romans" : Paul prophesied, *"The God of PEACE will crush Satan under YOUR feet"* *Rom.**16:20* This verse says all you need to know as to whose side people are on. Those who fight the Church of Rome, will be gathered with Satan and be crushed, as promised by the prophetic and inspired words the Apostle Paul, not given over to Satan as the Adventists teach.

    • @amaivevana7937
      @amaivevana7937 Год назад

      The Jews rejected Christ and Christianity, the Romans worked with the Jews until they realised they couldn’t stamp out Christianity and decided to join the church. It was more of a political move where there was no conversion and aspects of pagan worship were introduced into the church. In essence the church was colonised and the Romans now made the rules most of which were not in line with early Christian doctrine. The dark ages show the true reason for taking over the church but thankfully some people preserved the real truth and was revealed by the various reformers during the reformation period. If someone takes over a company and changes the values and mission it’s no longer the same company even if the company name is still the same.

  • @a.lavernefilan1888
    @a.lavernefilan1888 Год назад +1

    YT video, 'The Last Day of Prophecy Pastor Randy Skeete - 2CBN TV' 46:00 - 48:00 'Doctrine of Devil's'.

  • @ksgraham3477
    @ksgraham3477 Год назад +1

    Elohim, maybe like the Royal "we?"

  • @cynthianussbaum3623
    @cynthianussbaum3623 Год назад +2

    Read series B, #7 page 62-63 and get straightened out. You sound like the JWs that came to my door! Be careful how you pick and choose.

    • @Seventh-dayChurchofRevelation
      @Seventh-dayChurchofRevelation  Год назад +6

      Dear Cynthia, Thank you for commenting. The quote that you are referencing is the exact quote I referred to in the presentation. What is printed in EV 615 is not what Ellen White wrote originally. Her own handwriting bears this out. Thomas Akens covers this quote much more thoroughly than I do and he does a fine job. The link to his video is in the description. Blessings to you. "Personality of the Holy Spirit" - Thomas Akensвидео.html

    • @cynthianussbaum3623
      @cynthianussbaum3623 Год назад

      @@Seventh-dayChurchofRevelation I have the series A and B pamplets.

    • @Seventh-dayChurchofRevelation
      @Seventh-dayChurchofRevelation  Год назад +3

      Dear Cynthia, Here is a link to a short paper on why we have arrived at our conclusions. We hope this helps. Testimony-of-MLA

  • @franknilson180
    @franknilson180 Год назад

    Part 2 of 5
    He was thus the first creation of God, before anything else was created such as the angels and cosmos, which included earth, animals and mankind.
    God did not need a woman to create Jesus as He has the power to create anything out of nothing.
    • The second statement here affirms the fact that God is invisible, a Holy Spiritual being.
    As Jesus was created by God in His image, it would just be logical to accept that initially Jesus would also have been created as a Holy Spirit, a God, and also being invisible.
    • The third statement that Paul made here was of the Jesus that he knew in person.
    It says here explicitly that Jesus is the Image of God which means that He was created by God as God wanted Him to be on earth, and not specifically like God self, as He is a Holy Spirit and has no shape or form as man.
    We believe that Paul referred to Jesus’ perfection i.e. His performance, message and actions and His fleshly image.
    Everything that Jesus did, created the image that He was perfect in everything that He did, which then also reflected the image and perfection of God the Father.
    God addressed Jesus as God and said Himself that Jesus created the earth and the heavens and that it is the work of His hands.
    Heb 1:8-10 - ”But unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom. Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity; therefore God, even thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows. And, Thou, Lord, in the beginning hast laid the foundation of the earth; and the heavens are the works of thine hands.”
    God addressed His Son as God and anointed Him with oil of gladness because He loved righteousness and hated iniquity.
    Here we also get indication from God that His Son, in the beginning, before anything else existed, laid the foundation of the earth and that the heavens are the work of His hands.
    With this information can we definitely accept that Jesus was initially a co-God, that had all the attributes of God ie. invisibility due to His spiritual image and that He created the heavens and the earth which was part of His powers and might that He received from God, and that He knew God personally and that He saw Him.
    As He had the form of a Spirit and because He was a God could He also be viewed as a Holy Spirit, just as God.
    Please also note that apart from the fact that God addressed His Son as God, He also mentioned ‘Thy throne’, indicating a separate throne belonging to His Son for ever and ever.
    This also affirms the fact there were two Godly entities, each one having Their own throne.
    Paul referred to Jesus as being the first begotten into the world which means that Jesus was born or created before He came into this world.
    Heb 1:3-6 - “Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high; being made so much better than the angels, as he hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they. For unto which of the angels said he at any time, Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee? And again, I will be to him a Father, and he shall be to me a Son? And again, when he bringeth in the first begotten into the world, he saith, and let all the angels of God worship him.”
    Paul wrote to the Hebrews and indicated that Jesus as the Son of God, is sitting at the right hand side of God after He came to cleanse man from their sin, and that the angels are to worship Him.
    As many people had already been born and buried before Jesus came to this world, He could not have been the firstborn on this world with His first coming, which leaves us with no choice but to accept the fact that He was the firstborn of every creature, before anything else existed, as quoted in the previous text. The text also mentions that the first begotten was brought into the world which indicates that He already existed before He came to the world.
    The fact that God referred to Jesus as His Son and first begotten and also said that He will be a Father to Jesus, creates the picture of a newly born baby, which definitely indicates that He was created by God the Father.

  • @adrianwinn7120
    @adrianwinn7120 Год назад

    That presentation by this pastor is so full or error that it will take a platform outside of RUclips to dismantle it. The way he had twisted the S.O.P is a masterpiece of Satanic delusion.
    Christ is the Logos or logic or Word of God. When did God begin to have that logic? Before or after He created his logic. His presentation is blasphemous error.

  • @barryford1482
    @barryford1482 Год назад

    The early Adventist Church was not a Christian Church because of it's rejection of the Trinity.
    The Adventists have followed other cults as the Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons in the rejection of the Trinity.
    The errors of Arianism was sorted after Arius bishop of Alexandria claimed Jesus was created . This error was sorted at Nicea at the ecumenical council in 325 and further fleshed out at the second ecumenical council at Constantinople in 381 which gave us the Nicene creed.

    • @juliemann2419
      @juliemann2419 Год назад +1

      Where did you get the idea that Adventists/ the Adventist church rejects the Trinity. That simply is not true.

    • @barryford1482
      @barryford1482 Год назад

      @@juliemann2419 I said above the early Adventist church was Arian also some people are saying Adventists teach tri theism which is not the trinity either

    • @statutesofthelord
      @statutesofthelord Год назад

      @@barryford1482 Barry, it sounds like you don't know what Seventh-day Adventists believe.

    • @kerrylucks1700
      @kerrylucks1700 Год назад

      @@barryford1482 If the early Adventist church was Arian then you are talking about the Pioneers. I will be Arian then because the truth was laid down in the first fifty years. I do not believe in the Catholic trinity and neither did Sister White nor the Pioneers.

    • @barryford1482
      @barryford1482 Год назад

      @@kerrylucks1700 That Idea that we shouldn't do anything or believe anything the Catholics did is in error.
      The Catholic Church in 369ad by the Pope Demisus gave us the list of books of the Bible we have today and this was the first time from history we have the completed canon . By the second century we only had Matthew to Hebrews some of the other books were used in some Churches but not in others Revelation was the last book to be accepted because some thought it was not Written by John.
      Kerry I would suggest going down that road is a problem