How to care for a Parrotlet

  • Опубликовано: 13 сен 2024
    Everything you need to know when taking care of your parrotlet.
    -after 4:45 I talk about feather plucking
    Feel free to like, comment, and subscribe.
    & feel free to ask questions
    *Something I did not mention in the video for those of you who are interested is having different types of perches and swings. Parrotlets love swings, and whatever type of bird you have you should always have an assortment of perches (different sizes and material) to prevent sore feet.
    *As I mentioned in the video my cage is bigger, if you are putting 2 birds together you should have a bigger cage (24"x24" is recommended for 1 parrotlet only.) The absolute minimum cage size for 1 parrotlet is 24" long, 16" high, and 14" deep,
    ~My cage is 27.5" H x 21" W x 32" D
    **(This video MOSTLY applies to parrotlets. Cage dimensions are different for different types of birds)**

Комментарии • 106

  • @PittChick27
    @PittChick27 11 лет назад +7

    Thanks for the video. It was really good and not boring at all. But you forgot to meantion one small thing that is important with any bird. TIME; time with your birds can determine whether they will pick up biting habbits and such. 1 1/2- 2 hours a day AT THE LEAST needs to be spent with your bird . If your bird spend too much time alone it will start to bite more aften (and harder if you ask me). Also they will pick up habits of boredom like plucking, SCREAMING, and so on.. GOOD JOB THOUGH!

  • @karenwerthmann850
    @karenwerthmann850 6 лет назад +1

    Thank you! You have been helpful as I am thinking of adopting a bird.

  • @jenica3874
    @jenica3874 10 лет назад +3

    Hi - we just got a parrotlet and have parakeets, lovebirds and cockatiels. Anyway, one of our cockatiels started plucking and thank the Lord, we had the wacky whirly cut drinking straws (if you take 30 or so drinking straws and cut them with a wacky whirly straw cutter and either use a cable tie or twist tie to tie them together in the center and hang them from the tie, they'll hand down like a willow tree) done as stated and he and all the other birds thus far love to bite off pieces and/or go underneath them and preen. Our new parrotlet is doing this as I type. Perhaps your birds would like this as well - it's the best toy of all our little babies. I am constantly making new ones - like I said it's the toy they all seem to like. I hope this helps as it's sad to see plucked birds.

    • @jonhoffman4008
      @jonhoffman4008 9 лет назад +1

      +jen ica Do your parakeet and parrotlet get along well?

  • @pixidust06
    @pixidust06  11 лет назад

    Haha thanks! Zazoo is 7 years now and Javelin is 15 months. I got Javelin at 2 months and caged them separate for about 3 months after I got her, but had their cages next to each other so they could get to know each other. I would recommend teaching your girl tricks to help her bond with you. Even though Javelin's bonded with Zazoo she still has a major soft spot for me and Zazoo gets very jealous! I would suggest more toys to occupy her time before getting a new bird, entertainment is key!

  • @OneElusiveRainbow
    @OneElusiveRainbow 9 лет назад +5

    you clean a cage once a week if you wait longer the birds will get sick once a month is way to long

    • @pixidust06
      @pixidust06  9 лет назад +1

      I clean the tray out once every two weeks if not more, I clean the bars of the cage above the tray about once a month if not more. Which I say in the video.

    • @OneElusiveRainbow
      @OneElusiveRainbow 9 лет назад

      I clean every day

    • @pixidust06
      @pixidust06  9 лет назад +1

      well good :) the cleaner the better!

  • @natefugal2
    @natefugal2 7 лет назад +10

    I know this vid is sooo old but you need to clean out your birds cage every single day... they poop every 15-20 minutes and since you have to you should at least be doing it once every two days, but one is the best option

    • @abcgerbils
      @abcgerbils 5 лет назад +1

      My parrotlet Ditty poops mostly in one spot so I put a cardboard Square under that spot which I can toss every day or few

  • @pixidust06
    @pixidust06  11 лет назад

    He gets fruits and veggies daily. things like broccoli, mango, tomato, sprouts, carrots- are all high in vitamin A and are fed to them. He is a habitual picker and has been plucking for 2 straight years and only off and on this past year sense Javelin came into his life.

  • @oneilwalls2730
    @oneilwalls2730 11 лет назад +1

    maybe he is just getting a bit territorial. does he have a mate? if not then im sure introducing him to one is a good idea but that is only if you really don't get to spend a lot of time with him. parrotlets mate and produce at least 5 eggs so that's a lot of birds to handle. hope this helps :)

  • @FabulousFrostine
    @FabulousFrostine 11 лет назад

    This helped so much. Thanks! I didn't even realize it was in the description, sorry!

  • @anniewhite3091
    @anniewhite3091 10 лет назад +3

    This was very helpful, thank you! =)

  • @alittleparrotletblog9761
    @alittleparrotletblog9761 11 лет назад +1

    I had a feather picker that had a vitamin A deficiency that wasn't caught until it was too late. Ask your avian vet to recommend a supplement or booster and please don't let it wait. For years we thought our bird was bored or had separation anxiety because his picking seemed to be behavioral but his picking continued to worsen until he finally showed other symptoms of Vitamin A deficiency.. Vegetables and fruits high in vitamin A should be given daily.

    • @sandaysunday7997
      @sandaysunday7997 6 лет назад

      A LittleParrotletBlog In all the feeding videos on Parrotlet I've seen, it says that seeds should only be a small portion of their diet. Like no more than 25%? I see mostly birdie hash recipes, fruits, veggies, sprouts, and dried mixes which can be eaten after soaked or left dried, and pellets are what's recommended. I don't think most people realize their diet is to be varied as such.

  • @ParrotletPhoenix
    @ParrotletPhoenix 11 лет назад

    Seeing this video for the first time! woo!! you did amazing! ps: your cage setup is so busy & awesome

  • @mrshootyowl87
    @mrshootyowl87 8 лет назад

    Thanks for the info. I'm getting a little parrotlet, hopefully, shortly. Your birds are so cute by the way.

  • @linat70
    @linat70 11 лет назад

    Love your videos I'm picking up my baby blue parrolet for my daughter he is finally really!! I hope he is as good as ur birds!! :)

    • @user-gu1id9tf6y
      @user-gu1id9tf6y 8 месяцев назад

      Hi! It has alreadu10 years passed. How was your experiment with a parrotlet?

  • @abcgerbils
    @abcgerbils 5 лет назад

    Nice video, they need fresh fruits & veggies every day. I give nuts too. My parrotlet Ditty squwaks when I open the fridge haha.

  • @tararichardson4112
    @tararichardson4112 8 лет назад

    My Parrotlet doesn't mind being petted on the head most of the time if he's in his hut. He bites me and lunges but not all the time in the cage. This Thursday will be two weeks since I've had the mite bag.. I really do love him and can see if he learns to step up and want to be handled so I can carry him around and teach tricks.. He's very smart.. I used a cloth and picked him up yesterday and he calmed down and from there he started letting me scratch his head.. I don't know what to do... I had parakeets they were a nightmare... He's different.. I can see it will be better in the long run just frustrated now... Maybe I should wear a glove like you suggested and then slowly show my hand later once he trusts me a little more... Your babies are so sweet... Bravo on training them...

    • @hedrihennjonas1551
      @hedrihennjonas1551 7 лет назад

      I just saw a lady with 5 tips to stop the biting... maybe worth a look at. I know this is a old post, but maybe you haven't found a solution yet?

    • @abcgerbils
      @abcgerbils 5 лет назад

      I think most boy parrotlet hate hands in or on top of or touching the cage. It is their space to fiercely protect. If I say "Open the door" and "Want to come out" then he uses his beak and claws to climb right onto my hand without biting. Also if I sweet talk him "Tickle, Tickle" "Do you want scratches" he will let me pet him through the bars. But if you just put a finger into the cage, he's gonna give it a bite!

  • @pixidust06
    @pixidust06  11 лет назад

    I got the blue male (Zazoo) from a local pet store owner, and I had the green female (Javelin) along with her brother, Echo (who is a green male and lives with my parents) shipped to me from a breeder in FL.

  • @shaunahagedorn6337
    @shaunahagedorn6337 11 лет назад

    Hi Pixiedust06. Your video is very helpful. My female parrotlet is supposed to be sweet but she is a snarky little Diva. I was thinking of getting her a companion parrotlet since she is not bonding to me. She is 5 months old, healthy, but maybe lonely? Zazu is 7 and Javelin is a few months and they get along well? Did you separate them at first? I did not think your video was boring!

  • @thomashynes4042
    @thomashynes4042 9 лет назад

    My Parotrotlet gets zupreme, fruits and veggies and some seed....hes 9 years old now, owned him since he just got weened.

  • @pixidust06
    @pixidust06  11 лет назад

    For a beginning bird I'd recommend a budgie, but parrotlets are perfect for a condo/appt lifestyle because of their tiny voices. I will message you on getting two at once because there is alot to consider on that matter. lol

  • @alexiscabanas4767
    @alexiscabanas4767 11 лет назад

    My parrotlet bites and she is lovable and I want to be careful with her because I'm getting another parrotlet and I don't want her to bite the other one so yay also my parrotlet plucked all her feathers on her chest so I bought her a lot of toys which I spend about on the 80 s and she was really happy now she is better

  • @hollielouisecooper1778
    @hollielouisecooper1778 11 лет назад

    i think the blue one is feather plucking because the other bonds with you alot more, perhaps the green one also is more dominant over your attention

  • @pixidust06
    @pixidust06  11 лет назад

    It's in the description, but my cage is 27.5" H x 21" W x 32" D
    The minimum cage size recommended for 1 parrotlet is 24" long, 16" high, and 14" deep,
    I recommend getting a cage that is more wide then tall. Because parrotlets tend to stay towards the top of the cage, the bottom tends to become more or less wasted space.
    Good luck on deciding! They are alot of fun! Feel free to ask me anything if you need help/advice!

  • @pixidust06
    @pixidust06  11 лет назад

    It mostly takes trust, It's best to try petting them at night while they are tired. Make sure there isn't too much light so they aren't all wound up and they should be more likely to let you while they are more relaxed. Make sure to praise and give treats/millet when they cooperate! Hope this helps!

  • @JaimieBennettChannel
    @JaimieBennettChannel 10 лет назад

    I have a blue one called Leo, he is adorable x

  • @pixidust06
    @pixidust06  11 лет назад

    Male Parrotlets may learn to talk, it all depends on how young you get him and if you pay him lots of attention and repeat words around him, some however become "closet talkers" or do not talk at all. Female Parrotlets wont/can't talk.
    A low power heat lamp may be a good but make sure it can be used specifically for pet birds.
    My parrotlets like to bathe in a dog bowl (weird i know) but they didnt like their bird bath. Some prefer lettuce baths or being sprayed. It's alot of trial and error.

  • @yesyesjoe
    @yesyesjoe 11 лет назад

    does the cage have to be metal bars or can it be solid wood because i want to make my cage

  • @kskusawa
    @kskusawa 11 лет назад

    After researching parrotlets a bit I'm considering buying two at once, is this a wise choice? I live in a small condo, and this seems like the perfect choice for a condo. I do realize I'm taking on a responsibility since the life span is 20-30 years, but I've been an animal lover my whole life.

  • @ObliviousCrow
    @ObliviousCrow 11 лет назад

    Thank yoooou!~

  • @cheribomzart8415
    @cheribomzart8415 7 лет назад

    I have an adopted blue parrotlet. He grew his feathers back once, was able to fly. Maybe try misting with water more often. Tried coconut oil too. I think the blue ones have a genetic problem. Have seen many blue ones with poor feathers. :(

  • @ObliviousCrow
    @ObliviousCrow 11 лет назад

    How hard is it to teach them to talk? Also, I'm thinking about getting a parrotlet, I've researched about everything. How do your parrotlets prefer to bathe, and my house is a bit cold so I was thinking about getting a low power heat lamp, would you recommend that or no?

  • @pixidust06
    @pixidust06  11 лет назад

    No problem at all :) If you have anymore questions feel free to ask!

  • @adleymadmoni1104
    @adleymadmoni1104 8 лет назад

    I might get a parrotlet so I need a little bit of tips

  • @SpockLover27
    @SpockLover27 11 лет назад +1

    You might want to think of switching out seed for other fresh foods... My Parrotlet was killed by a single seed shell and I'd hate for the same thing to happen to you.

  • @FabulousFrostine
    @FabulousFrostine 11 лет назад

    How big is your cage for them? I'm thinking about getting one and trying to find a good sized cage. :)

  • @SpockLover27
    @SpockLover27 11 лет назад

    The males are louder but yes they are the quietest bird I've ever owned.

  • @pixidust06
    @pixidust06  11 лет назад

    thanks! :)

  • @zmk666666
    @zmk666666 12 лет назад

    ur awesome, thanks :)

  • @pixidust06
    @pixidust06  11 лет назад

    Zazoo (blue) is 6 years old and has been picking out HIS OWN feathers for most of his life. it's a bad habit. Javelin (green) is less then a year old and has actually been a huge contribution to him leaving his feathers alone. Watch some of my other videos before you assume. thank you.

  • @fredrock1082
    @fredrock1082 6 лет назад

    I could use your help my parrotlet is 16 months old and he's been slowly but surely eating less and less of cockatiel bird seed I was told to feed him I bought him from a breeder at 8 months old. And he's been eating and less and less seeds certain time I don't know why. if you could suggest other bird seed that might be offered to him and you know I want to keep your strength up and I've had years ago African grey parrots Blue Front Amazon's and they required vitamins and their water however out of many videos I've watched parallettes no one has ever mentioned about putting vitamins in the water or what kind of vitamins what do you think? Look forward to you replying back to me thank you

  • @SerenaHatgis
    @SerenaHatgis 10 лет назад

    About to get my Parrotlets but I have two parrokeet so can you tell me if is a good pair maybe

  • @valerija3778
    @valerija3778 7 лет назад

    Do your birds live in the same cage? I am quite worried about my parrotlets being in the same cage so I watch them closely everyday

  • @pixidust06
    @pixidust06  11 лет назад

    Aww thanks!! Good luck with your/your daughters new baby!! They are so much fun! Do you plan on posting videos?

  • @valvella1
    @valvella1 11 лет назад

    did u get them both from a breeder?

  • @sharminjahan5483
    @sharminjahan5483 10 лет назад

    i have a pacific green parrotlet

  • @pixidust06
    @pixidust06  11 лет назад

    Personally, I don't think they stink or have an odor, my husband isn't complaining so they must not! lol. I have never needed anything to maintain odor.
    As far as noise, they have a distinctive chirp, but do not screech like other parrot species and are actually considered "apartment approved" because they do not have the vocal capabilities to be so loud as to annoy neighbors. If you would like to know for sure on noise: youtube /watch?v=kQIfObL7ZE0

  • @pixidust06
    @pixidust06  11 лет назад

    they are only as aggressive as you let them be. I have a dog also and neither of my birds care to have anything to do with her. Most parrotlets will take on bigger animals because it is apart of their fearless nature.

  • @thelowvalitonproject
    @thelowvalitonproject 11 лет назад

    It has no front feathers

  • @pixidust06
    @pixidust06  11 лет назад

    haha it's no problem at all :)

  • @christiangregg7844
    @christiangregg7844 11 лет назад

    Are parotlets relatively quiet

  • @lilbluegill89
    @lilbluegill89 10 лет назад

    what do you feed your birds as a main source? besides fruits/veggies?
    also what is a cuttlebone?
    do your parrotlets break skin when biting?

    • @pixidust06
      @pixidust06  9 лет назад

      Roudybush pellets (crumbles or nibbles) along with whole grains/fruits/veggies is the main source of diet. Also give the cockatiel seed as an option but they don't get as much of that. A cuddlebone is an excellent source of calcium and minerals and also helps then keep their beak trimmed and short. A beak overgrowth will not let the bird eat properly and can break off more easily and could easily result in the bird becoming very sick or even dying. Hope this helps!

  • @carmenfebles2046
    @carmenfebles2046 7 лет назад

    when is bedtime fir my paralet

  • @shayanaswamy9576
    @shayanaswamy9576 8 лет назад

    where did you get the cage from?

  • @PittChick27
    @PittChick27 11 лет назад

    Wood cages and birds (Especially large birds) dont mix.. If they are determined enough that they want out, they WILL get out.. Id go with metal.. It isnt too hard to find metal to build your own cage..

  • @kzik13
    @kzik13 11 лет назад +1

    The blue parrotlet looks like my parrotlet accept mine is a female

  • @clintyoung6851
    @clintyoung6851 10 лет назад

    can parrotletts breed with love birds?... they look very similar... are they an actual species of love bird?

    • @pixidust06
      @pixidust06  9 лет назад

      No, parrotlets are a species of their own and can't breed with
      lovebirds. Good question though!

  • @Youseekerofcum
    @Youseekerofcum 10 лет назад +1

    CARDDAYUM!!!!! AH NEVER KNEW THOSE THINGS COULD DO TRICKS, YO!!!! Still...... theyre better off baked in piesss..... i make fresh pastry for those, yo......

  • @miazakky6323
    @miazakky6323 7 лет назад +1

    can parrotlets be kept alone?

    • @charlieruprecht3196
      @charlieruprecht3196 7 лет назад +3

      Mia Zakky yes! you become their "mate," so give a lot of attention.

    • @kidzz_9952
      @kidzz_9952 7 лет назад

      Mia Zakky apparently parrotlets aren't a huge flock birds and they can be somewhat territorial

    • @6luelights2
      @6luelights2 7 лет назад

      they need to

  • @juanitaolvera6066
    @juanitaolvera6066 6 лет назад

    why dose ur bird pluck

  • @thediamondTNTWACHAneedBOI
    @thediamondTNTWACHAneedBOI 5 лет назад

    he's bored that's why he's picking his feathers

  • @SelGomezFan825
    @SelGomezFan825 9 лет назад

    What should you do if your parrotlet bites every time you stick your hand or finger near her? Mine always bit me since the day I got her and I don't know what to do. I want to carry her around and teach her tricks but she doesn't let me, please help.

    • @pixidust06
      @pixidust06  9 лет назад

      Sabrina x How old is your parrotlet? Older parrotlets are harder to start working with. Start by giving her treats and showing her that hands aren't bad. If you need to, wear a glove to start handling her and showing her that you are the boss. She will soon start to realize that biting you wont do any good. After this point if she bites, lightly place your and above them and say "No" in a stern voice, until she calms down. This is the only disciplinary action I use on my birds and it seems to work pretty well. Hope this helps!

    • @SelGomezFan825
      @SelGomezFan825 9 лет назад

      My parrotlet is a year old. I give her treats almost daily but she still bites me. My grandma does that glove thing sometimes but she stills bites her. I think she is scared of others because ,according to the pet shop owner, when she was a baby her brother bit her feet and because of that, she's missing a few toes..

    • @pixidust06
      @pixidust06  9 лет назад

      she might be highly insecure because of that. Also, are her wings clipped? The best time to work with her would be at night in dim lighting - it should make her more relaxed. wear the glove, and use the disciplinary action I mentioned in the previous comment if she bites. Don't give treats if she bites, instead maybe try teaching her tricks and rewarding her that way - its also a great bonding experience. Considering how old she is and what she has been through - it could take a really long time to make her more hand tame. Parrotlet's are stubborn and fearless. I hope this helps... please let me know if you have any more questions or need any more help/

    • @SelGomezFan825
      @SelGomezFan825 9 лет назад

      No her wings aren't clipped. Thank you so much for your help, I will try this soon!

    • @pixidust06
      @pixidust06  9 лет назад

      wing clipping is highly frowned upon by most but in some instances (like my parent's parrotlet) it can really take them down a peg and knock down some of that aggression. If it's necessary and you're feeling despite it might be worth a try. However I've really only seen the aggressive issue with males in this case.

  • @lincolnrichardson1
    @lincolnrichardson1 9 лет назад

    Anyone know where I could get a parrotlet in Washington

    • @pixidust06
      @pixidust06  9 лет назад

      garmerguy Check out BirdBreeders dot com. It's a wonderful site to find breeders all over the US!

    • @patgraham5250
      @patgraham5250 8 лет назад

      Laura did you purchase your parrolette from Terry?

    • @patgraham5250
      @patgraham5250 8 лет назад

      I and one other person talked with Terry ( me only on line)This other person had talked with her on the phone. The one that wanted the bird posted on Craigslist that Terry wouldn't show her the bird she wanted and then completely "ghosted: her, this actually happened to me as well. As soon as I asked to meet the bird (which was way more pricey than any of the other parrotlets I looked at ) She stopped all communications! She told me and this other person the reason she was selling was due to health issues.
      I did get one from a very nice woman in Ravensville Wa. He was also hand fed and at 7 weeks is quite the cuddlier. I don't know anything personally about Terry, she's probably a really nice woman and has nice birds. For what it's worth .....

  • @danab172
    @danab172 10 лет назад

    where do u get your sea grass? thanks :)

    • @pixidust06
      @pixidust06  9 лет назад

      Craft stores or Amazon. It has to be 100% natural though!

  • @bsilver354
    @bsilver354 8 лет назад

    I'd like to kiss the belly of the sweet blue kid (the feather-picking rascal )

  • @davidskeates4811
    @davidskeates4811 10 лет назад

    Where did you get your parrotlet,parrotlets

    • @pixidust06
      @pixidust06  9 лет назад

      I got Zazoo from a local pet store and I got Javelin from a breeder in FL, she was shipped to me.

    • @robertocastillo6350
      @robertocastillo6350 6 лет назад

      Pixidust06 please can you send me her phone number?Im from Florida,west palm beach

  • @pixidust06
    @pixidust06  11 лет назад

    Take it to an avian vet. I am in no way an avian medical specialist. Sorry I cannot be of more help.

  • @Youseekerofcum
    @Youseekerofcum 10 лет назад +2


  • @owenjenkins5369
    @owenjenkins5369 7 лет назад

    i got 2 parrolets today

    • @savgoulis2826
      @savgoulis2826 7 лет назад

      Owen Jenkins . 2 are less likely to want to interact with you.

  • @Btouhy1
    @Btouhy1 4 года назад

    Diet should be 70% fruit veggies and 30% seeds not the opposite.

  • @cheribomzart8415
    @cheribomzart8415 7 лет назад

    Males fight ALOT if kept together. I know you have one of each. Just saying...

  • @mrmee1229
    @mrmee1229 11 лет назад

    My parrotlet just bit the shit outta me.

  • @thelowvalitonproject
    @thelowvalitonproject 11 лет назад

    That's sad

  • @TedWinni
    @TedWinni 9 лет назад

    branded food is useless.. guarantee normal seed from a petshop is just as good if not better

  • @6luelights2
    @6luelights2 7 лет назад

    was this recorded on a nokia or some shit?

  • @abcgerbils
    @abcgerbils 5 лет назад

    Nice video, they need fresh fruits & veggies every day. I give nuts too. My parrotlet Ditty squwaks when I open the fridge haha.