great talk, testing some times are really painful to make because they require a lot of time, but they're necessary in large an maintainable applications. do you make testing in a personal project?
HIi @haroldpepete thanks for watching and for your comment. I do write tests for my personal projects, especially when I am learning something new. Testing personal projects refreshes my memory on how to setup the test environment from scratch again. The only difference when testing a personal vs a professional project is that I don't test all the edge cases so I don't get distracted from what I am practicing. What about you?
great talk, testing some times are really painful to make because they require a lot of time, but they're necessary in large an maintainable applications. do you make testing in a personal project?
HIi @haroldpepete thanks for watching and for your comment. I do write tests for my personal projects, especially when I am learning something new. Testing personal projects refreshes my memory on how to setup the test environment from scratch again. The only difference when testing a personal vs a professional project is that I don't test all the edge cases so I don't get distracted from what I am practicing. What about you?