No one wouldn't notice it until you talk about it. People aren't interested in others as you think. (너가 그거에 대해 말하기 전까지는 아무도 못 알아차릴걸. 사람들 생각보다 그렇게 남한테 관심 없어.) By the time I had noticed that there was something wrong, it was too late to change it. (내가 뭔가 잘못된 걸 발견했을 때는 그걸 바꾸기엔 이미 늦었었다.) I notice that he's been staring at me. But that doesn't mean he has a crush on me, does it? (나도 걔가 나 계속 쳐다보는 거 알고 있어. 근데 그게 걔가 날 좋아한다는 뜻은 아니잖아. 그치?) 팔로우 업 강의 듣고 생각나서 예문 만들어봤는데 여전히 헷갈리는 부분도 맞네요! 조금 더 연습해야겠어요.
1. I (realized, noticed) she was not present at the follow-up lesson yesterday. * 이 경우 처음에 딱 보고 참석못하신 걸 알아차렸다기보다 어느 순간 어 안 계시네 깨달은 경우니까 realize가 맞겠죠? 또다른 예로 선생님이 교실에 들어갔는데 어떤 학생이 결석을 해서 안 보이면 그 땐 notice일까요? 두 개가 헷갈리네요.😂 2. I was always amazed by how she could how I was feeling only by the look on my face each time she saw me. (난 걔가 날 볼 때마다 얼굴만 보고 내 기분이 어떤지 알아채서 놀라곤 했어. ) 어제 아침라이브강의 때 감정은 understand랑 같이 간다고 말씀해주셨네요. 가족들 아침밥 신경쓰다 한 눈 팔았나봐요.T.T 그런데 위의 예문인 경우 know나 tell는 어떨까요? 3. I freaked out when I looked at myself in the mirror. I a big green thing(maybe, 깻잎??) stuck in my teech. I'd been just out and about downtown.ㅜ.ㅜ * In fact I added my comment here yesterday but when I woke up at dawn today, I realized something was wrong with it and that's why I'm here. I must've worked on it even while sleeping.😂
Last night, I was in my room when I suddenly heard some short sounds. After a few minutes, I went to the living room and noticed that some items had been slightly moved. Thanks for this video! 😍
Yesterday, even though it was raining but I decided to take for a walk to the walking path next to the stream. When I got there, I noticed that the water has risen quite a bit.
늘 감사한 마음 가득합니다. 선생님의 업로드에 따라 가려면 더욱 부지런해야겠어요. 많이 부족해 부끄럽지만 참여합니다~(알려주신 3가지 표현으로) 1. Do you notice the weather? 2. These days, I noticed the weather was different. 3. I opened the window and I noticed that the weather got warmer. 😉Fortunately, My husband doesn't notice that I bought new spring clothes.
Notice something 이라고 해도 괜찮긴 해요. 단, 이 말을 들었을 때 가장 먼저 생각나는 생황은 : 같이 뭔가를 찾고 있다거나 '감지'하려고 하는 와중에 한 사람이 "어?!" 라고 깜짝 놀라면서 말을 했을 때 옆에 사람이 "왜? 뭐가 보여?(뭐가 느껴져?)" 이런 느낌일 때 "Why? Do you notice something?" 😀
Any는 없다고 생각하거나 있는지 없는지 자체를 모르는 상태이고 some은 있다고 전제하는 거니까 꼭 긍정은 썸. 부정/의문문은 애니가 아니라 do you have any questions?는 있는지 없는지 모르니까 물어보는거고 누군가 질문이 있는거 같은데 우물쭈물하고 있을땐 있을거라 생각하고 do you have some questions? 하는거랑 비슷한 상황으로 미묘한 차이를 표현할 수 있을거 같아요~
자주 쓰이는 패턴이지만, 내 문장을 만들어 내기가 쉽지 않네요 ㅠㅠ. Everytime when I visit my hometown, I noticed that they opened the new store and also they closed the old one. (항상, 매번이라는 느낌으로 쓰고 싶었고, 항상 새로운 가게들이 생기고 사라진다라고 적고 싶었어요.)
A: Did you notice anything strange about our dog this morning? B: Yeah, I noticed that he didn't look like walking properly. I think we need to take him to the vet. The other day, I set up a blind date for my co- worker. I noticed that as soon as he saw her, he liked her. Looking at my bank account, I immediately noticed that I had been spending too much money lately. When he explained with hesitation what had happened in the school, I noticed he was lying. Thank you always~!!😊
Early in the morning, I looked in the mirror and immediately noticed that my roots had grown out a lot. I hadn't noticed it until that moment because I had always looked in the mirror unconsciously.
red hat 선생님 항상 감사합니다, notice는 n의 힌트를 보고 영상에서 확인하기 전에 잠깐 생각 끝에 맞췄습니다 (영상에서 말하신것 처럼 알아차리다 정도의 느낌으로 알고있었습니다) notice도 감각동사의 느낌이 나는데 feel 로 대체해서 문장을 만들면 어떤 뉘앙스의 차이가 있을까가머리속에 떠 올랐습니다. 예를들면 He might not have noticed (that) she has been interested in him 를 he might not have felt like (that) she has been interested in him 이라고 한다면 어떤 뉘앙스가 될지 상황 문장에 따라 느낌이 다를것 같습니다 (might 영상에서도 문장,상황에 따라 would, could와 뉘앙스 차이가 있을거라고 느꼈습니다) 좋은 영상 항상 감사합니다.
I've noticed something strange about him recently but I didn't notice the real cause. I had asked him if there was anything that made him get concerned or bothered but he just said 'nothing' so I didn't worry about it anymore. But today, I found out what was happening and going on with him actually. 전 강의 영상을 이제 봤는데^^ 벌써 follow-up 까지 진행하셨다고~ I didn't notice anything about it. I'm going to follow up now^^.
Today I had a plan to hang out with some friends in 홍대. We were supossed to meet at about 7. But I was a little late. Anyway actually, It's actually not big deal to be a little late btween us. But I noticed that atmosphere there was not good when I got there. I noticed that they had an argument about the 2022 world cup champion. They are really crazy about the World Cup, as you can predict too easily
notice anything? omg did you get your hair dyed? this blonde really looks good on you! I could never pull off the color this bright! yeah I did :) thanks for noticing!
I immediately noticed anything different when I arrived my hometown. 고향에 도착했을 때 뭔가 달라진 것을 즉시 알아차렸다. she didn’t notice their anniversary repeatably, they broken up in the end. 그들의 기념일을 반복적으로 잃어버려서 그들은 결국 헤어졌다.
Yesterday I took a subway on my way to work. And as soon as I took a seat, I noticed the guy sitting across me was the one who I was set up on a date with. I was freaking out!
I went to pick up my daughter. The shuttle bus came on time and she took off the bus. But when I saw her face I noticed that she wasn't something well ( She was something not well??) When we came back home I checked up her temperature expected she has Fever.
Genius! React like that gets more time to think about what difference is. And the chances get pretty high that you make her smile and get some clue from her.
Can you tell anything different about me 라고 해도 의미는 대충 통할 것 같긴 한데 약간 어색한 감이 있어요. tell 는 구체적인 내용을 물을 때가 더 어울릴 것 같아요. 예를 들어 : - Can you tell what I'm thinking? ( 내가 무슨 생각하는지 알아? ) 😀
-My husband doesn’t usually notice when food is a little off and always makes me a sensitive person. -Did you notice who that was? She’s the one we used to hang out with!
선생님 감사합니다 💗 좀 춥지 않아? Isn't it a little cold? 내가 문을 열어 놓은지 몰랐네. 미안 I didn't notice what keep the window open. Sorry 킴 나이가 35이라더라. Kim said that she is 35 years old 난 킴나이가 그렇게 많은 지 몰랐어. I didn't notice that there were so many kim-ages
After I updated my phone, I noticed that it supports identifying a face while I wearing a mask. I don’t need to lower down my mask anymore to login my phone! It’s really convenient!
The other day, I saw my boss in a while and I noticed she had gotten her hair cut very shortly. So I asked her what happened? She said to me she didn't noticed me too saying that your hair is getting thinner. As soon as I heard that, I was frightened and shocked and tried to find a way to plant hairs. Actually, It's not a real story. JUST KIDDING.
상황설명😁남자친구와 급히 헤어지고 나서, 내 물건이 남아있다는 기억이 떠올랐을때 친구에게 하는 얘기... I don't even know if my stuff is still there. I don't even know if he took them all dumped, or if he just left them there. NO! definitely, he hasn’t noticed that your stuff is still there. 왕초보가 머리 쥐어 짜 봤습니다... 오늘도 수고 많으셨어요....좋은 주말 되세요😄
A: Did you notice that there is some delay of the live streaming? B: oh, is it? No, I didn't A: Yeah, I happened to have some network issues, so I hit the refresh button and I realised there's a delay of one minute. (사내연애를 숨기고 서로 어색하게 행동하던 상황) A: Did you notice anything awkward between Park and Song? B: No, what's going on? A: They are seeing each other and it's been almost 3 months. B: What? ..... Come to think of it, That makes sense. ("그러고 보니 그동안의 일들이 퍼즐 맞춰지듯 이해된다" 라는 느낌으로 썼는데 맞는지 모르겠네요)
p.s.p.s. p.s.p.s. Notice anything? 나 뭐 달라진 거 모르겠어? 없어? : 감지 : notice : "그것을 감지한다"는 뜻이다 : 감지 : 뭔가 달라진 점 : 뭔가 이상해진 점 : 뭔가 눈에 띄는 점 : notice : 항상 그렇게 해석이 되는 것은 아니다 : notice : 파동 상황고맥락 파동 상황고맥락 : 감지하다, 변별하다 =/= 알아차리다 파동 상황고맥락 : 판별하다 : p.s. tell Do you notice anything different about me today? 나 오늘 뭐 달라진 거 없어? Do you notive anything differnet about her today? 걔 오늘 뭐 달라진 거 없어? I don't notice anything different. 난 달라진 거 잘 모르겠는데 Is there something different? ~ Because I don't notice anything 뭐 달라진 게 있어? 난 잘 모르겠는데. I don't notice anything strange. 난 이상한거 잘 모르겠는데 Have you noticed anything strange about Kim lately? 최근에 킴이 좀 이상하다는 거 못 느꼈어? No. I haven't noticed anything strange about Kim lately. 아니. 최근에 킴이 이상하다는 거 못 느꼈는데 I haven't noticed anything at all. 전혀 그런 거 느낀 거 없는데 Q: The menu is a little different. A: Yeah. I noticed that too. 응. 그렇더라 (응. 달라졌더라 / 응. 나도 봤어)
I opened the menu. I took a look at the menu ~ and I (immediately) noticed that the menu was a little different. 메뉴를 열었어요. 메뉴를 살펴보니, 저는 (즉시) 메뉴가 조금 다르다는 것을 알아차렸습니다. Do you notice anything different (about me today) 나 뭐 달라진 거 모르겠어 / 없어? 매우 중요!! I noticed something a little strange. 뭔가 좀 이상하더라고 파동 상황고맥락 : little 파동 상황고맥락 : 뭔가 =/= 약간 Yeah. I noticed that too. 응 그렇더라. (응. 달라졌더라 / 응. 나도 봤어) Today, I noticed that my boss was in a good mood. 오늘 상사가 기분이 좋은 것 같더라고. I noticed that my boss wasn't in a very good mood today. 오늘 내 상사의 기분이 별로 좋지 않은 것 같았습니다. 매우 중요!! She said the chicken tasted a little funny, ~ but I didn't notice anything strange. 그녀는 닭에서 이상한 맛이 난독 했는데 난 이상한 거 모르겠더라고. 무질서 상황고맥락 : funny 무질서 상황고맥락 : 이상한 =/= 웃긴
(예문1) A: I am going to tell my boss about the decision recently made by the company later today. I cannot understand what made the company decide that kind of funny thing. It really looks unfair. B: Yeah, it does look nonsensical. But, you know what? I noticed that she wasn’t in a good mood. If I were you, I would discuss it with her tomorrow. (예문2) A: Try this. This chicken tastes a little funny. What the heck happened to ABC chicken? B: Is there something strange? I don't notice anything. A: No offense, but you must not be fully recovered yet from COVID 19. Its taste really sucks.
notice 에 대해서 몇몇 분들이 남겨주신 질문과 응용문들에 대한 1차적인 follow-up 을 오늘 아침에 실시간으로 잠시 진행했습니다.
링크 :видео.html
I've just noticed that you uploaded another video! thx!
Don't i look different 2day?
I don't recognize it.
선생님 수업의 최대강점은
문법책에서도 중고등학교교과서에서도 배울수 없는 , 한국인들이 느낄수 없는 작은 늬앙스의 차이들을 콕 찝어주신다는겁니다 ㆍ
정말 고맙고 멋진 선생님이십니다
notice로 이렇게나 재밌게 이야기를 풀어간다는게 감동
I will see the changes, but others may not notice. (헤어스타일을 바꾼 후) 나는 알아보지만 남들은 잘 못알아볼거야. 라는 말을 하고 싶을때 이렇게 쓰라고 오늘 미국쌤 알려준 표현인데, 바로 복습해주시네요. 감사합니다.😀
생유 고마워요
notice 기억의 저 먼 곳에서 가까이 다가오게 만들어 주심에 감사드립니다
이 강의 넘 좋아요. 문장을 하나씩 확대 늘려가는 이 방법 너무 좋습니다.
영어공부를 하는게 아니라 말(언어)을 배우고 있다는걸 느낍니다 항상 감사합니다~~~
선생님. 탱큐
No one wouldn't notice it until you talk about it. People aren't interested in others as you think.
(너가 그거에 대해 말하기 전까지는 아무도 못 알아차릴걸. 사람들 생각보다 그렇게 남한테 관심 없어.)
By the time I had noticed that there was something wrong, it was too late to change it.
(내가 뭔가 잘못된 걸 발견했을 때는 그걸 바꾸기엔 이미 늦었었다.)
I notice that he's been staring at me. But that doesn't mean he has a crush on me, does it?
(나도 걔가 나 계속 쳐다보는 거 알고 있어. 근데 그게 걔가 날 좋아한다는 뜻은 아니잖아. 그치?)
팔로우 업 강의 듣고 생각나서 예문 만들어봤는데 여전히 헷갈리는 부분도 맞네요! 조금 더 연습해야겠어요.
today, when my kids came home. I noticed that they were very hungry. So I cooked in a hurry.
집에오면 항상 배고픈 우리 아이들😂
선생님께서는 어쩜그렇게도 직역 의역 을 잘해 주시는지 깜짝 깜짝 놀라게되네요 정말 감사합니다
1. I (realized, noticed) she was not present at the follow-up lesson yesterday.
* 이 경우 처음에 딱 보고 참석못하신 걸 알아차렸다기보다 어느 순간 어 안 계시네 깨달은 경우니까 realize가 맞겠죠? 또다른 예로 선생님이 교실에 들어갔는데 어떤 학생이 결석을 해서 안 보이면 그 땐 notice일까요? 두 개가 헷갈리네요.😂
2. I was always amazed by how she could how I was feeling only by the look on my face each time she saw me.
(난 걔가 날 볼 때마다 얼굴만 보고 내 기분이 어떤지 알아채서 놀라곤 했어. )
어제 아침라이브강의 때 감정은 understand랑 같이 간다고 말씀해주셨네요. 가족들 아침밥 신경쓰다 한 눈 팔았나봐요.T.T 그런데 위의 예문인 경우 know나 tell는 어떨까요?
3. I freaked out when I looked at myself in the mirror. I a big green thing(maybe, 깻잎??) stuck in my teech. I'd been just out and about downtown.ㅜ.ㅜ
* In fact I added my comment here yesterday but when I woke up at dawn today, I realized something was wrong with it and that's why I'm here. I must've worked on it even while sleeping.😂
Last night, I was in my room when I suddenly heard some short sounds. After a few minutes, I went to the living room and noticed that some items had been slightly moved.
Thanks for this video! 😍
주말 잘 보내세요. 열심히 문장 만들게요^^😅
🥸 오늘도 한수 배우고 갑니돠
Thank you, I have come to use "notice" properly.
다른 영상에서 notice 와 notification 의 차이를 다뤘는데 여기서 나오니 금방 알겠네요
I noticed that i love my mom always and i want to be happy together. I love you guys. Thank you❤
I felt something different when watching the video the other day. In a minute I noticed that You wore a black cap!
미국인이 쓰는 영어 와 뉘앙스표현이 너무 너무 좋네요 꾸뻑 꾸뻑 !!!!!!
Yesterday, even though it was raining but I decided to take for a walk to the walking path next to the stream. When I got there, I noticed that the water has risen quite a bit.
감사합니다. 노리스 잘 배웠습니다....
우와 감사해요!
I notice that I'm grateful anything
늘 감사한 마음 가득합니다. 선생님의 업로드에 따라 가려면 더욱 부지런해야겠어요.
많이 부족해 부끄럽지만 참여합니다~(알려주신 3가지 표현으로)
1. Do you notice the weather?
2. These days, I noticed the weather was different.
3. I opened the window and I noticed that the weather got warmer.
😉Fortunately, My husband doesn't notice that I bought new spring clothes.
14:01~She said the chicken tasted a little funny ,but I didn't notice anything strange.
쌤~ 감사해요~ 오늘도요~~
i notice that this class is very useful
i noticed your cap labeled different
Notice는 맞췄어요! You notice something? 인가 했더니 anything이네요. 쌤 표정 너무 귀여우세요😊 오늘도 영상 감사합니다!
Notice something 이라고 해도 괜찮긴 해요. 단, 이 말을 들었을 때 가장 먼저 생각나는 생황은 :
같이 뭔가를 찾고 있다거나 '감지'하려고 하는 와중에 한 사람이 "어?!" 라고 깜짝 놀라면서 말을 했을 때
옆에 사람이 "왜? 뭐가 보여?(뭐가 느껴져?)" 이런 느낌일 때 "Why? Do you notice something?" 😀
Any는 없다고 생각하거나 있는지 없는지 자체를 모르는 상태이고 some은 있다고 전제하는 거니까 꼭 긍정은 썸. 부정/의문문은 애니가 아니라 do you have any questions?는 있는지 없는지 모르니까 물어보는거고 누군가 질문이 있는거 같은데 우물쭈물하고 있을땐 있을거라 생각하고 do you have some questions? 하는거랑 비슷한 상황으로 미묘한 차이를 표현할 수 있을거 같아요~
감사합니다 😊
감지하다 알아채다. 고맙습니다!
강의 잘 들었습니다~~!
자주 쓰이는 패턴이지만, 내 문장을 만들어 내기가 쉽지 않네요 ㅠㅠ.
Everytime when I visit my hometown, I noticed that they opened the new store and also they closed the old one.
(항상, 매번이라는 느낌으로 쓰고 싶었고, 항상 새로운 가게들이 생기고 사라진다라고 적고 싶었어요.)
좋은 강의 감사드립니다.
A: Did you notice anything strange about our dog this morning?
B: Yeah, I noticed that he didn't look like walking properly. I think we need to take him to the vet.
The other day, I set up a blind date for my co- worker. I noticed that as soon as he saw her, he liked her.
Looking at my bank account, I immediately noticed that I had been spending too much money lately.
When he explained with hesitation what had happened in the school, I noticed he was lying.
Thank you always~!!😊
Early in the morning, I looked in the mirror and immediately noticed that my roots had grown out a lot. I hadn't noticed it until that moment because I had always looked in the mirror unconsciously.
red hat 선생님 항상 감사합니다, notice는 n의 힌트를 보고 영상에서 확인하기 전에 잠깐 생각 끝에 맞췄습니다 (영상에서 말하신것 처럼 알아차리다 정도의 느낌으로 알고있었습니다) notice도 감각동사의 느낌이 나는데 feel 로 대체해서 문장을 만들면 어떤 뉘앙스의 차이가 있을까가머리속에 떠 올랐습니다. 예를들면 He might not have noticed (that) she has been interested in him 를 he might not have felt like (that) she has been interested in him 이라고 한다면 어떤 뉘앙스가 될지 상황 문장에 따라 느낌이 다를것 같습니다 (might 영상에서도 문장,상황에 따라 would, could와 뉘앙스 차이가 있을거라고 느꼈습니다) 좋은 영상 항상 감사합니다.
오... 이 시간에 새로운 영상 오랜만이예요.. 영상 시작 질문 보면서..figure out이 먼저 떠올랐는데..역시 샘은 늬앙스 천재..일단 댓글 남기고 영상 끝까지 보고 올게요..
조아조아 notice 기억하자고!! 해보쟈고!! 써먹어보쟈고!!
When I entered the room, I immediately noticed that he wanted to tell me something important.
늦은 시간에도 이렇게 유용한 표현들을 알려 주셔서 감사합니다. 밤 샘 하시는 건 아니시죠?
Not tonight 😀
I hope you have a great rest of your evening today and for the rest of the weekend. I hope I can see you guys soon.
I noticed that your speaking isn't bored. 이렇게 써도 되요?
완전 유용한 일상적인 표현!! 너무 감사합니다 선생님❤️❤️
I've noticed that this video is very helpful to me
가려운 곳을 싹싹 긁어 주듯 어쩜 이렇게 시원하게 설명을 해주시는지!😆
라이팅 좋네요 네온싸인은 맞는 표현인가요?
neon sign 이라고 하긴 하는데 보통 간판에 대해서 말할 때 쓰는 말인 것 같아요. 제가 설치한 조명 정도는 그냥 led lights 😀
맞아요.. 초보자인 저는 notice를 알아도 I don't know exactly. 가 먼저 나왔어요. ;;
I've noticed something strange about him recently but I didn't notice the real cause. I had asked him if there was anything that made him get concerned or bothered but he just said 'nothing' so I didn't worry about it anymore. But today, I found out what was happening and going on with him actually.
전 강의 영상을 이제 봤는데^^ 벌써 follow-up 까지 진행하셨다고~
I didn't notice anything about it. I'm going to follow up now^^.
Today I had a plan to hang out with some friends in 홍대.
We were supossed to meet at about 7.
But I was a little late.
Anyway actually, It's actually not big deal to be a little late btween us.
But I noticed that atmosphere there was not good when I got there.
I noticed that they had an argument about the 2022 world cup champion.
They are really crazy about the World Cup, as you can predict too easily
i noticed that ~
와 이게 2년전이였군여.... 이걸 지금 보다니... 영어를 헛으로했네.
아....... 저같은분 없나요?ㅠㅠ nothing different?라고 생각했는데 흐규
She said that the meeting went well, but I noticed that I said something wrong.
감지... notice...
I was just about to get in my car this morning and I noticed that my car had some scratches on the front door. I really flipped out.
I didn't notice that she was upset.
notice anything?
omg did you get your hair dyed? this blonde really looks good on you! I could never pull off the color this bright!
yeah I did :) thanks for noticing!
I immediately noticed anything different when I arrived my hometown.
고향에 도착했을 때 뭔가 달라진 것을 즉시 알아차렸다.
she didn’t notice their anniversary repeatably, they broken up in the end.
그들의 기념일을 반복적으로 잃어버려서 그들은 결국 헤어졌다.
안녕하세요 선생님 좋은 강의 항상 감사합니다!
영상의 예문에서 Notice 대신 tell(구별하다)로 변경이 가능한가요??
ex) I don't tell the difference.
Yesterday I took a subway on my way to work. And as soon as I took a seat, I noticed the guy sitting across me was the one who I was set up on a date with. I was freaking out!
I arrived at home and i noticed that the air conditioner wasn't turned off...
집에 도착 했는데 에어컨이 꺼져 있지 않더라고...
I went to pick up my daughter. The shuttle bus came on time and she took off the bus. But when I saw her face I noticed that she wasn't something well ( She was something not well??)
When we came back home I checked up her temperature
expected she has Fever.
I didn’t notice you before you said hello to me
고맙습니다. 선생님♡♡
I noticed that my boss was in a good mood today.에서 회화체에서는 that을 생략 가능한가요?
I met my younger sister yesterday. I notice that she wasn't a very good mood that day so I said what's wrong with you? she said she got dumped.
길게 말힐 필요도 없음. 여친 내 눈을 보고 입에서 honey, look 하면 바로 you are always perfect 튀어나와야함 ㅋㅋ
그렇긴한데, ...ㅋㅋ
여자들은 변화에 대한 구체적인 칭찬을 원해요.:))
Genius! React like that gets more time to think about what difference is. And the chances get pretty high that you make her smile and get some clue from her.
Do you notice anything different about this sushi platter?
Yeah, I noticed that the platter is phenomenon and beautiful decorate.
Tell이랑 see도 생각이 나는데요 Can you tell anything different about me? Can you see what's changed about me?
Can you tell anything different about me 라고 해도 의미는 대충 통할 것 같긴 한데 약간 어색한 감이 있어요. tell 는 구체적인 내용을 물을 때가 더 어울릴 것 같아요. 예를 들어 :
- Can you tell what I'm thinking? ( 내가 무슨 생각하는지 알아? ) 😀
Have you noticed anything a leak in the drain? No, I haven’t noticed yet.
완전히 굿모닝 팝스 아저씨가 다음 세대 사람으로 바통을 이어받은 듯 대단한 그가 나타났다. 빨모
랑 다른 건가요 ?
-My husband doesn’t usually notice when food is a little off and always makes me a sensitive person.
-Did you notice who that was? She’s the one we used to hang out with!
I never noticed that my daughter was so angry with me after cleaning her desk.
I noticed that my Monstera had a new leaf
I always want my husband to notice any little differences on me like make-up, hairstyle, etc., but he hardly notices what is different :(
선생님 감사합니다 💗
좀 춥지 않아?
Isn't it a little cold?
내가 문을 열어 놓은지 몰랐네. 미안
I didn't notice what keep the window open. Sorry
킴 나이가 35이라더라.
Kim said that she is 35 years old
난 킴나이가 그렇게 많은 지 몰랐어.
I didn't notice that there were so many kim-ages
Kim is much older than I think.
I usually notice when someone is different)
After I updated my phone, I noticed that it supports identifying a face while I wearing a mask. I don’t need to lower down my mask anymore to login my phone! It’s really convenient!
The other day, I saw my boss in a while and I noticed she had gotten her hair cut very shortly. So I asked her what happened?
She said to me she didn't noticed me too saying that your hair is getting thinner. As soon as I heard that, I was frightened and shocked and tried to find a way to plant hairs.
Actually, It's not a real story. JUST KIDDING.
Isn't there anything get me changed
상황설명😁남자친구와 급히 헤어지고 나서, 내 물건이 남아있다는 기억이 떠올랐을때 친구에게 하는 얘기...
I don't even know if my stuff is still there.
I don't even know if he took them all dumped, or if he just left them there.
definitely, he hasn’t noticed that
your stuff is still there.
왕초보가 머리 쥐어 짜 봤습니다...
오늘도 수고 많으셨어요....좋은 주말 되세요😄
처음에 보고는
Didn't I changed something?
Can you tell some different on me?
한국식으로 하기도 하다가
힌트 N 보고는 Nothing changed?
다 없었..
Catch는 안되나요? 전 catch가 젤 먼저 떠오르네요 ㅜ.ㅜ
He is tactless.
He is oblivious.
그사람 눈치가 좀없어!
사전에 이렇게 나오는데,,
notice 이용한표현은 어떻게 하나요?
in a while & for a while
차이점 설명부탁드립니다.
I did my nails but no one of my family noticed at all, so I was a liitle bit disappoionted.
A: Did you notice that there is some delay of the live streaming?
B: oh, is it? No, I didn't
A: Yeah, I happened to have some network issues, so I hit the refresh button and I realised there's a delay of one minute.
(사내연애를 숨기고 서로 어색하게 행동하던 상황)
A: Did you notice anything awkward between Park and Song?
B: No, what's going on?
A: They are seeing each other and it's been almost 3 months.
B: What? ..... Come to think of it, That makes sense.
("그러고 보니 그동안의 일들이 퍼즐 맞춰지듯 이해된다" 라는 느낌으로 썼는데 맞는지 모르겠네요)
?? 추가 내용 ??
Notice anything?
나 뭐 달라진 거 모르겠어? 없어?
: 감지 : notice : "그것을 감지한다"는 뜻이다
: 감지 : 뭔가 달라진 점 : 뭔가 이상해진 점 : 뭔가 눈에 띄는 점
: notice : 항상 그렇게 해석이 되는 것은 아니다
: notice : 파동 상황고맥락
파동 상황고맥락 : 감지하다, 변별하다 =/= 알아차리다
파동 상황고맥락 : 판별하다 : p.s. tell
Do you notice anything different about me today?
나 오늘 뭐 달라진 거 없어?
Do you notive anything differnet about her today?
걔 오늘 뭐 달라진 거 없어?
I don't notice anything different.
난 달라진 거 잘 모르겠는데
Is there something different?
~ Because I don't notice anything
뭐 달라진 게 있어? 난 잘 모르겠는데.
I don't notice anything strange.
난 이상한거 잘 모르겠는데
Have you noticed anything strange about Kim lately?
최근에 킴이 좀 이상하다는 거 못 느꼈어?
No. I haven't noticed anything strange about Kim lately.
아니. 최근에 킴이 이상하다는 거 못 느꼈는데
I haven't noticed anything at all.
전혀 그런 거 느낀 거 없는데
Q: The menu is a little different.
A: Yeah. I noticed that too.
응. 그렇더라 (응. 달라졌더라 / 응. 나도 봤어)
I opened the menu.
I took a look at the menu
~ and I (immediately) noticed that the menu was a little different.
메뉴를 열었어요.
메뉴를 살펴보니, 저는 (즉시) 메뉴가 조금 다르다는 것을 알아차렸습니다.
Do you notice anything different (about me today)
나 뭐 달라진 거 모르겠어 / 없어?
매우 중요!!
I noticed something a little strange.
뭔가 좀 이상하더라고
파동 상황고맥락 : little
파동 상황고맥락 : 뭔가 =/= 약간
Yeah. I noticed that too.
응 그렇더라. (응. 달라졌더라 / 응. 나도 봤어)
Today, I noticed that my boss was in a good mood.
오늘 상사가 기분이 좋은 것 같더라고.
I noticed that my boss wasn't in a very good mood today.
오늘 내 상사의 기분이 별로 좋지 않은 것 같았습니다.
매우 중요!!
She said the chicken tasted a little funny,
~ but I didn't notice anything strange.
그녀는 닭에서 이상한 맛이 난독 했는데 난 이상한 거 모르겠더라고.
무질서 상황고맥락 : funny
무질서 상황고맥락 : 이상한 =/= 웃긴
Notice anything? 에 대한 정답은 You lost weight?!!
At the first time, I didn't notice that how my dog had changed
맞나요? 😅
머리자른후 물었을때 Do you notice anything different about me?
상대방이 응 머리잘랐네! 대답할때
I noticed that you got a hair cut.이라고 하면될까요? 일반적인답이 궁금합니다^^.
don't I look different?
A: I am going to tell my boss about the decision recently made by the company later today. I cannot understand what made the company decide that kind of funny thing. It really looks unfair.
B: Yeah, it does look nonsensical. But, you know what? I noticed that she wasn’t in a good mood. If I were you, I would discuss it with her tomorrow.
A: Try this. This chicken tastes a little funny. What the heck happened to ABC chicken?
B: Is there something strange? I don't notice anything.
A: No offense, but you must not be fully recovered yet from COVID 19. Its taste really sucks.
콘텐츠들이 너무 좋아서 영상보고 공부중인데 이 영상에서 lately가 나왔는데
최근에, 요새라는 뜻의 lately , recently의 미묘한 차이점을 알고싶은데 업로드된 영상이 있다면 알려주시면 고맙겠습니다