It doesn't work the videos it generates are only a few seconds long? I'm guessing to make a full video. You would have to have the professional plan which is going to cost a lot of money
In this case would you label it as made for kids or not made for kids even though it’s a cartoon?Would labeling it not made for kids be better since the algorithm might boost it to a larger audience??❤
i don't think adults are interested in watching this. i'd rather label it as "made for kids" so the algorithm sends it to the correct audience which is "kids". if you label it as "not for kids" the algorithm will send it to teenagers who are into memes and twitch streamers. nobody will watch it
@ what about your other channel you uploaded a few days ago that showed how to animate the character by the campfire. Would that style also be considered made for kids ? Or would that be more for teens and adults to listen to while trying to fall asleep?
Good luck to all small youtubers
Proud of you mate!
You read my mind😂 with this video...good luck!
Wow amazing video! Very interesting! Good look my fellow small channels! I wish you all the best of luck! May we grow and succeed our goals!
Bro that's amazing man 🎉🎉
Imagine how AI is really powerful
Good video bro🚀What camera did you use for this video?
such an inspiring for small channel
It doesn't work the videos it generates are only a few seconds long? I'm guessing to make a full video. You would have to have the professional plan which is going to cost a lot of money
Every Image to Video Ai Website generates only 5 to 10 seconds of video. You have to generate multiple videos and put them together as a story.
In this case would you label it as made for kids or not made for kids even though it’s a cartoon?Would labeling it not made for kids be better since the algorithm might boost it to a larger audience??❤
i don't think adults are interested in watching this. i'd rather label it as "made for kids" so the algorithm sends it to the correct audience which is "kids". if you label it as "not for kids" the algorithm will send it to teenagers who are into memes and twitch streamers. nobody will watch it
@ what about your other channel you uploaded a few days ago that showed how to animate the character by the campfire. Would that style also be considered made for kids ? Or would that be more for teens and adults to listen to while trying to fall asleep?
that one is "not made for kids"
@@dannywhyfinance awesome thank you for the fast reply bro your a life saver
thanks brother can you show more free website
You can't compare to Cocomelon haha they are huge
Besides the RPM being ridiculous, to make real money in the kid's niche you need many millions of views every single month.
@quizshow_oficial you need millions of view on all view really lol
No prompt no like
This clips is only 13 sec long, for me!
too many steps to many platforms to use