  • Опубликовано: 19 сен 2012

Комментарии • 184

  • @homesteadprepper
    @homesteadprepper 11 лет назад +1

    Social engineering at its finest! The true kings of this world could not be happier with themselves. The next 5-10-20yrs. should prove to be very interesting.

  • @Ladyshystar
    @Ladyshystar 11 лет назад

    Hats off to you for having the strength to turn the other cheek. A major PROBLEM is that many children haven't been "Raised". It's like they were hatched and left to run the yard and establish their own pecking order. I think that many of them lash out because they have no direction and no control over their own lives unless they are being the "TUFF" guy stepping on others to raise themselves up. Thanks for sharing your experience. I think that we have all had these moments.

  • @katiatomsk
    @katiatomsk 11 лет назад

    I see men surprised when I say, "Thank you sir". I feel it is my duty to say it very distinctively so they are encouraged to continue to be real men. Because after all, "REAL MEN" are cherisher and protectors of humanity. And it brightens my day when I encounter a “real man” so “Thank you sir”.

  • @98shon98
    @98shon98 11 лет назад

    Its so true. This country has gone down hill & its becoming worse & at a faster pace. When I was in school (public school), we started the day with the Pledge of Allegiance & The Lord's Prayer. If we were bad, we were paddled in school, then we got it from our parents when we got home. If we acted up around any adult, we were disciplined by that adult, as well as our parents when we got home. I know there were bad kids when I grew up, but they weren't as prevalent as they are now.

  • @manofreedom
    @manofreedom 11 лет назад

    I'm an ER doctor and I have to deal with these kids on a daily basis so I know exactly what you mean. There is only a hand full of teens out there and young people who get it. I'm sick of having to call the police to the ER to pick up rowdy kids that have no respect for anybody but themselves and think they are owed everything. Just wait until these kids are grown and have kids. We ain't seen nothin yet.

  • @bassdude1118
    @bassdude1118 11 лет назад

    As someone from born in the same generation with the "punk/gangsta" wannabee's you described I quickly feel the country I love becoming unrecognizable. I feel your pain.

  • @BadWolf8333
    @BadWolf8333 11 лет назад

    Not just in America. My job takes me into some of the worst housing projects in Toronto Canada. All I see are gangster wannabes. Same story all the time. Low income + no education. Parents sitting in front of the TV watching Jerry Springer and kids are unsupervised. The parents should be held accountable for any crimes commited by their kids.

  • @fishndoc11
    @fishndoc11 11 лет назад

    Don’t give up, please. If the good people give up America is truly doomed. I look at my son who just went off to basic training to serve his country and fight for respect the old fashioned way and I see a glimmer of hope for the future. I hope and believe there are enough like him to turn it around.

  • @artierodriguez8334
    @artierodriguez8334 11 лет назад

    Not just broken promises, but to hold them accountable for their lack of compliance in changing what needs to be changed. Dunno how to do it, but we need someone to lead the way. It's not up to a President to do this, it's obvious any & all Presidents in recent history don't care. This has been coming for a few decades now, we need to stop this self serving attitude and start going back to family & education and building back our country through jobs and self dignity and pride.

  • @scotschoor
    @scotschoor 11 лет назад

    100% agree with all of it. That generation isn't all bad, but there sure are a lot of disrespectful ones out there. Our current regime promotes that sort of behavior.

  • @CharlieDelta127
    @CharlieDelta127 11 лет назад

    Fubar, as a college student I see shit like this on a daily basis. I am a young adult that falls into the 18-25 year old range. I see my peers act this way daily. Disrespect for everything and anything. Here at my college a student recently was arrested for headbutting a police officer. Perfect example of no respect, or morals. Very little pride, and honor.... Love the videos keep up the good work.

  • @garrett79799
    @garrett79799 11 лет назад

    As a 16 year old it is very upsetting to listen how these kids act to a adult.

  • @gregs56
    @gregs56 11 лет назад

    Amen Bro, I feel your pain...
    Scripture tells us it is going down, its on the fast track now!
    Our thing now is just get saved and hold on because its gonna be a rough ride till we are caught out if here...1 Thess 4:16-17

  • @pughmecdoc
    @pughmecdoc 11 лет назад

    They call it a right to make mistakes while exploring their world while growing up.. but the parents don't want to be responsible for these monsters actions.

  • @PreparednessToday
    @PreparednessToday 11 лет назад

    I understand where you're coming from, sir. Granted, I'm one of those "younger" guys, I'm 31 and live out in the country. On my block there are only two houses. I'm pulling out of the driveway one afternoon, give my neighborly courtesy wave to my neighbors kids and what do I get? The middle finger and my truck spit on. I just don't understand today's society at times. Stay safe, sir.

  • @artierodriguez8334
    @artierodriguez8334 11 лет назад

    I completely agree with you on this Sir. It is unfortunate that this happens, and the majority of this is all in the name of making some rich folk even richer. All these CEO's of TV stations and other corporations that put profits above all and the politicians that favor this. I'd like to see us (you & I & others) that feel so strongly against this, get together and start to show our discuss and demand change.

  • @paintballpro269
    @paintballpro269 11 лет назад

    Im a young man at 21 and i try my hardest to live up to the expectations of my parents and myself. i try my best to be a roll model for younger kids i volunteer in my community and i see the filth that kids are turning into and something needs to be done about it and i feel that it falls on the parents they need to teach there children about respect bottom line treat others as you wish to be treated and if you cant do that then i dont see this great country getting better

  • @HeadshotSlim
    @HeadshotSlim 11 лет назад

    At 25 years old I agree that my generation has a total lack of respect for anyone but themselves. The truly sad thing is that the next generation is not any better. We really need the bottom to fall out to thin the heard. Maybe if SHTF it would be better on the other side of it. We can only hope. If not we are truly screwed.

  • @Hershal13
    @Hershal13 11 лет назад

    Now days the kids don't even have respect for their parents, forget about other people. Parents more busy in their things they don't spend enough time with their kids.
    I completely agree with you we are going downhill. I immigrated to US15 yrs back and I can tell in last 15 yrs we have just been moving towards the downwards slope.

  • @ubioubiestveritas
    @ubioubiestveritas 11 лет назад

    Hey brother, hang in there! As my Grandfather said, "Don't let the bastards get you down." These kids live in a time that we never could imagine with domestic situations that were pretty rare in our time at that age. I'll pray for you for peace and for them too. God willing, someday they'll see your videos and understand what is right about our Country.

  • @1995bbboy
    @1995bbboy 11 лет назад

    dude i completely agree...yes im a kid too but kids and teens and young adults these days are just so disrespectful and will just continue to act like kids until they find out that there is more to life then call of duty and xbox and school!....how people act in online gaming is where i believe most kids learned to talk shit to every person they see and meet. and with all the harsh words and disrespect they do with their friends they will never learn how to truly act with another human being!

  • @MisterSoul99
    @MisterSoul99 11 лет назад

    Loose faith-----loose culture------loose country. WHICH STEP ARE WE AT? I used to believe that an up and coming generation would restore things when they got tired of the fruits of cultural rot.... now I realize, for them it is normal.To their understanding our past is what was corrupt and broken.... not the present. *Your comments were what so many people experience and feel.

  • @Kightravin
    @Kightravin 11 лет назад

    I have also noticed that several kids and adults in my generation and below act like they should get respect with out first showing their respect to others.

  • @druxfilms
    @druxfilms 11 лет назад

    I agree with your statement, I actually Just turned 16 yesterday(18th) and I do realize the bullshit that most of the teens bring to the older generation... Its a real shame...

  • @HariHaranMadhavan0
    @HariHaranMadhavan0 11 лет назад

    You are absolutely right.they have not been raised properly.

  • @richrichardson8486
    @richrichardson8486 11 лет назад

    I agree with what you said an know the feeling when your pushed by some low lifes that THINK they are bad. My blood boils when it happens to others or myself. It is only because we were raised with morals an know Jesus as Lord an Saviour that we dont lose it with them. Ive found when you just smile at thier sorry asses it makes em mad cuz they know in thier hearts you are not afraid. It gonna get worse keep the faith.

  • @lgkelley1
    @lgkelley1 11 лет назад

    Ditto. The only way the "meek shall inherit the Earth", is as can be defined - to be patient and long suffering. Stay humble my friend. We are and shall remain, long suffering; until we restore this Republic to its' true destiny.

  • @kannab100
    @kannab100 11 лет назад

    I agree w your point.. mayb a shtf does need to happen and knock these smarta** off balance and give a reality check for alot of folks. people r out of control.

  • @shadowalker1776
    @shadowalker1776 11 лет назад

    I so hear you. It a shame our modern society has gone to hell.

  • @PatriotPrepper
    @PatriotPrepper 11 лет назад

    Kids are a reflection of parents, adults, and society. I would bet that the parents of those kids that called you names would probably be the same. They would not back up their words. People act tough until it's time to back up those foul words. If you touch them, they call the police. You are also right about our Country. Unless we get back to Constitutional principles and moral ethics we will be doomed.

  • @ChaplainJoe1
    @ChaplainJoe1 11 лет назад

    It seems that day by day I feel my faith attacked, my morals disrespected and my attitude towards my community and my country slips further down the gutter.All I can do is pray that God continues to strengthen me and guide me down the path for His righteousness sake. I want to say I have given up praying for this nation, as I really do want to quit but that would mean my war is lost. Our fight is not against flesh and blood brother. I know its hard but we can't give in. Sorry bout your bad day.

  • @Sheila6325
    @Sheila6325 11 лет назад

    Our Father in Heaven is not like the parents of today, He will do something about it. I've seen it too, and a lot more lately, than ever before. We started as a God fearing country, today God is a joke to so many, that it makes me want to cry. It breaks my heart. When a child goes too far, it is a loving parent that will put them in their place, to make sure that their child will grow up one day, and be thankful their parents saved them from destroying themselves. God will do the same for us.

    @FUBARPROTOCOL  11 лет назад

    Thank you for your uplifting and kind comment. God Bless...

  • @centxprepper
    @centxprepper 11 лет назад

    Sadly it is becoming a struggle of those with morals and the immoral. I don't want to live in their world.

  • @mrourcanada8964
    @mrourcanada8964 11 лет назад

    i feel your pain we have the same bs up here in canada and praying as hard i as i can helps

  • @delgabe80
    @delgabe80 11 лет назад +1

    The problem with kids now a day is we removied god from school, parents dont care, and you cant beat your kids anymore.

  • @CACKjewellsz
    @CACKjewellsz 11 лет назад

    I am right there with you in your beliefs sir. Know this though. There are a very few people out there like me. The ones that don't fear jail. I am an exmilitary, 32 year old white male, and I will not hesitate to throw fists when I run into someone who needs it. Kid you not, I had a punk kid, about 22 years old, that lives next door to my 58 year old father sucker punch him. I left work, drove 30 minutes to his house, and proceeded to kick the every living hell out if the punk in his own house.

  • @Sheila6325
    @Sheila6325 11 лет назад

    cont I believe part of what is going on right now, is for the purpose of getting His children back on the right path, and if it takes a smack on the butt, it will be there for us.
    I often think it has already gone too far for many, and all I can do is pray that they soon grow up. Can't say that I believe they will, so we will just have to
    "be still, and know that I am God" and watch what He does. Hope it scares the hell out of them all. Great video, been thinking the same for a long time now.

  • @starlordish
    @starlordish 11 лет назад

    Sorry that you had one of those days.Glad to see that you were the better person.Your a good man fubar

  • @jay8058
    @jay8058 11 лет назад

    You are not alone with these sentiments. Things have to change.

  • @basic204
    @basic204 11 лет назад

    I know exactly what you mean and for me I have taken upon my self to correct people. When I hold a door and they don't say thank you I say once "your welcome." no answer I yell it louder and say you and describe them. Till I can make a EMP gun to shut down people car radios when they are blasting it I will just have to deal with them but working on it :).
    New york city has gotten pretty bad.

  • @GMBStillFree
    @GMBStillFree 11 лет назад

    As a 19 year old, i have seen exactly what you mean. My generation is a bunch of idiots with no morals, respect, or any consideration for anyone but themselves.

  • @katiatomsk
    @katiatomsk 11 лет назад

    Not just young men, young women too. I have two teens and have raised them the old fashoned way where they would fit into 1950's better than they fit-in today. So, not all teens are bad but so many are. So many kids have raised themselves and are are living in a stew of their own hate. In some ways I feel sorry for them but I also know first hand how dangerous they are.

  • @Mrcaffinebean
    @Mrcaffinebean 11 лет назад

    For a long time I wrote it off as "Every generation says that about the last." but recently I really think that it's not just that. That there really is a degrading of society. Kinda sad but all I can do it be my best.
    18 year old

  • @Survial9999
    @Survial9999 11 лет назад

    Sir, I have seen this also. It is getting worst. Don't let the blood boil to hard. Deep breath. Be prepared as you know. I would love to talk to your neighbor about the P 38. Love that plane.Take care now sir.
    GOD Bless

  • @Frankpagain
    @Frankpagain 11 лет назад

    Sad situation Fubar. Have to watch your back at all times now

  • @codymon100
    @codymon100 11 лет назад

    You hit the nail on the head brother we are doomed.There is no respect and people don't wake up there going down with them.I fill ya buy guns and ammo why we still can.

  • @MikeReiner
    @MikeReiner 11 лет назад

    Bad parenting is a huge problem here, no doubt about that.

  • @blessedcajun
    @blessedcajun 11 лет назад

    I agree my friend. There are still good people. I will change the world. I'm going to be president (if there is still a country by that time). "What man is truly a man, that does not try to make the world a better place." We're still here. And we're growing. Prayer is our heartbeat. Hope all is well.

  • @elanapetrovich
    @elanapetrovich 11 лет назад

    Well said!

  • @SampsonAllen
    @SampsonAllen 11 лет назад

    So many others feel your pain with you. When I moved to the city I was shocked!

  • @sebringny77
    @sebringny77 11 лет назад

    I hear you buddy, it's amazing how people thought that those of us who are in our 30's were bad in our teens but the kids these days are much worse. Probably because we got to get our asses kicked when we needed it.

  • @nonacue
    @nonacue 11 лет назад

    I'm so sorry to hear about your experience!

  • @toddweller
    @toddweller 11 лет назад

    Those kids aren't worth the potential trouble. Even though it's hard, ignore them. Here's a thought that might make it easier ... The next time they piss you off, just remember those little pieces human garbage will probably never amount to anything and will more than likely go through life either in and out of jail or having to lie, cheat and steal to get by. They will probably never know the satisfaction of self reliance and achievement. I think laughing at them is the best course of action!

  • @godfather173
    @godfather173 11 лет назад


    @FUBARPROTOCOL  11 лет назад

    I did not mean to stereotype all young folks. I know that there are many young people that were brought up right. i do have hope. Thanks for the comment...

  • @BigBudah4Pound
    @BigBudah4Pound 11 лет назад

    Yes Sir @ FubarProtocol I believe in the lord and i am a CWA holder and i apologize for the outright disrespect that you've encountered I'm a black american and i was raise by a wholesome woman, I was raise to respect and hard work and what you brought to my attention was your encounter with the youth generation of crappy music its brain washing them and i cant stand it, Stay strong sir Im a black young man with respect its more blacks like myself we're just limited

  • @PhillipMichaelGooch
    @PhillipMichaelGooch 11 лет назад

    When i was growing up if i was to do that id be beating down i remember telling my mom no one time at age of 6 and she chased me down in woods i got cough in briers and she beat me like i was a man with all her rings on. But now kids do it and if you try to discipline them you got a chance to go jail for it. The world is to soft on this kids this day i think they need to bring the back hand rule back if your back hand the size of there face you can hit them for back talk.

  • @TADPOLE696
    @TADPOLE696 11 лет назад

    i agree 100%.. no discipline for kids these days

  • @tysy73
    @tysy73 11 лет назад

    "Talk" is the problem. Some people just need a good ass kicking. Tolerance be damned!

  • @aksuperhero
    @aksuperhero 11 лет назад

    They're like feral dogs for the most part. No one person took the time to raise them with manners or common sense. Being rude and obnoxious is the norm with these kind of people. Hell people no longer say thank you or excuse me, it just sad.

  • @galenlong3005
    @galenlong3005 11 лет назад

    he became king in Isreal, when he was just a kid, stood up to the Philistines and said "IS THERE NOT A CAUSE?" then he proceded to take down the Giant, GOLIATH.
    What did He do? He was basically saying No-more, I'm not going to stand here and take your crap anymore. then he proceded to take goliath out. Knocked him out with a stone the size of your fist, then cut his stinking Head off. Then the philistines were running scared. The Goliath we have to stop is Hollywood. then the politicians.

  • @VomitTidalwave
    @VomitTidalwave 11 лет назад

    i hear ya man one of my biggest pet peeves is people who do not say please or thank you.... just today some little puke rolled his eyes at me when i held the door for him... i put my hand on his sholder stopping him and quietly told him next time i saw him i would trip him.

  • @JL185
    @JL185 11 лет назад

    Ahhh fubar hang in there brother...the world is not all not that bad...love the vids...i get a kick outnof them you got a friend in NJ

  • @gunnwild1
    @gunnwild1 11 лет назад

    A lot of the younger generation have no respect or morals. It's the hip hop, wanna be punk gangsters that, unfortunately, are our future. They all need to go to military school to be taught some discipline

  • @jthomas06
    @jthomas06 11 лет назад

    yep, were in trouble. Be thankful do don't live in Detroit like I do. I can't figure it out either. I'm from the same neighborhood as these nut jobs and you would think folks would at least respect their own surroundings. No Chance. Home training, that's what's missing. I'd rather have you as a neighbor any day. Don't waste the ammo, get a dog, you'll need it over the next few years.

  • @cbr6864
    @cbr6864 11 лет назад

    I have studied most major religions in depth over several years.....I personally follow writings that predate any of the authors contained with in the old testament......to each his own beliefs

  • @liabatud67
    @liabatud67 11 лет назад

    It's the entitlement mentality. They refuse to change from their ways thinking that others owe them a good living. I on the other hand agree with both Benjamin Franklin and the bible: "If a man does not work, he should not eat." I know there are special situations & the handicapped to consider but even Stephen Hawkings makes a living & is a millionaire. What it all comes down to is: being or not being comfortable with handouts into perpetuity when you are still yet able to earn your keep.

  • @shyndown78
    @shyndown78 11 лет назад

    Your trying to fight the good fight. It is almost hopeless. The takers have outnumbered the givers. I have been in your spot. I know exactly how you feel. Just try to ignore the waste and focus on your family. Be ready, hope for the best, and pray in case of the worst. God may not get us out of this but he will smile on those who prepare and try to educate others. God gave us free will to thrive or to destroy ourselves. It's our choice. We as a people have chosen poorly. Stay strong.

  • @canadianfortruth
    @canadianfortruth 11 лет назад

    good job :)you give us old boys some hope .peace

  • @ironhead41
    @ironhead41 11 лет назад

    pray for me too......i could not hit the "skip ad" button to the victoria secret ad at the begining of this video.....

  • @cybrough
    @cybrough 11 лет назад

    Unfortunately the problem isn't just the USA it is world wide. But those of us who read the Bible aren't surprised. 2 Tim 3.1-5 makes it clear how it would be in the last days. We are there.

  • @liabatud67
    @liabatud67 11 лет назад

    Detroit here..... it's decaying faster than they can put the bandaids up.

  • @k1111117
    @k1111117 11 лет назад

    Agree 100%. however you can make an impact. 50% of all kids are born out of wedlock. Meaning no +male mentor/father. Get involved in your community and be a mentor. It can change the country for the good.

  • @OriontheAssassin
    @OriontheAssassin 11 лет назад

    I agree 100%

  • @ShotGuntomy
    @ShotGuntomy 11 лет назад

    don't feel like you are by your self.you have friend's that care about you.and you the man up stars to help you if you are ever stuck :)

  • @MrandmrsSantana
    @MrandmrsSantana 11 лет назад

    It is not about "how" they were raised....the fact is that they were NOT raised...they were born and then sat in front of a tv and left alone while mom/dad hung out and partied

  • @rchopp
    @rchopp 11 лет назад

    Don't give up hope my friend, the only ones we see are the ________ holes the good people are the ones we don't see because they are busy with life trying to raise families and eek out a miserable living at best sometimes, I hope we don't have to have a shtf situation to fix things. Take care.

  • @BorealSelfReliance
    @BorealSelfReliance 11 лет назад

    I'm sick of the "gangsta" culture too...

  • @shartne
    @shartne 11 лет назад

    Weird a similar thing happened to me. But they was in a truck. Just the other day. wow.

  • @Kroupa44
    @Kroupa44 11 лет назад

    id hope not all young punks ruin it for the young people like me out here, that are respectful to older people and try to be good role models.

  • @jrinker64
    @jrinker64 11 лет назад

    The punks act this way cause they know that you cant do a thing about it ... you have to know that they were not brought up rite.

  • @cokeman250
    @cokeman250 11 лет назад

    I hear ya brother its out of control and nobody seems to care. The only thing I can tell you is you are for sure getting robbed now lol Hang in there buddy and have hope just dont hope for the change we have been promised. God Bless brother

  • @bigjohn33able
    @bigjohn33able 11 лет назад +1


  • @mostlymichaelcanada
    @mostlymichaelcanada 11 лет назад

    Great video; I share your feelings.

  • @sebagosteve
    @sebagosteve 11 лет назад

    It is a cultural issue. We have lost our way. In time all wrongs will be righted and the good in your fellow citizen will shine through. Till then, keep your powder dry and your head held high my friend. Perhaps it is time to put yourself in a different location were you will be shown the respect you deserve. js. Tighten your boot straps and pull your hat down tight as we are in for a really rough ride! Stay safe and God Bless.

  • @bigmilk2003
    @bigmilk2003 11 лет назад

    i live in a neighborhood with people like that and as a federal contractor i also work wiht people like that

  • @goosearrow
    @goosearrow 11 лет назад

    Rant away! I see crap like this all of the time. And even adults these days don't have any respect either. I have had 2 confrontations with people recently. This country is going down the toilet fast. God bless.

  • @98shon98
    @98shon98 11 лет назад

    You're prayers will be answered. God will take care of all of this, but not the way we think he will. Its time. This country has turned into an abomination against God.

  • @petermohlman
    @petermohlman 11 лет назад

    I hear ya buddy, the rap/gang culture is disgusting. I can't stand to see that when I'm out shopping or getting gas. I really don't think it's an accident that the movie and music industries are putting that crap out as an example of acceptable behavior. At this point it's too late to expect anything different from our youth.

  • @denaleesdreams
    @denaleesdreams 11 лет назад

    Rant away! Because you are right! Sometimes I think these kids ignore everything their parents have tried to teach them. It is like they refuse to be respectful. Will be saying prayers with you.

  • @MrKZizzle
    @MrKZizzle 11 лет назад

    The world is changing my friend and its not for the best. Thats why I carry my pistol everyday. I even started carrying it to work cause you never know when one of those kids on their bikes are going to shoot at you.

  • @BlaineLewis625
    @BlaineLewis625 11 лет назад

    You hit the nail on the head, just try and mention Jesus Christ and you'll get all the F words and all bad comments i can't even read anymore what they say about Jesus it makes me sick to my stomach. Keep the faith brother, the Lord is going to save us from all these ungodliness soon. I pray too for all the brother and sisters out there that i know feel like i do, sick of this world and all the evil in it. Please Lord Jesus come and save all those that love you and Father, Amen.

  • @nutsarefancy
    @nutsarefancy 11 лет назад

    I say bring it on! lets se what the gangster can do then the SHTF

  • @cbr6864
    @cbr6864 11 лет назад

    Welcome to the new society.....look at shows like Jerry Springer show prime example. To have a great society it must be comprised of great men. Sadly most people have no desire to become productive members in our society.
    Im right there with you on the feelings we just need a clean slate

  • @hunterboy0
    @hunterboy0 11 лет назад

    I'm only 16 but I was raised right I see these kids cussing at there parents and being disrespectful to adults I don't understand it. If I even was disrespectful to a adult I would get my butt beat! But nowadays If you spank your child its child abuse!!

  • @toddweller
    @toddweller 11 лет назад

    BTW there are a lot good hard working youngster out there. I own a business and have hired a lot of them. In fact I have yet to be disappointed. Granted I interview ever new hire personally and there have been a few I chose not to hire.

  • @GrayTJ
    @GrayTJ 11 лет назад

    Just consider it a test & then realize you passed! Cooler heads prevail. WHEN shtf these punks will be the first to go.

  • @hemiram1988
    @hemiram1988 11 лет назад

    I can't stand people like that I know exactly what your talking about. I don't know if you you know the term "woken' up" or not, but I have and see the country that we call the U.S.A. going to complete shit. The world is crumbling around us and people just sit back and don't care. People will get away with as much as we let them, it needs to stop.

  • @mark16443
    @mark16443 11 лет назад

    couldnt agree more. im 16 and i can tell you my generation is bad. im not even going to stand up for them, no decency or respect for one another or peoples property. i cant even leave my car unlocked in the school parking lot. luckily i live farther out from the city and suburbs so i dont have a bunch of asshats that go down my road and harass everyone. reminds me of the one person that live on the road above ours, got all mad at my mom because her barn cats followed my mom down the road.