Bear attacks mountain climbers The Harrowing Tale of Boswell and Bullock

  • Опубликовано: 28 янв 2022
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    Late in the frigid month of November, 2015, two mountain climbers trudged through the knee deep snow of the Canadian Rockies. Located near Jasper and surrounded by some of the most picturesque mountains and forests on earth. The climb was difficult but exhilarating as participating in their passion has led the two men to a close friendship. The goal was to climb a peak called “Dirty Love” which is a climb located on Wilson Peak. It would consist of scrambles and treacherous snow field navigation which could present avalanche danger and crevasses.
    After reaching the top the two men began the descent. The darkness of the night embraced them as it was a new moon, meaning that the men had to use their headlamps to reveal their path. The men had left their ropes and other equipment along their descent trail to be recovered as they returned. The return trail would be complicated by a few cliff repels the pair would have to make to get home safely but their experience and aptitude would make it easy barring any unexpected circumstances.
    Greg Boswell was an experienced Scottish adventurer and climber. As he bent down to fill his water bottle in a nearby spring before the men rappelled down the cliff, a large brown bear appeared, seemingly out of nowhere. Normally at this time of year, healthy bears are hibernating comfortably living off the fat they have built up through their summer foraging. The bear seemed surprised and acted in perceived self defense by attacking.
    Back near the rappelling point, Brit Nick Bullock was lost in the exhilarating memory of the trek when he was shaken back to the terrified yelling of his companion. “Bear!” he heard struggle from Gregs mouth as he scurried past. The light of Nick's headlamp flashed a confusing scene of his friends arms and legs scrambling to create distance between him and the confused and now enraged grizzly. Nick was in awe of the powerful beast as it churned through the snow in pursuit of his friend. As it blurred past Nick, the bear glanced at him and his knees felt as if they would buckle from fear. At that point his companion had tripped which refocused the bear's rage.
    Nick took that as his cue to beat feet. He sprinted in the opposite direction as fast as the conditions would safely allow. His mind fogged by the situation, he witnessed his friend in a death struggle with the massive bruin. Greg was kicking and shouting as the bear bit through his climbing boot easily. It redirected its rage on his lower leg and hoisted him precariously off the ground. Greg's frightened yells for help sent chills down his companions back.
    Temporarily concerned only for his own safety, Nick considers self preservation as he focuses on his own escape. After hearing his friend plead for his help, Nick builds his resolution to commitment to protect and defend his friend. He begins walking straight toward the grizzly now bearing down on his friend again. Suddenly Nick's headlamp was filled with the terrified face of his companion. Greg had somehow managed to escape the bear's rage and the two yelled and ran back along their initial trail. As they parted the dense undergrowth, they resolved to stay close and help each other.
    Terrified that the massive bear, now concealed by the dark, might suddenly reemerge and continue its rage-filled attack, the men stumbled and slipped their way around the mountain for the better part of a quarter of an hour, before the reality of their only escape path set in. Greg hastily repacked the climbing gear the pair knew they would need while Nick stood watch. Their only means of defense were their climbing axes held high in defiant defense of their lives and any threat to them. The two resolved their commitment to mutual defense. If they went down, they would go down fighting together.
    As they fled the men were so confused they had followed the wrong trail and quickly became hopelessly lost.
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Комментарии • 330

  • @ronniesmith5907
    @ronniesmith5907 2 года назад +171

    Not everyone would turn to face the bear to save their friend....that's a true friend with balls of steel

    • @abab-ml1ym
      @abab-ml1ym 2 года назад +8

      What the hell u talking about?...he ran away and only retuned when his friend was free from the bear....and bear did not attack twice...u just heard the story but somehow u changed it using feelings and not actual reality

    • @christian779
      @christian779 2 года назад +5

      @@abab-ml1ym I feel like you're angry, there's no need

    •  2 года назад +3

      .... And a pair of underpants full of ka ka 😆

    • @donjon123
      @donjon123 2 года назад +4

      MAte Iwould do what our ancestors did and purposely push my friend into the predator to save myself or make sure I could outrun him. HEHEHEHE just jk , I hope I am never in this situation

    • @powerboon2k
      @powerboon2k 2 года назад +10

      My friends don't even call me back.

  • @deathunitesus2135
    @deathunitesus2135 2 года назад +144

    I can't understand what goes thru peoples minds when they trek on foot in grizzley country and think it's a smart idea to sleep outside or in a tent without guns and bear spray. 🐻

    •  2 года назад

      It's called stupidity.

    • @bojiden5042
      @bojiden5042 2 года назад +19

      It’s Canada 🍁 ahhh !? Probably get arrested for defending yourself

    • @patriciamorris3853
      @patriciamorris3853 2 года назад +15

      It’s just crazy, I’d never go into any wilderness area without a firearm.

    • @kellytourigny4228
      @kellytourigny4228 2 года назад +11

      Almost every story on this channel has one thing in common ..none of the victims had 30.00 bear spray.

    • @torreyintahoe
      @torreyintahoe 2 года назад

      Bears should have been hibernating.

  •  2 года назад +81

    So glad these two friends were ok!! Love how they United against the bear.

    • @scarybearattacks
      @scarybearattacks  2 года назад +7

      The funny part is they were still in danger even with ice axes!

    • @abab-ml1ym
      @abab-ml1ym 2 года назад +1

      Actually they did not unite against the bear.. His lover ran away....and only returned when his friend was free....hello...its literally in the story u just heard...

    • @abab-ml1ym
      @abab-ml1ym 2 года назад +1

      @@scarybearattacks thats not funny at all.... And u make zero sense.... Less gaming more living

    •  2 года назад +5

      @ab ab No. Apparently you didn't listen. Nick heard his friend pleading for his help and returned to help not knowing whether the bear was there or not at that moment but he knew the bear had been there. It was a brave thing to do and they did unite. If you don't like my description, just scroll on by

    • @theurbanloner8879
      @theurbanloner8879 2 года назад +1

      What one man can do another can do!

  • @Ryansumthin
    @Ryansumthin 2 года назад +90

    You DON’T go into bear country without the proper firearms for worst case scenario. You just don’t. This is proof of why. Dudes were lucky af! 🐻 ☠️ 🍀

    • @stephenjaeger5283
      @stephenjaeger5283 2 года назад +10

      Pepper spray is more effective than firearms and instantaneous response. Much easier to carry and easily accessible. A large caliber handgun or rifle are limited to residents and require special permit for non-resident and are not as effective in close quarters.

    •  2 года назад +11

      You are not allowed to bring firearms to Canadian Rockies National Parks, Jasper, or Banff.

    • @RogueReplicant
      @RogueReplicant 2 года назад +22

      @@stephenjaeger5283 Both. Carry both. It's stupid to think all bears, especially, grizzlies, will be deterred by spray. Fool 👊

    • @stephenjaeger5283
      @stephenjaeger5283 2 года назад +5

      @@RogueReplicant If you have seen the statics of successful survival of attacks, approximately 78% survived by firearm usage and approximately 95+% survived by the use of pepper spray correctly used. The bear finds it impossible to pass through the cloud of tear has and pepper, being blinded and loss of smell.

    • @RogueReplicant
      @RogueReplicant 2 года назад +20

      @@stephenjaeger5283 78 is a good number, 95 a better number, and 75 + 95 is the bestest. Carry both, don't be stubborn ffs

  • @randallgreen6746
    @randallgreen6746 2 года назад +34

    Good to know that these two mountain climbers made it out safely. 👍

  •  2 года назад +10

    Thank you for sharing this story. I am very grateful that he survived and that the two friends protected each other.

  • @jessehutchings
    @jessehutchings 2 года назад +17

    Damn, they lucked out on this big time. In their condition the threat of getting lost or hyperthermia could have been just as much a risk as the bear returning

  • @FJBMAGAPatriotUSA1
    @FJBMAGAPatriotUSA1 2 года назад +5

    Bears “seem to come out of nowhere…” because YOU are nowhere.

  • @seppukusushi2848
    @seppukusushi2848 2 года назад +6

    This music is hysterical. Really entertaining. It's the Haunted House sound that it invokes.

  • @clemdane
    @clemdane 2 года назад +14

    Wasn't expecting a happy ending! This is great!

  • @lilianmcguigan9240
    @lilianmcguigan9240 2 года назад +20

    I am planning a trip to the Kooteneys this spring, and am brushing up on bear safety. I know how to avoid confrontation with a bear, but there is always that unpredictable surprise bear everyone dreads. I still remember this couple that were attacked by a grizzly, who was mauling the husband. In desperation, the wife grabbed a cast iron frying pan, and smacked the bear in the head. She saved her husband's life. Hopefully, my experience in the wild will be less eventful.

    • @cautionTosser
      @cautionTosser 2 года назад +10

      does she have a sister? cuz that sounds like a good woman to have around in emergencies. :)

    • @johngarry3723
      @johngarry3723 2 года назад +15

      I'm surprised it was actually enough.. Amy Hugnard tried to save Timothy Treadwell that way and both died in Katmai

    • @stefanomaniscalchi4983
      @stefanomaniscalchi4983 2 года назад +3

      bring a firearm or a bear spry, forget about.....experience

    •  2 года назад +4

      For the love of god bring guns

  •  2 года назад +9

    I lived in jasper, Alberta for a few months. The most beautiful place I’ve lived. Bears…? Lots!!!

  • @cynthia7907
    @cynthia7907 2 года назад +40

    “By the grace of… the mercy God has for fools” 😂🤣🤣 hilariouuss

    • @cautionTosser
      @cautionTosser 2 года назад +3

      i was looking for this comment. :D

    •  2 года назад +2

      My mother used to say
      “”God takes care of fools and little children!

    • @wesgilmer5391
      @wesgilmer5391 2 года назад +2

      Didn't know saying "by the grace of God" was not PC. Informative video

    • @betavsall973
      @betavsall973 2 года назад

      @@wesgilmer5391 wooosh. He didn't mean it like that at all.

    • @nolanr1400
      @nolanr1400 2 года назад

      Hell yeah. And his hesitation hahaha

  • @artvandelay2591
    @artvandelay2591 2 года назад +13

    When bears hibernate their muscles become weak. Most struggle to walk for several days after waking from a long winter. This bear was in a weakened state. That's the only reason why these guys survived.

    • @tristantimothy1004
      @tristantimothy1004 Год назад

      What fool told you that? Ive worked with AK F&G for 25 years with the worlds top bear experts & never heard/ seen that. Grizzlies dont hibernate like blackies do. They often go out during the winter, sometimes just to play in the snow. Sows go out & kill a moose & drag it back to the den so the cubs will have instant food when theyre ready to come out. Grizzlies come out WAY before blackies ( who DO go comotose in the winter which Grizzlies never do.) when theres no food avaliable for weeks yet. They often dig up black bear dens & eat them because theyre out cold & an easy meal. These guys only got a mild " spanking" from a bear whos territory they had invaded. Nothing more.

    • @artvandelay2591
      @artvandelay2591 Год назад

      @@tristantimothy1004 Bears, beats, Battlestar Galactica!

    • @artvandelay2591
      @artvandelay2591 Год назад +1

      @@tristantimothy1004 I identify as a bear. So I definitely know what I'm talking about.

    • @tristantimothy1004
      @tristantimothy1004 Год назад

      @@artvandelay2591 I dont care of you " identify" as a toadstool. FACTS do not change & your wrong. On all counts.

    • @artvandelay2591
      @artvandelay2591 Год назад

      @@tristantimothy1004 Dude, I don't have to time to argue with you. I have to search for food to double in size before winter. 😁

  • @gillgetter3004
    @gillgetter3004 2 года назад +3

    A river float guide in Montana told me ( never ever travel in grisly country unarmed) He had a 12 gauge pump shotgun with a sling, chambered with slugs, magnum slugs. On his side was a very large handgun! As we approached our take out spot about eight hours downriver there was a sign that read ( resent bear activity) he got on radio and floated about five miles down to another take out. One passenger complained, he said I’ll leave you out here! He stayed in the boat!!

  • @billygun1968
    @billygun1968 2 года назад +25

    One thing I know for sure will never happen to me . I will never be attacked by a grizzly bear because I'm not going to their home

  • @EmmaDilemma039
    @EmmaDilemma039 2 года назад +24

    It seems like in a lot of animal attacks, people will flee instead of defend. The fight or flight instinct must be real and powerful. I'm glad he returned to his friend and they made it out alive.

    • @scarybearattacks
      @scarybearattacks  2 года назад +10

      I'm not sure if I could do the same. Very brave that's for sure :)

    • @lindaarrington9397
      @lindaarrington9397 2 года назад +2


    • @donjon123
      @donjon123 2 года назад +4

      if the bear wanted too , he would have easily fucked them up. Its clear it was defending itself not hunting, because of was it would have hunted easily, even if there were 4 of them.

    • @georgeleach3975
      @georgeleach3975 2 года назад +1

      Good friend

    • @glenicecrease5115
      @glenicecrease5115 2 года назад

      Fight a Grizzly? It is 400 pounds of killing machine! Putin did - do you believe that?

  • @CastleMc
    @CastleMc 2 года назад +14

    Its not that uncommon for bears to wake up periodically while hibernating. Being out doesn't mean a bear is "sick."

    • @jayhache5609
      @jayhache5609 2 года назад

      My understanding is they are also easily awakened. So, maybe these two woke it up just by being near where it was hibernating and not necessarily trying to be quiet talking to each other and moving their gear around.

    •  2 года назад

      There not actually sleeping any different than usual

  • @fixs4178
    @fixs4178 2 года назад +8

    Best channel I've seen since mrballen!I love these stories

    • @scarybearattacks
      @scarybearattacks  2 года назад +5

      I listened to Mr. Ballen all the time and he is so awesome! I hope to do something similar to his format if I can get the equipment

  • @mingulay29
    @mingulay29 Год назад +2

    I want to thank the maker of these incredible videos as I have learned a huge amount about the staggering power and sheer determination of these animals as well as the bravery of humans. I also appreciate how we are given details of the particular flora and fauna of the area. Sadly, too often we see people venture out into bear country unprepared and unrehearsed (e.g. safety catches on spray cans, wind direction).

  •  2 года назад +6

    Finally one where they survive!

  • @jgarcia1ful
    @jgarcia1ful 2 года назад +15

    I love the fact that you give links to the stories!!! Thank You and Have a Safe and Peaceful Day!!!!

    • @scarybearattacks
      @scarybearattacks  2 года назад +3

      You bet Jeffrey! Have a great one!

    • @amberlilly4101
      @amberlilly4101 2 года назад +4

      Jeffrey, when I was at Emory hospital, when I got in a very crowded elevator each person greeted the person coming on board. There was a young man helping, and pushing a man in a wheelchair, came my turn I said " I'm fine" and his reply to my question as "how are you ?" he said "no tragedies today" That really stuck with me. If you have NO tragedies today, that is truly a blessing. We all need to remember each day is a blessing, and hopefully no tragedies.

    • @jgarcia1ful
      @jgarcia1ful 2 года назад +5

      @@amberlilly4101 Wow, Small world in how we interact. My younger Brother was paralyzed 3 days before he Graduated Embry Riddle Aeronautic University in Florida by a Drunk Driver. He would have been a commercial Pilot, but he has lived in a wheelchair ever since. He was "okay, give me the chair and let's get the show back on the road". He ended up working at NIH in Bethesda Md. and has not let his injury stop him from leading a productive life!!!! Be well Amberlilly!!!! and Stay Healthy!!!!

    • @lindaarrington9397
      @lindaarrington9397 2 года назад +1

      @@amberlilly4101 awww sweet comment

    • @lindaarrington9397
      @lindaarrington9397 2 года назад +2

      @@jgarcia1ful oh my goodness im so sorry for you both

  • @marjorjorietillman856
    @marjorjorietillman856 2 года назад +6

    He said “the GRACE God has for fools” are my feelings as well. But I’m glad they survived, and hopefully be more cautious next time!

  •  2 года назад +7

    Hey,man, let's risk our lives on three levels!We'll go mountain climbing in the snow in bear country with no guns or spray!

  • @Ohcurlygirl9611
    @Ohcurlygirl9611 2 года назад +5

    Thank goodness they both escaped, so scary xx

  • @chinochi4076
    @chinochi4076 2 года назад +8

    We love u thank you for making everyone aware of the beauty of mother nature and the beast ,,,,,said in a good way ,,that lives there

  • @mike-yp1uk
    @mike-yp1uk 2 года назад +4

    I love the pics of these powerful animals

  • @kevinbeaugez2769
    @kevinbeaugez2769 2 года назад +17

    Love these stories, keep up the channel

    • @scarybearattacks
      @scarybearattacks  2 года назад +2

      Make sure to tune in to our episode tonight my friend. It is amazing!

    • @cindyfitzgerald4500
      @cindyfitzgerald4500 2 года назад +2

      Me too I’m hooked love the content

  • @maddiesmith4498
    @maddiesmith4498 2 года назад +2

    Thank God they made it he was with them for sure. God bless 🙏❤️💯

  • @amberlilly4101
    @amberlilly4101 2 года назад +15

    Thank you so much for this video. I love any animal stories the bear is one of them. Orion, you are absolutely right about staying together, which is, of course, part of the reason for taking a friend or companion which can be of help and can possibly contact help. However, sometimes it is difficult for both people to agree on the solution and the best action to be taken, and oh, yeah, don't forget listening to the person that has the most experience. I just cannot imagine a huge bear taking me down, and proceed, to actually eat on me while I am still alive !!

  • @GTLees
    @GTLees 2 года назад +4

    Now this was one of those situations when the human and the bear kinda surprised each other. It didn't involve someone tempting fate by trying to see how close they could get to the animal and it also didn't involve someone irresponsibly feeding the wild animals. I hope those guys went directly into town and bought lottery tickets 'cause that was their lucky day.

  • @mike-yp1uk
    @mike-yp1uk 2 года назад +10

    It's just stupid to go hunt something like a grizzly without a 50 bmg

  • @morning77light
    @morning77light 2 года назад +6

    So glad they were both alright. Yes!! Thankful for God's mercy!

  • @funonvancouverisland
    @funonvancouverisland 2 года назад +5

    Alot of these happen awfully close to home

  • @abab-ml1ym
    @abab-ml1ym 2 года назад +5

    So they were lovers?..... Two men wanting to climb a phallic object called dirty i the only one listening...

  • @kevinjay2989
    @kevinjay2989 2 года назад +3

    God protected them for sure

  • @QNoland
    @QNoland 2 года назад +4

    I’ll tell you one thing. If I were Greg, I certainly wouldn’t be “companions” with Nick anymore. Lol

    • @scarybearattacks
      @scarybearattacks  2 года назад +1

      Lol no way!

    • @QNoland
      @QNoland 2 года назад +1

      @@scarybearattacks Thanks for the response! Always appreciate a content creator who takes the time to acknowledge their audience. Keep up the great videos!

  • @chantallamb8652
    @chantallamb8652 2 года назад +5

    Your channel was suggested to me .
    Thank you 😊

    • @scarybearattacks
      @scarybearattacks  2 года назад +3

      I am so very honored and grateful to have you! :)

    • @chantallamb8652
      @chantallamb8652 2 года назад

      @@scarybearattacks thank you kindly.😊

  • @michaeldyke6474
    @michaeldyke6474 2 года назад +2

    Wow these guys were determined to stay alive great story of determination

  • @inthemouthofmadness5910
    @inthemouthofmadness5910 2 года назад

    Yet another great video from Scary Bear Attacks.

  • @charlottebailey1124
    @charlottebailey1124 2 года назад +3


  • @orionpeterson3042
    @orionpeterson3042 2 года назад +17

    Good reading. Im glad Nick found his courage, and remained convicted to seeing it through. The bear mustve actually been merely surprised for a change. Like a shark briefly biting and then letting go. Still around and probably willing to continue the encounter but not immediately being tested and drifting away enough for the swimmer to be rescued or leave the area. Of course along that analogy line would be a bloody return to the area later. Did I mention Im stupidly afraid of sharks? Stupid because I live no where near the ocean.

    • @piglet1242
      @piglet1242 2 года назад +2

      I was land locked most of my life. Retired to Florida and won't go into the ocean for any reason! I prefer to watch the professionals and swim in my pool where I can see the bottom! 😂

    • @jeanroeder5534
      @jeanroeder5534 Год назад

      🦈 😰

  • @bamafan762
    @bamafan762 Год назад +1

    Damn these men are warriors. To be able to make a pact to do what they could to protect each other is admirable. I can't imagine the feeling of facing a grizzly bear head on

  • @carlaperry1312
    @carlaperry1312 2 года назад

    Ty for posting these horrific vids, Maybe ppl will think twice b4 going into bear🐻 country unprepared, My gosh!

  • @ghosthunter152
    @ghosthunter152 2 года назад +2

    “As Nick defended the bear with their ice axes, still unsure if the bear was pursuing them”. 🤔😏

  • @LittleBabyBartholomew
    @LittleBabyBartholomew 2 года назад +2

    That roar scared me hahahaha

  • @bronxbomber0079
    @bronxbomber0079 2 года назад +4

    Mrballen needs to tell these stories!!

    • @scarybearattacks
      @scarybearattacks  2 года назад +4

      Tell him! I watch all of his video :)

    •  2 года назад +3

      @Scary Bear Attacks Your rendition is just as good. Love your work 😊🙏👍

  • @petyrbaelish1718
    @petyrbaelish1718 2 года назад +4

    Always keep an elephant gun in the way of a sawnoff shotgun with two loaded rounds of Nitro Express, just in case of a charge. From 20 yards away that would still blow the bears face clean off. The eyes, nose and mouth would be gone and it wouldn't be able to do anything but drop dead, or try to run away. Then you have a second nitro express round to go anyway, which would blow the whole head off.

    • @gypsylady5139
      @gypsylady5139 2 года назад +1

      Sounds like a good way to travel. For real.

    • @C-Here
      @C-Here 2 года назад

      Geez mate... let's kill everything that scares us eh?? 😲😲🤣

    • @C-Here
      @C-Here Год назад

      😂🤣😅 feel better now??
      Go live in a unit and never leave home eh?

  • @mello3214
    @mello3214 2 года назад +1

    Does anyone know RUclips show that showed reenactment of this story? I saw it once great watch can’t locate it now ? Any help?

  • @douglaslubold3406
    @douglaslubold3406 2 года назад +1

    I can't imagine how anyone would go into bear country without the means to protect themselves!

    • @metalmamasue3680
      @metalmamasue3680 Год назад

      Look up Canadian gun Iaws before you assume Canadians are dumb for not carrying. It's extremely expensive and difficult to be able to purchase & carry a rifIe or shotgun in Canada and handguns are onIy aIIowed to be carried by an on duty Iaw enforcement officer. You must pay for training, permits, taxes or whatever other costs there are, PIus the cost of the gun is stupidIy expensive.
      I have a friend in Canada who actuaIIy has a red Ryder BB gun and it's probably iIIegaI. No kidding.
      If you have a criminaI history, forget it.
      Trudeau is a tyrant for sure and it's a trade off if you want to risk years, maybe decades in prison, or risk a rare bear attack. They're reaIIy not that common. Just saying.
      Not every country has a 2nd amendment and many countries have aIready disarmed their citizens, for the most part.

  •  2 года назад +5

    They made it! I'm so glad. I'm so used to these tales ending up in horrendous injury or/and death that I was truly relieved they did. One of my most favourite channels and subscriptions. I pounce like a hungry bear on each new upload. I know what I'll be getting ... A tasty little 5 or 10 minute. cyber treat of terror. No frills, no fancy packaging. Not trying to sell me shit. I get the same each and every time. All killer ,,, No filler! Nice one guys.x

    • @scarybearattacks
      @scarybearattacks  2 года назад +1

      I'm so very grateful for subs like you! I hope you keep enjoying these videos and stay safe my friend!

    •  2 года назад

      @Scary Bear Attacks Your really welcome buddy. Let's face it .. It is the very very least I can do. I'm a fussy bar~steward as well and you keep me entertained for the duration so its only right that I show some gratitude and thank-you in a genuine and slightly interesting way my dear chap eh? Keep em comin fella's, This right here is the shit man!😁

  • @bobroberson9286
    @bobroberson9286 2 года назад +2

    LET'S SEE, in all the equipment they carried and did not carry a pistol ??????

  • @trawlins396
    @trawlins396 2 года назад +4

    I don't know why I keep watching these stories. They're fascinating but depressing. Those poor people. 😭😭. It's hard to imagine dying that way. Like a nightmare. Glad this story ended better than most.

  • @blackmonday738
    @blackmonday738 2 года назад +1

    I'm here for that music in the back ground.

  • @boabie1463
    @boabie1463 2 года назад +1

    This is how i imagine I’d sound when asking for likes and subscribers, Soul leaves body temporarily 😂

  •  2 года назад

    perfect story.

  • @jimmieroberson5807
    @jimmieroberson5807 2 года назад +1

    You didn't just say what just heard you say 😂

  • @hannibalbarca6308
    @hannibalbarca6308 2 года назад

    Nice background music from free Windows video maker 😁

  • @glenicecrease5115
    @glenicecrease5115 2 года назад

    Yea! Thank God these boys survived. They really had some lucky breaks!

  • @eileenmcgovern9193
    @eileenmcgovern9193 2 года назад

    I used to watch the end of the world videos….but yours are much better

  •  2 года назад +4

    I love all these stories BUT the Narrator should read each story a few times before Narrating to us..jmo

  • @nancyjones6780
    @nancyjones6780 2 года назад +3

    Ever seen the movie Backcountry? Pretty good bear attack scene!

    • @scarybearattacks
      @scarybearattacks  2 года назад +2

      It's one of my favorites and the bear actor was perfect. No dramatized blurry scenes like in Revenant etc.

    • @nancyjones6780
      @nancyjones6780 2 года назад

      @@scarybearattacks I love it,too! I think I've watched it probably 20x🤣

  • @stefanomaniscalchi4983
    @stefanomaniscalchi4983 2 года назад +3

    I dont understand why people go in wildness without bringing a rifle or a gun

    • @TrentGustus
      @TrentGustus Год назад

      It's so rare to see a bear even if you were looking for one. People get complacent. We did several trails in the kootenays this year, not one time did we see a bear, and we never saw any other animals either on the trails. We had bear spray but I sure wouldn't want to rely on it. I think if you were carrying a gun with you a park ranger would stop you since hunting isn't allowed in the provincial park, and I've never seen a hiker with a gun to date

    • @rickholloway5218
      @rickholloway5218 Год назад +1

      @@TrentGustus , it must not be too uncommon, cause there seems to be no shortage of stories for Scary Bear Attacks to tell! 😄

    • @TrentGustus
      @TrentGustus Год назад +2

      @@rickholloway5218 we do hear about bear attacks in the Banff area, about one every second year, however with the amount of tourists and trails it's pretty rare. We have seen bears by the highway. Even had one running by the car one day. My wife is the one that has had no fear,, until we started watching "scary bear attacks" . She'd always say I worry too much. They're soo .

  •  2 года назад

    Greg AND Nick, are 2 lucky campers.

  • @louisepetrodelport7622
    @louisepetrodelport7622 Год назад

    Looks like they have no protection..crazy..glad they are oky

  • @JackJack-gp3jh
    @JackJack-gp3jh 2 года назад

    Watching these I'm always wondering if the hikers are armed, just to give them a chance.

  •  2 года назад +2

    Would been crazy if the bear was in the back seat waiting

  •  2 года назад +1

    I still can't believe anyone going out into bear, lion, wolf, coyote, etc...
    without at least a pistol. like a .454 caliber with extra ammunition...
    at least some of these attacks might have had a better ending...

  • @derekbootle8316
    @derekbootle8316 Год назад

    Stay crunchy.

  • @captaineurope6564
    @captaineurope6564 2 года назад

    Going into the wild anywhere in North America without an AK or AR is simply offering a free dinner to the wild beasts.

  •  2 года назад

    Nothing I'd scarier than a true monster attack. Not even the eerie music backing the narration compares to nick tripping. Of course he was gonna trip.

  • @roslynweidemann9487
    @roslynweidemann9487 2 года назад

    I'm so glad we only have koala 🐨 bears in Australia 🇦🇺, in saying that my 2 dog's were barking madly below a tree on our rural property and upon investigation I went to see 👀 what was going on, my 2 young children with me and we saw the dog's were barking at a koala 🐨 bear,when I saw the length of it's claws which I'd say they were at least 4inches in length I told my children, don't touch it, it's angry and wild and the length of those claws will inflict serious wounds. That was when I learned how they can get to the top of eucalypt gum trees. It's the claws which look exactly like a grizzly or black bear. My deepest sympathies to all the families and friends of whom their loved one's have been attacked by those bears 🐻. Stay safe out there and always be aware of your surroundings. May God be with you 🙏 ❤🙏❤🙏❤

  • @susiecarrillo6241
    @susiecarrillo6241 2 года назад

    Last one for tonight, gotta charge my phone, LoL

  • @t.wil.9646
    @t.wil.9646 2 года назад +1

    By the Grace of God the two men made it! I don’t like how the mention of the grace of God is bleeped out of the video!

  • @davidtawse6765
    @davidtawse6765 2 года назад

    Anyone ever told you that you sound like the 'k billy super sounds of the 70s' radio dj in reservoir dogs?

    • @scarybearattacks
      @scarybearattacks  2 года назад

      Lol love it!

    • @davidtawse6765
      @davidtawse6765 2 года назад

      @@scarybearattacks Haha it's when you say 'before we conclude our tale of woe'. Great content btw! 👍🏻

  • @994pt4
    @994pt4 10 месяцев назад

    holey smokus!...mad bear is no jokus!!!

  • @billbarrett6285
    @billbarrett6285 Год назад

    They must have been very close to the den.

  • @pamelamorris3148
    @pamelamorris3148 Год назад

    Some scary encounters shocking both man and bear leads to severe repercussions and most often life of one or both.

  • @stewartdavies929
    @stewartdavies929 2 года назад +1

    Is Syeve Wright narrating this clip?

  • @Outlaw-Josey-Wales
    @Outlaw-Josey-Wales 2 года назад +3

    This bear must of been a nomad young male and it was not by luck the men got away the bear did not trail them or they both would have been killed o believe the bear was defending a kill obviously or it would have carnigalized one or both men easily

  • @mightyfraserriver977
    @mightyfraserriver977 2 года назад

    And now Greg should carry two double cans of super strength bear spray as well as sharp strong knifes at the very minimal

  • @oscarslife5497
    @oscarslife5497 2 года назад +4

    this was really poorly read, sorry bro should have re recorded quite a lot of it

  • @jackiesicilian5720
    @jackiesicilian5720 2 года назад +1

    Wait, did he ever explain what made the bear let him go? I'm confused how did he get away from a grizzly bear??

    • @scarybearattacks
      @scarybearattacks  2 года назад +1

      I think it happened so fast that they were all confused including the bear 🐻

  • @miniaturemachinist6098
    @miniaturemachinist6098 2 года назад +3

    There are quite a few people complaining in this comment section about god and stuff but I think the video is fine. These stories make me consider getting a pistol that's more powerful than my 92fs.

  • @Mrs.Pena-1
    @Mrs.Pena-1 Год назад +2


  •  2 года назад

    you have to make noise constantly especially in soft conditions the bear will give you room but as this was end of season you were predated on lucky

  •  2 года назад +2

    Is this bear stronger than the Old Groaner?

    • @scarybearattacks
      @scarybearattacks  2 года назад

      I don't think there's ever been a bear as strong as old groaner lol

  • @martharobison3184
    @martharobison3184 3 месяца назад

    Why would you climb or hike in the dark???

  • @pamelaself1298
    @pamelaself1298 2 года назад +1

    Was just reminded of guidelines… I don’t think I should comment.

  • @Clearanceman2
    @Clearanceman2 Год назад

    I'd be calling for help rather than return tot he scene of the attack.

  • @josephkramer932
    @josephkramer932 2 года назад

    Is this a state where it is illegal to be armed where they were hiking? I understand most bears would be hibernating but I would consider it desirable equipment.

    • @wesgilmer5391
      @wesgilmer5391 2 года назад

      That's what I'm wondering. If you are visiting from the states, how do you get a protective side arm?

    @TRUTHISABSOLUTE777 2 года назад +1

    6:05 - at first I thought you censored it because you were going to be scared to say by the grace of God. But then I see that you actually just trying to be a bit more specific.

  • @sherrimartin4775
    @sherrimartin4775 2 года назад +1

    Are these outdoorsmen who don't believe in carrying firearms? You couldn't get me out there without at least 3 firearms!!

  • @bcallahan3806
    @bcallahan3806 8 месяцев назад

    Just because snow doesn't mean " hibernation " which is actually the wrong term.
    Especially if your dealing with multiple elevations.
    Bears will migrate to higher elevations to winter over for a few reasons.
    Easier to make or find a den, more snowfall means better insulation, less calories burned, and less chance of predatory attacks in spring.
    Food sources are scarce both when bears emerge as well as onset of winter.
    Both times they are all about calories. Or protection of cubs.
    We can be food source or threat.
    Neither a good situation.
    Best bet avoid.
    Carry spray and if allowed a firearm that's capable defending yourself.
    Be aware.
    90% of issues are unexpected encounters or human mistakes.

  • @dmo-ra1655
    @dmo-ra1655 2 года назад +1

    AK 47 and Glock 20 10mm or don't go in Bear Country.

  • @testostyrone33
    @testostyrone33 2 года назад

    I don't understand, and I never will.

  • @juliejensen7370
    @juliejensen7370 Год назад

    I'd feel no safer with weapons or bear spray. Bears are so fast and if you're awakened, you may have no time.

  • @frankthetank1369
    @frankthetank1369 2 года назад

    Bear was not hungry.

  • @C-Here
    @C-Here 2 года назад +1

    So glad both survived ok... Ya'll say Australia is terrifying, I reckon USA beats us hands down!! Bears, wolves, Bison, cougers, wolverines... I could go on... Just so scary... 😳😳😂😅

  •  2 года назад +1

    are there any stories about people killing attacking bears?

    • @C-Here
      @C-Here 2 года назад

      Tonnes unfortunately.. ☹☹

    • @rickholloway5218
      @rickholloway5218 Год назад

      Gene Moe killed one when it attacked him, and I think all he had was a knife.