This made me cry. I came out yesterday (hardest think I've ever done) after years of hating myself. When I was younger, everyone around me told me I was wrong and I believed them. My relationship with my family is terrible (not 18 yet) and it is so, unbelievably, hard. But now I can accept myself, and understand myself a little better it is just a little bit easier. It feels so good to know that two people I respect so much went through it too, and made something wonderful out of their lives.
It always seems to me when I hear coming out stories such as this, to be able to come to terms with who you are at such a young age must be an amazing feeling. I didn't come to terms with who I was untill I was 48, looking back now I think what the hell was I thinking I was straight LOL Tegan and Sara are both quite an inspiration to me, and their music is getting me through a tough time right now, I fell in love with someone who I can't have. A piece of advice for those of you who might need it, don't ever think you're above falling for someone you know you shouldn't have
coming out is the best thing you can do. I think the point is not really people to get you as much as you to exept yourself. Yes- there will be jerks, maybe random people, maybe sometimes your parents, but once you realize you have to stand up for yourself,no matter what, things will get much easier .I'm still trying to show to my mom that I'm a normal girl (and I came out when I was 12, now I'm 19) but as time goes by I care less and less. Just do not freak out and judge yourself. Be a man (:
Wow! This choked me up a little bit. I hope I can live as openly and honestly as they both do some day. I'm so glad I found Tegan and Sara when I did.
This made me cry. I came out yesterday (hardest think I've ever done) after years of hating myself. When I was younger, everyone around me told me I was wrong and I believed them. My relationship with my family is terrible (not 18 yet) and it is so, unbelievably, hard. But now I can accept myself, and understand myself a little better it is just a little bit easier. It feels so good to know that two people I respect so much went through it too, and made something wonderful out of their lives.
It always seems to me when I hear coming out stories such as this, to be able to come to terms with who you are at such a young age must be an amazing feeling. I didn't come to terms with who I was untill I was 48, looking back now I think what the hell was I thinking I was straight LOL Tegan and Sara are both quite an inspiration to me, and their music is getting me through a tough time right now, I fell in love with someone who I can't have. A piece of advice for those of you who might need it, don't ever think you're above falling for someone you know you shouldn't have
thank you yamakarasu for posting this video, i completely love tegan and sara, they are so open and friendly with their audience :) x
Sara, never stop talking. I love you
coming out is the best thing you can do. I think the point is not really people to get you as much as you to exept yourself. Yes- there will be jerks, maybe random people, maybe sometimes your parents, but once you realize you have to stand up for yourself,no matter what, things will get much easier .I'm still trying to show to my mom that I'm a normal girl (and I came out when I was 12, now I'm 19) but as time goes by I care less and less. Just do not freak out and judge yourself. Be a man (:
god damn it, i love Sara.
True: in Quebec we pay so much taxe xd (ahh, dear Charest)
He's soooo right!
"You can be a good ally, but it's ok to ask them to be better"
That somehow makes it feel like i have wronged someone without doing a thing.
aw sara sounds like she's getting a cold
Sara never freaking stands still :P
Was Sara sick? Her voice sounds so low...
1:10 LMFAO