I have one outside my bedroom window it’s December he sings at me when i go too sleep and wakes me at 7:00 am he’s been doing this for a few years now all year long .
Pacific Treefrog is a rather outdated name people keep using. In the 90s they were moved to the chorus frog genus "pseudacris" and are better called chorus frogs (although chorus frogs are a group of treefrogs but they are distinct). Chorus frogs can climb but spend almost all their time on the group. She did hint at the fact that the Pacific Chorus was split into three species, all three of which are found in CA. Pacific Chorus Frog in Northern CA, Sierra Chorus Frog in Central, CA, and the Baja Chorus Frog farther south. All of these have ranges that do extend outside of CA too.
Why wouldn’t you play a recording of the sound they make?
This was a very poorly made segment
Copyright issues with Kermit
@@julesl6910 They are also using an outdated name as they are known as chorus frogs now. She said it once but kept bouncing back and forth.
I have one outside my bedroom window it’s December he sings at me when i go too sleep and wakes me at 7:00 am he’s been doing this for a few years now all year long .
I haven’t seen a frog since 1975
¿spring is early this year?
I’ll keep looking & put out some water. That will make the rats happy too 😂
Pacific Treefrog is a rather outdated name people keep using. In the 90s they were moved to the chorus frog genus "pseudacris" and are better called chorus frogs (although chorus frogs are a group of treefrogs but they are distinct). Chorus frogs can climb but spend almost all their time on the group. She did hint at the fact that the Pacific Chorus was split into three species, all three of which are found in CA. Pacific Chorus Frog in Northern CA, Sierra Chorus Frog in Central, CA, and the Baja Chorus Frog farther south. All of these have ranges that do extend outside of CA too.
Leaving a water filled pan is great, but those tadpoles need 3 months , woebetide the boy who fails to keep it full
i uploaded a vid of the biggest one ive ever seen