I noticed this yesterday, and took a picture of the side of the building. Didn't want to disturb the dogs any more than I already had. Next time I drive that way, maybe I'll knock on the door of the house.
There's probably no one there, Richard. Hank passed away a few years ago and his son sometimes is there, most times not. Neighbors keep an eye out. If they still have stuff they will sell, they will call you (eventually) if you leave a note on the door with your phone number. Yes, the dogs go nuts.
I noticed this yesterday, and took a picture of the side of the building. Didn't want to disturb the dogs any more than I already had. Next time I drive that way, maybe I'll knock on the door of the house.
There's probably no one there, Richard. Hank passed away a few years ago and his son sometimes is there, most times not. Neighbors keep an eye out. If they still have stuff they will sell, they will call you (eventually) if you leave a note on the door with your phone number. Yes, the dogs go nuts.