Tony Newman (Tony Stockdil ) is a professor right now. I don’t know where did you got the information he died. He was professor in Thailand and China. 4 years ago the girl in seyfu show talking about She met Tony and another video 2011 he had presentation in Thailand.
He teaches at University of Connecticut and a global language program senior officer for the U. S. Department of State, a combined hottie and brain, what a dreamy guy! He actually is not an actor because he was working as English to Spanish translator in Televisa when he was offered the Tony role by the producer. After finishing the series, he flew back to California to take his Master's degree at UCLA and Marshall University, then working as a lecturer for universities in China before coming back to the East Coast. It seems he has been happily married with a chinese lady (I don't know if she is a native of China or Chinese American or any other East Asian American). There were two photos of them on Google. However, he personally seems a very private person with no personal twitter, ig and facebook accounts.
ውይ በጣም የማይረሳ ጊዜ ነበር ቅዳሜ እነሱን ለማየት ቤታችን በሰፈር ልጆች ተሞልቶ ከዛም ወራችነ ሀሉ ስለነሱ ነበረ ,wow i love it
One of those good times we left behind us 🥰 80s and 90s ... the best generation ever!!
Incredible montage...Thank you so much for being a fan of Acapulco Bay! ♥️Rachel
Any time!
Tony Newman (Tony Stockdil ) is a professor right now. I don’t know where did you got the information he died. He was professor in Thailand and China. 4 years ago the girl in seyfu show talking about She met Tony and another video 2011 he had presentation in Thailand.
Oh ok thanks for info I was so sad
This is true he is not died ….. he just married a Chinese woman and is living in china
Weeee beneath betam astawesewalloh endawem 3geze neber yetdegmew b amaheric tergumeh betakerbulen 👌👌👌👌👌👌♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️👍👍👍👍👍
አሰታወሰዋለሁ ቅዳሜ ከሰአት ከዱባይ ተራ ጀንሰ ገዝተን አዳራሸ ወሰጥ አፍችንን ከፈተን ይኔን ፊልም ቆመን ሰናይ የገዛነውን ሱሪየተሰረቅነው
በ1988 ኢትዬጰያን ካላንደር ነው ለመጀሪያ ጌዜ ቅዳሜ ከሰዓት ይታይ የነበረው 1995 ተደግሞ ነው
Er 92 new 95 atedelem
degami eyew
@@hanilove3706 አመተ ምህረቱን አላስታውስም ድራማውን ግን አረሳውም ቅዳሜ በመጣ ቁጥር ከስፈራችን አንድ ቴሌብዥን ያለ ቤት ነበር እሄን ድራማ ለማየት ተላልከን ላቸው ነው የምናየው አይ ልጅነት 🤔🤔❤❤❤😘
1995 በ ፈረንጆቹ አቆጣጠር ነው
I remember when watching it with my family!
How did you know about Tony's death? I don't think it is true I heard once he is language professor now.
True he's not dead... He's still alive
Helly papi eew East t raw we easy SZyS re you sr
Asfa dsaa da address Sto ZI Z
He is alive. May be he don't want to be an actor anymore.
He teaches at University of Connecticut and a global language program senior officer for the U. S. Department of State, a combined hottie and brain, what a dreamy guy! He actually is not an actor because he was working as English to Spanish translator in Televisa when he was offered the Tony role by the producer. After finishing the series, he flew back to California to take his Master's degree at UCLA and Marshall University, then working as a lecturer for universities in China before coming back to the East Coast. It seems he has been happily married with a chinese lady (I don't know if she is a native of China or Chinese American or any other East Asian American). There were two photos of them on Google. However, he personally seems a very private person with no personal twitter, ig and facebook accounts.
Where did you get is I rememebr every piece of it wow I grow up on it
እባክህ አንድ ማግኘት ያልቻልኩት የድሮ ዲቴክቲቭ ድራማ ሙቪ እምታውቀው ከሆነ እባክ ፓስት አርገው። ባልሳሳት የአእንግሊዝ ዲቴክቲቭ ሙቪ ነው ሜይን ዲቴክቲቩ ወፍራም ባልሳሳት የመድረክ ስሙ ኸከስተ ይመስለኛል። thank you.
ጃክ ኤንድ ዘ ፋት ማን ነው?
እርጅና በጣም ያስጠላል
1992 i was 12 years old now i am 33 oh my God i like Tony and richo at that time great memmo RIP Tony but i dont get richo beuty now
Me to
Why you said rip? He did die
LARA STEINICK was my favorite girl at that time i was 18 thank you Akal -Tube i will subscribe your channel
thank you
I love it memory
Amdetyon abay thank you
check it here
Wow tezta kseksachih bgugut nber ymnayew ysefer guwadguch gare
Me too
ዩቱበሮች ግን ውሸታቹ ማብቂያ የለውም ሁሉንም ጥሩ አቀራረብ ነበር መጨረሻ ላይ ቶኒ ኦቨር ዶዝ አደንዛዥ ወስዶ ሞተ የተባለው ከእውነት የራቀ ነው አልሞተም ፊልም መስራት ነው ያቆመው እሱም ፕሮፊሰር ነው
The shadowን የት ነው ላገኘው የምችለው? Please መልስሽን እጠብቃለው
እኔም ፈልጌ ላገኘው አልቻልኩም
Ere lelam film neber ebakasmchu astawsut ena semun esresahut???
empire ነው?
@@AkalTubeEthio enanja enatu gin neberela mushera mota menamin tez yelgnal
betam amesegnalehu betam yemwedewu film neber betoni mot betam azgnalehu beljinete kemewudede yetenesa betesebe neber yemimeslugn betam des blognal slayehuchewu berchi amesegnalewu
1992 ነው
Tony is very much alive, he is not died he live in washington Dc with his wife and daugter. why you say died?
Exactly wisheramoch nachew
ትርጉም ባማረኛ አስተላልፉልን
1992 e.c I remember
የነ ማሪቾይ እና ሚጌል ምን ነበረ ርእሱ
እናተም ቶኒን ገደላቹት? አለ አልሞተም ማን ነው ሞቱዋል ያላችሁ?
92-93 be etv telalefual 95 aydelem
እሁንም ቢደገም አይስለችም
ውእይ ቶኒ ሞቱዋል የእውነት ሲያሳዝን ነብሱን ይማረው የልጅነቴ የምወደው ፊልም
Wushet new almotem
@@hellypapi7389 ካለ ደእስ ይላል
አው ሞቶዋል😪
አማርኛ ትርጉም
የማይረሳ ፌልም ማክስዬ ክፋቱ
Tnx my Sweet much respect for you
በጣም ሲበዛ ውሸታም ናችሁ !!!!!! ቶኒ አልሞተም በቻይና አንድ ግዛት ውስጥ አንድ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ውሥጥ ኢንግሊሽ አሥተማሪ ነው!!! ያልተጣራ ወሬ ........እንደናንተ አይነቱነው ሀገር ያጠፋው
Yes thanks