Morrisons Jig / The Kerry Reel - Celticbreeze

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 78

  • @ilyasltmusic7865
    @ilyasltmusic7865 Год назад +12

    i Like From Morocco much
    Irish music ❤

  • @sarahstephens9982
    @sarahstephens9982 4 месяца назад +4

    I love this! Extra special as I am a Morrison!

  • @nwlk9262
    @nwlk9262 19 дней назад

    Violin is so perfect 👌

  • @kenthatfield4287
    @kenthatfield4287 2 года назад +13

    Very very good and the fiddler deserves a prize. The wrist action in her Boeing is superb. You can hear it just like a bagpiper produces Grace notes. Her great notes are very precise and you might say tantalizing

  • @nadanalia3000
    @nadanalia3000 2 года назад +5

    So beautiful, thanks from Tonga 🇹🇴

  • @johntuohy1867
    @johntuohy1867 2 года назад +3

    Humdinger.Cracker pace.Like old De Danann.
    Thank you.

  • @kumaflamewar6524
    @kumaflamewar6524 3 года назад +41

    This is beautiful. Believe it or not the first time I heard this jig was from a metal band, it's amazing to hear it played traditionally.

    • @TheShazbaga
      @TheShazbaga  3 года назад +4

      Thank you 😊

    • @johnmc3862
      @johnmc3862 3 года назад +6

      The Metalers been stealing the trad tunes for ages 🤣

    • @kumaflamewar6524
      @kumaflamewar6524 3 года назад +8

      @@johnmc3862 idk if stealing is the right term, i think of it as spreading them.

    • @KingAlbert19
      @KingAlbert19 3 года назад +4

      Which band? I'm interested

    • @kumaflamewar6524
      @kumaflamewar6524 2 года назад +8

      @@KingAlbert19 eluveitie, it's played at the end of tegernako (at 5:00 if you wanna skip to it, though i really like that song)

  • @Saprimentozz_Big_trap
    @Saprimentozz_Big_trap Год назад +2

    Excellent! Beautiful music! ❤

  • @bobanpalurovic1824
    @bobanpalurovic1824 3 месяца назад

    Fabulous! ❤ Greetings from Serbia.

  • @lowellirish
    @lowellirish Год назад +2

    Nicely done! Smooth... You're all shows. And nice transition , too!👏👏👏👏👏👍

  • @irishfield1
    @irishfield1 6 лет назад +3

    Beautiful ever rendition wowwwww adore this ever Sharon Padraig and Michael topssssss

  • @Melvorgazh
    @Melvorgazh 4 года назад +8

    So cool giotár intro!
    Iontach! 😺💪🏻☘️🎶

  • @PosleKino
    @PosleKino 9 месяцев назад

    Bardzo pęknie! 🤩

  • @irishfield1
    @irishfield1 6 лет назад +1

    All so great musician adore Sharon so much on fiddle thank you CelticBreeze

    • @Kitiwake
      @Kitiwake 4 года назад

      She's a big girl alright

  • @irishfield1
    @irishfield1 6 лет назад +2

    So great band ever Sharon Padhraic and michael amazing ever thank you

  • @Roensmusic
    @Roensmusic 4 месяца назад

    nice ♥

  • @Guacamoc
    @Guacamoc 7 месяцев назад

    Thank you straight out of Nebraska!

  • @Irishceol
    @Irishceol 7 месяцев назад +2

    Bhí sé galánta é! Maith thú❤

  • @RobertoFasciano
    @RobertoFasciano Год назад

    Beautiful music and performance. Big like for you!!

  • @Joanne16276
    @Joanne16276 2 года назад +1

    Great music

  • @nodgelyobo1
    @nodgelyobo1 5 лет назад +3


  • @Aaronmv15
    @Aaronmv15 3 месяца назад

    1:09 beautiful!❤

  • @williamswhistlepipes
    @williamswhistlepipes 4 года назад +1

    Great playing👏👏👏👏👏

  • @EricOwensFlute
    @EricOwensFlute Год назад +1

    Very nice!

  • @Melvorgazh
    @Melvorgazh 3 года назад +4

    Love the giotár intro :)

  • @rexmundi3108
    @rexmundi3108 3 года назад +2

    good job!

  • @Nikolaus580
    @Nikolaus580 6 лет назад +1


  • @petritlatifi5736
    @petritlatifi5736 3 года назад +4

    1:09 is where the magic begins.

    • @Snarfles_
      @Snarfles_ 3 года назад +2

      What did Morrisons jig ever do to you 😄

    • @adventureswithaurora
      @adventureswithaurora 2 года назад

      @@Snarfles_ 🤣 No kidding! That's my second favorite jig, so...

  • @Melvorgazh
    @Melvorgazh 4 года назад +2

    Fíor ghleoite! ;)

  • @daunaltromondo
    @daunaltromondo 4 месяца назад +2

    Go raibh maith agat ón Iodáil as an amhrán álainn seo!

  • @Melvorgazh
    @Melvorgazh 4 года назад +1

    Micheál Hussey?
    Never heard of him before.
    Giotár go breá!

  • @kokindenom
    @kokindenom Год назад


  • @stef96ify
    @stef96ify 2 года назад +2

    Is this Mr. Morrison the same person who composed "Ian Morrison's Reel"? Was/is he a famous composer?

    • @TheShazbaga
      @TheShazbaga  2 года назад +1

      Not sure who composed the tune sorry

  • @francapascoe7822
    @francapascoe7822 Год назад +8

    I am a Canadian-Italian

    • @Wejsea
      @Wejsea 7 месяцев назад

      Nice but why is you think anybody under this video would care?

    • @fanmanuwilliammusic7900
      @fanmanuwilliammusic7900 3 месяца назад +1


    • @Jrnelle
      @Jrnelle 2 месяца назад


  • @lawrencegallagher3722
    @lawrencegallagher3722 8 месяцев назад

    It's one of the quirks of this tune that the way most guitarists back it, there is a violent, if momentary, conflict between the C# of the melody and the C Major played by the guitar, at :37 and 1:07. Most people don't seem to care, but it catches me every time like a bit of broken glass in my blueberry muffin. As a contrast, compare with the way Matt Heaton plays it (D/F#) here: (backing starts at 5:35)видео.html

    • @TheShazbaga
      @TheShazbaga  8 месяцев назад

      Ehh what.. 🤣 Maybe lay off the blueberry muffins lol

  • @justinc6465
    @justinc6465 2 года назад +2

    Wonderful playing! Congratulations! I found the scores for the first part, but couldn't find anywhere the second part, where the rhythm changes. Any way you guys can direct me to an online score? Thank you very much and once again...superb playing!

    • @TheShazbaga
      @TheShazbaga  2 года назад +3

  • @simonpostel2682
    @simonpostel2682 Год назад +2

    Hye sharon, is this track available on spotify? If so, is it possible to put the link in the comments?
    Thanks for your feedback

    • @TheShazbaga
      @TheShazbaga  Год назад

      Hi Simon.. Sorry we only recorded it for the video, never recorded it for album purposes but here is a link to my Spotify channel.. thanks

  • @dans.6386
    @dans.6386 2 года назад +1

    Hi Sharon. Morrison’s jig is a great Irish fiddle tune and y’all do up right! I would love to know the chords the guitarist is playing.

  • @johnhipp604
    @johnhipp604 Год назад

    What is her name playing the volion

    • @TheShazbaga
      @TheShazbaga  Год назад

      Sharon Hussey -

  • @francis8666
    @francis8666 10 месяцев назад


  • @johnhipp604
    @johnhipp604 Год назад

    What is her name

    • @TheShazbaga
      @TheShazbaga  Год назад

      Sharon Hussey 😁

  • @tomaseenx
    @tomaseenx 2 года назад

    Does this same song have 3 names?

  • @tbillyjoeroth
    @tbillyjoeroth 7 месяцев назад

    I hate when there's a tablature for fiddle music to be adapted to the mountain dulcimer because no way in hell can you play a dulcimer that fast. But it sounds great on the fiddle and such 🎉

  • @88_garnet8
    @88_garnet8 2 месяца назад

    They like to say that the fairies always did love their music. Didnt they also say that this song, was made by one. The supernarural race, or the people with higher ability that were there before the modern people: fairies. And supposedly still apear in secret.😊

  • @melissacheek6566
    @melissacheek6566 Год назад

    Is this American? Just because there is a banjo. I thought the banjo was introduced from Africa and part of Blue grass. Not questioning just asking, I really don’t know. I love Irish music, but also love blue grass so I’m wondering when the banjo was introduced. Since alot of old Irish music doesn’t have the banjo. I love the old Irish flute music.

    • @puttsky7
      @puttsky7 9 месяцев назад +1

      The tenor banjo was adopted by Irish players probably about a century ago and has been a staple ever since. It is distinct from the bluegrass 5 string banjo as it only has 4 strings and is tuned like a fiddle, only an octave lower, and is played with a flat pick.

    • @tbillyjoeroth
      @tbillyjoeroth 7 месяцев назад

      And the violin was invented by the Irish? Or what?? Jeez. Music is universal. You see a lot of banjos in the African bush, playing along with the drums, eh?

  • @stevajzf
    @stevajzf Год назад

    هل من عربي ام فقط انا

  • @Jarnailsingh-fo7uy
    @Jarnailsingh-fo7uy Месяц назад
