6.00 Official Clock Average with 4.52 PR Single - FWR32 and Female Western Record

  • Опубликовано: 20 сен 2024
  • 5.98 (7.69) 5.24 6.77 (4.52)
    Double Clock PR at 1 in the morning.
    I went into this competition wanting one thing: A sub 6 clock average. I average 5.1 at home so I thought this was going to be easy. My first couple of events didn't go very well and I got in my own head a bit, and I was really nervous. Then, the event before (skewb) went insanely well, I got overall PB3 single and an insane average and it took my mind off clock a bit.
    I was third seed in the group behind my friends Vini and Kate. They got called up for their first solves before I did mine, and both got PR singles on the first scramble (Vini got 3.63, Kate got 4.27). So going into my first solve I knew it had the potential to be a really good solve, but I got nervous and turned badly, leading to a 5.98. Not horrible because I wanted a sub-6 average, but not great either.
    I did the next 3 solves, and of my friends I was the last one who needed to do solve 5. I calculated my BPA and it said 5.996, and I forgot that the average would be rounded. I got an E1 due to a "repeat" scramble (turns out they were different and the scrambles were just very similar, identical first cross solution, but the delegate thankfully gave me E1 since I thought it was still a repeat). The E1 scramble was a million times better than the original 5th scramble and I got a 4.52, which I thought meant my average was 5.99 since I got BPA. It got rounded to 6.00 which is still a PR, but disappointing because I was literally 2 thousandths of a second away from the average being rounded down instead of up.
    Finals (which I may or may not post, idk) were stationary and my friend was judging me. I got a 6.26 average with a DNF out of probably a 5.8 or 5.9 average, because I forgot to start the timer on what was probably 5.6-5.7. I have another round in less than 2 months so I will avenge 5.99 there. But for now I finally hold the (very real, highly coveted) Female Western Record (which is why Kate said FWR at the end of solve 5 lol) and have a single that does not make me cry myself to sleep. Shoutout to Alessandro for judging the last solve and making sure the time was written neatly
    Huge congrats to Drake on sub-4 average, Brendyn on the incredible WR single and also your insane squan results, and Kate and Vini for their good singles on the first scramble. My favorite comp I've ever been to by far, thank you to all my friends for making this such a fun comp (and to my parents, who support me so much and let me go this comp even though they thought I was insane for this)
    Cube: Pi Mod Qiyi

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