Obedience is a waste of time??

  • Опубликовано: 4 июн 2024
  • Obedience is a waste of time?? #relatable #religion #news #politics #christianity #christian #bible #conservative #alliebethstuckey #lgbtq #celibacy

Комментарии • 390

  • @ChristianJewels
    @ChristianJewels Месяц назад +488

    I came out in 4th grade, i had attractions to women since a very young age. Progressively i kept getting deeper into it and i eventually thought i was trans and nonbinary. All these things, i genuinely felt at the time. I thought i could never change and i was truly born this way. But then i came to Jesus, and i mean truly came to him. I felt convicted of homosexuality and put in some work as in getting rid of photos or videos of celebrity crushes i had, but all the work truly happened from prayer and petition. I wanted a change, and God answered my prayers. You have to genuinely strive to change and put in the work with God. I now genuinely get grossed out at the thought of being attracted to another woman and what goes along with it, something that i thought was genuinely impossible. I love you, it’s okay to try to change. I struggle with having to give up the prideful-ness that comes along with giving up a desire, it’s okay to let it go. Nobody will judge you, it’s okay to take it a step at a time. You have to rely on God to deliver you, you weren’t meant to fight this fight alone.💗

    • @AlejandraTrevizo-es7gx
      @AlejandraTrevizo-es7gx Месяц назад +7


    • @temdasarah
      @temdasarah Месяц назад +26

      this is my testimony!!! praise God

    • @JRPLawyeress1
      @JRPLawyeress1 Месяц назад +23

      Thank you for sharing your story. It gives me hope for a much loved family member.

    • @ChristianJewels
      @ChristianJewels Месяц назад +9

      @@JRPLawyeress1 Keep praying for their deliverance! I’ll pray for them too.💗☺️

    • @sarahplikus2407
      @sarahplikus2407 Месяц назад +8

      what a testimony!!! blessings on you sister praise Jesus!

  • @josiecamilo7098
    @josiecamilo7098 Месяц назад +220

    The more you cling to God the more you won't want to sin or do anything against Him.

    • @aquatalliahbouchon5005
      @aquatalliahbouchon5005 Месяц назад +1


    • @thecove4770
      @thecove4770 Месяц назад +1

      We will find times when we can do nothing but cling to Him. The rest of the time, we find Him holding us.

    • @JoshB913
      @JoshB913 Месяц назад +2

      This is true, but if you are not feeding your spirit Jesus’s Word and staying prayed up, sometimes the flesh wins and we fall into temptation for a while. If God truly saved us, we do not lose our salvation thankfully.

    • @kabnoot
      @kabnoot Месяц назад +2

      Catholicism has entered the chat.

    • @adelinewurzer4533
      @adelinewurzer4533 Месяц назад

      So true

  • @luridhue
    @luridhue Месяц назад +70

    If you LOVE Me, keep My commandments!

  • @lizpetruzzi7700
    @lizpetruzzi7700 Месяц назад +117

    Love that you’re holding up the Word unapologetically and speaking truth - that is love.

    • @alivape
      @alivape Месяц назад +1

      There is no hate like christian love

    • @lizpetruzzi7700
      @lizpetruzzi7700 Месяц назад +3

      @@alivape then you don’t understand love. Praying you connect with God’s love for you.

    • @loiscarteaux9389
      @loiscarteaux9389 Месяц назад +2

      ​@@alivapeit is not loving to lie to and deceive people about sin. We speak truth in love.

  • @adelinewurzer4533
    @adelinewurzer4533 Месяц назад +18

    I am/was a same sex attracted born again Christian who is working on converting to Catholicism. I fell in love with a wonderful man at a time when I was at my lowest, a literal devil worshiper, a h00ker and a self proclaimed lesbian who dated women. God does wonderful things for you when you simply just open your heart, and He meets us where we are. My husband and I have a beautiful son, and I'm a stay at home mother and I am very fulfilled. If someone told me at age 20 that this is the life I would be living I would have straight up not believed them. Walking with God and living how He has designed for us is a beautiful thing.

    • @PLSTruth
      @PLSTruth Месяц назад +1


    • @ninaramsauer7793
      @ninaramsauer7793 Месяц назад +2

      I will pray a rosary for you and hope with my whole heart that the blessed virgin will help and guide you. I wish you all the best! 🥰

    • @adelinewurzer4533
      @adelinewurzer4533 Месяц назад

      @@ninaramsauer7793 thank u so much 💓

    • @jsshay01
      @jsshay01 18 дней назад +1

      Read the story of Rosaria Butterfield. She is awesome, letting the Lord come into her life and use her.

    • @jessicalee3546
      @jessicalee3546 16 дней назад +1

      No no no. Please. If you really do your research into the actual catholic church and doctrine, you'll see that it's the opposite of biblical. Go to the actual word of God. The Lord will open your eyes and ears to the truth. The catholic church is wicked

  • @promacpic
    @promacpic Месяц назад +57

    He’s saying we can’t obey the law by ourselves under our own strength, that we must be transformed, become a new creature in Christ, receiving a new heart & a new spirit, in oneness with the Holy Spirit who then dwells within us believers, sealed until the day of redemption. God’s grace allows us to grow into agreement & alignment with Jesus, to mature in Christ, so it becomes our new nature to do the works of the law. Without Jesus, we can do nothing except deceive ourselves saying we have no sin & do the works of the law in a delusion of prideful self-righteousness, fallen from grace, not knowing Jesus or His righteousness & works.

    • @user-ol1hq2zs9e
      @user-ol1hq2zs9e Месяц назад +12

      Ya, I thought he was saying what u said. Basically that u pursue that relationship with Jesus and he will change u. It doesn't do any good to pursue the law without Jesus. Because it is Jesus who changes us.

    • @brandabrothers2127
      @brandabrothers2127 Месяц назад +6

      Thank you for your comment, I have read his book and he doesn’t affirm the lifestyle, he tells his story and how God worked through him. It’s easy for us who don’t struggled with a particular sin to say to someone who dose that they should just stop and not try to understand the struggle. I have different set of sins that I struggle with everyday I’m not endorsing or justifying my sins, but I am saying I can’t get over them in my own strength and when I fall I ask for grace and forgiveness and I die to myself a little more, sanctification is a process.

    • @theonewhomjesusloves1005
      @theonewhomjesusloves1005 Месяц назад +2

      I totally agree! Jesus came to set the captives free! IT IS FINISHED!

    • @lindsayceara
      @lindsayceara Месяц назад +10

      Whatever he was trying to say, he still worded it wrong. We shouldn’t tell people that if we actually care about them. Especially that it’s a “waste of time”. Jesus came to fulfill the law, not abolish it, and faith without works is dead. We shouldn’t have the mindset of “oh well we all sin all the time and it’s impossible not to bc of our flesh” bc then that makes a lot of people think that God will forgive everything they do and they don’t even have to try. I used to think that way bc nobody told me the truth and I hadn’t read the Bible.

    • @user-ol1hq2zs9e
      @user-ol1hq2zs9e Месяц назад +2

      @lindsayceara I agree with what u said. Like I said, I think he was saying that when u have a relationship with Jesus, u will want to obey the law. Which is true.

  • @InNatureWithJesus
    @InNatureWithJesus Месяц назад +20

    I love hearing the Bible. Thank you so much for all that you do so beautifully and firmly Allie. You are a blessing. ❤

  • @TonyaA7
    @TonyaA7 Месяц назад +29

    Amen... They trying to twist grace as a license to sin and live in that flesh..
    True grace of God turn you away from sin and gives you a hunger to live a lofe of righteousness ..

    • @aquatalliahbouchon5005
      @aquatalliahbouchon5005 Месяц назад

      They obviously have no idea who God is, otherwise, they wouldn't play these silly games. They have no respect Him.

    • @marcyoverby3817
      @marcyoverby3817 Месяц назад


    • @peacefulslumber3104
      @peacefulslumber3104 18 дней назад

      At least 50% of Christians believe that the law is bondage that Jesus came to set us free from.

  • @temdasarah
    @temdasarah Месяц назад +65

    i am an ex-homosexual, saved by Gods grace. 1st Corinthians 6:9, Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, 10 nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 AND SUCH WERE SOME OF YOU. But you were WASHED, you were SANCTIFIED, you were JUSTIFIED in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God

    • @monkeybearmax
      @monkeybearmax Месяц назад +3

      Yes your salvation isn’t dependent on whether u leave homosexuality or not but on fully trusting in Jesus for remission of sins. Anyone can be saved right where they are!

    • @answers_for_all4379
      @answers_for_all4379 28 дней назад

      Every sin, after you commit it enough times gets you numb. You numb out your God given consciousness. And then you feel maybe absolutely zero conviction of it. If we think that the murder is the worst sin whether it is or not... let's take it as an example as if it was the worst of all. Then take a look at every murderer who testified of his/hers actions. They all pretty much say the same story, of how it was hard to kill the first victim, but after a while human life meant nothing to them (I'm talking about communist soldiers mostly bcz they were even supported to kill lives of people who didn't support communism).
      How then? How can people like these get saved? Only if they ask from God to feel guilt of what they have done, the conviction of their actions, since it was numbed out of them they need to ask from God to bring it back to them, the realization of how wrong their deeds was, how great was their sin. Then they will be able to repent!
      The same is with every sin, just as i have said, your right and wrong has been corrupted and you're probably thinking how there is nothing bad about your sin. And you might even disguise it as love instead of lust. Lust is your enemy, not your friend. It is there to bring you down, down from the magnificent creation that God made you into, to defile yourself instead of keeping yourself to a holy standard of Jesus Christ.
      Just remember the first times you felt guilt because of lust, when you were just a young teenager probably...back then you knew something is not right, shame was what you felt...And it will help you out on your journey to stop with the sin that keeps following you, and it only follows you because you keep entertaining it.
      Break the chains of sin free! Break free! Lord Jesus is waiting for you, surrender to Him all you who suffer and thirst for more than what this world has to offer. It is shallow to live for your pleasures but noble to live for the Glory of God!

    • @answers_for_all4379
      @answers_for_all4379 28 дней назад

      I answered you but my comment got deleted. Maybe you reported it even? Can't say any truth these days.

    • @answers_for_all4379
      @answers_for_all4379 28 дней назад

      I cant see my comment. I told you about mental health and spiritual health being in jeopardy and you think that's nothing? The bottom line is you know there's nothing beautiful about intercourse of any kind between two men, it's just dishonoring to them as human beings. Everyone knows this, the ones that deny it and accept it as love is completely another form of dishonesty. Think of your dignity, yes maybe you lost it in the eyes of others, but Christ offers you a new dignity and a new identity.

    • @answers_for_all4379
      @answers_for_all4379 28 дней назад

      Well you can't ask me... how it does so. It was a lot of research done on these topics. Search them up and find out.

  • @judyhart2311
    @judyhart2311 Месяц назад +12

    Amen! We are cleansed through the blood!

  • @thecove4770
    @thecove4770 Месяц назад +6

    It important to point out that because of sinful nature we CANNOT obey. None of us! We need a new heart, a new nature, and only God can give it.
    Remember, the Pharisees were the most outwardly righteous people but inwardly were filthy pots. We need God to bring us into a right mindset, so that we can love the law and aspire to obey it for His glory and not our own.

    • @gideondavid30
      @gideondavid30 Месяц назад

      What does that have to do with this?video? The argument they are presenting is that we don't have to repent of our sins at all. We do not even have to struggle.

    • @rosebud040686
      @rosebud040686 21 день назад

      @@gideondavid30the fact that’s the message you got proves how this team cut the video to fit their agenda. I have watched the whole thing and that is NOT what he says at all. I suggest you watch the whole thing for yourself

  • @pamelagrimes3453
    @pamelagrimes3453 23 дня назад +1

    Amen and amen!!! Our outward actions our inner thoughts. Need to come into alignment with the truth of God‘s word. With the perspective of heaven. May God give us all strength to live for what our Lord died for and may we be his true witnesses on this earth. God bless you AllieBeth and thank you for all you do.🙏❤️✝️

  • @MelindaGrace
    @MelindaGrace Месяц назад +14

    The church has been deceived into thinking being saved by grace is enough! We should want to follow the commandments which brings us closer to God! We should want to inherit the kingdom of God and not sit on the sidelines wishing we did better with the life he gave us.

    • @greggpurviance7252
      @greggpurviance7252 Месяц назад +3

      We are not sanctified by the law, but by faith

    • @lorriestockman671
      @lorriestockman671 Месяц назад +2

      Yes, because sin is what seperates us from God. That is why God had to send Jesus, so we could walk free of sin and step into a relationship with him. We can now come boldly to the throne room of God, because our sins are covered and we are walking in the Spirit and not after our flesh.

    • @cindygarcia1809
      @cindygarcia1809 Месяц назад +1

      It is impossible to be able to follow the commandments if one is not saved. Sanctification comes after being saved, which means you first get saved by grace alone through faith, and then Jesus writes His laws on your heart, and that's when you start wanting to follow His commandments.

    • @MelindaGrace
      @MelindaGrace Месяц назад

      Unfortunately there are many that have been saved that continue to want to live a sinful life and give the excuse that they are already saved by grace. Trying to follow his laws will bring us closer to him in the end so that’s what we should all consciously be wanting to do. Of course it’s impossible to follow them without flaw bc we are not Jesus. What is in our heart? When we repent it should be with the intention of not continuing in that sin we’re asking him to forgive in the first place.

    • @christophertaylor9100
      @christophertaylor9100 Месяц назад

      Right. We are saved by the doing and dying of Jesus Christ, but if you do not change, do not want to obey God, how can you say that you ever WERE really saved?

  • @markstuckert7103
    @markstuckert7103 Месяц назад +14

    Well that takes care of just about everyone. The door is narrow.😭

  • @joealvarez4240
    @joealvarez4240 12 дней назад

    So much for "faith alone". You have proved here that this is unbiblical. Thank you, Allie Beth.

  • @GratiaPrima_
    @GratiaPrima_ Месяц назад +47

    He really took faith alone all the way, huh? Old Testament or new, faith and obedience are the measure of salvation. Faith without works is dead. Absolutely, because “overcoming sin and living in obedience is possible.”

    • @BigAiK
      @BigAiK Месяц назад +1

      True I lived it!❤

    • @GratiaPrima_
      @GratiaPrima_ Месяц назад

      @@BigAiK awesome!

    • @777logos2
      @777logos2 Месяц назад +1

      By the power of the all mighty, his word, and spirit all sin is able to be overcome through him.

    • @lorriestockman671
      @lorriestockman671 Месяц назад +1

      Amen!! ❤

    • @eddardgreybeard
      @eddardgreybeard Месяц назад

      Unfortunately for protestantism, that man's take is the logical conclusion.

  • @JehuCompany777
    @JehuCompany777 Месяц назад

    I literally just made a video about this! "And such were some of you..."
    Deliverance and freedom is possible in Jesus. Hallelujah!

  • @charlescharliejpeg
    @charlescharliejpeg Месяц назад +1

    I was same sex attracted since 5. Never fully committed to the lifestyle because of shame. But felt it in my heart. When I came to Jesus, he set me free. Now if I have any ss thoughts, I give those feelings up to Him. Taking my thoughts captive in His name amen.

  • @Bakc2December
    @Bakc2December Месяц назад +1

    1 Corinthians 6:9-11 is my favorite. ❤️
    I wear a bracelet everyday that says “Not what we were.” As a little reminder that Jesus can change your whole life ❤

  • @zwickysnails337
    @zwickysnails337 Месяц назад +2

    It’s like people don’t understand what a law is…
    Just because our laws surrounding speed limits were established 100 years ago, doesn’t mean they don’t matter today because we drive new vehicles

    • @amberscottcmt7400
      @amberscottcmt7400 Месяц назад

      Laws change. 2000+ year old law is not for the world today.

  • @bonjourbanks
    @bonjourbanks Месяц назад +3

    I considered myself to be bisexual for such a long time… I ended up marrying a wonderful man and having his children… I’ve dated a girl and I can tell you that living for God underneath his will for us has blessed my life entirely.

  • @EImpact-zt9rg
    @EImpact-zt9rg Месяц назад +3

    Romans 3:31 do we make void the law? God forbid.

  • @dnzswithwombats
    @dnzswithwombats Месяц назад +3

    Such. *WERE*. Some. Of. You.
    The self-deceived such as this guy saying you get to keep your sin - what a twisted lie people like that spread. The devil would give that one a standing ovation.

  • @slsteiner
    @slsteiner Месяц назад +8

    Ali Beth Stuckey you’re wrong on this one he is correct and that’s precisely Paul’s point if you aim for the law you won’t make it, but aim for Christ and you will succeed at the law by the very nature of abiding in Christ.

    • @chazwick75
      @chazwick75 Месяц назад +2

      1000s of years and millions of Israelis before Jesus was born, prove you are wrong.
      They were given the law, they were given prophets, they overcame enemies and were eaten up by enemies because of the way they handled the law and only 1 man succeeded at the Law, so we don't have to, because we can not.
      No on ever will because the Law of Moses was for the Israelites until Jesus came and Moses himself, failed so... how do you plan on being better then Moses??

    • @gideondavid30
      @gideondavid30 Месяц назад +4

      Sin separates us from God. You cannot abide in Christ while abiding in darkness. The confusion here is yes we will sin, but we REPENT and do not continue in sin. There is a struggle that Paul talks about. But to say we don't even struggle to overcome sin is an alien concept to Christianity and new invention.

    • @jeremyhazard5249
      @jeremyhazard5249 Месяц назад +3

      How is she wrong on it? She didn’t say a single word other than reading the Bible.

    • @maenowwesleymotuba7516
      @maenowwesleymotuba7516 7 дней назад

      ​@@jeremyhazard5249Even the devil quoted the Bible to Jesus.

  • @lusttravel1247
    @lusttravel1247 Месяц назад +2

    It’s so cute when people who profess “knowledge” of Christianity have never actually read and understood the Word…

  • @sheilasmith5114
    @sheilasmith5114 Месяц назад

    I love watching these videos because of the message. The REAL reason I enjoy it are the faces that Allie Beth makes. I don’t have a good poker face and typically say what I think. I love how she does that!

  • @ChildofGod2331
    @ChildofGod2331 16 дней назад +2

    Gods laws will not change neither will his judgment eternity with God is every glory.

  • @chelyfranco5037
    @chelyfranco5037 Месяц назад +1

    Life with Christ is to carry our cross. We must deny ourselves many things. The world doesn't get that. They do not value the heavenly treasure. They just value immediate gratification.

  • @user-fu2ec1os9s
    @user-fu2ec1os9s Месяц назад

    Allie is right on this one and wrong about the extent of the law on other issues such as rejecting Deuteronomy 22:5, and the forgetting of the fourth commandment.

  • @Renewed85
    @Renewed85 Месяц назад +2

    "trying to obey the law is a waste of time." Bet he wore a mask and got injections

  • @user-th6yf5uo6h
    @user-th6yf5uo6h 29 дней назад +2

    Good catholic arguments … we call that „faith and works“ or faith working thru love … 😀

    • @carlosrodas423
      @carlosrodas423 6 дней назад

      It is an catholic argument, if my catholic you mean its original meaning, a doctrine of the universal Church, not necessarily the institution headed by the Pope only.
      But the gist of your point I think is targeted at the Protestant position about salvation not being by works.
      Paul makes it explicitly clear that a gift and a wage are fundamentally different in that one has to be earned and the other one cannot be earned. Salvation is then described in terms of a gift that cannot be earned by human merits.
      Beth in this video is talking about the life of a Christian needing to reflect the reality of the new birth.
      Is there a work of mankind which could attain for someone the forgiveness of their sins?
      The Bible says no, not even if they tried their best.
      God provided through mercy and grace that which man can never attain through their own merits.

  • @greyciepesh9784
    @greyciepesh9784 Месяц назад

    I love that you speak the Word which is the Truth boldly.❤

  • @kathleenroman5368
    @kathleenroman5368 Месяц назад +1

    Thats the price for following Jesus. We must deny ourselves

  • @HippocritterXD
    @HippocritterXD Месяц назад +1

    The biggest trick the devil ever pulled is convincing the world that the bible is the word of God. And so many people fell for it😂 which makes the devil the best at trolling people 😂

  • @sarahm-a2782
    @sarahm-a2782 3 дня назад

    Disobedience is a waste of strength and energy.

  • @Paul-th9vr
    @Paul-th9vr 27 дней назад

    It is important to understand that it is God who will judge us when He opens the book of life and we realize that we have been saved by our faith in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of our sins.

  • @ronbyrd1616
    @ronbyrd1616 Месяц назад

    The TRUTH shall set you free .

  • @paulrivalto1974
    @paulrivalto1974 2 дня назад

    This verse from John 14:15 pretty much sums it all up. Jesus Speaking: " If you love Me, you will obey My commandments. " Well......Do We?

  • @meech5239
    @meech5239 23 дня назад

    Sounds like he’s saying I can knowingly sin my whole life and God will forgive me on my death bed

  • @Onlythenarrowroad
    @Onlythenarrowroad Месяц назад +2

    One cannot have grace without law. It takes both.

    • @greggpurviance7252
      @greggpurviance7252 Месяц назад +1

      "The law kills, the Spirit gives life"

    • @Onlythenarrowroad
      @Onlythenarrowroad Месяц назад

      @@greggpurviance7252 Matthew 5:17

    • @chazwick75
      @chazwick75 Месяц назад

      One can not have Mercy without Grace.
      The "law" is no longer involved.
      Or have you not read Acts 15?

    • @Onlythenarrowroad
      @Onlythenarrowroad Месяц назад

      @@chazwick75 Jesus came to fulfill the law, not abolish it. How does God define the Law?

  • @samueltinku250
    @samueltinku250 Месяц назад +2

    Romans 6:14 sin will not over come you because you are not under law but under grace
    If someone is under grace of God must over come sin ....
    He can never live in sin because God iis in him.

  • @crimsonfire6932
    @crimsonfire6932 Месяц назад

    In all of this, I think it’s important to keep in mind that we’re never going to be perfect. Just have faith and do the best that you can.

  • @DP-fg3dv
    @DP-fg3dv 11 дней назад

    Right on. Just finished Romans 6 in Bible study. It gets tougher in 7. Thankfully Romans 8 is next. Christian churches don't glorify sin. ANY sin. Go back to Romans 1 to see what happens. This guy is the embodiment of 2 Timothy 4:3-4

  • @arlenerodilla1458
    @arlenerodilla1458 Месяц назад

    Psalm 1:1-2
    Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the LORD, and who meditates on his law day and night.
    Psalm 34:9-10 GNT
    “Those who obey him have all they need . . . Those who obey the Lord lack nothing good”
    * If you follow God's directions, you'll be blessed, saved, watched over, taken care of, given what you ask for, and happy; you'll live longer and lack nothing good.*

  • @BigDrewZ
    @BigDrewZ Месяц назад


  • @bridgetteeilert1566
    @bridgetteeilert1566 Месяц назад +3

    Allie, you should listen to the whole clip. He’s not making the point you think he’s making here. He is a celibate same sex attracted Christian

    • @ck8191
      @ck8191 Месяц назад

      No one is created gay. It is a choice. Just like a spirit of anger or struggling with lying. They are all sin. Even if I don't let the angry words out, I have felt them in my heart and have sinned. If you still have the attraction, you still have sinned. We have to put that away.

    • @greggpurviance7252
      @greggpurviance7252 Месяц назад

      Yes, but you don't put any of it away by law. You put it away by faith & the transforming power of the Holy Spirit

    • @gummylens5465
      @gummylens5465 Месяц назад +1

      He is on Side B, which is heretical, because it denies that desires cannot be sinful.
      Side Y is the biblical path.

    • @greggpurviance7252
      @greggpurviance7252 Месяц назад

      @@gummylens5465 I wouldn't exactly say heretical. Both views have been held by Christians over the history of the church. Although I don't know his exact view. What is heresy is holding that temptation is sin

    • @ck8191
      @ck8191 Месяц назад +1

      @@greggpurviance7252 the difference is in the wording. He is not a same sex attracted person. He is a person who is tempted by homosexuality. Claiming the lifestyle (I'm gay) or Claiming to be born that way is a sin. Being tempted is not the sin but making that temptation your identity or lifestyle is a sin.

  • @haydenharris3059
    @haydenharris3059 Месяц назад +1

    How can people honestly live by ambiguous writing from meer mortals of the time

  • @quickattackfilms7923
    @quickattackfilms7923 26 дней назад

    The one guy suggests a like… infinite series of resets once the world reaches a certain population. But that basically suggests there is no ultimate judgement of satan, that sin just keeps going eternally.
    The day of the Lord is sometimes a general term for a day of God’s judgement. But it points to an ultimate day, where the world itself is judged.

  • @AbbyBattle-rb9fn
    @AbbyBattle-rb9fn 29 дней назад

    Former lesbian here, literally got saved when the I read. 1 Cor. 6:9-11 don’t want non of that no more, Jesus is better, praise Him! He’s setting people free everyday!

    • @iHateEarth-vm3rh
      @iHateEarth-vm3rh 25 дней назад

      You may be a “former lesbian” but likely are still a liar. LMAO.

  • @clarkemcclymont2879
    @clarkemcclymont2879 Месяц назад

    The man is correct, The Law is a schoolmaster and shows you can’t keep the law, righteousness is through faith in Christ once you come to that place obedience will follow.

  • @barefootkid592.0
    @barefootkid592.0 Месяц назад

    Absolutely 100% it's possible! We have to practice self control, which is one of the fruits of the Spirit!

  • @sonshine2009
    @sonshine2009 Месяц назад

    Thank you for sharing the truth in love!

  • @robwagnon6578
    @robwagnon6578 Месяц назад

    Amen It also says that in Galatians that God will not be mocked what a man sows so shall he also reap This does not stop at convertion!!

  • @Bonkers928
    @Bonkers928 Месяц назад

    The man speaking IS a celebrate gay Christian. His point is that you cannot holiness by just being celibate by human endeavour but by walking with Jesus. His book ‘War of loves’ tells his phenomenal Christian conversion and well worth reading ❤

  • @robertawinters9366
    @robertawinters9366 Месяц назад

    God's blessings from Bay City Michigan

  • @roxeloggins
    @roxeloggins 14 дней назад

    Because we are living in a Wicked World...🤔

  • @cynthiakaze7859
    @cynthiakaze7859 Месяц назад

    We established the law written on our hearts

  • @charlesdarmanin8763
    @charlesdarmanin8763 Месяц назад

    SPOT ON 👏 👏 👏 GOD BLESS YOU 🙌 🙌🙌🙏🙏🙏

  • @cindygarcia1809
    @cindygarcia1809 Месяц назад

    As a Christian, I have to say I agree with what He's saying, and I think Allie misunderstood him. What I understood is that it is impossible for an unsaved sinful person to obey the law, and if they tried to do so without putting their faith in Jesus first, that would only make them self-righteous like the pharisees. In other words, we are not to expect a pig to behave like a dog unless its nature is miraculously changed first. The way salvation works is as follows:
    1. First, you put your faith and trust in Jesus and His sacrifice on the cross.
    2. Secondly, we receive His grace and justification and then become saved.
    3. Then, once saved and justified by His work, we are able to obey and love His law that has been written on our hearts.

  • @mommamug
    @mommamug Месяц назад +1

    It's kinda crazy to me that there are Christians (and I'm not saying Allie is one of these, I don't know) that will earnestly quote these scriptures and say these things, then in the next breath say it's wrong or evil to try to follow God's laws of the Feasts and Sabbaths, or the food laws. Those two things completely contradict each other. It is possible to be saved by the grace and sacrifice of Jesus, and know for certain that without Him you would be condemned, and still want to follow as much of His law as you can, because He wrote His law on your heart! Because He gave His law for our good! Did you know the animals that He called unclean and told us not to eat are terrible for our health? When Jesus was on earth He did not teach against the law, He taught against the traditions that the pharisees added to the law, that made it a burden. He did not come to free us from the burden of keeping the law, He came to free us from the death we deserve as sinners. Look up Matt 7:21-23 and ask God to reveal the truth of it to you.

  • @kelb5904
    @kelb5904 Месяц назад

    If you're attracted and don't act on it, but spending enough time thinking about it, it's the same sin ding-a-ling.

  • @suzannerogers5623
    @suzannerogers5623 Месяц назад

    I don’t know what he said in the rest of this - but this clip seemed to be saying that trying to obey the law ourselves is a waste of time - we can’t overcome the flesh. But accepting His righteousness and allowing that to make us new allows us to live a life that does obey the law…I.e. we can’t do it, but Jesus can through us.

  • @catt99mahal8
    @catt99mahal8 Месяц назад +1

    God’s commandments is not a buffet line. You can’t alter and modify the way you are. He is the king of the living God his words will never fail.

  • @AM-lh7rw
    @AM-lh7rw 3 дня назад

    Psalms 24:3-4 Who shall ascend into the hill of the LORD? or who shall stand in His Holy place? He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully.

  • @melindacaldwell8400
    @melindacaldwell8400 Месяц назад

    Teeeeaaaach Friend!!!! ❤

  • @Golden_writes550
    @Golden_writes550 Месяц назад

    This is most protestants understanding of the gospel... Ray comforts gospel an Americanized gospel. " All you do is believe, you dont have to do nothing." No repentance.

  • @JasonPowers-rw8rf
    @JasonPowers-rw8rf Месяц назад

    Obeying the law seems to be a thing being ignored in the church these days. The OT is being shunned. Look around folks,its obvious

  • @ontologicalpotato
    @ontologicalpotato Месяц назад

    I don’t understand why so many people are twisting what he said. His point was that we cannot carry the burden of sin alone and we cannot recognise sin as what it truly is if we don’t have the Holy Spirit dwelling within us. For that reason, obedience is a waste of time if you’re coming from a worldly perspective and haven’t yet been saved. He clearly says that relationship with our Saviour leads to obedience. Christians are so quick in condemnation and there’s so little discernment nowadays.

  • @peacefulslumber3104
    @peacefulslumber3104 18 дней назад

    Alley, please do a show or at least a reel about keeping the Ten Commandments. At least 50% of Christians say that because we cannot keep God’s law perfectly, we shouldn’t even try and that knowing Jesus is enough.

  • @mfblume1
    @mfblume1 14 дней назад

    The entire difference between the New covenant and the old covenant law is that the New covenant gives us life and energy from God who empowers us to overcome sin. When we read in Romans chapter 8 verses 10 and 11, it's talking about the spirit of God in us. Is there so we can be righteous, and death occurs when we commit sin and we spiritually die. But that same spirit that resurrected Jesus, can quicken us while we still have mortal bodies. So we enjoy Resurrection Life and immortal bodies. And we actually start mortifying the deeds of the body which our sins. And that's what verses 12 to 14 tells us. We're no longer a debtor to live after the flesh because the spirit of God is what we utilize to kill the deeds of our flesh.

  • @franka792
    @franka792 29 дней назад +1

    It says in the Bible women should not teach scripture. What’s going on here?

  • @Jawond34
    @Jawond34 Месяц назад

    For anyone struggling with topics like this. I recommend the book . Is God a moral monster by paul copan making sense of the old testament. Because atheist are lying to you. This is why Christians need to know theology and Apologetics

  • @mbberry135
    @mbberry135 Месяц назад

    Getting very close to teaching Catholic Doctrine.
    **excited gasps!!**

    • @eddardgreybeard
      @eddardgreybeard Месяц назад +1

      These are the same people that straw man transubstantiation by unironically stating "yeah, well the bread and wine didn't turn into human flesh and blood."

    • @mbberry135
      @mbberry135 Месяц назад +1

      @@eddardgreybeard sometimes the Bread and Wine do turn into flesh and blood (once every 3 centuries or so). But proof of once is amazing in and of itself.

    • @eddardgreybeard
      @eddardgreybeard Месяц назад +1

      I wasn't excluding the Eucharistic miracles, I was only referring to the basic theology of transubstantiation

    • @mbberry135
      @mbberry135 Месяц назад

      @@eddardgreybeard understood.

  • @morefiction3264
    @morefiction3264 18 дней назад

    God called us out of sin to conform us to the image of his Son. We were purified with his blood; why would we wallow in the mire again after that?

  • @TheLastRivian
    @TheLastRivian Месяц назад +1

    That dude was saying “get around people who won’t challenge you to uphold God’s laws” yikes.

  • @mattago2
    @mattago2 Месяц назад

    IF THERE IS A GOD, I don't want anything to do with him. He is a moral thug & requires MY FORGIVENESS to be in my presence 🎉

  • @NikkiFCO
    @NikkiFCO Месяц назад +1

    Quoting the Bible like it’s a book of facts or truth. Prove any of it is real.

  • @J-lah7928
    @J-lah7928 26 дней назад

    I have a friend that was gay and stayed celibate his entire life until he died. He cried to me that he was so sad that he was born that way and wouldn’t get the opportunity to live a traditional life with a wife and children. And he never did.

    • @iHateEarth-vm3rh
      @iHateEarth-vm3rh 25 дней назад

      You seem so soulless about your friend being miserable. This either is fake or you are a crappy friend that hated your “friend”.

    • @J-lah7928
      @J-lah7928 25 дней назад

      @@iHateEarth-vm3rh How was I a crappy friend? It was his choice to live like that? I have no idea how I had anything to do with him not wanting to live a homosexual lifestyle

  • @mschenandlerbong8539
    @mschenandlerbong8539 Месяц назад

    Had no one heard of repentance in modern day Christianity? Have we really reduced his entire sacrifice to calling on his name and then living a life of sin and not even trying to be righteous, and then expecting heaven? Seems like if that were true the Bible should have been about ten pages long.
    Many many deceivers out there.

  • @mistyowens1036
    @mistyowens1036 17 дней назад

    I thought that the only thing I had to offer men was sex. I wasn't promiscuous, but every man I dated, I slept with. I never got married because I always went for the wrong men. Or maybe my mom was right, and why would they marry me if they got everything without having to? 8 years ago, I recommited my life to Jesus. I realized my worth. I've been on my own since. If God sends a man for me, I will wait until marriage for anything. I lived a life of sin. I'm straight, but it was sin none the less. I had to repent for all of my years of living my life that way. I have a child that resulted from my last relationship. He is not the sin, but his conception was.

  • @ohiorn34
    @ohiorn34 Месяц назад

    Then what did Jesus mean when He said, “Go and sin no more”? This is the problem with people. They think God’s gift of salvation is a license to sin. “I can do whatever I want cause God forgives me” is NOT the point of forgiveness. Imagine being married to someone with that attitude. How long would your marriage last?

  • @stephanie-atarahrose.8149
    @stephanie-atarahrose.8149 Месяц назад +1

    And this interpretation is why our churches are lawless 😢

  • @teresalawson3732
    @teresalawson3732 Месяц назад

    Jesus, Himself, said “go and sin no more.”

  • @christophevigroux9969
    @christophevigroux9969 19 дней назад


  • @Jawond34
    @Jawond34 Месяц назад

    Obedience is a waste of time is the craziest thing I ever heard a Christian say

    • @PLSTruth
      @PLSTruth Месяц назад

      Agree, which is why I never undersood "once saved, always saved christians" behaving outside of what Jesus taught, but then catching christians in sins & telling them to repent or burn in hell - which as 1 not raised going to church, sounded awfully Catholic after all - we must repent (ask forgiveness AND leave old ways, the wold's ways behind)

  • @brandabrothers2127
    @brandabrothers2127 Месяц назад +1

    I’ve read his book he is not making the argument that if you’re gay you act on your desires, he is saying you need grace to not act on them.

    • @brandabrothers2127
      @brandabrothers2127 Месяц назад +1

      Paul is also the person who said, “the things I should do I don’t and things I shouldn’t do I do… who will save me from this body of inequity.”

    • @ck8191
      @ck8191 Месяц назад +2

      No one is created gay. It is a choice. Just like a spirit of anger or struggling with lying. They are all sin. Even if I don't let the angry words out, I have felt them in my heart and have sinned. If you still have the attraction, you still have sinned. We have to put that away.

  • @jessicalee3546
    @jessicalee3546 16 дней назад


  • @presidentjoethudbrandon7074
    @presidentjoethudbrandon7074 Месяц назад

    You always aim for the law. If you Gail you ask God's forgiveness and try again. But willful disobedience isn't even trying.

  • @irenethegreek3348
    @irenethegreek3348 22 дня назад

    I have heard the preachings of this man last week in Germany and he is quite smart and an academic. It is unfair that you picked this small part to prove your point because he has so much more to say.

  • @oscarsilva9384
    @oscarsilva9384 Месяц назад

    Amen to that.. thank you CHRIST.

  • @SE-kd5lo
    @SE-kd5lo Месяц назад

    Galatians 5:13 For you have been called to live in freedom, my brothers and sisters. But don't use your freedom to satisfy your sinful nature.

  • @sydanmakasiini
    @sydanmakasiini Месяц назад

    This is David Bennett who has taken a celibacy vow and does not practice homosexuality out of his love and dedication to Lord Jesus. You should read his book the War of Loves. I think this video has been misunderstood by Allie. Allie should actually consider having him as a guest on her show because he is a truly inspirational speaker on living the Way of the Christ as a celibate homosexual. He also has a PhD in theology from the University of Oxford.

  • @FidgeMonergism
    @FidgeMonergism Месяц назад

    The heresy of carnal Christian’s is still around.

  • @amberscottcmt7400
    @amberscottcmt7400 Месяц назад

    The reason you have to believe in something outside of you is because you don't know. You are unaware of what it means for the kingdom to be within. It means you don't require a belief system outside of you. When you KNOW your connection to creator-God-source, you no longer need religious beliefs. They become absurd in the face of truly experiencing your unbreakable connection to all that is. To the I Am presence of God.
    So much of Christ's message has been lost in a book written by men so long after his life that doesn't even include what happened in the first 30 years of his life.
    It's amazing to me how many people can marry themselves to a 2000 year old book that renders theni deaf and blind to spiritual truth. If there were a place for obedience, it would be to redevelop your connection to God from within, instead of being trapped in a five sensory "out there" orientation to everything, including God. It's literally the definition of being both in the world AND OF the world, which the bible instructs us not to do...
    And that's the problem. A book of contradictions. God loves us unconditionally... You know, except when he's judging us and enacting vengeance.
    Religion truly becomes absurd when you awaken to the kingdom within. Living life by a book written for a totally different time, with totally different laws doesn't even make sense. Maybe we should start burning witches again... You know, cuz that was the law once upon a time. 🤦

  • @07Dsach
    @07Dsach Месяц назад

    This dude wouldn’t know anything about not giving into his desires. He’s about 80 lbs overweight

  • @jmack5486
    @jmack5486 Месяц назад

    If you won't obey your parents. You'll obey nothing and no one.

  • @susanamunoz3537
    @susanamunoz3537 Месяц назад

    My friend got baptized. She points out the verses in the Bible that say it’s ok to drink. Rejoice in your wine or something. Sometimes she still drinks and the drinks go too far. Would she be considered a drunkard?

  • @KFish-bw1om
    @KFish-bw1om 7 дней назад

    Not just "possible", but inevitable. If you are not doing that, and desiring to do it better and better every single day. Then you simply are not following Jesus. That's what being a Christian is. It's carrying your cross.

  • @PatrickSteil
    @PatrickSteil 24 дня назад

    Exactly what Catholicism has always taught.

  • @clydeleslie7765
    @clydeleslie7765 Месяц назад
