Beirut Al Yawm - 20/02/2018 - د نبيل خليفة

  • Опубликовано: 21 окт 2024
    Beirut Al-Yawm is an all encompassing detailed news and political program featuring an innovative format.

Комментарии • 16

  • @abualiswaiden7661
    @abualiswaiden7661 6 лет назад +2

    هذا العقل اللبناني تحية الى الدكتور نبيل خليفة

  • @lawsonkasshanna2626
    @lawsonkasshanna2626 6 лет назад


  • @jacintaorina2691
    @jacintaorina2691 2 месяца назад

    Exactly true

  • @jacintaorina2691
    @jacintaorina2691 2 месяца назад

    I was Baghdad that time Egypt they know and Kenya

  • @abualiswaiden7661
    @abualiswaiden7661 6 лет назад +1

    كلامك صحيح ومنطقي

  • @saad.abdo.kfifan.batroun
    @saad.abdo.kfifan.batroun 6 лет назад

    Docteur Nabil KHALIFE est un grand homme d'Etat grand défenseur du Liban Neutre et indépendant.

  • @إبنأبوهوأمهمشاغب
    @إبنأبوهوأمهمشاغب 6 лет назад +4

    عملوه مستشار استراتيجي للدولة شو ناطرين ، باحث مهم

  • @eliasbejjani8036
    @eliasbejjani8036 6 лет назад

    بالصوت/فورماتMP3/مقابلة د نبيل خليفة من تلفزيون المر/20 شباط/18/اضغط على العلامة في أعلى الصفحة على اليسار
    بالصوت/فورماتWMA/مقابلة د نبيل خليفة من تلفزيون المر/20 شباط/18/اضغط هنا
    فيديو وبالصوت/مقابلة د نبيل خليفة من تلفزيون المر يشرح من خلالها حدود لبنان البحرية ومفهوم الكيان اللبناني والدولة الحاجز وخلفيات الخلاف البحري مع إسرائيل /20 شباط/18/اضغط هنا أو على الرابط في أسفل لمشاهدة المقابلةвидео.html
    بعض عناوين مقابلة د نبيل خليفة من تلفزيون المر
    تفريغ وتلخيص الياس بجاني بحرية وتصرف كاملين
    20 شباط/18
    *علينا ان ندافع عن حدودنا بواقعية ووعي.
    *سوريا لم ترسم الحدود مع لبنان لأنها لا تعترف به كدولة وككيان وعند إسرائيل نفس المفهوم.
    *علينا فهم مشكلة لبنان الحدودية البحرية مع إسرائيل وابعادها الجغرافية والحقوقية بوعي وتعقل ومنطق ودراسة تاريخية.
    *قيام لبنان الدولة والكيان ليس خطأ ولا خطيئة تاريخية بل هو حقيقة دولة مترسخة في التاريخ والجغرافيا.
    *قيام لبنان هو اسقاط لمشروعين هما سوريا الكبرى وإسرائيل الكبرى.
    *لبنان بلد أمه الجغرافيا وأبيه التاريخ.
    *اسم لبنان موجود في التاريخ 1500 سنة قبل اسم سوريا.
    *لبنان دولة حاجز بين إسرائيل وسوريا وليستمر عليه أن يحييد..أي أن يعلن دولة حيادية.
    *ميشال شيحا قال إن لبنان بلد يعيش على حدود الخطر الدائم.
    *نطالب بأن يكون لبنان آخر دولة تعترف بإسرائيل.
    *يريدون تدمير لبنان من خلال عدم الإعتراف بحدوده.
    *على الدول العربية والجامعة العربية ان يعملوا على تحييد لبنان من خلال قرار يحملونه إلى مجلس الأمن ليصبح لبنان دولة محيدة.
    *تحييد لبنان يحفظ مصالح اللبنانيين وهو من مصلحة كل الدول العربية.
    *القرار الدولي رقم 1559 هو قرار دولي تأسيسي يشرعن رؤية السياديين اللبنانيين للكيان اللبناني.
    *مطلوب من اللبنانيين التسلح بالجرأة ليشهدوا للحقيقة وللكيانية اللبنانية.
    *سنة 46 قلت لأحد تلاميذي في النبطية إن الشيعة في التاريخ هم دائماً ثورويين ولكنهم حالمون في نفس الوقت.
    *تملك اسرائيل 200 قنبلة ذرية وهي خامس دولة نووية في العالم.
    *اسرائيل لم تواجه مع لبنان حتى الآن بحرب اللاخيار أي الحرب الوجودية.
    *في حال ضُرّب مفاعل ديمونا النووي..واحست إسرائيل أن حزب الله هو خطر على وجودها فهي ستلجئ لأسلحة مدمرة.
    *الحصرية هي الصفة التي يجب أن يستعملها لبنان لتوصيف منطقة البلوك رقم 9 البحرية.
    *السياسة هي فن التوقع.

  • @sammykhuri1885
    @sammykhuri1885 6 лет назад

    العهد القديم ١١٠٠ ق م سفر القضاة: جبل لبنان من جبل الكرمل وحتى مداخل حماة

  • @jalmaleh5737
    @jalmaleh5737 5 лет назад

    نبي لبنان؟؟؟؟
    قبل 1500سنه ما كان فيه لبنان وسوريا، كان يطلق عليها الشام.

  • @fakhryel-huseini6329
    @fakhryel-huseini6329 5 лет назад

    Sunday,Dec 26 2010, 06:37:21 PMWhen Europe was almost to be a Muslim
    The Jewish priests built a "religion" the Jewish Torah books only, - says Norman Julb "professor of history and civilization at the University of Chicago in his book" Who wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls? "- The first five books of the Old Testament known as the" Genesis " and "Exodus" and "Leviticus" and "Numbers" and "Deuteronomy" - excluded books of the prophets of the likes of "Isaiah."
What is the story of "The Book of Isaiah," which was attributed to Jesus, peace be upon him, whether it is stated what promises to last the coming of the prophets of God Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.?
Where is this "travel" now?
Tag Marouf Dawalibi, a former prime minister in Syria and then became a consultant at the Saudi Royal Court, had told the exciting stages that accompanied Found "Isaiah" and the ensuing events is very strange.

The discovery of the Book of Isaiah
1953 was discovered in one of the caves in the mountains of Jordan, which amounts to about 600 Mgaoerha a cave he was hiding places by the faithful thousands of years ago .. Discovered an important religious manuscripts. One of these manuscripts have been discovered, "Isaiah" correct as a whole, while the publication in the Torah is part of it.
After his studies, he met "the Vatican" for a period of four years - from 1961 to 1965 - and have found that this "travel impact the new rules and concepts of Christianity for Islam, and issued a pamphlet calling for the dialogue between Christianity and Islam, and praise Islam as a religion, and regret of the foregoing of disagreement between the religions, and ask to forget the past, and to enter into a dialogue with the Christian-Muslim.

The Vatican document important:
In the seventies .. Issued by "the Vatican" is an important document. Was a formal recognition of a Christian religion of Islam, for the first time, which stated:
(Each of the safe today after God the Creator of the heavens and the earth, the God of Abraham, Moses, is God, and the survivors inside in the safety, notably: Muslims).

Vatican extend an invitation to the scientists of Saudi Arabia for dialogue between Christianity and Islam:
After issuance of this document, "says Marouf Dawalibi, a sign known and a former adviser to the Saudi Royal Court in the era of the late King Faisal bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, God bless his soul .. Says:
After issuance of this document, seashell that we were in the Hajj season with the late "King Faisal bin Abdul Aziz" in 1965, when the "Vatican" by broadcast - an appeal to congratulate the pilgrimage and spend rituals to Faisal, may God rest his soul and to the pilgrims, the individual Faisal broadcasting on the radio , salute this new spirit. And soon, "the Vatican" that sought to engage in dialogue, and people between the certified and disbelieving, until I got the call to us to engage in dialogue with them and visit them, and for the cooperation: "With regard to human rights." We also, in every place, wondering this new spirit.
When invited me late King Faisal to ask me my opinion on the call of the "Vatican" to the scholars of the Kingdom of the visit it from "for dialogue and cooperation is not intended to search the assets of religion", but cooperation on what he wants, religion, "human rights", Olhit to accept the invitation, and he told me King Faisal to go to the "Vatican" to reveal what's behind this invitation.
I went already to the "Vatican" and was with me, Saudi Ambassador to Rome, met the cardinal "Bimonolli", Minister of State in the government, "the Vatican" with regard to relations between Islam and Christianity, I knew that the call is correct and good and they want to cooperate and forget! The past.
The Vatican Radio in its publications focus on the meetings that we have we hold that I am "delegate" King Faisal God bless his soul, and "we agreed on the principle of dialogue."

Israeli ambassador to intervene:
After 48 hours of my departure, "the Vatican" asked the Israeli ambassador in Rome, Cardinal interview "Bimonolli" Although it was not between "Israel" and "Vatican diplomatic representation, but the visit was a request" on behalf of the Government of Israel. "
Why Israel's ambassador to the Cardinal:
"We ask you to stop any dialogue between the" Vatican "and" The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia "was rejected Cardinal asked the ambassador.
On the second day, the ambassador returned and repeated the request and refused his request.
... Thus, over five consecutive days ...!! More than that, it sent a "Pope Paul VI," the letter reverence and respect for King Faisal God's mercy, and Roya he has had what took place between the Israeli ambassador in Rome, Cardinal "Bimonolli" from an insistence on the lack of "encounter dialogue" between Islam and Christianity.

Revolution within the Vatican:
Day, they announced, we have a revolution within the "Vatican" why.?
Because it is not the biblical tradition, that starts with "Pope" to write to any head of state has traditionally been, since ancient times, to direct the "Pope" to answer the letters the Heads of State, is not to be started it by typing messages.

The start of the interview:
Before we begin the dialogue between the scholars of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the "Vatican" was released for! "Vatican II" brochure located in about 150 pages titled "Guidelines for Christian for dialogue between them and the Muslims." They said that Muslims "Survivors of God in accordance with the actions taken by the highest authority in the Vatican."
In this atmosphere, began meetings of the "Muslim dialogue - Christian" in the "Vatican" and then he called us "the Council of European integration" - a decision based on Vatican II - in Strasbourg and then decide the Kingdom of the call also made against the "World Council of Churches" in Geneva, and also from the French Ministry of Justice, then from the "French-Saudi friendship."
And all these meetings are in accordance with the spirit that proclaimed "the Vatican", which had a great bang and influence. It was the first time in history where it leaves a delegation from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, at the invitation of the Christian West "to meet the Pope" and the Protestant World Council of Churches, which corresponds to the Catholic Church.

Stop Christianization:
After dating in multiple occurred between the scholars of the Kingdom and among senior officials, "the Vatican" On the day we left the capital of "Catholicism", stop the Cardinal "Bimonolli" when addressing Muslim scholars, saying: "We have decided on this day to stop Christianization Catholic in the Muslim world. We ask you to accustomed us, "the gospel."
That when Jesus and let them, that their story will come after him "gospel" any prophet telling them the facts. As stated in "The Book of Isaiah" as follows:
"After Christ comes Prophet of the Arab country," Paran "- the country Ismail - and" Paran "in Aramaic, is the land of Hijaz," and Jews to follow him, and mark that if he survived a murder he Prophet expected, because the escape of the sword on his neck, and back after that ten thousand a saint. "

Applicability on the ground:
This is fully applicable to the reality: It says in the Koran (the know - the Jews - as they know their children)
* Gave the place: the country Ismail - the Mecca.
* Gave described: Escape From sword on his neck, and that when he fled the night of the plot to kill him, peace be upon him.
* "And return with ten thousands of a saint." He returned peace be upon him to Mecca with ten thousand faithful.
These texts and crystal clear in the fourth day, therefore, considers that what passed for "Vatican II" in the era of "Pope Paul VI was" a good step and new.

The mystery of the death of Pope ... Cardinal:
"But with regret" - adds d. Mohammad Maroof Dawalibi -, the "Pope" was soon died in circumstances not Ndriha, also died shortly thereafter of the Cardinal "Binmonolli" which was the link between us and the "Vatican."
And death their, turn off the dialogue between Islam and Christianity.

Jews ... Jews:
Asked Dr. "Dawalibi": - Do not you think that the death of "Pope Paul VI," the sudden, and shortly after Cardinal "Bimonolli" which was the idea of "dialogue between Christianity and Islam" was planned by the Jews.?

He replied:
When we separated, we dated to be a second symposium in Riyadh, and in this period went "Pope," and a "Cardinal" ... I do not want to say more on it!!.

Asked Dr. "Dawalibi":
Talking about the inevitable showdown between Islam and you'll be behind the West, the Jews?
He replied: Father, "Mubarak" of Lebanese descent, known as the feelings good, a senior churchmen and a professor at the "Catholic University" in Paris, published an article in a magazine Arabic - and I keep a copy of it - in the same year that explained the invitation, "the Vatican" to dialogue, which warns of the impact of Zionism on the "Vatican", and confirms

  • @hassanassadi3826
    @hassanassadi3826 6 лет назад

    هل هناك كيان او دولة اسمه لبنان ؟؟ في التاريخ القديم وحسب كل المراجع هناك منطقة حضارية اسمها الهلال الخصيب اي سوريا الكبرى طبيعياً وهذا المحيط الجغرافي الاقتصادي يضم سوريا الطبيعية والعراق وفلسطين والأردن مع لبنان الصغير والذي كان تاريخياً قطعة من سوريا الكبرى وسلخه الاستعمار الفرنسي وأنشأ دولة اسمها لبنان

  • @linheyzugar2772
    @linheyzugar2772 3 года назад

    هلق انت باحث استراتيجي...وعم تحكي جيوبوليتكا.. ولله مو عرفان الله وين حاطك...عقل انبطاحي روح تعلم من اول وجيد