Is there any way to get back at a girl who did you dirty? Like if she messes with you and then fucks around on social media acting like she was the one that got fucked over for sympathy and ruins your social circles. Like chicks really control how they're perceived with their victim shit, and it's not like you can hit them or anything. How does she get consequences?
Same issue here, black girl? You have to literally go out of your own way to not care. Dont add fuel to the fire, and she wont be able to know how to position herself. Movement gives away strategic position. Do not let her know anything she is looking for. If she makes an assumption about u and how ‘your so.. this, and that’ but she dosent express that she dosent like it without u asking her if shes bothered by it, then shes manipulative/dosent have a clue how serious you are about yourself. So just be calm and do your thing. Just keep her kinda orbiting you but dont akbowledge her. Its better for you than just getting back at her.
Man School 202 should have way more subscriptions!
That floor leveling analogy...on point..nice
Analogy @ 4:18
Realest shit!!!!
Any advice for a guy getting out of a 5 yr relationship,while dealing with over 20 women in that time span?
Co host needs to just be quiet like damn dude shut up let Dante talk.
I agree
He keeps trying to steal Dante’s thunder wtf stop trying to finish his sentences
Is there any way to get back at a girl who did you dirty? Like if she messes with you and then fucks around on social media acting like she was the one that got fucked over for sympathy and ruins your social circles.
Like chicks really control how they're perceived with their victim shit, and it's not like you can hit them or anything. How does she get consequences?
Same issue here, black girl? You have to literally go out of your own way to not care. Dont add fuel to the fire, and she wont be able to know how to position herself. Movement gives away strategic position. Do not let her know anything she is looking for. If she makes an assumption about u and how ‘your so.. this, and that’ but she dosent express that she dosent like it without u asking her if shes bothered by it, then shes manipulative/dosent have a clue how serious you are about yourself. So just be calm and do your thing. Just keep her kinda orbiting you but dont akbowledge her. Its better for you than just getting back at her.