note: first commercially produced.... The IBM 610 was designed between 1948 and 1957 by John Lentz at the Watson Lab at Columbia University as the Personal Automatic Computer (PAC) and announced by IBM as the 610 Auto-Point in 1957.
SGS2's menu can be alphabetically hit the list key and select your view type....adding pages is possible in the app menu the option is availible on the bottom of the screen
btw on the multitasking menu on the iphone you can go left of the first multitasking screen for music options, and to put the cursor in the middle of a word on iphone you have to hold down the word and a magnifying glass will come up....thought you knew that kind of stuff....
I own the S2, and have played with the 4S several times. They're both awesome phones, but the S2 is still ahead for centralized messaging, user interface, screen, and size. Battery life is only so-so, though. You'll be very happy with either phone, but that's my $.02. p.s. all my contacts, photos, videos, and documents have been seamlessly synced to "the cloud" for a long time now.
Happy birthday Craig :D 1:56 ! I love your reviews, not to baised but I think if you were to compare things against the samsung galaxy s2 it would be the iPhone 4s as the Samsung was created to compete with the 4s rather than the 4 or atleast update the iPhone 4 to ios5 please. Other than that, Love your reviews. Also could you include some kind of top Sony Ericsson in your next one please. :)
thanks a lot man! you really helped me not only understand which phone is better, but also how to use them. i had just ordered the new s2 yesterday and wanted to verify that i made the right choice. and apparently i did! thanks again and great video! =]
well i don't own either kinds, but a couple close friends of mine have a Iphone 4s and a Samsung galaxy respectively. ive used both of them and i find the exact opposite myself, i find the 4S to be nicer, faster and has a better flow to it. not to say the Galaxy doesn't have those traits but i just find the Iphone to have that bit more
Happy birthday Craig :D 1:56 ! I love your reviews, not to baised but I think if you were to compare things against the samsung galaxy s2 it would be the iPhone 4s as the Samsung was created to compete with the 4s rather than the 4! Other than that, Love your reviews. Also could you include some kind of top Sony Ericsson in your next one please. :)
@bradgin i agree that maybe how iphone is organized might suit other ppl better than others, but you can't say that for example a 5mp cam suits someone more than a 8mp cam, or a slower browser might be thought better for others... everyone thinks that faster browsers,higher mp cams etc, are better than slower browsers and low mp cams...
@TSMultimediaTS You could jailbreak your iPhone to introduce a new level of customisation. You can even theme your iPhone with a whole lot of dreamboard themes.
with the galaxy s you can zoom in to whatever magnification you want to read text and then double tap to wrap the text instead of going to settings and clicking zoom>close as you did in the video.
@bradgin it was an example... there are a lot of other features.. like my other example, speed... i do agree that some features don't matter to some ppl, but i think you can see my point...
@Fishyreefguy I want to buy iphone 4 or Samsung galaxy s2 but dont know which one to get. i have used iphone 4 before but i havent used any android phone.
@alharima I agree - not very strong at all! Two friends have dropped their iPhones and the glass has completely shattered - they can barely see the screen now! Not all its cracked up to be! Think I will be opting for the SGSII next! :)
@Pongotun The iphone i smooth because of how few threads its actually running. Note how many widgets that are loaded on the S2. Not to mention true multitasking on the SII.
@SidneyLeee it should be in your phone built in it has an icon of a bag with android icon if you pause this vid and look at the samsung s 2 you can see it !
i wanted to recontract wth my courier and get the iphone 4S but for 2-3 days it's still sold out. So, i decided to get the samsung galaxy s 2. I'm pretty impress with it. Especially the bigger screens. Anyway, most of the apps on the iphone you can get it via android market too. Although Siri is pretty interesting, vlingo for android work great too.
Ive had an iphone 3gs for the past year must say i love it but im not paying £220 for the new iphone 4! I can get the samsung galaxy 2 for free, are they a lot better than the iphone?
Someone help me decide. I'm due for an upgrade and I don't know whether to get the new Iphone 4s or the Samsung Galaxy 2. I'm not a big techy, I have a Mac, but I'm leaning more towards the Samsung because it just seems to still be the better phone. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
thanks for the review. i have an iPhone ATM, contract is up soon and debating what to get next. Galaxy s2 is definitely one of the choices. Even more so after this review! Just got to wait to see what the iPhone 5 actually has to offer :-)
@LookItsaBean yeah won a lawsuit and failed to pay court fees + deliver country specific law documentation. which means the ban will not be in effect in large part of europe...
@CCredwing37 Also, one thing that he doesn't talk about, or is largely omitted altogether by most people is the radiation levels each phone emits. The Galaxy s2 got an SAR rating of 0.96 1.6W/kg and 0.338 in 2w/kg while the Iphone 4 scored: 1.17 and 0,93 respectively. Not many people take radiation levels into consideration and indeed they don't matter unless you plan on talking for hours or you sleep next to your phone. Anyways, the Galaxy is one of the safest phones in the regard
@TheFivepointbro All of the things you just described is what you may gain on easy cydia sources alone.The iphone doesn't need to be 4g because of how customizable it is. 3rd party app downloads is only a fraction of what the jailbreak allows you to do and is also what most people use it for entirely. If your a developer on Cydia like myself, you have access to the deeper OS parts and can manipulate them. Jailbreaking android phones doesnt even compare to iphone jailbreaking. I've done it all.
i have a vita and ipad 2 thingking to swap my vita for a s2 does it lag on games? cause ipad 2 and vita are fluid on games does s2 run games like infinty blade 2?
@TheGarvito well that just verifies my argument, iPhone the only fun i have is downloading apps that I rarely even use, with an android i can customise everything and have lots of gadgets/widgets at hand when i swipe to the next screen where as iPhone I have to keep opening different applications just to see the weather or set the alarm clock or see the latest headlines. This is coming from an iPhone user who has never owned an android!
Decent review, you lean towards the sg2, not very impartial but very informative. The screen on the sg2 looks amazing. The iPhone held it's own even though it only has a single processor
i had an android htc desire and i wont be going back for a while, the apps are crap buggy atd it just feels laggy to me also the updates take ages to filter through which is a jar. The fact your comparing the sg2 against a phone that come out a year ago speaks volumes for apple.
those were the days of excitement for new mobile phones. iphone 4 was probably the best device ever for the what brought for its time. samsung was trying hard to catchup on hardware specs and screen. miss those days so much. nowadays there's nothing that makes me spend and the tech went to far. social media it's like a cancer nowadays instead of a joy back in the days the video was posted.
@MetaTechnology1 yeah ur right. I can not imagine how I would wear Galaxy S2 in my pocket... It is huge and otherwise you are not able to comfortably manage all touchscrean with one hand (what about thumb)
@CCredwing37 i would get the galexy i aswell im having trouble buti have been watching alot of videost see witch one better if u like games and a phone that runs really effichently pick the galexy that would be the better choice
@felipesfcarvalho yes it was all smartphones look it up, thats how I found the numbers, if you add in the other electronics that samsung produces the number is greater.
@BeenznSkwash Because I admit I didn't know what Cydia was, I gave you the benefit of the doubt and Googled it. It's literally just another source for apps. I browsed through the top 10 apps available and quickly noticed something. You can already do all of that on Android without even rooting it. Access to file structure? Change GUI? Puh-lease. Also, you act like 4G isn't important. It's a whole other level of network connectivity. There's no "app" for that. You can't replace that feature.
@katiapower5 yeh see the galaxy s 1 didnt have a flash on it. Seemed to cause massive drama to some, but others said "so? i dont use the camera anyway"
same here i love android and the galaxy s2 looks great but i hate the lack off quality apps on android and i am switching to the iphone 4 or 5 if it comes to sprint.
I have an iPod 4 and the first samsung galaxy s but I really want a new phone it has to be unlocked tho with a sim card slot any suggestions are appreciated
@MoTuWeThFrSaSu I would agree, like people are sayin I think it goes along with what your preferences are. I do like the customization options the samsung offers and I've used apple products before, so Im gonna give samsung a shot and see how I like it.
@CCredwing37 Well I hope his video helped answer most of your questions. But it all depends on what specifics you are looking for. If you are looking for user friendliness, I find that the Iphone has a really simple to learn interface. If you're new to androids the Galaxy will take some getting used to. But if you get over that or you're simply looking for the more powerful phone, I'd say the Galaxy is a better phone, and this review clearly shows why.
I've been thinking of getting the galaxy s 2 because I'm somehow getting tired of my iPhone 4 (and I've had the previous ones before it too) so i've been looking around the internet and see what everyone thinks about it and after watching this face-off it made me want to stick with the iPhone. The one thing I like about the samsung is it's big screen but I guess I can sacrifice that and get the iPhone 4s which will have Siri and faster processing.
@djillest303 You could be right, comparing the mercedes (gs2) and Honda (iPhone) when you look at the JD Power Car Customer Satisfaction awards 2011. 1. Lexus 2. Honda 3. Jaguar 4. Skoda 5. Mini Think comparing the iPhone to the second most reliable car of 2011 isn't bad. I'd hate to think it was compared to one that couldn't make the top 5.
@harishvarma21 it is my understanding that the android port to ios was just to prove it could be done. stability is horrible, now as far as ios to android which i think is stupid is as simple as rooting and installing miui rom. its still an android kernel but style and performance to an iphone are seamless.
that`s true, but remember Samsung fields a large line of phones that run an OS they get for free (which in turn presents alot of problems as android has quite a few malware problems :L) where as apple the only iphones sold are the 4 and 4s. in addition IOS is much more secure in terms of malware protection. unless you jailbreak it. but also if you look through the innovations in smart phones, apple always creates them. and then everyone else follows with a variation.
@TSMultimediaTS Wow I can't believe i was excited to hear iPhone was coming to Sprint. One reason for the excitement was being able to tap into the apple apps. But i think i would miss all the bells and whistles of the Android if i switched. Looks like i have Galaxy S II envy!
@janjaso With 1 TB of memory, 12 Cores of Processing power (3 Core i7 Extremes), 2gb of Graphics (Crossfire X, ATI Radeon 6970) and 8Gbs of RAM... yeah and the cheapest PC i could find with these specs was $4988... so in my opinion my iMac kicks ass, and i know it does because i can play Crysis 2 full settings 60FPS and i have never had a PC in my life that tops my iMac and my MacBook, you have to own one to understand
@ZimmerSquash untill you jailbreak it i still dont get why ppl prefer galaxy s over the iphone??? i mean the appstore is way bigger on the iphone.. and it doesnt have flash support... but i still dont get it :S
@syncere010 Are you serious?? SGS2: 4.3 Inch AMOLED Vs iP4: 3.5 Inch Retina, SGS2: 1gb of RAM Vs iP4: 512mb of RAM, SGS2: Anyone can make Apps and dont have to register it, iP4: Apps are closed in and must be approved, SGS2: Can sync with iTunes or any other player, can also be drag & drop, iP4: iTunes ONLY, SGS2: 8 Megapixel Camera with 1080P HD filming, iP4: 5 Megapixel Camera with 720P HD filming, SGS2: Expandable Memory, iP4: Fixed Memory... theres more, but the Galaxy S2 PWNS the iPhone 4
@TweFoji It's actually not unfair because what is mostly compared is the software which the Android wins hands down. Even if the iPhone 5 and iOS5 came out already and THEN they made this comparison, Android OS > iOS5 easily. This is coming from an iPhone user btw.
@MrRocats because its apps* , im not an apple fan boy, i dont even have any apple products, its just true. they have every single app first and their usually better on apple, while other companys are too busy working on the most megapixels or most ram, apple is working on perfecting all apps making everything super accessable and simple but it actually works and doesnt crash like android all the time. im getting rid of my 2nd android because theyre just boring and switching to the iphone
Very useful and helpful tutorial, thanks a lot for this video!
note: first commercially produced....
The IBM 610 was designed between 1948 and 1957 by John Lentz at the Watson Lab at Columbia University as the Personal Automatic Computer (PAC) and announced by IBM as the 610 Auto-Point in 1957.
SGS2's menu can be alphabetically hit the list key and select your view type....adding pages is possible in the app menu the option is availible on the bottom of the screen
btw on the multitasking menu on the iphone you can go left of the first multitasking screen for music options, and to put the cursor in the middle of a word on iphone you have to hold down the word and a magnifying glass will come up....thought you knew that kind of stuff....
iPhone 4S or Samsung Galaxy S2? I have used apple products before and haven't been let down at all. Opinons?
What are some pros and cons of the samsung galaxy s2? I'm debating on whether I should get this or the HTC inspire
I own the S2, and have played with the 4S several times. They're both awesome phones, but the S2 is still ahead for centralized messaging, user interface, screen, and size. Battery life is only so-so, though. You'll be very happy with either phone, but that's my $.02. p.s. all my contacts, photos, videos, and documents have been seamlessly synced to "the cloud" for a long time now.
Happy birthday Craig :D 1:56 ! I love your reviews, not to baised but I think if you were to compare things against the samsung galaxy s2 it would be the iPhone 4s as the Samsung was created to compete with the 4s rather than the 4 or atleast update the iPhone 4 to ios5 please. Other than that, Love your reviews. Also could you include some kind of top Sony Ericsson in your next one please. :)
thanks a lot man! you really helped me not only understand which phone is better, but also how to use them. i had just ordered the new s2 yesterday and wanted to verify that i made the right choice. and apparently i did! thanks again and great video! =]
well i don't own either kinds, but a couple close friends of mine have a Iphone 4s and a Samsung galaxy respectively. ive used both of them and i find the exact opposite myself, i find the 4S to be nicer, faster and has a better flow to it. not to say the Galaxy doesn't have those traits but i just find the Iphone to have that bit more
Happy birthday Craig :D 1:56 ! I love your reviews, not to baised but I think if you were to compare things against the samsung galaxy s2 it would be the iPhone 4s as the Samsung was created to compete with the 4s rather than the 4! Other than that, Love your reviews. Also could you include some kind of top Sony Ericsson in your next one please. :)
Which one is more smooth? s2 or iph4 ? I think pretty same?
@bradgin i agree that maybe how iphone is organized might suit other ppl better than others, but you can't say that for example a 5mp cam suits someone more than a 8mp cam, or a slower browser might be thought better for others... everyone thinks that faster browsers,higher mp cams etc, are better than slower browsers and low mp cams...
Get the GS2, root it and flash Cyanogenmod 10.1 on it. If you don't know what I'm talking about look it up, you won't regret it.
to re-wrap the text in the brower, just choose autofit pages from the settings.
@TSMultimediaTS You could jailbreak your iPhone to introduce a new level of customisation. You can even theme your iPhone with a whole lot of dreamboard themes.
@hjmeix Yes you can. It just doesn't auto-resize text when you pinch. (Seriously, you watched him pinch zoom in the vid....)
Settings->About Phone->Battery Usage is pretty cool
with the galaxy s you can zoom in to whatever magnification you want to read text and then double tap to wrap the text instead of going to settings and clicking zoom>close as you did in the video.
@wafcarI What's wrong with your phone? I got Samsung Galaxy S and I've never had a problem with wifi. Do you clear your RAM using app task menager?
@bradgin it was an example... there are a lot of other features.. like my other example, speed... i do agree that some features don't matter to some ppl, but i think you can see my point...
which phone is best iphone 4 or samsung s2 tell?
to decide which to buy?
@Fishyreefguy I want to buy iphone 4 or Samsung galaxy s2 but dont know which one to get. i have used iphone 4 before but i havent used any android phone.
@alharima I agree - not very strong at all! Two friends have dropped their iPhones and the glass has completely shattered - they can barely see the screen now! Not all its cracked up to be! Think I will be opting for the SGSII next! :)
1. no... The Programma 101 was Olivetti's the first commercially-produced "desktop computer", presented at the 1965 New York World's Fair.
@jeh0193 yes, you can. I dont know what its called, but theres an app on the android market that lets u do that.
@Pongotun The iphone i smooth because of how few threads its actually running. Note how many widgets that are loaded on the S2. Not to mention true multitasking on the SII.
Why do the buttons on this Samsung Galaxy S II look different from the ones coming out on like oct 12 or something for T-Mobile, Sprint, ATT, etc.?
@SidneyLeee it should be in your phone built in it has an icon of a bag with android icon if you pause this vid and look at the samsung s 2 you can see it !
i wanted to recontract wth my courier and get the iphone 4S but for 2-3 days it's still sold out. So, i decided to get the samsung galaxy s 2. I'm pretty impress with it. Especially the bigger screens. Anyway, most of the apps on the iphone you can get it via android market too. Although Siri is pretty interesting, vlingo for android work great too.
Lets do comparison between HTC Evo 4G and Samsung Galaxy S2! Evo 4G was released summer 2010 too, why not?
Ive had an iphone 3gs for the past year must say i love it but im not paying £220 for the new iphone 4! I can get the samsung galaxy 2 for free, are they a lot better than the iphone?
Someone help me decide. I'm due for an upgrade and I don't know whether to get the new Iphone 4s or the Samsung Galaxy 2. I'm not a big techy, I have a Mac, but I'm leaning more towards the Samsung because it just seems to still be the better phone. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
thanks for the review. i have an iPhone ATM, contract is up soon and debating what to get next. Galaxy s2 is definitely one of the choices. Even more so after this review! Just got to wait to see what the iPhone 5 actually has to offer :-)
@LookItsaBean yeah won a lawsuit and failed to pay court fees + deliver country specific law documentation.
which means the ban will not be in effect in large part of europe...
@CCredwing37 Also, one thing that he doesn't talk about, or is largely omitted altogether by most people is the radiation levels each phone emits. The Galaxy s2 got an SAR rating of 0.96 1.6W/kg and 0.338 in 2w/kg while the Iphone 4 scored: 1.17 and 0,93 respectively. Not many people take radiation levels into consideration and indeed they don't matter unless you plan on talking for hours or you sleep next to your phone. Anyways, the Galaxy is one of the safest phones in the regard
@Vesk What do you not like about the Samsung?
@TheFivepointbro All of the things you just described is what you may gain on easy cydia sources alone.The iphone doesn't need to be 4g because of how customizable it is. 3rd party app downloads is only a fraction of what the jailbreak allows you to do and is also what most people use it for entirely. If your a developer on Cydia like myself, you have access to the deeper OS parts and can manipulate them. Jailbreaking android phones doesnt even compare to iphone jailbreaking. I've done it all.
also when its scratched or broken you can replace it for 20$ not 200$ like on the iPhone.
wich one should i get.. they're both great phones!
i have a vita and ipad 2 thingking to swap my vita for a s2 does it lag on games? cause ipad 2 and vita are fluid on games does s2 run games like infinty blade 2?
Merci for report, after watching it I started wanting this galaxy s2.
@TheGarvito well that just verifies my argument, iPhone the only fun i have is downloading apps that I rarely even use, with an android i can customise everything and have lots of gadgets/widgets at hand when i swipe to the next screen where as iPhone I have to keep opening different applications just to see the weather or set the alarm clock or see the latest headlines. This is coming from an iPhone user who has never owned an android!
@ZoomEDi omg i had the same phones on mind! is these prices for canada or somewhere else. if not can u plz temm me from where? waiting 4 a reply! :)
What should i buy galaxy s or iphone 4?
Decent review, you lean towards the sg2, not very impartial but very informative. The screen on the sg2 looks amazing. The iPhone held it's own even though it only has a single processor
i had an android htc desire and i wont be going back for a while, the apps are crap buggy atd it just feels laggy to me also the updates take ages to filter through which is a jar. The fact your comparing the sg2 against a phone that come out a year ago speaks volumes for apple.
those were the days of excitement for new mobile phones.
iphone 4 was probably the best device ever for the what brought for its time.
samsung was trying hard to catchup on hardware specs and screen.
miss those days so much.
nowadays there's nothing that makes me spend and the tech went to far.
social media it's like a cancer nowadays instead of a joy back in the days the video was posted.
@MetaTechnology1 yeah ur right. I can not imagine how I would wear Galaxy S2 in my pocket... It is huge and otherwise you are not able to comfortably manage all touchscrean with one hand (what about thumb)
What is better Galaxy note or I phone 4S??
you also can long press on menu for a search short cut. love the vid :)
@CCredwing37 i would get the galexy i aswell im having trouble buti have been watching alot of videost see witch one better if u like games and a phone that runs really effichently pick the galexy that would be the better choice
And what you think about an iPhone with jailbreak?????
which is better, lg optimus 3d or sgs ii ?
@felipesfcarvalho yes it was all smartphones look it up, thats how I found the numbers, if you add in the other electronics that samsung produces the number is greater.
which should i get white or black gs2 ??
galaxy for me very nice but i would like to compare with iphone 5 it is possibly ?
Because I admit I didn't know what Cydia was, I gave you the benefit of the doubt and Googled it.
It's literally just another source for apps. I browsed through the top 10 apps available and quickly noticed something. You can already do all of that on Android without even rooting it. Access to file structure? Change GUI? Puh-lease.
Also, you act like 4G isn't important. It's a whole other level of network connectivity. There's no "app" for that. You can't replace that feature.
cheers mate really helped me choose which I
want !!
so witch is better?
@katiapower5 yeh see the galaxy s 1 didnt have a flash on it. Seemed to cause massive drama to some, but others said "so? i dont use the camera anyway"
hey how can install aplications in micro sd and not in the memory phone? help me please
same here i love android and the galaxy s2 looks great but i hate the lack off quality apps on android and i am switching to the iphone 4 or 5 if it comes to sprint.
@RaymondvelazquezX1 Thanks man I think that's what I'm gonna go with. Cant wait.
I have an iPod 4 and the first samsung galaxy s but I really want a new phone it has to be unlocked tho with a sim card slot any suggestions are appreciated
@MoTuWeThFrSaSu I would agree, like people are sayin I think it goes along with what your preferences are. I do like the customization options the samsung offers and I've used apple products before, so Im gonna give samsung a shot and see how I like it.
@aleksanderursus iPhone 4 was released in september 2010.. the white one was released on 29 May '11..
@CCredwing37 Well I hope his video helped answer most of your questions. But it all depends on what specifics you are looking for. If you are looking for user friendliness, I find that the Iphone has a really simple to learn interface. If you're new to androids the Galaxy will take some getting used to. But if you get over that or you're simply looking for the more powerful phone, I'd say the Galaxy is a better phone, and this review clearly shows why.
I've been thinking of getting the galaxy s 2 because I'm somehow getting tired of my iPhone 4 (and I've had the previous ones before it too) so i've been looking around the internet and see what everyone thinks about it and after watching this face-off it made me want to stick with the iPhone. The one thing I like about the samsung is it's big screen but I guess I can sacrifice that and get the iPhone 4s which will have Siri and faster processing.
@djillest303 You could be right, comparing the mercedes (gs2) and Honda (iPhone) when you look at the JD Power Car Customer Satisfaction awards 2011.
1. Lexus
2. Honda
3. Jaguar
4. Skoda
5. Mini
Think comparing the iPhone to the second most reliable car of 2011 isn't bad. I'd hate to think it was compared to one that couldn't make the top 5.
@harishvarma21 it is my understanding that the android port to ios was just to prove it could be done. stability is horrible, now as far as ios to android which i think is stupid is as simple as rooting and installing miui rom. its still an android kernel but style and performance to an iphone are seamless.
The only thing I don't like about the S2 is that it doesn't have the slide in/out qwerty keyboard like the Epic 4G (galaxy s).
@eXjeetzZ It's legal to flash Android. On Apple phones, you lose your warranty if you jailbreak.
that`s true, but remember Samsung fields a large line of phones that run an OS they get for free (which in turn presents alot of problems as android has quite a few malware problems :L) where as apple the only iphones sold are the 4 and 4s. in addition IOS is much more secure in terms of malware protection. unless you jailbreak it. but also if you look through the innovations in smart phones, apple always creates them. and then everyone else follows with a variation.
Amazing, S 2 had 7 programs running at once, and it still worked smoothly.
@lightdrink have you ever used the iPhone?
Also the Ram is 1333Mhz, that is not Ultra Fast, and it's probobly kingston which is cheap.. Not even Crucial or Corsair...
@freshtilldeathx Why would you hold to both, if I may ask.
@DoubterApe Definitely man. I appreciate the advice.
You know on the iPhone if you hold down your finger/thumb on the text it magnifies so you can go to where ever you want between text
@wafcar1 That's the way of economics. Superior products don't necessarily get the most sales.
for the iphone you can tap the edge just before sliding to next panel just tap it goes to next one :) i had one and did it
Is it possible to change the SD card in the Galaxy S2?
what is the company made the S2 ?
@SuperEzekial19 a CPU and a processor are the same thing, iPhone 4 and 4s run a higher resolution display, and SIRI is a much better voice command.
Wow I can't believe i was excited to hear iPhone was coming to Sprint. One reason for the excitement was being able to tap into the apple apps. But i think i would miss all the bells and whistles of the Android if i switched. Looks like i have Galaxy S II envy!
@patladjanko i have an iphone and i bought because of IOS 5 and the 8 mega pixel camera and i know what jailbreak is
@janjaso With 1 TB of memory, 12 Cores of Processing power (3 Core i7 Extremes), 2gb of Graphics (Crossfire X, ATI Radeon 6970) and 8Gbs of RAM... yeah and the cheapest PC i could find with these specs was $4988... so in my opinion my iMac kicks ass, and i know it does because i can play Crysis 2 full settings 60FPS and i have never had a PC in my life that tops my iMac and my MacBook, you have to own one to understand
@ZimmerSquash untill you jailbreak it i still dont get why ppl prefer galaxy s over the iphone??? i mean the appstore is way bigger on the iphone.. and it doesnt have flash support... but i still dont get it :S
Um how come when I go to Samsung they show the S2 with all touch menu buttons so minus the middle button?
@syncere010 Are you serious?? SGS2: 4.3 Inch AMOLED Vs iP4: 3.5 Inch Retina, SGS2: 1gb of RAM Vs iP4: 512mb of RAM, SGS2: Anyone can make Apps and dont have to register it, iP4: Apps are closed in and must be approved, SGS2: Can sync with iTunes or any other player, can also be drag & drop, iP4: iTunes ONLY, SGS2: 8 Megapixel Camera with 1080P HD filming, iP4: 5 Megapixel Camera with 720P HD filming, SGS2: Expandable Memory, iP4: Fixed Memory... theres more, but the Galaxy S2 PWNS the iPhone 4
@Mrtruthfulspeaks On any Android phone when you select a contact you can choose to video call. This works with all Android phones.
@MrThenFamous what brand is the infuse?
@TweFoji It's actually not unfair because what is mostly compared is the software which the Android wins hands down.
Even if the iPhone 5 and iOS5 came out already and THEN they made this comparison, Android OS > iOS5 easily.
This is coming from an iPhone user btw.
@flicks492 yes there is...because icrap still costs more than gs2!
Can you text/type in different languages on the Samsung Galaxy S II? I'm Korean & it would be cool if I could type/text in Korean on the Galaxy S II.
@MrRocats because its apps* , im not an apple fan boy, i dont even have any apple products, its just true. they have every single app first and their usually better on apple, while other companys are too busy working on the most megapixels or most ram, apple is working on perfecting all apps making everything super accessable and simple but it actually works and doesnt crash like android all the time. im getting rid of my 2nd android because theyre just boring and switching to the iphone
It does. Check the website.