Ray Boltz - Seasons Change

  • Опубликовано: 1 фев 2025

Комментарии • 39

  • @janellestoermer5479
    @janellestoermer5479 5 лет назад +12

    I was a huge Ray Boltz fan as a teen in the 90s. His music really ministered to me, and still does. I've enjoyed finding a lot of my old favorites here on RUclips. I can't help but read people's comments and it is always inevitable that someone will comment on Ray's current lifestyle (he came out as homosexual in 2008). It is interesting to me to read the different responses people give. Some say we should pray for his repentance, while others insist we shouldn't judge. Here is my take on it.
    As finite human beings, we can't judge what is going on in his heart and mind. Only he and God know. But we can hold up the standard of God's word. In both the Old and the New Testament, homosexuality is said to be a sin (Leviticus 18:22, I Corinthians 6:9-11). Jesus Himself said that marriage is for one and and one woman for life (Matthew 19:4-6). I can't begin to imagine what it feels like to struggle with same-sex attraction, but I imagine it is similar to other types of sexual desires that can't be righteously fulfilled (such as being attracted to someone besides your spouse, or being single and having strong sexual desires). In any of these cases, God would ask us to do what Jesus said on Luke 9:23, "If anyone would come after Me, he must deny himself, take up his cross daily, and follow Me." Homosexuality is such a buzzword these days. Let's remove it from the equation for a moment. Ray Boltz struggled with something that went against his own convictions for many years. He kept silent and tried to fight it himself. There was no accountability. Not even his wife knew about it. Finally, after years of struggling, he decided to change his beliefs based on his experience, rather than interpreting his experience through his beliefs. He completely indulged in this thing that went against his convictions, and broke his marriage vow. Is that right? To go against your convictions, not get accountability, and break your marriage vows? No! But because it involves homosexuality, everyone gets into "don't judge" mode (seriously, doesn't anyone know anything Jesus said besides "don't judge lest you be judged?" That's the most misused scripture there is!). My belief in the Bible's teaching on this would lead me to side with those who pray for Ray Boltz's repentance. He is our brother in Christ, and has been used mightily of God, as this song clearly reveals.

    • @wk1810
      @wk1810 5 лет назад +6

      Wow! Thank you, for such a clear voice of reason and upholding the scriptures! Your comment greatly encouraged me.

    • @kmaidotia
      @kmaidotia 4 года назад +3

      Great response

    • @Lorraine--on3ij
      @Lorraine--on3ij 2 года назад +1

      @@wk1810 Pastor Kent Christmas has a prophesy recently, to go along with this.

    • @issat.p8002
      @issat.p8002 5 месяцев назад

      Sigamos orando por Ray y asi mismo recordar que nuestro precioso Jesus nos dijo en Juan 17:20 y 21 Mas no ruego solamente por estos, sino también por los que han de creer en mí por la palabra de ellos, 21 para que todos sean uno; como tú, oh Padre, en mí, y yo en ti, que también ellos sean uno en nosotros; para que el mundo crea que tú me enviaste.
      Y yo fui del grupo de los que habian de creer en El . y asi hay más personas que conoceran, se reconciliaran con Dios. Abandonaran el pecado en el nombre que es sobre todo nombre del Señor Jesus. OREMOS Y NO DEJEMOS DE HACERLO. Y les invito a leer y releer este precioso capitulo de Juan 17 , que es Jesus hablando y pensando en nosotros.

  • @ucenic1
    @ucenic1 13 лет назад +8

    I have always been very blessed by Ray Boltz's music. This is a beautiful song.

  • @ralphkeys513
    @ralphkeys513 Год назад +1

    Inspirational music 🎶 May God richly bless you brother Ray

  • @Bannerkim1
    @Bannerkim1 3 года назад +2

    God is able. He is so good. May God bless you ministry.

  • @remsiekmann5402
    @remsiekmann5402 3 года назад +1

    This song helped me through some very difficult times and is a great blessing. We all sin and have struggles so I pray this continues to bring healing, through Jesus. Thank you for giving to the Lord.

  • @athenarae180
    @athenarae180 7 лет назад +6

    This was his only concert I saw. From a distance high in the rafters I listened it draws the tears however overflowing in love it remains .

  • @2blondboys
    @2blondboys 8 лет назад +10

    I love Ray's voice! He is SO gifted! All of his songs bring God's love and stories of the Bible alive to me in my heart and mind, never minding Ray's lifestyle.

  • @patricialue6913
    @patricialue6913 7 лет назад +9

    Ray boltz is gods gift to us all who knows about jesus and his love.thank u ray i have listened 2 ur songs and each has a personal lesson that i can say i am not alone.god bless u. Pat

  • @mariebaddal7194
    @mariebaddal7194 11 лет назад +10


  • @pams9346
    @pams9346 3 месяца назад

    Wonderful song with perfect words🙏 Great voice -just beautiful❤️

  • @92lovetosing
    @92lovetosing 13 лет назад +8

    So inspiring :) I have this CD, but it is fun listening to it online and being able to comment :) Thanks for uploading :)

  • @dominicobeng8590
    @dominicobeng8590 5 лет назад +1

    Such a powerful and uplifting song. Lifts me up on the drive to work every morning.

  • @FreeKentHovind
    @FreeKentHovind 13 лет назад +9

    I LOVE this song! I was unable to go to church for being quite sick - then I played this and started cleaning things up in the house! I also fixed some things!! The Power of G-d has healed me!! :)G-d bless Ray Boltz, and may he be delivered from homosexuality.

  • @johnwealth428
    @johnwealth428 5 лет назад +1

    My all time worship and praise. Seasons change

  • @NikiAllen
    @NikiAllen 10 лет назад +3

    Such A GREAT Song.

  • @mjmphillips3
    @mjmphillips3 7 лет назад +9

    Let us all as Christians, not to judge, but to be judged. Judge not lest you be judged. Matthew 7:1-3. We are called to pray for those who have lost their way. May Christ bring Ray Boltz back to the real truth, not truth and will of this world but Gods will and truth. Lord we are all sinners and we all fall short the glory of God. Forgive us and lead us each and everyone of us in whatever our sin is, back to You, in all our ways, without judgement of another believers sin. In Jesus name we pray, amen.

    • @RubenGonzalezFTL
      @RubenGonzalezFTL 4 года назад +2

      Hi Marcey; The whole system of That evangelical; Is set up for Failure; Your right; No matter How we strive for Perfection; None of us will never reach it! The church Preaches; If You dont Live in the way of what they see as Truth; your gonna miss the rapture and go Straight to hell; Like your Thumb print none of us are born the same; My Christian walk was miserable; no matter how much I Prayed; God was not going to deliver me; I Had no self esteem; Felt like a failure; And Had no Joy;Only suffering. all I wanted was to fit in and be like every else; I remember Having my first crush as a 12 year old boy; My Mothers Pentecostal Pastor and Deacons were waiting for me upstairs in my Bedroom; They spoke in Tongues at Highest Decibels ; To Command the Devil to come out; Well needless to say; The shame was emance ;A and messed me up pretty bad. As years went on; My Faithfulness to god was still there; But no Deliverance was nowhere to be found; I figured when God wants to heal me; He will. By This time I was 20 years old. Went to Bible College 2 be a Minister of music. Felt the call of God on my Life; And I was Determined to Follow Jesus . An incident Happened at Bible college When All I did was touch a Knee; And I was Kicked out for Molestation; The Shame and embarrassment was very real; And I was Broken. With Good behavior and a letter from the Pastor is the only was they would let me go Back to Campus; Well I did go back because nothing happened. And as much as I wanted to serve the Lord! I was struggling with my sexuality. I Got back; And The whole Campus new about the incident; My friends in church all abandoned me. No one came to Minister to me in my time of need. I Hit a brick wall; Thinking whose gonna have me at There churches with This Horrible Blemish based on a Lie. So I was Broken. I Left Bible College and had to find out who the hell I am; As Much as I Loved Jesus and what he stood for; I did not Love myself. So I Had to start my journey in New york. It was real bad for me cause all I Knew was Gospel; music and could not get any work; I was a Kid on Living on the streets;Doing what I Had to do to eat. Eventually I Begun the process of finding who I am; Long story short I learned; If you can't Love yourself; How in the Hell are you going to love anybody else; The Scares start to Faded with Time; eventually Learned enough Secular Music to find work I Now Believe Jesus Loves us as we are; Its The churches are wrong when they pass Judgment; They Have the Power to destroy Lives who Truly Love christ; My Story is one of many; You'd be surprised how many outcast; I come by; By coming out . Deep down I believe God is Love; The church needs to start preaching trhe all inclusion of his Love; and all the Judging up the Lord.

  • @mariebaddal7194
    @mariebaddal7194 11 лет назад +3


  • @issat.p8002
    @issat.p8002 2 года назад +1


  • @erazor39
    @erazor39 5 лет назад +1

    thank you ray, hullo from fiji

  • @oldsouthpaw
    @oldsouthpaw 7 лет назад +12

    All your self involved comments, it's nothing you do, but what Jesus did, so quit judging this man and point those fingers at your own life, take the same bible and judge yourself, I am sure none of you will find yourselves perfect if you are truthful with yourself.

    • @AdivasiT
      @AdivasiT 6 лет назад +1

      Couldn't agree more

  • @febriones1895
    @febriones1895 6 лет назад +2

    pray to one anothers weakness

  • @Vashnner
    @Vashnner  15 лет назад

    Same here.

  • @crmorrisenterprises
    @crmorrisenterprises 12 лет назад +2

    Romans 1: 26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: 27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another ; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet . 28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind . . .

    • @mjmphillips3
      @mjmphillips3 7 лет назад +2

      Let us all as Christian's not judge, but be judged. Judge not lest you be judged. Please read Matthew 7:1-3. We are called to pray for those who have lost their way. May Christ bring Ray Boltz back to the real truth, not truth and will of this world, but Gods will and Gods truth. Lord we are all sinners and we all fall short the glory of your glory. Forgive us and lead us each and everyone of us in whatever our sin is, back to You, in all our ways, without judgement of another believers sin. In Jesus name we pray, amen. I am a Christian woman, I am blessed with a wonderful husband for 36 years and a blessed family, Ray Boltz music brought me through many difficult seasons of life. God can use anyone for His purpose. I hope you find peace and not judge but pray for Ray Boltz, he too is created in the image of God. The shepherd leaves hundreds of His sheep to go and find the one lost sheep, and when he is found the shepherd rejoices! Let us pray not judge.

  • @crmorrisenterprises
    @crmorrisenterprises 12 лет назад +9

    I didn't hear that Ray turned to homosexuality. If so, I stand in agreement with you for his deliverance. the Word has declared: "where sin abounds, grace did much more abound." In Jesus Name. Also, I liked your testimony, God is still on the Throne, and Jehovah Rapha is our Healer, as some would claim He retired from miracles, you and I know different. Good Day.

  • @erazor39
    @erazor39 5 лет назад

    bula from fiji

  • @r4v3angel47
    @r4v3angel47 8 лет назад +2

    a sin is a sin, & btw WE all sin. that being said his music has helped me find my way in a life of HELL. God loves ALL who except him, even when we sin. I love & support him regardless. I'm a Christian with 2 pastors as parents. the Bible said to LOVE EVERYONE, AS HE LOVES THE CHURCH.

    • @CooleyReese53
      @CooleyReese53 7 лет назад +2

      Willful and habitual sin does not correlate with those truly born-again. Ray Boltz has now made a decision to serve Satan. He desperately needs our prayers!

    • @gstreet8469
      @gstreet8469 5 лет назад +1

      R4V3 ANGEL the devil is liar !! It is wrong that’s why he destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.. read ur bible

  • @erazor39
    @erazor39 5 лет назад


  • @music123isdead
    @music123isdead 12 лет назад +1

    Everyone is talking like homosexuality is a big deal, even a sin. The Bible says incest is, it says nothing about being gay or lesbian.

    • @frankswart1928
      @frankswart1928 6 лет назад +5

      You haven't read your Bible, if you indeed have one. Read what God Himself has to say about it in Romans Chapter one.

    • @keziamcdaniel9227
      @keziamcdaniel9227 4 года назад +1

      The Bible talks a lot about gay and lesbian. God hates it just like He hates any other sin. But this man is a BLESSING. His songs are very inspirational and helps me stay on the path. You listen to him, you can literally feel the love of God. I have loved him for a long time and still do.