I totally get you. I've been proclaiming a similar issue for years without anyone taking action. As a non-specie, I truly understand your problem, and personally, I identify as the owner of this world and have been denied my human rights for a long time. Every time I enter a bank to let them know they are actually working for me in my bank, I am met with hostility. Usually, some guy takes me into what he for whatever reason calls his office (after I have enlightened him and let him know he works for me and it is my office) and starts mansplaining to me...even worse he does that while manspreading right to my face. I am traumatized and victimized beyond belief every time I demand my bank account must reflect reality and it must never be less than a couple of million euros, at the very least, on it. They are cis-gendered toxic males, and I will sue the moment I find a lawyer who understands he is my employee and takes my case to court. You are not alone, always remember that. Next time you enter a bank, let them know their owner tells them to meet your very reasonable demand.
If her son identifies as a cat, so she believes he should be treated like a cat, why does she talk about discrimination? Surely since he isn't a human, he doesn't have human rights...
So I guess her son/cat uses a litter box and hunts for mice to eat at night,supplemented with canned and dry cat food during the day. Mother and son are both batshit crazy.
definitely the mother. When I was a child I loved Superman and imagined being Supergirl. It is just childhood imagination. If I told my mum that I was Supergirl she probably would have told me to stop being silly and DO SOME CHORES AROUND THE HOUSE!
FFS, she is just enacting the ridiculous way of lefties, this ain't real. Get a life, losers. I can make a video stereotyping conservatives highlighting the sanctity of cousin marriage, how homosexuals are a threat to the nation, why is it essential to brainwash kids into believing the BS in bible. 🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️ Conservatives are seriously getting stupider by the day.
If this woman actually believes her son is a CAT. Children services need to legally step in and save this child from her. This has gone way too far. It is time to reopen the insane asylums
Simple….have a doctor that says he is a vet then put the boy in a cage in a room for observation on his own overnight & some good quality cat food & clean water bowl left in it then charge the lady £2000 & to see the child’s pet insurance plan…& straight away the kid isn’t a cat anymore.
Hajaha, that is great point. But ... Seriously, WHY am I disallowed from identifying as a "married couple" on my yearly state + federal taxes, esp since I (oops, sorry: "we") can get a lower rate that way?
Is it really satire? I can't tell, that is how crazy Libs are today. They are sooo delusional and the ones in government are pushing their delusions onto us sane people to the point where they have the power to remove a child from their parents for misgendering. SCAAAARY!!!
Sadly, though you are 1000% correct, the "laws" being enacted are giving these psychologically damaged children the right to report you (as the parent) to the authorities therefore giving the government the "right" to take your kids from you if you deny them their "rights" of how they identify, so that the government can help your cat/dog/sea sponge/etc child "transition". God help us.
The problem is that the child is exhibiting normal behavior. From around 2-5 it is common for kids to want to pretend to be an animal or the opposite gender; they're just exercising their imaginations. The problem is when the parent tells the kid that their game is reality instead of playing along for a bit, then telling them, "ok, pretend time is over, time to be normal."
As a 25 year old, i think i can officially say i was born in the wrong era, and im definitely concerned about our future. This is insane and embarrassing
Stay in your childrens lives. You set the boundries and remain Based even after they are 18 and older. That is how they will survive the BS. It is on you not them. Let them scrape their knees, let them get a bloody nose but once they start to figure themselves out then the grass on the otherside starts to look greener. Good Luck @@shaynahekin9513
Excellent observation on your part! I'm 65, here's a little advice: try to pull away from your screen and meet up with your pals IN PERSON. turn off your phone. don't worry,,,if ya miss something important ,,,, they'll find you through your pals, who won't shut off their phones. Try it, it's liberating !!!!! And your pals will be copying you in no time !!!! Turning off your phone will be 'the new "chique" (sp?)
People are just losing their mind taking a son to a vet because he thinks he’s a cat is bloody ridiculous. This woman needs to be put in jail for child abuse
Shes right. Its the son who should get psychiatric treatment. If you identify as an animal then how you expect you to be treated by a human physician? You definitely need to be treated by a vet
Simple, All the vet need do is temporarily identify as a child and say "sorry, as a child, I can not operate on your cat". Game set and match with her own rules!
@@nailedbynat9522I assumed this was the case. Surely, nobody capable of posting a vid could be that stupid. And yes, I realise that some are really dumb.
I'm an infant-pre-k teacher, and one of my preschool student's favorite outfits to wear is her leopard shirt and headband with ears that she got from her aunt for her birthday. She pretends to be a leopard all day whenever she wears it (she's adorable 😂) except at circle, nap, and meal times. Other than that, we let her use her imagination all day, but she is aware that she is not actually a cat. Children play pretend. It's part of being a kid. That doesn't mean they are actually cats, dogs, sheep, etc.
@@thecadman68 that’s great to hear but I am sure there are parents out there who are like her character we already seen parents allowing there children to had puberty blockers and change their gender so to be honest nothing surprises me anymore the world has. Gone crazy 🤪
Someone introducing themselves with their pronouns or putting pronouns on their profiles and such is helpful, though. It lets me know just how much time I should not waste on them its a real time saver.
Social services should step in and take this kid away from this women who thinks because her kid feels like a cat he is one.these people are totally nuts.
@@lorifintel9784 they dont function, and they were turned into these stereotypes on purson, because dysfunctional people will always vote for a nanny state and party as this is their only way to survive.
not really though. would you say the same about trigger warnings for ptsd? obviously these gender weirdos arent actually getting triggered but to blanket statement that phrase is just pure stupidity.
I agree with the heads up for people who have had truly traumatic experiences in life when something is being spoken of or portrayed realistically. PTSD does funny things to people. But just for discussing something in the abstract, it’s dumb.
No kidding. A mom is dumb enough to not understand that her son is lgbtq+ and that hes making up something to prove a point. She should be in a mental hospital or prison for child abuse
His parents need a therapist as well. Allowing, encouraging and validating his behaviors are clear signs of terrible parenting. When I was a child I could play with my brothers and its was perfectly normal to play roles such as being a power ranger, a dragon or any character or animal you liked. Even as children, we all knew what was fantasy and what was real. Keeping the role-playing was something that our parents didnt allowed. A simple "its getting late, so quit playing as dragons and please pick up your toys" was enough to pop out that imagination bubble and bring you back to reality.
Normally, i'd agree with you. However, as a parent who has had to deal with this disorder in my child, I can tell you that the therapy industry is severely broken. I have yet to find a therapist who does not simply give the stamp of approval to a child who 'self-affirms.' It's frustrating.
Years ago a lady got upset cause someone moved a deer crossing sign. She thought the deer would not know how to cross the road without it. Moral of story is, if we leave these people alone in the wild, then nature will simply eradicate this ignorant behavior.
I remember that and totally agree. We're definitely in a decadent society, free from most problems, when people have to come up with new and insane problems. Makes me wonder just how bored are people when they come up with this crap.
I’m hopeful there’s gonna be a time when this stuff gets filtered out from the minds of any future generations. Otherwise this could quickly go horribly wrong. If they were even reproducing, that is 😂
@@asianconnection7701 yeah, I think so... researched it, no cat box ... lots of crazy people say they identify as all kinds of insane things though.... it's nuts!
Just have fun with them. When I run into someone who ask that I use their preferred pronouns, I ask that they use mine, which is Master. They always refuse and leave in a huff.
Have you been to China? Plenty of mental people there I can assure you. But that’s beside the point, because even if it was true, opining that we aren’t more like authoritarian regimes is a pretty weird reaction to this thing that doesn’t affect you.
@@Without_Lies_Media_Dies Well I don’t worship the government, so I’m sure in your eyes that makes me a looney, since you are a pathetic government bootlicker.
BOUNDARIES & CONSEQUENCES When children are not given any, they keep pushing them to find tge limit as it's natures way, sadly this has carried on into adulthood with a whole (many from) generation who are confused, insecure and never satisfied 😌
It’s also brain dead to do absolutely zero research into a claim. A quick google search shows that this lady is doing satire and openly labels it as satire with a satire hashtag in the description.
@@wiseinvestments5134 You think I can cite a source of somebody saying the exact same thing? I was talking about how lots of people say stuff like that.
If her son identifies as a cat does she only feed him cat food and make him use a litter box. Shame on the mother not being a parent and catering to a child. Wow.
The vet should've called CPS on the mom. We should be able to jail these pay for child abuse. Just think of the mental abuse these kids go through all day from their dumbass parents
You could also make it personal, and sue them as an individual, since corporations are people too! Welcome to America, where nothing makes sense, and everything is so unique that nothing is!
i think her son just needs to be taken away from her, as he grows up he'll hopefully grow out of this, but if he stays with her and she keeps feeding into this, he'll keep thinking that he can be a cat for real, also, the fact she took her child to a vet first and not a doctor, to me shows she shouldnt have a child, what if it had been something life threatening
@Dougtroutfisher.4046 The kid is playing make-believe. This is normal for kids... The mother believes his make-believe is reality and is also cementing this way of thinking into her son. She's mentally ill, needs help, and her son needs saved from her delusions
@@jonnydangerous2497 ya know,,,,, someone ----like Jerry Seinfeld --should write a sitcom about all this... IT WOULD SKYROCKET !!!! the numbers would speak for themselves !!!!!!!!!
She would rather make a fool out of all you conservative basket cases by making you believe the video is real, rather than a parody. Hook, line, and sinker.
Do cats sh!t in a litter tray, she probably try, she that invested too believe her kids is a cat, so i wouldn't put anything pass that mum, too do anything and that scariest think too even think about tbh coz u ask anybody that owns a cat they tell u how a cat really acts and how some of behaviour can be at times, tbh....
@@berniesalem It's a legit question. After all, doesn't everybody have a "CAT" buried in their yard? Or is it just me who buried a "CAT" about 15' down, filled it up almost all the way, then buried a dead deer to cover up that "CAT" I killed behind the 7/11?
Weirdly I agree with this lady. I wish I could go to a veterinarian rather than a people doctor because in my experience veterinarians are much more competant and often more economical.
@Rai2M and sarcasm can be used when joking! BUT my point is, the mother has to be mad to post something like that. I also stand by my lunacy comment, because it is lunacy!
@@eboyle7367I think it’s satire. Or at least I would be willing to bet money it is. From my perspective she’s was trying to make a pointing out how ridiculous things have gotten by demonstrating how insane these concepts can be pushed. And for it very well.
@@richardwendt9266 you can’t call it being gullible when there are actually people out there like this. So any proof it’s not real? Or did you just want to get a jab in?
@@skillet2198 No, it's actually 100% a spoof tiktok account. And sure, there are crazy people everywhere, but we have bigger problems in this world than to hone in on the 0.001% of crazy people. It just annoys me how folks waste their time on this rubbish.
@@skillet2198 just a fair warning: it is in fact satire. she posts these things to bait conservatives into showing their (your) lack of critical thinking skills and rabidity to believe anything that makes the left look silly. google it before you dig your heels in and further embarrass yourself.
I'm a a Farmer; if you identify as an animal & your local vet refuses to give you medical treatment; please come to me. I will provide Complimentary Spaying & neutering. No waiting required
@@subway5907 Do YOU have eyes? 🤦🤦 what does my eyes have to do with the question. Literally the whole world, almost every country is doing the same things. I would say the first one to do it is Europe.
1. Child identifies as a cat. 2. Child watches as you open a tin of Kit-E-Kat, recoil at the strong smell of the food, dump it in a stainless steel bowl. 3. Say, here puss, puss, puss, and give the child his bowl of cat food. He'll not be a cat for long, he might be ok with the litter tray though.
@@flamenmartialis6839 I was thinking that, but kids love a crunchy snack, that's why I went with the smelly wet cat food. It has the added bonus in the UK that pet food has to be fit for human consumption, how they'd react to a roadkill badger is another thing though.
@Shrek_Has_Covid19 it will be, it's not bringing that badger into the house. And surely you mean, leave the cat outside. It would be child neglect to do that to a child. Here, hang on a minute. Cats don't need expensive child care while the parents are out to work. All my children will be animals by the weekend. I'm going to save a fortune.
If the vet can lose his license fro treating a human instead of a cat, then can the mum lose her to look after the child, for treating him like a cat instead of a human when he IS a human but identifies as a cat ? Does she feed him like a cat and does he poop in the kitty litter and does he get kept out at night and not get a human education?
I don't normally comment, but this got my attention. You're completely right. What has this world come to, and if this video of said women about said "cat" son is a parody, as other comment in here somewhere had mentioned, then it should be labeled as such, because wow, eye opener comment by @Stephen_Strange, what if this were truly the case. That child would have no future and ultimately probably end up in some institution if was raised as a cat, like that jungle book kid if I'm remembering reference right, was raised by wolves or something similar.. I hope your comment gets more likes for awareness, and I hope this lady was actually a parody towards mocking how out of control people truly have become.
You can identify as a cat, a tree, a martian, but that doesn't mean you ARE one. It also doesn't mean that society should have to deny scientific reality and affirm that delusion.
I'm actually not sure you 'can' or should be allowed to identify as a cat, a tree, an alien, etc. It's delusional and as you pointed out, we as a society should not affirm this, and also stop allowing people to run around playing their illusions out. I think I think it starts when we say 'you can identify what you want [but don't expect others to...]' - that first part of the sentence, is already a problem. If I truly care for someone, I wouldn't want that for them. So if I wouldn't want that, say, my child identify as a cat or whatever, why would I be ok with another person in a society, my proverbial neighbor and someone else's child, doing that??
This woman shouldn't be allowed to look after this child. She is out to lunch. This kid has no chance with her guiding him. Delusional is an understatement.
@@xamyx725 ✨🤔From what I've seen other commenters here say, it seems she does have a social media platform that is comedy based. Very hard to tell these days what is real vs satire type sketches. Oooof! ✨🎈🤡🌐🗺️✨
And child abuse. Next, she may say that he identifies as a female. These crazy lefties are damaging the lives of their children beyond repair. We need interventions for these poor innocent children.
I identify as a billionaire but the bank wouldn't give me my money. So discriminatory! I'm going to have to sue them.
I totally get you. I've been proclaiming a similar issue for years without anyone taking action. As a non-specie, I truly understand your problem, and personally, I identify as the owner of this world and have been denied my human rights for a long time. Every time I enter a bank to let them know they are actually working for me in my bank, I am met with hostility. Usually, some guy takes me into what he for whatever reason calls his office (after I have enlightened him and let him know he works for me and it is my office) and starts mansplaining to me...even worse he does that while manspreading right to my face. I am traumatized and victimized beyond belief every time I demand my bank account must reflect reality and it must never be less than a couple of million euros, at the very least, on it. They are cis-gendered toxic males, and I will sue the moment I find a lawyer who understands he is my employee and takes my case to court. You are not alone, always remember that. Next time you enter a bank, let them know their owner tells them to meet your very reasonable demand.
You def should
Strange, I had a similar problem when I walked into the bank identifying as Elon Musk.
If he is a cat, you darn well better not put him as a dependent when filing your taxes!
Good point. And you know cat mom is..
Purrfect reply
Cats can't vote right?
Don't forget to get your cat spayed!
The vet should have referred the mom to a mental health therapist.
Not referred, should be apprehended under mental health act.
If her son identifies as a cat, so she believes he should be treated like a cat, why does she talk about discrimination? Surely since he isn't a human, he doesn't have human rights...
Great point @margison!
So I guess her son/cat uses a litter box and hunts for mice to eat at night,supplemented with canned and dry cat food during the day. Mother and son are both batshit crazy.
Excellent observation.
That poor boy
Imagine the look on the vet's face when he's trying to decide who's crazier the son or the mother.
The vet's first response to the mother should be, has he received his first rabies and heartworm vaccine?
it's a parody. you and anyone willing to believe this are being made fun of. cheers!
@@benselander1482exactly, she's just doing this for attention or as a joke. She doesn't really believe her son is a cat 😂
definitely the mother. When I was a child I loved Superman and imagined being Supergirl. It is just childhood imagination. If I told my mum that I was Supergirl she probably would have told me to stop being silly and DO SOME CHORES AROUND THE HOUSE!
This is what happens when you refuse to tell people "No!" and affirm their psychosis instead of treating them.
FFS, she is just enacting the ridiculous way of lefties, this ain't real. Get a life, losers.
I can make a video stereotyping conservatives highlighting the sanctity of cousin marriage, how homosexuals are a threat to the nation, why is it essential to brainwash kids into believing the BS in bible. 🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️ Conservatives are seriously getting stupider by the day.
Leftists are insane. Deal with them accordingly.
I agree, 100% and I will never ever call anyone by what they claim they are. I will call them a man or a woman. Period!!!
@@vincentflauto7650 You fell for it Too!! Someone said it's a Joke!! I was very upset too!! I Was Thinking that lady was totally crazy!! 😂😂😂😂🤦🤷🙋
mindless automatons THATS WHAT THE LEFT WANT
When I used to work as a paramedic, we were taught not to play into a patient's delusion.
I was taught the same thing in nursing school.
Amazing that it's only been a short time since sanity was considered a good thing.
But these days YOU ARE the problem if you don’t. 🤦🏾♀️
Get sacked now
Sure would. @@marcus69696
I can't believe this woman is allowed to raise her son. This child doesn't have a chance for a real future. Unbelievable.
So true !! 🎉🎉
You're letting one scenario define everything? Lol
Where's dad. Or is he a tomcat just gallivanting about town as tomcats do.
That lady is just trolling, right…? I can’t believe anyone is THAT stupid. lol
If this woman actually believes her son is a CAT. Children services need to legally step in and save this child from her. This has gone way too far. It is time to reopen the insane asylums
You beat me to it! Was going to type the same thing until i read this
My own father, a biological male in his sixties, thinks he's a woman, and had multiple surgeries years ago to become trans. It ruined my childhood.
Or maybe animal services need to step in.
@@LeslieHumen-lu2ix RSPCA or NSPCC; that is the question. (Yeah I know it's in America but I don't know what the equivalents are over there. ;-)
@@Network126, a lot of people say the same thing about homosexual adoptive parents.
Simple….have a doctor that says he is a vet then put the boy in a cage in a room for observation on his own overnight & some good quality cat food & clean water bowl left in it then charge the lady £2000 & to see the child’s pet insurance plan…& straight away the kid isn’t a cat anymore.
I'm sure she'll cite some commie speech about how any service should be free
Don't forget the litterbox.
Exactly right!
Genius 😂
I identify as tax exempt and nobody listens they still charge me taxes. My feelings are hurt.
Yup you've been misgendered which apparently today is a crime so I'd be looking to sue someone lol
Hajaha, that is great point. But ...
Seriously, WHY am I disallowed from identifying as a "married couple" on my yearly state + federal taxes, esp since I (oops, sorry: "we") can get a lower rate that way?
If I identify as an object can I just move into other people's houses and call myself "decoration
yeah it would be absurd for any person or institution to be tax-exempt. *cough*churches*cough*
@@benselander1482 - So maybe that person should identify as a church rather than as married...
Persian princess. I love it! You are awesome, Rita! I watch Lefties Losing It all the time. Thank you for being you!
"If my son wants to identify as a cat, he's a cat. " That's the biggest problem.
And since cats don't actually speak a human language......verbally identifying as such nullifies their argument.
I believe that is a satirical account that posts various such things.
I identify as a multi-billionaire, but my bank manager won't accept that. What a bigot!
I hope the neighbors keep watch on their female cats.
Why doesn't the mom identify as a Veterinarian and treat her cat son herself?
another great comment on this video😂
Because she is too busy managing her satire channel where she makes fun of the woke left. She is hilarious and awesome.
She looks like a lezzie.......sperm donor? Look what they are doing to kids.
this women is sick and son should be removed from her immediately
She did a satire video jeez
Unfortunately, our child protection and government is so insane.
It's sattire,she's hilarious on her channel
Is it really satire? I can't tell, that is how crazy Libs are today. They are sooo delusional and the ones in government are pushing their delusions onto us sane people to the point where they have the power to remove a child from their parents for misgendering. SCAAAARY!!!
Oh, well she's really proving that this kind of insanity needs to be locked up in a mental hospital! @@susansivill7284
If your child states something like this, it’s your duty as a parent to educate them as to how they are wrong.
Sadly, though you are 1000% correct, the "laws" being enacted are giving these psychologically damaged children the right to report you (as the parent) to the authorities therefore giving the government the "right" to take your kids from you if you deny them their "rights" of how they identify, so that the government can help your cat/dog/sea sponge/etc child "transition". God help us.
But but but Jr has never been told he/she is wrong ..
@@massabielle2821 you need reporting if you take your child to a vet
The problem is that the child is exhibiting normal behavior. From around 2-5 it is common for kids to want to pretend to be an animal or the opposite gender; they're just exercising their imaginations. The problem is when the parent tells the kid that their game is reality instead of playing along for a bit, then telling them, "ok, pretend time is over, time to be normal."
What is it about Western countries? We seem to attract all these headbangers. Please, this must stop.
As a 25 year old, i think i can officially say i was born in the wrong era, and im definitely concerned about our future. This is insane and embarrassing
100% same!!! I have 3 young children also. I hope they make it through this BS starting primary now.
22 here and i have no idea in what universe im living in, seems this world is a joke
Stay in your childrens lives. You set the boundries and remain Based even after they are 18 and older. That is how they will survive the BS. It is on you not them. Let them scrape their knees, let them get a bloody nose but once they start to figure themselves out then the grass on the otherside starts to look greener. Good Luck @@shaynahekin9513
Old enough to be your grandmother but I totally sympathise with you 😢 Glad I didn't grow up in a lunatic asylum !! Please keep your sanity. 🙏
Excellent observation on your part! I'm 65, here's a little advice: try to pull away from your screen and meet up with your pals IN PERSON. turn off your phone. don't worry,,,if ya miss something important ,,,, they'll find you through your pals, who won't shut off their phones. Try it, it's liberating !!!!! And your pals will be copying you in no time !!!! Turning off your phone will be 'the new "chique" (sp?)
People are just losing their mind taking a son to a vet because he thinks he’s a cat is bloody ridiculous. This woman needs to be put in jail for child abuse
Shes right. Its the son who should get psychiatric treatment. If you identify as an animal then how you expect you to be treated by a human physician? You definitely need to be treated by a vet
It’s women not people
It's a satire. Look up Kass Theaz.
@@justinsime3786 you mean this one individual woman? That's like saying "one black person shoved me on the bus so all black people are bad"
She has a satire account to show how ridiculous the woke left can be.
That lady needs to go to jail taking HER SON to a Veterinarian
She makes satirical videos making fun of this stuff. She does a great job too!!
Thank you for capitalizing HER SON so we're all clear that it actually is her son and not her cat. Some of us were a little confused there!
Took my dog to the vet... X-ray was $140.. my bf joked that if he ever needs an Xray, he'll identify as a dog to get X-rays that cheap.
Cat mom is fake. She is am attention seeking nut job.
Why do you label a Woman like that, a lady? Think about it. Please don't do it anymore.
Simple, All the vet need do is temporarily identify as a child and say "sorry, as a child, I can not operate on your cat". Game set and match with her own rules!
I often identify as a pet rock ....I used to identify as a vegetable but that is too common ,especially in political circles.
Does she clean his litter box?
@george40nelson4 That made me laugh too much, pet rocks were a real thing in 70's 😂😂
What if the vet says he identifies as a doctor? Then he couldn’t possibly face a malpractice suit.
sorry wrong building,try an asylum for fruitloops
If your child identifies as a motorbike, do you take them to a mechanic?
I think so
@@PissBreakSupervisorOleHopkins - Great, he's due for an oil change.
You ask that as if you're being sarcastic, but I guarantee you it's coming if it isn't here already.
Possibilities are endless
yes you do. of course
The WOMAN who said her SON identifies as a cat should be arrested for child abuse and imprisoned.
Exactly. She created this sad situation, for sure.
It’s a satire account she also says she’s suing her parents for being born 😂
'People that identify as ...'
It's 'WHO'!!!
Great that she uses the wrong pronoun 😂
Its satire
@@Purplelemon5033 my favorite one the video when she says so doesn't wipe her ass! 😂
The mother should be deprived of custody!!!! This is insane.
Satire. Genius satire: Tess T. Eccles-Brown, PhD.
@@erinwright7688 but many take her for her word without research ...sad really isnt it
How? She doesn't have a son
@@Indomita506 Yes she does. He is Not a cat!! 🤦🤷
@@LeticiaSarabia-yb8dm are you slow? That's a parody account. She doesn't have children
If she's actually treating her son like a cat, she's probably abusing him... she should be reported.
this is a tiktoker who does satire.. like its fake.. its sad sky new is peddling this as real.
@@nailedbynat9522I assumed this was the case. Surely, nobody capable of posting a vid could be that stupid. And yes, I realise that some are really dumb.
@@nailedbynat9522 Its because so often, people like this are serious, but yeah, they should have done just a tiny bit of research first.
This woman has lost it 😮
@@deborahstegall7670 the world has gone to hell. It's really quiet an experience for a normal person looking in from the outside.
I'm an infant-pre-k teacher, and one of my preschool student's favorite outfits to wear is her leopard shirt and headband with ears that she got from her aunt for her birthday. She pretends to be a leopard all day whenever she wears it (she's adorable 😂) except at circle, nap, and meal times. Other than that, we let her use her imagination all day, but she is aware that she is not actually a cat. Children play pretend. It's part of being a kid. That doesn't mean they are actually cats, dogs, sheep, etc.
Last week my cat told me he identifies as a human: I now take him to high school. Animals rights..
Love it!
...and he sees YOUR Dr. too right? lol
@jacinthea...also, don't forget to deduct him on your income tax return.
No, it’s human rights. Because your cat identifies as a human.
Cat Lives Matter.... #CML
The moment she took a child to the vet CPS should have stepped in immediately and taken the child into care
Thankfully, this lady does satire like the guy saying he identifies as a paper straw.
@@thecadman68 that’s great to hear but I am sure there are parents out there who are like her character we already seen parents allowing there children to had puberty blockers and change their gender so to be honest nothing surprises me anymore the world has. Gone crazy 🤪
Exactly my thought.
Totally agreed. This woman is nuts
as soon as someone tells me their pronouns, I am not at all interested in ANYTHING they have to say.
Lmao I thought I was the only one that did this 🤭
Same here. This is BS.
Someone introducing themselves with their pronouns or putting pronouns on their profiles and such is helpful, though. It lets me know just how much time I should not waste on them its a real time saver.
F ur pronouns! Point of privilege my ass...
That is a genetic fallacy, but whatever… 😂 I understand!
This women needs to be evaluated 💯
Social services should step in and take this kid away from this women who thinks because her kid feels like a cat he is one.these people are totally nuts.
Anyone who unironically says “trigger warning” needs to be in a padded room.
How the heck are they gonna function in the real world. Life is hard..get a helmet.
@@lorifintel9784 they dont function,
and they were turned into these stereotypes on purson,
because dysfunctional people will always vote for a nanny state and party as this is their only way to survive.
not really though. would you say the same about trigger warnings for ptsd? obviously these gender weirdos arent actually getting triggered but to blanket statement that phrase is just pure stupidity.
I agree with the heads up for people who have had truly traumatic experiences in life when something is being spoken of or portrayed realistically. PTSD does funny things to people. But just for discussing something in the abstract, it’s dumb.
Sorry I must be old, but what does that even mean?
Please reopen the insane asylums in the USA we need them badly!
How about some Sane Asylums, where the Sane People can go and get away from these Twits.
That right he a cat or it
No kidding. A mom is dumb enough to not understand that her son is lgbtq+ and that hes making up something to prove a point. She should be in a mental hospital or prison for child abuse
I'll let you figure it out, it has to do with your asylum comment. I'm not losing my commenting "privileges" again.
That kid doesn’t need a vet, he needs a therapist. I really hope that wasn’t real but I can’t tell anymore. Bring back insane asylums!!
His parents need a therapist as well. Allowing, encouraging and validating his behaviors are clear signs of terrible parenting.
When I was a child I could play with my brothers and its was perfectly normal to play roles such as being a power ranger, a dragon or any character or animal you liked. Even as children, we all knew what was fantasy and what was real. Keeping the role-playing was something that our parents didnt allowed. A simple "its getting late, so quit playing as dragons and please pick up your toys" was enough to pop out that imagination bubble and bring you back to reality.
Normally, i'd agree with you. However, as a parent who has had to deal with this disorder in my child, I can tell you that the therapy industry is severely broken. I have yet to find a therapist who does not simply give the stamp of approval to a child who 'self-affirms.' It's frustrating.
It's the money ! @@ScottFortney
AND he needs a new mom-this one SUCKS!!!
Many of these poor souls are on the 5p3ctrum like me. They are being enabled and never told no.
Thank you, Comrade.
In the 50's you'd be detained and questioned by 20 guys in tan trench coats for saying that. I'm so confused.
@@voodoom2000 sarcasm. :)
@JasonAndrew1973 I know your's was. I'm confused on their's.
Years ago a lady got upset cause someone moved a deer crossing sign. She thought the deer would not know how to cross the road without it. Moral of story is, if we leave these people alone in the wild, then nature will simply eradicate this ignorant behavior.
I remember that and totally agree. We're definitely in a decadent society, free from most problems, when people have to come up with new and insane problems. Makes me wonder just how bored are people when they come up with this crap.
I’m hopeful there’s gonna be a time when this stuff gets filtered out from the minds of any future generations. Otherwise this could quickly go horribly wrong. If they were even reproducing, that is 😂
I knew they were stupid, but I never thought they could get this level of stupidity.@@KaikanoSei
@@KaikanoSei This. But I don't think they're bored.
I think they're already taken.
Reminder to people with family members that identify as cats: "Have your pets spayed or neutered".
Best line yet 😅😅😅
It's called "gender affirming care" and democrats are fighting for this experiment on your innocent child.
Top comment please. Lmao 🤣
At least the child is not a vegan.
@@hendrickswart4122 Are you sure the kid isn't vegan? A vegan "cat" would earn extra points for intersectionality.
Why do people who identify as cats insist on speaking human?
Great question.
@@monicajackson2658 I second that and then some! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Because they are hooman. 😢
Meow 🙀😾
This Lady should be arrested for child abuse for trying to force the Vet into a malpractice suit. The world is Sick. Vet ought to sue you Lady.
I think she's a comedian. I've seen other videos by her which seem satirical.
@@xaviconde That's a relief 😂 I thought the whole world was going nuts. 🤡
So true !! It’s crazy now how people are so thick and stupid !! 🎉
All she has to do is identify as a vet and the problem is solved.
@RobertPaulGass Haha, yeah!! that was brilliant 😂
@@heavenismyhome This has to be a joke.
@@asianconnection7701 yeah, I think so... researched it, no cat box ... lots of crazy people say they identify as all kinds of insane things though.... it's nuts!
@@heavenismyhome I have to meet one of these people to see it for myself before I believe it.
Call Child Protective Services. The insanity was evident on her face.
The son that believes he is a cat he does not need a vet, he needs real parents.
It's satire. A joke.
YAY!! Those of us that HAVE a brain would totally agree! Those of us that don't...well...continue to act like idiots...like THIS woman!
Actually, he and his parents need a psych checkup.
More like a psychiatrist.
And u need a brain. Seems the one u have now is from a mindless sheep
Her son should be removed from her house before she decides to get him “fixed”.
I laughed, but this could really happen if she finds a (woke) Vet that will do the surgery.
She has cans of cat food for him.
I think she is being sarcastic here😂😂
Or worse yet gets him a tail transplant....
@@henke8304 I hope so.
The sad thing is the lady does think her child is a cat. Time to call dcfs
My pronouns are "I'm tired of this crap".
Please respect that. 😂
I identify as a threat. My pronouns are "Try/Me".
Just have fun with them. When I run into someone who ask that I use their preferred pronouns, I ask that they use mine, which is Master. They always refuse and leave in a huff.
Best comment ever!!!!😂😂😂😂
@@cujoedamanlove it 😂😂😂
“Press charges” on a Vet? For not seeing your mentally disturbed child?
She has no idea that only a few years ago cps would be coming for her
Well, now that we live in Clown World, don't be surprised.
She is a comedian, this was satire from your own team
@@Chelzebellesthere are no "trans species" people who thinks like this then?
@Henry_2568 ...Do you understand what the term "satire" means?? Good grief.
This Mental behaviour wouldn't be tolerated in Russia China and the Middle East
Have you been to China? Plenty of mental people there I can assure you.
But that’s beside the point, because even if it was true, opining that we aren’t more like authoritarian regimes is a pretty weird reaction to this thing that doesn’t affect you.
@@Bork_Cruk waffle.
@@Bork_Cruk The thing is you are one of these looneys, They are you.
@@Without_Lies_Media_Dies Well I don’t worship the government, so I’m sure in your eyes that makes me a looney, since you are a pathetic government bootlicker.
You're just a stupid bot and leaving this stupid comment everywhere.
When children are not given any, they keep pushing them to find tge limit as it's natures way, sadly this has carried on into adulthood with a whole (many from) generation who are confused, insecure and never satisfied 😌
vet should report her for child abuse
Mientras tanto hay gente muriendo por fentanilo en un barrio cercano a su casa
Meanwhile Millions of people are starving to death in North Korea
I tried, but the animal rights people protected the child.
its satire from a tictok comedy writer
Sin padres, nadien va a cambiar su cajita!@@malumusera
"People that identify as an animal" Is the most brain dead sentence I've ever heard.
They are traitors to the human race
It’s also brain dead to do absolutely zero research into a claim. A quick google search shows that this lady is doing satire and openly labels it as satire with a satire hashtag in the description.
@@wiseinvestments5134 This is still how some people talk.
@@TheRealBox481 then cite a source of someone saying it for real?
Should be very easy for you to find, right?
@@wiseinvestments5134 You think I can cite a source of somebody saying the exact same thing? I was talking about how lots of people say stuff like that.
If her son identifies as a cat does she only feed him cat food and make him use a litter box. Shame on the mother not being a parent and catering to a child. Wow.
The vet should've called CPS on the mom. We should be able to jail these pay for child abuse. Just think of the mental abuse these kids go through all day from their dumbass parents
There is a vast difference in identifying as a cat or a woman etc etc than what one actually is!!
So does her son use a litter box?
This is why mental institutions are important.
Thing is, they've always existed, the left just gave them a voice. In my day these people would get the medical help they need.
IF your son identifies as a cat, he is MENTAL!
I was 7 years old pretending I was a cat.
Doesn't mean I AM a cat.
Thank the universe I have sane parents and was born in the 80s...
And if your parent takes you tot he vet- that means the apple didn't fall far from the tree
If your son identifies as anything else but a male,, he is mental and the parent is just as mental
I think SHE is mentally ill for going along with it.
She is MENTAL too because she took him to the vet.
I identify as a millionaire and demand that the government provide me with the funds to make that so!!!
wow...best youtube comment of the day. maybe the week even
If you get funds. I am Identifying myself as a Billionaire. @@yayocowboy
I second that
If you identify as a millionaire, the only thing the government will do is place you in a higher tax bracket. 😆😆
comrade??? HUGE red flag! Thank God for the election!!
He needs to go to psychiatrist not a vet.
Not `he `, SHE!
or was it , it ?
😂😂Hmm what’s happening to God’s creation. No wonder the Bible describes that in Romans 1:18-32
Same thing 😅
So does mom. She needs to figure out how she bought a cat or dog into the world and not a human.
The mother that allows her child to act out this way, should not be a mother..She is sick also.
She is not sick at all. She does satire to show how ridiculous the woke-left can be.
Do you know that this is sincere, rather than a parody?
I identify as a billionaire - should I sue the banks because they disagree?
You could also make it personal, and sue them as an individual, since corporations are people too! Welcome to America, where nothing makes sense, and everything is so unique that nothing is!
i identify as a god and its really offensive for how many sinners i see every day..
Sue! Sue!
Yes! Banks are not allowed to be wealthphobic.
Yes. Yes you should. 😂
So her son cannot drive because cats can’t drive cars.
I'm 68 yrs old. Thank goodness I don't have too long left to put up with this madness
One of the greatest comments I've seen.
And so sorry this is what ur going out too.
You going reduces the same numbers 😢
well lucky you
No!! Dude you have to stay. We in this together
I feel the same way.
"If my son says he's a cat, he's a cat and needs to be treated as one." Apparently nobody needs reality anymore...
Yeah who the heck is gonna let there son poop in a tray😂
He shit in the sandbox he’s a cat
Ok cats stay outside.
AI is a cat too
You must be a She, the cats mother.
Ma'am, I've cured your son: he is not a cat. That will be $500.
The woman is a fake. She does these things just for clicks and comments. Suing here parents because she wasn't asked to be born etc.
Her son needs to be treated alright, by a MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONAL.
So does she.
Along with his mother
i think her son just needs to be taken away from her, as he grows up he'll hopefully grow out of this, but if he stays with her and she keeps feeding into this, he'll keep thinking that he can be a cat for real, also, the fact she took her child to a vet first and not a doctor, to me shows she shouldnt have a child, what if it had been something life threatening
She's up the creek without a paddle. I could not locate any mental health professionals that treat cats.
Would she throw her son out if he identified as garbage?
My thoughts exactly
would she flushes him if he identify as poop
Mental illness is not so much a human right as it is a human condition. We must be careful not to conflate the two.
But who has the mental illness the mother or the son?
@Dougtroutfisher.4046 The kid is playing make-believe. This is normal for kids... The mother believes his make-believe is reality and is also cementing this way of thinking into her son. She's mentally ill, needs help, and her son needs saved from her delusions
The mother, odds are that kids would have been normal if their mother wasn’t a liberal snowflake
@@Dougtroutfisher.4046 The mother. The son as well if he still believes it as an adult.
Imagine this chap identifying himself as a printer and he needs ink to run. Where is the world going?
She raised awareness that both she and her son are nuts.
I agree, she is nuts, but her son is a victim of her delusions
@@cheryldahl9192 exactly - her son "identifies" as a cat because his crazy mother has repeatedly told him how wonderful it is that he does so
Good chance that her son is 3 and is playing pretend. A lefty wouldn't understand and would do what she's doing in actually treating him like a cat
The video is satire she was trolling the woke and she succeeded in going viral lol
The world has turned into a lunatic asylum 🙄
The inmates are running the asylum.
Nope! Just the western world. The rest of us are watching this circus and laughing at the collapse of common-sense.
@@jonnydangerous2497 ya know,,,,, someone ----like Jerry Seinfeld --should write a sitcom about all this... IT WOULD SKYROCKET !!!! the numbers would speak for themselves !!!!!!!!!
Not "the world"......LEFTISM is an asylum for the insane!!
Look who controls it and buys YES people who only follow orders especially "news" who has betrayed their trust.
My vet was able to treat me when I said I was a cat. He said I was crazy and referred me to a shrink where I got the help I needed.
You're much better meow.
@@billbush-t5x one of the most underrated comments I have ever seen on the RUclipss
Don't forget to change your litter box and use the scratch post.
@@billbush-t5x This is the best and most underrated comment in the history of RUclips
She would rather risk her son dying from inappropriate treatment than have him misspecied
Imagine if it turns out that the vet in question is her husband and father to that 'cat' !
I think you have coined a new word! We should add it to the lexicon!
It’s just a hairball anyway.
She would rather make a fool out of all you conservative basket cases by making you believe the video is real, rather than a parody. Hook, line, and sinker.
She's not mentally stable to care for a child and child services should be notified to investigate!
Luckily this one is just a parody, the woman makes this kind of parodies on her social media account 😄
@@seitsen Aaaaw, don't tell them... Outrage is good for boomers
“If my son says he’s a cat, he is a cat” AND I IDENTIFY AS TAX EXEMPT, SCREW YOU IRS
There's a box for that on your W4 form.
But I recommend you start a New Amish Order Community and work as a 1099 employee for your current employer.
I identify as Tax exempt and a multi millionaire as well. Screw taxation! 😊
Jar Jar has come to arrest me for this
You are the one is screw and have to pay taxes anyway 😂
Does he use the litter box, and do you put him out at night?
That woman should be arrested for child abuse
It’s hard to tell, I know, but that’s satire. She’s pretty funny.
Isn’t that the yeast infection pancake lady???
They tried ma'am, but the animal rights people protected the child. They wouldn't even allow the mother to throw out his litter box!
The cat lady does satire, she has done a lot of these to bring awareness, I'm surprised sky news ran it without back checking that one
The world has really lost its mind, to think that we've actually gotten to this point is utterly sad and truly disturbing.
Welcome to the the end result of decades of indifference and ignorance. Humanity is now sheep.
Not the world the usa
It's called drugs and mental disease rampant
@@someonenoisy5034 no, it's the world. Look at France, look at Canada, look at Africa, look at it all!!!! The world has gone bananas!
It's social media
If someone were to murder her son, would she be opposed to a murder charge and in favour of animal cruelty laws being enforced?
Would she just dig a hole and bury him in the back yard?😂
Do cats sh!t in a litter tray, she probably try, she that invested too believe her kids is a cat, so i wouldn't put anything pass that mum, too do anything and that scariest think too even think about tbh coz u ask anybody that owns a cat they tell u how a cat really acts and how some of behaviour can be at times, tbh....
It's a legit question. After all, doesn't everybody have a "CAT" buried in their yard? Or is it just me who buried a "CAT" about 15' down, filled it up almost all the way, then buried a dead deer to cover up that "CAT" I killed behind the 7/11?
Wonder if she feeds her kid with cat food or mice...
The mom keeps referring to the kid as SON and not as PET sooooooo... That says it all. 🤷🏽♂️
Lol...Yep, it's very contradicting!!
You haven't met cat moms
I think she was trying to prove a point to her son
Child protective services should be called on this mother.
Animal Control.
Does she know what vets do with animals they're unable to treat?
I bet its her last hope 😅
Weirdly I agree with this lady. I wish I could go to a veterinarian rather than a people doctor because in my experience veterinarians are much more competant and often more economical.
The mother is stark raving mad. Press charges on the vet for telling her to do one. The lunatics are beyond a joke 😡🤬
You are beyond the joke. Have ever heard about sarcasm?
@Rai2M and sarcasm can be used when joking! BUT my point is, the mother has to be mad to post something like that. I also stand by my lunacy comment, because it is lunacy!
@@eboyle7367I think it’s satire. Or at least I would be willing to bet money it is.
From my perspective she’s was trying to make a pointing out how ridiculous things have gotten by demonstrating how insane these concepts can be pushed. And for it very well.
@DannyMartin3z I hope its satire, but considering the madness that's going on, not the best way to bring attention to it!
The charge would be "Refusal to Support a Delusion".
This woman should be reported for child abuse!
She would identify as god.
This woman is a comedian. This is satire.
Please, its satirical. She is mocking the lgbt community for their stupidity.
@@emilybishop2416Sadly, I think it's real 😢
The fact she actually took him to the vet shows that maybe delusion runs in the family.
The " apple didn't fall far from the tree"
The video is a spoof. It's not real.
Amazing how gullible people are.
@@richardwendt9266 you can’t call it being gullible when there are actually people out there like this. So any proof it’s not real? Or did you just want to get a jab in?
No, it's actually 100% a spoof tiktok account.
And sure, there are crazy people everywhere, but we have bigger problems in this world than to hone in on the 0.001% of crazy people.
It just annoys me how folks waste their time on this rubbish.
@@skillet2198 just a fair warning: it is in fact satire. she posts these things to bait conservatives into showing their (your) lack of critical thinking skills and rabidity to believe anything that makes the left look silly. google it before you dig your heels in and further embarrass yourself.
Calling each other "Comrade"... ridiculous! 😂 What a bunch of idiots
Just make him an outside cat and see how long it last.
Let him run with mountain lion LoL
@@jonhoward6040 i thought the same, send him to the jungle with cats his own size!
I'm a a Farmer; if you identify as an animal & your local vet refuses to give you medical treatment; please come to me. I will provide Complimentary Spaying & neutering. No waiting required
Thanks for the loud belly laugh!!🙌
😂😂😂😂😂😂 She has lost her damn mind. Is this for real ???? A vet really ??? This is mental illness
😂😂 love it.
Wow Such a Humanitarian 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏😁😉
Thank you America for making the rest of the world laugh
What do you mean America? The whole world is involved in the problem.
@@Buttsceatcgee "WhAt dO yOu mEaN AmeRicA?" Do u have eyes?
@@subway5907 Do YOU have eyes? 🤦🤦 what does my eyes have to do with the question. Literally the whole world, almost every country is doing the same things. I would say the first one to do it is Europe.
@@Buttsceatcgee Good one, buddy. copium overdose
this crap going on in the uk too
Kids are now parents, and parents are now kids
1. Child identifies as a cat. 2. Child watches as you open a tin of Kit-E-Kat, recoil at the strong smell of the food, dump it in a stainless steel bowl. 3. Say, here puss, puss, puss, and give the child his bowl of cat food. He'll not be a cat for long, he might be ok with the litter tray though.
Better yet, serve dry food. Also make sure to place the food bowl at the floor, don't encourage bad behaviour.
@@flamenmartialis6839 I was thinking that, but kids love a crunchy snack, that's why I went with the smelly wet cat food. It has the added bonus in the UK that pet food has to be fit for human consumption, how they'd react to a roadkill badger is another thing though.
leave the child outside
@Shrek_Has_Covid19 it will be, it's not bringing that badger into the house. And surely you mean, leave the cat outside. It would be child neglect to do that to a child. Here, hang on a minute. Cats don't need expensive child care while the parents are out to work. All my children will be animals by the weekend. I'm going to save a fortune.
He can’t be allowed in the shower, either. He can just lick himself all over after eating the cat food…
If the vet can lose his license fro treating a human instead of a cat, then can the mum lose her to look after the child, for treating him like a cat instead of a human when he IS a human but identifies as a cat ? Does she feed him like a cat and does he poop in the kitty litter and does he get kept out at night and not get a human education?
I don't normally comment, but this got my attention. You're completely right. What has this world come to, and if this video of said women about said "cat" son is a parody, as other comment in here somewhere had mentioned, then it should be labeled as such, because wow, eye opener comment by @Stephen_Strange, what if this were truly the case. That child would have no future and ultimately probably end up in some institution if was raised as a cat, like that jungle book kid if I'm remembering reference right, was raised by wolves or something similar.. I hope your comment gets more likes for awareness, and I hope this lady was actually a parody towards mocking how out of control people truly have become.
You’re great
@@bethe.g.m.7340 The problem is we can't tell if it's a parody or not.
It's a satire. Look up Kass Theaz.
If people think that an individual is whatever they say they are, that's insanity and they should be treated as insane.
We need asylums again.
lol he’s not a cat, that’s honestly common sense, humans are not cats
Well said!
You can identify as a cat, a tree, a martian, but that doesn't mean you ARE one. It also doesn't mean that society should have to deny scientific reality and affirm that delusion.
Woow woow woow..you are soo insensitive.. !
That's what one of these delusional idiots will say 😂😂😂😂
I'm actually not sure you 'can' or should be allowed to identify as a cat, a tree, an alien, etc. It's delusional and as you pointed out, we as a society should not affirm this, and also stop allowing people to run around playing their illusions out. I think I think it starts when we say 'you can identify what you want [but don't expect others to...]' - that first part of the sentence, is already a problem. If I truly care for someone, I wouldn't want that for them. So if I wouldn't want that, say, my child identify as a cat or whatever, why would I be ok with another person in a society, my proverbial neighbor and someone else's child, doing that??
They think if you do they are making progress lol
so i identify as a rock
If I identify as a wessle, say (I don't btw) I don't see how it hurts anybody. If I want to be called Adamtheweasel, how does it hurt anybody?
How the hell did a "cat" tell his mother that he was sick!! Cats cant talk!!
I dunno. I own 2 and get cussed routinely :)
IDK maybe she identifies as Dr. Doolittle…
Need to get him fixed.
Social services need to be called and she needs to be investigated for her mental health
Wow! She needs help!! And get her son help also!!
I identify as a blunt so i can roll myself up and smoke myself after hearing this insanity
This woman shouldn't be allowed to look after this child. She is out to lunch. This kid has no chance with her guiding him. Delusional is an understatement.
Ikr if he needs true medical help and she listened to him about being a cat and won't take him to a human doctor isn't that 100%child neglect??
WTF? People have absolutely lost their minds! If my son says he's a cat, he's a cat! What kind of drugs are these people on???
✨🌿✌️😸Catnip is a helluva drug!✨
She has to be trolling…
Maybe put some quotes in there, I can see you're quoting what the excuse of a parent in the video said, but it can be misconstrued
✨🤔From what I've seen other commenters here say, it seems she does have a social media platform that is comedy based. Very hard to tell these days what is real vs satire type sketches. Oooof!
Pretend time is over! That woman needs to be investigated for really poor parenting.
It's blatant child abuse.
Is not only (blatant) child abuse, but ALSO animal abuse.
She actually does satire and is very convincing with her deadpan humour. Check out her stuff
And child abuse. Next, she may say that he identifies as a female. These crazy lefties are damaging the lives of their children beyond repair. We need interventions for these poor innocent children.