Best Ed Theme Song Multilanguage UPDATE (14 Languages/Dubs)

  • Опубликовано: 26 окт 2024

Комментарии • 11

  • @AbdielQuintero0405
    @AbdielQuintero0405 4 месяца назад

    French lyrics:
    Oh, Ed le chien et Buddy l'écureuil
    Ont une belle maison sur cette belle planète
    Ed se lève chaque matin
    Et promet de ne faire que du bien

    Ce cher Buddy, ce cher Ed
    Ce cher Buddy, ce cher Ed
    Ensemble du matin jusqu'à la nuit
    Oh ! On aime Buddy, Ed aussi

    Saviez-vous qu'un écureuil peut devenir fou ? (Non !)
    Pour l'aider, Ed fera tout (Ouais !)
    Suivez-les dans toutes leurs aventures
    Ils vous ferront rire à coup sûr

    Ce cher Buddy, ce cher Ed
    Ce cher Buddy, ce cher Ed
    Ensemble du matin jusqu'à la nuit
    Ah ! On aime Buddy, Ed aussi
    Ce cher Buddy, ce cher Ed!
    Oh, Ed the dog and Buddy the squirrel
    Have a beautiful home on this beautiful planet
    Ed gets up every morning
    And promises to only do good

    This dear Buddy, this dear Ed
    This dear Buddy, this dear Ed
    Together from morning until night
    Oh ! We love Buddy, Ed too

    Did you know that a squirrel can go crazy? (No !)
    To help him, Ed will do anything (Yeah!)
    Follow them in all their adventures
    They will definitely make you laugh

    This dear Buddy, this dear Ed
    This dear Buddy, this dear Ed
    Together from morning until night
    Ah! We love Buddy, Ed too
    This dear Buddy, this dear Ed!

  • @AbdielQuintero0405
    @AbdielQuintero0405 4 месяца назад

    Bulgarian lyrics:
    Ето го Ед и Бъди е тук.
    Заедно помагат си един на друг.
    Ед се буди с идеята
    да бъде най-добрия на света.

    Браво, Бъди! Браво, Ед!
    С вас е весело навред.
    От зори до вечерта
    няма скука и тъга.

    Катерицата се мръщи май.
    Ед и на това ще сложи край.
    Имаш ли приятел на света?
    Нека като Ед е той сега.

    Браво, Бъди! Браво, Ед!
    С вас е весело навред.
    От зори до вечерта
    няма скука и тъга.
    Браво, Бъди! Браво, Ед!
    [Добрият Ед]
    Eto go Ed i Bŭdi e tuk.
    Zaedno pomagat si edin na drug.
    Ed se budi s ideyata
    da bŭde naĭ-dobriya na sveta.
    Bravo, Bŭdi! Bravo, Ed!
    S vas e veselo navred.
    Ot zori do vecherta
    nyama skuka i tŭga.
    Kateritsata se mrŭshti maĭ.
    Ed i na tova shte slozhi kraĭ.
    Imash li priyatel na sveta?
    Neka kato Ed e toĭ sega.
    Bravo, Bŭdi! Bravo, Ed!
    S vas e veselo navred.
    Ot zori do vecherta
    nyama skuka i tŭga.
    Bravo, Bŭdi! Bravo, Ed!
    [Dobriyat Ed]
    There's Ed, Buddy's here too.
    Together they help each other out.
    Ed wakes up with the idea
    to be the best in the world.

    Bravo, Buddy! Bravo, Ed!
    With you it's cheerful everywhere.
    From dawn until evening
    there's no boredom or sadness.

    Looks like the squirrel is frowning.
    Ed will put an end to this as well.
    Do you have a friend in the world?
    Let him be like Ed now.

    Bravo, Buddy! Bravo, Ed!
    With you it's cheerful everywhere.
    From dawn until evening
    there's no boredom or sadness.
    Bravo, Buddy! Bravo, Ed!

  • @AbdielQuintero0405
    @AbdielQuintero0405 4 месяца назад

    Dutch lyrics:
    Ah, Ed de hond is een goeie vriend
    Die vindt dat Buddy dat echt verdient
    Ed wordt wakker, springt op en dan
    Belooft hij te helpen waarbij hij kan
    Zie je Buddy, dan zie je Ed
    Zie je Buddy, dan zie je Ed
    Van wakker worden tot weer naar bed
    Zie je Buddy, dan zie je Ed
    Ben je als eekhoorn in hoge nood? (Nee!)
    Ed komt helpen, dus hou je groot
    't Is echte vriendschap, dus opgelet
    Dit zijn de avonturen van vriend Ed
    Zie je Buddy, dan zie je Ed
    Zie je Buddy, dan zie je Ed
    Van wakker worden tot weer naar bed
    Zie je Buddy, dan zie je Ed
    Zie je Buddy, dan zie je Ed
    Ah, Ed the dog is a good friend
    He thinks Buddy really deserves that
    Ed wakes up, jumps up and then
    He promises to help where he can
    When you see Buddy, you see Ed
    When you see Buddy, you see Ed
    From waking up to going back to bed
    When you see Buddy, you see Ed
    Are you a squirrel in dire need? (No!)
    Ed is coming to help, so stay strong
    It's real friendship, so pay attention
    These are the adventures of friend Ed
    When you see Buddy, you see Ed
    When you see Buddy, you see Ed
    From waking up to going back to bed
    When you see Buddy, you see Ed
    When you see Buddy, you see Ed

  • @AbdielQuintero0405
    @AbdielQuintero0405 4 месяца назад

    Romanian lyrics:
    Era un câine cu prietenul lui
    Stăteau împreună se mirau oricui
    Ed se trezește în fiecare zi
    Și la orice se crede bun a fi
    Prietenul Buddy și cel mai bun Ed
    Prietenul Buddy și cel mai bun Ed
    Toată ziulica prieteni se cred
    Prietenul Buddy și cel mai bun Ed
    Veveriței noastre alunele îi plac (Așa e!)
    Ed îl ajută și îi face pe plac
    Cei mai buni prieteni ei se cred
    Asta e povestea lui cel mai bun Ed
    Prietenul Buddy și cel mai bun Ed
    Prietenul Buddy și cel mai bun Ed
    Toată ziulica prieteni se cred
    Prietenul Buddy și cel mai bun Ed
    Prietenul Buddy și cel mai bun Ed
    [Cel mai bun Ed]
    It was a dog with his friend
    They sat together and wondered at anyone
    Ed wakes up every day
    And whatever you think you're good at
    Friend Buddy and best Ed
    Friend Buddy and best Ed
    All the daily friends believe themselves
    Friend Buddy and best Ed
    Our Squirrel Likes Peanuts (That's Right!)
    Ed helps him and pleases him
    Her best friends believe themselves
    This is the story of the best Ed
    Friend Buddy and best Ed
    Friend Buddy and best Ed
    All the daily friends believe themselves
    Friend Buddy and best Ed
    Friend Buddy and best Ed
    [Best Ed]

  • @AbdielQuintero0405
    @AbdielQuintero0405 4 месяца назад

    Greek lyrics:
    Ο Εντ ο σκύλος και ο Μπάντι ο σκίουρος
    Ζουν σε έναν τόσο γλυκό κόσμο
    Ο Εντ ξυπνάει κάθε μέρα
    Βοηθώντας τους ανθρώπους με κάθε τρόπο!
    Ο Εντ και ο Μπάντι, ο καλύτερος φίλος
    Τίποτα σαν σκύλος και σκίουρος
    Πάνω το πρωί, κάτω στο κρεβάτι
    Ο καλύτερος φίλος, ο Εντ και ο Μπάντυ
    Ο σκίουρος συχνά τρελαίνεται
    Κάθε πρόβλημα λύνεται από τον Εντ
    Τι λες φίλε; Αυτό είπε
    Περιπέτειες που συνεχίζουμε με φίλο!
    Ο Εντ και ο Μπάντι, ο καλύτερος φίλος
    Τίποτα σαν σκύλος και σκίουρος
    Πάνω το πρωί, κάτω στο κρεβάτι
    Ο καλύτερος φίλος, ο Εντ και ο Μπάντυ
    Ο καλύτερος φίλος, ο Εντ και ο Μπάντυ
    [Φίλος Εκδ]
    O Ent o skýlos kai o Bánti o skíouros
    Zoun se énan tóso glykó kósmo
    O Ent xypnáei káthe méra
    Voithóntas tous anthrópous me káthe trópo!
    O Ent kai o Bánti, o kalýteros fílos
    Típota san skýlos kai skíouros
    Páno to proí, káto sto kreváti
    O kalýteros fílos, o Ent kai o Bánty
    O skíouros sychná trelaínetai
    Káthe próvlima lýnetai apó ton Ent
    Ti les fíle? Aftó eípe
    Peripéteies pou synechízoume me fílo!
    O Ent kai o Bánti, o kalýteros fílos
    Típota san skýlos kai skíouros
    Páno to proí, káto sto kreváti
    O kalýteros fílos, o Ent kai o Bánty
    O kalýteros fílos, o Ent kai o Bánty
    [Fílos Ekd]
    Ed the dog and Buddy the squirrel
    They live in such a sweet world
    Ed wakes up every day
    Helping people in every way!
    Ed and Buddy, the best friend
    Nothing like a dog and a squirrel
    Up in the morning, down in bed
    Best friend, Ed and Buddy
    The squirrel often goes crazy
    Every problem is solved by Ed
    What are you saying, man; That's what he said
    Adventures we go on with a friend!
    Ed and Buddy, the best friend
    Nothing like a dog and a squirrel
    Up in the morning, down in bed
    Best friend, Ed and Buddy
    Best friend, Ed and Buddy
    [Friend Ed]

  • @AbdielQuintero0405
    @AbdielQuintero0405 4 месяца назад

    German lyrics:
    Buddy das Hörnchen und Ed der Hund
    Leben in Schönstädt, da ist es so bunt
    Ed freut sich auf jeden neuen Tag
    Wufft und singt wie er es mag
    Der beste Ed, dein bester Freund
    Jeder braucht einen echten Freund
    Einen, der genau so denkt und träumt
    Der beste Ed, dein bester Freund
    Ein rotes Hörnchen, das total durchdreht
    Sich und seinen Freunden im Wege steht
    Zum Glück ist einer aber immer nett
    Erleb die Abenteuer vom besten Ed!
    Der beste Ed, dein bester Freund
    Jeder braucht einen echten Freund
    Einen der genau so denkt und träumt
    Der beste Ed, dein bester Freund!
    Der beste Ed, dein bester Freund!
    Buddy the squirrel and Ed the dog
    Live in Schönstädt, it's so colourful there
    Ed looks forward to every new day
    Barks and sings how he likes
    The best Ed, your best friend
    Everyone needs a true friend
    Someone who thinks and dreams just like that
    The best Ed, your best friend
    A red squirrel who goes completely nuts
    And gets in his friends' way
    Luckily someone is always nice
    Experience the adventures of best Ed!
    The best Ed, your best friend
    Everyone needs a true friend
    Someone who thinks and dreams just like that
    The best Ed, your best friend!
    The best Ed, your best friend!

  • @AbdielQuintero0405
    @AbdielQuintero0405 4 месяца назад

    Greek: 4:21
    Georgian: 6:33

  • @AbdielQuintero0405
    @AbdielQuintero0405 4 месяца назад


  • @AbdielQuintero0405
    @AbdielQuintero0405 4 месяца назад

    Georgian lyrics:
    ედი დამხმარე ძაღლია
    ბადი ნიგვზიანი ციყვია
    ორივე საუკეთესო მეგობარია,
    და გართობა არასოდეს მთავრდება!
    კარგი ბადი, კარგი ედ
    კარგი ბადი, კარგი ედ
    დღეები და ღამეები მოდიან და მიდიან
    კარგი ბადი, კარგი ედ
    არ გააღიზიანო დაკავებული ციყვი,
    ედ გეხმარება არასწორად!
    რას იტყვით მეგობრებო? Წავედით!
    თავგადასავლები ედთან ერთად!
    კარგი ბადი, კარგი ედ
    კარგი ბადი, კარგი ედ
    დღეები და ღამეები მოდიან და მიდიან
    კარგი ბადი, კარგი ედ
    კარგი ბადი, კარგი ედ
    [საუკეთესო ედ]
    Edi damkhmare dzaghlia
    Badi nigvziani tsiq’via
    Orive sauk’eteso megobaria,
    Da gartoba arasodes mtavrdeba!
    K’argi Badi, k’argi Ed
    K’argi Badi, k’argi Ed
    Dgheebi da ghameebi modian da midian
    K’argi Badi, K’argi Ed
    Ar gaaghiziano dak’avebuli tsiq’vi,
    Ed gekhmareba arasts’orad!
    Ras it’q’vit megobrebo? Წavedit!
    Tavgadasavlebi edtan ertad!
    K’argi Badi, k’argi Ed
    K’argi Badi, k’argi Ed
    Dgheebi da ghameebi modian da midian
    K’argi Badi, k’argi Ed
    K’argi Badi, k’argi Ed
    [Sauk’eteso Ed]
    Eddie is a service dog
    Buddy is a nutty squirrel
    They are both best friends
    And the fun never ends!
    Good Buddy, good Ed
    Good Buddy, good Ed
    Days and nights come and go
    Good Buddy, good Ed
    Don't annoy the busy squirrel
    Ed helps you wrong!
    What do you say friends? Let's go!
    Adventures with Ed!
    Good Buddy, good Ed
    Good Buddy, good Ed
    Days and nights come and go
    Good Buddy, good Ed
    Good Buddy, good Ed
    [Best Ed]

  • @Hinos646
    @Hinos646 4 месяца назад

    Brazilian portuguese os not here