Oh Tessa is being so supportive of Scott after the stumble on the twizzle 3:33 Scott: shit. Tessa: It's fine. 3:43 Tessa: It's gonna be okay. 4:16 the thunk thunk thunk of Scott just punching the wall (Scott, babe, please don't.) 4:22 "He's not always the best at hiding when he's upset" *CRUNCH of wood*
Scott and Tessa rocked it when they got into ice dancing. As you can see in this exhibition, Scott was a “ hurricane “ at ice dancing, and Tessa accompanied him perfectly. They seemed to love dancing together, they performed the choreography perfectly, and it was wonderful to see their smiles so natural, fresh, and happy, at the end of their performances. A lot of applauses for them 👏👏👏👏.
Они родились быть лучшими в этом мире. Это дар небес для людей всей земли. Такую всеобъемлющую красоту можно встретить только раз в жизни. Тесса и Скотт уникумы на все сто процентов. Их невозможно не любить. И смотреть на них хочется сутками и ненадоест. Просто станешь во сто крат лучше и счастливее от щедро подаренной ими любви. Они будут как идеал как эталон для будущих поколений. Виват Тесса и Скотт❤❤❤
KING AND QUEEN OF ICE DANCE goes to........SCOTT MOIR AND TESSA VIRTUE!!!! Experience and artistry wise, they are simply the best!!! The other ice dance teams should learn from the geniuses TESSA and SCOTT!!!
@@berengerecollet7620 Félicitations pour leur nomination ... ce serait plus efficace de noter ces compliments sur les vidéos de PC... ils pourraient en profiter au moins! Je ne pense pas qu'ils viennent beaucoup se perdre ici. Comme fan du couple Français, vous passez beaucoup de temps sur les vidéos de TS 🤔 ici c'est le temple des quintuples médaillés olympiques, 🥇🥇🥇🥈🥈 et vous ne ferez pas recette 😂🤣😅😋 pour tout dire on se moque un peu de votre avis 😋😉
Not their best performance regarding twizzles but everything else was top notch like only they can do. They were born to skate together, their unison, connection and skating skills are unmatched in the ice dance world, and to be this good and dominant for this long says everything about just how good they are. People should really learn to read protocols before screaming "overscoring", the score was 100% correct and they were penalized for the mistake, without the mistake they would have gotten a deservingly WR again.
Just ignore them, RUclips comments section have become toxic with french users opening million accounts to diss every video of V/M. It's like amature psychological warfare and it's quite pathetic...
OK angi + j Buda, but could you remenber last year on world championship ; for an error on the twizzles ( SD of course ) P/C took 3 points of penality ....here nothing ???? i want understanding this !!! I think so the other skaters H/D don't understand this score !! In fact V/M can quietly skate bad ....they win the gold medal !!! if it's your point of view !!!ok !!!it's not olympic spirit ; and about the french troll !! in France we ha'vnt a V/M public forum 's ( like :dubemoir.blogspot.com for P/C ) also you can keep your preach of moral
It's not a mystery - you simply have to know the rules and use less ??? and !!! - P/C mistake cost them two levels and GOE penalty and therefore they lost 3 points, V/M mistake cost them one level and GOE penalty so they lost 2 points, the type of mistake determines the levels lost, that's it. And to say V/M skae bad - come on, this is just delusional, I get that you are a P/C uber but let's not kid ourselves, Tessa and Scott on their worst day will be better than any other team in the field. And that blog that you brought is in no way connected to V/M any more than the crazy users here leaving disgusting comments are connected to P/C themselves.
Thank angi. Btw I am a v/m supporter but I don’t go on P/c videos and constantly put them down. I have commented on how their as has improved considerably. I just hate when I see the same ppl putting skaters down in favour of national bias.
French jealous fans could not accept that Tessa and Scott defeated their newbie PC in their comeback and VM won the world championship and VM will also win the 2018 Winter Olympics that's for sure 100%
I adore P/C but some of their fans have got to be the meanest people on this earth. For them to constantly demonize V/M says more about these fans than it does about V/M. Be kind, for heaven's sake.
I’m a P/C fan too. But oh my goodness, some of the P/C fans are so blatantly mean that I can’t take their opinions seriously. They sound so ridiculous and pathetic. Even though they think so little of V/M, they make a point to go around to all the videos and leave nasty comments. That is so pathetic. Like how meaningless is your life? Even when I don’t like the skating of some team, and every one on there likes them, I don’t ruin those fans’ joy. Let them like who they like. I just don’t comment and don’t bother to watch more of those skaters.
It’s ok to have your personal favorite team, but that does not mean you have to put other teams down. They are all magnificent athletes, and when the complainers can do what they do on the ice, maybe then they can criticize.
Manick is an obsessed fan of Papadakis and Cizeron talking all nonsense here because she is obviously jealous of the number one ice dance team in the world, Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir!!!
A really great performance. You know you are watching great ice dancers when you are watching the male ice dancer as much as the woman. Scott Moir very passionate about what is does that's for sure. You may feel I am nitpicking here, but I feel he could have used a haircut. His hair was flopping in his eyes and he had to push it away a few times. Might have been distracting him. They have great coaches now, but I believe they got their great base and how to perform so we'll, from their previous coach Marina Zueva.
@Jean merdeMonreal Qui a remis des piles sur jeanmerdeMontréal ? Le mécanisme est rouillé et le pseudo petit prof de danse automate soliloque et radote et soliloque et radote ! Et radote et soliloque.... et danse la gigue sur une patte, c est le désastre ! personne n écoute bien sûr, il dit n importe quoi ! on pourrait le recycler, mais chez duracel ils en veulent pas 🙁 ceci dit, je les comprends parfaitement, totalement inintéressant, manque absolu de classe, obnubilé par son transit...bof laissons mourir les piles 🤗 allons plutôt nous délecter avec les champions olympiques 🥇🥇🥇🥇 PS: Mr Jean merdemontreal Ne comprends pas tous les mots voici un extrait du dico : Radoter: Tenir, par sénilité, des propos décousus et peu sensés 😋😋😋
@Jean merdeMonreal Ah du vrai, DU GRAND jeanmerde Montréal... Le revoilà dans toute sa splendeur ! 😂🤣😅 le petit prof de danse frustré aurait un cerveau 🤯 alors ? Incroyable 😮 mais où le cache t il ? 🤔 C est qu'Il nous régale de ses pulsions refoulées 🤫 Manque t il d intelligence ou de vocabulaire ? Tssse tssse ! Les mois, les années passent et il est encore là à radoter (faut pas le dire c est juste un prétexte pour partager sa vie digestive et son priapisme...) Sérieux il y a vraiment du boulot chez PC des trucs à aimer, à commenter.... Dharmania à insulter... elle aussi elle s y connaît en danse canine et elle a entrepris l éducation de PC (ils filent du mauvais coton dit elle, il paraît même qu Ils ont attrapé le melon) est ce une caractéristique Française ? Le truc c'est qu ils ne veulent pas l écouter eux aussi préfèrent "le cirque", c'est ballot. Bon et bien à très bientôt Mr Jean merdemontreal je sens qu on va bien se régaler 🤗🤗🤗🤗😋
so did the olympic judges overscore them too?? They are the most decorted ice dancers of all time, nothing you can say can ever take that away from them. They are the greatest ice dancers of all time, they sure dont need corruption to win.
lau victor It's not like they were rewarded for their mistake. Look at the details of the scores. They lost a level on their twizzles, that's -1. They didn't get high GOEs for twizzles because of that mistake. That's somewhere around -2. Their overall score could be 83+, but it wasn't. What exactly do you want judges to do? Charge them -50 points for every mistake?
Lina K don't be absurd and blind, not mention the technical score, just that disaster twizzle, the PCs should be way lower, if this happened to other pair, they definitely would be published a lot, but to them, they can still get high scores, ISU is rigged and so unfair recently.
You are one of those French obsessed commentators who goes on every Virtue Moir video and bashes them. How about you go get a life instead of being a troll? Oh wait you're a disaster.
@@emilyjade3696 Pourquoi me parlez-vous des français ? Et de la deuxième place ? Vous présupposez ce que je pense ? Vous savez qui je suis ? Par ailleurs, ce n'est pas parce que ces personnes ont gagné une médaille d'or dans une épreuve sportive de patinage appelée "danse" que ce qu'il font a de la grâce, de l'élégance, de la distinction. En l'occurrence, je ne crois pas et c'est mon avis, je vous prie de le respecter et de ne pas me faire de procès d'intention sur ce que j'exprime. Gardez vos chamailleries de cour de récréation pour vous. Les français gnagnagna, les canadiens gnagnagna, les russes gnagnagna. Prenez de la hauteur
Sois les réponses ont été effacées, soit tu te parle à toi même, mais peu importe la situation tu n’est sûrement pas au courant de leur popularité et de ce qu’ils ont accompli car je suis certaine que les juges ne donneront pas des médailles d’or à un couple qui manque de grâce et d’élégance. Si ce qu’ils font ne t’intéresse pas, fiche le camps et arrête de les rabaisser
C'est incroyable le nombre de Français qui sont scotchés devant vidéos de TS 😉 Mr David Roche en est un exemple sidérant ! Il ne cesse de découvrir les videos de TS ... puis il les re-découvre (C'est la mémoire ) et quand il a finit il les re-cherche. Tout ça pour s'extasier sans fin sur les défauts qu'il leur attribue ! Pour le commun des gens ça n'a pas trop de sens 🤔C'est une perversion ! En fait il voudrait découvrir et re-découvrir et re-chercher PC mais il peut pas s'empêcher de préfèrer TS 😯 Pauvre David Roche 😭 Peut-être que ses copains Montréal et Buissonin pourraient l'aider ? Ils ont un peu les mêmes symptômes ? 😋 et ils ont tous quelque chose en commun ils suppriment les commentaires dérangeants, cela blesse trop leur ego 😟
Very, very messy. There is something off about these two that have turned me off from them for years now, I could never quite click w them and it always feels so cold and forced, especially compared to the American's and the brilliant team from France who i really, really like a lot.
@Jean merdeMonreal Ah ah ah ah Mr Jean merdemontreal a son épisode diarrhéique... un peu d immodium devrait apaiser vos tensions internes . Mais ne forcez pas la dose pour pas vous constiper 😋 Finalement les videos de TS sont pleines de vie et d intérêt ! c est là que tous les frustrés et désoeuvrés de la terre viennent déverser leur bile. Jalousie jalousie et jalousie... ça défoule un petit moment mais un petit footing vous ferait du bien 🤔 Cher Mr Jean merdemontreal on a besoin de vous chez PC, leurs fans sont pas très satisfaits. Vous avez des os à ronger là bas Dharmania y déverse sa bile 🤮 On avait le pseudo prof de danse raté maintenant on a la commentatrice dijonctée... Le moral des bataillons Français est un peu chaviré. Nous on est cool on sort des arènes 😊🤗 et on va bien rigoler 😂🤣😅😉
I think ....perhaps the gifts given by V/M to the jury justified this note !!! So an american journalist ( Mr Philip Hersh ) wrote a paper about a gift given by V/M to the judges before the skate Canada !!! it's not a french journalist , but the news now is known arround the world !! before olympic games ...it's a new scandal ????
marina vous avez tout dit la verite est celle que vous dites, les canadiens seront obligés de se retirer car le cio va entamer un prcés disciplinaire à l'encontre de l'isu et d'eux ainsi que de leurs entraîneurs complices de leurs actes, tous les patineurs le savent se qui se passent depuis leur retour et ce qu'ils font à gadbois ok donc enfin pour une fois que la vérité eclate et que l'iceberg va être dévoiler enfin... et bien tout le monde respirera un air plus sain et oui gaby et guillaume doivent et sans manigances ETRE CHAMPIONS OLYMPIQUE il n'y a pas photo merci marina d'avoir des yeux et des oreilles aussi..
Dat was definitely not a good skate. Forced, heavy. Especially scott... A shadow of his former self. He looks like an overexcited clown on the ice its embarrassing. And tessa trying her best to compensate ... Poor girl. Can someone save her from this nightmare !
scott's hair omg it's perfect
Oh Tessa is being so supportive of Scott after the stumble on the twizzle
3:33 Scott: shit. Tessa: It's fine.
3:43 Tessa: It's gonna be okay.
4:16 the thunk thunk thunk of Scott just punching the wall (Scott, babe, please don't.)
4:22 "He's not always the best at hiding when he's upset" *CRUNCH of wood*
crunch of wood lmao! I'm dead
Lol the shit part 🤣 I did not notice
how are you so good at lip reading lol
EthalaRide why is this comment sending me 😂
Their song choices are always so great it really helps to create an amazingly striking performance.
3:09 Tessa just smiles... How wonderful is this BUSINESS PARTNERSHIP.
They are so pleasant to watch. Each element, move, look, face expresion are so organic and well done (even despite Scott's mistakes)
Je crois que c’est une des meilleures performances,si agréables à voir et revoir,on ne s’en lasse pas,quel beau couple.
Happy watching this video by two greatest performers of their time. I'm always mesmerized by the beauty of their movements as they start skating.
The Hotel California section is soooo good-I wish they kept that slow sensuality throughout.
My God. Are they human? Fanthastic, simply perfect.
Scott and Tessa rocked it when they got into ice dancing.
As you can see in this exhibition, Scott was a “ hurricane “ at ice dancing, and Tessa accompanied him perfectly. They seemed to love dancing together, they performed the choreography perfectly, and it was wonderful to see their smiles so natural, fresh, and happy, at the end of their performances. A lot of applauses for them 👏👏👏👏.
Sou fã desses dois....a patinação me facina, eu viajo quando vejo os dois patinando....mto emocionantes.
Ich werde nicht müde, die beiden immer wieder zu sehen!! Ich liebe sie beide!!
Tessa&Scott : brilliant!!!:)) A little mistake just shows,that nobody is perfect!... I love this couple !!!!!:)))
They work so hard and it shows. Best in the world. Love their connection. they are FAB!
Они родились быть лучшими в этом мире. Это дар небес для людей всей земли. Такую всеобъемлющую красоту можно встретить только раз в жизни. Тесса и Скотт уникумы на все сто процентов. Их невозможно не любить. И смотреть на них хочется сутками и ненадоест. Просто станешь во сто крат лучше и счастливее от щедро подаренной ими любви. Они будут как идеал как эталон для будущих поколений. Виват Тесса и Скотт❤❤❤
💕2 sweethearts on the same dancing move beats ✨💕✨ ... gorgeouuuusly beautiful !
Maravilhoso casal lindo de se ver Parabens Deus abencoe vcs bjo
Great couple! Love watching them
KING AND QUEEN OF ICE DANCE goes to........SCOTT MOIR AND TESSA VIRTUE!!!! Experience and artistry wise, they are simply the best!!! The other ice dance teams should learn from the geniuses TESSA and SCOTT!!!
For me the king and the queen are gabriella papadakis et guillaume cizeron
Félicitations pour leur nomination ... ce serait plus efficace de noter ces compliments sur les vidéos de PC... ils pourraient en profiter au moins! Je ne pense pas qu'ils viennent beaucoup se perdre ici. Comme fan du couple Français, vous passez beaucoup de temps sur les vidéos de TS 🤔 ici c'est le temple des quintuples médaillés olympiques, 🥇🥇🥇🥈🥈 et vous ne ferez pas recette 😂🤣😅😋 pour tout dire on se moque un peu de votre avis 😋😉
@@joanaminouri2305 je marque la vérité maintenant si vous n'êtes pas d'accord avec moi ben je m'en fou royalement.
Je marque la vérité maintenant si vous n'êtes pas d'accord avec moi et bien je m'en fous divinement .... et c'est tout 😂🤣😅😋
@@joanaminouri2305 waou !!!! Quelle recherche dans la réponse 😂😂😂
Not their best performance regarding twizzles but everything else was top notch like only they can do. They were born to skate together, their unison, connection and skating skills are unmatched in the ice dance world, and to be this good and dominant for this long says everything about just how good they are.
People should really learn to read protocols before screaming "overscoring", the score was 100% correct and they were penalized for the mistake, without the mistake they would have gotten a deservingly WR again.
Thank-you Angi. Good to know there are some actual brains on here rather than French/troll commentators who are Didier's minions.
Just ignore them, RUclips comments section have become toxic with french users opening million accounts to diss every video of V/M. It's like amature psychological warfare and it's quite pathetic...
OK angi + j Buda, but could you remenber last year on world championship ; for an error on the twizzles ( SD of course ) P/C took 3 points of penality ....here nothing ???? i want understanding this !!!
I think so the other skaters H/D don't understand this score !!
In fact V/M can quietly skate bad ....they win the gold medal !!! if it's your point of view !!!ok !!!it's not olympic spirit ;
and about the french troll !! in France we ha'vnt a V/M public forum 's ( like :dubemoir.blogspot.com for P/C ) also you can keep your preach of moral
It's not a mystery - you simply have to know the rules and use less ??? and !!! - P/C mistake cost them two levels and GOE penalty and therefore they lost 3 points, V/M mistake cost them one level and GOE penalty so they lost 2 points, the type of mistake determines the levels lost, that's it.
And to say V/M skae bad - come on, this is just delusional, I get that you are a P/C uber but let's not kid ourselves, Tessa and Scott on their worst day will be better than any other team in the field.
And that blog that you brought is in no way connected to V/M any more than the crazy users here leaving disgusting comments are connected to P/C themselves.
Thank angi. Btw I am a v/m supporter but I don’t go on P/c videos and constantly put them down. I have commented on how their as has improved considerably. I just hate when I see the same ppl putting skaters down in favour of national bias.
French jealous fans could not accept that Tessa and Scott defeated their newbie PC in their comeback and VM won the world championship and VM will also win the 2018 Winter Olympics that's for sure 100%
And they did 🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
VM are totally fake champions. Especially wc 2017. And I think canadian fans are worst in figure skating.
Jealousy is a cruel mistress
DeGe lol PC are the fake ones if ever
Maravilhoso !! 🇧🇷
I adore P/C but some of their fans have got to be the meanest people on this earth. For them to constantly demonize V/M says more about these fans than it does about V/M. Be kind, for heaven's sake.
Jealousy is so unattractive.
I’m a P/C fan too. But oh my goodness, some of the P/C fans are so blatantly mean that I can’t take their opinions seriously. They sound so ridiculous and pathetic. Even though they think so little of V/M, they make a point to go around to all the videos and leave nasty comments. That is so pathetic. Like how meaningless is your life?
Even when I don’t like the skating of some team, and every one on there likes them, I don’t ruin those fans’ joy. Let them like who they like. I just don’t comment and don’t bother to watch more of those skaters.
I think you're a smart, thoughtful and caring person, I do love your comment
It’s ok to have your personal favorite team, but that does not mean you have to put other teams down. They are all magnificent athletes, and when the complainers can do what they do on the ice, maybe then they can criticize.
They are the text book of the ice 💃 dance
Ouuaah!!!!ça coupe le souffle...... Merci.
Linda. sabe. tudo. de. patinacao. Parabens. aos. dois. Sejam. felizes
I love them 💓
Fantastic Performance Bravissimo
Manick is an obsessed fan of Papadakis and Cizeron talking all nonsense here because she is obviously jealous of the number one ice dance team in the world, Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir!!!
4:26 that lady looking at Scott like there’s something wrong with him 💀
Lol 😂
Jeez scott so is so insanely hard on himself
4:45 enjoyed the slow motion recap
what's the song in the background of the slow part at the end
Beautiful couple 💑😍❤♥
A really great performance. You know you are watching great ice dancers when you are watching the male ice dancer as much as the woman. Scott Moir very passionate about what is does that's for sure. You may feel I am nitpicking here, but I feel he could have used a haircut. His hair was flopping in his eyes and he had to push it away a few times. Might have been distracting him. They have great coaches now, but I believe they got their great base and how to perform so we'll, from their previous coach Marina Zueva.
So beautiful lady i love you...♥️♥️♥️♥️
Scott is so handsome!
Not sure if it´s the camera angle but that dance looked quite slow in speed.. still adore them both so much
Тесс и Скот ☀️☀️☀️🌟🌟🌟!!!Из ❤️❤️❤️ России!!!!
Ballet is a big part in gymnast, dancers ice, even in, ski, or jump. Rtym, takt
Who were the commentators?
All i hear is Charlie white's Wisdom of years hangin/training with TS
Why are they referred to as the "Ice Dance King and Queen"?
riley h many medals
riley h cause they are
@Jean merdeMonreal
Qui a remis des piles sur jeanmerdeMontréal ? Le mécanisme est rouillé et le pseudo petit prof de danse automate soliloque et radote et soliloque et radote ! Et radote et soliloque.... et danse la gigue sur une patte, c est le désastre ! personne n écoute bien sûr, il dit n importe quoi ! on pourrait le recycler, mais chez duracel ils en veulent pas 🙁 ceci dit, je les comprends parfaitement, totalement inintéressant, manque absolu de classe, obnubilé par son transit...bof laissons mourir les piles 🤗 allons plutôt nous délecter avec les champions olympiques 🥇🥇🥇🥇
PS: Mr Jean merdemontreal Ne comprends pas tous les mots voici un extrait du dico : Radoter: Tenir, par sénilité, des propos décousus et peu sensés 😋😋😋
Alas, Papadakis could only win by her nose - oops
@Jean merdeMonreal
Cher Mr Jean merdemontreal
Si vous avez quelque chose à dire faites marcher votre cerveau (en avez vous un ?) Pas votre colon 😋
@Jean merdeMonreal
Ah du vrai, DU GRAND jeanmerde Montréal... Le revoilà dans toute sa splendeur ! 😂🤣😅 le petit prof de danse frustré aurait un cerveau 🤯 alors ? Incroyable 😮 mais où le cache t il ? 🤔 C est qu'Il nous régale de ses pulsions refoulées 🤫 Manque t il d intelligence ou de vocabulaire ?
Tssse tssse ! Les mois, les années passent et il est encore là à radoter (faut pas le dire c est juste un prétexte pour partager sa vie digestive et son priapisme...) Sérieux il y a vraiment du boulot chez PC des trucs à aimer, à commenter.... Dharmania à insulter... elle aussi elle s y connaît en danse canine et elle a entrepris l éducation de PC (ils filent du mauvais coton dit elle, il paraît même qu Ils ont attrapé le melon) est ce une caractéristique Française ? Le truc c'est qu ils ne veulent pas l écouter eux aussi préfèrent "le cirque", c'est ballot. Bon et bien à très bientôt Mr Jean merdemontreal je sens qu on va bien se régaler 🤗🤗🤗🤗😋
Another overscored program by Virtue & Moir. How did they get over 80?? I"m getting sick of ISU corruption!!
Sure you are a fan of Papadakis and Cizeron because you talk nonsense!
so did the olympic judges overscore them too?? They are the most decorted ice dancers of all time, nothing you can say can ever take that away from them. They are the greatest ice dancers of all time, they sure dont need corruption to win.
starsmoon0216 Delusional and blind.
Become a judge then you can mark them down so your favourites can win.
tell me, how much PC have got to pyongchyang short program? almost 82 ??? So now you are very sick isnt it ? 🤔
Over score as usual, disaster twizzle got over 80 score, what a joke
lau victor It's not like they were rewarded for their mistake. Look at the details of the scores. They lost a level on their twizzles, that's -1. They didn't get high GOEs for twizzles because of that mistake. That's somewhere around -2. Their overall score could be 83+, but it wasn't.
What exactly do you want judges to do? Charge them -50 points for every mistake?
Lina K don't be absurd and blind, not mention the technical score, just that disaster twizzle, the PCs should be way lower, if this happened to other pair, they definitely would be published a lot, but to them, they can still get high scores, ISU is rigged and so unfair recently.
You are one of those French obsessed commentators who goes on every Virtue Moir video and bashes them. How about you go get a life instead of being a troll? Oh wait you're a disaster.
Je découvre ces gens... Quelle vulgarité, quel manque de classe. Mais qu'est ce que c'est que ça ? On est bien loin de la danse
@@emilyjade3696 Pourquoi me parlez-vous des français ? Et de la deuxième place ? Vous présupposez ce que je pense ? Vous savez qui je suis ? Par ailleurs, ce n'est pas parce que ces personnes ont gagné une médaille d'or dans une épreuve sportive de patinage appelée "danse" que ce qu'il font a de la grâce, de l'élégance, de la distinction. En l'occurrence, je ne crois pas et c'est mon avis, je vous prie de le respecter et de ne pas me faire de procès d'intention sur ce que j'exprime. Gardez vos chamailleries de cour de récréation pour vous. Les français gnagnagna, les canadiens gnagnagna, les russes gnagnagna. Prenez de la hauteur
Sois les réponses ont été effacées, soit tu te parle à toi même, mais peu importe la situation tu n’est sûrement pas au courant de leur popularité et de ce qu’ils ont accompli car je suis certaine que les juges ne donneront pas des médailles d’or à un couple qui manque de grâce et d’élégance. Si ce qu’ils font ne t’intéresse pas, fiche le camps et arrête de les rabaisser
@@biancazlotea5000 Oui les réponses ont été effacées. Par ailleurs je ne les rabaisse pas, j'exprime mon avis, librement
C'est incroyable le nombre de Français qui sont scotchés devant vidéos de TS 😉 Mr David Roche en est un exemple sidérant ! Il ne cesse de découvrir les videos de TS ... puis il les re-découvre (C'est la mémoire ) et quand il a finit il les re-cherche. Tout ça pour s'extasier sans fin sur les défauts qu'il leur attribue ! Pour le commun des gens ça n'a pas trop de sens 🤔C'est une perversion ! En fait il voudrait découvrir et re-découvrir et re-chercher PC mais il peut pas s'empêcher de préfèrer TS 😯
Pauvre David Roche 😭
Peut-être que ses copains Montréal et Buissonin pourraient l'aider ? Ils ont un peu les mêmes symptômes ? 😋 et ils ont tous quelque chose en commun ils suppriment les commentaires dérangeants, cela blesse trop leur ego 😟
Very, very messy. There is something off about these two that have turned me off from them for years now, I could never quite click w them and it always feels so cold and forced, especially compared to the American's and the brilliant team from France who i really, really like a lot.
@Jean merdeMonreal
Ah ah ah ah Mr Jean merdemontreal a son épisode diarrhéique... un peu d immodium devrait apaiser vos tensions internes . Mais ne forcez pas la dose pour pas vous constiper 😋 Finalement les videos de TS sont pleines de vie et d intérêt ! c est là que tous les frustrés et désoeuvrés de la terre viennent déverser leur bile. Jalousie jalousie et jalousie... ça défoule un petit moment mais un petit footing vous ferait du bien 🤔 Cher Mr Jean merdemontreal on a besoin de vous chez PC, leurs fans sont pas très satisfaits. Vous avez des os à ronger là bas Dharmania y déverse sa bile 🤮
On avait le pseudo prof de danse raté maintenant on a la commentatrice dijonctée...
Le moral des bataillons Français est un peu chaviré. Nous on est cool on sort des arènes 😊🤗 et on va bien rigoler 😂🤣😅😉
Huh ?
Megan Woodard anyways they won gold so your opinion doesn’t matter
I will bet you would not like the French so much if the rivalry was between them and an American team.
That is an exaggeration to say very messy.
I think ....perhaps the gifts given by V/M to the jury justified this note !!!
So an american journalist ( Mr Philip Hersh ) wrote a paper about a gift given by V/M to the judges before the skate Canada !!! it's not a french journalist , but the news now is known arround the world !!
before olympic games ...it's a new scandal ????
It wasn't a gift from VM to the judges...before trusting whatever you read on the internet just inform your self!
exact the gifts are offered by the canadian fédération , but they are earrings signed by TESSA VIRTUE !!!
Math Lover that’s funny! Why you have to be so disrespectful?
EleonoraB Its not funny at all. This girl is on every Scott and Tessa videos talking shit about them and disliking the videos.
vu la violence de votre réaction , je pense que j' ai fais " strike "
The French will win this Olympics in dances. Canadians to retire!
marina vous avez tout dit la verite est celle que vous dites, les canadiens seront obligés de se retirer car le cio va entamer un prcés disciplinaire à l'encontre de l'isu et d'eux ainsi que de leurs entraîneurs complices de leurs actes, tous les patineurs le savent se qui se passent depuis leur retour et ce qu'ils font à gadbois ok donc enfin pour une fois que la vérité eclate et que l'iceberg va être dévoiler enfin... et bien tout le monde respirera un air plus sain et oui gaby et guillaume doivent et sans manigances ETRE CHAMPIONS OLYMPIQUE il n'y a pas photo merci marina d'avoir des yeux et des oreilles aussi..
Not so much 🇨🇦
Duh - expert you are not - fool
Dat was definitely not a good skate. Forced, heavy. Especially scott... A shadow of his former self. He looks like an overexcited clown on the ice its embarrassing. And tessa trying her best to compensate ... Poor girl. Can someone save her from this nightmare !
Nicolas Therme lol what?
these 2 wonderful ice dancers have won 2 wonderful gold medals. Everything is perfect in this program 🤩