видео.html this lock passes 60 seconds without being crazy good. All it needs is a decent core and no easy bypasses. Most fast locks are just jiggled open, shimmed, ect.
what you have to realise is that even 15-20 seconds for LPL is a lock likely to be beyond 90% of lockpickers.. if a lock is that capable its well beyond a moderately skilled attacker
For a short answer to the first part, it's simple why the long stuff is so watchable. Your explanations are very easy to listen to and comprehend even when I'm (lightly) focused on another task. You're clear, articulate, and entertaining, so I don't *need* free time for the long stuff, I can enjoy it while I'm busy too.
@@DeviantOllam Your content is great, but also long-form videos are far easier to watch on RUclips than most platforms because of the 1.5 or 1.75 playback speed. An hour becomes 40 minutes or 34 minutes. If we ever met in person, I'd probably have some cognitive dissonance that you were speaking and moving at normal speed. 😄
So true! I’ve been following on Twitter for a while, only recently picked up the RUclips channel as well, and have been binge listening in the background.
Awesome presentation. As a noob I'm very thankful for your knowledge and experience. And every RUclipsr I find who doesn't need to inject little digs and dog whistles is a little nugget of gold for me. Thank you!
The answer to that question is "Oh, you're not jacked into the collective knowledge database?" I mean, holy heck. I have graduate diplomas from the RUclips college of HVACR, lock-picking, engine building, wasp-nest-removal, diesel mechanics, engineering, chemistry... I don't have an internet problem, I have internet *_solutions._*
@@ConstantlyDamaged Damn straight my friend, sometimes it feels like I could build a Transporter with the knowledge I've accumulated. Detailing how a Warp Core works is my standard go-to for demonstrating nerd knowledge.
@@ConstantlyDamaged "wasp nest removal". Ah, another enthusiast. Excellent. Among all the schools of youtube knowledge that we may meditate upon, apiary and the relocation of angry wasps/hornets is one of the few that offers a real possibility of pain and disfigurement. You have to really commit to that shit, y'know. ;)
@@tichepotato7992 I like flexing my knowledge of energetic chemistry and quantum computing, when I'm sure that nobody in the room watches enough of the kind of channels that I watch to recognise that I'm mostly talking out of my arse. :)
You make a fantastic point about talking to your kids. Guns should never be the forbidden fruit and IMO should not be feared but they should 100% always be respected. Guns are optimized to do one thing with deadly efficiency, the moment that fact slips someone's mind terrible things can and have happened. I worked in an armory for years and I've seen people with decades of daily weapon handling experience lose sight of that and though none of the incidents I witnessed were fatal, they very well could have been. Knowledge and respect for all firearms all day every day is absolutely rule #1.
Great point. Kids & adults need to know when another kid / adult is being stupid with a fire arm, liquor, car or gasoline. Your statement about "years of experiance but making a mistake" Worst story was prom night - boy took his girlfriend up to his room to show her the gun he got for graduation and accidentally shot her in the face. It is now too dangerous to tape a BB on the back of a shotgun shell and drop the shell out of a two story window onto the cement. Fire arms do not solve problems they only help level the playing field. Please keep passing along your knowledge.
It's infuriating, really. Say two kids find a gun, which kid do you want yours to be: 1. one with a healthy respect for and knowledge of them, or B. one who has never seen one irl and whose parents say guns are bad mmmkay?
I searched for years for a decommissioned vault before settling on my Sturdy Safe. The vault will have to wait until I own land I can bury it in. Plus rig up a Bond-esque elevator to the vault. For now my safe weighs a ton empty, and that's plenty
I'm not a gun guy, but I like listening to the security/safe/lock advice since it holds true for other things you are trying to secure, not just guns. Having moved some of my computer collection into a storage locker, I had to purchase a "proper" lock for it instead of the crappy $10 MasterLock from Home Depot. Spending $45 on a lock seemed odd, but when you think about what it's protecting and that it's a much higher quality product, then it makes perfect sense. So, thanks for these talks. I hope to see a live talk one day (I'd love to go to DEF CON 30).
Another thing I find funny is people who doesn't spend 10% of the value of a computer in UPS protection, like you have this expensive piece of electronics that cost like $3000 and you plug it directly to the mains ? do you know how crappy power normally is ? Or, people that spend $1000 in the CPU who wouldn't spend $200 in a good PSU (then they complain about blue screens, and somehow its Windows' fault, like I never had blue screens, wonder why). The 10% rule is golden !
One big fire related topic - in some circumstances any level of 'fire rating' won't save your valuables if firearms are involved. Once firefighters hear rounds cooking off, they may opt to set hoses and back off until the fire burns out. Those hoses may be more concerned with preventing the fire from spreading to other structures, rather than saving yours, depending on the circumstance. Same applies to other pressurized things like propane cylinders with bad safety valves/melt out plugs (camping), spray paints (garage/workshop), or jerry cans of gas for a lawnmower. Ammo storage in such a way that maximizes the time (minimizing nearby flammables like furniture/solvents/cleaners/smokeless powder, etc) for firefighters to knock out the fire before ammo starts cooking off may be a greater benefit for the inconvenience.
A loaded gun in a burning house may endanger anybody around, a rifle even far away. Some thought should be put to where a gun is pointing, and what would happen in a housefire. Think about that shotgun in this video, a nasty surprise for firemen if there's a round in chamber.
Yes! Lockiping lawyer for everyone else's reference :видео.html Least they could have done was license their own frequency. Wouldn't stop a burglar with a ham radio, but now they've upped the charges from simple burglary to federal crimes
@@DJW3lch If you don't have an amateur radio license, pushing the transmit button an a radio tuned to 433.92Mhz is a federal crime. You're in violation of FCC 97.5.
@@forcedtoregister100 in the wild, I haven't heard of a rash of burglaries using this method, but since the issue is 'known' and has no easy fix, it's something to consider. Aside from that, it's just like any other subscription-based security system, with all that entails. LPL had a good piece of advice in his video: never put up the signs or stickers that come with the kit, use a different brand or generic signs. Advertising the system you're using is effectively broadcasting to the world all the vulnerabilities others can exploit to defeat it.
The Goldenrod is a heater. Refer to your psychrometric chart. As air is heated, the capacity to hold water increases. Since the absolute volume of water vapor is unchanging, adding heat lowers the relative humidity. For corrosion protection, RH is more important than absolute humidity, as corrosion happens on the surface and is accelerated by deliquescence that is controlled by RH. To put it another way, heating the safe to above the dew point ensures that you will not get corrosion.
Can't legally own fire arms yet, just a few more weeks till I can buy. Then a few more months till I move out of my parents house. Watching all of these videos to learn how do this responsibility. Thank you for the information.
The best way to render a firearm unusable is to remove a vital component, such as a firing pin or bolt component. Expect someone to gain access so make sure that you plan for when it's accessed
I love long videos like this (I assume...I haven't watched past the intro yet, but I love your other talks). If I'm doing something that doesn't require much thought, or doesn't require language processing, having an uninterrupted talk is great to listen to along side that, rather than switching videos every 10 minutes as they end. Also, these are at least as interesting and entertaining as TV, which people have been content to sit for hours watching.
As teen myself, who can pick locks, and can pick locks well, I could most likely could get through a cheap and some more expensive safes in a small to medium amount of time. I do have one advantage over the average teen, which is I have locksmith connections who have taught me all kinds of stuff, and I have a huge knowledge of locks and how they work. And that is the reason why my parents don’t own any guns. I have gone through hours of gun safety through Boy Scouts, so I do know that guns aren’t toys. And Curiosity is a real thing, my mom at one point bought a cheap key box, she put it in her closet where she hoped I wouldn’t find it, but it didn’t take me long to find it, and it took me all of 10 seconds to assessthat the lock was a cheap wafor lock and it took me all of 5 second to pick it open, giving me access to all the keys my mom didn’t want me to have access to. It’s also hard for my parents to find locks that I can’t get though, I can pick PAClocks, I can pick American Locks, I can pick any master lock, pretty much anything that’s cheap I can pick it, along with a few more expensive brands. There is one big issue with kids that needs to be addressed as well, and that is mental health state, as a teen with Autism, ADHD, and bipolar there is a lot that goes on in my head, the Autism side of me is the part that helps me get though almost any lock, because I can visualize what’s inside, and the ADHD part is the one that can sometimes cause other issues. I would recommend that if you own guns and you have kids with mental illness, you either need to store the guns not at home, or you need to have safes that can withstand a teen with enough determination.
Also just wanted to add that the real reason why my family doesn’t own any guns, is because me and my mom are bipolar, which as most people know causes ups and downs of severe depression and anger, so it would make it dangerous to have any guns in our house. If it happens that things are really falling apart, my grandfather owns a gun, and our neighbor at the front of our court has a large arsenal that he would be willing to use to protect everyone else on the block, which he’s done before for himself and others. At one point when my neighbor was remodeling his house, the back door was taken out for just a night, but during that night a creep walked into my neighbors bedroom and my neighbor didn’t take long to grab the pistol next to his bed and show the guy where the door was.
Dude, lock sport basics. Don't pick a lock you don't own. You bring up good points about gun safety and teens, but you really shouldn't pick your parents' locks.
There is something to be said for gun ranges renting armoury space to members (if this isn't already a thing it should be) Anyone who wants to shoot, dosn't need immediate access to a firearm and maybe for whatever reason shouldn't have immediate access can just go to the range show their membership or whatever and check out their own firearm from the armoury, shoot it at the range then check it back in ready for next time....
@@theteenageengineer harness your talents. I consider them talents. think less about breaking things and more about making things. change the direction of your interests. takes one to know one ehh?
Do you know the magnet trick to open some safes. My son came home with a Sentry Safe free on a yard sale. I went to get this strong magnet I have in case I have to turn off an implanted device. I waved the magnet down to up and we heard a click. An open. ! Then I felt bad for him because he was happy and I bummed him out.
I'm on the opposite end of the politcal spectrum as you. That being said, your information and expertise are appreciated. Guns /are/ for everyone, regardless of political beliefs. Good info!
@J Jones If we are ever going to progress as a nation shit like that has to stop. The problem we have is everyone sees each other as liberal or conservative. The problem we have is people wants to point fingers instead of discussing our issues.
Answer to the first question you had, I work an office job that requires basically zero though to do. I spend the whole day in an office alone, scanning medical records, shredding, all kinds of dirty work. Having something interesting to listen to makes this job WAY more bearable.
What an excellent talk Dev. Thanks for putting it together and uploading it. 1:12:28 - Excellent thoughts on responsible ownership and the safety of the owner. 1:14:30 - Sorry to hear about your rough break up, but I've a lot of respect for your forethought and consideration for safety. Being from the UK we don't have as much access to guns, and I'm not experienced with mental health (other than sympathizing with your hard reset... we've all been there), but these seemingly way too simple ideas that *make* *it* *slightly* *harder* work. The UK coal gas changes and acetaminophen changes prove it. For those of you that don't know the UK used to use coal gas domestically for ovens, and it was a very quick and simple way to commit suicide, due to the carbon monoxide (CO) content of coal gas. People used to turn the oven on, then stick their head in the oven. CO rapidly causes drowsiness, confusion and loss of consciousness, and shortly thereafter is fatal. Changing to natural gas (which lacks the CO) or electricity rapidly reduced the number of suicides (by about 30%) Similarly limiting the sale of acetaminophen (paracetamol) to 16-32 tablets in the UK reduced the number of suicides and overdoses (which was a massive problem in the 90's and is not a nice way to go as it potentially takes *days* *to* *die* ). Sure you can just walk into multiple shops, but again that simple barrier and *requiring* *slightly* *more* *effort* *reduced* *the* *number* *of* *suicides* . Deviant's long form content is so good he could almost do a lecture on how to be a good human being from his life experience
Finally a good reliable and in depth sourse I can send on gun safty that defuses a bit of the the initial poltical fog surrounded by fire sticks. Thanks Deviant!
For all the downsides, the current political climate and the pandemic have greased the wheels of the right to bear arms among the public, thankfully. Too bad pols like Biden didn't get the memo there, but a lot of people who were a bit iffy on guns came around quickly in the last couple of years.
I admire anyone who knows a lot about a multitude or a variety of different topics, such as yourself. I really enjoyed your NDE presentation to first responders
I'm a wanna be pentester. I'm all over the place with my studies, I still haven't knocked out my A+, but I love the side of penetration testing and security that you cover. I'm one of the people that watches your hour long conference talks and videos. Keep putting out content.
I dig the longer content. I watch while I'm at work and just have my earbuds in. If you enjoy the violent then you'll absorb it like osmosis. A lot of the info you put out needs to be known. People have been making money on products and designs that are half baked and outdated. You help bring about change. Than you for the content. 🤙🏽
@01:03:00 - Trust your kids is a big one along with introducing responsibility to match their development. The same risk considerations apply to much more than guns; the same curious teen that want's in to the gun safe could just as easily be the teen that joyrides a car.
But you also have to have that level of relationship with your teen where they will tell you stuff that's bothering them... Otherwise you can end up with the case where a kid who is a super responsible firearm user for years gets bullied at school to the extent that they snap and end up shooting the bully
@@dasy2k1 Certainly. Alienation is absolutely to be avoided quickly addressed as it's not just guns to worry about then; drug addiction, suicide, depression, etc.
To greatly enhance my fire rating and to add obscurity I encased my safe in plywood and heavily painted it with and intumescent paint. I bought and put flammable material stickers on it as well since my safe is in the garage it just looks like a place to keep paint and petroleum products. I think the paint is going to add hours to my fire rating given the tests I did.
I loved all the little red flags weaved to trump-hacks in this video :) As much as I don't understand gun culture or support it, because I don't live in USA and don't think its a good idea to have these or any guns allowed - this was a great talk.
.... maybe its my being from Australia, but i think the idiot who owned that gun store was ASKING to be robbed- no metal bars/reinforcements on the windows/door,open, uncovered racks full of long guns with nothing to physically stop someone from running over and just taking them...
Lots of good info. I really appreciate the context around using cheap solutions when appropriate and using higher quality solutions when the threat demands it. Very helpful!
I remember that DEFCON 19 talk! I opened the little safe you brought and won a mini bourbon! Best day ever! (you know, besides my wedding and kids and stuff)
For my threat model (random crimes-of-poverty and maybe somebody from a dating app who's mad at me) my low-budget solution's probably adequate. It's a cheap Tractor Supply gun locker, nothing too special - just sheet metal, not concrete or hardened or anything - but I beefed it up with some angle iron and a spot welder so the locking mechanism, piano hinge, and panel joints have a bit more sturdiness to em. Swapped the super cheap wafer lock for the equivalent-size Abloy disc detainer (so it at least takes above-street-level skill and a specialized tool to pick) and drilled it into two walls and the floor with lag screws. Yeah, if they've got time and don't mind being loud they can get in, but it'll be loud and give the tenant on the other side of the wall who works the opposite shift from me, and the two neighboring houses with 3 foot fences and angry pit bulls that end up in my yard at the slightest provocation, time to react. It's all in the threat model, and how much money you have. The cheap gun cabs are "better than nothing" just cause they make things bulkier and more annoying to deal with and can be bolted to the floor, deters casual smash-n-grab theft and keeps em away from small fingers. When the alternative at the price point is a stack of Harbor Freight Pelican cases under the bed, something that can't just be walked off with to figure out later is an upgrade, especially with how friggin LOUD it is when you mess with those sheet metal cabinets, even if you HAVE the key. The 10% rule applies too, cause a $150 cabinet holding a $300 SKS, a $400 hunting rifle, a $100 plinker and a $600 budget build works out. As for fire, that's less of a worry to me - my house is built oldschool plaster-and-lath which has pretty good fire resistance and has proven itself cause this house ALREADY BURNED ONCE about 12 years ago and just needed the kitchen ceiling redone and a new coat of paint, the smoke detectors in this unit also set off the ones on the other side of the duplex with the aforementioned opposite-shift tenant, and the time it takes from the nosy old ladies down the street seeing a smoke plume to the fire department showing up is 10 minutes at most even if the alarms don't go off (judging by the two times neighbors have had their shed and greenhouse, respectively, catch fire). If I was worried I'd turn it on its side and pour in some portland-and-perlite refractory cement to the non-wall/floor sides and screw some Durock to the door.
I have ADHD, so the fact that I manage to watch some of your really long videos (even if it sometimes takes two or three sittings to get through) should be evidence that you manage to present things in an interesting way. Don't sell yourself short!
Two important things I've learned today... 1. Don't step in to a safe. 2. Live-streaming works inside said safe. 3. Keep the firearms away from the boat...
Golden Rods work by managing the moisture I would say, not removing it. When placed at the bottom of the safe they keep warmer air circulating and increase the ambient temperature of the safe, relative to the outside air, and thus decrease the relative humidity. My understanding is that it allows the air to hold more moisture and is also circulating that air (and slowly exchanging with the outside air) thus not allowing it to condense on a surface. I have legitimately have never once heard of someone with Golden rod or similar product complain of rust on their guns if its plugged in and warm. Much simpler solution than having to frequently “recharge” desiccant.
Good talk. I'm wishing you borrowed a clip of me picking the old Vaultek Safe wafer lock. I posted at least three videos of that attack, and the videos are still watched because nobody else did it. But I really appreciate the mention. Maybe I'll get motivated to do more with that channel, if I can learn to enjoy playing Wack-a-Mole with Chinese manufacturers.
Great talk Deviant, I'll watch your longform content any day. Would love to hear you rank residential or commercial burglary alarms & discuss common vulnerabilities. Thank you for sharing your knowledge!
Also, you can put a fire safe inside your fire safe... put your important documents and USB drives inside a small fire rated safe inside the big fire rated safe.
Good Talk Ollam, as always. Interesting to learn how convoluted the UL tags are, and how easily people can be miss led. Also interesting how many "fire proof" things are rated by their own company, rather than the UL.
Regarding "plug in" dehumidifiers, my dad's plan is to put a backup storage device inside his gunsafe. Supposedly keeping the inside of the safe slightly above room temp provides protection from moisture because the higher heat simply prevents water from condensing inside the safe; it shouldn't matter if there's some humidity as long as it doesn't condense. That said, I might get him one of those bakeable dehumidifiers anyway.
I know of several people who put their Network Attached Storage (NAS) devices inside their safe (storage containers) for the same reason. If you're in a humid climate then it's probably a good idea to use a couple approaches - belt and suspenders. Desiccant is pretty inexpensive.
Doesn't matter how long a video is as long as it's important information. There's always the option of watching at 1.5x or 2x if you need to save time.
41:00 talking about the heat rating of safes, you know how you said you'd want to keep a super important document below 350 so the paper doesn't smoke, and for a thumb drive you'd want it below like 150 or so. highly recommend just buying one of those insulated thermoses which can withstand a huge temperature differential like a champ, and putting that inside of your safe. that second barrier means even when the inside of the safe is 350, the inside of the thermos may stay below 200 for a few hours. i have one of those super insulated water bottles where i keep all of my weird prepper-ass fire starting materials and shit
Love your stuff, not a gun owner (yet) but appreciate the stuff you covered, especially touching on the points of mental health. Not interested in the patches (I actually do embroidery, so I make them for others myself) but always love when you give back, as you always do! Stay safe!
@@chrismullin8304 you can buy a gun today, you'll be able to buy one tomorrow, next year, 20 years from now, and so on. What you may not be able to buy are unnecessary firearms and accessories, like high capacity magazines, automatic (or semi) weapons, excessive caliber ones, etc. Things that would not be needed in a normal situation. And I'm OK with that.. I don't need a neighbor to have something that could rapidly fire a large number of rounds that could go through multiple houses, and I don't see any reason, why a normal, law abiding citizen in the us would need military grade armorments.
In germany you need to use a safe that is tested on its resistance against forced entry. The more guns you want to put in it, the more resistant it has to be. They rate them in resistance units. Basically, they have a list of tool categories, like dismanteling tools, hand drills, electric drills... and additionally a rating for the bulkiness of the tool. So, an average sized electric drill would have a rating of 7.5 RU/m. So, if you have a class 1 safe(which is the class you can store as many guns in as you like), it should be able to survive at least 6:40m of drilling, because class 1 safes have a rating of 50RU.
Lock up your power tools along with the guns!!!! Had a friend get hit by teenagers. When they couldn't get into the gun safes, they got the Sawzall and circular saw in the garage, cut every stud on the first floor. House was a complete loss.
For humidity control in an RSC with power inside, try one of the mini powered dehumidifers that actually removes water. I have one that holds about a pint of water and it works great. As for a power tool to open the safe/container, metal cutting circular saws will open a sheet metal RSC almost as easy as a beer can.
I grew up with completely unlocked guns. I knew where the fully loaded home defense shotguns where, and where the ammo was stored. The reason we never had any issues is because I also grew up shooting them, understanding them, cleaning them, ect. The part that really hit home for me is not making them the forbidden fruit.
I disagree with you politically, but that's life. Learning only from those you agree with can cut people off from invaluable information, like your own. Besides, the more people we can get on the pro-gun side the better!
The collection at ians house reminds me of my uncle's. He has a whole vault in his basement full of guns some modern some "de-militarized"/"disabled" and his tour includes jokes about dropping a penny in a slot to re-mil a machine gun.
Watching this as an Australia, I'm surprised at what Americans can get away with when it comes to firearm storage. Saying that, for some reason my state allows you to use something made out of solid wood...
At 1:10 you left out a critical point. If you have more than 1000 worth of guns you need Valuable Personal Property insurance if you want them covered past that first 1000 or sometimes 2000. The golden rods are heaters that heat the inside of the safe and by increasing the temperature it drops the relative humidity.
In short… all their hardware uses really shitty RF for communication and you can disrupt it by holding down the PTT on a $20 chinese ham radio and completely overpower the sensors. garbage.
26:00 Yay, illegal devices! TSA gun locks are illegal in the United States by Title 49 CFR § 1540.111 c2. Clause _iv_ states "The container is locked and _only the passenger_ retains the key or combination". Edit: This is legislation circa 2002~2006! This is nothing new!
And yet you'll have to explain (politely) this to the ticket counter folks and again to most of the TSA agents about 1/2 the time when you properly pack and declare your firearm(s). The other 1/2 of the times they'll just cut off your locks.
Besides the Liberal Gun Club (who I love), there's also the Socialist Rifle Association. They team up with meat processing companies that can process what you hunt and distribute the hunted meat to food pantries and homeless shelters. Also: Love the Tacticool Girlfriend pics. One method of safer storage for rifles is to keep the BCG out of the rifle and in a safe place. Being able to just pop a pin and drop the BCG in. Prevents the kiddos and idiot roommates from doing something unfortunate.
Great presentation! What are your thoughts on spreading guns/ammo out across multiple cheaper storage solutions (maybe that would cumulatively total 10% value of the collection) rather than a single more robust solution? Thanks for your time.
You mentioned that you just rake all the compliance locks instead of keeping the keys. It would probably be more work than it's worth but you could just replace them with CH751 locks.
@@DeviantOllam There's a hilarious story in the book about this big shot general having a gigantic expensive safe put into his office only to leave it on the default combination.
Great video - thank you. Could you please share your thoughts on the philosophies expressed by firearm cabinet companies like SecureIt of decentralizing storage with small, lightweight cabinets over using a single larger, heavier traditional safe? While decentralization (multiple "secure" locations) of one's firearms makes sense from the standpoint of having greater access when needed over a single central location where a thief (or fire) can have a go at everything in one these lightweight cabinets provide adequate security? Are the claims that even a bungling thief with the right battery-operated power tools can get into most traditional common heavy "gun safes" in about as much time and ease as a gun cabinet like SecureIt...hence, it's better to use multiple, more easily hidden lightweight gun cabinets valid reasoning? What would you employ/recommend as far as a method/device for firearm storage? Thank you!
Shouldn't safes above a certain size have a way to open them from the inside without a key or code? So that playing children (even older ones) can get out again?
Good walkthrough om your perso al security posture! I am still amazed of how unsafe USA is, to have people going to these lengths in order to feel safe.Something was lost along the way.
Its not about "feeling" safe, this last year we've already seen how willing people are to fall to authoritarian control. Just look at canada suspending elections again just recently.
haha my favourite thing about the topic of locks and security is how disc detainer locks are often considered on the higher end concerning security, even recommended by a lot of people and the specific tool that has recently been manufactured to non-destructively bypass disc detainer locks is almost a no-skill tool to successfully pick the lock xD
FYI: Ubiquiti now requires the purchase of one of their NVRs and automated backups of footage aren't an easy feat to my knowledge. Unifi Video is now deprecated. Consider this when developing an internal security model.
Very early in this talk you pose a question to your audience, and it was likely rhetorical, but I'm going to answer it anyways. Why do I spend my spare time watching your long videos? Honestly it's three main reasons. I watch you more like an audiobook or podcast than like youtube or a movie. I also use your videos for their educational value, I've learned more from you than from the last four years of history put together (both a point of praise for you, and a blow to the American educational system, and how we teach history in this country.) Lastly I spend time watching your videos because you are one of the few places I see a view of the world similar to mine in the media. Your video's, especially your longer videos, serve the same place in my life as audio-books serve is many of my peer's lives. I will put on one of your con-talks, or something like your recent video with Merrick when I'm playing video games, or doing the dishes, or even sometimes during opens at work. Most of the time you're on audio only, rather than audio and video because just listening is so cool. In addition, I learn a ton from your videos. I may or may not have spent almost an hour playing music in an elevator in the Florence building (in that one small town in Montana where you used to live, and talked about in one of your old talks with a whiskey from reds bar and a door to that one bank) "playing music in the Florence building" with my friends on independent mode, then realized that I couldn't un-pick the lock and had to call building security and explain to them that their elevator was on independent service..... anyways. You are also one of the only people in the media, and indeed one of the only adults in my life, who shares the same views of the world as I do. I used to call them labral libertarian, but now thanks to your talk with Merrick I simply call them leftist. It's really powerful to see that these views aren't just me being on the borderline between socialism and anarchy, but are real views and opinions held by other people. A while back I saw one of your videos about the corona-virus, and interacting with neighbors. It had a quote in it that really spoke to me: "Who protects us, we protect us" I'd also like to apologize for the possible creep factor of "that one small town in Montana.." above. In one of your earlier talks I heard something along the lines of 'I live in this small town in Montana where like sci show is filmed' and though hold up, I live in that small town in Montana where sci show is filmed. And later in, *through the eyes of a thief* I heard red's bar, and thought wo, that's like just down the road from me..... Anyway, I'd just like to say tank you for everything you've done, and I look forward to more content, and maybe seeing you at either a convention, or maybe even RTA ;) someday.
that is such a lovely thing to share. thank you. :-) i treat some other RUclipsrs the same way (Alec from Technology Connections, Natalie from ContraPoints, and Norman from Gaming Historian come to mind especially) and find them very soothing to listen to. awesome that we've both lived in Missoula! (my keyboard wanted to change that to "lied in Missoula" and given our work in security, etc, maybe that's also true, ha!)
@@DeviantOllam "lied in missoula" that's also great. I didn't want to drop the name in case that wasn't something you wanted to be public information. I don't work in security *yet*, although I hope to change that, I'm still in high school so I'm a little early. I'm about to go check ContraPoints out because I haddn't heard of them before, but I intend to check them out.
All locks should have a 10, 30, 60, rating system for the amount of seconds it takes the lockpicking lawyer to get into them
Any company that made it to 60 would have a crazy good lock. Very few would make it to the 10 second mark.
Your times are way to generous. More like 1s, 3s, 6s
Is that in seconds or mili-seconds 🤣видео.html this lock passes 60 seconds without being crazy good. All it needs is a decent core and no easy bypasses. Most fast locks are just jiggled open, shimmed, ect.
what you have to realise is that even 15-20 seconds for LPL is a lock likely to be beyond 90% of lockpickers.. if a lock is that capable its well beyond a moderately skilled attacker
For a short answer to the first part, it's simple why the long stuff is so watchable. Your explanations are very easy to listen to and comprehend even when I'm (lightly) focused on another task. You're clear, articulate, and entertaining, so I don't *need* free time for the long stuff, I can enjoy it while I'm busy too.
that's so nice of you to say! thanks! i am glad people dig the longer content and that reason you state makes me happy
This is why I have been watching @deviantollam talks for over a decade.
@@DeviantOllam Your content is great, but also long-form videos are far easier to watch on RUclips than most platforms because of the 1.5 or 1.75 playback speed. An hour becomes 40 minutes or 34 minutes. If we ever met in person, I'd probably have some cognitive dissonance that you were speaking and moving at normal speed. 😄
@@SupertankerPrime hah, I now want to listen to one of my talks like that and hear how I sound. :-)
So true! I’ve been following on Twitter for a while, only recently picked up the RUclips channel as well, and have been binge listening in the background.
Awesome presentation. As a noob I'm very thankful for your knowledge and experience. And every RUclipsr I find who doesn't need to inject little digs and dog whistles is a little nugget of gold for me. Thank you!
Whenever I talk to people about deviant I start telling them about door code and proper door fitment they ask why I know so much about doors
The answer to that question is "Oh, you're not jacked into the collective knowledge database?"
I mean, holy heck. I have graduate diplomas from the RUclips college of HVACR, lock-picking, engine building, wasp-nest-removal, diesel mechanics, engineering, chemistry... I don't have an internet problem, I have internet *_solutions._*
@@ConstantlyDamaged Damn straight my friend, sometimes it feels like I could build a Transporter with the knowledge I've accumulated. Detailing how a Warp Core works is my standard go-to for demonstrating nerd knowledge.
@@ConstantlyDamaged "wasp nest removal".
Ah, another enthusiast. Excellent.
Among all the schools of youtube knowledge that we may meditate upon, apiary and the relocation of angry wasps/hornets is one of the few that offers a real possibility of pain and disfigurement. You have to really commit to that shit, y'know. ;)
@@tichepotato7992 I like flexing my knowledge of energetic chemistry and quantum computing, when I'm sure that nobody in the room watches enough of the kind of channels that I watch to recognise that I'm mostly talking out of my arse. :)
@@sixstringedthing Yeah, I'm just damn happy we don't have any hornets in Australia.
You make a fantastic point about talking to your kids. Guns should never be the forbidden fruit and IMO should not be feared but they should 100% always be respected. Guns are optimized to do one thing with deadly efficiency, the moment that fact slips someone's mind terrible things can and have happened. I worked in an armory for years and I've seen people with decades of daily weapon handling experience lose sight of that and though none of the incidents I witnessed were fatal, they very well could have been. Knowledge and respect for all firearms all day every day is absolutely rule #1.
Great point. Kids & adults need to know when another kid / adult is being stupid with a fire arm, liquor, car or gasoline. Your statement about "years of experiance but making a mistake"
Worst story was prom night - boy took his girlfriend up to his room to show her the gun he got for graduation and accidentally shot her in the face.
It is now too dangerous to tape a BB on the back of a shotgun shell and drop the shell out of a two story window onto the cement.
Fire arms do not solve problems they only help level the playing field.
Please keep passing along your knowledge.
It's infuriating, really. Say two kids find a gun, which kid do you want yours to be: 1. one with a healthy respect for and knowledge of them, or B. one who has never seen one irl and whose parents say guns are bad mmmkay?
I am glad that I got an old bank safe for free that thing is huge, I can walk in it, and weights a ton (literally)
I'm jealous!!!! That's awesome!
I searched for years for a decommissioned vault before settling on my Sturdy Safe. The vault will have to wait until I own land I can bury it in. Plus rig up a Bond-esque elevator to the vault. For now my safe weighs a ton empty, and that's plenty
I'm not a gun guy, but I like listening to the security/safe/lock advice since it holds true for other things you are trying to secure, not just guns. Having moved some of my computer collection into a storage locker, I had to purchase a "proper" lock for it instead of the crappy $10 MasterLock from Home Depot. Spending $45 on a lock seemed odd, but when you think about what it's protecting and that it's a much higher quality product, then it makes perfect sense. So, thanks for these talks. I hope to see a live talk one day (I'd love to go to DEF CON 30).
Cool cool... Glad you like listening just the same
Another thing I find funny is people who doesn't spend 10% of the value of a computer in UPS protection, like you have this expensive piece of electronics that cost like $3000 and you plug it directly to the mains ? do you know how crappy power normally is ?
Or, people that spend $1000 in the CPU who wouldn't spend $200 in a good PSU (then they complain about blue screens, and somehow its Windows' fault, like I never had blue screens, wonder why).
The 10% rule is golden !
The long stuff is why i am here, need something to listen to at work.
Same here man
My rfid gunsafe mod didn’t make the “look at this dip shit slide” lol
hahaha. no way, man. that project totally rules!
One big fire related topic - in some circumstances any level of 'fire rating' won't save your valuables if firearms are involved. Once firefighters hear rounds cooking off, they may opt to set hoses and back off until the fire burns out. Those hoses may be more concerned with preventing the fire from spreading to other structures, rather than saving yours, depending on the circumstance. Same applies to other pressurized things like propane cylinders with bad safety valves/melt out plugs (camping), spray paints (garage/workshop), or jerry cans of gas for a lawnmower.
Ammo storage in such a way that maximizes the time (minimizing nearby flammables like furniture/solvents/cleaners/smokeless powder, etc) for firefighters to knock out the fire before ammo starts cooking off may be a greater benefit for the inconvenience.
A loaded gun in a burning house may endanger anybody around, a rifle even far away. Some thought should be put to where a gun is pointing, and what would happen in a housefire. Think about that shotgun in this video, a nasty surprise for firemen if there's a round in chamber.
As a gun guy who is not exactly a liberal, but probably closer to what is commonly called a "librul" than most ppl in the 2A community...i like this.
Simplisafe is horrible because a $25 baofeng at 433.92mhz will jam the sensors and allowed access
Yes! Lockiping lawyer for everyone else's reference :видео.html
Least they could have done was license their own frequency. Wouldn't stop a burglar with a ham radio, but now they've upped the charges from simple burglary to federal crimes
How common is that attack and are there other reasons why simplisafe is bad?
@@DJW3lch If you don't have an amateur radio license, pushing the transmit button an a radio tuned to 433.92Mhz is a federal crime. You're in violation of FCC 97.5.
@@forcedtoregister100 in the wild, I haven't heard of a rash of burglaries using this method, but since the issue is 'known' and has no easy fix, it's something to consider. Aside from that, it's just like any other subscription-based security system, with all that entails.
LPL had a good piece of advice in his video: never put up the signs or stickers that come with the kit, use a different brand or generic signs. Advertising the system you're using is effectively broadcasting to the world all the vulnerabilities others can exploit to defeat it.
The Goldenrod is a heater. Refer to your psychrometric chart. As air is heated, the capacity to hold water increases. Since the absolute volume of water vapor is unchanging, adding heat lowers the relative humidity. For corrosion protection, RH is more important than absolute humidity, as corrosion happens on the surface and is accelerated by deliquescence that is controlled by RH.
To put it another way, heating the safe to above the dew point ensures that you will not get corrosion.
Ahhh, that makes more sense. Thanks!
Can't legally own fire arms yet, just a few more weeks till I can buy. Then a few more months till I move out of my parents house. Watching all of these videos to learn how do this responsibility. Thank you for the information.
i'm so glad to be a help!
The best way to render a firearm unusable is to remove a vital component, such as a firing pin or bolt component. Expect someone to gain access so make sure that you plan for when it's accessed
Me : 16:03 wait a sec that wall collection looks really familiar…………
16:30 IAN!!!
Gotta love it when my 2 hobbies get together 🤣
I love long videos like this (I assume...I haven't watched past the intro yet, but I love your other talks). If I'm doing something that doesn't require much thought, or doesn't require language processing, having an uninterrupted talk is great to listen to along side that, rather than switching videos every 10 minutes as they end. Also, these are at least as interesting and entertaining as TV, which people have been content to sit for hours watching.
As teen myself, who can pick locks, and can pick locks well, I could most likely could get through a cheap and some more expensive safes in a small to medium amount of time. I do have one advantage over the average teen, which is I have locksmith connections who have taught me all kinds of stuff, and I have a huge knowledge of locks and how they work. And that is the reason why my parents don’t own any guns. I have gone through hours of gun safety through Boy Scouts, so I do know that guns aren’t toys. And Curiosity is a real thing, my mom at one point bought a cheap key box, she put it in her closet where she hoped I wouldn’t find it, but it didn’t take me long to find it, and it took me all of 10 seconds to assessthat the lock was a cheap wafor lock and it took me all of 5 second to pick it open, giving me access to all the keys my mom didn’t want me to have access to. It’s also hard for my parents to find locks that I can’t get though, I can pick PAClocks, I can pick American Locks, I can pick any master lock, pretty much anything that’s cheap I can pick it, along with a few more expensive brands. There is one big issue with kids that needs to be addressed as well, and that is mental health state, as a teen with Autism, ADHD, and bipolar there is a lot that goes on in my head, the Autism side of me is the part that helps me get though almost any lock, because I can visualize what’s inside, and the ADHD part is the one that can sometimes cause other issues. I would recommend that if you own guns and you have kids with mental illness, you either need to store the guns not at home, or you need to have safes that can withstand a teen with enough determination.
Also just wanted to add that the real reason why my family doesn’t own any guns, is because me and my mom are bipolar, which as most people know causes ups and downs of severe depression and anger, so it would make it dangerous to have any guns in our house. If it happens that things are really falling apart, my grandfather owns a gun, and our neighbor at the front of our court has a large arsenal that he would be willing to use to protect everyone else on the block, which he’s done before for himself and others. At one point when my neighbor was remodeling his house, the back door was taken out for just a night, but during that night a creep walked into my neighbors bedroom and my neighbor didn’t take long to grab the pistol next to his bed and show the guy where the door was.
Dude, lock sport basics. Don't pick a lock you don't own.
You bring up good points about gun safety and teens, but you really shouldn't pick your parents' locks.
There is something to be said for gun ranges renting armoury space to members (if this isn't already a thing it should be)
Anyone who wants to shoot, dosn't need immediate access to a firearm and maybe for whatever reason shouldn't have immediate access can just go to the range show their membership or whatever and check out their own firearm from the armoury, shoot it at the range then check it back in ready for next time....
@@theteenageengineer harness your talents. I consider them talents. think less about breaking things and more about making things. change the direction of your interests. takes one to know one ehh?
Do you know the magnet trick to open some safes. My son came home with a Sentry Safe free on a yard sale. I went to get this strong magnet I have in case I have to turn off an implanted device. I waved the magnet down to up and we heard a click. An open. ! Then I felt bad for him because he was happy and I bummed him out.
I'm on the opposite end of the politcal spectrum as you. That being said, your information and expertise are appreciated. Guns /are/ for everyone, regardless of political beliefs. Good info!
@J Jones lmfao
@J Jones If we are ever going to progress as a nation shit like that has to stop. The problem we have is everyone sees each other as liberal or conservative. The problem we have is people wants to point fingers instead of discussing our issues.
@J Jones I take it you're assuming I'm conservative and trying to get a rise? Well ya played your cards wrong and my opinion still stands.
Dude literally said he's political alignment falls in a few places and you're on the other side of that already?
@J Jones ...but I'm not conservative sooo🤣😂 But anyway not at odds, I think a lot of online discussion gets misconstrued. Either way have a good one.
It hasn’t be even 2 minutes into the video and I don’t even regret watching this video. Thank you
Karl, Ian, and Tacticool GF? What is this, a crossover episode?
they're all good people whom i'm glad to have in my life
Love the longer talks. You experience is so different from mine that it opens a new perspectives on things. Thanks for sharing.
Answer to the first question you had, I work an office job that requires basically zero though to do. I spend the whole day in an office alone, scanning medical records, shredding, all kinds of dirty work. Having something interesting to listen to makes this job WAY more bearable.
Five minutes in and I already love the “sees a safe and immediately tries to open it” 😂
What an excellent talk Dev. Thanks for putting it together and uploading it.
1:12:28 - Excellent thoughts on responsible ownership and the safety of the owner.
1:14:30 - Sorry to hear about your rough break up, but I've a lot of respect for your forethought and consideration for safety.
Being from the UK we don't have as much access to guns, and I'm not experienced with mental health (other than sympathizing with your hard reset... we've all been there), but these seemingly way too simple ideas that *make* *it* *slightly* *harder* work.
The UK coal gas changes and acetaminophen changes prove it.
For those of you that don't know the UK used to use coal gas domestically for ovens, and it was a very quick and simple way to commit suicide, due to the carbon monoxide (CO) content of coal gas. People used to turn the oven on, then stick their head in the oven. CO rapidly causes drowsiness, confusion and loss of consciousness, and shortly thereafter is fatal. Changing to natural gas (which lacks the CO) or electricity rapidly reduced the number of suicides (by about 30%)
Similarly limiting the sale of acetaminophen (paracetamol) to 16-32 tablets in the UK reduced the number of suicides and overdoses (which was a massive problem in the 90's and is not a nice way to go as it potentially takes *days* *to* *die* ). Sure you can just walk into multiple shops, but again that simple barrier and *requiring* *slightly* *more* *effort* *reduced* *the* *number* *of* *suicides* .
Deviant's long form content is so good he could almost do a lecture on how to be a good human being from his life experience
Finally a good reliable and in depth sourse I can send on gun safty that defuses a bit of the the initial poltical fog surrounded by fire sticks. Thanks Deviant!
For all the downsides, the current political climate and the pandemic have greased the wheels of the right to bear arms among the public, thankfully. Too bad pols like Biden didn't get the memo there, but a lot of people who were a bit iffy on guns came around quickly in the last couple of years.
I admire anyone who knows a lot about a multitude or a variety of different topics, such as yourself. I really enjoyed your NDE presentation to first responders
long videos are great! it's like a podcast. i absolutely love longer videos so i can play them on the background while i do other stuff.
Good to know and i promise to keep releasing them =)
I'm a wanna be pentester. I'm all over the place with my studies, I still haven't knocked out my A+, but I love the side of penetration testing and security that you cover. I'm one of the people that watches your hour long conference talks and videos. Keep putting out content.
I will! 👍
I dig the longer content. I watch while I'm at work and just have my earbuds in. If you enjoy the violent then you'll absorb it like osmosis. A lot of the info you put out needs to be known. People have been making money on products and designs that are half baked and outdated. You help bring about change. Than you for the content. 🤙🏽
"Blue-lives shit-stains", I'm not all left all the time either, but you've endeared yourself to me with that line :D
@01:03:00 - Trust your kids is a big one along with introducing responsibility to match their development. The same risk considerations apply to much more than guns; the same curious teen that want's in to the gun safe could just as easily be the teen that joyrides a car.
But you also have to have that level of relationship with your teen where they will tell you stuff that's bothering them...
Otherwise you can end up with the case where a kid who is a super responsible firearm user for years gets bullied at school to the extent that they snap and end up shooting the bully
@@dasy2k1 Certainly. Alienation is absolutely to be avoided quickly addressed as it's not just guns to worry about then; drug addiction, suicide, depression, etc.
To greatly enhance my fire rating and to add obscurity I encased my safe in plywood and heavily painted it with and intumescent paint. I bought and put flammable material stickers on it as well since my safe is in the garage it just looks like a place to keep paint and petroleum products. I think the paint is going to add hours to my fire rating given the tests I did.
I loved all the little red flags weaved to trump-hacks in this video :) As much as I don't understand gun culture or support it, because I don't live in USA and don't think its a good idea to have these or any guns allowed - this was a great talk.
I can't believe I recognized Ian McCollum's house, based on the rifle-display. God, I watch too much RUclips.
.... maybe its my being from Australia,
but i think the idiot who owned that gun store was ASKING to be robbed-
no metal bars/reinforcements on the windows/door,open, uncovered racks full of long guns with nothing to physically stop someone from running over and just taking them...
Lots of good info. I really appreciate the context around using cheap solutions when appropriate and using higher quality solutions when the threat demands it. Very helpful!
thanks for getting it. that's what i hope many folk can understand =)
i really enjoyed that part as well a talk about risk assessment could be helpful as well!
30 seconds and he's convinced I should find other things to do with my time... Yet I'm still watching
I remember that DEFCON 19 talk! I opened the little safe you brought and won a mini bourbon! Best day ever! (you know, besides my wedding and kids and stuff)
well done! i'm so glad you got something to enjoy and that you remember being there =D
I was thinking to myself not 2 hours before this was uploaded "Man I bet Deviant has a banging gun storage setup, I wonder what it is."
i hope you like the scenes! (at least some of our gun storage is seen in this footage)
For my threat model (random crimes-of-poverty and maybe somebody from a dating app who's mad at me) my low-budget solution's probably adequate. It's a cheap Tractor Supply gun locker, nothing too special - just sheet metal, not concrete or hardened or anything - but I beefed it up with some angle iron and a spot welder so the locking mechanism, piano hinge, and panel joints have a bit more sturdiness to em. Swapped the super cheap wafer lock for the equivalent-size Abloy disc detainer (so it at least takes above-street-level skill and a specialized tool to pick) and drilled it into two walls and the floor with lag screws. Yeah, if they've got time and don't mind being loud they can get in, but it'll be loud and give the tenant on the other side of the wall who works the opposite shift from me, and the two neighboring houses with 3 foot fences and angry pit bulls that end up in my yard at the slightest provocation, time to react.
It's all in the threat model, and how much money you have. The cheap gun cabs are "better than nothing" just cause they make things bulkier and more annoying to deal with and can be bolted to the floor, deters casual smash-n-grab theft and keeps em away from small fingers. When the alternative at the price point is a stack of Harbor Freight Pelican cases under the bed, something that can't just be walked off with to figure out later is an upgrade, especially with how friggin LOUD it is when you mess with those sheet metal cabinets, even if you HAVE the key. The 10% rule applies too, cause a $150 cabinet holding a $300 SKS, a $400 hunting rifle, a $100 plinker and a $600 budget build works out.
As for fire, that's less of a worry to me - my house is built oldschool plaster-and-lath which has pretty good fire resistance and has proven itself cause this house ALREADY BURNED ONCE about 12 years ago and just needed the kitchen ceiling redone and a new coat of paint, the smoke detectors in this unit also set off the ones on the other side of the duplex with the aforementioned opposite-shift tenant, and the time it takes from the nosy old ladies down the street seeing a smoke plume to the fire department showing up is 10 minutes at most even if the alarms don't go off (judging by the two times neighbors have had their shed and greenhouse, respectively, catch fire). If I was worried I'd turn it on its side and pour in some portland-and-perlite refractory cement to the non-wall/floor sides and screw some Durock to the door.
I have ADHD, so the fact that I manage to watch some of your really long videos (even if it sometimes takes two or three sittings to get through) should be evidence that you manage to present things in an interesting way. Don't sell yourself short!
Two important things I've learned today...
1. Don't step in to a safe.
2. Live-streaming works inside said safe.
3. Keep the firearms away from the boat...
Golden Rods work by managing the moisture I would say, not removing it. When placed at the bottom of the safe they keep warmer air circulating and increase the ambient temperature of the safe, relative to the outside air, and thus decrease the relative humidity. My understanding is that it allows the air to hold more moisture and is also circulating that air (and slowly exchanging with the outside air) thus not allowing it to condense on a surface.
I have legitimately have never once heard of someone with Golden rod or similar product complain of rust on their guns if its plugged in and warm. Much simpler solution than having to frequently “recharge” desiccant.
yes that makes sense to me now, thanks!
Good talk. I'm wishing you borrowed a clip of me picking the old Vaultek Safe wafer lock. I posted at least three videos of that attack, and the videos are still watched because nobody else did it. But I really appreciate the mention. Maybe I'll get motivated to do more with that channel, if I can learn to enjoy playing Wack-a-Mole with Chinese manufacturers.
Great talk Deviant, I'll watch your longform content any day. Would love to hear you rank residential or commercial burglary alarms & discuss common vulnerabilities. Thank you for sharing your knowledge!
Drew would be the one to give a talk like that... maybe we'll do a "10 best tips" video one day
Glad to see you cover this so thoroughly; I don't think anyone can easily get into my ultimate storage safe: the bottom of the lake.
Also, you can put a fire safe inside your fire safe... put your important documents and USB drives inside a small fire rated safe inside the big fire rated safe.
Good Talk Ollam, as always. Interesting to learn how convoluted the UL tags are, and how easily people can be miss led. Also interesting how many "fire proof" things are rated by their own company, rather than the UL.
Yeah, it's a sea of imperfect information
Regarding "plug in" dehumidifiers, my dad's plan is to put a backup storage device inside his gunsafe. Supposedly keeping the inside of the safe slightly above room temp provides protection from moisture because the higher heat simply prevents water from condensing inside the safe; it shouldn't matter if there's some humidity as long as it doesn't condense.
That said, I might get him one of those bakeable dehumidifiers anyway.
ah, i hear you
I know of several people who put their Network Attached Storage (NAS) devices inside their safe (storage containers) for the same reason. If you're in a humid climate then it's probably a good idea to use a couple approaches - belt and suspenders. Desiccant is pretty inexpensive.
Doesn't matter how long a video is as long as it's important information. There's always the option of watching at 1.5x or 2x if you need to save time.
Oh wow, in Germany now you need a safe certified by EN 1143-1, meaning resistance against mechanical and thermal working tools.
41:00 talking about the heat rating of safes, you know how you said you'd want to keep a super important document below 350 so the paper doesn't smoke, and for a thumb drive you'd want it below like 150 or so.
highly recommend just buying one of those insulated thermoses which can withstand a huge temperature differential like a champ, and putting that inside of your safe. that second barrier means even when the inside of the safe is 350, the inside of the thermos may stay below 200 for a few hours. i have one of those super insulated water bottles where i keep all of my weird prepper-ass fire starting materials and shit
I like the long videos b/c they give you time where stuff just happens to come up in your brain, little tidbits. Stuff like the 50-25-50.
Love your stuff, not a gun owner (yet) but appreciate the stuff you covered, especially touching on the points of mental health. Not interested in the patches (I actually do embroidery, so I make them for others myself) but always love when you give back, as you always do!
Stay safe!
Friendly reminder to become a gun owner if you haven't gotten around to it yet.
The first gun purchase is difficult. Do it now before it’s impossible.
@@chrismullin8304 you can buy a gun today, you'll be able to buy one tomorrow, next year, 20 years from now, and so on.
What you may not be able to buy are unnecessary firearms and accessories, like high capacity magazines, automatic (or semi) weapons, excessive caliber ones, etc. Things that would not be needed in a normal situation. And I'm OK with that.. I don't need a neighbor to have something that could rapidly fire a large number of rounds that could go through multiple houses, and I don't see any reason, why a normal, law abiding citizen in the us would need military grade armorments.
You're a really good instructor - that's why I dig into your channel now.
In germany you need to use a safe that is tested on its resistance against forced entry. The more guns you want to put in it, the more resistant it has to be. They rate them in resistance units. Basically, they have a list of tool categories, like dismanteling tools, hand drills, electric drills... and additionally a rating for the bulkiness of the tool.
So, an average sized electric drill would have a rating of 7.5 RU/m. So, if you have a class 1 safe(which is the class you can store as many guns in as you like), it should be able to survive at least 6:40m of drilling, because class 1 safes have a rating of 50RU.
Lock up your power tools along with the guns!!!! Had a friend get hit by teenagers. When they couldn't get into the gun safes, they got the Sawzall and circular saw in the garage, cut every stud on the first floor. House was a complete loss.
Hah, yikes!
Seen it too. Thieves don't pick locks. They grab the whole cabinet/safe and take it back to their den and pick it there with a cutting torch.
Is there a video you recommend about how to secure one's home?
Finally got around to watching this. I'll be moving soon and I will finally be upgrading my storage. Lots of great info here! Thanks my dude!
33:53 "...if someone broke into your house looking for y'know dru-- like medicine..." lol
Dev, this is brilliant. Thanks.
you're most welcome!
liberty safes, perfectly fine company... aged like milk
Fill me in? I'm new to this world.
@@iPigthey will give authorities access to your safe if asked
@@treal512 Oof. Good to know. Thanks.
Great talk!!! Shared it in a few of my firearms groups.
that's cool to hear 👍
Good video I agree with your assessment of security assessment.
For humidity control in an RSC with power inside, try one of the mini powered dehumidifers that actually removes water. I have one that holds about a pint of water and it works great.
As for a power tool to open the safe/container, metal cutting circular saws will open a sheet metal RSC almost as easy as a beer can.
@47:45, the closed open magnets, RED is supposed to be for open, no closed.
I grew up with completely unlocked guns. I knew where the fully loaded home defense shotguns where, and where the ammo was stored. The reason we never had any issues is because I also grew up shooting them, understanding them, cleaning them, ect. The part that really hit home for me is not making them the forbidden fruit.
I disagree with you politically, but that's life. Learning only from those you agree with can cut people off from invaluable information, like your own. Besides, the more people we can get on the pro-gun side the better!
Mad respect.
48:07 if you don’t mind sharing, who makes your under bed lock setup?
Hmm this video is two years old, from recent happenings when RUclips recommended it to me I expected this video was much more recent.
I listen to long form content because I work 10 hours a day, 6 days a week and don't like running back to my phone every 10 minutes to change videos
Stumbled onto this today. Awesome video.
The collection at ians house reminds me of my uncle's. He has a whole vault in his basement full of guns some modern some "de-militarized"/"disabled" and his tour includes jokes about dropping a penny in a slot to re-mil a machine gun.
What would be recommended for storage of keys and codes/combinations. Non internet storage device?
Watching this as an Australia, I'm surprised at what Americans can get away with when it comes to firearm storage. Saying that, for some reason my state allows you to use something made out of solid wood...
At 1:10 you left out a critical point. If you have more than 1000 worth of guns you need Valuable Personal Property insurance if you want them covered past that first 1000 or sometimes 2000. The golden rods are heaters that heat the inside of the safe and by increasing the temperature it drops the relative humidity.
You'll have to talk about Simplisafe sometime, unless you already did on here and I missed it.
In short… all their hardware uses really shitty RF for communication and you can disrupt it by holding down the PTT on a $20 chinese ham radio and completely overpower the sensors. garbage.
@@ertonyrn Ah, well that's just embarrassing for them. Good to know, thanks!
26:00 Yay, illegal devices! TSA gun locks are illegal in the United States by Title 49 CFR § 1540.111 c2. Clause _iv_ states "The container is locked and _only the passenger_ retains the key or combination".
Edit: This is legislation circa 2002~2006! This is nothing new!
And yet you'll have to explain (politely) this to the ticket counter folks and again to most of the TSA agents about 1/2 the time when you properly pack and declare your firearm(s). The other 1/2 of the times they'll just cut off your locks.
Besides the Liberal Gun Club (who I love), there's also the Socialist Rifle Association. They team up with meat processing companies that can process what you hunt and distribute the hunted meat to food pantries and homeless shelters. Also: Love the Tacticool Girlfriend pics.
One method of safer storage for rifles is to keep the BCG out of the rifle and in a safe place. Being able to just pop a pin and drop the BCG in. Prevents the kiddos and idiot roommates from doing something unfortunate.
all good points. i reference the BCG stored elsewhere in the Q&A but it's always good to say that again, yeah
@@DeviantOllam Admittedly, I missed it. Kinda got distracted a few times during the watch.
I work in a noisy environment so I just use the AUX port on my Peltor 300 and cue up long videos. I should have got the Peltor 500, live and learn.
Thanks for another great video Dev! Really enjoyed the breakdown on security containers in particular.
Great presentation! What are your thoughts on spreading guns/ammo out across multiple cheaper storage solutions (maybe that would cumulatively total 10% value of the collection) rather than a single more robust solution? Thanks for your time.
That's what many folk I know do
Great talk, Dev! I love your presentation style. Your slide count per minute is impressive, let alone your deep knowledge of many areas =D
Thanks so much!
You mentioned that you just rake all the compliance locks instead of keeping the keys. It would probably be more work than it's worth but you could just replace them with CH751 locks.
Great video as always, Deviant!
Here in germany there is not a real "gun culture" - more like: guns are bad...
But I really enjoy your videos about topics like that!
Right off the start, did you first read "Surely you're joking Mr. Feynman" before or after you started playing with military safes?
Before. The he used, BTW, is called "back dialing"
@@DeviantOllam There's a hilarious story in the book about this big shot general having a gigantic expensive safe put into his office only to leave it on the default combination.
Great video - thank you. Could you please share your thoughts on the philosophies expressed by firearm cabinet companies like SecureIt of decentralizing storage with small, lightweight cabinets over using a single larger, heavier traditional safe? While decentralization (multiple "secure" locations) of one's firearms makes sense from the standpoint of having greater access when needed over a single central location where a thief (or fire) can have a go at everything in one these lightweight cabinets provide adequate security? Are the claims that even a bungling thief with the right battery-operated power tools can get into most traditional common heavy "gun safes" in about as much time and ease as a gun cabinet like SecureIt...hence, it's better to use multiple, more easily hidden lightweight gun cabinets valid reasoning? What would you employ/recommend as far as a method/device for firearm storage? Thank you!
i would laser engrave me my memes onto stainless steel plate
Came for the guns, stayed for the obscure Star Trek reference. Whales!
Unpopular Opinion, IV is my least favorite of the 6 movies.
Shouldn't safes above a certain size have a way to open them from the inside without a key or code? So that playing children (even older ones) can get out again?
vaults do. because vaults are made specifically for human occupation.
safes generally do not.
you're supposed to fill up your "safe" with "stuff" enough that nobody would be able to fit inside ;-)
Good walkthrough om your perso al security posture! I am still amazed of how unsafe USA is, to have people going to these lengths in order to feel safe.Something was lost along the way.
the USA is a remarkably safe country, like most developed nations
Its not about "feeling" safe, this last year we've already seen how willing people are to fall to authoritarian control. Just look at canada suspending elections again just recently.
@@churblefurbles I presume you're talking about Jan 6th?
@@DeviantOllam ah yes the unarmed protest where a veteran got shot in cold blood, sure that one.
I noticed you use the Securit Answer 12 in some of your video stills. Do you have any useful information on it.
haha my favourite thing about the topic of locks and security is how disc detainer locks are often considered on the higher end concerning security, even recommended by a lot of people and the specific tool that has recently been manufactured to non-destructively bypass disc detainer locks is almost a no-skill tool to successfully pick the lock xD
15:02 that looks like tacticool girlfriend!
good eye
FYI: Ubiquiti now requires the purchase of one of their NVRs and automated backups of footage aren't an easy feat to my knowledge. Unifi Video is now deprecated. Consider this when developing an internal security model.
There's a guy that looks like you and has your mannerisms but is less social at the gas station I work at and I have to do a double-take every time 😂
my supervisor is his spitting image, if a little heavier, it's always a little weird lol
@@TheAechBomb*shows up to work* "oh shit it's devianto....oh I mean hey bossman"
@@trevorc3063 he sounds exactly the same too lmao, I had to ask if they were related in any way. they're not :P
Very early in this talk you pose a question to your audience, and it was likely rhetorical, but I'm going to answer it anyways.
Why do I spend my spare time watching your long videos? Honestly it's three main reasons. I watch you more like an audiobook or podcast than like youtube or a movie. I also use your videos for their educational value, I've learned more from you than from the last four years of history put together (both a point of praise for you, and a blow to the American educational system, and how we teach history in this country.) Lastly I spend time watching your videos because you are one of the few places I see a view of the world similar to mine in the media.
Your video's, especially your longer videos, serve the same place in my life as audio-books serve is many of my peer's lives. I will put on one of your con-talks, or something like your recent video with Merrick when I'm playing video games, or doing the dishes, or even sometimes during opens at work. Most of the time you're on audio only, rather than audio and video because just listening is so cool. In addition, I learn a ton from your videos. I may or may not have spent almost an hour playing music in an elevator in the Florence building (in that one small town in Montana where you used to live, and talked about in one of your old talks with a whiskey from reds bar and a door to that one bank) "playing music in the Florence building" with my friends on independent mode, then realized that I couldn't un-pick the lock and had to call building security and explain to them that their elevator was on independent service..... anyways.
You are also one of the only people in the media, and indeed one of the only adults in my life, who shares the same views of the world as I do. I used to call them labral libertarian, but now thanks to your talk with Merrick I simply call them leftist. It's really powerful to see that these views aren't just me being on the borderline between socialism and anarchy, but are real views and opinions held by other people. A while back I saw one of your videos about the corona-virus, and interacting with neighbors. It had a quote in it that really spoke to me: "Who protects us, we protect us"
I'd also like to apologize for the possible creep factor of "that one small town in Montana.." above. In one of your earlier talks I heard something along the lines of 'I live in this small town in Montana where like sci show is filmed' and though hold up, I live in that small town in Montana where sci show is filmed. And later in, *through the eyes of a thief* I heard red's bar, and thought wo, that's like just down the road from me.....
Anyway, I'd just like to say tank you for everything you've done, and I look forward to more content, and maybe seeing you at either a convention, or maybe even RTA ;) someday.
that is such a lovely thing to share. thank you. :-) i treat some other RUclipsrs the same way (Alec from Technology Connections, Natalie from ContraPoints, and Norman from Gaming Historian come to mind especially) and find them very soothing to listen to.
awesome that we've both lived in Missoula! (my keyboard wanted to change that to "lied in Missoula" and given our work in security, etc, maybe that's also true, ha!)
@@DeviantOllam "lied in missoula" that's also great. I didn't want to drop the name in case that wasn't something you wanted to be public information. I don't work in security *yet*, although I hope to change that, I'm still in high school so I'm a little early. I'm about to go check ContraPoints out because I haddn't heard of them before, but I intend to check them out.
I (used to) sell gun safes. Electronic safes are the most vulnerable to breaking into. Most safes have common keypad circuitry.