We carry them! ruclips.net/user/redirect?event=comments&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbGpCMU16bEFUclF5UHBVTTgzWF9wWEJIWjN4d3xBQ3Jtc0ttX2tvNXJmdlBKekRQeWFKeUtFMjFQejVrYjJEZ0hPSlNlcTZVRkdOOHhEMzVkS2l3dW5FWExvUFFxazNyNkJjZmxMck94N29uQkMwQlNYSF9jTG02NFhhckRLNG9aOEZIdDlJZnZwamRtQl9yWFAxUQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fbigbendsaddlery.com%2FQuick-Change-for-Thick-Leathers-p241723439
Great tip! Thanks for all the great tips and insights over the years!
Good to know! Thanks!
I've come across stainless Blevins on saddles, but haven't been able to find a source for them.
We carry them!
Where can you find stainless steel can find the slides but not the post piece out of stainless still all aluminum
Hello! We sell the stainless buckles. Check them out here: