American Reacts to 13 things you NEED TO KNOW before visiting Germany!

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024
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Комментарии • 478

  • @lindsaypolkinghorne22
    @lindsaypolkinghorne22 Год назад +519

    Always makes me laugh when people from the USA complain about paying for bathroom visits or water at restaurants but are prepared to pay a fortune for eduction and health care

    • @pakabe8774
      @pakabe8774 Год назад +7

      This phenomenon is quite new. Till the 90s it was very very very uncommon to pay for bathroom anywhere, at least I can't remember that you have had to pay anywhere. Quite often it is illegal to take money for bathroom use, because any restaurant or place that offers food and drinks with a specific minimum of seats have to have (free) toilettes for their guests. Only train stations took money for using toilettes, but if I remember correct this was just in bigger cities and to hinder drug using.

    • @DerAlteMann1974
      @DerAlteMann1974 Год назад +8

      Or an ambulance...

    • @Sc4v3r
      @Sc4v3r Год назад +6

      ​@@pakabe8774 We are talking about public toilets. The ones in shopping malls, at train stations and so on. Restrooms in restaurants are not public restrooms as they arp only intended for the customers of that restaurant and not for the general public.
      In the 80's and 90's there were "cleaning ladies" in front of every public toilet who you could tip. The thought was the same: She (at that time they were almost always women) keep the toilet clean and get the tip for it. That works less well. If the work was done badly, the tip was reduced, and then the work was done worse again... and so on. Public restrooms became a nightmare in Germany. Then the system was changed and professional cleaning companies took over the cleaning. Also due to legal requirements, it could no longer be implemented professionally by the previous staff. But such companies cost money and so everyone has to make their contribution, but benefits from it.

    • @pakabe8774
      @pakabe8774 Год назад +3

      @@Sc4v3r I am talking about that as well, but I do not exclude other parts of the issue. If you go to a Restaurant at the Autobahn-Raststätte, they are taking money from you - even it formerly was public property and because of that the companies made contracts to keep it free for everybody. I don't call the point of contract, I call the point of law, that they have to have it free for their customers what they don't!
      In the 90's all public toilettes were free and most of them were as clean or dirty as today! And no, there where no "cleaning ladies" who are asking for tips, that came up on toilettes where the owners don't want to break the law but wanted to put some psychological pressure to customers to pay for use.
      And now, you are doing historical misrepresentation, because companies like Wall AG and others made offers to overtake the municipal obligation to offer public toilettes and therefore make it free for towns and cities, if the comopanies in return are getting public space for advertisements. Sure, some toilettes where in bad shape, but it never was the majority - at least they weren't worse than nowadays!

    • @kidsyx
      @kidsyx Год назад

      Lol. Let's not pretend Germans aren't taxed through the asshole. I literally work with a German who's moved to Australia because the tax is so shit and you gey paid like hired help so everything is too expensive 😂 it's not just Americans who think germany is a shithole. Better countries than America and Germany think its a dystopian nightmare. 😂 the only good thing there is the autobarn and even then is constantly under construction so you can't use it as intended.

  • @user-jq9ri3pv7q
    @user-jq9ri3pv7q Год назад +22

    Water in Germany is usually (!) not free of charge because many restaurants are earning their money to a great percentage with drinks, not only with food. So while the food is usually very affordable in restaurants, they calculate to also make money with the drinks. So if water would be free, people would order less drinks, and the calculation wouldn't work for them. So the reason is mainly HOW restaurants earn their money. In the US, drinks are often cheaper or free, because the restaurants earn their money more with food, and then food is also more expensive.
    That's why. :-)

    • @seto108
      @seto108 Год назад

      genau sehr gut gesagt... ich meine du würdes nur ein gericht essen ( falls du sehr grossen hunger hast 2 portion) aber danach willst du nichts mehr essen weil du satt bis und kein essen bestellt......

    • @maxi9560
      @maxi9560 Год назад

      Man kann sogar sagen das Wir quer durchs ganze Land hervorragendes Trinkwassser in den Wasserleitungen haben, aber auch sehr Stolz auf unser "Mineralwasser" sind. Außerdem mögen die Deutschen und besonders der Staat ( über Steuern ) gern sehr korrekt und es ließe sich schwer belegen wieviel Wasser verbraucht wurde und wieviel Wasser "verschenkt" wurde. Es gibt also verschiedene Gründe für diese "Tradition" und alle sind zusammen der Grund dafür warum es kein kostenloses Wasser gibt.
      You could even say that we have excellent drinking water in the water pipes across the country, but we are also very proud of our “mineral water”. In addition, the Germans and especially the state (through taxes) like to be very correct and it would be difficult to prove how much water was used and how much water was "given away". So there are different reasons for this "tradition" and all of them together are the reason why there is no free water.

  • @BadBoy-re8ow
    @BadBoy-re8ow Год назад +41

    Gidday Joel. I am from Australia and I have visited Germany twice on business trips. As a tourist, I can vouch that I found this video to be a very accurate description of my experiences there. On another note: water has to also purchased in Australia in most cases. Australian households and businesses have to pay quarterly bills for supply of water and for the amount of water used over the billing period. We are also charged a sewage disposal fee on our water bills.

    • @pakabe8774
      @pakabe8774 Год назад +3

      In Germany every liter of tap water has to be paid, even it is not that big of a deal. If you ask for, you also would get tap water for free at many places in Germany, but in restaurants they aren't very happy about that, because many places don't really earn much with food and make their profit with drinks. Sure, imo they should charge a fair price for the food and should offer free tap water, but that's how it is :D

    • @kidsyx
      @kidsyx Год назад

      That's not true. Most places in Australia you ask for water and it's free. Where I'm from we don't even pay water bills. Our water is free until you go over the excess. You're taking about shit hole capital cities like Sydney and Brisbane who have to run water restrictions becuase they can't stop selling water to cotton farms and wasting it watering footy ovals and golf courses. In just 1 part of Australia there's more rainfall per year than the Amazon rainforest (1500 mm). Where i live 1600 mm of water falls over the entirety of my state in less than a 6 month period.

    • @obsidianwing
      @obsidianwing Год назад

      You can also go in any public ( clean) Bathroom and fill your bottle with Water on the Tabs for Free. Just make sure its not Raiwater but this has to be Marked as " no drinking water" ( a crossed water tap). I carry active coal Filter Bottle so i can refill it everywhere for free and the filter get rid of the lime.

  • @cxgx4503
    @cxgx4503 Год назад +2

    Hey man, german guy here: First of all, I really enjoy watching your videos, as a German they're entertaining to watch, also I like that you're willing to take a look outside the box and to learn stuff about our culture :)
    A few additional things to the video:
    Drinking in public/drinking in general: Germans often drink to have a nice evening and not to end up being wasted. If you're going to a party and start drinking alcohol, it doesn't mean that you're getting totally shit-faced. Working with a lot of Americans (military) I've noticed that many of them either go hard or go home. Meaning IF they're drinking, they usually do it to get wasted. Germans tend to have a few drinks and then just enjoy the rest of the evening, especially on the example she mentioned when sitting next to a river or lake during the summertime. Correct me if I'm wrong, that's just my experience with the Americans I've met.
    Jaywalking: Unfortunately she missed out the most important rule: You do NOT, no matter of how much you're in a hurry, you do NOT walk on a red light if there is a child either waiting next to you or on the other side of the road. If you do that and there are other grown-ups noticing that, you'll 100% be called out for that.
    Speaking german/english: I personally do appreciate when Americans try and make the effort to speak german, it is a sign of respect if someone approaches you in your country and doesn't simply expect you to speak their language (even though as mentioned in the video, we're able to)
    Just a few thoughts I had while watching, feel free to ask anything if you're curious :)

  • @ivylasangrienta6093
    @ivylasangrienta6093 Год назад +6

    Tipping isn't mandatory, it's just a nice bonus.

  • @Frohds14
    @Frohds14 Год назад +11

    Some thoughts about the opening times:
    Our shops are closed on Sundays AND public holidays. E.g. on
    - May 1st
    - October 3rd,
    - Good Friday,
    - Easter and White Monday,
    - Ascension Day,
    - Pentecost Monday,
    - Corpus Christi,
    - Reformation Day or All Saints' Day,
    - Noon at Christmas eve to 26th 2.5 days,
    - Noon at New Year's Eve to New Year's Day.
    - in some regions at Three Kings Day/Epiphany (January 6th) , International Women's Day (March 8th; in Berlin only) and World Children's Day (September 20th, only in Thuringia), Assumption of Mary (August 15th) or Lenting-Day (in November).
    As a tourist, you should definitely take a look at a German calendar beforehand.
    At least in rural not so touristy regions, the petrol stations are at public holidays only open for a few hours.
    Our opening times are not around the clock either, there are no Spaetis (kind of 7-Eleven) everywhere.
    Most supermarkets open at 7am and close at 10pm. At the moment - because of the energy crisis - in my region from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.
    You should approach that with a realistic GERMAN view. We know, just because a shop is open many hours or on Sundays does not mean that customers spend more money there. Even American supermarkets can only afford the long opening hours because they save on staff.
    They only get starvation wages, are not even allowed to sit, rarely have a full-time job so that no benefits have to be paid, overtime is required, only after a year they get vacation and sick days, but shouldn't use the all if possible, otherwise they will get fired for flimsy reasons.
    We don't have anything of that. Our staff has rights, e.g. for benefits on Sundays and Holidays - (in some branches they get 2 times of the money per hour and every working hour count's 2.5 - so 10€ an hour means 50€ for the employer) . Nowadays the supermarket bosses are even considering reducing the opening hours because there is far too few staff on the market and the long opening times also cost a lot of energy. It's not worth it for only 20 customers who come after 9 p.m. They could have come at 8 p.m. I have to admit that I really like going shopping on Saturday evenings after 8 pm because I'm almost alone in the market, no screaming kids, no impatient pensioners. Rarely are there more than 5 customers in the whole supermarket at the same time, but there must be security present, two persons in the separated beverage market, at least two in the supermarket, and one in the bakery. 5 customers 6 employees. However, the 5 customers and I do not buy so much that the hourly wages of these people are actually earned.
    We have a staff shortage because very few are dependent on a 2nd or 3rd job. None of our teachers have to sit at the supermarket checkout in the evening to pay off their tuition fees. Very few students have to work part-time because our universities are mostly free and parents are obliged to pay for their education. There is even child benefit up to the age of 25.
    And no employee in the whole EU is allowed to work more than 48 hours a week in total. The bosses have to pay attention to this, otherwise they are liable to prosecution. If someone works the usual 39 hours a week, they can only do a temporary job with a further 9 hours, but under no circumstances may they work a single hour of overtime. That's why it's no longer so easy to get approval from your main employer. And even harder to get people for temporary jobs.

    • @Alina_Schmidt
      @Alina_Schmidt 14 дней назад

      Yeah, agreed, just not on two things:
      Stores aren‘t usually open til 10 pm. They can, but 8 pm is more common, especially for not so big stores. In bavaria (a state in south germany) stores mustn‘t be open after 8 pm (with a few exceptions).
      Students do work. Studying is not entirely free in germany. There are no direct student fees for public universities, but you still pay every semester for infrastructure-services (to the organisation who runs student homes and provides lunches and for the public transit ticket mostly). Probably a lot cheaper altogether, but even just living in general is expensive when you study most of the time. Not everyone‘s parents can, want to or do pay for studies and it‘s especially difficult for people from poor households. So many, many students work and/or use student loans. Then they do end their studies with debt.

  • @johnfisher9816
    @johnfisher9816 Год назад +5

    Hi Joel, another good video. Bottled water for sure. I never drink tap water because your digestive system may be sensitive to water changes. Bowel issues are to be avoided at all costs when travelling. Germans are very reserved, which can come across as cold and indifferent. They actually are very nice and helpful, and I have always been spoiled travelling around Germany. In short, I could live there quite comfortably. Paying to pee is common in Europe, e.g., "Madam Peepee" in France, who is the attendant. German customer service joke, "Velcome to Lufthansa, and you VILL enjoy the flight!!!!" John in Canada

  • @Xalinai
    @Xalinai Год назад +1

    Bottled water is sold at 3 - 4€ for a 300ml bottle. And for tipping some Germans use a 3F rule: Fast, Friendly, Flawless, each worth 5%. And yes, bad service might result in no tip.

  • @norbertzillatron3456
    @norbertzillatron3456 Год назад +1

    The tap water in German is usually high quality, and you can drink it without any health concerns. The issue with water in restaurants is that the meals are comparatively cheap, so they need to make some extra money on drinks. That's why drinks in a restaurant cost a lot more than the same stuff in the grocery store, and also why they don't like (or refuse) to provide free tap water. Waiters are paid like in other jobs, so they don't rely on tips as much as in the US. That's why tipping is optional, but it's considered to be good form to show appreciation of good service/quality by tipping about 10%.

    • @seto108
      @seto108 Год назад +2

      je nachdem was für laune du hast, kannst du ( musst du nicht ) trinkgeld drauf legen. aber das ist kein musst, in deutschen gesetz steht nicht drauf du MUSST trinkgeld geben.

  • @MsAaannaaa
    @MsAaannaaa Год назад +1

    1. tipping is not necessarily expected but still a nice thing to do & the 10% are also what I usually give.
    2. tap water isn't free for the restaurants so it's up to them to give it to you for free. many places do, some don't. you have to specifically ask for tap water though, not just water ("Leitungswasser")- the quality is actually top notch. when they don't offer it it's probably because their margin is bigger on the beverages & not so much on the food.
    3. the places where you can't pay electronically are clearly the minority but it can happen. post covid a lot has changed for sure.
    4. with German customer service mentality my experience has been "what goes around comes around". don't act as if they're lesser than you and you should be fine. ;) and if one of them is grumpy, just ignore it and don't take it personally. it's most definitely not about you.
    5. paying to pee only applies to specific public toilets that are basically a business & not attached to another business. restaurants, cafés and bars usually allow their customers to use the bathroom free of charge & ask for 50cent from non customers who just drop in to use the bathroom. in my experience you don't have to pay the 50 cents if you ask really nicely before you use the bathroom. give them a smile & show some gratitude & you're good.
    6.the jaywalking thing is a bit outdated in my opinion and also depends on the region/area you live.
    7. yes, GTFO the bike lane. I'm one of those angry cyclists yelling at people blocking the way. xD if you hear a bikebell, just move to the side, don't look around first. thank you.

  • @miajohanna2048
    @miajohanna2048 Год назад

    It’s true, some strangers just don’t like to talk with others. But that’s mostly not the case. Maybe if you’re in the shops you won’t have small talk with the cashier because she is busy, but by saying “ugh this line is not getting any shorter” you will get a nice answer.

  • @sksaddrakk5183
    @sksaddrakk5183 Год назад

    Water costs something (even tap water) because the staff has still to bring it to your table and clean the dishes afterwards. It is the same in Switzerland. However, in Switzerland, tipping is NOT expected, but if you think the waiting stuff went above and beyond, some small tip is appropriate (often people round up to the next 5er, depending on the check)...

  • @michaelfiedler1419
    @michaelfiedler1419 Год назад +2

    Always great to welcome visitors from States, I used to live in California myself and know that getting adjusted, one way or another seems complicated. My fellow German in the video hasn't mentioned anything controversial, everything she says matches my personal experience. You of course havesome public bathrooms free of charge, but the charged ones are very clean. Water in restaurants is completely true, I don't know any place in Germany where the offer tab water. I dont know the reason, but tab water might be illegal to serve, I am not sure though. By the way Germany offers the cleanest tab wab water you think of, just dont expect in a restaurant. Cash still is very think here, could be because of trust issues, people don't fully understand card payments, hence they tend to not trust them. Tips in restaurants are only expected if you're satisfied, if you didn't like the service, dont tip.

  • @vanessaschiefereder8590
    @vanessaschiefereder8590 Год назад

    4:43 update from 2023, since COVID you can pay contactless everywhere. You always have some cash with you if you need it

  • @tammy2084
    @tammy2084 Год назад

    About the tipping and customer service in Germany:
    As a German i can tell you that tipping at restaurants is not required or something, you usually tip the waiter if they did a good Job ( Same goes for food delivery services)
    About the customer service:
    People that Work in Shops, Stores, Supermarktes etc. are in fact nice and are willing to Help you ofc, but they won't come Up to you and ask you If you need something. And also they don't Put Up with rude customers. So yeah in comparisson to america we might come across cold or rude, but Most are just doing their Thing the fastest way possible without bothering to be overly pleasing to people.

  • @raiklitzenberger1560
    @raiklitzenberger1560 Год назад

    Free water is available at some places, at least to refill your own bottle. The places have a blue sign with a waterdrop on it. But other than those places I dont know of many where you can have free water.

  • @MrAta64
    @MrAta64 Год назад

    water: normally it has to be paid, if u want a water"version" from the menucard (what is only bottled). but it differs: if ure asking friendly and especially for Tapwater (except in restaurants). Party locations (most electrro ones :P) serve Tapwater if ure asking, but its not allowed to set it on the menucard, cause of waterquality..not because of the waterquality of the city or area but of the Building its served in (old pipes etc.). So the waterstandard is that high, that tapwater has t be measured in each restaurant for itself and that kills the thinking of serving tapwater. Many companies in germany have waterfilters or filtermachines that are used for getting tapwater in carafes in meetings. But its a "service" and will cost money

  • @CellurizonDe
    @CellurizonDe Год назад

    It’s an acutal thing to pay for water in germany! Greetings from Hannover,Germany ❤

  • @lukassteinbrink322
    @lukassteinbrink322 Год назад

    Tap water will cost of course, as you know our tap water is totally fine to drink and we have to pay for it cause a lot of water gets reprocessed and that have to be payed too. That old water gets reprocessed might sound a bit strange but our processes are good enough to bring it back into rivers and other stetches of water so it gets back in to the cycle.

  • @toofunny-q6i
    @toofunny-q6i Месяц назад

    They're often ice cubes in drinks at restaurants in Germany, I would say

  • @clement2780
    @clement2780 Год назад

    most museums are closed on mondays , hungary vatican sunday, naples tues wed, dresden tues, paris tues,

  • @enthaupter_
    @enthaupter_ 11 месяцев назад

    Regarding the tipping in Germany, I usually round up to the next 5 or 10 € Mark, so if the Bill is 12,40 I would round it up to 15; if the Bill is 88€ I would Round it to 100€; always striking a balance between how much I spent and how much the next 5/10er mark is away from the original Bill - This comes down to the size of the bank notes, the smales Euro-Note is 5€, so I don't want to pay with a mix of coins and Bills so I round to the next point where I can only pay with Bills and not with coins/don't get any coins back

  • @lachlanmain6004
    @lachlanmain6004 Год назад +4

    I've had experience of the language issue, I was going to travel to Hamelin by train so I spent a day learning how to ask for a return rail ticket in German, trying to show willing etc. I walked up to the ticket desk and asked for the tickets in my newly minted German and the ticket man handed them over and as he did he asked "And what part of England are you from?" It was done very pleasantly without and snarkiness but I couldn't help going away a little bit deflated. I don't know if it's still a thing but in Germany queueing didn't seem to be as much a thing as in the UK??

    • @alansmithee8831
      @alansmithee8831 Год назад +1

      @Lachlan Main. I feel quite smug now that I was asked "Du bist Holländer?".

    • @lachlanmain6004
      @lachlanmain6004 Год назад +1

      @@alansmithee8831 Dug myself into another hole trying to explain that my father was Scots, took my a little bit and a bit of pantomiming from the guy I was talking too for me to work out that "das doodlebag" meant bagpipes.

    • @JaniceHope
      @JaniceHope Год назад +1

      I don't know if it's still a thing but in Germany queueing didn't seem to be as much a thing as in the UK?
      Well, not in a straight line. It's an unspoken system and it's for the most part respected. You keep in mind who was there before you and who arrived after you and that's how you know when it's your turn. Meanwhile you can mill around and do stuff... but don't miss it when it's your turn in the waiting crowd! (though often the person who came after you will ask you if it isn't your turn now)

  • @ISOMNIA666
    @ISOMNIA666 Год назад

    and german teens are most likely to help u out as a tourist. Most of them can speak english and are friendly. Like for example asking for streets

  • @sneshubr5192
    @sneshubr5192 Год назад

    The paying for water will be similar to in the UK. Certain places aren't aloud to give tap water to customers due to health and safety so bottled water is all they have to offer.

  • @silviahannak3213
    @silviahannak3213 Год назад

    It's not only about Vocabulary. There are more Grammar and personal Article Rules.

  • @ingeleuk
    @ingeleuk 7 месяцев назад

    there are no ice cubes in drinks because most people, like me, don't want their drinks that cold. i like it cool or sometimes room temperature

  • @cadeeja.
    @cadeeja. Год назад

    Water costs, because you usually do get bottled / mineral water, not tab water. Also take in consideration, that waiters are paid a lot more here than in the US, so this money has to be "made" first :)

  • @Nina-rj4nu
    @Nina-rj4nu Год назад +4

    How good is German food!? Mad rich! 😋🍲😊

  • @shacks29
    @shacks29 Год назад

    You can pay with Card,watch and Phone at all Gasstations,Restaurants,Grocery Stores etc. she is refering to very small businesses that are very rare nowadays...also Germans love their Cash its that easy....its 50:50 when it comes to paying with Plastic or Cash.

  • @susanah7157
    @susanah7157 Год назад

    After Covid more people uses cards for payments but it is still very common to pay cash. Two reasons for that. First cash payment is more anonymous and second germans like to have control about the money they really spend.

  • @bastianroth1204
    @bastianroth1204 Год назад

    ehm... Im not sure to what kind of restaurants Felicia went to but shes also from Munich, Baveria (The Texas of Germany) and that says a lot. Im from Rhineland-Palatinate and we actually have a great customer service here, including having a reception that gets you seated and ofcourse free tap water. This could be related to the American airbase Ramstein that exists near Kaiserslautern (or K-Town) but I dont think so. Also you dont have to tip. Its completly normal to pay without tipping but I usually do it, unless the service was unpleasant which it never is.

  • @duchon46
    @duchon46 Год назад

    If cash leaves your hand,you see how it goes away.And so you think two times if it need to buy all that stuff.
    It helps to save some money

  • @n00b_tastisch
    @n00b_tastisch Год назад

    tip isn´t expected its a nice gift but actually its included in the salary

  • @minecraftcommandnerd1280
    @minecraftcommandnerd1280 Год назад

    Sometimes you can ask for tap water in Germany and it's clean and all, it's just sometimes seen as weird or even rude, but it can't hurt to ask ;)

  • @Ink_The_Moth2935
    @Ink_The_Moth2935 Год назад

    Water is usually the more expensive then other drinks

  • @ladychaos379
    @ladychaos379 Год назад

    About the water.....our tab water is high quality and you can drink it. But because the restaurants earn more money from the drinks then the food.....nothing drinkable (including tab water) is for free in the restaurants. ;)

  • @toomasargel8503
    @toomasargel8503 Год назад

    04:41 You are choking but reason is bank take at card terminal ( yes that little device) every pay 2,89 % to bank and little company / cafe get 2,89 % less profit .

  • @OlliBoppard
    @OlliBoppard Год назад

    I would like to explain about the water.
    In Germany, mostly mineral water is served. Germans love sparkling and still mineral water. The older population in particular does not like to drink tap water, although the quality is more than excellent. Try the tap water in your room, take it with you in bottles. It has been strictly tested and is ideal for drinking.
    In restaurants you get small or large bottles because mineral water must never be served in a glass but always in a bottle (Mineral Water Ordinance). Water that is served to you in a glass is table water, but it is very rare.
    Because the bottles are wholesale and relatively expensive, water is charged. But it has to be said that German restaurants are a lot cheaper than in the UK or the USA, but offer excellent quality.
    Advice: Each region has its own specialities

    • @seto108
      @seto108 Год назад

      Wenn du ein restaurant hast würdest auch nicht gratis wasser servieren da würdes du auch ein preis setzen... wieso? wenn ich bei dir bin esse nur ein gericht bestelle die nur kostet 10 € kostet und du sagts leitungswasser ist gratis dann würde ich nachdem essen nur leitungswasser trinken ... und am ende zahle ich NUR 10€ mehr auch nicht, so da frage ich mich wer hier verluste macht , ich oder du als restaurant besitzer? also ich auf jedenfall nicht im gegenteil ich hab gespart und nur für das essen ausgegeben statt getränke wie cola etc auszugeben , jetzt fragst du nach trinkgeld... trinkgeld MUSST du nicht geben es ist freiwillig je nachdem wie deine laune ist ( wenn z.b. gute bedienung hast), es gibt kein gesetz in deutschland das du trinkgeld zahlen MUSST. es ist bereits inklusiv in essen drin.

    • @OlliBoppard
      @OlliBoppard Год назад

      @@seto108 weil ich Geld verdienen möchte. Wenn du alles verschenken möchtest, ist das ja okay, aber auch Leitungswasser kostet Geld. Zugegeben, nicht so viel wie das teure Mineralwasser, aber ich mache mir nicht den Umsatz kaputt. Vergleichsweise zu anderen Ländern ist das Essen in Deutschland wesentlich günstiger. Gerichte wie ein Schnitzel oder Pasta ist nicht teuer. Da kann ein kostenfreies Getränk nicht ein gepriesen sein. Ich habe in New York sehr gut aber sehr teuer gegessen. Auch da habe ich für das erste Getränk etwas bezahlt und konnte dann gratis nachfüllen. Leitungswasser wurde mir da auch nicht angeboten, es gab lediglich Soda. Kostenpflichtig.
      Ich kenne in Deutschland nicht ein Lokal, wo es kostenfrei ist Leitungswasser gibt. Du kannst individuell danach fragen, vielleicht wird es dir nicht berechnet, aber es ist nicht die Regel. Wie gesagt: die deutschen trinken Wasser aus Flaschen und das kostet im Einkauf Geld und das muss bezahlt werden.
      Hätte ich ein Restaurant, würde ich es genauso tun. Alles, was der Gast bei mir am Tisch bestellt, muss bezahlt werden. Individuell kann man eine Ausnahme machen, aber nicht grundsätzlich.

  • @CaosProphet
    @CaosProphet Год назад

    To be fair, nowadays you can buy with cards at about 90% in most european countrys. I do carry some cash with me all the time in case I need it, but exept on special cases I wont need it.

  • @janettesinclair6279
    @janettesinclair6279 Год назад

    First they charge you for the water, then they charge you again to use the bathroom! One cafe I know charges to use the restroom, but if the restroom ticket is presented when you pay, the cost is deducted from the cost of the meal. It is always useful to have a small amount of cash, as many small corner shops, market stalls etc don't accept cards as it's not practical..

    • @VintageTechFan
      @VintageTechFan Год назад +1

      That only happens in touristy areas or inner city, where people always sneaked in to use the bathroom, without contributing to the cleaning costs.
      Normal restaurants don't do that.

  • @BlumenwieseDesign
    @BlumenwieseDesign Год назад

    In over 40 years I haven't seen a place who offers free water or tapwater in Germany, that's really true

  • @hoppefan
    @hoppefan 4 месяца назад

    Metric is actually the official measurement in the us. It is that just nobody uses metric… I think veritasium did a video on that

  • @Wertiich_bs
    @Wertiich_bs Год назад +1

    I was very surprised when I heard that water is free in the USA.

    • @seto108
      @seto108 Год назад

      Ja... aber ich will nicht wissen was da für bakterien rumschwimmt und über wasser qualität will ich nicht wissen wie es in amerika so laufen......willst du danach mit durchfall nach hause fahren?

  • @cassandraadams5691
    @cassandraadams5691 Год назад

    I grew up in Bavaria, Germany and spent 10 years in the US. I am always suprised that "german customer service" is rated so low. The service is mostly very friendly and genuine. While in the US service also depends on the location. In Florida eg the service was sooo fake and over the top! It was very annoying (speaking for shops, not restaurants)... Also, in Miami dont expect any free water at clubs! And who wants that chlorine tasting water anyway? i rather pay for some bottled water. Thanks for your video

  • @stenhard61.46.1
    @stenhard61.46.1 Год назад

    Hey Joel. Did you know that America doesn't use the Imperial System to measure. We use American Customary Units which predate the Imperial System. Tho based on an older English system many of the units with the same names are different in size.

  • @pakabe8774
    @pakabe8774 Год назад

    I often hear in videos from foreigners to foreigners, that we do not tip in Germany or that you shouldn't tip in a restaurant. It is not a must, but if you do not tip it is seen as expression of dissatisfaction or meanness. So if you are satisfied with everything, round about 10 percent are adviced. But tipping isn't common at any place, so at the end it is more about how you feel with it. If you think it is okay, do it, if you think it is not okay, don't tip.

    • @seto108
      @seto108 Год назад

      Thats exactly what I want to said, its up to you... if you are satisfield with the service so you can give tips. there are not law in german you MUST pay tips.

  • @Neakas
    @Neakas Год назад

    Cashless Paying is JUUUUST coming along now in Germany. And im all for it

  • @LordSlayerofLight
    @LordSlayerofLight Год назад

    Yes it is all true. The water costs money because it isn't tap water. I find that younger people in customer service are a tad nicer, because younger Germans are aware of the stereotypes and try to avoid them. Paying to pee exists so that the cleaning personnel are paid fairly, but it's only for public toilets. Cash is a hot topic, because some Germans feel that electric cash takes their freedom away (I don't really get that one myself, but apparently some people don't trust banks and prefer keeping cash hidden away at home ... tho their income is paid to an account, anyway).

  • @boredlord6575
    @boredlord6575 Год назад

    Until covid hit most smaller shops/stores wouldn’t accept card payments due to high transaction fees which the shop owner would have to pay.

  • @FeuerflockenTv
    @FeuerflockenTv Год назад

    Yes water costs erverywhere i think it's wierd in states that water is for free

  • @NightOwl_30
    @NightOwl_30 Год назад

    I think drinking in public is legal in a lot of countries. I was shocked to find out it's illegal in the US.

  • @PokhrajRoy.
    @PokhrajRoy. Год назад

    11:12 Is there something you’d like to share with the class? There’s a cathartic rant in there somewhere.

  • @1EATkids
    @1EATkids Год назад

    15:45 for example (I’m a student who lives in germay born in germany) in english you only have the and in germany you have “der, die, das“ and we also have more but I’m lazy so yeah but we can use a word like “dieser“(the guy can be “der Typ“ or “dieser Typ“ and its also the in a context (and yes german is complex for example my spelling in german is the worst so I got an 6(F) in my “diktat“ (a test for spelling, and its horrible)

  • @juttabecker-bray9176
    @juttabecker-bray9176 11 месяцев назад

    About the water issued ... Germans do Drink a lot of water Just Not tab water. Mineral water, sparkly or Not ist the Common Kind of water.
    My Keyboard ist on German Mode thus the Capital Letters 😄

  • @ea5t3rbunny44
    @ea5t3rbunny44 Год назад

    typing is not expected, but if you can and like the service you are always welcomed to, but here in switzerland, we almost never tip

  • @PokhrajRoy.
    @PokhrajRoy. Год назад

    I remember some of my classmates going to Germany and dealing with the celebrity status of Sparkling Water.

  • @MrLarsgren
    @MrLarsgren Год назад

    im danish and only used cash 3 times over the last 2-3 years

  • @dannyblackwell2426
    @dannyblackwell2426 Год назад +2

    you think us brits like to drink lol word of advice don't get into a drinking match with a German! the beers are very nice. also they have some of the cleanest streets in the whole of europe, even if you accidently drop anything that is classed as litter that's a fine.

  • @michaelklafft7084
    @michaelklafft7084 Год назад

    The pandemic made card payments more popular but my local bakery still only accepts cash for example 😅

  • @lukassteinbrink322
    @lukassteinbrink322 Год назад

    I don't think that trying to use a German hair dryer in the US would break it cause our hair dryers wants 230V and it is only gettin 120V so it should be fine .bBt the other way around, trying to use an American hair dryer in Germany, would defenetly blow it cause the device is now getting 230V instead of the 120V that the hair dryer want

  • @Fthepatriarchy
    @Fthepatriarchy 6 месяцев назад

    My swiss ass: elevator conversation??? We look at the floor at the wall at our phones but we would NEVER talk 😂

  • @Dave-j3b
    @Dave-j3b Год назад

    9:34 Tipping ist normally expected, but I cant imagine, that waiters don’t appreciate free money

  • @andreasth3r3b3ll3
    @andreasth3r3b3ll3 Год назад

    The water you drink out of bottles in Germany is/must not be that good as our tap water, because this gets checked much more often, as the ones you buy. but restaurants earn more money with drinks than something to eat, so they wont spend water for nothing. But i think if you visited a location more often, you will get you water for free. Thx for reaction.

  • @silviahannak3213
    @silviahannak3213 Год назад

    In Austria it is free ! Tab Water, very good. No need for Mineralwasser (bubble Water, which makes you burp and is also not really more healthy) I hope it Stars free. We are already paying for it..why does it cost something in Germany ?

  • @esperanto92
    @esperanto92 Год назад

    cash is the most important thing to us germans caus it allows us to buy stuff anonymously. We dont like to give away our privacy thats why. Greets from Berlin!

  • @55garren
    @55garren 9 месяцев назад

    Its in Sweden you almost cant use cash. Many stores and small butics dont take cash 😅

  • @JesusManera
    @JesusManera Год назад +1

    Pumping first and paying later seems normal everywhere except the US.... The US is the only country where I've ever had to pay first and I found that strange.

  • @miajohanna2048
    @miajohanna2048 Год назад

    I live and come from Germany and I’ve never seen that going to the bathroom is not free. It’s just at stops on the highways. But maybe she has experienced it before.

    • @miajohanna2048
      @miajohanna2048 Год назад

      Oh, what I wanted to add: Most of the times you get a coupon where you get some money off of your next purchase at the shop next to it. But that’s not the case every time. And also not every bathroom at stops on the highways needs money, just the ones who are in shops or taller buildings, but sometimes there are also some small buildings with just two toilets and no shop near and they probably won’t cost anything.

  • @PokhrajRoy.
    @PokhrajRoy. Год назад

    11:20 Best reaction to a title card.

  • @chantalstern126
    @chantalstern126 Год назад

    Bro we don‘t have a pretty good train system in Germany. It‘s completely trash, when you want to take a train it‘s gonna delayed and the following three trains also and you have to take 5 hours for a way originally longing 45 minutes.

  • @APCLZ
    @APCLZ Год назад

    Traditionally, drinks in Germany at Restaurants are expensive because that's what they get their win margin from usually. Usually the food in Restaurants is cheaper than the drinks in comparison... always been like that. So with that, there comes the acceptance that you can't just walk into a restaurant, order food and just drink tap water because that would be a profit loss for the restaurants.

  • @Double_P94
    @Double_P94 Год назад

    so i live my whole life in germany (29years) and i never payed for going to the toilet, thats usually in trainstations or gas stations

  • @duchon46
    @duchon46 Год назад +1

    We need our water to make beer.We can't give it away for free,it's to important😅😅😅

  • @pauldenby878
    @pauldenby878 Год назад +1

    I've been to Berlin a few times and found it to be very good value. Beer prices are reasonable. I don't remember having an issue with card payments anywhere in Germany, but did know to carry cash and think I may have needed it a few times.

  • @durchwaerts
    @durchwaerts Год назад

    I'm German and everything she said is pretty much accurate:)

  • @it-wasnt-me
    @it-wasnt-me Год назад

    she is right

  • @rqn1998
    @rqn1998 Год назад

    Im surprised german drivers aggressive but not with cash. German ppl are down to earth!

  • @toomasargel8503
    @toomasargel8503 Год назад

    15:44 German is same trhee that english . Start learn estonian langugae where ( my native language ) are 14 noun chaces and united words like ( until 8 words thoghetere ) siselaskeklapisäärepooltihend .

  • @PokhrajRoy.
    @PokhrajRoy. Год назад

    Ngl I thought Joel was going to react to Alcohol Culture in Germany and the US. Also, when is the food video happening?

  • @darkherobrine6331
    @darkherobrine6331 Год назад +1

    Water dont cost money in the us??

  • @Morph-ur3fx
    @Morph-ur3fx Год назад

    i am a german and i like the us movies so much. we have the best synchro in this world. Will smith, (born in germany) leo, di caprio , stallone and so other. our german leanguage for the american actors is amazing. you thinj this is a german haha.
    sorry bruce willis was born in ida oberstein in germany. not will smith.

  • @Funnybraindeadguy
    @Funnybraindeadguy Год назад +1

    Wait water in America is free?

  • @celestin77
    @celestin77 Год назад

    "we habe a pretty good train system" hahahahaha ja genau XD

  • @CommanderXy777
    @CommanderXy777 Год назад

    In Germany water cost 1€ or 2€
    In Deutschland kostet Wasser 1€ oder 2€

  • @d.garciamartinez7261
    @d.garciamartinez7261 Год назад

    Du bekommst ja kein Leitungswasser sondern Wasser aus der Flasche. Das kostet dem Gastronomen auch Geld also muss er auch Geld verlangen

  • @Lena64656
    @Lena64656 Год назад

    i am German If anyone has any questions, I can help

  • @Draganter1977
    @Draganter1977 Год назад

    hi and german greetings

  • @Frohds14
    @Frohds14 Год назад

    I think Feli is pulling the horse up from behind.
    It would have been enough to mention that the give away and freebie culture is not that pronounced in Germany. One difference is that our supermarket brochures hardly contain any coupons. There are even fewer and fewer, only McDonalds and Burger King still do the nonsense regularly.
    We don't expect anything for free in restaurants either, we pay for services as fairly as possible and show our generosity with a 10% tip, for taxi drivers, waitresses, hairdressers, the toilet cleaner, even on the hospital ward you put something in the coffee fund when you are discharged.
    We don't expect free tap water either, because the owner incurs costs with that, a glass, the water, the service, the cleaning; above all, there are hidden costs. Because our hygiene requirements say that the water pipe for the tap water must be different from the one from which the water for cleaning or cooking, for example, comes. Even the last two cleaning and cooking must be separated, the owner would have to lay a third pipe. That's why most restaurant owners and inn keepers rarely draw "tap water" from the tap, but use cheap still water from plastic bottles.
    Refills in the US are cheating on customers. Because the volume of ice ensures that there is much less drink in the cup. To really achieve 400ml of cola, you can refill twice. In addition, this refill is already calculated in the price, the fool is the one who consumes little.
    In addition, the food, although often of better quality than in the US, is cheaper than in the US. Firstly, because the portion sizes are appropriate and secondly, because drinks (which, for example, are not allowed to contain corn syrup) are not given away.
    Above all, the staff is paid fairly, at least gets the minimum wage of 12€, has health insurance, is entitled to 20 vacation days and unlimited sick days.
    The system in Germany is fairer at all this points. And it could be better.

  • @datJense
    @datJense Год назад

    Honestly the cash culture also pisses me off, even though being German...
    But tbh, it changed a lot during COVID. Lots of people and also lots of shops preferred contactless payment methods.
    And nowadays I use to only pay with Google pay andjust have some cash reserves with me in case it doesn't work
    But even most bakeries, flower shops and kiosks nowadays accept electronic payments

    • @datJense
      @datJense Год назад

      The water issue in restaurants mainly refers to the issue that restaurants are earning their money on drinks, not on food.
      So there's even a law that the cheapest non-alcoholic drink cannot be more expensive than the cheapest alcoholic drink - which still has been the case not that long ago. And as we all no, alcohol makes people more thirsty and more socialising, thus they might stay longer and spend more money. It's as simple as that
      When you want tap water, restaurants tend to say that they would be held responsible in case you get infected by it (which isn't true at first, and secondly, all tap water in Germany is proven drinking water, and usually even better in quality than any bottled water available)

    • @datJense
      @datJense Год назад

      Haha, there's a secret law - stating - it's forbidden to talk in elevators. Of course this ain't true, but often it feels like and is quite awkward...

  • @myronpardede206
    @myronpardede206 Год назад

    I only disagree on the Restaurant “advice”. I’m someone who loves to go out to eat and the experience she mentioned, I only had maybe 5 or less times in my life.
    The Service is not as overwhelming like it is in the US, but mostly because (how she mentioned) we Germans re not as chatty and fans of smalltalk. 95% of the guest want their quite and peace and wanna enjoy the time with their accompany. As a waiter when you appearing more then 4-5 times at the table at all, the guests gettin annoyed.
    Tip is expected by the waiters not by the Restaurant, u won’t find a service tax on ur bill. Well we would love 10% but mostly it’s around 4-6% and it’s up to you, by now there a lot of people who don’t tip at all, no matter how good or bad the service was. And we re reliant on tip (by far not as much like in the US) but especially when u living in a big city on your own, u can’t live just by salary without tip, not as a waiter or further below.
    My advice, typically avoid restaurants for lunch, get some fast food or a snack or enter a restaurant which is not packed. It’s a financial thing for the company (in the evening people spends more money, because they have more time, so the best servers will be scheduled in the evening) and there is more tip potential so the service will be different.
    When u go for dinner just make sure u smile at your waiter by first meet and make sure u recognize him/her and be respectful, I guarantee you’ll get a fine service and a special treatment, those easy things do most of german guests forget because they don’t appreciate the work. And if u do those 3 little things the waiter won’t even be mad if you don’t tip, because a treatment like this happens so rarely

  • @Dynamite.QVRTLA
    @Dynamite.QVRTLA Год назад

    You dont need to give a tip its Your desicion if you want to.

  • @vankroenen2145
    @vankroenen2145 Год назад

    "German is an incredible hard to learn language."
    Not really. It's quite easy to learn - but hard to master.
    It's not more or less hard to learn enough German so you can have a conversation and native speakers will understand you. But it's pretty hard to get the grammar on point.

  • @69hanswurst
    @69hanswurst 2 месяца назад

    Germany: cash is king.........(I'm from Germany, age:35)
    I have never payed something with a debit-/kreditcard in my life.
    I only have a debitcard to get money from the atm, not more^^

  • @embreis2257
    @embreis2257 Год назад

    15:53 'I have heard that German is an incredible difficult language to learn.' for native English speakers (and that nominally includes the US)?
    well, depends on your p.o.v. really. many Asians would consider this transfer a piece of cake, a walk in the park, not really an achievement. they have to learn complicated writing systems with many hundreds, if not thousands of signs and 26 Roman letters on top is not worth mentioning. any European language is usally a far stretch from their native language but still they manage.
    compare that to an US American trying to speak German. English is a [west] Germanic language, it uses the same writing system (alphabet) and 30% of its vocabulary comes straight from German. the grammar is a bit more complex, it has three genders and two forms of address and makes heavy use of compound words. compared to learning a completely different language like Hungarian, Finnish or something like Arabic or Thai it really shouldn't be that difficult for an American to learn German.

  • @beyonderprime5020
    @beyonderprime5020 Год назад

    english is an old german dialect as well as Dutch, Frisian and Low German all old German dialects

  • @kingofshit303
    @kingofshit303 Год назад

    Germans don´t want to be traced where they spent money. Nowadays, you can pay without cash, but in little towns and stores, cash is best.
    Tipping is not necessary. We generally round up. Our tap water is the most controlled food.
    Regarding the language I would recommend this Video: "How anyone (including YOU) can read German"

  • @MarkusUbl
    @MarkusUbl Год назад +290

    As a german i have to ask: What the hell is an elevator conversation? Unless you are returning from a bar with your friends, elevator-rides are more quiet and grave than a funeral.

    • @pakabe8774
      @pakabe8774 Год назад +6

      Depends on where you are and when. In Berlin it can be quite common and that is something I always liked in Berlin.

    • @Sc4v3r
      @Sc4v3r Год назад +15

      @@pakabe8774 I hate it. On a bus, in a train and also in an elevator I want to be left alone. I have to talk all day at work and otherwise I want peace and quiet as the most Germans.

    • @pakabe8774
      @pakabe8774 Год назад

      @@Sc4v3r You are allowed to hate it. But I am pretty sure, nobody would talk to you, because nobody likes to talk to people when the talk isn't joyful.

    • @pakabe8774
      @pakabe8774 Год назад +1

      @@Sc4v3r The point of being open minded and talking freely to others is about having a better day. I once was riding my bike hands free at Brandenburg Gate, what isn't allowed in general. Instead of stopping me and charging me for this, the police was driving by and asking me, if they should unscrew my handlebar. I got the hint and we all had fun with that and I was using the handlebars. People like you might have seen it as unpolite and would have prefered to be fined.
      And if you are standing in an elevater feeling awkward about everybody trying to stare somewhere to avoid looking to others and hardly trying not to outstand in any way, it can be refreshing if there is somebody doing a bad joke about feeling awkward staring somewhere to avoid looking to others and hardly trying not to outstand in any way.
      Sure I also don't like it, if I'm having a bad day and somebody is coming by and starts talking. But in general that is the way I met people from all over the world, was making friends everywhere, without even leaving the city. And not only making paper friends, but also stayed in contact visited each others, wrote letters, called and so on.
      But you are right, Germans in general don't like to learn new things or meet new people.

    • @normaknorr1614
      @normaknorr1614 Год назад

      About tipping, you don't have to. You only give what you want to. It depence how high your bill is. For example a coffe for...maybe 4,50 the most give to the next full Euro, so 5 in this case. You can say " aufrunden bitte" or tell how much you wanne give. And again it is your choice, but common is up to 10%, depence how friendly the service person was. 😊
      The thing about drinkwater in Restaurants is not for free, is that this is how the make Money. Meals in "normal" Restaurants yoused to be not to expensive. So you don't get free drinks because then you wouldn't buy anything to drink and this is how they fix there cost and safe a litle money. But in the last years the prices went higher, so this Argument doesn't count for me anymore. When you need to take medizin you can ask the waiter/res for "Leitungswasser" if its Fortsetzung pill you normaly would get one little Glas for free for this. And at least...since corona changed many in th case to pay, even in germany😂 there are only a few spots were you can't buy/pay with card! Even litle stores/bakery/kiosks... implement the tiny card reader. But its never e foult to have some cash with you for the 2-3 € things. I yoused to have 20-50€ in my wallet, thats way enough . And at the end of the end....sorry for my english! I don't youse it so often. I learned it 30 years ago and in Times between i yoused it Not for a dekade maybe 😂. You make a great Job and i wish you a lot of fun in germany! When your in cologne and have some time space, spent a day im "Phantasialand" in Brühl 😉its Not so big and you can ride a rollercoaster 🎢 oder wie auch immer das geschrieben wird 😂

  • @d2ndborn
    @d2ndborn Год назад +124

    I travel to Germany alot for my work. Most of what she said is true. But I have always found the people friendly and willing to help. You do pay for water because it is mostly bottled water. They pay for it so the customers pay for it

    • @SuperUltimateLP
      @SuperUltimateLP Год назад +18

      @@Michael_from_EU_Germany werde did you ever get tap water in a German restaurant???
      It's always bottled?!

    • @seto108
      @seto108 Год назад +3

      @@Loki.Leviah1337 das ist legal und ausserdem nur damit du es weiss, das essen ist billiger als das getränk, wieso? weil in wirklichkeit das trinken mehr gewinne macht als essen, da du nur ein gericht isst bis du danach satt und willst sowieso kein zweites gericht bestellen... also was machst du? trinken... grundsetzlich ist wirklich das restaurant an getränke mehr verdient und nicht an essen.

    • @Loki.Leviah1337
      @Loki.Leviah1337 Год назад +1

      @@seto108 1. ja du hast recht.. ich hab meinen Kommentar dazu schon wieder gelöscht.. war fehlinformiert.. 👀zu dem Zeitpunkt hab ich gar nicht mehr nachgeschaut.. 😗aber ich würde beispielsweise in Würzburg jetzt nun wirklich nicht Leitungswasser trinken wollen.. da dort der Kalkgehalt relativ hoch ist.. im Vergleich zu anderen Großstädten wo ich gelebt habe.. xd 2. jap.. die meisten Restaurants machen hauptsächlich durch Getränke ihren Gewinn.. aber nicht immer ist das Trinken teurer als das Essen.. Außerdem.. wer isst denn bitte nur ein Gericht in nem Restaurant? lol.. gehst du direkt zum Hauptgang? keine Vorspeise? oder Nachspeise? in manchen Restaurants werden dir ja sogar Vorspeisen serviert.. ohne dass du sie bestellt hast..👀um die Wartezeit zu überbrücken.. & 3. wieso schreibst du mir nh Kommentar auf Deutsch.. wenn ich erst auf Englisch geschrieben habe? das is immerhin ein englischer Post.. lol.. wolltest du auf gut Glück überprüfen, ob ich Deutsch kann? xd

    • @larafischer9431
      @larafischer9431 Год назад +1

      Well I almost never paid for tap water at restaurants. It may happen, but if you ask for a glass of it, most of the times it's free. You should ask the cost anyways though to be sure.

    • @fuyasasaki7412
      @fuyasasaki7412 Год назад +1

      ​@@Michael_from_EU_Germany yeah IT would cost 1cent maybe. One Glass of Tap water in Germany costs almost nothing and i get Tap water in Restaurants for free If i ask for it

  • @banji7612
    @banji7612 Год назад +52

    As a German who lived my entire life there too, I can confirm everything she says is right

    • @derblitz5837
      @derblitz5837 Год назад +1

      Mit dem Englisch sprechen naja es geht. Kenne viele die kein Englisch sprechen oder eher sehr schlecht.

    • @denisespangenberg3864
      @denisespangenberg3864 22 дня назад

      As a German, I can say here where I live in Niedersachsen, you can choose if you want to give a Tip or not, but mostley people give some Tip 5,99€ Up to 7€ or want you Like to give