I am glad the lectures are receiving more and more attention, after all the years they were available on youtube. Dr. Andrus deserves it. It is also great to have them as a written text, to study the subjects. This is more than just theology, as Dr. Andrus noticed in one of the lectures.
I learned so much and still want to learn more. I'm now going to go through the seminars again and put notes into my journal. And, oh! To me the Book of Revelation is not as easy to understand as a comic strip!! Brother Andrus has a great sense of humor.
We also know from what our living prophet teaches, that the restoration is still in progress. That could include restoring the Jews to their Messiah, restoring/resurrection of many when Christ returns, etc.
Often the scriptures are a likeness in heaven and earth, mortality and spirit. I wouldn't be quick to assume OR dismiss meaning of any words in scripture or anyone's understanding. Man's ways are not God's ways. Take it all in, pay close attention to the living prophets of God and act on their words, prepare ourselves for His return. Such an exciting time!
I have never ever thought of the war in heaven as a test. But you’re right! Our Father absolutely could have cast him out before so many of His children chose to follow Lucifer. But it was a test! Brilliant. I love it!
@@SarahSmith-eu3qw Oh ya the Savior could have shut down that war in the blink of an eye and the battles still go on today, that war extends to everything. We know who wins the war but the battles are still hard-fought-for us mortals :) The millennium will also be another test, you don't pass that one and you don't go to the Celestial.
@@Rudyard_Stripling absolutely! 😊 Eternal progression. It’s easy to think that the only testing going on is happening here in mortality. It happened premortally and absolutely the end of the millennium will be that final testing.
This is a presentation worth pondering and "digestion." For your consideration: Dr. Andrus, along with many other members of the Mormon church, takes certain numbers found in the Bible in a literal sense. There is a wealth of gematria in the Bible with multiple arcana (in the Latin context)(layers of meaning). We frequently see the numbers 40, 70, and 7. In other examples, multiples of certain numbers have inherent symbolism. The number 144,000 is a multiple of the number 12, for which one meaning is completeness or to convey a "whole." Bottom line: It begs the question, "Is the 144,000 to be taken literally, or is it representative of a "wholeness" or completeness?" The same question applies to the 12,000 from each tribe. The silence of the angels in heaven for the space of 1/2 hour is another number that Dr. Andrus has presented in a literal sense. Other interpretations do not focus on the number itself and some believe that its meaning lies in the amazed state of the angels, without consideration as to how long they "stand" in amazement. I find this interpretation more palatable than having angels silent for 21 years. In addition, in the chronology of the last days, 21 years is a protracted amount of time but that is not to say that other events could be occurring concurrently within that span of time.
Most of the time the numbers in the Bible are symbolic. And when they are literal, it's usually very clear. However I try to keep an open mind. Maybe they are both. As the prophecies begin to be fulfilled, we will recognize them. And then we will understand. That's the point. Predicting the future is not really what we are supposed to do. But studying the prophecies allows us to recognize them as they are occurring. As we see prophecies being fulfilled, we can know that we can be prepared to deal with whatever situations we are in. Usually in scripture we are told how to be prepared. And then we are given signs, or prophecies, so that as these prophecies are being fulfilled and the signs are occurring, we can recognize the situation and know that we are prepared and have faith. In that way we can have our faith strengthened. My point is, it is difficult to predict exactly what a prophecy means for the future. There's a lot of things that we just aren't sure of. But when the time comes and the prophecies are happening, we will recognize them for what they are, in that moment we can know that if we have followed the directions we have been given surrounding the prophecy that we are prepared for what is happening.
@1:19:00 - @1:22:00 First real thing he has said that I believe he isn't correct on. Hyrum only thinks that the "angel" here refers to "the restoration" because Joseph Smith said that he was that angel. Don't minx words though Brother Hyrum- Joseph never said that meant "the restoration", he said "that is (or rather "will be") me". The Lord said that at that day he will work a marvelous work and a wonder so magnificent "that it shall no more be said, The Lord liveth, that brought up the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt; But, The Lord liveth, that brought up the children of Israel from the land of the north". Has such an event happened? No. Hyrum also agrees that the body of ten tribes will return as one body, this is correct, but the connection he fails to make here is thus: 1. And when they shall have received this, which is expedient that they should have first, to try their faith, and if it shall so be that they shall believe these things then shall the greater things be made manifest unto them. And if it so be that they will not believe these things, then shall the greater things be withheld from them, unto their condemnation. Behold, I was about to write them, all which were engraven upon the plates of Nephi, but the Lord forbade it, saying: I will try the faith of my people. Therefore I, Mormon, do write the things which have been commanded me of the Lord. And now I, Mormon, make an end of my sayings, and proceed to write the things which have been commanded me. TAKEN: What is coming is so miraculous that it will even try the faith of the saints 2. For thus it behooveth the Father that it should come forth from the Gentiles, that he may show forth his power unto the Gentiles, for this cause that the Gentiles, if they will not harden their hearts, that they may repent and come unto me and be baptized in my name and know of the true points of my doctrine, that they may be numbered among my people, O house of Israel; And when these things come to pass that thy seed shall begin to know these things-it shall be a sign unto them, that they may know that the work of the Father hath already commenced unto the fulfilling of the covenant which he hath made unto the people who are of the house of Israel. TAKEN: The restoration has ALREADY happened here then the following verses are given 3. And when that day shall come, it shall come to pass that kings shall shut their mouths; for that which had not been told them shall they see; and that which they had not heard shall they consider. For in that day, for my sake shall the Father work a work, which shall be a great and a marvelous work among them; and there shall be among them those who will not believe it, although a man shall declare it unto them. TAKEN: The restoration has ALREADY happened and THEN the "marvelous work" happens, so wonderful that even though men say "I saw it!" men shall not believe it. But what is this work? Lets read on... 4. But behold, the life of my servant shall be in my hand; therefore they shall not hurt him, although he shall be marred because of them. Yet I will heal him, for I will show unto them that my wisdom is greater than the cunning of the devil. Therefore it shall come to pass that whosoever will not believe in my words, who am Jesus Christ, which the Father shall cause him to bring forth unto the Gentiles, and shall give unto him power that he shall bring them forth unto the Gentiles, (it shall be done even as Moses said) they shall be cut off from among my people who are of the covenant. And my people who are a remnant of Jacob shall be among the Gentiles, yea, in the midst of them as a lion among the beasts of the forest, as a young lion among the flocks of sheep, who, if he go through both treadeth down and teareth in pieces, and none can deliver. TAKEN: The servant here is Joseph Smith, the footnote for "marred" takes you to the martyrdom of Joseph Smith. But wait? It says the Lord will "heal him"? Hrmmm... It then says that after being healed this "servant" will call the remnant back (ie. the ten tribes from the north) We know that the angel with the trump in heaven, with the everylasting gospel spoken of in Revelation was Joseph Smith, but that would also mean that D&C 88 would also be him: "And immediately there shall appear a great sign in heaven, and all people shall see it together. And another angel shall sound his trump, saying: That great church, the mother of abominations, that made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, that persecuteth the saints of God, that shed their blood-she who sitteth upon many waters, and upon the islands of the sea-behold, she is the tares of the earth; she is bound in bundles; her bands are made strong, no man can loose them; therefore, she is ready to be burned. And he shall sound his trump both long and loud, and all nations shall hear it. And there shall be silence in heaven for the space of half an hour..." Both angels say the exact same thing. This isn't put at this point in Revelation out of place because it doesn't MEAN the restoration, it is Joseph Smith coming back and blowing his Trump both long and loud. Brother Hyrum also believes the times of the Gentiles generation has already been identified (Baby Boomers) as it was fulfilled in 1967 ( which I agree with), what that means is that BEFORE the sign of the Son of Man, Joseph coming back and then the return of the ten tribes there needs to be an event, what event? D&C 45: "And in that generation shall the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled. And there shall be men standing in that generation, that shall not pass until they shall see an overflowing scourge; for a desolating sickness shall cover the land. But my disciples shall stand in holy places, and shall not be moved; but among the wicked, men shall lift up their voices and curse God and die. And there shall be earthquakes also in divers places, and many desolations; yet men will harden their hearts against me, and they will take up the sword, one against another, and they will kill one another." Well that's weird... COVID-19 just hit... Leading up to an earthquake in Salt Lake City that caused Moroni to drop his trump... Interesting... This is NOT the same sickness as the 7 plagues that are to be poured out, but the same sickness that kick starts everything, that is a "vex", that is designed to "wake Ephraim up". (Isaiah 28). As of May 2020 the desolating sickness has swept the land and has paved the way for the overflowing scourge (whip), ie. "assyrian" or "little horn"... The 7 years of economic famine has begun and the ten tribes will be returning in two years!
Hey I'm studying the signs of the times and I was wondering where your reference is for that last paragraph. Where is it prophesied that there will 7 years of economic famine and that the tribes will return in two years?
@@Jordan_I Book of Mormon! The GREATEST book we have as far as "timelines for the second coming"! Ether chapter 13; "Ether speaks of a New Jerusalem to be built in America" - 6 And that a New Jerusalem should be built up upon this land, unto the remnant of the seed of Joseph, for which things there has been a TYPE. 7 For AS JOSEPH brought his father down into the land of Egypt, even so he died there; wherefore, the Lord brought a remnant of the seed of Joseph out of the land of Jerusalem, that he might be merciful unto the seed of Joseph that they should perish not, even as he was merciful unto the father of Joseph that he should perish not. - The first thing you need to understand when studying signs of the times is that EVERYTHING that has happened in history (including pre-earth life) in some way, shape, form, has been a "type" of something to come, and the thing "to come" will always be "the greater". For example, Moses leading the children of Israel was a "type" of the ten tribes returning as a body, and Jeremiah said that that event would be so miraculous that people will basically stop talking about Moses. So how is "Joseph being sold into Egypt" a type of the events to be played out DIRECTLY before the building of New Jerusalem? Joseph is ALONE in a strange land (no brothers) and builds it up, knowing that there will be 7 years of surplus and 7 years of famine- two years INTO the famine who shows up? His "brothers", who are whom? The ten tribes. They then come and live in the land with Joseph for the remaining 5 years. You want to know what started the economic famine? A "desolating sickness" which comes from "afar" (Isaiah). You want to know what will start the food famine? Earthquake and waters heaving themselves beyond their bounds (tsunamis). The II LDS Archives I post all my videos as well as free printable papers will all the references in it. References are important... - It will be two years from the start of "the famine", will that be the economic famine caused by the sickness or two years into the food famine that will kickstart with the earthquakes and flooding? I don't know. If the earthquakes and food famine hit shortly that would be a moot point as they would be basically the same, and thus it will be closer to 2022-2023, if it waits until after the election than it might be closer to 2023-2024. I was saying in 2018 the sickness was coming, and I was saying in 2020 the earthquakes and floods are coming. They will. Get a food storage NOW.
@@ashleyandmicahenglish5587 I might agree with the year 2024. Reason being in section 45 of Doctrine and Covenants it lists things that are to come prior to His coming in glory. It actually lists the return of the remnant of Israel after the sun is darkened. So honestly I'm making a few assumptions here, so I'm not saying I'm correct, but this is my belief. My first assumption is that the events listed in section 45 are indeed chronologically ordered. My second is that the sun being darkened is the eclipse happening April 8th, 2024. (I think that's the right date. It's some time in 2024), so following my first assumption, the Remnant would return after that date. Though I'm going to have to list Ether in my study and see what that yields.
@@Jordan_I A couple things to note for you moving forward that might help you! 1. "Coming in glory"; this refers to coming in the clouds, the "great and dreadful day" etc. etc. This is NOT referring to coming to reign in New Jerusalem and it is NOT referring to the events tied to OLD Jerusalem. These are separated by years and years. I have countless sources on that if you'd like them. Hyrum goes over this in pretty good detail in his lectures. and 2. There was an eclipse in 2017 as well as will be another in 2024, those form the "X" over the area around New Jerusalem 7 years apart that people love talking about. Both of these could work and thus when you read references with the "sun being darkened" before and after events it could be BOTH- they could form "book ends". I however think there could be a far more serious "darkness" as well in the works- remember, there was an earthquake followed by days of darkness in the Book of Mormon... It wasn't a "planned eclipse"! And we know the Book of Mormon is a "type" of things to come for us. Read 3 Nephi 8. What starts the famine, the darkness, and the return of the ten tribes could all be the same event... :)
@@ashleyandmicahenglish5587 Hey, I checked out your channel, and it has a ton of great info. I have been trying to find a lot of these sources that you've cited and shared plainly. I'm notating a lot of them for my own person study on the subject. I do have one suggestion for future videos. Perhaps when explaining things with your own words you could avoid having it be about disproving others. Like, with your recent one about the seventh seal (or rather the sixth) you get the feeling that some of your comments are targeting individuals. I mean, I get it, it's kinda frustrating that a lot of these videos by other members of the Church have gained traction despite their fallacies. Even moreso because people just accept it without further study. But I mean, they are still learning. It's probably just best to be uplifting about it rather than contentious. Just a recommendation. I look forward to more of your content.
@@jeremycollins1068 I completely agree with you. We are still in the 6th until Christ returns for the 1st time to the body of saints after the temple is built in Missouri, The New Jerusalem ❤️
It's fun to watch this 30 some years after the recording was made, and know what he got right, and what he got so wrong. Our current prophet, Russel M. Nelson has proved the heavens are open now, meaning the seventh seal has in fact been opened and the silence (21 years according to brother Andrus) has past. Matthew 24 is my anchor to the signs preceding the second coming and it's been fascinating to watch these things unfold and witness ancient prophesy come to pass. As I write this, we eagerly await the fulfillment of Matthew 24:15 (the second siege upon Jerusalem A.K.A. the abomination of desolation) having all ready experienced verses 5-14 in just these few sort years.
@@eldbowers Nope. I used to think that too, but my personal studies have failed to find any scripture to support the claim. Instead, I find that the idea is a common inference of the prophecy of Ezekiel, and misinterpretation of Johns mentioning of a temple in Revelation, and the misunderstanding of Daniels 'abomination of desolation', which popular sects teach is an actual destruction caused by Jesus himself in a holy temple. We (members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) know it to mean "Jerusalem again will be under siege" and teach that we should be not only temple worthy but active temple goers at that time.
@@eldbowers the temple must be built first. Many things must occur first like the war of gog and magog I believe this will be the blood that will flow that this brother spoke about. There must be a peace plan implemented before the temple can be built. Watch the peace deal that's going on right now in the holy land this will be the key to the 3rd temple the 7th seal has not been unsealed.
Also there was no mention of the mark of the beast or the false prophet. The temple must be desecrated one way or another I side with the Christians idea that the antichrist will be the one who steps in to the temple and this is the abomination of desolation. Because there is no explanation given in lds doctrine concerning this.
@@lifeengine4635 I agree, I watched another timeline yesterday that suggests the 144k has already happened. I have also watched another this week that I thought was the best one I have seen yet. I will link them for you if you are interested. Fasten your Seatbelts for the Second Coming v 2 ruclips.net/video/mLkUwmPMv-Y/видео.html We Will Witness what Nephi Saw in Vision part 1 ruclips.net/video/e-GCOAPhURg/видео.html
This is why i disagree with the interpretation about the 144,ooo as just a metaphor. It was specifically said by its numbers and remember when Jesus said: Whats of the Spirit is of the Spirit, what's of the world, is of the world...
@38:00 - @39:00 This is why (and he didn't mention it) plural marriage had to be on the earth BEFORE the restoration of all dispensations into this one, and why plural marriage AGAIN has to be active BEFORE the restoration of all dispensations into this one, for if it wasn't, previous dispensations would be resurrected and brought into this dispensation IN SIN and then immediately EXCOMMUNICATED from the church. Abraham would not be able to even be in the church let alone the meeting with his wives, nor ANY of the previous dispensations prophets who practiced plural marriage as they would be (and should be) LITERALLY excommunicated FROM the church as is the current church position. (EDIT: this obviously also includes Brother Joseph himself + all the early church Apostles/Prophets) This is such a huge point that no one likes to talk about but from which you gain so much understanding on HOW events will play out in the near future. You really think someone will be able to get Catholics, atheists, Presbyterians, etc. all of the sudden united in a 3.5 year social + economical + legal warfare against the church and only the church when the church is just sitting here eating our green jello and face painting? No... The bringing back of plural marriage is one of VERY FEW things that could and will unite the west against us economically, socially, legally, etc. It would also be a war against Islam starter in the same breath, creating the small horn in Turkey and the mark of the beast. I feel terrible for those belonging to the great and abominable church who believe that "women getting the priesthood" is in the near future, or homosexual support, when they get hit with "plural marriage has once again been established" and are totally blindsided... "and the great sifting began..."
The mark of the beast is already upon us. Thank you Billy Bob Gates and George Sorry Sore Soros. Oh and I agree that plural marriage could very well be the catalist for the banning together of the churches to torment, torture and kill the Saints.
@Open Minded On my channel The II LDS Archives my next video is on "the mark of the beast", the video will be titled something like "Satan; the Great Counterfeit". What you have to understand is that Satan mimics God and His plan, if what you think is "the mark of the beast" doesn't have a comparison in God's church and kingdom, chances are that you have missed the mark.
@Open Minded The "mark of the beast" 1. Bears the name of "the beast", ie. "the false god", ie. "satan/serpant". 2. It "speaks", meaning it has words written on it or has a speaker... most likely words 3. It identifies the wearer as an "anti-Christ" or a supporter of that doctrine. The doctrine of an "anti-Christ" is that Christ Jesus was never born, or was born and wasn't God's son nor "died for man's sins". 4. Those that refuse to worship the beast are beheaded 5. In "the beast kingdom" you won't be able to sell or buy ANYTHING without openly wearing the mark on the arm (hand) or forehead. The vaccines might be a bad idea and the chip even more of a bad idea- but the mark of the beast? It doesn't check any of the boxes in scripture. I won't need a chip to buy on Amazon, I won't be beheaded for not getting it, and it doesn't represent an anti-Christ doctrine let alone an anti-Christ. I don't personally own a smart phone- I have strong feelings about "technology" and what it has done to us. I am also not a fan of masks, vaccines (that DO sterilize people), or piercings/tattoos (which this chip would be) and I most likely will stay clear from gen 1-2 new vaccines at a minimum, but I do not personally believe it is THE mark of the beast.
@Open Minded Yeah I'm very much LDS. REV 13. "he caused it to speak". The only way to get an image/mark to "speak"? Writing, a speaker, or this thing is literally just talking. I'm thinking writing makes the most sense based on the collection of information surrounding it.
I don’t believe that plural marriage would be the catalyst for people being against us. There is too much acceptance of plural marriage from those shows on tv like “Sister wives”. What I think could very well be the catalyst is our stance against gay marriage. If we don’t allow gays to be sealed in the temple, and we won’t, they will shut us down. We will definitely get our tax exemption taken away and will be looked at as bigots by most everyone in worldly society.
I am glad the lectures are receiving more and more attention, after all the years they were available on youtube. Dr. Andrus deserves it. It is also great to have them as a written text, to study the subjects.
This is more than just theology, as Dr. Andrus noticed in one of the lectures.
He is a machine! I can’t believe how much he can absorb as far as doctrine.
I learned so much and still want to learn more. I'm now going to go through the seminars again and put notes into my journal. And, oh! To me the Book of Revelation is not as easy to understand as a comic strip!! Brother Andrus has a great sense of humor.
An INCREDIBLE Series Of Lectures-
how can the world reject such truth...
When man listens to their own thoughts instead of the Lords. That is how it happens.
Love this dear brother! So much GOLD!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Incredible talk considering when it was given! I can learn a lot from his generous website! Thank you!
Looking forward to meeting Brother and Sister Andrus one day.
Wow. I have learned so much today. Thank you Brother Andrus. I have been so inspired and edified. 🌺
i learned a lot that was new to me i am hearing this for the first time it is Nov 8 2022 thank you so very much Penny Taylor
We also know from what our living prophet teaches, that the restoration is still in progress. That could include restoring the Jews to their Messiah, restoring/resurrection of many when Christ returns, etc.
Often the scriptures are a likeness in heaven and earth, mortality and spirit. I wouldn't be quick to assume OR dismiss meaning of any words in scripture or anyone's understanding. Man's ways are not God's ways. Take it all in, pay close attention to the living prophets of God and act on their words, prepare ourselves for His return. Such an exciting time!
wow thanks your sharing to much greatful lectures good bless you
The Lord allowed the war in Heaven for a test, He could have stopped it and cast Satan out in the blink of an eye if he wanted to.
Agency is sacred. It's all part of His Plan of Salvation!
I have never ever thought of the war in heaven as a test. But you’re right! Our Father absolutely could have cast him out before so many of His children chose to follow Lucifer. But it was a test! Brilliant. I love it!
@@SarahSmith-eu3qw Oh ya the Savior could have shut down that war in the blink of an eye and the battles still go on today, that war extends to everything. We know who wins the war but the battles are still hard-fought-for us mortals :) The millennium will also be another test, you don't pass that one and you don't go to the Celestial.
@@Rudyard_Stripling absolutely! 😊 Eternal progression. It’s easy to think that the only testing going on is happening here in mortality. It happened premortally and absolutely the end of the millennium will be that final testing.
This is a presentation worth pondering and "digestion." For your consideration: Dr. Andrus, along with many other members of the Mormon church, takes certain numbers found in the Bible in a literal sense. There is a wealth of gematria in the Bible with multiple arcana (in the Latin context)(layers of meaning). We frequently see the numbers 40, 70, and 7. In other examples, multiples of certain numbers have inherent symbolism. The number 144,000 is a multiple of the number 12, for which one meaning is completeness or to convey a "whole." Bottom line: It begs the question, "Is the 144,000 to be taken literally, or is it representative of a "wholeness" or completeness?" The same question applies to the 12,000 from each tribe.
The silence of the angels in heaven for the space of 1/2 hour is another number that Dr. Andrus has presented in a literal sense. Other interpretations do not focus on the number itself and some believe that its meaning lies in the amazed state of the angels, without consideration as to how long they "stand" in amazement. I find this interpretation more palatable than having angels silent for 21 years. In addition, in the chronology of the last days, 21 years is a protracted amount of time but that is not to say that other events could be occurring concurrently within that span of time.
Most of the time the numbers in the Bible are symbolic. And when they are literal, it's usually very clear. However I try to keep an open mind. Maybe they are both. As the prophecies begin to be fulfilled, we will recognize them. And then we will understand. That's the point. Predicting the future is not really what we are supposed to do. But studying the prophecies allows us to recognize them as they are occurring. As we see prophecies being fulfilled, we can know that we can be prepared to deal with whatever situations we are in. Usually in scripture we are told how to be prepared. And then we are given signs, or prophecies, so that as these prophecies are being fulfilled and the signs are occurring, we can recognize the situation and know that we are prepared and have faith. In that way we can have our faith strengthened.
My point is, it is difficult to predict exactly what a prophecy means for the future. There's a lot of things that we just aren't sure of. But when the time comes and the prophecies are happening, we will recognize them for what they are, in that moment we can know that if we have followed the directions we have been given surrounding the prophecy that we are prepared for what is happening.
@@dankuchar6821 I do not understand your response. Would you please read it and edit for grammar?
@@rubarb0406 I apologize. You are correct I should have proof read. I have edited it. I hope it's better.
@@dankuchar6821 Bravo. I agree.
@1:19:00 - @1:22:00
First real thing he has said that I believe he isn't correct on. Hyrum only thinks that the "angel" here refers to "the restoration" because Joseph Smith said that he was that angel. Don't minx words though Brother Hyrum- Joseph never said that meant "the restoration", he said "that is (or rather "will be") me".
The Lord said that at that day he will work a marvelous work and a wonder so magnificent "that it shall no more be said, The Lord liveth, that brought up the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt; But, The Lord liveth, that brought up the children of Israel from the land of the north".
Has such an event happened? No. Hyrum also agrees that the body of ten tribes will return as one body, this is correct, but the connection he fails to make here is thus:
1. And when they shall have received this, which is expedient that they should have first, to try their faith, and if it shall so be that they shall believe these things then shall the greater things be made manifest unto them. And if it so be that they will not believe these things, then shall the greater things be withheld from them, unto their condemnation. Behold, I was about to write them, all which were engraven upon the plates of Nephi, but the Lord forbade it, saying: I will try the faith of my people. Therefore I, Mormon, do write the things which have been commanded me of the Lord. And now I, Mormon, make an end of my sayings, and proceed to write the things which have been commanded me.
TAKEN: What is coming is so miraculous that it will even try the faith of the saints
2. For thus it behooveth the Father that it should come forth from the Gentiles, that he may show forth his power unto the Gentiles, for this cause that the Gentiles, if they will not harden their hearts, that they may repent and come unto me and be baptized in my name and know of the true points of my doctrine, that they may be numbered among my people, O house of Israel; And when these things come to pass that thy seed shall begin to know these things-it shall be a sign unto them, that they may know that the work of the Father hath already commenced unto the fulfilling of the covenant which he hath made unto the people who are of the house of Israel.
TAKEN: The restoration has ALREADY happened here then the following verses are given
3. And when that day shall come, it shall come to pass that kings shall shut their mouths; for that which had not been told them shall they see; and that which they had not heard shall they consider. For in that day, for my sake shall the Father work a work, which shall be a great and a marvelous work among them; and there shall be among them those who will not believe it, although a man shall declare it unto them.
TAKEN: The restoration has ALREADY happened and THEN the "marvelous work" happens, so wonderful that even though men say "I saw it!" men shall not believe it. But what is this work? Lets read on...
4. But behold, the life of my servant shall be in my hand; therefore they shall not hurt him, although he shall be marred because of them. Yet I will heal him, for I will show unto them that my wisdom is greater than the cunning of the devil. Therefore it shall come to pass that whosoever will not believe in my words, who am Jesus Christ, which the Father shall cause him to bring forth unto the Gentiles, and shall give unto him power that he shall bring them forth unto the Gentiles, (it shall be done even as Moses said) they shall be cut off from among my people who are of the covenant. And my people who are a remnant of Jacob shall be among the Gentiles, yea, in the midst of them as a lion among the beasts of the forest, as a young lion among the flocks of sheep, who, if he go through both treadeth down and teareth in pieces, and none can deliver.
TAKEN: The servant here is Joseph Smith, the footnote for "marred" takes you to the martyrdom of Joseph Smith. But wait? It says the Lord will "heal him"? Hrmmm... It then says that after being healed this "servant" will call the remnant back (ie. the ten tribes from the north)
We know that the angel with the trump in heaven, with the everylasting gospel spoken of in Revelation was Joseph Smith, but that would also mean that D&C 88 would also be him:
"And immediately there shall appear a great sign in heaven, and all people shall see it together. And another angel shall sound his trump, saying: That great church, the mother of abominations, that made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, that persecuteth the saints of God, that shed their blood-she who sitteth upon many waters, and upon the islands of the sea-behold, she is the tares of the earth; she is bound in bundles; her bands are made strong, no man can loose them; therefore, she is ready to be burned. And he shall sound his trump both long and loud, and all nations shall hear it. And there shall be silence in heaven for the space of half an hour..."
Both angels say the exact same thing. This isn't put at this point in Revelation out of place because it doesn't MEAN the restoration, it is Joseph Smith coming back and blowing his Trump both long and loud.
Brother Hyrum also believes the times of the Gentiles generation has already been identified (Baby Boomers) as it was fulfilled in 1967 ( which I agree with), what that means is that BEFORE the sign of the Son of Man, Joseph coming back and then the return of the ten tribes there needs to be an event, what event? D&C 45:
"And in that generation shall the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled. And there shall be men standing in that generation, that shall not pass until they shall see an overflowing scourge; for a desolating sickness shall cover the land. But my disciples shall stand in holy places, and shall not be moved; but among the wicked, men shall lift up their voices and curse God and die. And there shall be earthquakes also in divers places, and many desolations; yet men will harden their hearts against me, and they will take up the sword, one against another, and they will kill one another."
Well that's weird... COVID-19 just hit... Leading up to an earthquake in Salt Lake City that caused Moroni to drop his trump... Interesting... This is NOT the same sickness as the 7 plagues that are to be poured out, but the same sickness that kick starts everything, that is a "vex", that is designed to "wake Ephraim up". (Isaiah 28).
As of May 2020 the desolating sickness has swept the land and has paved the way for the overflowing scourge (whip), ie. "assyrian" or "little horn"... The 7 years of economic famine has begun and the ten tribes will be returning in two years!
Hey I'm studying the signs of the times and I was wondering where your reference is for that last paragraph. Where is it prophesied that there will 7 years of economic famine and that the tribes will return in two years?
@@Jordan_I Book of Mormon! The GREATEST book we have as far as "timelines for the second coming"! Ether chapter 13; "Ether speaks of a New Jerusalem to be built in America"
6 And that a New Jerusalem should be built up upon this land, unto the remnant of the seed of Joseph, for which things there has been a TYPE.
7 For AS JOSEPH brought his father down into the land of Egypt, even so he died there; wherefore, the Lord brought a remnant of the seed of Joseph out of the land of Jerusalem, that he might be merciful unto the seed of Joseph that they should perish not, even as he was merciful unto the father of Joseph that he should perish not.
The first thing you need to understand when studying signs of the times is that EVERYTHING that has happened in history (including pre-earth life) in some way, shape, form, has been a "type" of something to come, and the thing "to come" will always be "the greater". For example, Moses leading the children of Israel was a "type" of the ten tribes returning as a body, and Jeremiah said that that event would be so miraculous that people will basically stop talking about Moses. So how is "Joseph being sold into Egypt" a type of the events to be played out DIRECTLY before the building of New Jerusalem? Joseph is ALONE in a strange land (no brothers) and builds it up, knowing that there will be 7 years of surplus and 7 years of famine- two years INTO the famine who shows up? His "brothers", who are whom? The ten tribes. They then come and live in the land with Joseph for the remaining 5 years. You want to know what started the economic famine? A "desolating sickness" which comes from "afar" (Isaiah). You want to know what will start the food famine? Earthquake and waters heaving themselves beyond their bounds (tsunamis). The II LDS Archives I post all my videos as well as free printable papers will all the references in it. References are important...
It will be two years from the start of "the famine", will that be the economic famine caused by the sickness or two years into the food famine that will kickstart with the earthquakes and flooding? I don't know. If the earthquakes and food famine hit shortly that would be a moot point as they would be basically the same, and thus it will be closer to 2022-2023, if it waits until after the election than it might be closer to 2023-2024. I was saying in 2018 the sickness was coming, and I was saying in 2020 the earthquakes and floods are coming. They will. Get a food storage NOW.
@@ashleyandmicahenglish5587 I might agree with the year 2024. Reason being in section 45 of Doctrine and Covenants it lists things that are to come prior to His coming in glory. It actually lists the return of the remnant of Israel after the sun is darkened.
So honestly I'm making a few assumptions here, so I'm not saying I'm correct, but this is my belief.
My first assumption is that the events listed in section 45 are indeed chronologically ordered.
My second is that the sun being darkened is the eclipse happening April 8th, 2024. (I think that's the right date. It's some time in 2024), so following my first assumption, the Remnant would return after that date.
Though I'm going to have to list Ether in my study and see what that yields.
@@Jordan_I A couple things to note for you moving forward that might help you!
1. "Coming in glory"; this refers to coming in the clouds, the "great and dreadful day" etc. etc. This is NOT referring to coming to reign in New Jerusalem and it is NOT referring to the events tied to OLD Jerusalem. These are separated by years and years. I have countless sources on that if you'd like them. Hyrum goes over this in pretty good detail in his lectures.
2. There was an eclipse in 2017 as well as will be another in 2024, those form the "X" over the area around New Jerusalem 7 years apart that people love talking about. Both of these could work and thus when you read references with the "sun being darkened" before and after events it could be BOTH- they could form "book ends". I however think there could be a far more serious "darkness" as well in the works- remember, there was an earthquake followed by days of darkness in the Book of Mormon... It wasn't a "planned eclipse"! And we know the Book of Mormon is a "type" of things to come for us. Read 3 Nephi 8. What starts the famine, the darkness, and the return of the ten tribes could all be the same event... :)
@@ashleyandmicahenglish5587 Hey, I checked out your channel, and it has a ton of great info. I have been trying to find a lot of these sources that you've cited and shared plainly.
I'm notating a lot of them for my own person study on the subject.
I do have one suggestion for future videos. Perhaps when explaining things with your own words you could avoid having it be about disproving others. Like, with your recent one about the seventh seal (or rather the sixth) you get the feeling that some of your comments are targeting individuals.
I mean, I get it, it's kinda frustrating that a lot of these videos by other members of the Church have gained traction despite their fallacies. Even moreso because people just accept it without further study. But I mean, they are still learning. It's probably just best to be uplifting about it rather than contentious.
Just a recommendation. I look forward to more of your content.
Sooo which seal are we in , in 2021?
The sixth seal hasn’t been open yet. Earthquake? Not yet. Sun darkened? Not yet...
@@jeremycollins1068 I completely agree with you. We are still in the 6th until Christ returns for the 1st time to the body of saints after the temple is built in Missouri, The New Jerusalem ❤️
It's fun to watch this 30 some years after the recording was made, and know what he got right, and what he got so wrong. Our current prophet, Russel M. Nelson has proved the heavens are open now, meaning the seventh seal has in fact been opened and the silence (21 years according to brother Andrus) has past. Matthew 24 is my anchor to the signs preceding the second coming and it's been fascinating to watch these things unfold and witness ancient prophesy come to pass. As I write this, we eagerly await the fulfillment of Matthew 24:15 (the second siege upon Jerusalem A.K.A. the abomination of desolation) having all ready experienced verses 5-14 in just these few sort years.
The temple in Jerusalem has to be built first before the abomination of desolation can happen right?
@@eldbowers Nope. I used to think that too, but my personal studies have failed to find any scripture to support the claim. Instead, I find that the idea is a common inference of the prophecy of Ezekiel, and misinterpretation of Johns mentioning of a temple in Revelation, and the misunderstanding of Daniels 'abomination of desolation', which popular sects teach is an actual destruction caused by Jesus himself in a holy temple. We (members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) know it to mean "Jerusalem again will be under siege" and teach that we should be not only temple worthy but active temple goers at that time.
@@eldbowers the temple must be built first. Many things must occur first like the war of gog and magog I believe this will be the blood that will flow that this brother spoke about. There must be a peace plan implemented before the temple can be built. Watch the peace deal that's going on right now in the holy land this will be the key to the 3rd temple the 7th seal has not been unsealed.
Also there was no mention of the mark of the beast or the false prophet. The temple must be desecrated one way or another I side with the Christians idea that the antichrist will be the one who steps in to the temple and this is the abomination of desolation. Because there is no explanation given in lds doctrine concerning this.
If you will study Revelations, you will know that the 7th seal has not been opened. :)
Interesting, he was wrong in the timeline of the 144,000. It has not happened yet.
Ya. I think the lesson is that we should avoid rigidity in adhering to fixed time lines. One thing is certain...were closer.!
@@lifeengine4635 I agree, I watched another timeline yesterday that suggests the 144k has already happened. I have also watched another this week that I thought was the best one I have seen yet. I will link them for you if you are interested. Fasten your Seatbelts for the Second Coming v 2 ruclips.net/video/mLkUwmPMv-Y/видео.html
We Will Witness what Nephi Saw in Vision part 1 ruclips.net/video/e-GCOAPhURg/видео.html
I didn’t hear him say it’s already happened. Better listen again.
He said SOME were chosen to be a part of the 144,000 , when it does happen in the future. Some will be translated and some resurrected,.
@@kathyprice939 agree
This is why i disagree with the interpretation about the 144,ooo as just a metaphor. It was specifically said by its numbers and remember when Jesus said: Whats of the Spirit is of the Spirit, what's of the world, is of the world...
@38:00 - @39:00
This is why (and he didn't mention it) plural marriage had to be on the earth BEFORE the restoration of all dispensations into this one, and why plural marriage AGAIN has to be active BEFORE the restoration of all dispensations into this one, for if it wasn't, previous dispensations would be resurrected and brought into this dispensation IN SIN and then immediately EXCOMMUNICATED from the church. Abraham would not be able to even be in the church let alone the meeting with his wives, nor ANY of the previous dispensations prophets who practiced plural marriage as they would be (and should be) LITERALLY excommunicated FROM the church as is the current church position. (EDIT: this obviously also includes Brother Joseph himself + all the early church Apostles/Prophets)
This is such a huge point that no one likes to talk about but from which you gain so much understanding on HOW events will play out in the near future.
You really think someone will be able to get Catholics, atheists, Presbyterians, etc. all of the sudden united in a 3.5 year social + economical + legal warfare against the church and only the church when the church is just sitting here eating our green jello and face painting? No... The bringing back of plural marriage is one of VERY FEW things that could and will unite the west against us economically, socially, legally, etc. It would also be a war against Islam starter in the same breath, creating the small horn in Turkey and the mark of the beast.
I feel terrible for those belonging to the great and abominable church who believe that "women getting the priesthood" is in the near future, or homosexual support, when they get hit with "plural marriage has once again been established" and are totally blindsided...
"and the great sifting began..."
The mark of the beast is already upon us. Thank you Billy Bob Gates and George Sorry Sore Soros.
Oh and I agree that plural marriage could very well be the catalist for the banning together of the churches to torment, torture and kill the Saints.
@Open Minded On my channel The II LDS Archives my next video is on "the mark of the beast", the video will be titled something like "Satan; the Great Counterfeit". What you have to understand is that Satan mimics God and His plan, if what you think is "the mark of the beast" doesn't have a comparison in God's church and kingdom, chances are that you have missed the mark.
@Open Minded The "mark of the beast"
1. Bears the name of "the beast", ie. "the false god", ie. "satan/serpant".
2. It "speaks", meaning it has words written on it or has a speaker... most likely words
3. It identifies the wearer as an "anti-Christ" or a supporter of that doctrine. The doctrine of an "anti-Christ" is that Christ Jesus was never born, or was born and wasn't God's son nor "died for man's sins".
4. Those that refuse to worship the beast are beheaded
5. In "the beast kingdom" you won't be able to sell or buy ANYTHING without openly wearing the mark on the arm (hand) or forehead.
The vaccines might be a bad idea and the chip even more of a bad idea- but the mark of the beast? It doesn't check any of the boxes in scripture. I won't need a chip to buy on Amazon, I won't be beheaded for not getting it, and it doesn't represent an anti-Christ doctrine let alone an anti-Christ. I don't personally own a smart phone- I have strong feelings about "technology" and what it has done to us. I am also not a fan of masks, vaccines (that DO sterilize people), or piercings/tattoos (which this chip would be) and I most likely will stay clear from gen 1-2 new vaccines at a minimum, but I do not personally believe it is THE mark of the beast.
@Open Minded Yeah I'm very much LDS. REV 13. "he caused it to speak". The only way to get an image/mark to "speak"? Writing, a speaker, or this thing is literally just talking. I'm thinking writing makes the most sense based on the collection of information surrounding it.
I don’t believe that plural marriage would be the catalyst for people being against us. There is too much acceptance of plural marriage from those shows on tv like “Sister wives”. What I think could very well be the catalyst is our stance against gay marriage. If we don’t allow gays to be sealed in the temple, and we won’t, they will shut us down. We will definitely get our tax exemption taken away and will be looked at as bigots by most everyone in worldly society.