Wanted to remember the "fiery apocalipse" mechanic warlocks had back in Cataclysm. Googled it, this is the first video that popped up even in 2022.... RIP TotalBiscuit, you are missed!
@xenoblad Now I've said this once already but I'll repeat it just for effect. People need to start reading my bulletins. I've put up an email address there to report the URLs of these ads. Once I have a list I am going to instruct RUclips to block them. Apparently they are willing to do that, but I have to go through some process to make that happen. Just to make it clear. I do NOT place goldselling ads on my videos and I do NOT endorse any kind of service like that. I want em gone.
This sorta helps me, I've been debating whether I should make a Mage (I'm interested in Fire) or a Warlock, though I have to wait for the Demo lock guide from you before I get all the info over it, but thanks alot TB for posting this up. It really helps.
Cool, a Lock guide. Getting close to maxing out my first char, was thinking rolling a lock next since I don't really understand what they do very well- This is perfect.
I could see that netherward and nether protection being really useful in a lot of fights where magic damage is coming in at repeated hits. Judging from TB's videos most fights have repeated barrages of AoE. It would be really amazing on that blind dragons laser beam and al'akir's final phase to name a few examples. Seems like a great progression talents all around to help healers out.
AWESOME VID GUYS :D for the most part thats how im gunna have my lock, but probably with a few changes with the remaining 10 points and the glyphs, but im defiantly going to subscribe. You guys are incredibly helpful and i cant wait till i get WoW again
Optec here :). Some people are missing the point that at level 85 things like mana will be a lot more of an issue I chose mana related talents as my splash talents out of utility. Other ones may provide small increases in dps on paper but in real terms it's hard to predict and ultimately pointless discussing at length until more people are testing when cata is live. TB is correct there is a change in design philosophy with talents now, you should no longer 'cookie cutter' your specs.
Hey TB, love your guides, but this warlock spec/guide is sub-optimal and let me tell you why. 1. Improved Searing Pain is currently useless. 2. Improved Corruption is worth getting, corruption is a staple in the destro spec. 3. As said by Optec, glyph of Imp is better and replaces incinerate. Priority is: IMP SF>BoD>IMMO>CONFLAG>CORR>CB>SF(With Emp IMP or Soulburn)>Incinerate Shadowflame goes above CB if in melee range. Please uprate so people can get the right info! Thanks TB you rock!
In case you are stll looking for a mod resembling cooldown pulse, use ForteXorcist, the mod Optec doesn't use ;) It has a nice pulse in the middle of the screen, shows when you need to reapply your dots as well. I loved it with my Warlock and I can see it being useful on mages.
Its good to use a mod like ButtonTimers for warlocks, you can track auras and cooldowns in a form of a bar. There are several other options if this doesn't suit you, forte exorsist, dottimer etc. The guy does a pretty good job, if you want to check more detailed info on best pve specs and rotations you should probably check simcraft thread on the ej forums. Imp soulfire has an internal cooldown of 15secs which adds into the complexity of the talent.
@tiawatha Actualy if you ever notice...soulfire gets +dmg if your immolate is up...so putting immolate after soulfire seems a bit stupid...plus i dont think a instant cast spell that you only have to refresh every 18sec is NOT a loss of dps...
Thanks for the guide, TB ! Keep your great videos coming ! One tiny bit of advice from someone who played his warlock for 6,5 years (European Final Beta) though: For most fights, you should probably go for Shadowburn 1/1 and Netherward 1/1 rather than Improved Searing Pain 2/2 - I would highly recommend Aftermath though, it's a good additional stun that could be used on "small" CC-able adds in some bossfights. You could swap those 2 points into Nether Protection 2/2 for other fights though.
tysm! im a warlock, ive alrdy been subscribed to optec, great seeing my 2 most faveorite wow people together, and best of all, doing a guide on my class! :D go loxz!
Just as a recommendation to Warlocks who watch this guide, I personally use Power Auras to keep track of all my Destruction Cooldowns. It's a simple set up, with the various buff/debuff icons showing above my character where they're easy to see. The icons are semi-transparent and have timers, so monitoring that is pretty easy. There's some great pre-made Power Aura set-ups on the Wiki.
just as a little coment, the video is good, just some things to clear up, put ANY dots you can, even shadowflame is a good filler if you can put it into your rotation, corruption is a must, since does about 10% of your dmg on long fights, try to keep it up, for destruction, BoD>BoA. and the first soulfire you canst to get the +15% haste, dont waste your soulburn on that one.basic rotation: CoE>BoD>Immo>corruption>conflagrate>chaosbolt>soulfire sepam incinerate when the 15% haste ends>SB+SF
Aftermath is usable in fights such as Saurfang HC, where every slow counts. Showburn can be worked into a rotation when the target is below 20%, as it actually does more damage than searing pain (at least crits for more). Bane of Havoc is very useful, I especially like it for Lich King where you can pop it on him you take down raging spirits etc.. Mana Feed, not such a good talent compared to improved Corruption, your pet will hardly ever experience mana problems (not your IMP however)
A good thing for cooldowns that I used as I was doing 10M H and 25man H was Tellmewhen Think its pretty good. Some people might think it makes it obvious for you because you can make the icons large as hell but its a matter of preference.
One splash talent option would be Improved Bane of Agony as it also increases chance of bane of doom to crit. Would be a bit more useful then Demonic Embrace. Also their was a blue post that they decided to nerf the damage of Searing Pain to its post 4.0.1 damage. Unless its value is abnormally high it would probably be best not to put 2 points into that talent. You could put 2 in aftermath, get netherward, and get nether protection. Nether Protection will be useful in raids.
@Reyson01 In BC you had to have excellent timing to do the best dps, shadow bolt did ALOT of threat in BC and you had to know when to pop cds and use soul shatter. Been playing a lock since the start of vanilla.
@TotalHalibut and that is why you should be allowed to alter your spec slightly anywhere in the world even if it means having to buy reagents like they did with the glyphs that would be great as most fights in cata are very different and certain talents you might use for one might be useless for another.
@urclelive As it is obvious you didnt understand what he meant. But i'll explain. You use your Soulburn some seconds BEFORE the fight starts for example the tank says 3...(soul burn) 2...(soul harvest to refresh soulshard) 1 PULL! You got it? So you'll have like 4 soulshards because the soulburn effect lasts long enough. It's a litle tricky to time it right but if u manage to do it you'll have one shard more. So actually he seems to play a warlock ;) Try it out :)
A couple points I disagree with, such as taking Aftermath over Netherward and Demonic Embrace over Doom and Gloom, but overall a good guide. I would have liked to see him cover each individual talent/glyph a bit more as he glossed over quite a few. Too bad I don't have a Beta key, I was really tempted to put myself out as the "warlock guy" when you announced that you were planning on doing this sort of thing for each class. Vent lag may also have been an annoyance since I'm in California.
@buechsederpandora Unless no one else is providing that buff, you can, it's up to you but in a 5man it's not really mandatory and in 10s or 25s there will most likely be others you can bring the buff. Affliction uses SB as a main nuke so, as Destro and demo you want the damage buff on incinerate. That's why it's in the upper tier and covers basically the 2 main warlock nukes. It's a talent for every spec.
Thank you both for putting this up. Also, TB, your a caster. You kinda have the basic understands of it. It isn't like a melee trying to understand it or something. Logic and probably the whole comment fails, but the first line hopefully shouldn't sound retarted.
i have an idea, if you make a cast sequence macro including soulburn and soul fire then you can pop a soulburn which makes the next soul fire instant cast so that could be useful, only thing to consider is whether you want to use a soul shard so early on in the fight, but hey its up to personal preferance i feel
Nice helpful guide, but there was no mention of the new spell Soulburn which modifies some of the warlock's spells most notably Soulfire which turns it into an instant cast
tbh, improved searing pain is useful on the life servers atm under 50% after using up your 3 backdraft casts, if you got the Conf glyph (reduced cd) you'll only be getting off 1 searing pain each conflag cast, you can argue about that for the 31 points you need to get out of destro. About shadowburn, I've been using it lately and I found it very usefull in atleast half of the ICC fights, it allows you to be reckless with soul shards wich is in my opinion lovely.
@TotalHalibut Yep. In this video some of the choices are really a matter of personal preference. Shadowburn/Shadowflame/Aftermath. Really makes no difference just how you play if some one uses Soul Burn + Soul Fire each time its off-cooldown then take the obvious Shadow burn but there are no number changes. The only thing I'm surprised at was that no points were added into Doom and Gloom, My self using this but perhaps there are some spell changes in Beta that I don't know about.
My main in WoW is a human demonology warlock. While It was ok in Vanilla and TBC, wrath was where it got uber fun with demon form and my favorite talent point of warlocks: Decimation. In Wrath, my sole goal was to increase the damage of Soul Fire as best I could. Cause of Decimation, and a few leftover talents in T1 and 2 of Destruction, I could fling Sou Fires every .5-.8 seconds once Decimation proced, that's when I pop demon form for extra dps. I always had top dps in raids >:)
Nice vid. Cool to see some Warlock stuff on your channel (an Undead Warlock, hell yeah). Little question - how about Soulburn before Soul Fire sometimes? Don't know how it works in Cata, but in 4.0.1 it's nice to start with instant SF and use it 2 more times during fight, always buying you some seconds. P.S. Would be great if some Balance Druid would help you do a vid, I'm very curious about these new mechanics of this spec.
@RaGb1522 yes, but soon your going to run out of soulshards, and in longer fights (like nefarion) your gonna run out, fast. so, then you might want to cast SF right after your second conf. but that can be argued about...
@Blastomath Except Demonic Aegis doesn't seem to provide any extra Spell Power to Fel Armor anymore. Sucks, but it seems to be true. I do wonder about the pluses and minues of using Shadowbolt just for the 30 seconds Improved SB debuff on a raid boss that give a +5% increase to Critical Strike. I assume it allows at least all spells from the entire raid to have a higher chance of getting a critical, which would be useful to a lot of classes.
@cyruswjv587 you did say that, everyone can read wt you said. However, I want to ask the same question too, Why not take shadowburn ? whenever boss under 20% : shadowburn==>get full shards===>soulburn===>intant SoulFire Even you aren't using it on SoulFire, you may use it on teleport or re-summon demon,right?
Will you be doing a guide for Affliction warlocks too? as i'm not entirely sure on somethings if you do it would be a great help but if not then i'll just research some more thank you and keep up the great vids :D
nice guide optec.. would suggest some improvements on the talents. due to corruption still being useful for Destro you can spend some in the imp corruption.
Thank you for this great Video, this one will really help to improve my performance with warlocks. There is one question i have. In order to refresh Immolate, is it better to use cast a new immolate oder to refresh it with felflame, assuming a tank and spank fight?
not bad 6.5k dps on the target dummy for me with a similar spec. no power on this earth will make me use the stupid imp. I generally go with the fel puppy. Since my main is a shammy healer, my lock hasn't been able to do much in ICC for gear. They are my 2 favorite classes for sure.
Locks are great to play with, I have a 75 destro lock and I'm loving it. It's perfect for area damage (having a lock, a balance druid and a mage to try for the Leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeroy achiev = triple dope) and their spells are so fun, although not that powerful after Cata, but they are just awesome for raiding and for pvp.
How useful is it to keep Improved Shadow Bolt up? It would be only 1 cast every 30 seconds, but i'm not sure it is worth the cast time. It also increases the complexity of the rotation.
For everyone complaining about the gold selling ads: Watch his latest video explaining how to report these ads to him. He is doing everything in his power to make sure these do not show up on his videos, but he needs your help! The video can be found at /watch?v=gjXEZIWmV3k
I think the Improved Soul Fire talent WILL make it to Live. If they keep it where it only works from 80-100% health on the target, it encourages DPS to insta-cast a HUGE nuke right away on an enemy and pull aggro or they won't get the haste buff. That is not smart design. If you have it work at any time, you can always wait until the tank has aggro to cast it.
@slowfire1 They do point out what things would be handy for PvP while going through the Destruction tree, but, considering that, from watching TB's other videos, I know that he's not really a PvPer, it'd make sense that they'd go more the PvE route -anyway-.
as to the last 10 points in the build, there are no choises to make...if you want to max out your destro dps you should get 5 in affliction(corr and D&G) because they are supposed to be always in your rotation and 3 in dark arts, which leaves us with only 2 talents to spend
Compared to other classes, the warlock action bar is so colored. Just look at all the nice looking icons and spells. And I must agree, warlocks seem pretty complicated :-s
wouldn't it be useful if you spec Shadow and Flame to cast a shadowbolt every 30 sec to get the 5% crit against the target? the dps loss can't be that big if you cast one sb instead of incinerate?
T.B just curious as to what you felt being new to warlocks, how does playing a lock compare to playing a mage in cataclysm? I've played a mage since Vanilla, and of course am looking for something fun yet familiar to play as an alt.
Wait question, BoD>Corrup>Immo>Conflag>Shad Bolt>Incine>Incine>Corrup>Conflag>Incine>Incine>Incine>Immo>Conflag...Repeat from Shad bolt...Repeat from Bod. Is this a valid rotation? or i was thinking...when the enemy is below 25% health do i cast searing in place of incine?
Wanted to remember the "fiery apocalipse" mechanic warlocks had back in Cataclysm. Googled it, this is the first video that popped up even in 2022....
RIP TotalBiscuit, you are missed!
Holy shit this is a throwback. Miss you dude.
"Warlocks are incredibly powerful crowd-controllers at the moment."
That made me think back to BC and I smiled. :) Thanks for the info Optec.
@xenoblad Now I've said this once already but I'll repeat it just for effect. People need to start reading my bulletins. I've put up an email address there to report the URLs of these ads. Once I have a list I am going to instruct RUclips to block them. Apparently they are willing to do that, but I have to go through some process to make that happen.
Just to make it clear. I do NOT place goldselling ads on my videos and I do NOT endorse any kind of service like that. I want em gone.
This sorta helps me, I've been debating whether I should make a Mage (I'm interested in Fire) or a Warlock, though I have to wait for the Demo lock guide from you before I get all the info over it, but thanks alot TB for posting this up. It really helps.
I honestly don't even play wow anymore but I still enjoy watching your videos...great stuff..you have me wanting to get back into it again
You are officially more my hero than you were before for making this your second guide.
@Lucky7Diice It's a specific Cata one. It's not a guild logo, it's just a really damn pretty cloak model.
Love the video. Please keep em commin. I personally don't mind the length information is always appreciated thank you for the time you put into these.
So happy that the guide is finally here. Optec and TB is a good combo.
Cool, a Lock guide.
Getting close to maxing out my first char, was thinking rolling a lock next since I don't really understand what they do very well- This is perfect.
Optec is awesome. I've been following his guides for quite some time. Good choice TB!
Nice guide there, especially since I've always been curious about warlocks. I also like the bit you guys did in that last bit, showing the rotation.
....Oh god. Fear's actually useful now. I am very joyful.
Entertaining vid as always, looking forward to the possibility of more guides in the future.
I could see that netherward and nether protection being really useful in a lot of fights where magic damage is coming in at repeated hits. Judging from TB's videos most fights have repeated barrages of AoE. It would be really amazing on that blind dragons laser beam and al'akir's final phase to name a few examples. Seems like a great progression talents all around to help healers out.
AWESOME VID GUYS :D for the most part thats how im gunna have my lock, but probably with a few changes with the remaining 10 points and the glyphs, but im defiantly going to subscribe. You guys are incredibly helpful and i cant wait till i get WoW again
I've been watching this vid for 2 minutes, and I guickly hopped on to WoW, deleted my paladin and started an Undead Warlock, and I'm LOVING IT!!!
Optec here :). Some people are missing the point that at level 85 things like mana will be a lot more of an issue I chose mana related talents as my splash talents out of utility. Other ones may provide small increases in dps on paper but in real terms it's hard to predict and ultimately pointless discussing at length until more people are testing when cata is live. TB is correct there is a change in design philosophy with talents now, you should no longer 'cookie cutter' your specs.
Hey TB, love your guides, but this warlock spec/guide is sub-optimal and let me tell you why.
1. Improved Searing Pain is currently useless.
2. Improved Corruption is worth getting, corruption is a staple in the destro spec.
3. As said by Optec, glyph of Imp is better and replaces incinerate.
Priority is:
IMP SF>BoD>IMMO>CONFLAG>CORR>CB>SF(With Emp IMP or Soulburn)>Incinerate
Shadowflame goes above CB if in melee range.
Please uprate so people can get the right info! Thanks TB you rock!
In case you are stll looking for a mod resembling cooldown pulse, use ForteXorcist, the mod Optec doesn't use ;)
It has a nice pulse in the middle of the screen, shows when you need to reapply your dots as well. I loved it with my Warlock and I can see it being useful on mages.
Such great tips! i went on my lock after this vid, changed some stuff around, and now im much more powerful! Thanks guys!
Its good to use a mod like ButtonTimers for warlocks, you can track auras and cooldowns in a form of a bar. There are several other options if this doesn't suit you, forte exorsist, dottimer etc.
The guy does a pretty good job, if you want to check more detailed info on best pve specs and rotations you should probably check simcraft thread on the ej forums.
Imp soulfire has an internal cooldown of 15secs which adds into the complexity of the talent.
solid stuff TB brining in experts from other classes. Keep it up
I've been waiting for this for so long. You sir, are a champion!
@tiawatha Actualy if you ever notice...soulfire gets +dmg if your immolate is up...so putting immolate after soulfire seems a bit stupid...plus i dont think a instant cast spell that you only have to refresh every 18sec is NOT a loss of dps...
Thanks for the guide, TB !
Keep your great videos coming !
One tiny bit of advice from someone who played his warlock for 6,5 years (European Final Beta) though:
For most fights, you should probably go for Shadowburn 1/1 and Netherward 1/1 rather than Improved Searing Pain 2/2 - I would highly recommend Aftermath though, it's a good additional stun that could be used on "small" CC-able adds in some bossfights.
You could swap those 2 points into Nether Protection 2/2 for other fights though.
tysm! im a warlock, ive alrdy been subscribed to optec, great seeing my 2 most faveorite wow people together, and best of all, doing a guide on my class! :D go loxz!
Just as a recommendation to Warlocks who watch this guide, I personally use Power Auras to keep track of all my Destruction Cooldowns. It's a simple set up, with the various buff/debuff icons showing above my character where they're easy to see. The icons are semi-transparent and have timers, so monitoring that is pretty easy. There's some great pre-made Power Aura set-ups on the Wiki.
just as a little coment, the video is good, just some things to clear up, put ANY dots you can, even shadowflame is a good filler if you can put it into your rotation, corruption is a must, since does about 10% of your dmg on long fights, try to keep it up, for destruction, BoD>BoA. and the first soulfire you canst to get the +15% haste, dont waste your soulburn on that one.basic rotation: CoE>BoD>Immo>corruption>conflagrate>chaosbolt>soulfire sepam incinerate when the 15% haste ends>SB+SF
Aftermath is usable in fights such as Saurfang HC, where every slow counts. Showburn can be worked into a rotation when the target is below 20%, as it actually does more damage than searing pain (at least crits for more). Bane of Havoc is very useful, I especially like it for Lich King where you can pop it on him you take down raging spirits etc.. Mana Feed, not such a good talent compared to improved Corruption, your pet will hardly ever experience mana problems (not your IMP however)
This video series is quite appreciated as Im a warlock, Thanks TB!
A addon which is good to display your dots(only yours) is Tidyplates: Neon(Tidyplates rec)
and also a setup of Power Auras Classic
A good thing for cooldowns that I used as I was doing 10M H and 25man H was Tellmewhen Think its pretty good. Some people might think it makes it obvious for you because you can make the icons large as hell but its a matter of preference.
One splash talent option would be Improved Bane of Agony as it also increases chance of bane of doom to crit. Would be a bit more useful then Demonic Embrace. Also their was a blue post that they decided to nerf the damage of Searing Pain to its post 4.0.1 damage. Unless its value is abnormally high it would probably be best not to put 2 points into that talent. You could put 2 in aftermath, get netherward, and get nether protection. Nether Protection will be useful in raids.
Power auras are great for cooldowns! It's kind of hard to get set up but it's very helpful and it looks really nice!
@Reyson01 In BC you had to have excellent timing to do the best dps, shadow bolt did ALOT of threat in BC and you had to know when to pop cds and use soul shatter.
Been playing a lock since the start of vanilla.
@TotalHalibut and that is why you should be allowed to alter your spec slightly anywhere in the world even if it means having to buy reagents like they did with the glyphs that would be great as most fights in cata are very different and certain talents you might use for one might be useless for another.
As it is obvious you didnt understand what he meant. But i'll explain. You use your Soulburn some seconds BEFORE the fight starts for example the tank says 3...(soul burn) 2...(soul harvest to refresh soulshard) 1 PULL!
You got it? So you'll have like 4 soulshards because the soulburn effect lasts long enough. It's a litle tricky to time it right but if u manage to do it you'll have one shard more. So actually he seems to play a warlock ;)
Try it out :)
yay!! I can't wait for the other guides on other classes plz make 1 for druids^^
A couple points I disagree with, such as taking Aftermath over Netherward and Demonic Embrace over Doom and Gloom, but overall a good guide. I would have liked to see him cover each individual talent/glyph a bit more as he glossed over quite a few.
Too bad I don't have a Beta key, I was really tempted to put myself out as the "warlock guy" when you announced that you were planning on doing this sort of thing for each class. Vent lag may also have been an annoyance since I'm in California.
Finally i've been waiting for this for a long time! Cheers
@buechsederpandora Unless no one else is providing that buff, you can, it's up to you but in a 5man it's not really mandatory and in 10s or 25s there will most likely be others you can bring the buff. Affliction uses SB as a main nuke so, as Destro and demo you want the damage buff on incinerate. That's why it's in the upper tier and covers basically the 2 main warlock nukes. It's a talent for every spec.
Thanks, helped me out a lot, was totally clueless about Warlocks.
Thank you both for putting this up.
Also, TB, your a caster. You kinda have the basic understands of it. It isn't like a melee trying to understand it or something.
Logic and probably the whole comment fails, but the first line hopefully shouldn't sound retarted.
i have an idea, if you make a cast sequence macro including soulburn and soul fire then you can pop a soulburn which makes the next soul fire instant cast so that could be useful, only thing to consider is whether you want to use a soul shard so early on in the fight, but hey its up to personal preferance i feel
been trying to pronounce conflagrate for awile now good to finally hear it good vid. keep it up.
Nice helpful guide, but there was no mention of the new spell Soulburn which modifies some of the warlock's spells most notably Soulfire which turns it into an instant cast
@VelaStorm7 Yep. Not sure if it's the same at 85, but at 80 half the time overall it out damages Chaos Bolt.
tbh, improved searing pain is useful on the life servers atm under 50% after using up your 3 backdraft casts, if you got the Conf glyph (reduced cd) you'll only be getting off 1 searing pain each conflag cast, you can argue about that for the 31 points you need to get out of destro. About shadowburn, I've been using it lately and I found it very usefull in atleast half of the ICC fights, it allows you to be reckless with soul shards wich is in my opinion lovely.
@OmegaDestruction I did not, but I think adblock plus block video ads as well cause i haven't gotten them at all since i had the addon.
Yep. In this video some of the choices are really a matter of personal preference. Shadowburn/Shadowflame/Aftermath. Really makes no difference just how you play if some one uses Soul Burn + Soul Fire each time its off-cooldown then take the obvious Shadow burn but there are no number changes. The only thing I'm surprised at was that no points were added into Doom and Gloom, My self using this but perhaps there are some spell changes in Beta that I don't know about.
That cloak is freakin awsome! great videos TB you have the best videos keep it up!
Are you planning to do all classes before Cata? Zabermoul would probably be the best bet for DK's. He helped me a lot!
My main in WoW is a human demonology warlock. While It was ok in Vanilla and TBC, wrath was where it got uber fun with demon form and my favorite talent point of warlocks: Decimation. In Wrath, my sole goal was to increase the damage of Soul Fire as best I could. Cause of Decimation, and a few leftover talents in T1 and 2 of Destruction, I could fling Sou Fires every .5-.8 seconds once Decimation proced, that's when I pop demon form for extra dps. I always had top dps in raids >:)
That cape looks awersome!
Nice vid. Cool to see some Warlock stuff on your channel (an Undead Warlock, hell yeah). Little question - how about Soulburn before Soul Fire sometimes? Don't know how it works in Cata, but in 4.0.1 it's nice to start with instant SF and use it 2 more times during fight, always buying you some seconds.
P.S. Would be great if some Balance Druid would help you do a vid, I'm very curious about these new mechanics of this spec.
@xenoblad video posters do not add those ads onto the videos....
@TotalHalibut Ah cool thanks it's nice to see them add animations to trinkets now as well rather then just a buff on the top of the interface.
Cooldown bar I find is pretty good for casters and melee. I main as a Disc/shadow priest and a rogue and it is damn useful.
@RaGb1522 yes, but soon your going to run out of soulshards, and in longer fights (like nefarion) your gonna run out, fast. so, then you might want to cast SF right after your second conf. but that can be argued about...
@Blastomath Except Demonic Aegis doesn't seem to provide any extra Spell Power to Fel Armor anymore. Sucks, but it seems to be true.
I do wonder about the pluses and minues of using Shadowbolt just for the 30 seconds Improved SB debuff on a raid boss that give a +5% increase to Critical Strike. I assume it allows at least all spells from the entire raid to have a higher chance of getting a critical, which would be useful to a lot of classes.
@Jejse17 15 second duration with a 15 second internal cooldown. Working as intended. Kind of annoying, but is intended.
TotalBiscuit, are you going to do anymore worgen videos after the darkshore? Please reply back. LOVE THE VIDEOS!!!
@cyruswjv587 you did say that, everyone can read wt you said.
However, I want to ask the same question too, Why not take shadowburn ?
whenever boss under 20% : shadowburn==>get full shards===>soulburn===>intant SoulFire
Even you aren't using it on SoulFire, you may use it on teleport or re-summon demon,right?
Will you be doing a guide for Affliction warlocks too? as i'm not entirely sure on somethings if you do it would be a great help but if not then i'll just research some more thank you and keep up the great vids :D
@TotalHalibut One thing I'd like to add is that searing pain creates huge threat. It's like spriest's mind spike.
nice guide optec.. would suggest some improvements on the talents.
due to corruption still being useful for Destro you can spend some in the imp corruption.
@Bysentenial I'm pretty sure that TB doesn't get to choose the ads....
@AOD64 Wrong, destro locks are mostly for dying repeatedly because they have no utility.
Awww, some love from the realm to Optec, cuz u don't see us too much, /hug from Szemere @ Trollbane EU =D
@albelnox5454 Trinket proc yeah.
Thats actually right its now named Ghost Pulse and its a quite nice addon!
Thank you for this great Video, this one will really help to improve my performance with warlocks. There is one question i have. In order to refresh Immolate, is it better to use cast a new immolate oder to refresh it with felflame, assuming a tank and spank fight?
not bad 6.5k dps on the target dummy for me with a similar spec. no power on this earth will make me use the stupid imp. I generally go with the fel puppy. Since my main is a shammy healer, my lock hasn't been able to do much in ICC for gear. They are my 2 favorite classes for sure.
Finally the mages understand our pain! Thanks for this TB
Grimhildr of Stonemaul
Using an addon called doom cooldown pulse at the moment. Seems to be the same addon you talked about near the end of the video.
Locks are great to play with, I have a 75 destro lock and I'm loving it. It's perfect for area damage (having a lock, a balance druid and a mage to try for the Leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeroy achiev = triple dope) and their spells are so fun, although not that powerful after Cata, but they are just awesome for raiding and for pvp.
@Totalhalibut You have gold advertisements at the start of your videos... I'm not sure if you're aware of it.
How useful is it to keep Improved Shadow Bolt up? It would be only 1 cast every 30 seconds, but i'm not sure it is worth the cast time. It also increases the complexity of the rotation.
I love you for putting this on ur channel
Great stuff do not at this moment in time play a warlock but its good viewing none the less.
For everyone complaining about the gold selling ads:
Watch his latest video explaining how to report these ads to him. He is doing everything in his power to make sure these do not show up on his videos, but he needs your help!
The video can be found at /watch?v=gjXEZIWmV3k
Keep up the awesome videos TotalBiscuit! I play an affliction lock myself. Wondering how they will be in Cataclysm.
@nojamesmypie That would be "Dark Intent", it's talked about around 23:55
i like to splash the points into the improved banes because it use bane of agony and the extra crit is nice
Warlocks > Mages
They're just so much more fun to play with imo
I think the Improved Soul Fire talent WILL make it to Live. If they keep it where it only works from 80-100% health on the target, it encourages DPS to insta-cast a HUGE nuke right away on an enemy and pull aggro or they won't get the haste buff. That is not smart design. If you have it work at any time, you can always wait until the tank has aggro to cast it.
Pulse and forte work really well together. Just for info later on.
Finally an advert i don't mind :P, Lemmy singing the ace of spades hero
@slowfire1 They do point out what things would be handy for PvP while going through the Destruction tree, but, considering that, from watching TB's other videos, I know that he's not really a PvPer, it'd make sense that they'd go more the PvE route -anyway-.
Also I'm a warlock for cata so this will be fun to watch.
as to the last 10 points in the build, there are no choises to make...if you want to max out your destro dps you should get 5 in affliction(corr and D&G) because they are supposed to be always in your rotation and 3 in dark arts, which leaves us with only 2 talents to spend
Compared to other classes, the warlock action bar is so colored. Just look at all the nice looking icons and spells.
And I must agree, warlocks seem pretty complicated :-s
Oh, and there's an addon now called Doom_Cooldownpulse. I'm using it currently. Same one you mentioned at the end?
You learned pretty fast. :] Can't for the Demonology video, that's my favorite of the warlock specs, heh.
Instead of casting soulfire you should use soulburn to get the instant cast for it, probably would increase you dps.
wouldn't it be useful if you spec Shadow and Flame to cast a shadowbolt every 30 sec to get the 5% crit against the target? the dps loss can't be that big if you cast one sb instead of incinerate?
T.B just curious as to what you felt being new to warlocks, how does playing a lock compare to playing a mage in cataclysm?
I've played a mage since Vanilla, and of course am looking for something fun yet familiar to play as an alt.
Demonic Aegis i would say is a must for the extra SP on fel armor
Wait question, BoD>Corrup>Immo>Conflag>Shad Bolt>Incine>Incine>Corrup>Conflag>Incine>Incine>Incine>Immo>Conflag...Repeat from Shad bolt...Repeat from Bod. Is this a valid rotation? or i was thinking...when the enemy is below 25% health do i cast searing in place of incine?