I have _lotsa_ thoughts to share after finishing the video. So much I'll be making one of my multi-posts. XP Let's start by saying, _Street Fighter X Mega Man_ is "okay". Far from my favorite, and especially considering botched ports, probably not my least favorite of the Classic (including Game Boy titles) or X series. *However,* getting the game to run at all, let alone properly, can be quite the trial. My old computer would "choke" on Stages with too much red (including red-related shades like pink). It wasn't just slowdown. Sometimes, the game would not only ignore controller inputs *but also* continue reading whatever input it last sensed. Say I was pressing "Right" when this happened; I'd realize the problem as Mega Man walked off the edge of a platform into a pit. XP *I love fighting games.* I _think._ The issue is I often plateau where I'm too skilled to be an amateur but no where near skilled enough to hang with "serious" players. I *want* a good Mega Man fighting game neither _Mega Man: The Power Battle_ nor its sequel _Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters_ counts. Though I wouldn't mind more of those games either, they're "Boss Battle" games, not proper fighting games. Hearing ExploDjinn talk about it, I can't tell if he truly does *not* enjoy fighting games at all, or if he _could_ enjoy ones like non-early _Street Fighter_ titles *if* he had someone to help him learn the ropes. *No, really.* It could easily go either way, and the only reason I entertain the idea is because ExploDjinn mentioned enjoying games like _Smash Bros._ Yeah, the game has a threadbare story, though to be fair, Mega Man games tend to be hit-or-miss on that front. I'll add that I've assumed Mega Man is facing robotic duplicates of most of the Street Fighter cast. Why? Cause they explode like regular Robot Masters. *Does this make sense?* Well, for the first 8 fighters, sure. For the Boss characters, not so much. XD *I agree that the cast feels odd.* Either they're: 1) The game creator's favs 2) Chosen to represent multiple Street Fighter games 3) Chosen for other *not* obvious gameplay reasons 4) Something I'm missing 5) A combination of two or more of the previous answers *Getting to keep the Slide and Charge shot is **_wonderful!_* I *hate* how _Mega Man 9_ and _Mega Man 10_ ditched them, and honestly wanted the Mega Hand (Arm?) of _Mega Man V_ a.k.a. _Rockman World V_ to have stuck around. It probably won't happen, but I want the Double Gear System from _Mega Man 11_ to return if we get any more Classic series games. *Getting back to the point,* if you've read my comments before, you probably remember that I think *every* core Classic Series Mega Man game feels like it *needs* the Slide, even the games that predate it! That's how intrinsic it is to Classic Mega Man style gameplay. As for the Charge Shot, you actually should *not* Always Be Charging. _Most_ of the time, *yes!* One of my criticisms of _Mega Man 9_ and _Mega Man 10_ removing Mega Man's Charge Shot is *knowing when to charge and when to rapid-fire is **_core_** Classic Mega Man gameplay!* I could be mistaken, but I recall Chun-Li's Stage being one of the easiest *on the replay.* Because you'll know the correct path (memory permitting) *and* the infinitely spawning enemies are easy - though *boring* - to try and farm for 1-Ups. At least, I _think_ they can be farmed; *either way* you're best off relying on rapid-fire with periodic charging for certain enemies and/or because the Stage gives you enough of a breather to charge so why not?
Since the next thing the video covers is the boss weapons, let's address that! First, I am sad there's no Rush outside the auto-scrolling/shooter Stage. If I have to choose between the Slide, the Charge Shot, and the Rush Coil, I'm picking the Slide *but* if I can have two of the three, I'm taking the Slide and the Rush Coil. Yes, _Mega Man 3_ (NES) was my first title, and that may be part of it. However, once these were added to the core gameplay formula, retroactively I noticed how many places the older games had where "Boy, it feels like I should be able to slide/charge/use Rush!" and I believe all three enrich game design. Second, *the demo weapon screen is good.* I can't remember if you're allowed to actually practice the attacks like in _Mega Man 11_ (I don't think you do) *but* at least you get to see the attack performed on someone, and given Dan this role is all in good fun. I'd hate for Dan to have been left out; like Akuma, he needs to be in all Street Fighter titles in some capacity. Maybe even all Capcom titles. Yes, I'm saying I want not only a *real* Akuma mode for _Resident Evil_ games, but also a Dan-mode counterpart. Ideally, where Dan partners up with Tofu... *Now for the acquired and/or code-unlocked "Weapons":* *Hadoken:* Mostly simple, but effective. Glad you can charge it, and it being yellow _might_ be a reference to the Denjin Hadoken that debuted in SF3, or how Ryu (and sometimes Ken) can throw red Hadokens... that actually look more orange, which is close to yellow. *Lightning Kick:* What ExploDjinn said. While it does hit further out than you'd expect, I wish it was indicated a little more clearly (and maybe reached just a hair further) by giving it a Slash Claw-like "energy wave" instead of the dust cloud(?) of the actual game. *Tropical Hazard:* The Tropical Hazard actually debuted as a Super Combo for Blanka in _Street Fighter Alpha 3. If Mega Man's variable weapon system can produce actual fruits, then those are _real_ watermelons. If he can only make _fake_ fruits, then they're as close as Mega Man can get them. I'm not a big _Mega Man 8_ fan, so I'm torn. On one hand, giving these some of the Mega Ball's tricks (bouncing off to jump higher) adds more depth and usage to a special weapon. On the _other_ hand, I'm glad Rose seems almost drawn to them at times or else I'd struggle to hit her with this attack. Plus without it, maybe we would have gotten the Rush Coil... *Yoga Inferno:* If you press up or down on the d-pad (or whatever you've mapped the commands to), you can cause the flames from this attack to hit higher or lower. This _sometimes_ makes it easier to hit targets. *Optic Laser:* Yes, I always want to call this the "Optic Blast", but that's Cyclops' (of the X-Men) thing. Once again, its actual function is as ExploDjinn says. *Aegis Reflector:* I recall enjoying this weapon. Not saying it is super useful, though there are some sections where it can come in handy, as opposed to _just_ the boss fights where it is someone's Weakness. According to the Mega Man Knowledge Base, it lasts for five seconds *or* until it reflects three projectiles. You *can* change to another weapon after putting an Aegis Reflector in play, and it will stick around *but* its color will change accordingly! *Soul Satellite:* Besides the rotating spheres, Mega Man's buster fires a large, purple shot instead of its usual uncharged shot. While you pay Energy to use the Soul Satellite, while it is already out the purple shots from your buster won't _further_ drain its weapon Energy. As with the Aegis Reflector, Mega Man can switch to another weapon and the shield will remain, though its color will change accordingly. According to the MMKB, the actual Soul Satellite orbs that rotate around Mega Man do 10 damage when they hit something, versus the purple shot only doing 1 point. Almost sadly, I have to point out this probably isn't even close to the "worst" shield weapon in the Mega Man series. XP *Mine Sweeper:* Adding to what ExploDjinn said, you can hit with the grenade (mine?) either directly or with the explosion it causes. If the MMKB is correct, this doesn't do a lot of damage *but* the explosion can hit up to three times, which can actually be handy against certain enemies. *"Original" Hadoken:* This is a hidden version of the Hadoken that requires inputting a code to use. Once the code is used, while you can still select the "regular" Hadoken Boss weapon you earn from defeating Ryu (assuming you've already earned it), you'll begin the game with access to the _alternate_ Hadoken. This is referred to as the "original" Hadoken because it is *not* a selectable boss weapon. Instead, you input ↓↘→+Fire to use it, like X could in _Mega Man X_ . You can still hold down fire to charge it *but* you _can't_ use it in the air and this Hadoken does *not* require any weapon energy to use. *Seiei Enbu:* Using this weapon - which *does* have its own meter - causes Mega Man to move faster and be followed by an after image. The after image copies what Mega Man does *including* attacking. It costs 1 point of energy per 2 seconds it is active and Mega Man *cannot* switch weapons. Fortunately, the code to unlock it is the same as the one for the Original Hadoken, and the Original Hadoken *can* be used while Seiei Enbu is in effect, resulting in a double Hadoken. It is also nice that the weapon energy drain apparently ceases while jumping or charging your buster/hadoken. Long story short, the Street Fighter character Yang was *originally* planned to be a fighter in this game, but was replaced with Chun-Li. By that point, the programming was done for his Seiei Enbu attack, which was going to be the weapon he gave to Mega Man. So it was decided to leave it in as a bonus you could unlock with a code. *Overall, it is a solid loadout.* No true duds, though some come _close_ and I like that there are bonus weapons, even if they're only achievable by using a code.
I do like that your weapon energy refills upon death. I won't go so far as to say _every_ Classic Series game should do this, but they _probably_ should. Yes, the player can gain a sense of accomplishment by having to _grind_ for for Weapon Energy, but the place where you need it the most is usually the bosses where either you _can't_ grind or wouldn't want to because your life meter is as or more important. The main exceptions being those that *don't* let you respawn right in front of the boss or stuff like the original NES _Mega Man_ who had enemies/traps in that pre-boss hallway. *Overall, I think the Stages are solid.* Not my favorites and sometimes not easily remembered, then again this isn't one of the games I've been playing since I was 10. It really is *mixed* as there are bits I love and bits I hate in probably every Stage. I like the destructible walls in *Ryu's Stage* but when it is your first time through and possibly the very first Stage you play, "Is this fan-game-turned-official broken?" is a reasonable conclusion (as opposed to "Shoot the wall!"). Might just have been me, but I vaguely recall having a hard time working out attack patterns of some of the regular enemies. ^^' I wouldn't compare *Chun-Li's Stage* to the "maze" Stages of _Super Mario Bros._ Those things would infinitely loop if you went the wrong way; these just have a dead end from which you can pretty easily backtrack *and* you'll see the correct route. Though, for one or two power-ups, you'll frustratingly get to a point of no return. You can still progress, but you won't be able to go back and snag (IIRC) an E-Tank you'll badly need later. Well, if you're me. XD The Dhalsim Stage maze isn't _too_ confusing, and I like how there's a *giant arrow* in the background _and yet_ plenty of people miss that and go the wrong way. XD Though, on my old PC (I mentioned it had problems when there was too much "red" in the Stage) made it more challenging. Even once you've figured them out, some enemies may remain difficult or tedious, taking a lot of work or waiting to kill. For *Blanka's Stage,* I believe the blob enemies are supposed to be some kid of "slug". As in the invertebrate animal. The falling... whatever they are (MMKB calls them "Rolling Blades", I thought they were flowers or spinning seeds that some plants drop) can sometimes get annoying. As in, you're doing great and then _right before the boss door_ one of them catches you off guard and you take a hit. Well, that is what I recall happening to me. *C. Viper's Stage* is one where I remember liking the theming but hating certain parts of the layout. Especially with "Respawn when you scroll away then return" enemies, I'd be dodging a ceiling turret only to suddenly get hit by the onslaught from multiple Laser Joe's I'd dealt with 30 seconds prior. It doesn't help that this Stage has a lot of "red" in it, so my first few times playing it, I'd be dealing with the input glitch I mentioned earlier. *Urien's Stage* is another where I love and hate it at the same time. I _think_ it is because - even when playing on a modern computer - I'll sometimes wonder about the hit detection. Less for the enemies, and more those dropping floors. Though that might be input lag instead, since my point is Mega Man will connect with the spikes faster than I expect. Oh, and the Reflector Ball enemies can be a pain. I _think_ there may have been enough red in the Stage to cause that problem I keep mentioning and explained in my earlier post. Sticks when you fall because the floor drops and the game insists you've been running into the slightly elevated floor immediately _after_ the dropping platform, even though you're jamming the jump button as hard and fast as you can. XP *Despite that* I actually like this Stage. Just because of beat'em-up nostalgia and there being an "elevator" section. Weird, but true. It may not make sense but I _love_ how power-ups in the shooter section just stay in midair in the Rush Jet section of *Rose's Stage.* Even if it was some kind of glitch I actually wish more Mega Man games did that, instead of watching the goodies plummet far too quickly into oblivion. >_< This is the Stage I had the hardest time with *but* not in the present. I keep mentioning "red" in the Stage, but I also mentioned shades of "pink" counted as "red" for the purposes of my old computer lagging with the Stage. So, so many times Rose's Stage was the run breaker because the game would decide I was still pushing "right" long after I'd stopped, and Mega Man would throw himself down a pit. @_@ *Balrog's Stage* isn't next in the video, but I'm going to address it. While part of me wishes it was a regular fight with "Boxer", it probably would have been too once-sided without the gimmick. Balrog's never been great at dealing with fireball spam and what is Mega Man's tried and true tactic but jump and shoot? The entries over in the MMKB make it sound like you can try to kill Balrog via damage, but I've never even come close. Like most, *Vega's Stage* can be _infuriating_ for me. Though, in it's defense, it isn't _just_ the Stage or _just_ the boss fight with Vega that is the problem, but the two together. Even when you work out what the best weapons to use on the vertical climb segment are, it is still so easy to take a hit and fall a screen or three. Then the rest, while throwing a lot of power-ups at you, still likes to leave you without enough health to last against Vega. I love that Chun-Li's Lightning Kick being Vega's Weakness is a reference to _Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie_ *but* boy is it hard to use on him. The Boss Rush is fine. Yes, I too used to think it was too hard because - for some reason - I _never_ thought to shoot the rotating orbs above the hands until someone told me to. I mean, you get both a large life and large weapon energy pickup.
Maybe because I'm kind of bad at "reading" Mega Man bosses *or* because I'm better versed in Street Fighter, the bosses fall somewhere in the "middle" for challenging to me. They are more physical, that is true; I think everyone has at least one "physical attack" Special Move, Super Combo, etc. As opposed to _just_ making a big or shallow jump and counting on collision damage, like so many Robot Masters. Once again, it is hard for me to tell how much I struggle to avoid taking any damage is because this is *not* a game I've got 20+ years of experience with, versus longtime favorites of mine. Then again, I'm *not* the kind of Mega Man player to go for self-imposed challenges like "No Hit" or "No Miss" runs. _Maybe_ the occasional "Buster-Only" or "Alternate Weakness". Oh, but if it wasn't clear, the "Unblockable Cinematic Attack" that isn't... _really_ isn't. There are a variety of "super moves" in Street Fighter, unless you're playing _Super Street Fighter II_ or *older* titles exclusively. This game even has a Super Gauge Meter appear by most boss's Life Bar. It'll fill up as they take damage. *Unlike* the games where they fill because you're doing damage, or making attacks, or (still) taking damage. Yeah, pity I wasn't there for the stream because *all the attacks are familiar if you know Street Fighter.* That includes the attack *properties* that confused ExploDjinn. The Shoryuken (Dragon Punch) has always had some I Frames to it, letting at least projectiles harmlessly pass through Ryu, Ken, and company. _Sometimes_ Chun-Li's Spinning Bird Kick will also have them, though usually for "thing" projectiles. IIRC, in some versions of _Street Fighter II_ Guile's Sonic Boom would pass through Chun-Li while she performs her Spinning Bird Kick *but* not the Hadoken. Ryu's Tatsumaki Senpukyaku (Hurricane Kick) also has those vs projectile I-Frames in most games. While I am trying to go by memory for attack names, I had to look up the name for Ryu's Tatsumaki Senpukyaku (couldn't remember it clearly) and found out that a literal translation for the attack is supposedly "Tornado Whirlwind Leg". As opposed to the official North American English name, "Hurricane Kick". XD Speaking of *Ryu* specifically, he reminds me a bit of Quick Man. *Not* in how he attacks, but in how he seems to either be crazy hard or super easy. Like how Quick Man usually bounces around the Boss Room while flinging Quick Boomerangs *but* _sometimes_ you'll luck out and he just runs face first into the corner, hardly throwing any projectiles. Ryu will almost always spam his Special Moves (well, his only moves aside from his Super in this game) *but* sometimes he's bouncing back and force around Mega Man and other times he's really easy to predict. Which *really* matters due to his Weakness being Urien's Aegis Reflector. Ryu's Fireball spam will _sometimes_ all but neutralize the threat of the Reflector, as Fireball 2 crashes into Fireball 1 because Fireball 1 bounced back. Meaning, *no damage to Ryu.* Same for Ryu's projectile evading attacks. You bounce a fireball back and it doesn't collide with _another_ shot from Ryu, but he Tatsu's or Shoryuken's through it anyway. At least, if I remember this battle correctly... *Other times,* Ryu's pace with his Specials (and even his Super) are nice and slow and easy to bounce back. A *lot* of the bosses in this game actually feel that way to me. If they're not just challenging (cheap?) like Akuma, M. Bison, probably Sagat (don't think I ever unlocked him), and Vega, then they fluctuate wildly. I don't mean from boss to boss, I mean the _same_ boss during different runs. As ExploDjinn said, they all have "tells" but catching them with enough time to still react can be really difficult one game, super easy barely an inconvenience the next. What I will say is, that like projectiles passing through Ryu's Dragon Punch and Hurricane Kick, the boss attacks are based on either Special Moves, Super Moves, or [insert different term] moves from titles that released before this one. Usually of the Street Fighter variety. Oh, and Vega losing his claw lowers his offense while losing his mask lowers his defense. Not that I can tell _most_ matches. By the time it happens, I tend to either be close to dying or close to winning. *Balrog's Stage doesn't autoscroll.* It moves because you're running away from Balrog and Balrog is chasing you. When it scrolls in a "jerky" fashion, that's because Balrog is using his weird turn/dash punch attacks (forgot their official names). It may not be obvious during play, but I noticed while watching your footage. I don't think I ever unlocked Sagat. I have faced Akuma, but I think I've only ever beaten him by... the game glitching and Akuma exploded instead of loading in. Like, literally the character exploding effect happened instead and the game counted it as a win for me. XD
The visuals are nice in this game, and I enjoyed the music a little more but I also know the inspiration for the tracks. Then again, I don't usually listen to Mega Man music in my free time, so me _not_ listening to this is pretty normal. The difficulty of this title is hard for me to pin down. Getting the game and getting it up and running with the controls you want can be challenging. I don't know if the official link works anymore, and if you go elsewhere know there are *multiple versions* of the game, or rather, different _revisions._ The game itself really does have peaks and valleys; some spots are easy, some are really challenging, and some can be either depending on various factors. While not the ideal way to celebrate Mega Man's anniversary, it absolutely was better than nothing and I wish Capcom would "elevate" more fan games. I mean, _Mega Man Unlimited_ absolutely deserves to join _Street Fighter X Mega Man_ as "official fangames".
Sheesh, I think you had more to say about this one than I did. Think I've said this before, but doing your own reviews might not be a bad idea. Wish I knew some of those weapon functions when I was playing, especially for Yoga Fire.
Mega Man just sounds more potentially iconic. And he's just a cooler concept. Street Fighter is... fine. I can kinda understand the appeal but I'm not too big into those games where it's mostly just basic looking karate wrestling people. Dhalsim is kinda fun tho.
@@ExploDjinn The big joke on Ryu is that he is the Father of all Shotos and clones of them, these are all jokes for fun Ken = Fire Ryu Akuma = Evil Ryu Dan = Taunt Ryu Sakura = Girl Ryu Sean = Basketball Ryu Gouken = Sensei Ryu
Here’s my Fire Storm Yoga Flamming Hot Take: Street Fighter X Megaman is better than Megaman 9 and 10, for one, Megaman remembered how to charge his buster and slide and the Street Fighters themselves offer for more challenging fights and I love the Megaman styled renditions of Street Fighter songs
There are some pretty good fights here, though there's more to Mega Man games than just that. 9 has probably my favorite set of weapons and 10... I actually am pretty tepid on.
I have _lotsa_ thoughts to share after finishing the video. So much I'll be making one of my multi-posts. XP
Let's start by saying, _Street Fighter X Mega Man_ is "okay". Far from my favorite, and especially considering botched ports, probably not my least favorite of the Classic (including Game Boy titles) or X series. *However,* getting the game to run at all, let alone properly, can be quite the trial. My old computer would "choke" on Stages with too much red (including red-related shades like pink). It wasn't just slowdown. Sometimes, the game would not only ignore controller inputs *but also* continue reading whatever input it last sensed. Say I was pressing "Right" when this happened; I'd realize the problem as Mega Man walked off the edge of a platform into a pit. XP
*I love fighting games.* I _think._ The issue is I often plateau where I'm too skilled to be an amateur but no where near skilled enough to hang with "serious" players. I *want* a good Mega Man fighting game neither _Mega Man: The Power Battle_ nor its sequel _Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters_ counts. Though I wouldn't mind more of those games either, they're "Boss Battle" games, not proper fighting games. Hearing ExploDjinn talk about it, I can't tell if he truly does *not* enjoy fighting games at all, or if he _could_ enjoy ones like non-early _Street Fighter_ titles *if* he had someone to help him learn the ropes. *No, really.* It could easily go either way, and the only reason I entertain the idea is because ExploDjinn mentioned enjoying games like _Smash Bros._
Yeah, the game has a threadbare story, though to be fair, Mega Man games tend to be hit-or-miss on that front. I'll add that I've assumed Mega Man is facing robotic duplicates of most of the Street Fighter cast. Why? Cause they explode like regular Robot Masters. *Does this make sense?* Well, for the first 8 fighters, sure. For the Boss characters, not so much. XD
*I agree that the cast feels odd.* Either they're:
1) The game creator's favs
2) Chosen to represent multiple Street Fighter games
3) Chosen for other *not* obvious gameplay reasons
4) Something I'm missing
5) A combination of two or more of the previous answers
*Getting to keep the Slide and Charge shot is **_wonderful!_* I *hate* how _Mega Man 9_ and _Mega Man 10_ ditched them, and honestly wanted the Mega Hand (Arm?) of _Mega Man V_ a.k.a. _Rockman World V_ to have stuck around. It probably won't happen, but I want the Double Gear System from _Mega Man 11_ to return if we get any more Classic series games. *Getting back to the point,* if you've read my comments before, you probably remember that I think *every* core Classic Series Mega Man game feels like it *needs* the Slide, even the games that predate it! That's how intrinsic it is to Classic Mega Man style gameplay.
As for the Charge Shot, you actually should *not* Always Be Charging. _Most_ of the time, *yes!* One of my criticisms of _Mega Man 9_ and _Mega Man 10_ removing Mega Man's Charge Shot is *knowing when to charge and when to rapid-fire is **_core_** Classic Mega Man gameplay!* I could be mistaken, but I recall Chun-Li's Stage being one of the easiest *on the replay.* Because you'll know the correct path (memory permitting) *and* the infinitely spawning enemies are easy - though *boring* - to try and farm for 1-Ups. At least, I _think_ they can be farmed; *either way* you're best off relying on rapid-fire with periodic charging for certain enemies and/or because the Stage gives you enough of a breather to charge so why not?
Since the next thing the video covers is the boss weapons, let's address that!
First, I am sad there's no Rush outside the auto-scrolling/shooter Stage. If I have to choose between the Slide, the Charge Shot, and the Rush Coil, I'm picking the Slide *but* if I can have two of the three, I'm taking the Slide and the Rush Coil. Yes, _Mega Man 3_ (NES) was my first title, and that may be part of it. However, once these were added to the core gameplay formula, retroactively I noticed how many places the older games had where "Boy, it feels like I should be able to slide/charge/use Rush!" and I believe all three enrich game design.
Second, *the demo weapon screen is good.* I can't remember if you're allowed to actually practice the attacks like in _Mega Man 11_ (I don't think you do) *but* at least you get to see the attack performed on someone, and given Dan this role is all in good fun. I'd hate for Dan to have been left out; like Akuma, he needs to be in all Street Fighter titles in some capacity. Maybe even all Capcom titles. Yes, I'm saying I want not only a *real* Akuma mode for _Resident Evil_ games, but also a Dan-mode counterpart. Ideally, where Dan partners up with Tofu...
*Now for the acquired and/or code-unlocked "Weapons":*
*Hadoken:* Mostly simple, but effective. Glad you can charge it, and it being yellow _might_ be a reference to the Denjin Hadoken that debuted in SF3, or how Ryu (and sometimes Ken) can throw red Hadokens... that actually look more orange, which is close to yellow.
*Lightning Kick:* What ExploDjinn said. While it does hit further out than you'd expect, I wish it was indicated a little more clearly (and maybe reached just a hair further) by giving it a Slash Claw-like "energy wave" instead of the dust cloud(?) of the actual game.
*Tropical Hazard:* The Tropical Hazard actually debuted as a Super Combo for Blanka in _Street Fighter Alpha 3. If Mega Man's variable weapon system can produce actual fruits, then those are _real_ watermelons. If he can only make _fake_ fruits, then they're as close as Mega Man can get them. I'm not a big _Mega Man 8_ fan, so I'm torn. On one hand, giving these some of the Mega Ball's tricks (bouncing off to jump higher) adds more depth and usage to a special weapon. On the _other_ hand, I'm glad Rose seems almost drawn to them at times or else I'd struggle to hit her with this attack. Plus without it, maybe we would have gotten the Rush Coil...
*Yoga Inferno:* If you press up or down on the d-pad (or whatever you've mapped the commands to), you can cause the flames from this attack to hit higher or lower. This _sometimes_ makes it easier to hit targets.
*Optic Laser:* Yes, I always want to call this the "Optic Blast", but that's Cyclops' (of the X-Men) thing. Once again, its actual function is as ExploDjinn says.
*Aegis Reflector:* I recall enjoying this weapon. Not saying it is super useful, though there are some sections where it can come in handy, as opposed to _just_ the boss fights where it is someone's Weakness. According to the Mega Man Knowledge Base, it lasts for five seconds *or* until it reflects three projectiles. You *can* change to another weapon after putting an Aegis Reflector in play, and it will stick around *but* its color will change accordingly!
*Soul Satellite:* Besides the rotating spheres, Mega Man's buster fires a large, purple shot instead of its usual uncharged shot. While you pay Energy to use the Soul Satellite, while it is already out the purple shots from your buster won't _further_ drain its weapon Energy. As with the Aegis Reflector, Mega Man can switch to another weapon and the shield will remain, though its color will change accordingly. According to the MMKB, the actual Soul Satellite orbs that rotate around Mega Man do 10 damage when they hit something, versus the purple shot only doing 1 point. Almost sadly, I have to point out this probably isn't even close to the "worst" shield weapon in the Mega Man series. XP
*Mine Sweeper:* Adding to what ExploDjinn said, you can hit with the grenade (mine?) either directly or with the explosion it causes. If the MMKB is correct, this doesn't do a lot of damage *but* the explosion can hit up to three times, which can actually be handy against certain enemies.
*"Original" Hadoken:* This is a hidden version of the Hadoken that requires inputting a code to use. Once the code is used, while you can still select the "regular" Hadoken Boss weapon you earn from defeating Ryu (assuming you've already earned it), you'll begin the game with access to the _alternate_ Hadoken. This is referred to as the "original" Hadoken because it is *not* a selectable boss weapon. Instead, you input ↓↘→+Fire to use it, like X could in _Mega Man X_ . You can still hold down fire to charge it *but* you _can't_ use it in the air and this Hadoken does *not* require any weapon energy to use.
*Seiei Enbu:* Using this weapon - which *does* have its own meter - causes Mega Man to move faster and be followed by an after image. The after image copies what Mega Man does *including* attacking. It costs 1 point of energy per 2 seconds it is active and Mega Man *cannot* switch weapons. Fortunately, the code to unlock it is the same as the one for the Original Hadoken, and the Original Hadoken *can* be used while Seiei Enbu is in effect, resulting in a double Hadoken. It is also nice that the weapon energy drain apparently ceases while jumping or charging your buster/hadoken.
Long story short, the Street Fighter character Yang was *originally* planned to be a fighter in this game, but was replaced with Chun-Li. By that point, the programming was done for his Seiei Enbu attack, which was going to be the weapon he gave to Mega Man. So it was decided to leave it in as a bonus you could unlock with a code.
*Overall, it is a solid loadout.* No true duds, though some come _close_ and I like that there are bonus weapons, even if they're only achievable by using a code.
I do like that your weapon energy refills upon death. I won't go so far as to say _every_ Classic Series game should do this, but they _probably_ should. Yes, the player can gain a sense of accomplishment by having to _grind_ for for Weapon Energy, but the place where you need it the most is usually the bosses where either you _can't_ grind or wouldn't want to because your life meter is as or more important. The main exceptions being those that *don't* let you respawn right in front of the boss or stuff like the original NES _Mega Man_ who had enemies/traps in that pre-boss hallway.
*Overall, I think the Stages are solid.* Not my favorites and sometimes not easily remembered, then again this isn't one of the games I've been playing since I was 10. It really is *mixed* as there are bits I love and bits I hate in probably every Stage.
I like the destructible walls in *Ryu's Stage* but when it is your first time through and possibly the very first Stage you play, "Is this fan-game-turned-official broken?" is a reasonable conclusion (as opposed to "Shoot the wall!"). Might just have been me, but I vaguely recall having a hard time working out attack patterns of some of the regular enemies. ^^'
I wouldn't compare *Chun-Li's Stage* to the "maze" Stages of _Super Mario Bros._ Those things would infinitely loop if you went the wrong way; these just have a dead end from which you can pretty easily backtrack *and* you'll see the correct route. Though, for one or two power-ups, you'll frustratingly get to a point of no return. You can still progress, but you won't be able to go back and snag (IIRC) an E-Tank you'll badly need later. Well, if you're me. XD
The Dhalsim Stage maze isn't _too_ confusing, and I like how there's a *giant arrow* in the background _and yet_ plenty of people miss that and go the wrong way. XD Though, on my old PC (I mentioned it had problems when there was too much "red" in the Stage) made it more challenging. Even once you've figured them out, some enemies may remain difficult or tedious, taking a lot of work or waiting to kill.
For *Blanka's Stage,* I believe the blob enemies are supposed to be some kid of "slug". As in the invertebrate animal. The falling... whatever they are (MMKB calls them "Rolling Blades", I thought they were flowers or spinning seeds that some plants drop) can sometimes get annoying. As in, you're doing great and then _right before the boss door_ one of them catches you off guard and you take a hit. Well, that is what I recall happening to me.
*C. Viper's Stage* is one where I remember liking the theming but hating certain parts of the layout. Especially with "Respawn when you scroll away then return" enemies, I'd be dodging a ceiling turret only to suddenly get hit by the onslaught from multiple Laser Joe's I'd dealt with 30 seconds prior. It doesn't help that this Stage has a lot of "red" in it, so my first few times playing it, I'd be dealing with the input glitch I mentioned earlier.
*Urien's Stage* is another where I love and hate it at the same time. I _think_ it is because - even when playing on a modern computer - I'll sometimes wonder about the hit detection. Less for the enemies, and more those dropping floors. Though that might be input lag instead, since my point is Mega Man will connect with the spikes faster than I expect. Oh, and the Reflector Ball enemies can be a pain.
I _think_ there may have been enough red in the Stage to cause that problem I keep mentioning and explained in my earlier post. Sticks when you fall because the floor drops and the game insists you've been running into the slightly elevated floor immediately _after_ the dropping platform, even though you're jamming the jump button as hard and fast as you can. XP *Despite that* I actually like this Stage. Just because of beat'em-up nostalgia and there being an "elevator" section. Weird, but true.
It may not make sense but I _love_ how power-ups in the shooter section just stay in midair in the Rush Jet section of *Rose's Stage.* Even if it was some kind of glitch I actually wish more Mega Man games did that, instead of watching the goodies plummet far too quickly into oblivion. >_< This is the Stage I had the hardest time with *but* not in the present. I keep mentioning "red" in the Stage, but I also mentioned shades of "pink" counted as "red" for the purposes of my old computer lagging with the Stage. So, so many times Rose's Stage was the run breaker because the game would decide I was still pushing "right" long after I'd stopped, and Mega Man would throw himself down a pit. @_@
*Balrog's Stage* isn't next in the video, but I'm going to address it. While part of me wishes it was a regular fight with "Boxer", it probably would have been too once-sided without the gimmick. Balrog's never been great at dealing with fireball spam and what is Mega Man's tried and true tactic but jump and shoot? The entries over in the MMKB make it sound like you can try to kill Balrog via damage, but I've never even come close.
Like most, *Vega's Stage* can be _infuriating_ for me. Though, in it's defense, it isn't _just_ the Stage or _just_ the boss fight with Vega that is the problem, but the two together. Even when you work out what the best weapons to use on the vertical climb segment are, it is still so easy to take a hit and fall a screen or three. Then the rest, while throwing a lot of power-ups at you, still likes to leave you without enough health to last against Vega. I love that Chun-Li's Lightning Kick being Vega's Weakness is a reference to _Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie_ *but* boy is it hard to use on him.
The Boss Rush is fine. Yes, I too used to think it was too hard because - for some reason - I _never_ thought to shoot the rotating orbs above the hands until someone told me to. I mean, you get both a large life and large weapon energy pickup.
Maybe because I'm kind of bad at "reading" Mega Man bosses *or* because I'm better versed in Street Fighter, the bosses fall somewhere in the "middle" for challenging to me. They are more physical, that is true; I think everyone has at least one "physical attack" Special Move, Super Combo, etc. As opposed to _just_ making a big or shallow jump and counting on collision damage, like so many Robot Masters. Once again, it is hard for me to tell how much I struggle to avoid taking any damage is because this is *not* a game I've got 20+ years of experience with, versus longtime favorites of mine. Then again, I'm *not* the kind of Mega Man player to go for self-imposed challenges like "No Hit" or "No Miss" runs. _Maybe_ the occasional "Buster-Only" or "Alternate Weakness".
Oh, but if it wasn't clear, the "Unblockable Cinematic Attack" that isn't... _really_ isn't. There are a variety of "super moves" in Street Fighter, unless you're playing _Super Street Fighter II_ or *older* titles exclusively. This game even has a Super Gauge Meter appear by most boss's Life Bar. It'll fill up as they take damage. *Unlike* the games where they fill because you're doing damage, or making attacks, or (still) taking damage. Yeah, pity I wasn't there for the stream because *all the attacks are familiar if you know Street Fighter.*
That includes the attack *properties* that confused ExploDjinn. The Shoryuken (Dragon Punch) has always had some I Frames to it, letting at least projectiles harmlessly pass through Ryu, Ken, and company. _Sometimes_ Chun-Li's Spinning Bird Kick will also have them, though usually for "thing" projectiles. IIRC, in some versions of _Street Fighter II_ Guile's Sonic Boom would pass through Chun-Li while she performs her Spinning Bird Kick *but* not the Hadoken. Ryu's Tatsumaki Senpukyaku (Hurricane Kick) also has those vs projectile I-Frames in most games. While I am trying to go by memory for attack names, I had to look up the name for Ryu's Tatsumaki Senpukyaku (couldn't remember it clearly) and found out that a literal translation for the attack is supposedly "Tornado Whirlwind Leg". As opposed to the official North American English name, "Hurricane Kick". XD
Speaking of *Ryu* specifically, he reminds me a bit of Quick Man. *Not* in how he attacks, but in how he seems to either be crazy hard or super easy. Like how Quick Man usually bounces around the Boss Room while flinging Quick Boomerangs *but* _sometimes_ you'll luck out and he just runs face first into the corner, hardly throwing any projectiles. Ryu will almost always spam his Special Moves (well, his only moves aside from his Super in this game) *but* sometimes he's bouncing back and force around Mega Man and other times he's really easy to predict.
Which *really* matters due to his Weakness being Urien's Aegis Reflector. Ryu's Fireball spam will _sometimes_ all but neutralize the threat of the Reflector, as Fireball 2 crashes into Fireball 1 because Fireball 1 bounced back. Meaning, *no damage to Ryu.* Same for Ryu's projectile evading attacks. You bounce a fireball back and it doesn't collide with _another_ shot from Ryu, but he Tatsu's or Shoryuken's through it anyway. At least, if I remember this battle correctly... *Other times,* Ryu's pace with his Specials (and even his Super) are nice and slow and easy to bounce back.
A *lot* of the bosses in this game actually feel that way to me. If they're not just challenging (cheap?) like Akuma, M. Bison, probably Sagat (don't think I ever unlocked him), and Vega, then they fluctuate wildly. I don't mean from boss to boss, I mean the _same_ boss during different runs. As ExploDjinn said, they all have "tells" but catching them with enough time to still react can be really difficult one game, super easy barely an inconvenience the next. What I will say is, that like projectiles passing through Ryu's Dragon Punch and Hurricane Kick, the boss attacks are based on either Special Moves, Super Moves, or [insert different term] moves from titles that released before this one. Usually of the Street Fighter variety.
Oh, and Vega losing his claw lowers his offense while losing his mask lowers his defense. Not that I can tell _most_ matches. By the time it happens, I tend to either be close to dying or close to winning.
*Balrog's Stage doesn't autoscroll.* It moves because you're running away from Balrog and Balrog is chasing you. When it scrolls in a "jerky" fashion, that's because Balrog is using his weird turn/dash punch attacks (forgot their official names). It may not be obvious during play, but I noticed while watching your footage.
I don't think I ever unlocked Sagat. I have faced Akuma, but I think I've only ever beaten him by... the game glitching and Akuma exploded instead of loading in. Like, literally the character exploding effect happened instead and the game counted it as a win for me. XD
The visuals are nice in this game, and I enjoyed the music a little more but I also know the inspiration for the tracks. Then again, I don't usually listen to Mega Man music in my free time, so me _not_ listening to this is pretty normal.
The difficulty of this title is hard for me to pin down. Getting the game and getting it up and running with the controls you want can be challenging. I don't know if the official link works anymore, and if you go elsewhere know there are *multiple versions* of the game, or rather, different _revisions._ The game itself really does have peaks and valleys; some spots are easy, some are really challenging, and some can be either depending on various factors. While not the ideal way to celebrate Mega Man's anniversary, it absolutely was better than nothing and I wish Capcom would "elevate" more fan games. I mean, _Mega Man Unlimited_ absolutely deserves to join _Street Fighter X Mega Man_ as "official fangames".
Sheesh, I think you had more to say about this one than I did. Think I've said this before, but doing your own reviews might not be a bad idea. Wish I knew some of those weapon functions when I was playing, especially for Yoga Fire.
Would've been really cool if they included an arcade mode where you could play as these bosses or some classic robot masters in a quick showdown.
Guess there's only so much you can stuff into a project like this, though it's a shame the creators didn't get asked back, for a bigger follow up.
I wish Capcom acknowledged Mega Man nowadays…
Allegedly they're considering stuff, but they've been saying that for at least the last two shareholder meetings.
Lementing the fact that there is no Mega Man x Street Fighter
Assuming the reverse would be a fighting game, I'd play that, even if I sucked.
@@superflashxmedia7706 There’s a Mugen called Megaman Robot Master Mayhem if anyone is interested
@ExploDjinn best part is imaging a roster for that.
Ngl I kinda just rage quit the game when I got to Vega’s stage
Mega Man just sounds more potentially iconic. And he's just a cooler concept.
Street Fighter is... fine. I can kinda understand the appeal but I'm not too big into those games where it's mostly just basic looking karate wrestling people. Dhalsim is kinda fun tho.
Might get in trouble for this, but I've made fun of Ryu as just being a guy in a Gi.
@@ExploDjinn The big joke on Ryu is that he is the Father of all Shotos and clones of them, these are all jokes for fun
Ken = Fire Ryu
Akuma = Evil Ryu
Dan = Taunt Ryu
Sakura = Girl Ryu
Sean = Basketball Ryu
Gouken = Sensei Ryu
Here’s my Fire Storm Yoga Flamming Hot Take: Street Fighter X Megaman is better than Megaman 9 and 10, for one, Megaman remembered how to charge his buster and slide and the Street Fighters themselves offer for more challenging fights and I love the Megaman styled renditions of Street Fighter songs
There are some pretty good fights here, though there's more to Mega Man games than just that. 9 has probably my favorite set of weapons and 10... I actually am pretty tepid on.