I'm watching this in November 2016.. But I still gotta say... When villain derp ssundee said GAME OVER it was so awesomely creepy that i get chills and laughed at the same time
At the very end of the Game Over book were the cordnates to find bobby, but you were too busy freaking out to notice that there were 30 PAGES IN THE BOOK
Honestly I find this so entertaining. I think that Crainer should come back with the most insane troll yet. But this time use Lenard as ur target. I wonder how ssundee will react to that lol
i know a perfect troll its kinda long though: -fill his base with the giant spiders bloody (he hates spiders) -call them all bobby -hide a 'fake' gertrude somewhere -make spiders 'guard' gertrude -make it out of bedrock -explode 'fake' gertrude -ssundee thinks its over -tell him "it's just a prank, she is in your base" but she kinda isnt -hide her in a golden lasso and put herh in his ME system -he will try to find it but he wont thats pretty much it! hes gonna be terrified
8:12 I started feeling bad for Crainer as he started to tear in depression from the list of Bobby, but then his reaction to the falling TNT in 8:22 made me forget about it XD
Crainer, do a troll where if you chose to end villian crainer, create a new thing, Pycotic Crainer or Villian Crainer Rises: Now get ssundee back by having him go to a bedrock room (Motive:Gertrude) and do a 5 ways to kill Gertrude thing where ssundee has to choose ways to kill Gertrude the when he choses it will set his spawn to a bedrock ruin then 5 seconds later it /kills ssundee then he goes to a bedrock room and watch Gertrude die then after that he dies and goes to another choice room ( set up a piston so when he makes a choice it will go to another choice room and the piston will break his choice he chose in the other room) where he has 4 choices now and the same thing happens when he choses Then he has a button in every room where it's is for him to give up and have a warning that says he will have to fight realistic spiders but it just kills him and he has to still chose how to kill gertrude, at the end he will get killed and be in a random location where it has the cordinates to his real Gertrude. I worked hard on this troll idea so pls use it
Crainer, do a troll where if you chose to end villian crainer, create a new thing, Pycotic Crainer or Villian Crainer Rises: Now get ssundee back by having him go to a bedrock room (Motive:Gertrude) and do a 5 ways to kill Gertrude thing where ssundee has to choose ways to kill Gertrude the when he choses it will set his spawn to a bedrock ruin then 5 seconds later it /kills ssundee then he goes to a bedrock room and watch Gertrude die then after that he dies and goes to another choice room ( set up a piston so when he makes a choice it will go to another choice room and the piston will break his choice he chose in the other room) where he has 4 choices now and the same thing happens when he choses Then he has a button in every room where it's is for him to give up and have a warning that says he will have to fight realistic spiders but it just kills him and he has to still chose how to kill gertrude, at the end he will get killed and be in a random location where it has the cordinates to his real Gertrude. I worked hard on this troll idea so pls use it
Crainer, do a troll where if you chose to end villian crainer, create a new thing, Pycotic Crainer or Villian Crainer Rises: Now get ssundee back by having him go to a bedrock room (Motive:Gertrude) and do a 5 ways to kill Gertrude thing where ssundee has to choose ways to kill Gertrude the when he choses it will set his spawn to a bedrock ruin then 5 seconds later it /kills ssundee then he goes to a bedrock room and watch Gertrude die then after that he dies and goes to another choice room ( set up a piston so when he makes a choice it will go to another choice room and the piston will break his choice he chose in the other room) where he has 4 choices now and the same thing happens when he choses Then he has a button in every room where it's is for him to give up and have a warning that says he will have to fight realistic spiders but it just kills him and he has to still chose how to kill gertrude, at the end he will get killed and be in a random location where it has the cordinates to his real Gertrude. I worked hard on this troll idea so pls use it
8:28 Crainer was supposed to respawn at his base, what the heck? Must of been the last place his spawn point was set to or something. Also, Crainer, if you see this, go to 201, 166, 717.
Clumbsy Noob Skrub I did, that's why I know that is not where he was supposed to respawn and what the coordinates to where he is supposed to go are, didn't you watch his video? Maybe you should watch SSundee's video, because obviously you didn't actually see it if you don't know this already.
weak and feble he should do a troll of herobrines calIber make him have 2 choices kill Leonard kill Gertrude the one he kills will be the opposite person means he chose kill Leonard it kills Gertrude it must be done
+Ryan Collins The troll didn't work as i should have. The TNT got set off so early that you don't even hear Ssundee say the cordinates. so Charlie was just being nice.
Do a haunted house With yep...another torture room And at the end there is "fake" gertrude in a cage And in front of a cage there is a pressure plate Teleport him to a very scary small room with a iron door and a button Once he press it the piston push the armor stand with wither skull and full iron armor except head and a enderman dying sound effect (Get enderman dying sound from command block) Then teleport him back to real gertrude And it will scare the crap out of ssundee...LEL #villiancrainerlivesforever
Capture Gertrude in a Golden Lasso,plant a sacred rubber tree on top of his base, and take Ssundee on a scavenger hunt to a TON of coordinates, just like SSUNDEE did to you in episode with JUKEboxes (get it? Cause you're juking him? OK I'll shut up now..) And then at the last one tell him to put all his items in an ender chest (colors: red, blue, yellow) and then it will take him to a labyrinth made of bedrock and torches, at the end it will teleport him to a chamber with a pressure plate, taking him to the next part of the troll, (BTW put JUKEboxes in all the parts of the troll.) And invisible bedrock in front of him (acting as a window) looking out to a chamber with a bed, an iron trapdoor, with lava above it, and a button to release the lava in Ssundee's chamber, and inside the chamber with the bed, put a clone of Gertrude. And behind him 2 buttons with signs, one, with a sign saying, "I want to go back to my base!" And that button will release the lava, killing Gertrude and in a few moments, after Gertrude dies will tp him to his base, however, the other, with a sign saying, "I WILL save Gertrude!" That tps him to the next part, a hallway FULL of tiny crainers, (the room is made of bedrock) and invisible bedrock on the sides, and behind the invis bedrock, cobble killing machines, and at the end, an iron door, activated by a button, that leads to a room with UNBREAKABLE Chests everywhere on the floor, and DO NOT PUT A JUKEBOX IN THIS ROOM!!!, and there is a hole in the wall*********break two blocks in front of you,then go through hole,dig five blocks down,at bottom place wooden pressure plate,which leads a redstone signal to a command BLOCK with the command∆ /say Gertrude:SSUNDEE!!!!!!! WHY DID YOU DO THAT!?! YOU HAVE BETRAYED ME! YOU HAVE DISGRACED LEONARD!!!! I WILL NEVER LOVE YOU AGAIN, YOU WILL DIE A SLOW, PAINFUL, DEATH....AND I WILL KILL YOU MYSELF!!!∆ or... Better yet, get Gertrude from factions to record her saying all this, and play that when he tried book in, and then will power the door, letting him out*********, and in one of them, there is a book named, "cobble sucks" and it reads "Hey Ssundee! Here is the deal, if you throw this in the book in that hole there, it means publicly admit that cobblestone sucks............................until you swallow your pride and finally admit it, you can sit in this room." And then, after he leaves, there is a dropper thingy and at the bottom of a 500-900 BLOCK drop, a single source BLOCK of water (and make sure his spawnpoint is set at the top of the hole.) And some lapis so it looks like water...then it will tp him to a park our chamber, on glass panes a.K.a PAINS... Leading up a Tower, and then it will show him a maze, at the end of the maze, make a hole completely filled with cobwebs, all the way down to bedrock level, and tell a story on signs along the way, and at the bottom, another maze, made of bedrock, at the end of the mass put a pressure plate going him to your old house, and make him go down through the giant hole, all the way to the bottom, and put a teleporter that tps him to a minecart roller coaster, and then make him search through another GIANT bedrock maze, with torches on the wall, and a jukebox telling him to find the items to make an item frame, all the items will be hidden in Chests found all throughout the maze, and somewhere else in the maze is hidden a crafting table, after he crafts it, he must find the villager in the maze and trade it for a pressure plate, which he must put on a gold BLOCK hidden in the maze, tping him to a room with two buttons, one saying "I will never bring VILLIAN derp sundee back" the other saying "Gertrude will die before I ever stop" this button will activate the dispenser behind it, dispensing Gertrude unto the lava! The other one however, will tp Ssundee to a hallway leading to the dispenser, allowing Ssundee to save Gertrude, and a jukebox telling him congrats, asking him to not troll you back too hard, and telling him to head to the coordinates -1432 205 -3651 and at those coordinates is a chest with Leonard. And 64 pink cobble. Thanks (Villain) Crainer! The Crazie Family troll division lives on!
+Zac_the_awesome no dont end villain crainer should not end because it wouldnt be that fun to watch by fun i mean laugh at villain crainer ridiculousness
Dear crainer I am a ssundee fan, but his troll went a little wrong he was suppose to tell you the coordinates when you we're in the chamber but it got cut off please sundae fans don't hate me
I have an idea. Make a video WITHOUT VILLIAN CRANIER to say the prank war is over. After the speech you made tell ssundee that you have a hide for him and give him the coods? (I can't spell it) into the room fill of cakes with a button and a jukebox (you know what I mean) and say that I have a even better surprise that you will love and DONT SAY TO PUT YOUR IDEMS (i can't spell...) AWAY!!!!! And teleport him to the a room with him and in the different room with Gertrude in it plus one with burning cobblestone and force ssundee to pick between Gertrude over cobble stone but both ways kill Gertrude by lava (I fogot to tell you that is the Gertrude is fake) after so give him a book to tell him that the torture is over and teleport him to his base. I hope you use this troll
+MangoGamingYT No, he decided that for the good of Bobby, he would never be Villain Crainer again. ULTIMATE Villain Crainer is still Villain Crainer. GAME OVER..
Alissa Jurisch Tru. Villain Derp SSundee is far more cruel than SSundee or Derp SSundee. Ian is trying his hardest to keep him contained. I guess not everyone can keep the Beast within themselves....
Also I know where Bobby is there was a cornets to where he was after the laugh he says cornets to where he is it also says on the book the page on page 30 is where the cornets are if you never see this say good bye to you beloved Bobby mr Crainer mmmhahahhahhahahhahhahahhahhaahhahahhahahahhahahahhahahhahhahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahhahahhahahahhahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahahhahahhahahhahahahhahahhahahhahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahahhahahhahahahhaahhahaahhahhahhahahhahahhahahhhahahahhahahhahahhahahhahahahhahahhahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahahhahhahahahhahahhahahhahhhahahahhahahahahahahhahahhahahahahahha bye bye Bobby P.S you should really never be Villain Crainer ever again or villain Bobby you can't be villain Bobby any ways if there is no Bobby if you never see him again mahhahhahahhahhahahhahahhahahhahhahahahhahahhahahahahhahhahahahhahahhahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahhahahhahahhahahhahahahhahahhahahhahahahhahhahahahhahhahha GAME OVER !!!!!
You do know sundee was pretty sure crainer would listen to the coordinates bit I guess not but even if he didn't find Bobby I'm not sure would like it if u told him the coordinates but crainer will be pretty happy and sundee isn't a jerk either to keep crainer away from Bobby.
+Arce GamingAG the troll messed up, if you watch ssundee's vid, you would know that the explosion went off right as he was saying the coords, crainer was supposed to hear them but couldn't
Crainer let me fill you in... Ssundee didn't appreciate your last troll, and just topped his last saw troll. He created a replica of your base and put it in a similar area, to make you think he blew it up. (Bobby is at 201,166,717 BTW) Crainer, I don't want anything to happen to y in this mod pack, so here is an idea... 1) don't copy what he did, go outside the box, and what I mean by that is, don't fake it... 2) place a jukebox with a disc and a book telling him you didn't appreciate his troll, and say villain Crainer is "no more." 3) place a pressure plate that teleports him to a place FAR FAR AWAY from his base. 4a) that place must be made of bedrock or something strong to where he walks down hallways, falls into traps, almost like a maze... 4b) make rooms that show things happening to Gertrude and Leonard, as well as him too. Add a "scare factor" as well. 5) when he finally leaves the maze, put down another jukebox with a music disc and book, saying...
"Well, well, well... You seem to have made it out of the maze. You said it yourself that I (villain Crainer) have destroyed too much of yours... I didn't destroy much, JUST ALL OF IT!!! (Scariest voice change) This pressure plate will take you home. (but it takes him too a spot you create to where he sees his castle) Villan Crainer has struck." Finally... When he steps on the pressure plate, show his entire castle (his real one) destroyed!! (I forgot to mention, the pressure plate he steps on to be teleported also sets off TNT that Blows up his home... This is kinda mean, but it's for bobby. BOBBY CRAINER!! And if he decides to troll you back, before you leave the server, store all of your most valuable belongings in a secret base away from your main home to where he can't find it... This will be good....
does anyone wish facecam was on so we could see his reaction?
who else came to watch craner and his reaction from ssundee's troll?
cause i did
I did
right here
6 years later still one of my favorite trolls
I'm watching this in November 2016.. But I still gotta say... When villain derp ssundee said GAME OVER it was so awesomely creepy that i get chills and laughed at the same time
i watched this when it came out but its still so good and i was so sad no facecam
FyreWarrior I'm watching it cuz I Watch trollcraft and they reference it too much lel
this is my favorite crundee craft troll aand i was upset that i didnt see crainers reaction
FyreWarrior u
Dude you didn't look at the last page of the book, THERE IS THE COORDS OF BOBBY THE PRINSES
Think of it this way Crainer..If you troll Ian back using villain crainer after you vowed to never be him again....Lets just say you will be SORRY!
+Noah Rhynes Lol SAW u on ssundee newest vid. See what i did there SAW ok i will lwt myself out then
+Crazycreeper655 So did i lol
+Noah Rhynes we will get him back look at my erlie comments then he will know whos boss
+Shawn Kidd ho rah
6:01, "Wait what? Why am I a corps? DUDE WHAT THE CRAP!
DUDE LOOK AT ME I'M BREAK DANCING!" XD that's priceless.
What Crainer didn't realize is that Ssundee broke his troll!
I came to see what ssundee did 😈 im his spy so IM ALWAYS WATCHING... VILLIAN CRAINER WILL SOON DIE FOREVER
+hemang patel The fuck ya sayin, kid?
Im a spy to
good me 2
+Đoan Trần Michael Woloshak you guys are friking jerks
Sigh. He didn't hear the coords
Wow, ... Just wow😑😑😑🐢
+Tjpark03 you can hear the first 3 numbers but then the tnt blocks it.
Yep lol well if he reads the comment watch his video back ssundee says in the message around the end
So...can we tell him now?
If Ian made a horror game I would play it
+JohnPlaysGames - ROBLOX n' More me too
+JohnPlaysGames - ROBLOX n' More IKR
It actually dependents on if you like it
i wouldn't..... I'd be too scared lol
Yup Same Im A Fraid Of Horror Games
MegaLucas ShadowX that's right
Yes guck ivelc have any in r
Yeah ssundee is the best than crainer
Yes stop villain crainer
At the very end of the Game Over book were the cordnates to find bobby, but you were too busy freaking out to notice that there were 30 PAGES IN THE BOOK
+Butterman18 thats right
it did say the
Cordenet at end of book
+Butterlord 550 look harder man 30 pages
+Butterlord 550 he lit the cords in the very back last page of the book
Crainer didn't get the coordinates to Bobby!!! he still thinks Bobby is dead! 😂
Yes he thinks he is dead
Ssunde Made it explode to fast
+AquaMyth Don't give him the cords though.... Not yet :P
You vowed. RIP Villain Crainer
+Anime Skitty rip
Yep.rip villian crainer
+Anime Skitty rip andu said so no more troolls anymore
jordan johnson Kay
If Crainer listened to the coordinates villain derp ssundee gave him, he could find bobby
Ethan Dal Molin he didn't have time it blew up to soon (by accident )
boy is in a location only wash sunde in episode 29
See your video
zadtdm the king of the ice watch not wash
If villan Crainer is still a thing, Ssundee will gain 3 attack for every taunt on the board
+Stefan Mirev Ехе фен на Hearthstone,Minecraft-гледаш Trump,Crainer и Ssundee и си българин.А пък мислех,че съм единствен.
+Ivelin Stoianov Не си единствен, хаха.
+Ivelin Stoianov аз също съм българин и гледам crainer ssundee DanTDM and Prestonplayz
+Vladislav Pavlov и аз съм българин Ssundee е страхотен
We know most of you cheeky Crainer fans have been waiting for this .
+Wafflekin Syrup woohoo!
He said Bobby s coords you were deaf and didn't listen to him
I have
Lol yup say bye tp villain crainer
No super Crainer, no Villan Crainer, No NOTHING!!!!!!!
figers crainer did not have his face cam for this troll
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WNATED THIS MY WHOLE LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE SSUNDEE!
mi thew
+anto lefouw *me too
+Ed Hurt ok then why did u sub to crainer if u love ssundee
+Wally alhomaidi bobby never left its at a island
8:05 did he say ''my ugly sister''????
I think he did
No his me system
he said my ME system get hearing aids
+Sam Owens he did thx
+Jeroen vdP yes yes he id
Wow so long.. It was 2 days..
Crainer, talk to ssundee about this troll, some of it didn't go as he planned to
+wayyninho nice up pic
DCrainer listen to him
+wayyninho I watched his video, right before the base was destroyed the voice started saying the coordinates to bobby
yeah ikr
yeah there was
Honestly I find this so entertaining. I think that Crainer should come back with the most insane troll yet. But this time use Lenard as ur target. I wonder how ssundee will react to that lol
Troll him again, and SSundee will have a few giant gifts for you that he found...
Ohhhh...i get it... uhuhuhu goose bumps
+Dcc357 Yeah I watched it too, #ifonlytherewasgiantcobblestone;)
+Dcc357 Love the Batmetal Profile pic
He Will wont he Hehehe
I watch this video only so I could see his face when"BOBBY " go's
bye bye
i know a perfect troll its kinda long though:
-fill his base with the giant spiders bloody (he hates spiders)
-call them all bobby
-hide a 'fake' gertrude somewhere
-make spiders 'guard' gertrude
-make it out of bedrock
-explode 'fake' gertrude
-ssundee thinks its over
-tell him "it's just a prank, she is in your base" but she kinda isnt
-hide her in a golden lasso and put herh in his ME system
-he will try to find it but he wont
thats pretty much it!
hes gonna be terrified
giant bloody*
If he dose just think what will Ian do next to him if villian cranner comes back.
+John Lish but its worth it
Its just the same troll
but this is KINDA a copy of the game over troll
cobble is life
cobble is life
+Punch And Klop Vlog yh
+Punch And Klop Vlog yh
VILLAIN CRAINER LIVES ON!!!!!! He "Pretended" to murder Bobby so you "Pretend" to murder Gurtrude!! Like if you agree!!
+Destinee Consuelo How about you think of a fucking original troll. Also learn to spell.
no because hes basicly copying ssundee
but Crainer loves gurtrude
i like
Did you not hear at the end of the second disk the numbers he said where the cordnets to Bobby on top on one of those slime islands
Best troll award to ssundee and best reaction reward to crainer
What's a ghast's favorite country?
The Nether-Lands! :D
+KingPenguin - Minecraft Lol, die is wel goed xD
+KingPenguin - Minecraft idd XD
jazeker ahahaha
+KingPenguin - Minecraft fuck you bitch go to ssundee's chanel P.S:i'm angary at you
don't become villian crainer again
who all agrees with me
+Loki Clifton I do
+Loki Clifton I agree
+Loki Clifton I agree
+Loki Clifton I do
I was literally watching this, LAUGHING, AND EATING POPCORN!!! BEST TROLL EVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm messed up.
+legos mc I also clapped, and said, "BRAVO! BRAVO!"
Omg I was eating popcorn too
i chocked on my popcorn
I need to find that voice changer, I want to troll my friends on our server :)
btw he should have seen the missing bed rock behind his me system right????
He did
I think Crainer was to busy freaking out about Villan Derp SSundee to notice the fact that the bedrock was missing.
You guys are idiots he did look
"From the ashes of villain Crainer rises NIGHTMARE CRAINER
+Dragonphyre42 hellborned crainer sounds alot better
Nietemare Craner good idea nite mare DERP SUNDEE😲
Nietemare Craner good idea nite mare DERP SUNDEE😲
Nietemare Craner good idea nite mare DERP SUNDEE😲 .
Nietemare Craner good idea nite mare DERP SUNDEE
Who else came for that troll reaction :D
+Jonathan medeiros (Star-Lord) i did i saw what ssundee did lol
8:03 - 8:07
Who else heard that?
M.E. System m8
He said M.E System lol
+The_One131 To all you saying he said ME System... Have you never heard of hearing the wrong thing? :)
its my m.e system and not ugly assistant
but nomore evil crianir
ssundee side
cobbel =life
Message to Evil Derp Sundee: 201, 166, 717 *evil laugh*
I mean From Evil derp Sundee
+Anime Drawerboy u copyed that from me didn't u
+Matthew Garcia I did not know I just went to Sundee and stuff pls forgive me 😟😞
the book "Game over" the last page is the coord to bobby
The book got destroyed along with crainer XD
It got blown up XD
if he goes back through the troll he could get the chords maybe
Or did it xP
stop telling him guys you are ruining it
You missed the coordinates. The first one was 201. You may need to watch his troll video. STOP THE WAR!!!
+Andrew McClain They're not aloud to watch each other's Crundee Craft videos.
LavaGaming To me?
No don't stop it!!!!
lol *whispers 201* BOOM he got scared
8:12 I started feeling bad for Crainer as he started to tear in depression from the list of Bobby, but then his reaction to the falling TNT in 8:22 made me forget about it XD
+Michael Gertz ha
+Michael Gertz ya
+Michael Gertz sundae' s with bae
+Michael Gertz the perfect time to eat a sundae
+TreTheDon PlaysStuff lol
Who else came from ssundee channel to see crainer's reaction because I sure did lel
I did
I did :)
yep I did
I did
+Candykid yup
Ummm... You could've gotten bobby back if we're actually listening to the saw dude at the end, he repeated some coordinates
Bobby is at 201, 166, 717
+Abel Lu the troll gone wrong tnt killed him too soon
+Tim Pavic yeah ... but it was hilarious !!!
+basieneter because he was supposed to know
everyone watch ssundee's video bobby is at 202,166,710 lol
Yes i did
no the begining is not 202 its 201
me two
lolol trolled crainer u need dat u call everything bobby stop my brain is booming now
well its actually really pink shep not pink sheep
Crainer, Bobby is at these coordinates: 201, 166, 717
You are welcome
Why did you tell him?
+BlueRedStone you always tell ssundee when crainer trolls him
+BlueRedStone ssundee tnt timing messed up and crainer did not heard the coordinates.
+BlueRedStone Because crainer was meant to know, he just didnt have enough tiem to listen to Villian ssundee so he didn't find out.
I didn't still see the vid srry
Bobby is at these coordinates 202, 166, 717
+Drabbertick59 thats right he is
+Penguni Pax you stfu he's right
austin henley stfu don't tell him idiot.
+Drabbertick59 yeah dont tell em we dont wanna get the suprise not fun ;-;
did you read 30 in 30 page there is a number, the number tell you where Bobby hahahahahahahahahahaha
at the end of the message it said it but there's the explosions in the background and when he got killed by the TNT he lost the book.
He didn't read page 30
+Truong Quoc its a fake one
+Kelsey The Creeper no it's not
+Truong Quoc I already told him the coordinates man.
no villen mr.crainer shoud never come back ever again
Villain Crainer* learn how to spell first please.
#all grown up
+Jesse Morris #hashtag #allgrown #foryourowngood #cobbleislyfe
+Chris Kliewer LOL my rage :P
Crainer, do a troll where if you chose to end villian crainer, create a new thing, Pycotic Crainer or Villian Crainer Rises: Now get ssundee back by having him go to a bedrock room (Motive:Gertrude) and do a 5 ways to kill Gertrude thing where ssundee has to choose ways to kill Gertrude the when he choses it will set his spawn to a bedrock ruin then 5 seconds later it /kills ssundee then he goes to a bedrock room and watch Gertrude die then after that he dies and goes to another choice room ( set up a piston so when he makes a choice it will go to another choice room and the piston will break his choice he chose in the other room) where he has 4 choices now and the same thing happens when he choses
Then he has a button in every room where it's is for him to give up and have a warning that says he will have to fight realistic spiders but it just kills him and he has to still chose how to kill gertrude, at the end he will get killed and be in a random location where it has the cordinates to his real Gertrude. I worked hard on this troll idea so pls use it
Crainer, do a troll where if you chose to end villian crainer, create a new thing, Pycotic Crainer or Villian Crainer Rises: Now get ssundee back by having him go to a bedrock room (Motive:Gertrude) and do a 5 ways to kill Gertrude thing where ssundee has to choose ways to kill Gertrude the when he choses it will set his spawn to a bedrock ruin then 5 seconds later it /kills ssundee then he goes to a bedrock room and watch Gertrude die then after that he dies and goes to another choice room ( set up a piston so when he makes a choice it will go to another choice room and the piston will break his choice he chose in the other room) where he has 4 choices now and the same thing happens when he choses
Then he has a button in every room where it's is for him to give up and have a warning that says he will have to fight realistic spiders but it just kills him and he has to still chose how to kill gertrude, at the end he will get killed and be in a random location where it has the cordinates to his real Gertrude. I worked hard on this troll idea so pls use it
Crainer, do a troll where if you chose to end villian crainer, create a new thing, Pycotic Crainer or Villian Crainer Rises: Now get ssundee back by having him go to a bedrock room (Motive:Gertrude) and do a 5 ways to kill Gertrude thing where ssundee has to choose ways to kill Gertrude the when he choses it will set his spawn to a bedrock ruin then 5 seconds later it /kills ssundee then he goes to a bedrock room and watch Gertrude die then after that he dies and goes to another choice room ( set up a piston so when he makes a choice it will go to another choice room and the piston will break his choice he chose in the other room) where he has 4 choices now and the same thing happens when he choses
Then he has a button in every room where it's is for him to give up and have a warning that says he will have to fight realistic spiders but it just kills him and he has to still chose how to kill gertrude, at the end he will get killed and be in a random location where it has the cordinates to his real Gertrude. I worked hard on this troll idea so pls use it
+Chris Kliewer cheater
8:28 Crainer was supposed to respawn at his base, what the heck? Must of been the last place his spawn point was set to or something.
Also, Crainer, if you see this, go to 201, 166, 717.
+Jess Ferrian Watch Sunddes vid
you ruin the troll
Clumbsy Noob Skrub I did, that's why I know that is not where he was supposed to respawn and what the coordinates to where he is supposed to go are, didn't you watch his video? Maybe you should watch SSundee's video, because obviously you didn't actually see it if you don't know this already.
+Jess Ferrian you ruined the troll
+Erica Zheng the troll was supposed to end in Crainer finding Bobby, but he obviously isn't going to find him without assistance.
Go back into it. The troll was not finish. You will find bobby at the end.
I'm happy to be rewatching the old vids.
If possible, use a voice editor to edit Villain Crainer's voice and use giant spiders in the next troll.
you sure do know your stuff. ssundee has an extremely bad case of arachnophobia.
weak and feble he should do a troll of herobrines calIber make him have 2 choices kill Leonard kill Gertrude the one he kills will be the opposite person means he chose kill Leonard it kills Gertrude it must be done
+Andrew Reynolds dude not cool.
+Andrew Reynolds not cool dude not cool
crainer talk to ssundee you we're supposed to here coordinates to a surprise but you couldn't because the explosion happened too soon
+kriotech Yeah the evil laugh was long but the time was short so u didnt hear the coordinate.
+MTMaster he didn't mess up the timers, Crainer (Benner is his name irl) was yelling to loud so you cant hear Sundae whisper the coords to bobby
+PsychopathicDetective you meant villain derp ssundee say the coordinates to crainer
to be extremely specific then yes
I can't beileve SSUNDEE actually took my advice and build a whole clone of your base and blowing it up
Since I'm early, I'll tell a joke.
Crainer's voice.
(Just kidding)
I got a better one
Crainers screaming problem
no more mean crainer
Dats not cool bro
+Ronna Graham how?
+mincraftgirl 36636 the troll went backwards he was supposed to go through stages but he was teleported to the end:(
No this is a completely different troll. He was teleported to the old troll, but he should have been teleported to his actual base.
+karl gu yeah, and I said in the comments how the troll glitched. Might be hard to find my comment though. :(
+bisald2007 isn't it always at the top?
Let vilain Crainer not come back let Villian bobby return!!!!!!!!!!!!
+Rens Brockhuis i agree muhahahahahah!!!!!
+Anthony Wilson Marshall YES YES YES!!! NO VILLAIN!!!
the even derpier villan ssundee part....... I had my headphones turned up lol.
I wish face cam was activated because that reaction would have been priceless
SSundee's troll didn't work as it was supposed to... the co-ordinates are 201,166,717
+Charlie Ponting U dont say what are cordinates........
Shadez I don't care.
+Charlie Ponting dude relax
Charlie Ponting really dude
+Ryan Collins The troll didn't work as i should have. The TNT got set off so early that you don't even hear Ssundee say the cordinates. so Charlie was just being nice.
Do a haunted house
With yep...another torture room
And at the end there is "fake" gertrude in a cage
And in front of a cage there is a pressure plate
Teleport him to a very scary small room with a iron door and a button
Once he press it the piston push the armor stand with wither skull and full iron armor except head and a enderman dying sound effect
(Get enderman dying sound from command block)
Then teleport him back to real gertrude
And it will scare the crap out of ssundee...LEL
Like so he can see
im gonna tell ssundee
+PutterZaThai Crappy troll
Man! After this epic troll, villain Crainer has gone for many episodes.
That's way Ssundee is my favorite minecraft RUclips. Next in line is you Crainer
+Black Revenge Why didn't you just edit your post lol
Capture Gertrude in a Golden Lasso,plant a sacred rubber tree on top of his base, and take Ssundee on a scavenger hunt to a TON of coordinates, just like SSUNDEE did to you in episode with JUKEboxes (get it? Cause you're juking him? OK I'll shut up now..) And then at the last one tell him to put all his items in an ender chest (colors: red, blue, yellow) and then it will take him to a labyrinth made of bedrock and torches, at the end it will teleport him to a chamber with a pressure plate, taking him to the next part of the troll, (BTW put JUKEboxes in all the parts of the troll.) And invisible bedrock in front of him (acting as a window) looking out to a chamber with a bed, an iron trapdoor, with lava above it, and a button to release the lava in Ssundee's chamber, and inside the chamber with the bed, put a clone of Gertrude. And behind him 2 buttons with signs, one, with a sign saying, "I want to go back to my base!" And that button will release the lava, killing Gertrude and in a few moments, after Gertrude dies will tp him to his base, however, the other, with a sign saying, "I WILL save Gertrude!" That tps him to the next part, a hallway FULL of tiny crainers, (the room is made of bedrock) and invisible bedrock on the sides, and behind the invis bedrock, cobble killing machines, and at the end, an iron door, activated by a button, that leads to a room with UNBREAKABLE Chests everywhere on the floor, and DO NOT PUT A JUKEBOX IN THIS ROOM!!!, and there is a hole in the wall*********break two blocks in front of you,then go through hole,dig five blocks down,at bottom place wooden pressure plate,which leads a redstone signal to a command BLOCK with the command∆ /say Gertrude:SSUNDEE!!!!!!! WHY DID YOU DO THAT!?! YOU HAVE BETRAYED ME! YOU HAVE DISGRACED LEONARD!!!! I WILL NEVER LOVE YOU AGAIN, YOU WILL DIE A SLOW, PAINFUL, DEATH....AND I WILL KILL YOU MYSELF!!!∆ or... Better yet, get Gertrude from factions to record her saying all this, and play that when he tried book in, and then will power the door, letting him out*********, and in one of them, there is a book named, "cobble sucks" and it reads "Hey Ssundee! Here is the deal, if you throw this in the book in that hole there, it means publicly admit that cobblestone sucks............................until you swallow your pride and finally admit it, you can sit in this room." And then, after he leaves, there is a dropper thingy and at the bottom of a 500-900 BLOCK drop, a single source BLOCK of water (and make sure his spawnpoint is set at the top of the hole.) And some lapis so it looks like water...then it will tp him to a park our chamber, on glass panes a.K.a PAINS... Leading up a Tower, and then it will show him a maze, at the end of the maze, make a hole completely filled with cobwebs, all the way down to bedrock level, and tell a story on signs along the way, and at the bottom, another maze, made of bedrock, at the end of the mass put a pressure plate going him to your old house, and make him go down through the giant hole, all the way to the bottom, and put a teleporter that tps him to a minecart roller coaster, and then make him search through another GIANT bedrock maze, with torches on the wall, and a jukebox telling him to find the items to make an item frame, all the items will be hidden in Chests found all throughout the maze, and somewhere else in the maze is hidden a crafting table, after he crafts it, he must find the villager in the maze and trade it for a pressure plate, which he must put on a gold BLOCK hidden in the maze, tping him to a room with two buttons, one saying "I will never bring VILLIAN derp sundee back" the other saying "Gertrude will die before I ever stop" this button will activate the dispenser behind it, dispensing Gertrude unto the lava! The other one however, will tp Ssundee to a hallway leading to the dispenser, allowing Ssundee to save Gertrude, and a jukebox telling him congrats, asking him to not troll you back too hard, and telling him to head to the coordinates -1432 205 -3651 and at those coordinates is a chest with Leonard. And 64 pink cobble. Thanks (Villain) Crainer! The Crazie Family troll division lives on!
you vowed to no longer be VILLIAN CRAINER, so you can no longer be Villian Crainer
+james soh HE COULD LIE....
lowkeyAEM Is he Trump? will he make Ssundee pay for a wall that kept Ssundee out of his base
Yup,but, he can be super villa
in crainer
+Hanznolo Murella then hell get worst trolls to him
villans lie so
Plz Crainer end villain Crainer
+Grant Lockhart Thanks for the complete rip off, go bother markiplier or somthin
+Zac_the_awesome no dont end villain crainer should not end because it wouldnt be that fun to watch by fun i mean laugh at villain crainer ridiculousness
crainer's channel is only good because ssundee is the entertainer
Dear crainer I am a ssundee fan, but his troll went a little wrong he was suppose to tell you the coordinates when you we're in the chamber but it got cut off please sundae fans don't hate me
The cords are 201, 166, 717 I'm sorry guys
+Andrea Marquez np its nice still
+Andrea Marquez it is fair so don't worry i am also a ssundee fan and i was waiting so long for this troll
+Andrea Marquez it is 201 166 717but let that be a leasen never fuck with love life or rp life or any life but yo that was funny
no hate from this one
bobby is at 201,166, 717. YOUR WELCOME CRAINER!!
screw you
Why did you do that? You could have just given him a hint. Please don't spoil it like that next time.
He said he wanted to know Jericho was just being helpful
if you bring back villain crainer it will only get worse.
Cool profile pic!
+Diamondman_04 yeah
True that's very true
What if I trolled Ssundee?
I'm from ssundee's channel and that was by far the funnest troll I've seen and I wonder what your reaction was if you had the webcam
I have an idea. Make a video WITHOUT VILLIAN CRANIER to say the prank war is over. After the speech you made tell ssundee that you have a hide for him and give him the coods? (I can't spell it) into the room fill of cakes with a button and a jukebox (you know what I mean) and say that I have a even better surprise that you will love and DONT SAY TO PUT YOUR IDEMS (i can't spell...) AWAY!!!!! And teleport him to the a room with him and in the different room with Gertrude in it plus one with burning cobblestone and force ssundee to pick between Gertrude over cobble stone but both ways kill Gertrude by lava (I fogot to tell you that is the Gertrude is fake) after so give him a book to tell him that the torture is over and teleport him to his base. I hope you use this troll
Plz like this
+Billy Higs no
That's copying
+Billy Higs i like it
+ZEEB the noob guy thx ;)
Crainer the cords for Bobby were on page 30 of the last book
+Tyson Parker duh
+Veer Shah
Well, he doesn't know. Or he's faking that he knows every last detail because of you, you fucking piece of bloody shit.
+AeroSix that's kinda overboards
I know
but he doesn't have it or a recording
I think it's finally time to put villain crainer to rest...
And awaken villain Bobby : )
And get his base destroyed. This troll war has gone to far
+Daedric Vincent no, release full power on villan craner so that ssundee would STOP F************* TROLLING CRAINER!!!!
+mr.chines No... Mr. Crainer must stop.
This is my favorite troll from Ssundee
U vowed to never be villain crainer... Go back to being a human
Or u will have a bad time
that's true
+doktah duhp Haha... "bobby" is alive...
That's not how deals work
Oh crainer... if you looked through the rest of the last book, you would understand. But it is all over.
Hey I love your videos! No hate
All the trolls to not have a facecam.. Wanted to see his face >:(
Hell yes
definitely agree
me to
i want to see his scary fae act lol
10:21 is anyone noticing a random creeper just spawned in and being friendly to Crainer?
I was a craziness illusion
End Villain Crainer, but come but w/ his son or papa w/ a new name, ready for revenge...
Do An Even More Demonic Voice and come back with DEMON CRAINER
Dude that is a really good idea it's like a legacy
i agree this could work it could be villen bobby😂😂
+sanchez k lol that's true😂😂😂😂
+Dazon Central tes
I got a solution.... End Villain Crainer.........
And rise with ULTIMATE Villain Crainer......
i was thinking more of VILLEIN CRANER EX
+MangoGamingYT No, he decided that for the good of Bobby, he would never be Villain Crainer again. ULTIMATE Villain Crainer is still Villain Crainer. GAME OVER..
NO then ssundee might blow up his really base! Do you want that to happen.
Alissa Jurisch Tru. Villain Derp SSundee is far more cruel than SSundee or Derp SSundee. Ian is trying his hardest to keep him contained. I guess not everyone can keep the Beast within themselves....
I finally got my wish for him to play crundee craft
Also I know where Bobby is there was a cornets to where he was after the laugh he says cornets to where he is it also says on the book the page on page 30 is where the cornets are if you never see this say good bye to you beloved Bobby mr Crainer mmmhahahhahhahahhahhahahhahhaahhahahhahahahhahahahhahahhahhahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahhahahhahahahhahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahahhahahhahahhahahahhahahhahahhahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahahhahahhahahahhaahhahaahhahhahhahahhahahhahahhhahahahhahahhahahhahahhahahahhahahhahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahahhahhahahahhahahhahahhahhhahahahhahahahahahahhahahhahahahahahha bye bye Bobby
P.S you should really never be Villain Crainer ever again or villain Bobby you can't be villain Bobby any ways if there is no Bobby if you never see him again mahhahhahahhahhahahhahahhahahhahhahahahhahahhahahahahhahhahahahhahahhahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahhahahhahahhahahhahahahhahahhahahhahahahhahhahahahhahhahha GAME OVER !!!!!
+Jillian Aucker this is to every one plz don't say anything bad plz
+Jillian Aucker wtf is a cornet? Use some decent English, please..
+Jillian Aucker -.- i agree this has to stop
+Awesome Name me to hahaha
Who else noticed that with them heart canisters he wouldve been trapped in their permanently
u should not comment its too late
@@abdullhaldosari2148 says who?
@@Luigi2262_ says who?
What do you mean?
you vowed to never be villian crainer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well he never vowed to not be
don't let your dreams be dreams✴✴✴💫💫🌠🌟⭐✨
+princess fefe dont give him ideas!!!!!!!
uh,on the game over book u just read,it have page 30!!!!!!GO TO THAT PAGE AND IT HAVE THE KEY TO BOBBY!!!!
+Flaming arrow yeah
thats true
The book blew up
+Flaming arrow it is destroy m8
I think it said 201
its in the coordinate Crainer 201,166,717
+XxHDNESSxX Master-Player he probably isn't gonna find him so ofcourse he's gonna say it
stupid kid
you guys gat to stop for a while for this trool man
villan crainer....shall be no more.....
+Foxy Uchiha f off crossover.
Thomas Stremel aww wittle Thomas is mad
Thomas Stremel and yes, by "wittle" I mean little
+Foxy Uchiha I am 34 .-.
I know we're bobby is | the cordinates of BOBBY the cordinates are 201,166,717 hope u find bobby
These are the coordinates
Shut the fuck up bro you now what ssundee and crainer say never tell what ssundee or crainer do you dumb fuck
You do know sundee was pretty sure crainer would listen to the coordinates bit I guess not but even if he didn't find Bobby I'm not sure would like it if u told him the coordinates but crainer will be pretty happy and sundee isn't a jerk either to keep crainer away from Bobby.
+Arce GamingAG the troll messed up, if you watch ssundee's vid, you would know that the explosion went off right as he was saying the coords, crainer was supposed to hear them but couldn't
+Arce GamingAG except the troll didn't work As planned, its fair
Don't you guys hate it when people reply to their own comments.
I know roght
+Mark Haddad dont you guys hate it when people fail
+Gabriel Vanroyen no
+Gabriel Vanroyen yes
I do
He outsmarted your troll.
Crainer let me fill you in...
Ssundee didn't appreciate your last troll, and just topped his last saw troll. He created a replica of your base and put it in a similar area, to make you think he blew it up. (Bobby is at 201,166,717 BTW) Crainer, I don't want anything to happen to y in this mod pack, so here is an idea...
1) don't copy what he did, go outside the box, and what I mean by that is, don't fake it...
2) place a jukebox with a disc and a book telling him you didn't appreciate his troll, and say villain Crainer is "no more."
3) place a pressure plate that teleports him to a place FAR FAR AWAY from his base.
4a) that place must be made of bedrock or something strong to where he walks down hallways, falls into traps, almost like a maze...
4b) make rooms that show things happening to Gertrude and Leonard, as well as him too. Add a "scare factor" as well.
5) when he finally leaves the maze, put down another jukebox with a music disc and book, saying...
"Well, well, well... You seem to have made it out of the maze. You said it yourself that I (villain Crainer) have destroyed too much of yours... I didn't destroy much, JUST ALL OF IT!!! (Scariest voice change) This pressure plate will take you home. (but it takes him too a spot you create to where he sees his castle) Villan Crainer has struck."
Finally... When he steps on the pressure plate, show his entire castle (his real one) destroyed!!
(I forgot to mention, the pressure plate he steps on to be teleported also sets off TNT that Blows up his home... This is kinda mean, but it's for bobby. BOBBY CRAINER!! And if he decides to troll you back, before you leave the server, store all of your most valuable belongings in a secret base away from your main home to where he can't find it... This will be good....
+That Dude he isn't blocking him in and it isn't a fake base.
+tristan “MinecraftMania14” heckert Ssundee would probably spawn a queen at his base
And you didn't even find Bobby. CRAINER FAIL!
at least crainers smart enough to take off his armor before a troll :/
+Enthusiastic Candian eh? Ya
That is mean dude
+Enthusiastic Candian eh? lol
+Frosty Potter dont think he heard them as soon as it went to say 201 boom boom boom
+Klosid The book said the coords... ._____.
he didnt go to the page with the cords .-.
Will Hollingsworth So that's why Crainer will never get to SSundee troll level. He doesn't pay attention to detail.. I get it now...
pretty much XD lol i wish his cam was workin in this vid i wanted to see his reactions
He outsmarted you on your troll. You really need to think about your trolls.