r/MaliciousCompliance PIZZA EVERY MEAL?! SURE! - Reddit Stories

  • Опубликовано: 20 сен 2024

Комментарии • 36

  • @stephanreiken9912
    @stephanreiken9912 Год назад +9

    I'd start filing violations of people filing fake violations, if I didn't plan on having my job there for long.

  • @johnwarner6858
    @johnwarner6858 Год назад +1

    Working for the double t phone CO. I was written up for spider webs on a terminal in the middle of a field two weeks after working there. Managers were required to find defects. I was also written up for leaving something loose on a completed job. The boss did not know what it was but he was sure it was loose.

  • @SableDrakon
    @SableDrakon Год назад +18

    Story 2: This is absolutely insane. A safety-conscious culture at work is one thing. But this has the potential to create more problems in the form of willful vandalism OR people pencil-whipping their reports.

    • @iandakariann
      @iandakariann Год назад +1

      I was thinking that until i realized that OP literally hunted for real violations for 2 months and couldn't find ONE. That's not natural and suggests that the real violations are getting caught first. It's something you definitely don't want to mimic but it seems to be working in this office.
      It's one of those odd policies that work because of that specific community that some new manager comes in and tries to stop effectively destroying the entire system.

    • @thoubias
      @thoubias Год назад

      ​@@iandakariann yeah it seems to working, however I also see a risk of people getting tired and just going the easy route of creating a problem and then not paying that much attention for a month. A part where faking it becomes so habitual that people stop monitoring altogether.

    • @iandakariann
      @iandakariann Год назад +1

      @@thoubias true true. Also it being nonstandard means it's harder to incorporate new people in. If OP wasn't the type to look into what's going on or just hates the idea of basically cheating the system the company loses an otherwise good person. Meanwhile, a not so good person could game the system. Then there's the manager that don't follow 'if it's ain't broke'.
      So yeah. It's working but it's a time bomb.

    • @baritengku7655
      @baritengku7655 Год назад +1

      Where i used to work had a requirement that you had to atleast find one a day and update it to their stupid website every night. If not they would suspend your permit to work for the next day.

    • @jamesnewell1876
      @jamesnewell1876 Год назад

      This has the potential to go downhill real fast. Especially if this company gets a government contract and the government finds out that pencil whipping and/or intentional sabotage is happening. The company could lose everything over that.

  • @StaitlyNatters
    @StaitlyNatters Год назад +1

    Story 2, reminds me of a story I heard in an office I was temping in. The story goes…
    The office manager, at that time, came in one morning and found a pen on the floor in the receptionist area. She reported the receptionist for causing a potential tripping hazard. The receptionist then put forward a solution of attaching all pens to the desk, stupidly, the manager agreed. When I was there, there was an approximately 2 foot chain with a pen attached screwed into the desk. The chain was just short enough that if the pen fell from the desk, it would barely touch the ground. Now, instead of clients being able to sit and complete forms, they now had to stand at the reception desk, causing a traffic jam, and clients getting upset was not a good thing, as often they would get verbally abusive to both staff and other clients. That manager then decided that they needed to order more pens for the clients to use. So instead of everyone using the same pen and at minimal cost, they now had cheap pens for clients and the same type of pen, but costing more because of the chain, on every desk. Oh! You couldn’t just replace the desk pen alone, you now had to have the maintenance staff come in and replace both the pen and chain. An absolute dogs breakfast of an ordeal, and an absolute unnecessary expense, but hey, no more tripping hazard of a pen on the floor…

  • @manofmann8901
    @manofmann8901 Год назад +3

    Who on earth thinks Gimli is the lamest character!? He's is the best of the 3! His axes and personality are ace! I've even met the actor himself, he's even cooler!

    • @ThingMaBobJimmy
      @ThingMaBobJimmy Год назад +1

      Right!? I will not stand for this slander against my boy!

  • @iandakariann
    @iandakariann Год назад +1

    On the final story: the secret was knowing when to stop. Dad kept it up just enough for her to realize the dangers of overindulgence and no more. It's a very fine line and grats on him finding it

  • @monotonecthulhu6709
    @monotonecthulhu6709 Год назад +1

    I used to work somewhere that required at least one safety violation report a month. I just wrote some dumb shit on it and went about my day. That guy doesn't sound like he's ever actually been in a rodeo like he claims. But thats to be expected of office gremlins in a factory

    @LEXXIUS Год назад

    Story 11: Its the same when people win lifetime supplies of one food product and then the realization sets in... 😁

  • @robertheinrich2994
    @robertheinrich2994 Год назад

    first story: always a massive problem: do not piss off the one employee who programmed all the tooles. especially if you decided to take it away from him.
    just one second extra music every week? that's all? others have taken the company down by sabotaging their tools.
    fifth story: did you put the papers just into the room, or really onto her desk as requested?
    the salami pizza story is beautiful. it really drove the point home without being harmful.

  • @Ryanthusar
    @Ryanthusar Год назад +1

    Story 1 - OP should have just installed a kill switch into the software. Then when it realized he was no longer with the company and killed itself would have shown that manager had stolen the software. Also, the moment OP took it to court, that manager would have been fired for stealing the software. Not only that, that HR person in that meeting should have put their foot down when that manager started steering that meeting away from what it should have been, and the moment they learned that OP was the creator of said software and then contacted IT to find out what OP said was true about it.

  • @19TheFallen
    @19TheFallen Год назад +2

    Also, in regards to Story 2, it creates a more serious problem.......Having all these employees looking for problems that aren't even there, forcing them to create fake accidents or issues to report on JUST to fill that quota is a case of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" in action! If, and when, something truly serious or worth noting in a report occurs, it's just going to be drowned out by the tide of innumerable fake reports, and will likely be disregarded!

  • @oceanbanana4341
    @oceanbanana4341 Год назад +2

    Ayo got that verification badge

  • @radfarlander
    @radfarlander Год назад +1

    I loved "The Two Towers" on GameCube, but "Return of the King" was better because it had two-player co-op.

  • @RedK5
    @RedK5 Год назад

    That would backfire if my mom tried that on me. I love pizza too much and would eat it everyday

  • @alicerichardson5610
    @alicerichardson5610 Год назад

    Man I love the puffy cheestoes, and I will never get sick of them

  • @19TheFallen
    @19TheFallen Год назад +1

    I can relate to your sentiments with the last story. My dad loves to cook. Thing is.......sometimes he gets.......FIXED on a particular recipe he'll find, and make it over.......and over.................and over.......................................................and over.........................................................................................................................................................................................................and over. The time that comes strongest to my mind was when he found a recipe for chicken croissants. Now, I will not lie! I liked them when he first made them! Then......the fun began........He made his first batch, we ate half of them. Had left overs the next night. Next night, something different. Night after that, he made chicken croissants again. Half then, left overs the next night. Different meal the following night. Chicken croissants the next, their left overs the night following. IT SEEMED TO GO ON, AND ON, AND NOW, I *LOATH* THE DISH WITH A PASSION!

  • @MegaAstroFan18
    @MegaAstroFan18 Год назад

    Story 1: Okay, look, one of the reasons companies get away with shitty behaviour is because people give up like that OP did. If you want to hold businesses accountable, you do sometimes have to put in the time and effort. You can't complain about being robbed when you throw away your chance to charge them for it. If you want businesses (not just corporations, all of them can do scummy things) held accountable for their shitty actions, then do something about it, don't just roll over and give up. And no, that has nothing to do with "well businesses are bigger and have more money blah blah blah" it has to do with you giving up and making excuses.

  • @OingoDeLaBoingo
    @OingoDeLaBoingo Год назад

    You had an entire family size bag of cheetos ONCE and it ruined them a bit? Man maybe i am just a pig tf

  • @Iflie
    @Iflie Год назад

    I too love salami pizza, i also used to eat a lot of salami on bread as a kid. oh salty sweetness with garlic, yum.

  • @overcomer01
    @overcomer01 Год назад

    I can no longer eat hot pockets anymore. Had them so much in middle school and highschool. Just the smell of hot pockets now will make me sick. Need to have a rotation of food.

  • @Koa_the_Wusky
    @Koa_the_Wusky Год назад +1

    I think if I had the choice of eating fish of different sorts all week I would be so down! Sushi, Nigiri, Poke, baked, fried etc

  • @bland9876
    @bland9876 Год назад +2

    There was one time where I had pizza like twice a week at least that's what it felt like and eventually I was like no more pizza.
    My parents also did that with potatoes You can guess which state I live in.
    The pizza one was after I moved out.

  • @Aria_Kitsuragi
    @Aria_Kitsuragi Год назад

    Story 5: omfg so much paper wasted cuz stupid boss

  • @dorothylloyd1804
    @dorothylloyd1804 Год назад +1

    Hello Steven. Thanks for the video. Have a good day

  • @clockworkeclipse4689
    @clockworkeclipse4689 Год назад

    On the last story, I'd have been in heaven. Turns out some people with ASD (or at least me, can't speak for everyone on the spectrum) can last on the same food for *weeks.* Healthy? Probably not. But when food texture can limit your options to such an extreme (or in some cases taste, smell, or even appearance clashing in the wrong way), it really isn't surprising.

  • @MyDanishThoughts
    @MyDanishThoughts Год назад

    I missed where the MC was in the first story.

  • @sylviathimba7289
    @sylviathimba7289 Год назад


  • @davidbirkett4636
    @davidbirkett4636 Год назад
