Japanese🇯🇵took a DNA test 普通の日本人のDNA検査結果 日英解説 English & Japanese explanation

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024
  • #japanesedna #dnatestresult #japanesehistory
    使用したDN鑑定 検査キット / アメリカ製のMy Heritage
    The DNA test kit I used / My Heritage
    ⭐️ My foast vidoe 私の過去の動画 :
    Ethnic origin of the Japanese
    日本人の起源 ⬇️
    • the ethnic Origin of t...
    Although Jomon people are the ones migrated into the Japan archipelago before Yayoi people , they migrated way way before Yayoi people came Into Japan .
    First, I was going to put explanations in Chinese and Korean as well, but making this video tok a very long time and I was becoimg sooooo tired, especially my eyes, so I gave up putting subtitle in Chinese and Korean.
    I hope RUclips sustiles works..
    I'll upload the same video with Chinese subtitles onto a Chinese video platform, BiliBili later.
    So if you don't quite understand Eiglish or Japanese, please watch it later on BiliBili.
    I'm sorry about this inconvenience.
    About me 自己紹介
    🌟Kaya Izumi 泉歌弥🌟
    I sing to the koto & Okinawan sanshin. I can play at your event or festival if you would like my performance.
    I do introduce Japanese cultures, customs, music, kimonos 👘 in English, so I think my performances will be good for events foreigners or foreign visitors get together like at ryokans/ Japanese inns .
    If you’re intersted, please get in touch with me❣️
    I akso explain about Japanese cultures & music In English & Japanese in my videos , so I think they can be useful to both foreign Japanese learners & Japanese English learners.
    So plz subscribe to my channels if you are intrested 😃✨
    My social media accounts are shown below ⬇️
    ⭐️ インスタグラム My Instagram :

Комментарии • 278

  • @IzumiKaya
    @IzumiKaya  11 дней назад +1

    最近、ある世界史講師 ( 予備校か塾の )が、[ 日本人は縄文時代から縄文人も弥生人も混ざって、現在と同じ様だった 。縄文顔や弥生顔と言うのは嘘だ‼️] とお気持ちで出鱈目な動画を出しているのを見かけました。
    私は基本、歴史の講師や文系の学者で科学的根拠を無視して、[ 中国や韓国が嫌いだから ] と言う個人的な感情や憎悪感で、[ 日本人は中国人、韓国人と全く関係ないんだ❗️] と否定する人達の話は信用しません。
    また、やたらと [ 日本人のルーツはイスラエル、ユダヤ人だ❗️]と主張して、多くの日本人に [ 私達はユダヤ人の子孫だ ] と信じ込ませようとしている文系教授もいます😓
    そもそもD系統の縄文人は [ 古モンゴロイド ]に分類され、O系統の弥生人や古墳人がこの世に現れる遥か前から存在します。
    なので、約18.000 ~ 16.000年前から始まった縄文時代の初期から新モンゴロイドの弥生系が日本列島にいた訳がありません😅
    そして、その歴史講師の方は [ 稲作は縄文時代からあったんだ❗️]とおっしゃってますが、縄文人がしていた畑で稲を育てる陸稲(りくとう)や (おかぼ )と呼ばれる栽培方法は弥生人が持ち込んだジャポニカ米の水耕稲作とは異なります😅
    たまに私のDNAや日本人のルーツ説明動画に [ 稲作は日本人が生み出して中国大陸や朝鮮半島に伝えた❗️][ 漢字は日本人が考案し中国に伝えた][人類の発祥は日本だ❗️日本から世界に人類が広がっていったんだ‼️] と書き込む人達がいますが、国際的にそれらの事が認められる科学的証拠が無いのに断言出来ないと思います。
    まず、日本の縄文人から人類 - ホモサピエンスが世界に広がったと主張したいなら、アフリカで見つかった以上に古い人骨からDNA採取して、その結果で立証しなければなりません。
    今のところ、人類 - ホモサピエンスが日本から広がったと科学的に証明出来る物はないです。
    分子人類学者 篠田謙一の日本人のルーツに関する記事
    The article of Kenichi Shinoda, the head of Japanese national Science Museum, molecular anthropologist & a medical doctor ⬇️
    国立研究開発法人理化学研究所の記事 The article of RIKEN, a Japanese national science research laboratory ⬇️
    金沢大学 国際研究チームのパレオゲノミクス ( 古い生物遺体から生物の全遺伝情報を抽出し,比較解析する研究領域,研究手法 ) による研究結果
    The research result of Kanazawa University & its international team by using paleogenomics ( Paleogenomics is a field of science based on the reconstruction and analysis of genomic information in extinct species. Improved methods for the extraction of ancient DNA (aDNA) from museum artifacts, ice cores, archeological or paleontological sites, and next-generation sequencing technologies have spurred this field. It is now possible to detect genetic drift, ancient population migration and interrelationships, the evolutionary history of extinct plant, animal and Homo species, and identification of phenotypic features across geographic regions. Scientists can also use paleogenomics to compare ancient ancestors against modern-day humans. )

  • @OurCampbellConnections
    @OurCampbellConnections Месяц назад +12

    Greetings Kaya-san. Your Finnish component may be related to Saami people. Their origin is said to be in Siberia which would place them very close to the ancestors of Inuit people as well. The people that entered Japan from the north may have carried this DNA. I myself have 1% Inuit as well, which seems to come from Canada close to Alaska. This possibility is not nearly as romantic as the one you suggested, I admit. Very interesting video, arigatougozaimasu. :)

    • @IzumiKaya
      @IzumiKaya  Месяц назад +3

      @@OurCampbellConnections Hmmm, I see❗️But I still have a fantasy towards such cold places 😃Thanks for watching ✨

  • @nathanhu3937
    @nathanhu3937 2 месяца назад +7

    Thank you to present the program in English 👍
    Your study is very thorough and very helpful to me to understand the human migration to the east Asia

    • @IzumiKaya
      @IzumiKaya  Месяц назад +2

      @@nathanhu3937 I’m glad my English is helpful❣️I’m a lot interested in this fields.

  • @johnclark2212
    @johnclark2212 2 месяца назад +7

    Very informative, great presentation, thank you!

    • @IzumiKaya
      @IzumiKaya  Месяц назад +1

      @@johnclark2212 Glad you liked it 😊

    • @aimmethod
      @aimmethod Месяц назад

      I wish other RUclipsrs who upload their DNA videos put in an effort like this lady has done, instead of reacting as ignorant people. I had recently done some basic Wikipedia reading on Japanese ethnicity, so I did not need to rewind this video to process information. ........................................ However, I did not come across any information on Ainu DNA among Japanese people in this video, unless I skipped when I scrolled the parts she was translating (She does mention Ainu around 15 minute mark _vis-a'-vis_ the Jomon people). Is it statistically insignificant?

  • @michaeltaylor8501
    @michaeltaylor8501 2 месяца назад +13

    I've noticed that many people having Inuit ancestry also have Finnish ancestry: after all, they travel in the same circle (the Artic Circle). 😁

    • @IzumiKaya
      @IzumiKaya  Месяц назад +2

      I See, that’s understandable . Thanks ❤

    • @neetuh4850
      @neetuh4850 Месяц назад +1

      And my parents are northern Indian but I also have Finnish ancestry according to dna tests. I also got eastern European and mesopotamian or generally from the Mediterranean area. Anyway we're all connected ancestrally and sll mixed and all human.

    • @michaeltaylor8501
      @michaeltaylor8501 Месяц назад

      I also have distant Indian (Gujarati, Bengali, & Punjabi) plus Sri Lankan (Tamil) ancestry (among various other ancestry - plus Tamil also showed up in my recent ancestry); &, I had no clue about this Southern Asian ancestry prior to getting some DNA test results (as my dad was adopted & there are still some mysteries on my mom's side as well). Various family members correctly guessed some of our heritage by looking at family members' traits, but nobody had guessed South Asian (so the DNA tests were a valuable source of general information).
      Since learning about this South Asian ancestry I started to notice many places worldwide where such Indians & Sri Lankans abroad can be found in fairly large numbers; so, up until recently I had had no clue of just how widespread the South Asian diaspora is (& I'm impressed).

    • @Kelberi
      @Kelberi 24 дня назад

      Strangely many East Asians from Korea and China have Finnish ancestry as well.

    • @michaeltaylor8501
      @michaeltaylor8501 23 дня назад

      Many folk might be much more racially &/or ethnically AdMixed than they realize.
      My maternal grandma was a 1st generation American from a Norweigian-born mother & a Swedish-born father; so, I expected the likelihood of distant Finnish ancestry; &, I also ended up with distant ancestry from East Asia (Chinese: Dai & Southern Han - including Peoples of SE Asia; & Japanese - including Korean); plus distant South Asian ancestry among others (the Amerindian ethnic markers that I inherited were from Central & South America, plus the Caribbean). This could be the result of my inheriting Finnish from one parent & East Asian from the other, but now I'm not so sure of my initial guess (my dad was adopted & neither parent nor aunt wanted to DNA test, so I'm left to making guesses).
      BTW: I discovered most of my distant ancestry from CRI Genetics' Advanced Ancestry Analysis; & some from FamilyTreeDNA's Big-Y test [which added Neandrathal (sp?) to the list]. Both of these traced distant ancestry to Africa - specifically to Kenya (CRI Genetics mentioned the Luhya in Kenya).

  • @malkotoisu9730
    @malkotoisu9730 8 месяцев назад +22


    • @IzumiKaya
      @IzumiKaya  8 месяцев назад +5

      そうなんですね😯 最近アメリカ先住民の人からDMが来て、アジア人みたな先住民がフィンランド🇫🇮にも居たから、白人ではなくて、そっちじゃない❓と言われました。調べてみます。ありがとうございます😊🎵

    • @IzumiKaya
      @IzumiKaya  8 месяцев назад +4


    • @2010winter100able
      @2010winter100able 8 месяцев назад +6

      @@IzumiKaya 先住民ではなく、後から定着したフィン人自体の系譜がアジア系(ウラル山脈あるいは現中国東北地方)だから。

    • @enkhzayazundui1063
      @enkhzayazundui1063 Месяц назад +2

      No. Well. 😅 of course, they connected and my today's Mongols as well. Nobody falls from the sky. But long before Hunnu immigration people from Northern Mongol and Siberians went to Northern Europe and to Alaska and to Hokkaido. That is the historical connection.

  • @michaeltaylor8501
    @michaeltaylor8501 2 месяца назад +8

    Most DNA-testing companies' best-selling DNA tests are for testing recent ancestry only (perhaps a few hundred years back); so, one might get a 100% Japanese result - for recent ancestry only.
    I think that you would like CRI Genetics' Advanced Ancestry Analysis which goes back much further than typical tests, combined with their Recent Ancestry Analysis (which is much like the typical DNA tests that most folk talk about).
    I purchased both the Recent & the Advanced Ancestry Analyses from CRI Genetics & I'm glad that I did. My dad had been adopted, so I had no clue as to what any of his ancestry is - only that he possibly looked a little bit Chinese or possibly American Indian (but my mom argued & said, No, he looks German).
    Please Note: CRI Genetics is unable to tell from which parent an ethnic marker found among one's DNA comes from.
    Their Advanced Ancestry Analysis showed - in addition to various European ties - that I had Japanese* ancestry 11 generations back (around 1725 A.D. - statistically determined by CRI Genetics to be 95% accurate); & Chinese Dai** ancestry both 21 generations back (around 1475 A.D. - with 95% accuracy) & 73 generations back (around 175 A.D. - with 99% accuracy). Southern Han Chinese*** was also found as part of my distant ancestry, but no number of generations back, approximate date(s) or estimated accuracy was given for it.
    Additionally, among other things, various American Indian ancestry was found (the most recent being 10 generations back, with 99% accuracy; &, the furthest being 18 generations back, around 1550 A.D., with 95% accuracy).
    German was ranked highest on the Recent Ancestry Analysis findings; so, it appears that my mom & I were both right with our guesses about my dad (but there was so much more, including various details).
    I gave you this information so that you could get an idea of what to expect from these various CRI Genetics DNA test Ancestry Anslyses.
    CRI Genetics also offers mt-DNA testing (& for males only, Y-DNA testing). These tests go back many thousands of years - but only along one line or branch: maternal or paternal, respectively.
    * = The Genotype labeled as Japanese by CRI Genetics is represented by peoples throughout places such as Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Russia, Indonesia, & Papua New Guinea.
    ** = The Genotype labeled as Chinese Dai by CRI Genetics is represented by peoples throughout places such as China, Taiwan, Thailand, Laos, Malaysia, Singapore, & also includes the Peoples: Akha & Yi.
    *** = The Genotype labeled as Southern Han Chinese by CRI Genetics is represented by peoples throughout places such as China, Xinjiang, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Macao, Laos, Cambodia, & also includes the Peoples: Khmer & Tibet.

    • @jackdelosrippers994
      @jackdelosrippers994 18 дней назад

      If you want to go more back. They say we originated from bacteria. So we were all bacteria .

  • @Btonrorychannel
    @Btonrorychannel 8 месяцев назад +25


    • @IzumiKaya
      @IzumiKaya  8 месяцев назад +3

      茂木先生のもたまに見ますよ😅 まぁまぁ好きなので。彼も以前、ご自身のDNA鑑定されたのを動画で紹介されてましたが、彼の母系ミトコンドリアDNAは長江流域でしたよ。

    • @IzumiKaya
      @IzumiKaya  8 месяцев назад +4

      GHQの教育とは、もしかして ( 日本が侵略戦争をした ) と言う発言についてかも知れないですが、それはGHQと関係なく、実際に満州に居た私の祖父が聞いた話や、私の実家の近所に住んでいて中国に戦争に行ったお年寄りから聞いた話です。なので、私はある程度はあったと思います。

    • @purimadonnanamamoritamae
      @purimadonnanamamoritamae 18 дней назад


      1937年7月7日 - 1945年8月15日

      攻撃側人数: 3000人 - 4000人
      ✿1937.8 奇襲されて上海の日本軍を殲滅した第二次上海事変。
      モ ンゴル帝国
      ・ 明(1368年~1644年)
      ・ 清(1644年~1912年)
      ・ 🇹🇼中華民国時代(1912年〜1949年
      * ⇒🇨🇳中華人民共和国(1949年から現在)👈

    • @SikeHossle
      @SikeHossle 17 дней назад

      日本人は認めたくないからあーだこーだ後付けでいろんなもん探してくるけど、国際的に実際認識されてるのは、日本人は直接的にも間接的にも大陸から渡って来たってこと。じゃなかったらどっから来るねんw イギリス人が我々はヨーロッパから渡って来た民族の子孫ではないです!って言ってるのと同じやで。別にいいやん、どっから元々来たかとか。今となっては日本は独自の文明と文化を発展させたオリジナリティを持った民族です。中国・朝鮮からの影響は否定できないし、日本文明が発展したのも渡来人のおかげなのは絶対だし否定できん。

  • @usaflyer454
    @usaflyer454 20 дней назад +1

    Kaya san thanks for your very informative explanation. I also like the way you switch between English and Japanese. I want to improve my Japanese so this is very helpful. Thanks from Holland! 🌹👍

    • @IzumiKaya
      @IzumiKaya  18 дней назад +1

      @@usaflyer454 I’m glad to hear that☺️❣️Some ppl told me a thing like you said, but others told me just in English is enough😅 but I’m also making videos for Japanese learners who want to improve their listening skills.. So it’s good to hear from you❣️

  • @davidlyon4950
    @davidlyon4950 26 дней назад +3

    The Finnish and Hungarian people are descended from people who migrated from central Asia. The Finnish and Hungarian languages are not related to other European languages.

  • @angelusvastator1297
    @angelusvastator1297 7 месяцев назад +9

    Ur English is amazing 😭😭

    • @IzumiKaya
      @IzumiKaya  7 месяцев назад +2

      Still have a lot to improve, but thanks😉✨

  • @strongtowersystems
    @strongtowersystems 29 дней назад +9

    Japanese and Koreans have small enough genetic differences that it's safe to assume they are the same ethnicity.

    • @qicui9461
      @qicui9461 26 дней назад +5

      But I think that looks a bit different I can clearly tell who is Korean who is Japanese if they sit together

    • @Edward90n2
      @Edward90n2 18 дней назад +2

      ​@@qicui9461NO, You can tell the difference from Southeast Asians right away.
      But Japanese and Koreans cannot know unless they speak.
      Their genes are the closest.
      They share the same ancestor anyway.

    • @qicui9461
      @qicui9461 18 дней назад

      @@Edward90n2 East Asian are the cloest ethnically

    • @profile1565
      @profile1565 15 дней назад +1

      @@qicui9461. No you can’t. You must be a foreigner. Even Korean and Japanese cannot tell most of the time.

    • @RafaelaBittencourt-k3t
      @RafaelaBittencourt-k3t 4 дня назад

      They look very different to me.

  • @チョビ勝
    @チョビ勝 8 месяцев назад +13


    • @CandiOsaka
      @CandiOsaka 2 месяца назад +1


  • @cassiosawada
    @cassiosawada 7 дней назад

    Hello, I`m from Brazil, which has the largest japanese community outside Japan, like you I got my DNA test to a local company and the results were even worse than yours, concluding that I `m 100% japanese and nothing else, it was almost a scam but thanks to your video and the excellent explanation you encourage me to upload my results into my heritage website in order to get better results... I also complained at the local Dna company that it would be cheaper checking my grandpa's picture to archive the same results 😅

    • @IzumiKaya
      @IzumiKaya  7 дней назад

      @@cassiosawada OMG, I’m sorry to hear that 😱💦 You had to waste your money 😢 Yeah, some companies do it randomly to make profits💢 I saw an Korean guy got a result saying he’s 100% East Asian💦
      National labs are the most reliable ones, but they aren’t available, so I guess we have to find a trustworthy private company..
      I’ll try another company later to see the difference..
      Thanks for watching❣️

  • @johnprice47
    @johnprice47 23 дня назад +2

    I’m half Japanese on my mother’s side. My father was of Northern European descent. Took another DNA test and I have Siberian, Mongolian, Kazakh, and Finnish. The Siberian is mainly from the Altai, Tuvan, and Buryat regions of Russia. It stated that my closest genetic link to a modern population are to the Uyghurs. Very fascinating.

    • @akina1053
      @akina1053 23 дня назад +1

      Amazing! May I know what DNA test company you took?
      I'm half Japanese half Filipino. I do know my father has both strong yayoi and jyomon features so it's hard to find a good test for Asian descendants. Mother has some roots in the sultanate from Indonesia and some from China. Just so eager to know more.

    • @johnprice47
      @johnprice47 22 дня назад

      @@akina1053 What I did is I took my Ancestry DNA file and downloaded them to sites such as MyTrueAncestry and Illustrative DNA. You’ll get a lot of comprehensive analysis, reports, closest genetic links, and even shows you ancient DNA hits, etc. Not sure if that’s “TMI” for you but I thought they were great. You’ll have to pay $30 or so for Illustrative DNA and based on how much you want to know, there are certainly cost points for MyTrueAncestry. Hope this helps.

    • @johnprice47
      @johnprice47 19 дней назад

      @@akina1053 I took my Ancestry DNA file and used Illustrative DNA and MyTrueAncestry. These sites give you loads of detail, hopefully not “TMI” for you, like ancient DNA hits, genetic distance, ancient civilizations you’re connected to, general ancestry, etc. At least for me I like the detailed analysis. You’ll have to pay for Illustrative DNA and there are certain costs associated with MyTrueAncestry. Hope this helps!

    • @theallochan
      @theallochan 18 дней назад +1

      Uyghurs are basically mixed between Indo-European and asiatic Turks.

    • @johnprice47
      @johnprice47 18 дней назад

      @@theallochan Looks like with my DNA I have similarities such as Mongolian, Saka/Scythian, Turkic, and Huns. Guess with all of that being said, they’re the closest to me genetic-wise.

  • @dash-2112
    @dash-2112 26 дней назад +4

    The Japanese and Koreans are different due to the influence of the Jomon people, but the reason the Japanese and Koreans are grouped together is because the Yayoi people are Korean. The Bronze Age people of Korea 3,000 years ago are the Yayoi people. They have the same genes, language, and Bronze Age culture. That culture started from the Liao River, not the Yellow River.
    And the Jomon people are not related to the Jews. The closest people to them are the Onge and Jarawa of the Andamanese areas. The next closest people to them are the Tibetans.

    • @IzumiKaya
      @IzumiKaya  25 дней назад +1

      @@dash-2112 Hi, thanks for your comment 👋 Experts say northern Yayoi people 北方弥生人, and they are from the area around current Manchuria China, North Korea & Tungus Russia. 女真族 are close to Tungus people, right ❓
      But there’s a Yayoi people’s group called Yangtze River basin Yayoi 長江弥生人. They are also called Kofun people 古墳人.
      But northern Yayoi people came into Japan through the Korean Peninsula first, so that’s probably why more than 90% of my mitochondria linage is from there 🤔
      And yes, as you said, northern Yayoi language is SOV. So that’s the language still remains today ( like Japanese or Korean ), I guess..
      But Shanghai dialect sounds like Japanese in the 3rd to 5th century ( it’s made possible to recreate the language by Linguists & AI ). I wonder if Shanghai dialect has a connection to Japanese..
      I’m looking forward to such findings. I’m so curious ✨

    • @dash-2112
      @dash-2112 25 дней назад +3

      @@IzumiKaya Perhaps you believe in a slightly outdated theory.
      There's no such concepts like Northern Yayoi people and Yangtze River basin Yayoi people. All Yayoi people are Northern Yayoi people. Looking at the Y haplogroup chromosome type, all Yayoi people have haplogroup O1b2* holders. They were first mutated and appeared about 7,000 years ago(Late Neolithic and Bronze Age) in Manchuria and the Korean peninsula. Meantime, their ancestor, O1b holders were first mutated and appeared about 30,000 years ago(Paleolithic Age) in Southeast Asia.
      O1b2* holders were the founders of the Upper Xiajiadian civilization, a Bronze age civilization in the Liao river basin, not Yellow river and Yangtze river basin. Yayoi genes, bronze culture, and language are consistent with O1b2* holders. They were residents of the Liao River and Manchuria region, and first entered the Korean Peninsula and lived there. Then, 4,000 years ago, rice farming was introduced to the Korean Peninsula, and 3,000 years ago, some of them began to enter Japan. This is the northern Kyushu region. Their Bronze Age relics, dolmens, can be found throughout the Korean Peninsula, Manchuria, and northern Kyushu. There are no dolmen sites in the Yellow River and Yangtze River basins.
      When the Bronze Age people of O1b2* holders entered the Korean Peninsula, there were indigenous people on the Korean Peninsula. The Neolithic people of the Korean Peninsula are the O2 holders who built the Hongshan civilization in the Liao river. They lived mixed with the Jomon people of the Korean Peninsula. Since the Neolithic people of the Korean Peninsula were Jomon mixed blood, they may have had a similar appearance to today's Japanese. However, the Neolithic people of the Korean Peninsula are not the Yayoi people.
      O2 holders likely first appeared in India or Southeast Asia about 35,000 years ago during the Neolithic period. O2 holders are the most common type in East Asia. The Mongolian people of northeastern India, who have a similar appearance to the Chinese, are almost 100% O2 holders. 70% of Bhutanese, 60% of Thais, 50% of Northern Han Chinese, 40% of Manchurians, 30% of Koreans, and 20% of Japanese also belong here. This is what was recently referred to as the Kofun genes in a paper published in Japan. However, this has nothing to do with the Han Chinese or Yellow river basin culture. The paper compares the Kofun genes with the Yellow river genes and Central Asian genes, and concludes that the Yellow genes are more similar than the Central Asian genes, indicating that there was a Chinese influence. If the comparison included ancient remains from northeastern India, the conclusion would have been that there was an Indian influence. It has a faulty research design.
      The Yayoi period is a prehistoric period, so there are no historical records. And the migration also occurred little by little over several hundred years. However, the Kofun period is not a prehistoric period. A large-scale population migration over a short period of time is something that can be recorded in history records. If a large-scale population migration had occurred, it would have been recorded in history books, but none.
      And only one sample of Kofun genes were included in the research paper. It's absurd to draw such a universal conclusion from a single sample. If you examine the design of the paper, you will see that it is absurd. Most of the Kofun people would be descendants of the Yayoi people, with a small number being immigrants from the Korean Peninsula or China, but with just one sample?
      In summary, Yayoi people, the O1b2* holders, the common ancestors of Koreans and the Japanese Yayoi people, first appeared 7,000 years ago in the Liao river basin. They began cultivating rice 4,000 years ago, and some of them entered Kyushu, Japan around 3,000 years ago and came to be called the Yayoi people.
      Also with the language, the first Transeurasian language, the common ancestor of Turkish, Mongolian, Manchurian, Japanese, and Korean, appeared west of the Liao river about 9,000 years ago. Around 7,000 years ago, the Proto-Altaic language emerged from it. Japanese-Korean diverged from Proto-Altaic around 5,500 years ago, and Mongolian-Tungusic diverged from from Proto-Altaic around 4,500 years ago. When the Jomon language was used in the Japan archipelago, Japanese-Korean languages ​​are widely spread on the Korean Peninsula. With the advent of the Yayoi people to Japan, the Japanese language also began in Northern Kyushu. And, it seems that the Yayoi language that entered Japan was mixed with the native Jomon language.

    • @dash-2112
      @dash-2112 25 дней назад +3

      @@IzumiKaya The most representative Y haplorgoup of the Yangtze River basin, O1a, is almost non-existent among Japanese. Rice farming did start in the Yangtze river basin, but that does not mean that Yangtze river farmers did come to Japan and became Yayoi. Not only the genes, but also the Yangtze river Bronze Age civilization and the Yayoi Bronze Age civilization are completely different.

    • @dash-2112
      @dash-2112 25 дней назад +3

      @@IzumiKaya When the Yayoi people, who originated from the Liao River, were still living on the Korean Peninsula, rice farming was introduced from Yangtze, China, and about 1,000 years after rice farming began on the Korean Peninsula, some of them gradually went to Japan and became the Yayoi people. For that reason, the Yayoi people's farming tools are identical to those of the Korean Peninsula, but completely different from those of the Yangtze river.

    • @dash-2112
      @dash-2112 25 дней назад +4

      In addition to the language, the grammar is of course the same, but in ancient Korea, there were many words similar to Japanese words(pure Japanese words, not words of Chinese origin). They call it 'Peninsular Japonic'. The modern Korean language is derived from the language of Silla, which seems to have changed its ruling class to a people thought to be Xianbei around the 2nd century. Some scholars believe that the Silla language was mutually intelligible with the Xianbei language, which is thought to have been a type of Mongolian language. The Xianbei people were also the ruling class of the Sui and Tang Dynasties in contemporary China. Tang was an ally of Silla. On the other hand, there are scholars who estimate that the languages ​​of Goguryeo and Baekje were mutually intelligible with Japanese. I think that the similarity of languages ​​may have played a big role in why the royal families of Baekje and Goguryeo went all the way to Japan when their countries were collapsed.

  • @n4lra1
    @n4lra1 16 дней назад

    My wife is from southern Kyushu. Her birth family has lived in Miyazaki and Kagoshima prefectures for longer than anyone can remember, probably for thousands of years. Your information is mostly consistent with results from her participation in the National Genographic DNA project. Her DNA results indicated two notable hot spots, where there is a close DNA association with other participants. One hotspot is located in the general area of Shanghai, China and more surprising to us, the second hot spot is in South America, this in the area of Ecuador and Peru.

  • @jif.6821
    @jif.6821 Месяц назад +3

    Konnichiwa Kayasan. Thank you for very informative video. My mother was born and raised in the mountains of Tochigi ken in 1928. Both her parents were descendants of the Heike/Taira who escaped to north east Japan after their defeat at Dannoura by the Genji. My father was an American Army Officer who fell in love with Japan shortly after arriving as occupation force after the war. My father was hakujin of Scottish, and English descent, or so we thought. I wanted to find out what I was made of, so I had a DNA test done by "My Heritage". I was very surprised by the results. I thought my father was mostly Scottish, but the results on what I inherited from my father was a large majority Scandinavian aka Viking. I know the Vikings conquered, and settled in the British Isles, but nothing in our family history indicated that we had Scandinavian blood. My father had blond hair, and blue eyes, so he looked Scandinavian. What was even more surprising was my mother's side results. It said that from her side I was 49% Japanese, and 1% Native American. From watching your video I can see that most likely the 1% American Indian is most likely 1% Jomon. My mother had big round eyes, and light brown skin, so she tanned very easily. In fact we moved to Hawai'i when I was 6 years old, and my mom was always mistaken as being Filipino. Our family history in Japan goes back to at least 1100 CE, and she was first in her family to leave Japan. Thank you again for your great video. Back in November of 2023 I got to visit Aomori, and visit the Jomon Village site of Sannai-Maruyama. It was very interesting, and educational.

    • @IzumiKaya
      @IzumiKaya  Месяц назад

      @@jif.6821 Thanks for sharing your story ❤️ You visited the Jomon ruin in Aomori❣️That’s great 👍 I haven’t been there yet ..
      Yeah, some British ppl can have Scandinavian bloodlines, I think .
      And you mom’s 1 % Native American is probably the same kind of ppl as Jomon who share the same D type.
      I’ve got a comment from a native south American person who’s got D type DNA. He had a keen interest in Jomon ppl.
      But it seems like not all native Americans have D type DNA, but some tribes.
      There’re potteries similar to Jomon potteries excavated in north & South American continents, so I’m looking forward to more findings in the future✨
      And one of my cousins is very Jomon. It’s probably because his dad was a very Jomon person from a mountainous area. So he’s often mistaken as some kind of a foreigner and often talked to in English by other Japanese. He’s kinda tired of it😅

  • @user-wq9ky4hy6b
    @user-wq9ky4hy6b 8 месяцев назад +8


    • @CandiOsaka
      @CandiOsaka 2 месяца назад


    • @CandiOsaka
      @CandiOsaka 2 месяца назад


    • @IzumiKaya
      @IzumiKaya  Месяц назад

      @@user-wq9ky4hy6b 私は女性なので、Y遺伝子は持たないので調べられませんでした😔でもお爺さんはかなり縄文だったんですが、それが出ないから残念です😢縄文系が父方も母方も入ってらっしゃったんですね、羨ましいです😭私も細かい地図を見るとスンダランド辺りを含みますが、大部分は日本と朝鮮半島、つまり満州の女真族やツングース系なのかなと思います。もう少し詳しく分かるキットがあれば、また試したいです❣️ご視聴ありがとうございました✨

    • @user-wq9ky4hy6b
      @user-wq9ky4hy6b Месяц назад

      @@IzumiKaya 有難うございます。

  • @howardhanzawa2614
    @howardhanzawa2614 18 дней назад

    Your ideo provided so much valuable information on the migration of people in Asia and even across the Bering Strait many centuries ago. You also talked about the different cultures and how they interacted with each other. This was a very well made presentation. I grew up and live in Hawaii but my grandparents came from Fukushima and Hiroshima. I always wonder how my ancestors lived many generationns ago.

    • @IzumiKaya
      @IzumiKaya  18 дней назад

      @@howardhanzawa2614 Oh, your grandparents are from Fukushima in Tohoku area❣️Then you may have the Jomon Emishi tribe ancestry✨ Plz have yours tested someday☺️

  • @dhl1544
    @dhl1544 Месяц назад

    wonderful English. great information. Nice channel.

    • @IzumiKaya
      @IzumiKaya  Месяц назад

      @@dhl1544 Thank you 😊 Glad you liked it❣️

  • @JIRO-FX3150
    @JIRO-FX3150 8 месяцев назад +7


    • @user-jd7ic2ps1p
      @user-jd7ic2ps1p 6 месяцев назад +1

      貴方の意見に賛同します。私は台湾の各地を巡り驚いた事があります。台湾は九州位の面積ですが、20以上の原住民族に分類され、その多様性に驚愕しました。彼らは台湾の山岳地帯や台湾東部に集中居住しています。新しい年代の福建省等からの移民集団は台湾原住民との通婚により、現在の台湾人の多数派であり台湾西部に居住。古代の日本列島人の形成の過程が現実に体験できる場所です。私は縄文人は 均質な集団ではないと考えます。

    • @IzumiKaya
      @IzumiKaya  Месяц назад

      南方系はスンダランド〜フィリピン〜台湾〜南西諸島〜九州に黒潮に乗って来たみたいですが、日本の縄文人は海洋民族だったらしく、色んな場所を行き来していたから D 系統でも D1b2a ( 最新の結果 ) になったんじゃないかな。と思います。
      他にも中国大陸を経由して朝鮮半島やサハリン側から入って来たグループも居たみたいですが 🤔

  • @ayanokoji888
    @ayanokoji888 9 месяцев назад +3

    Thanks for the detailed video as requested by me!! Appreciate your help!

    • @IzumiKaya
      @IzumiKaya  9 месяцев назад

      It took a long time editing & everything😢 Thank you for waiting for my video✨ It’s kinda long though 😅💦

    • @ayanokoji888
      @ayanokoji888 9 месяцев назад

      ​​@@IzumiKayaWe really appreciate your help, how to give Thanks to you, hope you had that option as you deserve it and you made my day as I was waiting for this video since long❤ please enable super thanks in RUclips as we can support you now and in future...

    • @IzumiKaya
      @IzumiKaya  9 месяцев назад

      @@ayanokoji888 I thank you sooooooo much for your support☺️✨It’s kinda long, but hope it can help people find out more about Japan 🍣🇯🇵✨

    • @ayanokoji888
      @ayanokoji888 9 месяцев назад

      @@IzumiKaya yes it does trust me as I am keen to learn more about Japan

  • @shinkisaragi4369
    @shinkisaragi4369 Месяц назад +5

    The finns speak a Uralic language which stems from the Altaic language family, the same language family as Japanese, Mongolic and Korean, they descent from ancient Siberians. Also If you go to Europe, the Finnish and Estonian cultures are perhaps the closest to Japanese. I don’t believe that’s a coincidence.

    • @aimmethod
      @aimmethod Месяц назад

      Finnish, Turkic and Hungarian are grouped together as Finno-Ugric languages along with other minor languages. I don't see Japanese, Korean and Mongolian listed in the group or any close association mentioned. ..... Not an expert here, just a Wikipedia skimmer.

    • @o0...957
      @o0...957 11 дней назад

      ​@@aimmethodWell there is a theory about Altaic family that supposedly includes the said languages but not widely accepted because there's not enough proof to conclude that they belong to the same language family.

  • @rainersalejarvi5762
    @rainersalejarvi5762 25 дней назад +1

    According to the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History and the University of Helsinki: ”These populations, (Finns and Saami), share more alleles with modern East Asian populations than with other European groups. "Our results show that there was a strong genetic connection between ancient Finnish and ancient Siberian populations, suggesting that ancient populations from Siberia may have also shared a subsistence strategy, languages, and/or cultural behaviors with Bronze Age and Iron Age Finns, despite the large geographical distance,"

  • @Iloveyounot
    @Iloveyounot 19 дней назад +2

    Hi, I'm Korean/Japanese American. :)

    • @user-us7is3vw6s
      @user-us7is3vw6s 19 дней назад

      Are you genetically half?

    • @Iloveyounot
      @Iloveyounot 19 дней назад

      @@user-us7is3vw6s My grandmother from my father's side is Japanese.

    • @IzumiKaya
      @IzumiKaya  19 дней назад +2

      @@Iloveyounot 안녕👋 I’m a Japanese lives on the northern part of Kyushu facing Korea❣️If you ever have a chance to visit here, plz travel from Fukuoka ↔︎ Busan by boat 🛥️ There’re so many islands between and you can feel how ancient people traveled🌊
      壱岐 Iki island is super pretty. You can enjoy BBQ & marine sports there 🏝️

    • @thetimemachine3502
      @thetimemachine3502 15 дней назад

      I guess Koreans are proud of being descendants of Mongols......... I mean Mongolian horse riding people uh????
      A Japanese actually is a mix of Chinese, korean, and SE asian...
      Modern Japanese are mainly thought to descend from a mix of two populations: the Jomon hunter-gatherers ( and continental East Asian farmers ..
      Further, the Koreans are more closely related to the Japanese and quite distant from the Chinese......

    • @RafaelaBittencourt-k3t
      @RafaelaBittencourt-k3t 4 дня назад

      Your grandparents must hate you

  • @Torbis101
    @Torbis101 16 дней назад

    Perhaps you could try out another company. I did mine with Ancestry DNA.
    There's also one called 23andme.

  • @mylessuehiro6785
    @mylessuehiro6785 28 дней назад

    Excellent discussion. Thank you.
    What is the origin of enka which I do not hear in Japan anymore?

  • @cliffordrichardc
    @cliffordrichardc 21 день назад

    useful episode

  • @ky-wu9mo
    @ky-wu9mo Месяц назад +2


  • @Japinoyboi2004
    @Japinoyboi2004 7 месяцев назад +10

    I'm Japanese-Filipino mix.
    And a lot of my "pure" Japanese friends have Mongolian, Central Asian, Finnish, Eskimo/Inuit, and Iberian DNA. It's no surprise, yet we were so happy about the result.
    Edit: I think another reason why the Finnish DNA is very common among North, Northeast, and East Asian people, is because perhaps the FINNS were Asian before they migrated to Europe.

    • @Japinoyboi2004
      @Japinoyboi2004 4 месяца назад

      Wtf are you talking about? Just because both of them lives in an island that doesn't mean they are related.

    • @Japinoyboi2004
      @Japinoyboi2004 4 месяца назад

      Since the British and Japanese both live on an island and both are island countries, does that make the Japs and Brits related?

  • @ayanokoji888
    @ayanokoji888 9 месяцев назад +8

    Looks like a lot to learn about Japanese history!!

    • @IzumiKaya
      @IzumiKaya  9 месяцев назад +1

      I had a lot of things to introduce, so it had become long😅But since I live In Kyushu, I’ll do more research into the Jomon tribe Hayato in Kagoshima and Yayoi ruin: Yoshinogari ruin😃✨

    • @ayanokoji888
      @ayanokoji888 8 месяцев назад

      @@IzumiKaya Thank you!! I know you will for sure from our past experience. We will always support you. Please try to enable the Super thanks option on RUclips as it will help you grow your channel. Nothing comes for free! Knowledge about Japan looks exciting and always waits!! I live in Bangalore, India. Will visit you for sure when I travel to kyushu in future!

    • @IzumiKaya
      @IzumiKaya  7 месяцев назад

      @@ayanokoji888 That’ll be great😊 India 🇮🇳 is cool 😎 My dad has been there several times, but I also want to visit there someday ✨Thank you for your support🙏

  • @user-gc5rw7qb6g
    @user-gc5rw7qb6g Месяц назад +1


    • @IzumiKaya
      @IzumiKaya  Месяц назад

      @@user-gc5rw7qb6g そうなんですね😳 確かに縄文人は畑で稲🌾を育てていたようですね。私も大和は北方弥生人か長江弥生人が主流じゃないかなと思いますが、個人的な感情から絶対にそれを受け入れたくない人達が居ますから、発言する方も気を遣います😅

  • @icebaby6714
    @icebaby6714 26 дней назад +1

    When Jomon people migrated out of Eastern Africa they took the southern route and stopped over in Tamil region in Southern India for many years before moving east to Indonesia, and they stopped over in Bali island for a while, then they headed north to Borneo, the Philippines and Taiwan, finally they reached Japan. As a result, linguists noticed the similarities between Tamil language and Japanese, and Balinese language and Japanese, some of the words are very similar, and the grammar in Japanese is similar to Tamil grammar. This is probably because Jomon people picked up local languages along the way to Japan.😂

    • @dash-2112
      @dash-2112 26 дней назад

      Jomon's closest cousins still live in the Andamanese islands like Onge and Jawara. But there's no proof at all that support your hypothesis. Korean is even closer to Tamil. Korean have more similar words and vocabularies than Japanese to Tamil. Also in Korea and Manchu, there are a number of dolmens that are similar to Tamil's. However, no dolmens are found in Japan. I guess it's most like a group of haplogroup N holders who left dolmens, not D(Jomon) holders.

    • @lrandsrsuperman2191
      @lrandsrsuperman2191 23 дня назад

      They didn't migrate out of Africa. Nice try though. Out of Africa "THEORY" has already been debunked.

  • @dash-2112
    @dash-2112 26 дней назад +1

    And men in northern China, Korea, and Japan have about 1% of the N-type Haplogroup. They originally split from the O-type Haplogroup, which makes up most of Asians, in Southeast Asia or southern China during the Paleolithic Age. People with the N-type Haplogroup continued to move north, and in the Neolithic Age, they went to warm Siberia. And they continued to move west from Siberia and settled in Finland. This is their trace.

  • @CandiOsaka
    @CandiOsaka 2 месяца назад +4

    ❤not only Jomon but also Ainu and emishi for example ! Also Hayato tribe and they are mixed with Korean and Chinese

    • @新型コロナは空事です
      @新型コロナは空事です Месяц назад +1

      Not even most Japanese know about Emishi people. Thanks for bringing them up.

    • @CandiOsaka
      @CandiOsaka Месяц назад

      @@新型コロナは空事です thank you 🥹💛

    • @yuuut-y5k
      @yuuut-y5k 19 дней назад +2


  • @user-vk1xg4qc1s
    @user-vk1xg4qc1s 2 месяца назад +1


    • @IzumiKaya
      @IzumiKaya  2 месяца назад +1


    • @user-vk1xg4qc1s
      @user-vk1xg4qc1s 2 месяца назад

      @@IzumiKaya ありがとうございます!☺️

  • @idatenidaten5548
    @idatenidaten5548 Месяц назад +2

    アメリカの会社を使ってる人でも100% Japanese という答えが返って来てる人達をRUclipsで何人も見ましたよ。混ざってる人の方が少なかったですね。

  • @marcothebarber764
    @marcothebarber764 19 дней назад

    Your European DNA may be Portuguese, I am Portuguese and have Finnish DNA, and there are several Portuguese who have Japanese and Chinese DNA.

  • @ninjas7978
    @ninjas7978 4 месяца назад +1

    As you are a woman you can't trace your paternal haplogroup but only your maternal haplogroup. What is your maternal haplogroup? (Mtdna haplogroup). Maternal D4 is the most common in Japan in about 35-40% and it came from Yayoi migrations.

    • @IzumiKaya
      @IzumiKaya  4 месяца назад +1

      Yes, I’m a woman, so that’s why I said “ I can only follow my mitochondria DNA “ 😅
      The test kit I bought “My Heritage “ doesn’t say my haplogroup. Just a map & percentage of my major genetical make-up as I showed in my video..
      But there’re more than 2.000 genetical groups when very small percentages are included.
      Anyways, there’re some puzzling things about this test kit, so maybe I’ll try another company sometime soon ..

    • @akina1053
      @akina1053 23 дня назад

      ​@@IzumiKayaplease. Recommend more tests when in your videos.とても面白くって勉強になります!

  • @MasahiroSunami
    @MasahiroSunami 16 дней назад +1


  • @paulk437
    @paulk437 26 дней назад

    I had my DNA tested by the company Ancestry. Over time as more DNA samples a collected from the various countries my results are continuously updated and reflect the results of the larger sample sizes. I would assume My Heritage is the same so check your results over time, yearly or every couple of years.

  • @user-us7is3vw6s
    @user-us7is3vw6s 19 дней назад

    Academic studies about the origin of ethnic Japanese is well shown in the book ‘Gun, Germs and Steel(revised edition)’ by Jared Diamond. A whole chapter in this book talks about this certain topic.😊😊 Hope this would help people learn further knowledge about this!!

    • @IzumiKaya
      @IzumiKaya  19 дней назад

      @@user-us7is3vw6s I don’t know how much & how long the Western scientist has worked on our genetics, but Japanese scientists have long researched Japanese people with more samples. So watching videos or reading books of Shinoda Kenichi 篠田謙一, the head of the National Science Museum in Japan, and also a molecular anthropologist & a medical doctor, can help you understand better about the Japanese. His international team member in another country has won a Nobel prize, so their sources are reliable.
      As for DNA test kits available online, I thought a Western institute would give results without bias ..
      The most popular Japanese test kit here “ Hapro “ on Amazon is unreliable😓

  • @markb8738
    @markb8738 28 дней назад

    Hi, Kaya,
    Many thanks for an interesting and informative presentation. About the Finnish component of your ancestry, another possibility is that it comes from the Sami people who have traditionally lived a distinctive nomadic lifestyle among the Finns. I’ve read that many of them have a 20-30% East Asian admixture, and it was once the consensus that their ancestors had migrated long ago from east Asia, I guess traveling west at the high latitudes where the Eurasian land mass is more compact . However, I’m not sure if this view is still accepted. At any rate, your proposal is much more interesting and romantic!

    • @IzumiKaya
      @IzumiKaya  28 дней назад

      @@markb8738 I’m glad you enjoyed my video😃✨Yeah, a few viewers told me about Sami people. I didn’t know about them until they told me. But that’s possible 🤔
      If there’s a DNA 🧬 test kit that can show me what routs my major ancestors entered Japan, I would buy it since “ My Heritage “ doesn’t show the routs ..
      But visiting places where my ancestors came is so exciting😁
      Thanks for watching✨

  • @tacandshoot53
    @tacandshoot53 Месяц назад

    Does that mean that the altai theory is true? I am Half kurdish and half turkish and many people tell me that i resemble japanese and it was quite easy to learn the language ( i am still learning) thanks for this lesson in heritage and ancestory. Greetings from Suisse :)

  • @reborn3797
    @reborn3797 4 месяца назад +5

    文化も血筋も流動的であり、太古から隔離されてない限りありえないよね。他国や他民族から影響受けてない国なんか1つも存在しないね。ピュアな人間は何処にもいないと思うけど、見る限り私達日本人は中国大陸の人間だよね。チベット族とDNA近いと聞いたことあるけど、どうなんだろう?あ、あと東アジアより東南アジアに顔近い人いますね、特に沖縄とか南。でも現代って自由に移動できる時代ですからもう混血だらけですよねw 日本の東北に目の色が違う人の割合が多いので是非DNAテスト公開して欲しいわぁ~

    • @IzumiKaya
      @IzumiKaya  4 месяца назад +1

      ご視聴ありがとうございます😊 100% 何人とかあり得ないですよね😅 アイヌに関しては確かに青い目の人達も居たと聞きますが、多分、白人のロシア人が今の東部まで手に入れてから移住して来た人達との混血だったのかな❓と思ってます。
      アイヌも3, 4種類の部族があるみたいですね。

    • @CandiOsaka
      @CandiOsaka 2 месяца назад

      @@IzumiKaya しかし、青い目はヨーロッパ人だけのものではありません。アイヌの人々の中には青い目をしていた人がいた可能性があります。彼らが住んでいた環境は寒く、強い日光が少なく、生存にそれほど多くのメラニンを必要としなかったため、目の中のメラニンが少なかったと考えられます。❤

  • @미제드론
    @미제드론 Месяц назад +1

    카야상 너무나 아름다우십니다. 😍

    • @IzumiKaya
      @IzumiKaya  Месяц назад +1

      @@미제드론 ㅋㅋ, 고마습니다😁✨

  • @spicysealion-et8kf
    @spicysealion-et8kf 28 дней назад

    Amazing! You have obviously done a lot of reading to know current research. The world would be a lot more peaceful if more people were as scientifically minded as you. A lot of modern wars only make the common ancestors cry if they could see it.

    • @IzumiKaya
      @IzumiKaya  28 дней назад +1

      @@spicysealion-et8kf I’m glad you enjoyed my video❣️As for Jomon people, I’ll upload a videos when more things become clear . Thanks for watching✨

  • @rosalindamerika
    @rosalindamerika 2 месяца назад +3

    probably you have mongolian dna, but results will show finland due political issues, they are afraid of the rise of mongolia because if align to japan, they could dominate the giant plains of europe like in the past

  • @ethiehetherington5086
    @ethiehetherington5086 25 дней назад +1

    I can tell you that Japan researchers for Asians are far more credible in researching for Asians.

  • @theallochan
    @theallochan 18 дней назад

    Do you have any information about the Goguryeo language that’s similar to Japanese? .

    • @IzumiKaya
      @IzumiKaya  18 дней назад

      @@theallochan First Yayoi people migrated from the area around current Manchuria China ~ North Korea to Tungus in Russia, so, of course Japonic language is said to be the one came from around that area. I know an interesting video a linguistic expert ? or a major person created how Japonic language came into Japan & spread with the help of AI . Their language gradually became dominant over native Jomon language. But some Jomon derived words still exist in Japan like Yama, Kawa, Akezu etc.
      You can see how Japonic language - Yayoi language was first around the Yellow Sea and then moved into Japanese isles in this video⬇️
      But in Japanese language, there’re similarities in Tamil & Thai languages as well. So it’s really complicated, but probably those can be Jomon language traits.
      Since languages don’t have DNA🧬 , it really is hard to find out where they exactly came from or what languages influenced for sure..

    • @kyopo18
      @kyopo18 17 дней назад

      ​@@IzumiKaya Japanese is a mixture of Goguryeo and Baekje Korean with a bit of Silla Korean and hint of Jomon.

  • @jwalbrig
    @jwalbrig Месяц назад

    VERY interesting! Thank you for the report.

  • @omegabulldog5001
    @omegabulldog5001 25 дней назад

    Honestly I don't trust DNA tests....could just be me being a sceptic~🤣

  • @Reina.M540
    @Reina.M540 2 месяца назад +1

    私もmy heritage で受けました。

    • @IzumiKaya
      @IzumiKaya  Месяц назад +1

      @@Reina.M540 そんな事があるんですね😳少し前はアジア人のサンプルや研究結果が足りなかったみたいで、ある会社のキットを使った韓国の方の結果は東アジア全体に色が付いていて、” You are East Asian “ と書いてあったそうです(笑)

  • @KB-hs4go
    @KB-hs4go 8 месяцев назад +4


    • @IzumiKaya
      @IzumiKaya  8 месяцев назад +1


    • @SinisterTea
      @SinisterTea 5 месяцев назад +1


    • @user-vk1xg4qc1s
      @user-vk1xg4qc1s 2 месяца назад


  • @shinkisaragi4369
    @shinkisaragi4369 Месяц назад

    You also have to keep in mind that China has 56 ethnic groups, not all of them are genetically and linguistically related to the Han people, even among the different Chinese groups, They are distinctly genetically different, western Chinese are different than eastern Chinese. It’s believed that Cantonese people are more closely related to Southeast Asian groups such as the dai then to Han.

    • @IzumiKaya
      @IzumiKaya  Месяц назад +1

      @@shinkisaragi4369 I know that 😅 Thanks.

  • @BaroqueBlues
    @BaroqueBlues Месяц назад +1

    You are probably Ainu, their closest related language is Finnish, even their clothes & knives look like the Sami people's of Finland's do.

  • @naomidavis1879
    @naomidavis1879 Месяц назад

    I love that you're speaking in Japanese and English, it'll help me with my language listening. I love just playing things in the background.

    • @naomidavis1879
      @naomidavis1879 Месяц назад

      I also did a dna test. My whole life my mother and her family spoke French and they said they were from France, but I found out I'm 57% Italian, so unless I was kidnap, I've got bad news fam. Lol. I'm also baffled and want to learn about my 1% Japanese. I have always loved the culture and history, never knew 16 generations ago I had a Japanese ancestor…… explains why Im so short lol. U think the history is romance involved, while I, a watcher of true crime and a history buff, have a more pessimistic outlook.😢. Even now women aren't treated well.

    • @naomidavis1879
      @naomidavis1879 Месяц назад

      Autosomal DNA test
      Its the dna test you'd want to take if you have any paternal dna questions

  • @user-he8kp1sc8c
    @user-he8kp1sc8c 22 дня назад

    This was very informative. I was wondering why you repeated everything and realized you were presenting everything in both Japanese and English. My mother spoke almost no English and my sister spoke very little Japanese so I’m used to comprehending both simultaneously. I got my DNA tested using Ancestry and 23 and me. The results were 100% Japanese with 23 and me and 93% Japanese and 7% Southern Japanese on Ancest 31:03 ry. The problem I have is that I can find no relatives in Japan with the two services I used. My closest relatives were my third cousins, all of whom were in Hawaii and known to my immediate family. I will try one of the DNA kits from Japan. I know I have a lot of relatives in Japan since my mother communicated with them. My grandfather was born in Hawaii and my sister was born in Pennsylvania. The rest of my family are all from Japan. I am curious to see where my relatives are in Japan.

  • @ShiningNoctowls
    @ShiningNoctowls 20 дней назад

    I had a match in my ancestry(aside from the indigenous Japanese Jomon, including Ainu, that comes from part of my Native American ancestry; I'm a bit of a mix of everything(predominantly European, but also North Africa(Amazingh/Canarian/Ancient Egyptian), Caucasus/Middle East, Finnish, Native American/"East Asian", even a wee bit of Northern India/Pakistan as well as West and East Africa, and more), including even "Chinese"(not only "Han" or "Yuan Dynasty" as one "Chinese official seemed to praise when speaking to a Tibetan"(A "Tibetan Elder" visiting Washington state told me he felt a healing connection(potentially from a "past life" with me, which I was thankful for; I also had a dream of being a "rice farmer", which may be connected to the Yayoi people or "Chang Jiang" near, or even including South, of the Yangtze River who brought rice cultivation to Japan), for I feel a connection to "Ho-oh" or in Chinese its called "fenghuang"("Ho-o" speaks to my hart"), which I learned goes back to the Shang Dynasty(to me, it's "the Ancient Mycenaean Greece of East Asia"; there has been research that may connect some of the civilizations in Peru in South America such as the Mochica culture to not only the Jomon/Ainu of Japan, but also those of the Shang Dynasty, with y-dna haplogroup Q1a1 and Q1a2 being another potential connection) as an Online Chinese contact told me); I had a connection to O1b2, which connected to "Fujiwara Palace" and "Fujiwara no Kamatari" that somehow reached Protovillanovia Italy around 3000 years ago(Kyoto was one of my favorite places I visited in Japan, even more than Tokyo(I also learned the well-known samurai "Miyamoto Musashi" may also come from Fujiwara ancestry as well as part of his lineage); the Japanese treated me very well, almost like family; there was a Japanese family in Tokyo at a sushi bar who invited me to eat with them when I spoke a wee bit of Japanese, even just saying "mizu" when asking for water(a Japanese woman visiting Hokkaido & the Ainu also spoke to me in Spanish on her RUclips channel, speaking to my hart("mi corazon"); she told me I could learn to speak Japanese well if I already knew Spanish since the vowel sounds(a,e,i,o,u) are very similar; I may visit Japan again one day(I'm thankful for it and the people/descendants being part of my journey, part of my "Regnbue/Arcoiris/Iris/Akiepena(Kawesqar)/K'uychi(Quechua)/Niji/Rainbow" indeed 🔥🌧🌈🌊⛵

  • @gmaolauw2665
    @gmaolauw2665 15 дней назад

    🇨🇳 🇯🇵 🇰🇷 🇲🇳 adalah satu RAS bersatulah kalian sodaraku

  • @lorddevonshire6382
    @lorddevonshire6382 20 дней назад

    Thank you for a fascinating video, Kaya. I think that a weak point of these DNA tests is that they are not good at specifying geographical regions. The reason is simple: human beings have moved around a lot over many thousands of years!
    This is why I think the Finnish element in your DNA may be easy to explain. Finnish people (and Hungarians, too) came from Asia, so it's not surprising that you share some DNA with them. Please have a look at this interesting video on this subject: ruclips.net/video/0mwGtXJvpgQ/видео.html
    Oh, I just checked the other comments, and I noticed many other people have already said the same kind of thing. Sorry!

  • @zeynelocak9557
    @zeynelocak9557 Месяц назад

    You should use a much older map showing that times map

  • @oghuz_kaghan
    @oghuz_kaghan 16 дней назад

    She has uralic blood😮

  • @charlesbullghost5491
    @charlesbullghost5491 20 дней назад +1

    The V blood DNA test. The Red skin deer 🦌 scent native American indigenous very proud tribal people of the two America's!✨ Are the closes relatives to very proud Asian people of very large Eastern Asian continent!!✨ Because of the very ancient ice age land bridge between the two continent's!✨ A hundred thousands of years ago!✨ A 🥰 perfectly walk to the large massive land bridge between the two continent's!✨ We are all very impressive beautiful made warrior people!✨ My great wisdom for today!✨ Have a very impressive 😍 beautiful day.😍❤

  • @111min5
    @111min5 20 дней назад +1

    Not came from chinese continent, direct from korea. Kudara, shilla etc. (My mum is Japanese by the way) chinese are ethnically very different from Japanese, korean.
    Korean are most similar race with Japanese. See also the lingustic similarities. Intonation, grammar, vocabulary.

    • @IzumiKaya
      @IzumiKaya  20 дней назад +1

      @@111min5 Yes, Yayoi & Kofun type people, in other words “ new Mongolids “ came to Japan from the Chinese continent.
      Some came here through the Korean Peninsula, some on boasts from Taiwan ~ Okinawan islands to Kyushu, and some also came by boats by using ocean currents in the Japan sea.
      There are many different types of people in China. Even Han Chinese people have slightly different genetic groups.
      The Yayoi type people migrated to Japan first were from around the current northern China to Tungus in Russia & current North Korea.
      The second big groups were mainly from Yangtze River basin in around current Shanghai in China.
      It’s proven scientifically. I only introduce what’s reported by experts who have engaged themselves into this research field for years with special instruments & equipments only available at national universities or labs.
      If you doubt their results, don’t complain to me. I leave the name of the most renown & reliable scientist ( a molecular anthropologist & also a medical doctor) who is the head of the National Science Museum 国立博物館 of Japan.
      His name is Kenichi Shinoda 篠田健一 ℹ️ www.kahaku.go.jp/
      and Kanazawa University 金沢大学 & their international research teams ℹ️www.kanazawa-u.ac.jp/
      You can easily contact them . So if you want to challenge against them, send them e-mails or call them, not me😅
      Good luck🤞
      And lastly, please have a flexible mind to accept scientific results without your personal hatred or emotions against some people. I’ve got comments from Korean or Chinese people who don’t want to believe this, but sorry, facts are facts.

    • @MRT-co1sd
      @MRT-co1sd 19 дней назад

      @@IzumiKayaThe westerners don’t like the Chinese, they don’t want any association with them, so they want to ignore the facts. They also say Koreans and Japanese language are not tonal languages but Han Chinese are so how could Koreans and Japanese are. But they failed to see or they just ignore the fact that old Japanese and old Koreans are tonal and were very similar to old Han Chinese. They also ignore many genetic relationships between the Japanese, Koreans and the Han Chinese. Well then just let them be what makes them happy, nature, science and the world just moves on.

  • @michellew5330
    @michellew5330 24 дня назад

    We are all very similar. And we can use a little more love.

  • @DovidM
    @DovidM 18 дней назад

    You will have inherited at best 1 to 3 percent from any one ancestor 7 generations ago. Your genealogical records might show all ancestors going back 10 generations but a genetic test will not show any genetic contribution from ancestors as far back as 10 generations.

  • @user-cy5ys6zp2q
    @user-cy5ys6zp2q 8 месяцев назад +8


    • @user-cy5ys6zp2q
      @user-cy5ys6zp2q 8 месяцев назад +4


    • @IzumiKaya
      @IzumiKaya  8 месяцев назад +1

      ご視聴、ありがとうございます✨私が見たRUclipsの一つは確かKevin’s English room とか言う3人グループの動画でしたが、その内2人は色白で目が細く、いかにも弥生系だったのに ( 100%日本人 ) と結果が出て、もう1人は肌は小麦色で顔は濃く髪が太い感じの人は縄文やベトナムが混ざっていると結果が出ました。

    • @IzumiKaya
      @IzumiKaya  8 месяцев назад +2

      @@user-cy5ys6zp2q 私が引用した動画内のDNA分布図は古いですか😳❓ここ5年〜7年位の結果とは思いますが、一つはWikiから拾いました。

    • @user-cy5ys6zp2q
      @user-cy5ys6zp2q 8 месяцев назад +2


  • @georgeloh8257
    @georgeloh8257 5 месяцев назад +4

    Many Han Chinese and Koreans are having same surnames ( Family names ).

  • @VitorJKhan
    @VitorJKhan 23 дня назад

    DNA 검사는 대조군 비교를 3개이상 하여야 합니다.
    타민족과의 근친 연구와 자국민 내의 분산연구도 중요하겠다고 생각합니다

  • @golonawailus4312
    @golonawailus4312 Месяц назад

    I am Y-DNA chromosome N. I am native Beijing but Hui. N is all over the place 😂.

  • @paecpc
    @paecpc 8 месяцев назад +3

    Interesting, thanks.

    • @IzumiKaya
      @IzumiKaya  8 месяцев назад

      Glad you enjoyed it✨

  • @kakasihatake2910
    @kakasihatake2910 8 месяцев назад +3


    • @JIRO-FX3150
      @JIRO-FX3150 8 месяцев назад


    • @kakasihatake2910
      @kakasihatake2910 8 месяцев назад

      @@JIRO-FX3150 中国では台湾平野と言われてるが制約はYdnaのタイプNの近く。NOPQRを考えたらヒマラヤ北まわりから中国大陸や台湾地方侵入が合理。

    • @golonawailus4312
      @golonawailus4312 Месяц назад

      Ydna N 👋

  • @chibigon01
    @chibigon01 20 дней назад

    My wife has similar DNA test results to your results. She is from Hirado Island. All my family (my wife's, daughter's, son's, and mine) DNA test results are publicly accesible in 23andMe. If you want to visit Canada let us know.

    • @IzumiKaya
      @IzumiKaya  20 дней назад

      @@chibigon01 Your wife is from Hirado❣️Yay😁👍

  • @user-em5ee1tp6y
    @user-em5ee1tp6y 8 месяцев назад +20


    • @IzumiKaya
      @IzumiKaya  8 месяцев назад +6


    • @user-lt8cu5uq8k
      @user-lt8cu5uq8k 8 месяцев назад +12


    • @200gb3
      @200gb3 8 месяцев назад +13


  • @willypam-b4r
    @willypam-b4r 23 дня назад

    저의 조상은 에티오피아의 '루시' 입니다

  • @howardleekilby7390
    @howardleekilby7390 12 дней назад

    Does your ancestry show
    any Neanderthal heritage?

    • @IzumiKaya
      @IzumiKaya  11 дней назад

      @@howardleekilby7390 Hmmm🤔 It’s shows a little bit in Finland. That’s the most puzzling part though. I expected that’s someone who came to Nagasaki by a Dutch ship, but a few viewers told me it’s probably Sami tribe in Finland 🤔
      Thanks for watching though ☺️❣️

  • @kaieasthammer8243
    @kaieasthammer8243 16 дней назад

    The problem unfortunately is that the type of DNA testing done by heritage DNA only traces back 6 to 8 generations so around 200 yrs so it is unlikely that any of the earliest origins would be picked up. As interesting as your analysis is. Generally a DNA test is only as good as it's data base. Again unfortunately with regards to Asian data the figures are still small, and the various DNA testing companies tend to group together all the Asian countries and some other small data countries. The result thus aren't truly reflected and many errors and abnormal results, for people of Anglo-Saxon origin the data bases are large enough to provide meaningful results. So l would take the results with some care. Their is no historical evidence of any Jewish connection it's total rubbish. If someone has a predetermined idea then they will always find something but academically their is no evidence in historical documents of any connection. And of course their is a wealth of sources Japanese and Chinese and Korean of historical exchange between these peoples over thousand years so naturally you'd expect a genetic connection. If you have a male sibling or living father then you could use their DNA to test back further but lm not sure how commercially available these types of DNA testings are, I would imagine they would be more expensive and again the same data base issues exist. You may find your results will change over the years has the data base for Asian ethnic groups improves and DNA companies are able to redefine there groupings for small data countries better.

  • @josenwushangkehan
    @josenwushangkehan 18 дней назад

    Well DNA test is good and interesting...however even IF you have a higher percentage of Non Yayoi people or even Mainlanders Chinese or Korean ancestors... it does not make you less Japanese...
    You are born in Japan , raised as a Japanese, speak Japanese, educated as a Japanese...and you think like a Japanese...then you are Japanese, it does not matter what are your ancestors or where your ancestors came from.....Nobody should say you are less Japanese...
    Those DNA reflected from the past...those ancestors were already long gone ! Even native Chinese who migrated to Japan , Long long time ago ...now became Japanese in mind, heart , and intermarry with native Japanese, they are now Japanese ....
    DNA test is just a glimpse like a mirror in the past, never should be used to identify what or who we are...otherwise DNA test will become a tool for racism and fascism....

    • @IzumiKaya
      @IzumiKaya  18 дней назад

      @@josenwushangkehan ❓Errrr… Of course I know that. I NEVER said “ I’m LESS Japanese.”
      I don’t know why you came to that conclusion..
      Japanese are the mixture of those kinds of people. That doesn’t make me a Korean or Chinese.
      I consider myself as Japanese, of course.
      You take me so wrong 😑

  • @moutyday
    @moutyday 8 месяцев назад +3

    24:00 why you don't talk about the first black people of south Japan, like the black Shogun Sounake?

    • @IzumiKaya
      @IzumiKaya  8 месяцев назад +3

      Oh, that’s a good idea 👍
      Thanks 😊✨All the best for your New Year❣️

    • @aviewer9516
      @aviewer9516 Месяц назад

      From what I have read, there was only one Black in Japan - transported there from shipping trades. One person stayed behind for whatever reason and was kept on as staff by a Shogunite. The Black person was not a true Shogun, just a Shogun 'assistant' if you will.

    • @lrandsrsuperman2191
      @lrandsrsuperman2191 23 дня назад

      That's a fantasy, blacks didn't live there nor inhabit Japan. Go somewhere else with that woke garbage. Culture Vulture

    • @chsyrp2437
      @chsyrp2437 20 дней назад

      Who is black Shogun Sounake? Such a history does not exist in Japan.

    • @yuuut-y5k
      @yuuut-y5k 19 дней назад


  • @user-jl5jd4hk6l
    @user-jl5jd4hk6l 17 дней назад


    • @IzumiKaya
      @IzumiKaya  17 дней назад

      @@user-jl5jd4hk6l 私はそんな純朴ではないので、My Heritage でこの様な結果が出たからと言って、100%鵜呑みにしてません😅

  • @gregorypetty6887
    @gregorypetty6887 8 месяцев назад +1

    I'm a Filipino American from the United States, for I am half Filipino half European American. My mom is from the Philippines, and my dad is from the U.S. I took a Whole Genome Sequencing DNA test, that examines all 3 billion pairs of my DNA, not just the 0.1% that MyHeritage does. Well it turns out that not only does my Asian ancestry come from the Philippines, my Asian DNA comes from Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore (the Malay Archipelago), as well as Burmese, which makes sense since Indonesians, Malay, and Filipinos are genetically related. But I also have Asian ancestry from Japan and Korea, Siberia, Central Asian, and Afghanistan, Bangladesh, and Nepal. While my European ancestry comes from Eastern Europe, Finland, Italy, etc. I highly recommend you take a Whole Genome Sequencing DNA test, it will give you more results than MyHeritage does.
    Also, how come you didn't mention the Japanese/Austronesian tribes like the Kumaso? That ethnic group was also present in ancient Japan, and are believed to be Austronesian migrants from the Philippines. If you put Kumaso in Wikipedia, they are said to come from the Philippines. Maybe that is why some Japanese people look Southeast Asian, and why do some Filipinos look Japanese?

    • @IzumiKaya
      @IzumiKaya  8 месяцев назад

      Wow, you know Kumaso😯 I have a plan this weekend, so I’ll get you back later💕

    • @gregorypetty6887
      @gregorypetty6887 8 месяцев назад

      @@IzumiKaya Oh cool! Thanks!😃

    • @Japinoyboi2004
      @Japinoyboi2004 7 месяцев назад

      I;m Japanese Filipino.
      FYI the only Japanese people who look SE Asian are the southern Japanese like Okinawans. Most Japanese people these days or majority of them are Manchu-looking.

    • @cigarettes_and_lollipops
      @cigarettes_and_lollipops 6 месяцев назад +1

      ​​@@Japinoyboi2004 i know from the start that you're a self hating half filipino, if you have a preference for monolid beauties that's okay, preferences are personal anyway but you have no right to disrespect Japanese heritage and austronesian people it's disgusting, you should be ashamed to kaya izumi for commenting hatreds on her channel, that's basically what uneducated bigots do, she's so civil about it and happy to share Japan's identity but yet you're the complete opposite which one of your parents is filipino? you're also disrespecting them by doing that or maybe you're just a larper

    • @Japinoyboi2004
      @Japinoyboi2004 6 месяцев назад

      Not all Japanese look like Southeast Asian. Only in the very Southern part like Ryukyu/Okinawa. But majority of the Japanese (especially the Mainlanders) today are Manchu-looking

  • @gaspol6124
    @gaspol6124 8 месяцев назад +4

    There some similar word in japan and indonesia with similar meaning. For example SUKA means like and in japan SUKI.
    MUKA means face in japan also have MUKAU .
    KATA means word and in japan KOTO.
    ATAU means or in japan ATAWA

    • @IzumiKaya
      @IzumiKaya  8 месяцев назад

      Thanks for watching😉Yeah, I thought Indonesia, especially Bali was so similar to Japan on a gene level when I visited there.
      And the Okinawan well-known folk song “ Azatoya Yunta “ has a part of lyrics that’s said to be Indonesian.

    • @gaspol6124
      @gaspol6124 8 месяцев назад

      I wonder is the similar word came from sanskrit or astronesian language. Other similar word is SUDAH means already. maybe it simailar tu SUDE in japanese

    • @Japinoyboi2004
      @Japinoyboi2004 6 месяцев назад +2

      nah the words are completely unrelated because it was influenced by outside elements. Just like the word name. In JP, it was "namae" and "nama" for MY and ID. All which was derived from, I think Buddhist or Sanskrit influence

    • @gaspol6124
      @gaspol6124 6 месяцев назад

      There also another word like
      sirah means head and in japanese similar to kashira

    • @Japinoyboi2004
      @Japinoyboi2004 6 месяцев назад +1

      Ok, but those were just coincidence.

  • @snowcountry322
    @snowcountry322 21 день назад

    I have been Japan eight times. Japanese are a mix of Chinese and Pacific Isanders.

    • @chsyrp2437
      @chsyrp2437 20 дней назад

      No? Where did it go? Was it only in places like Okinawa, Kyushu, or Western Japan?

  • @tomomikido9660
    @tomomikido9660 Месяц назад

    Vikings used to travel across the European continent and traded with the Middle East. This could explain the Finnish/Swedish ancestry also. DNA tests are only as good as the population they have data on. That is most likely the Japanese DNA test shows 100%. ヴ 43:28 ァイキングはヨーロッパ大陸を旅し、中東と貿易を行っていました。これもフィンランド/スウェーデンの祖先を説明するかもしれません。DNA検査は、そのデータが対象とする人口集団の精度に左右される。日本のDNA検査では100%の結果が出る可能性が高い。

  • @eduardoboldtq.9931
    @eduardoboldtq.9931 18 дней назад

    Seems you are to much north american to me. So much diferent from chinese!!!

    • @IzumiKaya
      @IzumiKaya  18 дней назад

      @@eduardoboldtq.9931 I look North American 😳❓You mean an Inuit❓Well, I had a little bit of Inuit in myself✨

  • @ShiningNoctowls
    @ShiningNoctowls 20 дней назад


  • @ayanokoji888
    @ayanokoji888 8 месяцев назад +5

    I would say overall you are a japanese right! Tell chinese that we dont steal corona😂, but you send that... Even if japan invaded, corona killed many people so china should be sued!

    • @IzumiKaya
      @IzumiKaya  8 месяцев назад +15

      Errrr.. we don’t really know the origin of COVID, and a virus is something people can’t see & control😅 So we can’t blame general Chinese citizens for it😅💦

    • @ayanokoji888
      @ayanokoji888 8 месяцев назад +2

      @@IzumiKaya 🤣yeah but they eat everything raw, so we can guess it's from there🤣 main was Bat meat 😅

    • @chiochio3471
      @chiochio3471 8 месяцев назад +5

      @@ayanokoji888?what are you talking about? Don’t you know sushi and sashimi are Japanese dishes???

    • @ayanokoji888
      @ayanokoji888 8 месяцев назад

      @@chiochio3471 do you atleast know where sushi origonated🤣

    • @directxxxx71
      @directxxxx71 Месяц назад

      Go search where the Spanish flu which killed 30 million lives came from. Americans were always good at blaming others or finding scapegoat.

  • @user-he9mk9gr9f
    @user-he9mk9gr9f Месяц назад +1


    • @IzumiKaya
      @IzumiKaya  Месяц назад

      @@user-he9mk9gr9f でしょうね💦💦この前久しぶりに韓国🇰🇷行った時は ( 日本人❓)( 日本🇯🇵から来たの❓)と道を聞いたりチケットの買い方を尋ねた韓国人達、めちゃくちゃ親切にしてくれましたけどね😅

    • @user-he9mk9gr9f
      @user-he9mk9gr9f Месяц назад

      隣国とはうまくやらないといけないですね。 戦争は近い民族間で起きやすいので それに少なく無い日本人とも共通の祖先が

  • @oriimu7745
    @oriimu7745 Месяц назад


    • @IzumiKaya
      @IzumiKaya  Месяц назад


    • @IzumiKaya
      @IzumiKaya  Месяц назад

      @@oriimu7745 ruclips.net/video/bw2pLH7v8Rw/видео.htmlsi=MDRbIhhc1QgABh_R 人類日本発祥説を解く前に見て下さい。

    • @lalamichi3432
      @lalamichi3432 17 дней назад


    • @o0...957
      @o0...957 11 дней назад

      This comment reminds me of "Out of India" theory and gives me second hand embarrassment.

  • @harbin88
    @harbin88 Месяц назад


  • @kevindevaojoo8882
    @kevindevaojoo8882 18 дней назад

    Fin-Ugur ppl were Korean descendants
    They were actually Asians
    Now Finland became White race

  • @Juanmecanico117
    @Juanmecanico117 19 дней назад +1

    Ora, por qué yutub me recomienda esto?