Yeah. I'm curious of the weight limit. Because that was a thicken. Haha *Beauty is in all sizes but the pole could have a limit. Especially in home poles.
@@lifes2short I was thinking the same thing. Part of the problem is it's a shitty cheap pole, though. It should be a real metal pole attached to the frame of the house. Instead it's a cheap pole, probably fake wood and either plastic or something about as cheap for the top and bottom pieces. It's just wedged in between the floor and the ceiling. Those poles were being sold a lot during one of those stripper pole exercise crazes, and they're junk. They're not meant for spinning on, anyway, I would think, just because that kind of thing easily comes loose if you twist it. Kind of like those cheap poles people wedge into closets instead of making a real bar, which constantly fall down if you actually put clothes on them.
@@rifter0x0000 I've seen it happen so often. Movies even. That pressure fit and aluminum just ain't gonna cut it. Haha Just set you up a tether ball pole outside and BAM duel purpose haha
The reporter says "I am praying they did not leave their keys in the vehicle" The reporter thinks "I am praying they left their keys in the vehicle, this is gold!"
@@DrThunder2004 if thats the case then I do blame the cops even if its common practice to do it so the car can quick to act in this scenario 😂 Otherwise its just kinda unfortuanate/funny I mean still funny either way
A lot of police vehicles are keyed alike because they use Ford motor company's fleet key. This means that anyone with that key (which you can buy online) can use it on any police car in the country that meets the criteria. I don't know the exact details of the situation, so I don't know if Ford no longer sells cars without changing the locks, if the police no longer buy cars without changing the locks, or something else that prevents this from working, but I do know that it did work in the past. I don't know if that's what the person in the video was doing, but I wouldn't be surprised.
I once had a landlord try to keep my deposit. All I did was write a passive-aggressive letter explaining I had done no damage to the property and explained that I would take further legal action if necessary. I got a check in the mail two weeks later for my full deposit. Law suit chicken is a thing. Also, if you bought an F-15, I would assume you'd need a pilot's license and permission from the FAA or at least an airport to actually take off and fly somewhere in it, so owning it is probably legal (you can sometimes buy tanks on Ebay) but operating it would depend on a whole slew of other regulations would be my guess. Anyone else think so?
@@hauntedshadowslegacy2826 Flying it is fine too. There's a guy not too far from me who owns a couple MIG-21s, a MIG-29 and a couple A-4 Skyhawks. They're properly de-milled and registered as experimental aircraft with the FAA. The hard part isn't flying them, it's paying for flying them. He did the math once and it's $10-15k/hour to fly them.
Actually, I do know somebody who managed to escape from the cops with a helicopter. He was on a motorcycle, and then revved on to the Caltech campus and started driving along the covered walkways, then bailed off the bike and went inside. They got the bike but not him.
On the Kid one, there was a case I saw where a kid went and hugged his Aunt and broke her rub or something like that. She ended up suing the family and was put as some horrible person. It turned out her insurance required her to go after them before they would pay for her bills (because the US insurance system is shit and we give them that power).
Curious to know how the media got ahold of that story…someone in the family must have been pretty hacked off or something. I would have just told them I’ll pay u $5/month, byyyeee
That lady got dragged through the mud. She literally had no other option because the insurance company was trying to screw her. She still has a great relationship with her nephew and was glad the case ended the way it did
And this is one of the reasons medical costs are so high. Insurance companies, government subsidies, personal debt all cause medical costs to rise to these insane rates. It skews the supply and demand model and fucks it all up.
Fighter Jets are 100% legal to own in the US (and most countries). They're called "warbirds" in the aviation community. The guns and missile launching systems are typically not. In the US they're definitely not allowed to be functional.
I had a really sh*tty landlord. I asked for a walk through when I moved in, they said it wasn't necessary, most states require them in the landlord/tenant handbook. Make sure to check the laws of your state! made a list of all the damage when I moved in, sent it to them return receipt. Of course they tried to sue me for all the damage plus some. I took photos when I moved out. When I showed up in court, I had all the photos, the original list, plus a notebook full of all the maintenance that was shotty at best, all the times they entered my home illegally, once when they thought I wasnt home, but I really was, all the phone calls, etc. When they tried to tell the judge that I left the place a mess. I was able to account for the fact that they illegally entered the property before they were allowed to because I still had possession until the end of month and they changed the locks. It was pretty good to walk out of there with a win.
The dude rolling out the door reminded me of a trend of Chinese videos from a while back. It would be some guy and his girlfriend getting into an argument in public, and then the boyfriend lying on the ground and rolling away. Turns out it was a pun in Chinese because the girlfriend would tell him to gtfo, but it literally means "roll away".
not really fun he could kill someone other than himself. Those are open top cars. They have the halo but thats not always going to stop something. Not to mention the trauma of killing someone like that.
I don't have any friends that were paralyzed _(or any friends at all really),_ and this **snap** scared the crap outta me. If it is a fraction of a millimetre between releasing tension and turning into a vegetable, I'll keep the tension, thanks.
Wouldn't the instructor be at fault since he put himself in that position while he was suppose to supervise the child? "Free My Chicken" -- Also man arrested for public nudity.
8:59 pay for food and lodging for delayed flights is an obligation in Brazil, guaranted by federal law. Its DISGUSTING that other countries dont have such laws mandating companies to do the bare minimun
In Europe, airlines are obligated, by law, to rebook or refund the ticked, as well as pay for food for delayed flights. Additionally, there are fixed penalty charges that the airlines have to pay the customer for the given time of delay, up to around $1000 - irrespective of the actual ticket price.
Tom I don't know if you know this but whenever I click on your videos, some other lawyer is advertising themselves. But now I really want to see what an ad for your law firm would look like. Maybe that could be a video idea in the future. Also could it be used as a tax write off if you used this as an actual ad for your company.
5:00 my friend did this just recently. Nobody got hurt because fortunately (strange because it shouldn't havent happened) he went completely past the whole lineup. One of the golf courses' employees came to tell us to chill but he was fortunately super cool. Didn't make it any less awkward unfortunately.
7:21 I searched it up! *You can!* The one stipulation is that it cannot be 'militarized', meaning it has to be stripped of its armaments (a process called 'demilitarization') first. But yes, in general, any civilian in the United States can legally purchase a fighter jet. It just... y'know... wouldn't quite be a 'fighter' jet anymore...
Tom..stop..lmfao..i subscribed yesterday..glad i did.."first off..that kid SMOKED that ball" omg...rolling. but thats why its funny...cause its soooo tru
On the pole video, I love how the other chick was worried about the hole in the wall before asking if she was ok! I would say the user was liable. Force=mass x acceleration which in this case started as rotational force with a component of leverage. That pole is the victim.
3:53 tort law might also apply here too. he had ample time to get out of the way, but by purposely putting yourself in harms way and understanding something bad was going to happen, he could have his claim thrown out if seriously injured. kind of like a pedestrian walking in a crosswalk slowly on purpose or stopping in front of fast moving traffic and actively refusing to get out of the way in hopes of getting hit and a lawsuit settlement; they might technically be in the right, but they are committing a tort.
That 1992 McDonnell Douglass F-15 was being sold from St. George, UT. They actually have a small air plane museum adjacent to the airport in St. George. I bet that they were the ones who listed the F-15 for sale, maybe intended to be sold to other museums.
Fun Fact. You won't get your security deposit back until you lease has ended. If you renew, it usually roles over. So you can't be assessed damages for your apartment until you move out. So either this person is filming them destroying their apartment which will help the apartment build a case for court of damages, or you criminally trespassed and failed to surrender your keys which is a bigger criminal offense. Also often times damages severe enough and not paid for can translate into criminal charges.
So, a few things about the F-15E: Legally, you *can* technically own a former military aircraft, even modern stuff. They’re expensive and tend to involve a lot of hoops to jump through. On the other hand, if there’s anything classified onboard the aircraft or illegal for civil possession (radar system, comms equipment, radar absorbing material, jammers, weapon pylons), it has to be removed or it can’t be sold unless you’re, say, working for a “private security company” contracted to provide services involving that aircraft to the Department of Defense, but the main dealbreaker for most situations is radar absorbing materials as they are VERY deeply classified, so letting a private entity possess it makes it a national security risk.
If you buy a F-15 you would 1. Have to have a flying license which has its own list of things to do 2. The plane would be demilitarized meaning that it does not have combat capabilities and probably won’t be as good as an actually F-15
For the pole question, I'd sue the homeowners insurance for premises liability and then they can always go after the company that installed the pole (which my guess was self installed).
I don't know about a fighter jet, but when I was in middle school I read an article that said it is completely legal to privately own a tank. You can't do anything with it though because tanks aren't street legal so you can't drive it anywhere.
In the case of the dance pole, like all judgements, it depends. From what I would understand, there is always going to be a force applied to the pole parallel to the floor, so there would need to be some part of the design that would provide an equal and opposite force. The easiest way to do this would be to embed the pole into the floor and/or ceiling. Another way would be to secure the pole to the floor and ceiling in such a way that it applies a normal force to the top and base of the pole, thus providing a high friction force. If the pole as designed by the manufacturer was meant to employ one of the methods mentioned, then whoever installed the pole is liable for not installing the pole as required. However, if the manufacturers neglected to include some measure in their design to keep the pole stationary once installed, then the manufacturer would be at fault for negligence as it can be reasonably expected that, without a counteracting force, any pole would fall over when force was applied.
Hypothetical about the room destruction. Say you were in a similar situation, but had a friend that was a licensed contractor. The apartment complex screws you over, and you tear up the room. You have your friend, who is a licensed and insured contractor, come into the room and say that the cost to repair the damage is $1 less than your security deposit. The complex then has their own guy come in and say the repair costs are more than your security deposit. The complex then sues you for the damages, but you bring your friends estimate. He wins the job, gets business, you don't have to pay anything, and you dragged the complex through a long and annoying process. On a scale of straight to jail or that would work, are we above or below the OJ Simpson glove fit defense?
Yeah except they're going to use their own contractor and if they find out you have a connection to the other one and he made a bogus assessment to assist you then thats probably fraud.
Kevin Sorbo got an embolism after a chiropractic adjustment. It wasn't actually from the chiropractic, he had been having a problem for a while and ignored it and when he had an adjustment after a long time, a piece of the blood clot broke off and caused the embolism.
I have 3 screws in my shoulder, I've broken my shoulder 3 other times, fell 2 stories and was life flight, hit by a Buick doing 50 miles an hour and couldn't walk for 3 weeks, cracked several ribs in a fight, have had my bottom teeth knocked back, broken my nose twice, and after proper recovery time and working out, I am perfectly fine.
Regarding the "folding" sobriety test, I thought that if the police felt you were unable to safely perform the tests, they could skip it. I mean if she was that apparently altered, why take the risk?
7:23 My distant neighbor (owner of AirUSA) owns 4*Mig29s and according to reports owns 46*F-18, so in theory its possible, but an F15 is not going to be selling for 9m unless its heavily damaged and in a non flying state
4:20 I would argue that the adult bears more responsibility to not stand directly in front of the kid swinging. There’s no conceivable reason he had to be there, and he’s the one with the fully developed brain in this situation. 45% his responsibility, 55% the kid’s.
i kind of agree. i agree that the adult could be responsible to an extent as you said however i think it could’ve been necessary for him to stand there to show the mechanics or something but he still could’ve easily taken the ball off of the tee. but for the kid i think he’s a bit responsible bc he’s clearly at an age where he could piece together that if he swung at the ball with his coach right in front of him it would most likely hit the coach
The chirpractor.. I wish I could go.. I would love to get my hip popped and fixed up (sciatica developed a few years ago and gets quite bad), or my back cracked, but Im absolutely terrified to be paralyzed. Hell no.
Regarding the fighter jet, have you heard of the Leonard v. Pepsico, Inc. case? Pepsi had one of those "collect points by purchasing Pepsi products which you can redeem for various prizes" programs. There was a TV commercial which listed several things and the number of Pepsi Points needed for redemption. As a joke, they showed a Harrier Jump Jet (the crazy one that can take off and land vertically) with a "value" of 7,000,000 Pepsi Points. In addition to getting Pepsi Points by purchasing Pepsi products, you could also purchase them directly at $0.10 per point. This was mostly intended to allow people who were a few points short for a wanted prize to buy an extra few points to make up the difference. Some guy sent in 15 points from Pepsi purchases, a check for $700,008.50 to purchase 7,000,000 Pepsi points plus the $10 shipping and handling fee. (The Harrier jet costs ~$23,000,000.) Unfortunately, the guy didn't get his Harrier in the end. And Pepsi modified the commercial so it said 700,000,000 points were required, and added in a "Just Kidding!" text immediately after.
Why is attorney tom?
What a controversial, yet incredibly articulate and outspoken question. You are so brave
It depends.
It depends.
It depends.
Attorney Tom: Who is liable?
Yeah. I'm curious of the weight limit. Because that was a thicken. Haha *Beauty is in all sizes but the pole could have a limit. Especially in home poles.
@@lifes2short I was thinking the same thing. Part of the problem is it's a shitty cheap pole, though. It should be a real metal pole attached to the frame of the house. Instead it's a cheap pole, probably fake wood and either plastic or something about as cheap for the top and bottom pieces. It's just wedged in between the floor and the ceiling.
Those poles were being sold a lot during one of those stripper pole exercise crazes, and they're junk. They're not meant for spinning on, anyway, I would think, just because that kind of thing easily comes loose if you twist it. Kind of like those cheap poles people wedge into closets instead of making a real bar, which constantly fall down if you actually put clothes on them.
@@rifter0x0000 I've seen it happen so often. Movies even. That pressure fit and aluminum just ain't gonna cut it. Haha
Just set you up a tether ball pole outside and BAM duel purpose haha
@@lifes2short beauty is not at all sizes lmao. Go watch my 600 pound life and call em pretty
@@chadthundercock8811 Why would I watch a docuseries on your mom and aunt?
The reporter says "I am praying they did not leave their keys in the vehicle"
The reporter thinks "I am praying they left their keys in the vehicle, this is gold!"
They always leave the keys in the vehicle. Cops never turn their cars off.
If I remember correctly, it was the 2nd or 3rd cop car he had stolen on that pursuit.
@@DrThunder2004 if thats the case then I do blame the cops even if its common practice to do it so the car can quick to act in this scenario 😂
Otherwise its just kinda unfortuanate/funny
I mean still funny either way
A lot of police vehicles are keyed alike because they use Ford motor company's fleet key. This means that anyone with that key (which you can buy online) can use it on any police car in the country that meets the criteria. I don't know the exact details of the situation, so I don't know if Ford no longer sells cars without changing the locks, if the police no longer buy cars without changing the locks, or something else that prevents this from working, but I do know that it did work in the past. I don't know if that's what the person in the video was doing, but I wouldn't be surprised.
That background plant gives Tom a sick mullet half the time
"I'm not a doctor"
Yeah.. neither are Chiropractors..
This two week course completion certificate from Devry says otherwise!
@Jeremy S. And sell supplements. Very expensive supplements. Supplements with no medical value.
Actually they are doctors. Anybody can get a doctorate in just about anything not just health.
@Jeremy S. If you actually study how chiropractics actually claim to help people, you will realize that it's even stupider than you thought it was...
Attorney Tom, did you injure your hand? You should probably get a lawyer, you may be entitled to compensation.
There's nothing better then watching attorneytom to cheer you up
There is
And nothing else worse than attorneytom watching YOU to sue.
I once had a landlord try to keep my deposit. All I did was write a passive-aggressive letter explaining I had done no damage to the property and explained that I would take further legal action if necessary. I got a check in the mail two weeks later for my full deposit. Law suit chicken is a thing.
Also, if you bought an F-15, I would assume you'd need a pilot's license and permission from the FAA or at least an airport to actually take off and fly somewhere in it, so owning it is probably legal (you can sometimes buy tanks on Ebay) but operating it would depend on a whole slew of other regulations would be my guess. Anyone else think so?
I’d just assume it would be treated like any other aircraft a person can own.
Absolutely correct, mahdood. Flying the damn thing? Hella red tape. Owning it? Just no shooty stuffs, and ya gud.
@@hauntedshadowslegacy2826 Flying it is fine too. There's a guy not too far from me who owns a couple MIG-21s, a MIG-29 and a couple A-4 Skyhawks. They're properly de-milled and registered as experimental aircraft with the FAA. The hard part isn't flying them, it's paying for flying them. He did the math once and it's $10-15k/hour to fly them.
depends on the weaponry too. tanks sold to public have to have the barrel rendered unusable
Actually, I do know somebody who managed to escape from the cops with a helicopter. He was on a motorcycle, and then revved on to the Caltech campus and started driving along the covered walkways, then bailed off the bike and went inside. They got the bike but not him.
On the Kid one, there was a case I saw where a kid went and hugged his Aunt and broke her rub or something like that. She ended up suing the family and was put as some horrible person. It turned out her insurance required her to go after them before they would pay for her bills (because the US insurance system is shit and we give them that power).
Curious to know how the media got ahold of that story…someone in the family must have been pretty hacked off or something. I would have just told them I’ll pay u $5/month, byyyeee
That lady got dragged through the mud. She literally had no other option because the insurance company was trying to screw her. She still has a great relationship with her nephew and was glad the case ended the way it did
Okay, can the insurance company be sued for emotional damages for willfully trying to drive a family apart over a hug?
Attorney Tom we need input into this matter!
And this is one of the reasons medical costs are so high.
Insurance companies,
government subsidies,
personal debt
all cause medical costs to rise to these insane rates. It skews the supply and demand model and fucks it all up.
One could say. "Stealing the cop car" Could be stated as "Civilian asset forfeiture"
I paid for this car, Imma drive it!
Fighter Jets are 100% legal to own in the US (and most countries). They're called "warbirds" in the aviation community.
The guns and missile launching systems are typically not. In the US they're definitely not allowed to be functional.
You can also buy a tank without the guns obviously.
@@ruix * looks at DriveTanks *
the best exemple i found for what you say is the pepsi herier case.
They should be. The 2A was never about hunting, read it fed-boy. Now give me my Vulcan.
Kinda like how grenade launchers are legal here but the actual grenades are very not legal.
I had a really sh*tty landlord. I asked for a walk through when I moved in, they said it wasn't necessary, most states require them in the landlord/tenant handbook. Make sure to check the laws of your state! made a list of all the damage when I moved in, sent it to them return receipt. Of course they tried to sue me for all the damage plus some. I took photos when I moved out. When I showed up in court, I had all the photos, the original list, plus a notebook full of all the maintenance that was shotty at best, all the times they entered my home illegally, once when they thought I wasnt home, but I really was, all the phone calls, etc. When they tried to tell the judge that I left the place a mess. I was able to account for the fact that they illegally entered the property before they were allowed to because I still had possession until the end of month and they changed the locks. It was pretty good to walk out of there with a win.
The first question wasn't "are you okay?" Nope. "You put a hole in the wall" Priorities
The volume discrepancy of that outro song blew my ears out
@Andrew McKenzie I think I know a good one - he's a Kentucky colonel....
The dude rolling out the door reminded me of a trend of Chinese videos from a while back. It would be some guy and his girlfriend getting into an argument in public, and then the boyfriend lying on the ground and rolling away. Turns out it was a pun in Chinese because the girlfriend would tell him to gtfo, but it literally means "roll away".
Pretty sure in usa chiropractor has about as much training as essential oils mommy
"No reasonable person would run on to a F1 track"
"No, but a fun one would"
not really fun he could kill someone other than himself. Those are open top cars. They have the halo but thats not always going to stop something. Not to mention the trauma of killing someone like that.
Lots of people's "first crack" changed their life...
Oh, and I think the outro actually really fits you.
I don't have any friends that were paralyzed _(or any friends at all really),_ and this **snap** scared the crap outta me. If it is a fraction of a millimetre between releasing tension and turning into a vegetable, I'll keep the tension, thanks.
Every time I watch one of your videos I get at least 1 ad for a personal injury lawyer 🤣
*after video of chiropractor*
Tom: “Now, I’m not a doctor…”
Me: “And neither is that chiropractor.”
Wouldn't the instructor be at fault since he put himself in that position while he was suppose to supervise the child?
"Free My Chicken" --
Also man arrested for public nudity.
That’s what I was thinking. He looks old enough to have watched “America’s funniest videos”. He should have known better
And the kid looks young, you tell him to swing, he swings before he thinks
Aye. He should have known that he was in the away of a flying ball if and when the kid hit that ball.
"Who is liable?"
It depends
8:59 pay for food and lodging for delayed flights is an obligation in Brazil, guaranted by federal law. Its DISGUSTING that other countries dont have such laws mandating companies to do the bare minimun
“That was absolutely horrible. No one should go through that……”
“But let’s watch it again because it was funny” 😂
DonutOperater and Tom collab would be epic
Attorney Tom has the most Infectious cutest laugh.
The funniest part was watching attorney Tom running over that stop sign in a red shirt like the flash
In Europe, airlines are obligated, by law, to rebook or refund the ticked, as well as pay for food for delayed flights. Additionally, there are fixed penalty charges that the airlines have to pay the customer for the given time of delay, up to around $1000 - irrespective of the actual ticket price.
Tom I don't know if you know this but whenever I click on your videos, some other lawyer is advertising themselves. But now I really want to see what an ad for your law firm would look like. Maybe that could be a video idea in the future. Also could it be used as a tax write off if you used this as an actual ad for your company.
Is it Levin and Perconti by any chance?
No Shapiro Delgado
Shapiro & Delgano for me as well
@@RealGalaxyGamers I'm also getting Delgado.
That door frame was literally just a homeowner demo job who had a 'good' idea for a tiktok, probably just opening up the wall
Watching old videos just so I can hear that wonderful song at the end again!
“Free my boi chicken, he ain’t do nothing”
-Attorney Tom
Every time Tom says "insurance" I think of Sean Connery saying "you're not from Los Angeles!"
5:00 my friend did this just recently. Nobody got hurt because fortunately (strange because it shouldn't havent happened) he went completely past the whole lineup. One of the golf courses' employees came to tell us to chill but he was fortunately super cool. Didn't make it any less awkward unfortunately.
7:21 I searched it up! *You can!* The one stipulation is that it cannot be 'militarized', meaning it has to be stripped of its armaments (a process called 'demilitarization') first. But yes, in general, any civilian in the United States can legally purchase a fighter jet. It just... y'know... wouldn't quite be a 'fighter' jet anymore...
4:55 Props to the umpire for staying professional. Look at his face, you know he wanted to drop some sailorly language.
I love it when police videos have Grand Theft Auto captions 😂😂
But also that I understand the reference 🥲
1:28 paraplegia is definitely life changing
I was just watching one of your videos thinking damn why hasn't he come out with the video in 4 days then bam attorney prayers answered
8:44 correct - it's under the carriage of contract when you purchase the ticket...
Attorney Tom appropriately corrects the spelling of "dam" and then calls a chicken, "my boy." 😂
Tom..stop..lmfao..i subscribed yesterday..glad i did.."first off..that kid SMOKED that ball" omg...rolling. but thats why its funny...cause its soooo tru
When you move out, take lots of photos. You need proof that you didn't do damage.
On the pole video, I love how the other chick was worried about the hole in the wall before asking if she was ok! I would say the user was liable. Force=mass x acceleration which in this case started as rotational force with a component of leverage. That pole is the victim.
These California highway patrol smart cookies
Ohhh noooooo 0.0
3:53 tort law might also apply here too. he had ample time to get out of the way, but by purposely putting yourself in harms way and understanding something bad was going to happen, he could have his claim thrown out if seriously injured. kind of like a pedestrian walking in a crosswalk slowly on purpose or stopping in front of fast moving traffic and actively refusing to get out of the way in hopes of getting hit and a lawsuit settlement; they might technically be in the right, but they are committing a tort.
When I was a kid, one time I hit my dad's hand as he was placing a ball on the baseball tee
That 1992 McDonnell Douglass F-15 was being sold from St. George, UT.
They actually have a small air plane museum adjacent to the airport in St. George. I bet that they were the ones who listed the F-15 for sale, maybe intended to be sold to other museums.
2:00 CHiPs has never been the same since Erik Estrada left the force
Fun Fact. You won't get your security deposit back until you lease has ended. If you renew, it usually roles over. So you can't be assessed damages for your apartment until you move out. So either this person is filming them destroying their apartment which will help the apartment build a case for court of damages, or you criminally trespassed and failed to surrender your keys which is a bigger criminal offense. Also often times damages severe enough and not paid for can translate into criminal charges.
So, a few things about the F-15E:
Legally, you *can* technically own a former military aircraft, even modern stuff. They’re expensive and tend to involve a lot of hoops to jump through.
On the other hand, if there’s anything classified onboard the aircraft or illegal for civil possession (radar system, comms equipment, radar absorbing material, jammers, weapon pylons), it has to be removed or it can’t be sold unless you’re, say, working for a “private security company” contracted to provide services involving that aircraft to the Department of Defense, but the main dealbreaker for most situations is radar absorbing materials as they are VERY deeply classified, so letting a private entity possess it makes it a national security risk.
the outro kinda reminded me of a Phineas and Ferb song. I love it
If you buy a F-15 you would
1. Have to have a flying license which has its own list of things to do
2. The plane would be demilitarized meaning that it does not have combat capabilities and probably won’t be as good as an actually F-15
i can now say i am one of the only few thousand people that watches the best youtuber on youtube
Good outro song, I'd love to see some funny relevant pictures or clips playing behind it that would make it perfect.
I think if I was a personal injury attorney I’d be too afraid to leave my house… I’m too accident prone to be informed on dumb ways people get hurt
The renter is responsible for the pole damage. They broke it. I'm a real estate agent.
For the pole question, I'd sue the homeowners insurance for premises liability and then they can always go after the company that installed the pole (which my guess was self installed).
That officer may not get fired for that, but he will NEVER live that moment down
Forget broken ribs. That guy's lucky the kid didn't stop his heart with that hit.
Attorney tom posts nothing but bangers
I don't know about a fighter jet, but when I was in middle school I read an article that said it is completely legal to privately own a tank. You can't do anything with it though because tanks aren't street legal so you can't drive it anywhere.
I would guess in the case of the instructor nobody is liable. It’s a risk of the job agreed to.
"Your honor clearly our stripper pole is not at fault, it's the plaintiff's fat thighs who are liable"
There’s an F15 sitting outside the local military surplus store. I assume it’s inoperable.
You just keep on assuming that...
11:08 - Is the framed chicken on your wall related to "your boy chicken 🐔"?
“Free my boy chicken” 😂
It's a hen aka a female chicken.
"free my girl chicken"
Okay, but... What are the gators s'posed to eat? They did nothing wrong!
@@charlesrense5199 yeah but kinda cruel to “feed” the chickens to them alive
@@Kiki-jl1wv I don't know gators, but maybe they just won't eat something if it isn't moving.
@@charlesrense5199 yeah could be
The homeowner who installed the pole is liable. The instructor who stands infront of the T is to blame. He should know the ball is going forward lol
I laughed too hard at how he said "free my boi chicken"
In the case of the dance pole, like all judgements, it depends. From what I would understand, there is always going to be a force applied to the pole parallel to the floor, so there would need to be some part of the design that would provide an equal and opposite force. The easiest way to do this would be to embed the pole into the floor and/or ceiling. Another way would be to secure the pole to the floor and ceiling in such a way that it applies a normal force to the top and base of the pole, thus providing a high friction force.
If the pole as designed by the manufacturer was meant to employ one of the methods mentioned, then whoever installed the pole is liable for not installing the pole as required. However, if the manufacturers neglected to include some measure in their design to keep the pole stationary once installed, then the manufacturer would be at fault for negligence as it can be reasonably expected that, without a counteracting force, any pole would fall over when force was applied.
It's the marshmallow's fault; the one on the stick. Getting roasted.
First video 1000 IQ move.
Second video -1000 IQ move.
So, we are even... so far so good
Hypothetical about the room destruction. Say you were in a similar situation, but had a friend that was a licensed contractor. The apartment complex screws you over, and you tear up the room. You have your friend, who is a licensed and insured contractor, come into the room and say that the cost to repair the damage is $1 less than your security deposit. The complex then has their own guy come in and say the repair costs are more than your security deposit. The complex then sues you for the damages, but you bring your friends estimate. He wins the job, gets business, you don't have to pay anything, and you dragged the complex through a long and annoying process. On a scale of straight to jail or that would work, are we above or below the OJ Simpson glove fit defense?
Yeah except they're going to use their own contractor and if they find out you have a connection to the other one and he made a bogus assessment to assist you then thats probably fraud.
I'm glad I never go one of those observatory style lasers because I totally would've shined those at planes as a kid
Kevin Sorbo got an embolism after a chiropractic adjustment. It wasn't actually from the chiropractic, he had been having a problem for a while and ignored it and when he had an adjustment after a long time, a piece of the blood clot broke off and caused the embolism.
The outtro damaged my ear drums. You will be hearing from my lawyer dog
My mom and sister were stuck in Washington for a week because they cancelled a flight. I was like dang man
Tom, they marked the cancelled flights as inclement weather because of the flight is cancelled for any other reason. They have to provide a hotel lol
Also, it is legal to own an f-15 as long as it is no longer weaponized
I think the homeowners are liable because it is foreseeable that a guest would use the exercise poll as intended
I have 3 screws in my shoulder, I've broken my shoulder 3 other times, fell 2 stories and was life flight, hit by a Buick doing 50 miles an hour and couldn't walk for 3 weeks, cracked several ribs in a fight, have had my bottom teeth knocked back, broken my nose twice, and after proper recovery time and working out, I am perfectly fine.
I love how the people were more concerned about the hole than the person who fell.
Ehh, just slap some spackle on her, she'll be good as new.
That pole did all it could. Her diet is liable.
Regarding the "folding" sobriety test, I thought that if the police felt you were unable to safely perform the tests, they could skip it. I mean if she was that apparently altered, why take the risk?
It had to be documented. Otherwise they could arrest you and day "we knew he was going to fail so are failed him" even though you were sober
Whenever taking a new apartment. Document with pictures, seal in an envelope and have notarized. Stash for the future!
7:23 My distant neighbor (owner of AirUSA) owns 4*Mig29s and according to reports owns 46*F-18, so in theory its possible, but an F15 is not going to be selling for 9m unless its heavily damaged and in a non flying state
Pole liability: it depends… what restrictions (like weight and install instructions) were in the paperwork?
4:20 I would argue that the adult bears more responsibility to not stand directly in front of the kid swinging. There’s no conceivable reason he had to be there, and he’s the one with the fully developed brain in this situation. 45% his responsibility, 55% the kid’s.
i kind of agree. i agree that the adult could be responsible to an extent as you said however i think it could’ve been necessary for him to stand there to show the mechanics or something but he still could’ve easily taken the ball off of the tee. but for the kid i think he’s a bit responsible bc he’s clearly at an age where he could piece together that if he swung at the ball with his coach right in front of him it would most likely hit the coach
2:45 Saw a Dodge Demon that was faster than the news helicopter. Went from hovering over the car to being pass the zoom of the helicopter’s camera
The chirpractor.. I wish I could go.. I would love to get my hip popped and fixed up (sciatica developed a few years ago and gets quite bad), or my back cracked, but Im absolutely terrified to be paralyzed. Hell no.
What is the song you used for your previous outro?
Regarding the fighter jet, have you heard of the Leonard v. Pepsico, Inc. case? Pepsi had one of those "collect points by purchasing Pepsi products which you can redeem for various prizes" programs. There was a TV commercial which listed several things and the number of Pepsi Points needed for redemption. As a joke, they showed a Harrier Jump Jet (the crazy one that can take off and land vertically) with a "value" of 7,000,000 Pepsi Points. In addition to getting Pepsi Points by purchasing Pepsi products, you could also purchase them directly at $0.10 per point. This was mostly intended to allow people who were a few points short for a wanted prize to buy an extra few points to make up the difference.
Some guy sent in 15 points from Pepsi purchases, a check for $700,008.50 to purchase 7,000,000 Pepsi points plus the $10 shipping and handling fee. (The Harrier jet costs ~$23,000,000.)
Unfortunately, the guy didn't get his Harrier in the end. And Pepsi modified the commercial so it said 700,000,000 points were required, and added in a "Just Kidding!" text immediately after.
Attorney tom watches a funny video and needs to know who is liable
saw a guy escape the helicopter once, just kept going until they couldn't see him with the camera
That's why you always get additional flight insurance that covers delays and cancellation. You can get back thousands in some cases
the pole in the second clip wasn't installed correctly, it is supposed to be bolted on both ends on the interior disc, as such the installer is liable
We need our Pirate Attorney back! Where is the Eye Patch!
you should count the osha's violations of willy Wonka for a vid idea
Dropped the eye patch for a wrist brace.... are you a cyborg?
It's just less of a commitment than a hook.