INSANE Excuses Students Give Teachers

  • Опубликовано: 27 сен 2024

Комментарии • 151

  • @annem4203
    @annem4203 Год назад +216

    As a parent, I had to write a note for my son that his little sister had eaten his homework. (I put the leftover pieces in a plastic baggie and stapled the note to it.) I've laughed at this with colleagues many times.

    • @rebeccaernette1749
      @rebeccaernette1749 Год назад +17

      I'm the oldest sister, and that was me except my little brother ate my homework and my mom emailed a photo of the home work to my first grade teacher 😅

    • @rcb2418
      @rcb2418 Год назад +5

      Oh my gosh. This is genius. You definitely went above and beyond for your son. ❤

    • @kathryncotter4933
      @kathryncotter4933 Год назад +2

      😂 same thing happened with my cousin but with his dog

    • @thethingwithfins
      @thethingwithfins Год назад +7

      As a child, one of my dogs did legitimately eat a permission slip... (The same dog went after stuffed animals, and numerous actual food objects including a giant hershy kiss once)... and good lord did no one outside my house believe me.

    • @kacipowers4390
      @kacipowers4390 Год назад +4

      In 8th grade I watched a kid eat another kids homework. No real reason, he just thought it'd be funny. I had to go to the teacher as a witness 🤦‍♀️🤣

  • @annad8823
    @annad8823 Год назад +67

    My cat ate my homework 😂 I walked in to her ripping it up so I took what I could away from her and started recording a video of her trying to get it back from me. Lmao my teacher died laughing the next day and gave me a pass on it.

    • @nicolemoon1658
      @nicolemoon1658 Год назад

      Same here! Except I was in first grade. 😂

  • @ADHD_and_Crayons
    @ADHD_and_Crayons Год назад +23

    Oh man I have a horror story about being told "you can't go to the bathroom" in elementary school......
    I had undiagnosed migraines as a child..... Doctors couldn't find a reason for why a healthy child was getting migraines. Before I was put on medication for it, I would get sick once a week, on average.
    Kindergarten had an issue with it until my parents sent in a Doctors note.
    1st Grade, no problems when I needed the nurse.
    2nd teacher thought I was faking it. I had to suffer all day in class, under bright fluorescent lights, frequent bathroom breaks because vomiting is a lovely side effect & I even got sick on the playground during miserable by the time I got home & told my parents. They were livid!!!
    Never again did my teacher stop me from going to the nurse's office..... But many times I was afraid to ask fearing he would say no.

  • @amieoss
    @amieoss Год назад +42

    I was literally told by a parent that a kid ate their homework... "I don't know what happened, Miss Oss. It was completely finished, and was sitting on the table last night. One of the kids must have eaten it! I am so angry that they did that!"

  • @JP_doesitall
    @JP_doesitall Год назад +4

    My dad is a narcissist with OCD, and when I was in the third grade at eight years old, diagnosed with ADHD with no treatment, plan, medication, and therapy discontinued by him, I would do my homework at the kitchen table, and in the morning it would be gone. Either missing, or in the trash, soiled by food. So I told my teacher that my dad threw away my homework. This went on about five more times, and then my teacher called my mom who had no idea what was going on and told my teacher that I was lying. It made me feel crazy and so I just stopped doing my homework the school then put me in special Ed and I learned nothing in those special bungalows for special kids & because I was so emotionally erratic from being manipulated, they believed I belonged there. Years later my mom found a stack of my hw assignments stashed at my dads work station in the garage.
    But through this experience, it taught me to lie. To make up wild lies and believable lies just to survive. So, yah… students make up the craziest shit, but like, also adults are evil & you don’t know what kids are really going through. 🤷🏽

    • @samuelb-1406
      @samuelb-1406 Год назад

      Did you ever ask your dad why he moved them there?

  • @JelliRainbowz
    @JelliRainbowz Год назад +66

    Here’s to teachers doing their best when some parents are doing their kids a disservice

  • @alexisstrother
    @alexisstrother Год назад +7

    0:27 has anyone else ever noticed that Mrs. Woolley doubles as the bartender? 😂

  • @shirsch7048
    @shirsch7048 Год назад +14

    I love it when a parent gets so frustrated about the student’s grade or not turning in the work and admits that the parent had done the assignment instead.

  • @jaimefauth5162
    @jaimefauth5162 Год назад +30

    I literally cheated from kindergarten through senior year. Looking back I think “it was so easy, the answers were always in the passage, why didn’t you just read it!!” Luckily I have a daughter who is starting pre k in the fall, so I’ll be able to relearn everything along with her from start to end. Modern day Billy Madison haha

    • @Shannonbarnesdr1
      @Shannonbarnesdr1 Год назад +2

      lol oh my god thats too crazy

    • @EriBarr
      @EriBarr Год назад

      I just said this to my son.. he just started Highschool and I told We were starting Highschool because I’ll be doing it along with him.. we’ve been having fun lol.. he summarizes each class and we do homework together and check and compare… he’s so competitive it’s actually really helping him 😂

  • @jenellelynn4551
    @jenellelynn4551 Год назад +5

    I had undiagnosed adhd in HS and I definitely did my hw but forgot it a lot 😭 or I'd have it in my folder but forget to actually turn it in lol. Teachers prob thought I was lying

  • @LordAshen
    @LordAshen Год назад +14

    I would like to say, as a teenager I did indeed have my homework shredded by my demon cat. I presented all I could salvage to my teacher and just said "My cat killed it..." lol

  • @joans3699
    @joans3699 Год назад +4

    I was the the student that never did my hw. I did one project, and was carrying it around all day, as I didn't want it to get wrinkled in my bag. I got to class, I didn't have it, teacher took me to the hall and gave me a big lecture about lying, but finally let me go see if I left it in a previous class. I had left it in the study hall room. (I ended up getting an A, and didn't have to do the oral presentation that went with it)

  • @ThatSouthernGirlSarah96
    @ThatSouthernGirlSarah96 Год назад +2

    Lol my go to excuse is as someone who’s also living in sticks, “Sorry I got stuck behind another tractor today on the backroads”😂🙄

  • @jasminecarter9594
    @jasminecarter9594 Год назад +9

    I’m a few weeks in and I’m still trying to figure out my classroom management. Some classes are better than others and since I’m related arts my management skills can really matter either or not we actually get to the assignment or not. Luckily other teachers already know the deal and are VERY helpful.

  • @jessperez5914
    @jessperez5914 Год назад +1

    Once when I was in 1st grade my teacher wouldn't let anyone go to the bathroom unless it was recess and several kids peed or pooped on themselves and one day she didn't let me go and I had to so bad my stomach hurt when I got home and I told my family and my older sister took me to the office the next day and called put the principle to do something after all this, they knew about her too.

  • @KoolK15
    @KoolK15 Год назад +2

    I have a principal at another school in my district that can’t believe/accept that her child does the things I tell her they do…c’mon! I just have to wonder how she deals with problems with students at her school! #Blame the Teacher!!!

  • @carlcarr9584
    @carlcarr9584 Год назад +3

    As an eagle scout from a troop that is chartered by the military the roles are switched for the scouts until the scout makes it to eagle. My dad was one of the most funny with his classic "I'm not edumucated" joke during eagle project work days to give the stubborn worker role to help teach the scouts how to lead a team with a stubborn employee or colleague.

  • @cambryn
    @cambryn 2 месяца назад

    I had a student pretend she was going through cancer treatments. She’d missed like 20+ days of my one semester class. Parent was mad at me for not accepting the work she did for the final as it did not meet the prompt in any way, and she submitted it past the latedeadline saying she’d attempted to submit it over a week prior (I read the metadata on the files all were created after the final late grace period). That’s when she brought out her sob story. I checked with the school counselor- it was bull. So I asked her to please type up an email with her reasoning for me to accept this assignment. She went off about her hospitalisations. When I replied to the parent I told him why I couldn’t accept the assignment explaining how it didn’t meet the prompt and evidence of her lying about when it was created - then told him I was proud of her for trying as she was so brave about the hospitalisations.
    attached her letter about them with all her lies there.
    Got a letter back with a ‘sorry for wasting your time, Ma’am. Thank you for giving me this information.’
    Always wondered how that went for her.

  • @Yours-Truly
    @Yours-Truly Год назад +1

    There was a tech error when I went to turn in a really hard science assignment, so I had to redo it twice. I was so annoyed, and the first time I redid it, I took a pick on my phone of my answers, so if I had to do it again, I was just copying them.

  • @mbcjr01
    @mbcjr01 Год назад +1

    My brothers and I always did our reading logs. Our mom made it part of our nightly routine to read. It wound up not even being work most of the time for us to get it done.

  • @PirateLotusBoutique
    @PirateLotusBoutique Год назад +2

    I have actually done my homework and then lost it because I would forget where I put it 🤦‍♀️ I have a short-term memory issue.

  • @AngelVids7
    @AngelVids7 Год назад +1

    But… my dog actually ate my French homework in grade 9… luckily I’m a good student so my teacher believed me even though she gave me a powerful “are you serious?” look.

  • @kori9330
    @kori9330 Год назад +2

    Once we had a test and a boy was cheating of of a girl in my class and everyone saw even my teacher (it was on a google form and the questions were all mixed up) everyone was talking about it and he was denying it.

  • @vickiwhaley3726
    @vickiwhaley3726 Год назад +2

    I had a student in third grade who was late at least three times a week. Spoke with the mother, and she understands. My student comes in late the very next day. When I asked him why, he told me his dog ran away with his leg. Yes, he had a prothetic leg.😊

  • @christinelempin6240
    @christinelempin6240 Год назад +7

    Love the cast !!!! You guys bring the laughter along with the honesty . Love and appreciate all of you ❤❤❤

  • @sophs.things7390
    @sophs.things7390 Год назад +1

    My dad used to do all the copies and laminating for his school on top of his job as a first aider. Once somebody broke the laminator and it started smoking setting of the school smoke alarm and wouldn’t own up to it despite my dad knowing who it was who did it they wouldn’t own up to it.

  • @Meganmama
    @Meganmama Год назад +1

    As a parent 1) I almost always believe the teacher because my middle schooler is honestly savage and 2) he has never read for 20 minutes in his entire life and I have always signed his reading logs because it’s not worth fighting about at the end of a long day.

  • @norikadolmy7274
    @norikadolmy7274 Год назад +2

    When I was in high school, my friend was in her science class and they were watching a movie. One of the girls who sat near my friend needed to throw up, but she didn't want to interrupt the movie and so she started vomiting into her own hand and my friend had to tell the teacher so she could go to the bathroom. People shouldn't be made to feel bad if they need to use the washroom, but some kids obviously take advantage of that

  • @alyssaecklund9432
    @alyssaecklund9432 Год назад +1

    Things that happened to me that my teachers definitely thought were wild excuses: dog ate my art project, math homework stuck to the back of my English paper I turned in the class before, I missed two pages on an English test because they were physically glued together (teacher had to pry them apart to grade them and still didn’t let me retake it), blackboard ran an unscheduled update during a test which I had to get reset on the very last short answer question - generated all new question, printer broke for good as I was printing my physics homework right before class, PDF file would link but wouldn’t open for my Immunology professor for take home tests. This is why my anxiety is always majorly high when an assignment is due, and every email I send with a link has a “please let me know if there are issues” disclaimer.

  • @AndiSchneider
    @AndiSchneider Год назад +2

    I graduated in 2004 back when they could deny you bathroom breaks or make you take tardies that could give you detention. It was ridiculous because my school was huge and we had five minutes between classes. They would lock all the bathrooms (girl’s) everywhere but the commons because of smoking. There was zero way to get to that bathroom if you had a class all the way in the otherwise of the school. I had a friend that got her period and told the male art teacher and he told her she couldn’t go to the bathroom, so she walked out. I have short gut, which similar to Lauren’s husband means when you have to go you have to go. Things have changed a lot, we had 3 hours of homework a night for honors classes. Kids try to be master manipulators.

  • @BritLove25
    @BritLove25 Год назад +1

    I legit read with my kids EVERY day, but I always forget to sign the log...

  • @evatempleton1416
    @evatempleton1416 Год назад +2

    The sad thing about the homework is, once i actually left my homework at home thinking I put it in my bag, but instead put a piecse of rubbish that was next to my bag instead of the homework. My teacher didn't believe me and got frustrated at me. Sometimes it's true as I was in a rush , but I understand most kids like about not doing homework

  • @schandler5720
    @schandler5720 Год назад +1

    I'm a middle schooler and this actually happened where my dog ate my homework. It was on the table and the fan blew it off onto the ground and he got a hold of it and ripped it to shreds. That was an interesting conversation with my teacher.

  • @ashleywilson5515
    @ashleywilson5515 Год назад +1

    When I was in high school, my teacher thought I was cheating when I wasn’t. We were allowed to listen to music on our iPods during a test (I had the coolest math teacher ever.) and I was changing songs on my iPod and he thought I was cheating (it was an iPod touch so I was scrolling through my songs trying to pick a different one) and he came up to my desk and looked at my iPod to make sure I wasn’t cheating and he accidentally changed the song on my iPod to “Pour some sugar on me” and he was mortified and went and sat down. He never questioned my honesty again. 😂😂😂

  • @MyDarkerSide3
    @MyDarkerSide3 Год назад +3

    i've so much teacher trauma that i'm getting defensive over this already 😂 i was undiagnosed autistic + adhd and had a super abusive home life and i am a compulsively honest person. i would always get accused of lying by teachers when i genuinely was never lying. in 6th grade i had a teacher fail me accusing me of plagiarism for using the word "impregnable" about a fort and i'm still fucking pissed about it because i tested college level on all state aptitude reading/writing tests. my parents always believed the teachers too hahaha and i would get beat so much cause of teachers just not believing me over things.

  • @jenniferestes5293
    @jenniferestes5293 Год назад +25

    I remember way back when I was a freshman in high school (we're talking 30+ years) I let the girl sharing the table with me in biology cheat off my test. Our teacher called us out after class and we swore up and down that there was no cheating going on. She told us she would find out when she graded the papers. If we had the same answers she would know we were cheating. Well the girl who I let cheat off my test got a better grade on it than I did (I got a high B and she got a low A). Our teacher had to believe us since we got different grades and we didn't get in trouble. We never tried it again though so I guess her talking to us worked.

    • @Lemonsanidiot
      @Lemonsanidiot Год назад +1

      I've always had a problem with that, because if it's a question with a right/wrong answer, then you're going to have the same response if you got it right.

  • @ALee-xf2vm
    @ALee-xf2vm Год назад +1

    A school I taught at had cameras in every classroom and hallways. I knew everything was being video taped so I left my cellphone in my desk drawer when I was on lunch duty. A student went into my room during lunch (she had asked to go to the RR) and stole my phone. Even though you could watch every step of it and clearly see it all, she swore it wasn't her and never admitted it. Never apologized.

  • @hbtbsam5270
    @hbtbsam5270 Год назад +1

    I remember when I was in middle school the somewhat opposite happened to me. We had this big project due in my history class and I turned mine in. A few days later the teacher asks me to stay after class and asks me why I didn’t turn in the project. I tell him that I did turn it in and tell him my friend can vouch for me, but he doesn’t accept that. So I tell him that I can redo the project but he says that the deadline passed already. I leave the class and I start crying cause I had spent the night before stressing over that project. While I think I forgot to turn in a few assignments in that class I had never tried to finesse myself more time so I have no idea why he accused me of never turning it in. Eventually he found my project but I don’t think he even apologized.

  • @juliegrossman-13
    @juliegrossman-13 Год назад +2

    This reminds me of a time in my precalculus class, my junior year in high school, and we were of a test this particular day so since my table group was next to my teachers desk and a since a couple of table classmates were arguing about whatever it was but they were whispering while arguing and my teacher was so fed up that she whispered back "butt cheeks stop being such a butt cheek, we are in a middle of taking a should be quiet..." or something like that and those of us that heard it started laughing so hard 😂

  • @theedgyteenager9383
    @theedgyteenager9383 Год назад +2

    I was late to my online class because i was discussing the baby possum my brother found in our bathroom with my mom. Teacher asked if I was spinning stories and thought I was being stubborn when I insisted. He took a video showing the possum off and talking about it so I sent it over- she saw it during class and just about died laughing.

  • @emileesedits9541
    @emileesedits9541 Год назад +3

    Okay listen I told my teacher that my cat ate my homework
    Well she did! My parents even wrote a note and she even chewed my binder also she’s a bath odd cat😊

  • @darryify
    @darryify Год назад +1

    42:27 i loved my entire class last year they were my babies ( i teach prek 3) so much so that i had to go find out which prek 4 teachers had my kids

  • @rebeccadonelin7370
    @rebeccadonelin7370 3 месяца назад

    I teach 6th grade, and my go-to when they are lying is to say, "Do you want to tell me that while looking me in the eyes?" It gets them every time. Lol.

  • @emma-leighbudge4855
    @emma-leighbudge4855 Год назад +3

    I love ❤❤❤ these podcasts 💜🩵🩷

  • @signalgirl3563
    @signalgirl3563 Год назад +1

    as a student who brings every possible thing I may need I have genuinely lost homework in my bags my computer carrier has room to shove papers i needed to find a german assignment had to empty out soo much stuff and it was in there it just took me a week to find but i also have one of those binders thats made to hold your entire lifes work in it and not break and my backpack full of stuff so like I will legit be like I know the worksheet is in here somewhere maybe I will find it next year when i finally clean this thing out

  • @brandisaine1907
    @brandisaine1907 9 месяцев назад +1

    If u wanna know the rest but don’t wanna watch an 8 minute video: basically the husband had tried to beat Kendra to death, then called a friend who is a trucker to come get her body. She was found in a ditch in cali. After mom told him about her calling, Dad re dialed the number cause he thought he had actually succeeded in killing her and was confused. There she told what happened. Mom hit dad with a lamp, making him go unconscious and locked him in the basement.

  • @naseerahvj
    @naseerahvj Год назад +2

    I was in a strict clinical program. However my professor knew I had really bad gi problems and she always gave me an exception to use the restroom during a test

  • @amberdickey1754
    @amberdickey1754 Год назад +1

    In high school my mom said I could only be in the musical if I got one of the lead roles or I had to play tennis. 😢 For some that can be a thing.

  • @nai.the_dragon
    @nai.the_dragon Год назад

    As a student, I know every excuse in the book. I know the stereotypical excuses, to the slightly more believable excuses, even the outrageous ones some of my (hopefully former) classmates came up with. But believe it or not, I've never used a single excuse. Never needed to, for that matter. I always made sure to put my homework back in my folder before I went to bed, and I would often times help my big sister and my friends with their homework.

  • @katiehanson6253
    @katiehanson6253 Год назад +1

    I, as an elementary school kid. Who had a new puppy(aka destroyer of all my dads house...and a mother who is a teacher... I had to tell the truth. "My dog ate my homework" we included the paper, the shoe laces, but man as a teacher's daughter.... what do I do now?!? They're never gonna believe me.... etc etc. They did, believe me and it was true. But the anxiety of being a failure as someone who tries... is palpable

  • @ComfyMeg
    @ComfyMeg Год назад +4

    I’ve forgotten my homework at home so many times 😭😭

  • @ILikeTurtles828
    @ILikeTurtles828 Год назад +1

    Once I actually deleted the homework and panicked. Luckily there was a thing that allowed me to put it back. This was in 9th grade 😅😅😅

  • @sheirboling6916
    @sheirboling6916 Год назад +1

    To be fair as a child I said "my parents lost it" because when I was young my mom went though my stuff to throw away but my teachers said I was lying until they messaged my parents about it

  • @ashleymcclure9135
    @ashleymcclure9135 Год назад

    Tells on self for breaking machine with promise of Starbucks *"What would you do-oo-oo, for a Klondike Bar?" 😂

  • @ellyanawilson7342
    @ellyanawilson7342 Год назад +1

    Was wearing a white skirt one time and asked to use the restroom with a teacher who was super strict about bathroom breaks. He said no….Had to go home early after bleeding through. 😂

  • @borkbork4124
    @borkbork4124 Год назад +1

    What a great video! I had that exact thought when S3 started with a different line up. You never know what happenend and so having a bunch of ppl in comments blast yall about why a change has been made oof

  • @LovebugsFamily
    @LovebugsFamily Год назад +1

    My 8th grade English teacher, knew my parents and knew their signatures. I got in trouble and forge my mom’s signature which was basically just cursive. She asked me if I did it, i denied many times, she got eye to eye with me and asked me one last time. I confessed and she made me have my dad sign it bc his signature was unforgeable.

  • @sydneyurata6085
    @sydneyurata6085 Год назад +2

    My dog once took my homework and started eating it so I grabbed it and turned it in and said my dog ate it

  • @Elizabeth_3108
    @Elizabeth_3108 Год назад +3

    i remember my friend passed a note to me in the middle of the class (it had nothing to do with the test but i thought the teacher thought it was)i got so annoyed thankfully she didn't get caught but still 😅

  • @13glendaana
    @13glendaana Год назад +2

    I remember one time in 7th grade math class I lied about doing a homework assignment. He started.having students read the answers as he went through the rows so I got caught once it was my turn. This teacher would have students call their parents when they got in trouble so I remember I had to call my mom 😭 only time I lied lol

  • @samidevries5397
    @samidevries5397 Год назад

    I “forged” my parents initials on my reading log in 6th grade
    1. Had permission
    2. Was stupid
    3. I forged nothing I just wrote my initials that are also my parents initials in the box
    Teacher held 2 meetings with my parents and demanded I go to therapy for my disturbing behavior

  • @caitlin2126
    @caitlin2126 Год назад +1

    My dog ate my home work, my dad and i spent HOURS taping paper back together 😢😂😭 and i mean hours it was so much paper when i told my teacher and gave her what i had and the note she was like oh i guess that did happen....yes yes it did 😭

  • @thaliacooley7585
    @thaliacooley7585 Год назад +12

    I was the worst liar at school about homework but my teachers thought it was funny so I'd never get in trouble. I'd even tell them "I couldn't be bothered to do it coz it wasn't worth my time but do you wanna hear my excuse" and I'd then go into a crazy story about my nans friends daughters classmates cats best friend 😂

  • @liannehoenderboom1018
    @liannehoenderboom1018 6 месяцев назад

    when I was in 3d grade of high school (dutch high school that is, at 15/16 years old) a buddy of mine lived 2 minutes away from our school, no trains, bridges or large body's of water anywhere on his 2 minute route to school, came in 2 hours late one day....
    when the teacher asked him why he was so late, he answered:
    "sorry sir, I was stuck in traffic behind (!) a train, because the bridge was up, because that flying pink elephant had to get through and wouldn't fit when the bridge was down..."
    the teacher had to fight his laughter so hard he just let him sit down without any further repercussions

  • @bad-witch8009
    @bad-witch8009 Год назад +1

    My parents were super strict so they made me sit down in front of them and made me read for 20 minutes and if I did something other then read they restarted my time

  • @emilygatsos8112
    @emilygatsos8112 Год назад +1

    The Pizza Hut thing has been a long time! My husband did that when he was a kid, and we’re in our 40s.

  • @GJ11266
    @GJ11266 Месяц назад

    I'm watching this a year late, but this past spring I took a psych class in college. It was online. In the syllabus, it was stated that the professor will not accept any Internet-related issues as a reason to turn in things late. Can't remember the exact phrasing, but it was funny. Like, you legally are bound to keep an internet connection for that class, which was sometimes really hard if you're someone (me) on the other side of the world and literally in the middle of an active warzone and you don't know if a plane will fly over you in the next five minutes.
    So many times my computer did actually lose connection and I was scared that I would have to restart a timed test. The tests and quizzes had timers, and when the timer finished, the test is locked. I also hit a really, really low point in my mental health. Emotional relapse with sleep deprivation is not easy. I would read things and I wouldn't understand a word from what I just read. And I couldn't use the "internet was down" excuse, so I had to be very vague about what's going on. My professors made it very passively clear that they didn't want to hear me vent, so I I would send out emails like "Hey, I haven't been feeling well. I'm really sorry I'm giving you bad impression, I promise I'll do better. Can you please reopen the test or assignment so that I can submit it?"
    And when technology is literally required for you to work, because you can't use a pencil and paper, and it crashes... teachers just don't believe you when something isn't working. I don't know how to prove that my laptop isn't working until it's fixed, and by that time it's no longer not working. 8:37

  • @TiffanyFahy
    @TiffanyFahy 7 месяцев назад +1

    As an ADHD kid, there were definitely times when I would do an assignment and then misplace it because #objectpermanence 🤪, but I’m pretty sure there was more than one math assignment that I just didn’t do and tried to say I lost it to buy more time 🤷🏻‍♀️

  • @Still_Nope
    @Still_Nope Год назад +4

    I made it through college despite teachers, not because of them.

  • @BooksBlogs23
    @BooksBlogs23 Год назад

    Food poisoning is always a good excuse if you need to get out of someone. Nobody is gonna ask for proof of that.

  • @maryallison0509
    @maryallison0509 Год назад +2

    My Granddaughter went through that during the height of Covid. A paper was due on a curtain day by 7 am. And she did the assignment and turned it in on time. At the very last minute. But it was still on time. And the next actual in school day. Her teacher pulled her aside and said what's going on you never turned it in. And you turn in EVERYTHING. why didn't you do it? And she cried and was really upset because the teacher didn't believe her and was refusing to accept her answer and told her if she turned it in tonight she would grade her a mark lower since it was late. And that afternoon she told her Mom what had happened at school. And my daughter called the teacher and said she wasn't lying. I read the paper just to check her homework to see if there was anything she should add or take out. And then I watched her send the email. Check again maybe it went to spam or something. And sure enough my Granddaughter found she had sent it. But it was sent as the previous days assignment not that days. They screen shot the screen showing the paper was sent on the proper day before the time cut off just not to the correct assignment folder. And the teacher still tried to give her a lower grade because it was late. So my daughter called the Principal. And he backed up the teacher UNTIL my daughter proved to him that the assignment was sent on the correct day before the cut off. And he back stepped and corrected the teacher telling her that she couldn't do that the assignment was turned in on the right day and was accidentally just turned in to the wrong file. That's not fair to give her a lower grade when the paper was turned in on time. After that day the teacher was always unfair to my Granddaughter. Making comments like oh watch out she'll tell her Mommy on you, or she'll cry to the Principal if you don't give her her way. And at the end of the year was transferred to a different school in the district. So sorry Mrs Wooley that computer screen doesn't always tell you the correct story either.

  • @mariahmangram1621
    @mariahmangram1621 Год назад +1

    As a prek teacher, a parent told me that devil made my son do it. In regards to his behavior.

  • @amandacooper297
    @amandacooper297 Год назад

    Stupid reading logs. I signed my daughters when she read from 1st to 6th grade. Beginning of 7th grade, I sent it back with a note letting them know that I'm done with it. She was 13 at that point and was reading over an hour of homework a night. SMH

  • @Rein_Eastlord
    @Rein_Eastlord Год назад

    As a student. When I was in 5th grade there were multiple kids that were selling Gfuel, wild

  • @zerothebanana9807
    @zerothebanana9807 Год назад

    I wanna say it was the 3rd grade, I knew for a fact I turned it in and the teacher kept yelling at me saying "so it grew legs and walked away" I 100% knew I turned it in

  • @tkander2636
    @tkander2636 Год назад

    Speaking from the Admin clerk who has to fix/call the printer and copier company, just tell the clerk. The amount of times i had to fix the printer on my break was soooo annoying. Please just tell them its broke, i didnt care who broke it i just didnt want to fix it on my break.

  • @joshuahoy-burbank8298
    @joshuahoy-burbank8298 Год назад

    5 min in and as someone with a disability and works in tech support for 6 years these are offensive and super unsupportive teaching mentalities. Yeah if it's not in "Sorry idk what happened but it didn't transmit all the way through I can't give a grade for something that didn't submit, but I get how upsetting this can be" is a good stance. But legit there's a large number of students who legit do their work and lose it. And many of them have a disability even the teachers aren't always made aware of. And that's where this definitely hits wrong.

  • @honeybadgergrrl77
    @honeybadgergrrl77 Год назад

    We had to call the ambulance for a kid who did the hot chip challenge and then freaked out.

  • @DoctorsSong
    @DoctorsSong Год назад +2

    And then there's the parents that do the homework for their child and are surprised that we can tell. Ma'am, I can tell the difference between your grade schooler's capabilities and yours.
    (not a teacher Interpreter/Para)

  • @sierra974
    @sierra974 Год назад

    A few weeks ago in my science class me and two other people had to do a presentation and the day before the whole slide show disappeared and like my teacher looked through my whole chrome book and my two friends that had it shred with them and we couldn’t find it. I still don’t know what happened to my slide show but I didn’t have to do the presentation and it didn’t effect our grade 😭😂

  • @Doglover-k4f
    @Doglover-k4f 7 месяцев назад

    In like second grade my car threw up on my homework and I cleaned it up… and brought it to school….

  • @laquandabaker4070
    @laquandabaker4070 Год назад

    😂 " have u ever done dat? " lol

  • @theahegwood
    @theahegwood Год назад +1

    Can you guys do a episode on the difference between working at private vS public

  • @khaIid624
    @khaIid624 Год назад

    19:20 Sorry Miss What???? 😭

  • @giraffes86
    @giraffes86 8 месяцев назад

    Looking through your bag for your homework can happen though I remember we had a packet one year my sophomore year, and I looked all in my bag. I took out my textbook and flipped through everything and maybe I left it in the page no when my teacher got onto me and was accusing me lying so during our break, we got a 15 minute break. I called my mom and I was like, can you please go look at my room and see if I left this assignment at home and she did and that’s where my assignment was and she had to bring it to school and to this day I am now 25. No apology from the teacher or anything however, I also understand that a lot of kids do lie about stuff.

  • @peetabread171
    @peetabread171 8 месяцев назад

    I cheated on a spelling test in 1st grade. The word was caterpillar (tbh spell check just corrected me when I just spelled it now too 🤦🏻‍♀). I was caught by a student who tattled on me while I was ripping the scrap paper I used to cheat into the trashcan...

  • @stevenwodstrchill4003
    @stevenwodstrchill4003 Год назад +1

    Hi I have a quick question I would really like you guys to do all about the dyslexia kids that maybe you guys had in your class😅

  • @katiehanson6253
    @katiehanson6253 Год назад +1

    I took the pizza hut tests for like my whole class... also elementary. Cause we wanted pizza!

  • @MrsBestPE
    @MrsBestPE Год назад

    Book It! is/was the name of the reading incentive program through Pizza Hut. Those personal pan pizzas were *quite* the reward!!! 😋🍕⭐

  • @aprilc.5252
    @aprilc.5252 Год назад

    Book It! We had that when I was in school. Much older than all of you. 🤷🏼‍♀️

  • @urrow
    @urrow Год назад

    I’m a high school student. Long story short my US History teacher did the hot chip challenge

  • @heatherr2141
    @heatherr2141 Год назад

    I always say you're my favorite "insert name" sage/john/mia/ etc cause they are that year

  • @Kiddly3000
    @Kiddly3000 Год назад

    my school would make you test on the books you read 5 to 10 questions per test on each book you read then you could sign off for the pizza or in my case it a new bookmark or a pen or something like that.

  • @melrod4877
    @melrod4877 Год назад

    Thankfully my kids love to reading.

  • @darryify
    @darryify Год назад

    I don't have a favorite i just have school kids

  • @smalltowngirl78
    @smalltowngirl78 Год назад

    Version history and being able to login as the student are my two best friends... Just saying!

  • @catey6696
    @catey6696 6 месяцев назад

    Did the teachers ever notice my 😢tear satains on my homework lol?

  • @nicholejordan1995
    @nicholejordan1995 Год назад

    i would just dont it in , i was that kid went from a good to kid got in trouble every day i would try to talk my way out thing

  • @jOrDaN-9190
    @jOrDaN-9190 Год назад +3

    I have not checked yalls sub count in some time (subed at 25k)

    • @meganormaybenot
      @meganormaybenot Год назад +1

      wait, since when did they have almost a million subs?!

    • @jOrDaN-9190
      @jOrDaN-9190 Год назад

      @@meganormaybenot FR

  • @michelejarest6922
    @michelejarest6922 Год назад

    Please do a State testing episode

    • @kaitlynkoontz3788
      @kaitlynkoontz3788 Год назад

      They have. "State testing, the bane of our existence!"