DIY : How to build simple RAS system for catfish ponds using bucket || Aquaponic system (Part 1)
- Опубликовано: 5 фев 2025
- #RAS_System
Catfish Farming With Aquaponic System part 2
• DIY : How to build sim...
Harvest lettuce and catfish in aquaponic system || Catfish Farming part 3
• DIY : How to build sim...
Excellent design. Thanks for sharing. As pointed out by various viewers, the mechanical part of the filter may get clogged easily and may be quite cumbersome to clean. What if you were to add another bin before the biological filters to be filled with the foam & fiber. You could have it flowing from down up like the kadenes bin and a small space at the bottom for accumulation of muck, followed by a mesh to hold the mechanical media, followed by stones to break the flow and allow muck to fall back and settle down, then followed by coarse fiber & then finer fiber and then flow out from the top going down to the bottom of the kaldenes bin as per your system. The mechanical media will not get clogged easily this way since the larger particles will settle in the bottom. You can have a drain pipe with a valve in the bottom of the bin for draining the muck when cleaning. It will be much easier to clean out and will not get clogged easily. Optionally you can also add an elbow on the input pipe on the inside of the mechanical filter bin to make the water flow round and create a swirl so the particles move to the center and settle before it flows up through the mechanical media. This will help lengthen the time before it gets clogged.
You are Great... Pls do you have an image or videos as you described? Pls I'll need it
Do you have this kind of setup!? Can you share please, thanks.
Merci pour le partage ! Dieu vous bénisse d'avantage ! C'est vraiment très ingénieux !👏👏👏
Istimewa,,, master tenan kie 😁
Seus projetos são excelentes meu amigo 😀😀👏👏👏!
Love it but I do have questions...will watch again...How will the flow of the water in the filters be if it has backed up?
Thanks for sharing, you helped me greatly
Uma excelente ideia 👏👏👏!
Mantaap baang...👍👍👍
Thanks for this information.. been thinking of doing the same thing soon
I am terapis sexy massage from Indonesia
vraiment c'est croyables les mots me manques très très génial graves
Ga gampang mampet om kalau kotoran sudah penuh?
Excellent, un travail de génie §, continue de nous émerveiller depuis le sénégal /
a big hi from algeria
Thank u very much.
How are u going to clean d filter?
This system is not working.
Mantap Mas, semoga Chanelnya semakin maju
Ilmunya sangat bermanfaat.
Wow amazing , good idea
Excellent work👍👍👍. Thanks for sharing
Patut di coba dengan video ini jadi berani coba pelihara lele dirumah ya. Smg bisa ikut panen om
Keren om
Lanjut kreasi
Listriknya gimana.. Apakah bs menguntungkan jika di pake utk bisnis atau hanya bs dipakai utk konsumsi sendiri...
Agus Bsm sangat tertarik Dan suport konten ini.
Smart sharing 👍👍👍👍👍
Terimakasih bang informasi nya 👍🏻
Cocok ya untuk di perkotaan
Good job..
wow keren sekali ya
Thank you my friend God bless you
The question is what will you do about the mud in those 2 big pipes filter?
The system seems to be unsustainable and easily clogged
same concern. The big pipes looked sealed. Would be a mess and a lot of unnecesarry work when it's cleaning time.
Same my question how do you clean the mud and the pipes is sealed in 6 months need to be cleaned and take out the filter changed . Let me know I’m planning to do it.
What kind of submersible pump did you use?
Cách làm này hay lắm bạn hiền ơi mến chào bạn
How is this system performing 3y down?
Hi, how do you clean the filter? Is it assambled or sealed?
That's not sealed
Nice video mate I tried this but I kept getting leaks at the but joints on the bins all the best Martyn 👍
Did you try pvc bond on the joints?
@@heribertogarcia3670 no I used cilicone and couldn't get them screwed tight enough so I gave up buddy 👍
Very informative. Thank you for sharing.
This is a great invention and effort , would you kindly please give a full picture of the system with water flow source and direction
kalau mati lampu, ember filternya meluber g gan ?
sukses terus bang. itu vortex biasanya jd garda terdepan bang
Coba review filter yg di pipa setelah 2 bulan gan?.. Saya kok ragu klo air msh bisa ngalir lancar, apalagi lele kotorannya sangat byk
Setujuh pasti clogged up.
Bang serius tanya tolong di jawab itu di bagian filter pipanya cuma pakai uniseal aja yah ?
Misi pak mau nanya.
1. Filter dipvc gak terlalu padat?
2. Filter dipvc gak bisa dibersihin tuh udh ke lem?
3. Kenapa?
karna ini cm konten belaka... ktika pompa air mati krna listrik padam maka kering lah air melimpah
Berapa lama filter mekanisnya bisa bertahan sebelum mampet? Jika 3 ember 80 liter isi max, kayanya dalam seminggu bakal mampet tuh
Desain maintenanya gmn...apa di bongkar...semestinya ujung pipa di kasih dop dan dopnya dilubang untuk saluran selanjutnya
Kalau tersumbat kotoran ikan yg numpuk gimana bersihkan nya oom? Pipanya di Shield rapet gitu
Bang. Tolong balas bang . Bakteria tu dy akan wujud sendiri atau kita kena letak apa2 bakteria?
Bisa pake ember cat besar gak
Untuk mengalirkannya ke kolam, bagaimana?
Pisau u penghapus habis buat lobang apa nama? Beli di mana?
Ijin nyimak ilmu dan pengalamannya ...
Salam dari nila setitik...
Mohon dukungannya untuk nila setitik chanel... 🙏🙏🙏
Good job putting it together. Thanks
Thanks you for sharing your idea
Praktis dan simple,tpi utk perawatan zamper menurut saya nantinya akan ribet.....
Terima kasih ilmu mantap filter nya bagus sangat simpel
Setiap pipa diisi bahan filter sampai penuh kah pak? Atau disisain sedikit untuk ruang air dan udara didalam pipa?
where do you install pump ?
Kalo pompa mati / listrik mati, filter luber apa tidak pak?
luber kyknya itu om. soalnya gk da pipa buat safety nya
Spy aman, timba filter tinggi air ny hrs sm spt bak
@@belibukacekcoba-channel357maksudnya gimana om tinggi air nya?
klo filternya horizontal, menurut saya kurang efektif pak. lebaik baik yg vertikal atau yg ember seperti yg bapak pakai, bukan yg tabung yg bapak pakai juga hehehe
Berarti kolamnya yang 3buah ember di atas ya om? Pertanyaaanya sesuai ga sirkulasi air yang masuk ke filternya dengan air yang di pompa ke kolam?
bisa buat nila ga ya mass? 🙏
Pak untuk mesin pompanya apa ya ? Merek apa dan berapa wat ?
Très ingénieux.
Mais la question que je me pose concerne la facilité de maintenance.
Salam petani kota...
Hallo bang salken saya subscriber baru, yang saya pertanyakan itu cuma 1 bang biaya Listrik nya mahal apa kagak untuk pengaplikasian nya karna 1x24 jam pompa untuk aliran air itu hidup
Mesin pompanya merk apa bg?
Unk nila cocok nggak
Thanks for sharing
sir i saw one of your video about red mango sun egg......i want know how is its much sweet is it....plzz do reply
Awalnya mungkin lancar, apa lagi buat filter air kolam ikan nila atau gurame di jamin tiap minggu harus besihkan kalau tidak ya mampet
Saran saya untuk tempat filter mekanis tetap menggunakan ember. Jika filter mekanis ditempatkan di pipa 4 inch seperti itu maka resiko mampet dalam waktu dekat sangat besar. Jika tetap menggunakan pipa 4 inch untuk tempat filter mekanis tanpa mengelem sambungan pipa (elbow atau sok) resiko kedua adalah air resmbes di sambungan pipa.
Saya sudah 1 tahun implementasi sistem RAS untuk 2 kolam besar dan sudah beberapa kali mengalami kendala dan tentu saja mencari pemecahannya.
Kendala utama adalah air mampet di filter mekanis, jadi untuk pipa penghubung wajib besar setidaknya 25 - 3 inch supaya flow air lancar.
Ga kebayang bersihin filter nya gimana ya ? Apa nggak ribet?
Sir pa suggest kung saan pwede umorder yang nga connector pls. Salamat idol
Hello ! Please I will like to build a water recycling system in my farm. Can you help me out?
Idea bagus.
The small particles will cause to clog as it enter the pipe with the filter, as it accumulates then there will be a problem with the circulation of the water.
Filter mekanis yg ada busanya berapa Minggu sekali dibersihkannya?... 🙏
What #pucet use
Good for a few fish. The filters will be clogged. Very tedious operation to clean the filter. I have done this type of filters.
Itu cocok na buat ikan koi..klo melihara lele pke sistem gt y berat d ongkos. Blm lg hrus bongkar pipa filter tiap minggu
Pompa nya pakai apa
How and when to clean the filter pipes ..?
You simply can't.
Filternya apa gak terlalu padat isianya bang
Wow what is simple about this?😮
لماذا لم تضع فى الدلو الحجر الذى يمتص الامونيا او لماذا لم تذهب بالماء للنباتات لتستفيد الجذور من المخلفات او لماذا لم تصنع وحدة بكتيريا نافعة
Bendiciones desde Colombia 🇨🇴
Pengen terlihat keren idenya…tapi gak memikirkan dampak dr desain filternya😂
nice one bro p shout s channel mo
Mati listrik airnya gk luber bg keluar filter bg?
Pompanya brapa watt kalo gini?
If you cut your holes with drill in reverse makes a much cleaner hole
Pompanya ukuran berapa ya min?
top sempre parabens
Can you show the catfish after 4months
brapa biaya yg di butuhkan untuk membuat sistem tsb 🙏
Aquí en Costa Rica no puedo conseguir esas k1
Sir please provide a detail course of hydroponics and aquaponics