It’s weird seeing the station all lit up and bright when nowadays half of the lights in the station aren’t even working, it seriously needs a renovation in my opinion.
@Elli21486 @Elli21486 Um, but I did shoot both tracks. They are almost identical, but look at the differences in the walls where the train is leaving at 0:13 (Inbound), and 1:42 (outbound).
Omg now i know where that sound came from the mbta fan art vid
love the sound when the train slows down or starts up
Justin Ricci is it because the Type 8 sounds like an R142?
It’s kind of like the New York City subway sound
they use the same traction motor
0:28 I LOVE that sound!!!
meh too!!
It sounds like an r142, r188 and a r143 train in nyc
Wait a minute the motor sounds from the trains are the ones that are used for the R142 R188 and R143 trains in New York City
I love the repainted type 7 at the end
It’s weird seeing the station all lit up and bright when nowadays half of the lights in the station aren’t even working, it seriously needs a renovation in my opinion.
I've always liked the noise the green line train makes
@jeffsandychelsea For whatever reasons the converters (converting the DC overhead power to AC for the motors) makes that whining noise.
@Elli21486 @Elli21486 Um, but I did shoot both tracks. They are almost identical, but look at the differences in the walls where the train is leaving at 0:13 (Inbound), and 1:42 (outbound).
it's my fave sound, +JustinRicci.
That whining sound is one of THE most memorable sounds I've ever heard.
Not enough grease, and the steel wheels on steel rails just tend to do that when rubbing against each other around curves.
I like it! I think the Type 9s will be more improved than the 7s and 8s.
Why does it make that weeEEEAAAAAA sound as it takes off?
It’s the propulsion
And the curve
Haymarket really needs renovation
@jdgator95 Thank you for the infro :)
@jdgator95 Weird. Thanks!
Forgive me for asking but why do they tend to squeek alot?
Are the new ones type 8 cars?
No. They were built between 1998 and 2007 by AnsaldoBreda.
it's a trolley but what ever