2米長公黑眉錦蛇 Taiwan Beauty Snake (Colubridae)

  • Опубликовано: 6 сен 2024
  • 台灣黑眉錦蛇為台灣特有亞種,公蛇尾部細尖,母蛇尾部較粗圓最長超過2公尺為台灣第二大蛇,無毒性為保育類野生動物.每年5月左右交配,夏季產卵,每次產卵2到13枚,孵化期約1個月,棲息於中低海拔山區及平地屬日行性蛇類,以蛙、鳥類、鳥蛋和鼠類等小型哺乳類為食。蛇體前段有黑色菱形斑,中段黑斑呈方塊型,尾端背部及近腹部各有黃色縱紋,眼睛後方有一條黑色條紋故稱黑眉錦蛇。
    Taiwan Beauty Snake (Colubridae, subfamily Colubrinae)is a subspecies endemic to Taiwan. Matured snake can be more than 2 meters in length and is non-toxic. It is a protected wild animal. It lays eggs and mates around May every year. It lays eggs in summer. Each time it lays 2 to 13 eggs, which hatch in about one month. It is a diurnal snake that inhabits mid- to low-altitude mountains and plains. It feeds on small mammals such as frogs, birds, bird eggs, and mice. There are black diamond-shaped spots on the front part of the snake's body, and a square-shaped black spot on the middle part. There are yellow stripes on the back of the tail and near the abdomen. There is a black stripe behind the eye, so it is called 黑眉錦蛇 (Black-browed Snake) in Mandarin.

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