I dont know about others but I would enjoy more high elo games just because they actually challenge you. Its cool watching you stomp lil timmy from the playground but I actually used your videos to help me play better and I feel as if watching you have to play against better players would also benefit me.
Wouldnt it be better to see him play against your own elo(whatever that may be) in that case since youll see how to counter people of the skill level youll be playing against
@@jonathancorwin5133 obviously watching a diamond player spawn camp iron players in the fucking fountain isn't gonna teach you much, was that a serious fuckin take?
i love ur stuff and this is funny but as someone in low elo constantly getting abused and ending up losing to a lot to smurfs i, personally, and this is my opinion, would like to see you keep to higher elo just bc i feel very bad watching these people who barely know how to play their champs get absolutely disintegrated lmao like yeah i know him hardstuck silver and im not good at the game but im learning along with my fellow silvers and just having a game like this every once in a while feels rlly bad sometimes.
@@reactivereplays5666 I mean, he is smurfing, which I despise. But that doesn't make him a crybaby against higher elo by default. Not that I've seen him play against any XDXDXD
Tbf I think he was trying to get into smurf q, then he just got placed in this game by bad luck and had to play it out, it's either play it out or afk the game, both kinda ruin it
As much as enjoy watching stomps, morg could be right. The proportion of stompee frustration probably trumps the fun for stompers. I think zed knew what he was up against, but another guy may just uninstall.
I remember when I was in pisslow that it felt terrible going against a smurf. But let’s be real, it happens in less than 10% of games. Players who complain about smurfs the most are usually the players who never blame themselves, and they never try to improve. I also remember that smurfs kept my ego in check, where it helped me realize how bad I really was. Every game will have smurfs, and Riot’s smurf queue isn’t good enough for it.
@@Screamintatatots i mean it sucks as a toplaner when you have a mid/bot/jg smurf on the enemy team and your botlane is at a death a minute to them...maybe its a matter of me just needing to get good to carry but a 10/0 vayne at 10 mins is absolute aids to try to fight into...especially when theyve dominated the rest of the map so hard they decide to roll up to top as 5 for funzies
@@saki1333 sure, but one should keep an eye on the relative elo. There’s nothing to lose nor to find for gold players and above in iron and bronze, beyond of course raping babies while equipped like a horse. But I guess all new accounts must get couple of games in low elo under the belt while placing, so some minimal exposure to the stratosphere where zwag and his likes dwell is unavoidable. I think I heard him say something like that in the video. And that’s fine, but to purposefully go for making noobs miserable could be labelled a bit sadistic.
Don't feel bad. We all got smurfs at some point in our league experience. It's pretty normal. I remember well back in 2014 i just wanted to get to gold for my elise skin and this pro player xiao wei xiao player for lmq, fkn destroyed my ass and my teammates with a syndra. I remember it well because i just needed one single win to get to gold V it was my promos then he said he wasn't a smurf but he was like 16/0 i even begged that i wanted the skin and he was like nope. Then like a year later he got caught in a chat charging 1500usd to someone for boosting to challenger i don't remember if got punished for that but i guess he did
@@sanyiyewow565 how would you get better facing far superior opponents? This is a smurf not a dude one or even two elo's above you, those are fine and learning experiences
It's actually funny I found his channel by literally willing to check if high elo xeraths do it too, since I found Q easier to hit on the lane with the spins, for my enemies didn't know when/where to dodge. I just called it the 'instant Q' without indicator when we played with friends. Obviously I could never spin these as accurately as he does, though it was fun hitting them indeed. A whole lot of time later when I don't even play Xer anymore I watch that and it's actually a thing :P
Ugh. This is actually why I don't play LOL any more, and when I do it's just against a.i. There are way too many people smurfing like this and just dunking on people like me. Not fun, so I just play something else I can learn to play without getting steamrolled by streamers.
I play only ARAMs. Its way more fun than Summoners Rift. Also less toxic. And even challenger players are not immune to fucking up. Experienced it myself. I played premade with a challenger dude for a time. He was extremly good on Kled, quite good on 2 or 3 others and pure garbage in the rest. Like feeding the hell. Iron style bad. And he was probably the most toxic player ive ever encountered.
You're just making an excuse for being bad. Smurfs get like 2-3 games of smurfing before thrown into smurf que. So it's often incredibly rare to see a smurf
and no, you're not going to be thrown into smurf que. You're just losing to people who have been playing as long as you and just getting stomped and thinking they're smurfing
@@videogamecoverss I'm not making excuses for being bad. I'm fine with being bad, I'd just like to play with others who are also bad. You can't tell me that constantly being in matches with someone with 30 kills is all fellow iron players who are suddenly blossoming. Give me a break. And it's not like these streamers keep playing the same accounts. They get new ones all the time so they can keep smurfing. You know, exactly like Zwag does. Come on dude, take two seconds and think before chiming in.
Smurfing in low elo is straight up disgusting and it's honestly troll af to watch such a high elo player stomp and pick on the little guys. I was in that elo once and it was hard enough to climb with what skill I had then. Making it twice as infuriating when you get some bozo who makes a new account just to slam on you for content.
Hey Zwag, i've been enjoying your content so far, but I'd like to chime in on the whole "high elo games"-discussion. I would very much like to see more high elo educational xerath videos. They dont even have to be long or result in a win or whatever. I think for beginners it's even better to see some mistakes being pointed out so we can try to avoid them outselves. I am by no means a streamer or content creator so I don't know how time consuming that will be in the end, but I hope it's not that much. But in my head it would be something like this: Play one high elo xerath game a day, give some commentary while playing or afterwards and upload it (maybe to a secondary channel) regardless of the outcome, matchup or whatever. That way we can see a more general overview of how to play xerath in high elo. Thanks for reading and best greetings from germany
fun to see zed and talon lose, not to fun to see it when they barely know how to use their ults though :( That said, when the talon dove you and died to turret I was laughin real hard
I’ve been watching your videos for a while now and I wanted to apologize I always forget to like the videos. I love watching your videos over the other league players because of how you explain things. You don’t go into deep description of what your doing which allows me to still be able to focus on the gameplay and understand what your saying. I just wanted to say thank you for all the videos you’ve put out and I love seeing a xerath pop off like you do.
Day 4 asking for another move speed Janna before the rework hits, this time with Crown, Cosmic, and Lich Bane, and Wits or Nashors to take advantage of her passive bonus auto damage.
As a talon jungle main, I have watched my team feed to many xeraths... Sup, mid whereever, so when you said whoever kills me gets 100lp, and he said bet, part of my soul died for him.
This is actually a bad video, fine entertainment I would assume, zwag is funny, but this stuff should be reportable to league. You should not be playing in here by such a wide margin that it should be a bannable offense. Stop doing videos like this, downvoting, not watching this cancer shit. Stop putting out this toxic garbage.
Not just in this game, but in many games across low elo, I never understand why nobody builds MR when there is a fed Xerath on the opposite team. Even the tanks, it really confuses me. They'll be questioning why I do so much damage and I'm like... "I have 900 AP, and you have like 30 MR.... you're gonna die in two hits."
So I've been struggling with ranked for a while playing jungle, and had a hard time of it. So I went back to what I used to play which was xerath, played 8 game, got s rank on all of them, and won 7, carrying each game
Hey Zwag you should try out Urgot with Runaan's Hurricane and Titanic Hydra. Similar to Graves when he gets double shots, Urgot will have his leg cannon and titanic. Using his W just makes titanic go off even faster and you delete people. If you can take it to the top lane, I am really looking forward to seeing what runes and other items you build with it.
As MUCH as i enjoy some of your videos it’s just very sad to just see you play on a way lower elo making it unfair for both teams just because you can stomp and make a better video, many of us would appreciate it if you actually played on your elo cause this is just… sad tbh
"Whoever can kill me gets $100 rp." Had the same energy as in Succession when Roman offered a kid $1 million if he could hit a home run but he missed it and Roman tore up the cheque.
Idk why are they blaming Zwag for smurfing. Like, I really want to play on mid vs him because I learn how to play assassins but I don't have really strong opponents, so "playing vs pro" experience would be really useful for me.
Hey Zwag thanks for the content as always! Day 8 of three fun builds for you: In support lane run Exhaust Sona, with guardian, shield bash, bone plating, revitalize, manaflow and gathering, items are lich bane, crown mythic, spirit Visage, archangels, and mebbe swap out support item for deathcap endgame Also support but big slow build: glacial braum, with a frostfire gauntlet. Double slow fields, maybe with a demonic to add to burn. Top lane or support: max health Tahm Kench, with Fimbulwinter. Don't think you've done too many fimbulwinter videos yet, that might be one of the better uses of it.
he alway does lol,all he does is smurfing with funky build and its awesome.When shits get real,he smurf with his one trick Xerath and its even more awesome lol.
As a former player, I really kinda hated stuff like this. It basically turned me off ranked queue, as a LOT (often 1-2 per team) were clearly smurfing and have a huge k/d/a since they were actually gold/plat/diamond level slumming it in bronze. I think RIOT should do like they do with permabanned players, and hardware-lock ranks, so even if you make a new smurf account, you still play vs your level in ranked games.
Volibear top or mid, full AP but go Crown first into Frozen Heart then Nashor's and the rest AP for damage. You're insanely tanky, have better burst 1v1 than Rift, great CDR, and can still nuke with your E. It's a lot of fun
At everyone talking about smurfing- zwag did say he didn't realize it wasn't smurf queue several times. While I agree with Morgana's comment, smurfing is going to happen from time to time, try to learn from what the enemy does if you notice them popping off and you might benefit from it. Zwag has been doing high elo content too and has also explained its harder to get content since it takes much longer to queue up. No need to rag on him just cuz he ended up in a bronze/iron game when he didn't mean to. Then again... this is the internet lol Love your content zwag! I'm in bronze myself (I know, I suck) and would have so much fun if we somehow did end up in a game together even though I would get destroyed completely xD
I've been thinking about an on hit tank thresh build. His E gives him 1.5x his souls as on hit damage. I was thinking lethal tempo, triumph, alacrity, coup de grace, shield bash, and bone plating. You go Sunfire's, WE if you need MR, titanic, BotRK, and maybe RH or PD.
As a very casual player these days (no really, I have almost 1200 games against Bots, after being a Plat Jungler in S2), the few times I've tried playing Ranked again I end up in Bronze. And this was hilarious. Sure, high ELO stuff is also good to watch, but doing low ELO games is also entertaining. If anything, I'd say go into them with troll meme builds and see how well you can do, but I know you can't always count on getting actual low ELO players instead of smurfs, so that could be difficult to plan out. Either way, very entertaining (to me) video, keep it up!
I wish you tubers would put links to the music they play in the description or pin it in chat, I get you don’t have to but some of these songs are mad nice.
it was fun till I read ''stop smurfing you ruin the game'' :(
@@grimmmonsoon9839 Totally agree
@@grimmmonsoon9839once you start playing valorant you realize smurfing in league is not even that big of an issue
I dont know about others but I would enjoy more high elo games just because they actually challenge you. Its cool watching you stomp lil timmy from the playground but I actually used your videos to help me play better and I feel as if watching you have to play against better players would also benefit me.
high elo games are cool but hard to pull off because you miss a lot of time queueing up
Wouldnt it be better to see him play against your own elo(whatever that may be) in that case since youll see how to counter people of the skill level youll be playing against
Stomping gets more views
@@jonathancorwin5133 obviously watching a diamond player spawn camp iron players in the fucking fountain isn't gonna teach you much, was that a serious fuckin take?
I’d rather watch the stomp any day
The first rule of playing in iron: don't try to predict the unpredictable.
"Its pretty hard to fuck up Nocturne"
Allow me to introduce myself. - Guy who cannot nocturne
was going to say 'he's never seen me play nocturne' lol
@@Ziyanani I'm a diamond jungler, but my god I cannot play noct for some ungodly reason
@@Sargaxiist2022 I've been told by my friend group to stay in the bottom lane where I belong (usually a support)
@@Ziyanani don’t let them lead you around mate the original purpose of gaming is to have fun so rock whatever role you feel like
For some reason I can't play assassins of any kind very well.
„report Twitch for giving up“ runs 2 meters out of the fountain instadies😂😂
To be fair, Twitch wanted to report Talon for giving up as well, earlier on in the game.
Probably just said that for karma.
That was an absolutely sweet clapback from Talon after Twitch's earlier attempt at getting others to report Talon for "giving up".
this was by far my most favorite part and I would like to think after this match, that they become the best bros ever
at that point ill just ,report someone for not giving up lol
This is like a MMA fighter was up against 10 year old blind kid
With major brain damage
Report the 10 year-old for giving up against the MMA fighter.
Surely the kid can fight through 206 broken bones.
Tell me you wouldn't watch that.
@@adamvs95 true
@@LucanVaris now 207, now 206, now 207
i love ur stuff and this is funny but as someone in low elo constantly getting abused and ending up losing to a lot to smurfs i, personally, and this is my opinion, would like to see you keep to higher elo just bc i feel very bad watching these people who barely know how to play their champs get absolutely disintegrated lmao
like yeah i know him hardstuck silver and im not good at the game but im learning along with my fellow silvers and just having a game like this every once in a while feels rlly bad sometimes.
He doesn't care. He crys all game against people his level so he only makes videos vs silvers. Hes pathetic.
@@wnocknz ok good for you.
@@reactivereplays5666 yet you're still here and watching 🤔
@@reactivereplays5666 I mean, he is smurfing, which I despise. But that doesn't make him a crybaby against higher elo by default. Not that I've seen him play against any XDXDXD
Tbf I think he was trying to get into smurf q, then he just got placed in this game by bad luck and had to play it out, it's either play it out or afk the game, both kinda ruin it
“Did Zwag Xerath get the first 6 CS?”
No, he missed a melee and a caster minion
Lose Streak: 3
Just ten minutes ahead of you.
Its an old vidoe guys he posted it before lol
Nice pfp Kyle
No wonder he’s iron /s
I haven't been able to find your comments lately! Was asking where you were lol.
As much as enjoy watching stomps, morg could be right. The proportion of stompee frustration probably trumps the fun for stompers. I think zed knew what he was up against, but another guy may just uninstall.
I remember when I was in pisslow that it felt terrible going against a smurf. But let’s be real, it happens in less than 10% of games. Players who complain about smurfs the most are usually the players who never blame themselves, and they never try to improve.
I also remember that smurfs kept my ego in check, where it helped me realize how bad I really was. Every game will have smurfs, and Riot’s smurf queue isn’t good enough for it.
@@Screamintatatots i mean it sucks as a toplaner when you have a mid/bot/jg smurf on the enemy team and your botlane is at a death a minute to them...maybe its a matter of me just needing to get good to carry but a 10/0 vayne at 10 mins is absolute aids to try to fight into...especially when theyve dominated the rest of the map so hard they decide to roll up to top as 5 for funzies
@@Screamintatatots at least 7 out of my 10 placement games where against smurf ...
Let's be honest everyone has a smurf acc of two
@@saki1333 sure, but one should keep an eye on the relative elo. There’s nothing to lose nor to find for gold players and above in iron and bronze, beyond of course raping babies while equipped like a horse. But I guess all new accounts must get couple of games in low elo under the belt while placing, so some minimal exposure to the stratosphere where zwag and his likes dwell is unavoidable. I think I heard him say something like that in the video. And that’s fine, but to purposefully go for making noobs miserable could be labelled a bit sadistic.
that...was fun ...but when i noticed that morg at 25:18 ...man i feel bad for her
it really makes it hard for new players to learn how to play the game if they keep getting abused like this.
Don't feel bad. We all got smurfs at some point in our league experience. It's pretty normal. I remember well back in 2014 i just wanted to get to gold for my elise skin and this pro player xiao wei xiao player for lmq, fkn destroyed my ass and my teammates with a syndra. I remember it well because i just needed one single win to get to gold V it was my promos then he said he wasn't a smurf but he was like 16/0 i even begged that i wanted the skin and he was like nope. Then like a year later he got caught in a chat charging 1500usd to someone for boosting to challenger i don't remember if got punished for that but i guess he did
@@RakshaTheDaemon isnt it the other way around? like how would you ever get better if you only face bad opponents?
@@sanyiyewow565 You're not wrong, but this is like pushing someone to land a plane, alone, without showing him the cockpit even once, lol
@@sanyiyewow565 how would you get better facing far superior opponents? This is a smurf not a dude one or even two elo's above you, those are fine and learning experiences
"I'm bullying low elo and you're gonna watch and like it"
Yes daddy 🥺
You gotta chill
username checks out
That’s the elo I need to stay ahead next time.
Its a random day you wanna play and chill a ranked game and you're against the zwag... I don't think that's fair.
I enjoy when you explain your reasoning for certain actions, as well as shop purchases and planning. Helps me a lot
Damn Zwag, you didn't have to do them like that man. Haha
"Did Zwag place a usefull ward before 5m?"
Yes, he placed one at 3:25 into the vid.
Win streak: 1
26:21 the way he spins his Q and kills Garen is sick
The patented zwag spin
The 360 no scope
It's actually funny I found his channel by literally willing to check if high elo xeraths do it too, since I found Q easier to hit on the lane with the spins, for my enemies didn't know when/where to dodge. I just called it the 'instant Q' without indicator when we played with friends. Obviously I could never spin these as accurately as he does, though it was fun hitting them indeed. A whole lot of time later when I don't even play Xer anymore I watch that and it's actually a thing :P
Ah, I see this is the sequel to “Kanye plays basketball against kids in wheelchairs, scores 106 points”
Ugh. This is actually why I don't play LOL any more, and when I do it's just against a.i. There are way too many people smurfing like this and just dunking on people like me. Not fun, so I just play something else I can learn to play without getting steamrolled by streamers.
I play only ARAMs. Its way more fun than Summoners Rift. Also less toxic. And even challenger players are not immune to fucking up. Experienced it myself. I played premade with a challenger dude for a time. He was extremly good on Kled, quite good on 2 or 3 others and pure garbage in the rest. Like feeding the hell. Iron style bad. And he was probably the most toxic player ive ever encountered.
You're just making an excuse for being bad. Smurfs get like 2-3 games of smurfing before thrown into smurf que. So it's often incredibly rare to see a smurf
and no, you're not going to be thrown into smurf que. You're just losing to people who have been playing as long as you and just getting stomped and thinking they're smurfing
@@videogamecoverss I'm not making excuses for being bad. I'm fine with being bad, I'd just like to play with others who are also bad. You can't tell me that constantly being in matches with someone with 30 kills is all fellow iron players who are suddenly blossoming. Give me a break. And it's not like these streamers keep playing the same accounts. They get new ones all the time so they can keep smurfing. You know, exactly like Zwag does. Come on dude, take two seconds and think before chiming in.
Smurfing in low elo is straight up disgusting and it's honestly troll af to watch such a high elo player stomp and pick on the little guys. I was in that elo once and it was hard enough to climb with what skill I had then. Making it twice as infuriating when you get some bozo who makes a new account just to slam on you for content.
Bullying supposed to be fun now? Count me out.
Hey Zwag, i've been enjoying your content so far, but I'd like to chime in on the whole "high elo games"-discussion.
I would very much like to see more high elo educational xerath videos. They dont even have to be long or result in a win or whatever. I think for beginners it's even better to see some mistakes being pointed out so we can try to avoid them outselves.
I am by no means a streamer or content creator so I don't know how time consuming that will be in the end, but I hope it's not that much. But in my head it would be something like this:
Play one high elo xerath game a day, give some commentary while playing or afterwards and upload it (maybe to a secondary channel) regardless of the outcome, matchup or whatever.
That way we can see a more general overview of how to play xerath in high elo.
Thanks for reading and best greetings from germany
fun to see zed and talon lose, not to fun to see it when they barely know how to use their ults though :(
That said, when the talon dove you and died to turret I was laughin real hard
I love your low elo games, honestly my favourites of all the vids you do.
Zwag literally smurf 7 days a week but when shits get real,he even smurf with Xerath.
I’ve been watching your videos for a while now and I wanted to apologize I always forget to like the videos. I love watching your videos over the other league players because of how you explain things. You don’t go into deep description of what your doing which allows me to still be able to focus on the gameplay and understand what your saying. I just wanted to say thank you for all the videos you’ve put out and I love seeing a xerath pop off like you do.
Day 4 asking for another move speed Janna before the rework hits, this time with Crown, Cosmic, and Lich Bane, and Wits or Nashors to take advantage of her passive bonus auto damage.
“What did I just witness!” Has me cracking up!
As a talon jungle main, I have watched my team feed to many xeraths... Sup, mid whereever, so when you said whoever kills me gets 100lp, and he said bet, part of my soul died for him.
This is actually a bad video, fine entertainment I would assume, zwag is funny, but this stuff should be reportable to league. You should not be playing in here by such a wide margin that it should be a bannable offense. Stop doing videos like this, downvoting, not watching this cancer shit. Stop putting out this toxic garbage.
jajajaja sos el mejor♥ argentina presente! abrazo! gracias por todos los videos del año, @Zwag !
I do wanna see Zwag in Diamond and Platinum again with new items. I hope Heizman could find the time or something to climb ranks again.
this is litterally the definition of bullying hahaha
Not gonna lie, was rooting for that garen there
He got one chance.
I'm in tears at the fact that he just keeps ulting the twitch. I do feel bad that he doesn't get to play but the ff button is there for a reason.
That child of light ost at 23:37 was pretty neat.
Poor reds, u actually destroyed them, even if it wasn't intentional xD
It's like "Hey stop! they are already dead" 🤣
Glad you could come down to tin elo and say hi
Zwag doing checks out of habit that only matter in at best Silver 1 and above when he is against literal iron players is just the best
*pings Zed missing like people this Elo even know what is a minimap*
Regular boots and A lagre rod, i just love it. Always waiting for those vids
This video radiates malicious intent lmao
Not just in this game, but in many games across low elo, I never understand why nobody builds MR when there is a fed Xerath on the opposite team. Even the tanks, it really confuses me. They'll be questioning why I do so much damage and I'm like... "I have 900 AP, and you have like 30 MR.... you're gonna die in two hits."
So I've been struggling with ranked for a while playing jungle, and had a hard time of it. So I went back to what I used to play which was xerath, played 8 game, got s rank on all of them, and won 7, carrying each game
“Report _____ for giving up.” I can’t....😭
curious to see why you uploaded an old video from season 11 as season 12 gameplay
this is not season 12 game... you just got a worlds mission complete xD
There's no new items either (no Shadowflame or Crown and Horizon still builds out of Rod)
The man probably needed a day off, gotta feed the algorithm
What about high gold / plat elos? At least some challenge with less downsides
zwag still wants to predict iron players XD
dear lord....this was straight up cyber bullying XD
Zwag certified menace to lol society
Zwag: "i actually don't care about these dragons"
Also zwag: *saved $100 because ocean drag regen* LOL
Your videos while eating >>>>>> 👍🏼
Last time he posted smurf video, he deleted it. Zwag? 😂
Honestly cool to see the skill gap between low and high elo like I knew it was big but damn
Riot: Yeah we have smurf queues
Riot: But not for Zwag
*sad iron noise*
I hated when pros kick my ass in solo que...
But it IS, admittedly, funny as hell seeing it from the pro's perspective.
Shoutout to that Garen.
You give me so much inspiration
And here I thought flicking was only useful in FPS games, zwag flicks his skillshots on xerath like its valorant lmao
You have to feel for the enemy team though. Tough playing against a highly skilled player on a smurf
The Garen chase was fantastic.
Hey Zwag you should try out Urgot with Runaan's Hurricane and Titanic Hydra.
Similar to Graves when he gets double shots, Urgot will have his leg cannon and titanic.
Using his W just makes titanic go off even faster and you delete people.
If you can take it to the top lane, I am really looking forward to seeing what runes and other items you build with it.
As MUCH as i enjoy some of your videos it’s just very sad to just see you play on a way lower elo making it unfair for both teams just because you can stomp and make a better video, many of us would appreciate it if you actually played on your elo cause this is just… sad tbh
That should be considered Cyber Bullying
"Whoever can kill me gets $100 rp." Had the same energy as in Succession when Roman offered a kid $1 million if he could hit a home run but he missed it and Roman tore up the cheque.
that was pretty fun to watch XD
who hurt you zwag lmao😂
Idk why are they blaming Zwag for smurfing. Like, I really want to play on mid vs him because I learn how to play assassins but I don't have really strong opponents, so "playing vs pro" experience would be really useful for me.
Dat Zed hitted like just 10% of his qs
Just a daily reminder that there aren't enough smurfs to ruin your climb and that most are beatable not to mention they can end up in your team.
I've learned how to dodge abilities and learned how to aim skill shots because of playing xerath he also helped me get out of bronze
That Child of Light track 😍
Wtf zwag u thought we wouldnt know ? This an old video bruh!!!!!
Idk why people like watching smurfs ruin people's games like this. It's so toxic. Just let bronze noobs have fun.
I have to agree this is why some cant climb
Love your vidzzz watch them everyday
my stomach dropped and I had to check that it wasn’t me getting dunked on in the mid 😅
Hey Zwag thanks for the content as always!
Day 8 of three fun builds for you:
In support lane run Exhaust Sona, with guardian, shield bash, bone plating, revitalize, manaflow and gathering, items are lich bane, crown mythic, spirit Visage, archangels, and mebbe swap out support item for deathcap endgame
Also support but big slow build: glacial braum, with a frostfire gauntlet. Double slow fields, maybe with a demonic to add to burn.
Top lane or support: max health Tahm Kench, with Fimbulwinter. Don't think you've done too many fimbulwinter videos yet, that might be one of the better uses of it.
Glad to see Zwag having fun
he alway does lol,all he does is smurfing with funky build and its awesome.When shits get real,he smurf with his one trick Xerath and its even more awesome lol.
This isn’t even a game, it’s a slaughter
As a former player, I really kinda hated stuff like this. It basically turned me off ranked queue, as a LOT (often 1-2 per team) were clearly smurfing and have a huge k/d/a since they were actually gold/plat/diamond level slumming it in bronze. I think RIOT should do like they do with permabanned players, and hardware-lock ranks, so even if you make a new smurf account, you still play vs your level in ranked games.
i feel bad for laughing half of this game ahhahaahahahahahaah
I would really enjoy a super informative commentary game, preferably high elo.
You naughty naughty boy😂😂😂
When your chillin in iron and a cerath main ask you which god u believe in
Volibear top or mid, full AP but go Crown first into Frozen Heart then Nashor's and the rest AP for damage. You're insanely tanky, have better burst 1v1 than Rift, great CDR, and can still nuke with your E. It's a lot of fun
"if you know how to counter xerath it's actually a lot easier to play against him" norly?
What about using the iron account for your first Camille and Akali video? That way the enemies can have some semblance of a chance
At everyone talking about smurfing- zwag did say he didn't realize it wasn't smurf queue several times. While I agree with Morgana's comment, smurfing is going to happen from time to time, try to learn from what the enemy does if you notice them popping off and you might benefit from it. Zwag has been doing high elo content too and has also explained its harder to get content since it takes much longer to queue up. No need to rag on him just cuz he ended up in a bronze/iron game when he didn't mean to. Then again... this is the internet lol
Love your content zwag! I'm in bronze myself (I know, I suck) and would have so much fun if we somehow did end up in a game together even though I would get destroyed completely xD
I've been thinking about an on hit tank thresh build. His E gives him 1.5x his souls as on hit damage. I was thinking lethal tempo, triumph, alacrity, coup de grace, shield bash, and bone plating. You go Sunfire's, WE if you need MR, titanic, BotRK, and maybe RH or PD.
I felt bad for the enemy team honestly
Do this again, but get axiom arc 2nd or 3rd, then you're not allowed to use qwe anymore. That would be a fun watch
bruh that Garen was on cocainewith his sprint 22:51
Bro, I love to see you playing Xerath.
More Xerath please
Love the music in the back. Majora's Mask Remix, right?
this game
is the biggest flex
I don’t have a specific build in mind but if you are playing against iron plays you should do a troll build so it isn’t so easy
As a very casual player these days (no really, I have almost 1200 games against Bots, after being a Plat Jungler in S2), the few times I've tried playing Ranked again I end up in Bronze. And this was hilarious. Sure, high ELO stuff is also good to watch, but doing low ELO games is also entertaining. If anything, I'd say go into them with troll meme builds and see how well you can do, but I know you can't always count on getting actual low ELO players instead of smurfs, so that could be difficult to plan out.
Either way, very entertaining (to me) video, keep it up!
Horizon doesn’t have a large rod anymore this is an old video
Nice little style on 'er
Zwag can you try lethality Irelia?
Boots of your choosing
Axion arch
perhaps Manamune
I wish you tubers would put links to the music they play in the description or pin it in chat, I get you don’t have to but some of these songs are mad nice.