the best part of this video is when they just left Nasus alone to farm mid which is every Nasus players dream. "ohhh noooo they are pushing a different lane letting me free stack what ever will i dooooo"
@@Grav3warden This was a normal draft, meaning it is much closer to his actually skill level. They were probably plat players, but hard to see vs Zwag. Also, he dominates in his climbs to, with of meta picks. Playing these games are for us, and that's why he asks what we want to see. Since you need to be way above the others in skill to pull off most of these builds and dominate with them.
I'm really high right now. I looked away and looked back at my screen, read your comment, and forgot which video I was watching. Even though, I've literally just watched the full clip from start to finish.
@@majdalali7314 But nasus still needs to move. Yuumi can just chill 90% of the time and people won't even notice she is afk if Nasus deals so much damage
I love how Trist was saying shit byt was so clueless about what was happening she called top gap when she saw the Nasus 1v2. She didn't even pay attention to his goddamn lane. XD
Yummi to the enemies: ha ha you are all dead. Enemies: you think you can kill us all? Yummi: No I don't think so. But I do think my buddy can. Say Hi buddy! Buddy (Nasus): Hi.
He’s smurfing on a lvl 31 account. That’s how he gets easy games for RUclips where his opponents are potatoes His xerath games were also him playing in silver despite him having hit challenger on xerath at one time.
I've had something similar to this happen to me years ago. I pushed my laner out of top and I just sat there for 25 minutes letting my team get farmed until the enemy team had both our mid & bot inhibs then I joined a single team fight proceeded to one shot four of them and just walked it down mid.
hey bro, as a Mono Nasus I can say a thing for you. I heard you say a thing about "hey, my first Q did a lot more damage, what happened?", so i'm going to help you with that. Nasus "E" skill not only does magic damage, but also reduces enemy Armor, everytime you Q'ed someone and did a lot of damage was when you used your "E" first, that's why your Q did more damage some times. Hope that helps
I really enjoyed ur content some time ago, but like come on man.... fresh lvl 30 account destroying on a normal game? Please make content on high elo or something...
You are right.. smurfing is so annoying for beginners… making videos to feel good is easy… its hard to master a game to play on high elo on that level.
When I started playing LoL...I played Nasus. And the rush that Q still gives me is unimaginable although I don't play Nasus anymore. That Q stack is the most pleasurable thing in the world. Every Q hit makes me feel sooooo good. Dog Cat duo best duo.
That gameplay is giving me nightmares... Imagine not using a ward for like... 10 minutes into the game? They had a Nasus with 1k stacks at 20 minutes and the other team did baron first lol
imagine playing 1v5 and ur team is still not able to ward, secure objectives or defend towers. Those kind of NPC players are the reason why people tend do get toxic.
Buddy its a lvl 30 normal game. Of course most of the players are not going to be good. If you get angry and toxic while smurfing then you're the one in the wrong xD
And it's not like he was putting in an effort to macro either, like holy shit he kept doing the "why take this objective when I can stack" play while split pushing into a turret. Just q the turret a couple times, it's worth more than the two stacks you'll lose because of it.
That song in the background at the very very end of the video is fight music from Mystic Quest a SNES game I played as a kid in the 90's. Hearing it instantly brought a wave of nostalgia was so surprised to hear it again after all these years. Pretty sure I heard Starcraft songs in there at one point too. Nice playlist Zwag
Like, all the time, what. This game doesn't make sense to me, and I'm not trying to brag or anything, I'm really really bad at the game but YASUO'S WORSE. I don't think this paints a very good picture on the Nasus build you tried to showcase, Soraka Toplane with grasp building AD works against bronzes and irons, and probably all the way up to plat or emerald, as her base damage+grasp with the Q maxed out does a lot of damage and poke. What is that? Bronze? My Yasuo guy tried using W on Vi's Q (which is weird why he put a point there if there's no use) and didn't started trading right away with a NASUS on midlane??? Damn. And then he tried to do quick fights with Lethal Tempo instead of making them longer against a Nasus with TP and Fleet Footwork? Well, why does Yasuo have TP instead of Ignite anyways? Nasus has passive lifesteal, a BIG lifesteal. Then he tries to fight in the bounce of the wave? Well, first blood. Nasus does NOT counter Yasuo on midlane. Not a normal/good Yasuo. He should go with Conqueror (good one) or Fleet Footwork (meh) instead of Lethal Tempo as Nasus' W reduces attack speed too, and trade accordingly. Nasus' W doesn't work quite well on midlane as the lane is shorter and he has less room to punish opponents, specially Yasuo since he can proc his Q (although with higher cd) way more than a normal attack-based champion would, and he can escape through minions even with mobility highly reduced. MOST champions on midlane go well against Nasus in the early to midgame, and you won this part so it makes it LOOK very easy. Nasus only gets scary when he hits 300 stacks or more, which is usually on level 9 too, and as he has his ult it's a very aggressive position for Nasus which is when he can start 1v1'ning EVERYBODY. No one can escape Nasus at this point, unless they can bait the W or stun him. Isn't like Nasus is playing like a god either. He's good. He has his concepts. On 11:20 he notices the Voidgrubs and saw he couldn't do anything about it. If I were him, I'm fed and against newbies, I'm a Nasus tank with one item, ~350 stacks, and ult open. I'm going there. I'm smashing two people at LEAST. They wouldn't do much damage and my Q is doing an average of 700 damage and I can recast a LOT, specially on ult, and they WILL want to fight for that, the game could just be won there or I trade one for one and it's not that bad, worth a try. That on normal games - if this was Ranked, nah, I'd keep farming too, probably see it coming way before, TP'd before, fast cleared and went there or just evened and went there if possible, I saw Vi was there a LONG time ago and Mundo had R to go down and help, 3v3. Quinn stood there, hitting on the tower for way too long and Nasus SAW her going up. Mundo didn't even try to R. That'd be my presence, if only I had warned them or warded... We had a glimpse of that exact play happening again at 14:25, but that time he took it, and he almost made a Penta. That with no items, he just stayed on lane until the same thing happened again lol. Started with 1800 gold, finished with 3600. Doubled. Could've tripled. He's better than Yasuo in these simple concepts, but these concepts are often the most important ones in top lane (lane phasing) rather than mid-lane. On midlane is quite easy to simply walk forwards and kill, and do indecent trades as they are never really big consequences (specially for natural healing champs such as Warwick, Nunu, Nasus, etc.), as freezing is VERY hard. Nasus lost a LOT of cs in the first 5 minutes of the game and the kill does NOT compensate that. He lost 13 minions, which is an average of ~230 gold. He LOST gold, creeps he could dispute, by just standing in the lane. He did decent after being fed, ending the 10 minute marking with 82 cs, meaning he only lost 5 more CS (18 total, 3 waves, which is specially bad for a Nasus with TP), but Yasuo and his jungler should make Nasus lose a lot more specially in early game. What was Bel'veth doing? Camping an ASHE WITH YUUMI? CAMPING A Dr. M U N D O??? Vi did her job. Also, it's a Bel'veth, Nasus is a natural counter. The whole game is easier for a Nasus, only Malphite doesn't rely on ad or attack speed and he's a support, he won't do any considerable amount of damage to Nasus. This Nasus mid is a PERFECT pick, as there's an Ashe and an Yuumi on his side, too. He could do Lethality Nasus (it also has a lot of CDR) and it would work PERFECTLY anyways. Here we are seeing the enemy's wrongs pile up, while he plays patiently. He didn't make any considerable bad decisions in-lane, but failed on macro a lot. 20:00 what you doing in the top-lane, my man? Happy to see it again, are you? There's no drake, Vi (your JUNGLER) is taking farm and pressure mid, Ashe JUST GOT to bot's T1, EVERYBODY IS MISSING, and you are peering on a tower? Yuumi makes no pressure, Tristana was already on top-side, Ashe just died, Quinn just respawned and Yasuo's next, just get out of there. You should be mid, applying pressure, while Mundo is top-side and Ashe is covered by her jungler while Vi is on the enemy's blue side farming. You are ALREADY strong enough to do a 1v3 and probably get 2 with you, and as Yuumi abandoned Ashe it's an easy 2v3. On 21:35, after killing Malph, your priority should be going B and making Baron. Your ult had 30 second cooldown, you can just B-tp and get there while having ult. They CAN'T stop you. You help drown the Baron until it's on 1/3 life, then go around the pit to secure it against the jungler. G G. Should be game over here. Instead, you ran away mindlessly for another 3 minutes until you forced t2 botside (which also wouldn't happen. There was NO team pressure anywhere else, they should COLLAPSE on you. Which, yea, maybe they would get K.O.'d, but at this point it's all their fault anyways). You went B with FIVE THOUSAND GOLD, MY MAN! You were saving it up for the holidays or something? Yet y'all kept loosing towers and lost baron. That's all you, you are the gold-tunneler, the person that got ALL the gold, you should be doing the plays here, you're full build after all! Well... All I gotta say is good game, my friend. Picked nicely, built nicely (although I'd prefer trinity first item), and went around and around collecting all you could, harvesting if you will, until you harvested your victory and drained their souls. Nice work! No, seriously, work on your Macro. Bye bye! ~protoncracker.
Yeah he's great at lower elo's. I made the mistake of playing him qued with my gold diamond and plat friends. Never wanted to off myself more in this game. There's a stupid minion trick that pulls minions to the tower. High elo players will do that and call their jungle for free kills on you. At 5 minutes I was dying under my own tower and couldn't farm at all. They shut me down so hard I had like 30 cs by mid game. I'm like bronze or silver. I'll be the first to admit I'm not that great but that was ridiculous. The biggest counter to Nasus is his early game is so damn weak he can be fully shut down. We were like a 4-5 que so I'm convinced the enemy top was their plat or diamond qued up with their jungle and they pulled up my history, realized I was the teams lowest rank, and decided I wouldn't be allowed to play that game. It's not even like it was ranked. How desperate do you have to be to sweat that hard in normals?
phantom dancer can be a good boot replacement if you need the speed. alternatively experimental hexplate since you have so many ults. both would give attack speed and a ton of movement, and i think both were in the game at the time?
True, but league players are so toxic if you let them get the kills they tell you ur useless and report. If there is no appeasing th3 toxic community than screw it. How the beef and make a video lol
genuine question to nasus players, what champions and items do you hate to vs most? because I have absolutely no idea how to counter a nasus like wtaf do you pick into that to stop his stacking or counteract him?
Wish everyone would understand that a nasus with a shitload of stacks becomes a raid boss. Had a sivir earlier today who legit had 100 farm end of game in aram on my team while i had 30. Absolutely did everything in her power to deny me stacks. And then talk crap bc i had a ton of deaths.
the best part of this video is when they just left Nasus alone to farm mid which is every Nasus players dream. "ohhh noooo they are pushing a different lane letting me free stack what ever will i dooooo"
making their team full ad there is no way Nasus gonna build 1 item to shut them down xD
im coming over
Best part was *bonk*
Pretty easy for it to happen when all Zwag does is smurf against bronze 3 players
@@Grav3warden This was a normal draft, meaning it is much closer to his actually skill level. They were probably plat players, but hard to see vs Zwag. Also, he dominates in his climbs to, with of meta picks. Playing these games are for us, and that's why he asks what we want to see. Since you need to be way above the others in skill to pull off most of these builds and dominate with them.
I am a simple man, i see a dog with a bonking stick - i click.
Amen brother 😂😂
I'm really high right now. I looked away and looked back at my screen, read your comment, and forgot which video I was watching. Even though, I've literally just watched the full clip from start to finish.
I love how yuumi ditched her Carry to hook up with the dog and watch getting hard carried while pressing a button or 2 on the meantime
Nasus also just presses q and they just die 💀 your point doesn't vary
@@majdalali7314 But nasus still needs to move. Yuumi can just chill 90% of the time and people won't even notice she is afk if Nasus deals so much damage
@@majdalali7314 In order to do that, you need to lane good
well the hastes/slows kinda did a solid in fights
yuumi was like, na fuck it, i have a new best friend^^
I love how Trist was saying shit byt was so clueless about what was happening she called top gap when she saw the Nasus 1v2. She didn't even pay attention to his goddamn lane. XD
Probably duo’s or something. Mid double kills yas and support malph and she calls top gap.
@@xDDufiosy Bel made the comment about trist raging with her “friends”. Seems likely to be a trio that needed a scapegoat for how bad they were lol.
Yuumi was pretty on point with their Ult during those CatDog 2vX's.
Kitty roaming with very fed doggo is kinda scary.
Yummi to the enemies: ha ha you are all dead.
Enemies: you think you can kill us all?
Yummi: No I don't think so. But I do think my buddy can. Say Hi buddy!
Buddy (Nasus): Hi.
Enemies: you cant defeat us
Yuumi: I know. but he can
*Infernal Nasus surging from the bush*
Not played League in years, was a Nasus main, glad this ended up in my recommended. There's nothing quite like watching a Nasus turn into a raid boss
What the dog doing
Can I pet that daaawg
Can i pet dat daaaaaaawg
Leaving Nasus alone to farm. Absolutely brilliant strategy!
did you not watch the video? they gank him multiple times and gave more stacks
@@andyrew9794 yea, after being ahead, plus Yuumi was helping too, soooo I think you didn't watch it either
What could possibly go wrong.....
Famous last words
He’s smurfing on a lvl 31 account. That’s how he gets easy games for RUclips where his opponents are potatoes
His xerath games were also him playing in silver despite him having hit challenger on xerath at one time.
"This is what makes ppl ban Nasus for the rest of their life" and I'll ban Nasus everygame for the rest of my life after watching this lol
“Can I pet that dog?”
Sorry sometimes he just gets a little excited
"can i pet that dawwwgg"
you can't milk those
@@rakaross186 lmao
Careful he stacks
Ngl killing the trist on fountain at the end was very satisfying. She was very annoying.
Yeah but the fact that she also killed him is a mental win for her… not worth
@@jobliar937 bro she fkin died at fountain wdym she's wins something
@@domikun8231 ppl are crazy if they think they win... Then, they win LoL.
But could have lost him the game, his team was pretty shit.
@@johxxxxxnah he wouldve respawned in time
The Yuumi chase at 10:45 had me cackling
Malphite is coming in with the steel chair!
This video in a nutshell:
*HAA!* **gold clink** *HUA!* **gold clink** *HAA!* **gold clink** *HAA!* **gold clink**
Dr. Mundo: Mundo does what he pleases
16:49 yasuo's panic wall lmao 'oh no a nasus better wall'
He blocked the yummi q but go off
@@xavierpantig1772he tried to at least
There's a mundo and a yuumi there lil bro
Can't blame him really that Q is fearsome
I don't know what you heard about league, but you never let a Nasus stack for free, no inhibs or towers you see, zwags a 1 v 5 machine
I mean you should also not go all ad. It makes it easier to just buy one tank item.
U know they team fight until nasus come when they see you they be like hell no I'm out from of here 😂😂😂
Zwag's just casually strafing around Malphite like he's a cannon minion at 20:20 😂
Also, the panic in Zwag's voice at the end 🤣
Also look at how slow the malphite auto takes
omg the fact your ult was back up again before even wearing off is nuts! lol
“Did Zwag Xerath get the first 6 CS?”
No, he missed 2 melees and a caster minion
Lose Streak: 2
day 486 of waiting for my dad to return
Bert bert in memory of bert bert guy
Hi Kyle
When you lost your job for a day did you get your severance from Zwag?
I always go in the comments to see your comment! Never stop please
Nasus: yuumi come to me
Harmless cat: waits at mid patiently xd
10:20 lol that vi, "yah im just gonna wait till my nasus dies before i dive"
I've had something similar to this happen to me years ago. I pushed my laner out of top and I just sat there for 25 minutes letting my team get farmed until the enemy team had both our mid & bot inhibs then I joined a single team fight proceeded to one shot four of them and just walked it down mid.
A good nasus is the scariest thing in LoL
is that Catdog cartoon adoptation?
Raid boss where his HP was actually related to his CDR and Qpower. Loved it
Yuumi having the assist game of her life by just chilling with the very fed doggo
you see nasus comming with 1k stacks.. you hear the boss music
"It must feel bad to be Yasuo."
Oh no.
There will never be a world where I feel any other way about a Yasuo player.
"This is what makes people ban nasus for the rest of their life"
definitely the best quote in this video lol.
I like how most of this game was also you just farming the other team like they were minions too.
hey bro, as a Mono Nasus I can say a thing for you. I heard you say a thing about "hey, my first Q did a lot more damage, what happened?", so i'm going to help you with that. Nasus "E" skill not only does magic damage, but also reduces enemy Armor, everytime you Q'ed someone and did a lot of damage was when you used your "E" first, that's why your Q did more damage some times. Hope that helps
Bel'vetz talking about trying to 1v9 is funny, because realistically, there was 1 Nasus, 4 Spectators and 5 Victims in this match
day 235 of requesting on-hittlesticks
Day 1 of supporting the on-hittlesticks guy.
He did it already.
@@huron994no, he did crittlesticks. Not on-hittlesticks.
I really enjoyed ur content some time ago, but like come on man.... fresh lvl 30 account destroying on a normal game? Please make content on high elo or something...
He doesn’t have to make high elo content if he doesn’t want to, he can also play the game casually like everybody else
I actually like these better since I'm low elo myself
You are right.. smurfing is so annoying for beginners… making videos to feel good is easy… its hard to master a game to play on high elo on that level.
@@ReeseOchoa-cg9iyabusing new players/low elos to make content is 4ss please use your brain is free
@@ReeseOchoa-cg9iy oh yeh man in this way we all can't wait for him to do five pentakills against bots, it's so exciting!
"I'm just gonna ult to fram these faster"
14:00 "So many stacks!' can't 1 hit a small chicken... ooo that chicken op
When I started playing LoL...I played Nasus. And the rush that Q still gives me is unimaginable although I don't play Nasus anymore. That Q stack is the most pleasurable thing in the world. Every Q hit makes me feel sooooo good.
Dog Cat duo best duo.
Nothing is more dangerous than a Nasus left alone in a lane playing Farmville. Lmao
That gameplay is giving me nightmares... Imagine not using a ward for like... 10 minutes into the game? They had a Nasus with 1k stacks at 20 minutes and the other team did baron first lol
Second skin of the day: Classico Dcane Susan.
This is such a satisfying video. I could watch a nasus farm stacks al day
Susan in my games at 23 mins: *200 stacks*
Minute 26:20 ,, i Think i can take this Tower" Bro almost one shot that thing
22:32 bro sounded like anakin discovering the power of the dark side😭
imagine playing 1v5 and ur team is still not able to ward, secure objectives or defend towers.
Those kind of NPC players are the reason why people tend do get toxic.
Legit if he played anything else they woulda lost the game
Buddy its a lvl 30 normal game. Of course most of the players are not going to be good. If you get angry and toxic while smurfing then you're the one in the wrong xD
Do you see the enemies he is facing too?? Trist standing still and autoing lol
And it's not like he was putting in an effort to macro either, like holy shit he kept doing the "why take this objective when I can stack" play while split pushing into a turret. Just q the turret a couple times, it's worth more than the two stacks you'll lose because of it.
28:27 “i want you” says the sherman crab tank to the infantry soldier
23:45 - the near 1 shot LOL 😆
I actually burst out laughing @26:26
never i thought i will see a cat and dog become destoryer and destroying all over the place
28:45 "You are right Mahito I am You" ahh gameplay
That yasuo must’ve had his ego broken seeing nasus in front of him farming like that early lol 😂
*Nasus at the bar, flirting*
“Hey gurl, I gotta say you look like one hell of a stack... I mean snack!”
not me saying “BONK” everytime zwag hits his “q” 😂😂
That song in the background at the very very end of the video is fight music from Mystic Quest a SNES game I played as a kid in the 90's. Hearing it instantly brought a wave of nostalgia was so surprised to hear it again after all these years. Pretty sure I heard Starcraft songs in there at one point too. Nice playlist Zwag
"Yasuo, fancy seeing you here, i'll guess you've dealt with Nasus"
"Nah left him unattended on Mid"
"HAA!" *Gold clink
OMG I felt that rage/panic at the mundo at the end
The enemy pick the perfect team for Nasus to hard stomp. Magic damage is so incredibly low. Theres no counter play for them.
"You're more of a dog person, huh?" ~ Yuumi
Mundo doesn't get to say top lane is boring then proceed to get absolutely rofl stomped... also this needed some jaws sound effects later in jungles.
Your movement is absolutly Insane.
Watched this video, played Nasus for the first time, smashed the enemy team to bits, I could only get 836 stacks at 23 minutes though...
top 5 biggest lies in human history lmao
You should've used the bonk dogge meme for the screenshot 😂
god this video has brought many memories when i played nasus
Yay! More Nasus! My favourite champion to play when I don't get Anivia mid or the support role
Absolute destruction....better get a back massage for that heavy carry lol
Thanks for the great vid Zwag!
It’s a normal game he’s 32/2 and he’s all caps “HIT THE NEXUS” like his brain is gonna implode. Now that’s comedy
Yummi being best zwag groopy❤❤❤
The dog doesn't bite
The dog:
This is just lore accurate Nasus
Its such a great feeling when yuumi abandons the adc to ride with you
Kindred count
Count since the last video 96 days
Last record of 88, 222, 139, 63 days
I loved the "Yuumi Come to me" part @ 27:40
1k stacks at 23:56. But we round those
I love how you summoned the Yuumi like Thor's Hammer at 27:38 "Yuumi come to me"
He didnt collected all the Flames-thingys... gosh every time he paased it, i titled :D
Like, all the time, what. This game doesn't make sense to me, and I'm not trying to brag or anything, I'm really really bad at the game but YASUO'S WORSE. I don't think this paints a very good picture on the Nasus build you tried to showcase, Soraka Toplane with grasp building AD works against bronzes and irons, and probably all the way up to plat or emerald, as her base damage+grasp with the Q maxed out does a lot of damage and poke.
What is that? Bronze? My Yasuo guy tried using W on Vi's Q (which is weird why he put a point there if there's no use) and didn't started trading right away with a NASUS on midlane??? Damn.
And then he tried to do quick fights with Lethal Tempo instead of making them longer against a Nasus with TP and Fleet Footwork? Well, why does Yasuo have TP instead of Ignite anyways? Nasus has passive lifesteal, a BIG lifesteal.
Then he tries to fight in the bounce of the wave? Well, first blood.
Nasus does NOT counter Yasuo on midlane. Not a normal/good Yasuo. He should go with Conqueror (good one) or Fleet Footwork (meh) instead of Lethal Tempo as Nasus' W reduces attack speed too, and trade accordingly. Nasus' W doesn't work quite well on midlane as the lane is shorter and he has less room to punish opponents, specially Yasuo since he can proc his Q (although with higher cd) way more than a normal attack-based champion would, and he can escape through minions even with mobility highly reduced. MOST champions on midlane go well against Nasus in the early to midgame, and you won this part so it makes it LOOK very easy. Nasus only gets scary when he hits 300 stacks or more, which is usually on level 9 too, and as he has his ult it's a very aggressive position for Nasus which is when he can start 1v1'ning EVERYBODY. No one can escape Nasus at this point, unless they can bait the W or stun him.
Isn't like Nasus is playing like a god either. He's good. He has his concepts. On 11:20 he notices the Voidgrubs and saw he couldn't do anything about it. If I were him, I'm fed and against newbies, I'm a Nasus tank with one item, ~350 stacks, and ult open. I'm going there. I'm smashing two people at LEAST. They wouldn't do much damage and my Q is doing an average of 700 damage and I can recast a LOT, specially on ult, and they WILL want to fight for that, the game could just be won there or I trade one for one and it's not that bad, worth a try. That on normal games - if this was Ranked, nah, I'd keep farming too, probably see it coming way before, TP'd before, fast cleared and went there or just evened and went there if possible, I saw Vi was there a LONG time ago and Mundo had R to go down and help, 3v3. Quinn stood there, hitting on the tower for way too long and Nasus SAW her going up. Mundo didn't even try to R. That'd be my presence, if only I had warned them or warded...
We had a glimpse of that exact play happening again at 14:25, but that time he took it, and he almost made a Penta. That with no items, he just stayed on lane until the same thing happened again lol. Started with 1800 gold, finished with 3600. Doubled. Could've tripled.
He's better than Yasuo in these simple concepts, but these concepts are often the most important ones in top lane (lane phasing) rather than mid-lane. On midlane is quite easy to simply walk forwards and kill, and do indecent trades as they are never really big consequences (specially for natural healing champs such as Warwick, Nunu, Nasus, etc.), as freezing is VERY hard. Nasus lost a LOT of cs in the first 5 minutes of the game and the kill does NOT compensate that. He lost 13 minions, which is an average of ~230 gold. He LOST gold, creeps he could dispute, by just standing in the lane. He did decent after being fed, ending the 10 minute marking with 82 cs, meaning he only lost 5 more CS (18 total, 3 waves, which is specially bad for a Nasus with TP), but Yasuo and his jungler should make Nasus lose a lot more specially in early game. What was Bel'veth doing? Camping an ASHE WITH YUUMI? CAMPING A Dr. M U N D O??? Vi did her job.
Also, it's a Bel'veth, Nasus is a natural counter. The whole game is easier for a Nasus, only Malphite doesn't rely on ad or attack speed and he's a support, he won't do any considerable amount of damage to Nasus. This Nasus mid is a PERFECT pick, as there's an Ashe and an Yuumi on his side, too. He could do Lethality Nasus (it also has a lot of CDR) and it would work PERFECTLY anyways. Here we are seeing the enemy's wrongs pile up, while he plays patiently. He didn't make any considerable bad decisions in-lane, but failed on macro a lot.
20:00 what you doing in the top-lane, my man? Happy to see it again, are you? There's no drake, Vi (your JUNGLER) is taking farm and pressure mid, Ashe JUST GOT to bot's T1, EVERYBODY IS MISSING, and you are peering on a tower?
Yuumi makes no pressure, Tristana was already on top-side, Ashe just died, Quinn just respawned and Yasuo's next, just get out of there. You should be mid, applying pressure, while Mundo is top-side and Ashe is covered by her jungler while Vi is on the enemy's blue side farming. You are ALREADY strong enough to do a 1v3 and probably get 2 with you, and as Yuumi abandoned Ashe it's an easy 2v3.
On 21:35, after killing Malph, your priority should be going B and making Baron. Your ult had 30 second cooldown, you can just B-tp and get there while having ult. They CAN'T stop you. You help drown the Baron until it's on 1/3 life, then go around the pit to secure it against the jungler. G G. Should be game over here.
Instead, you ran away mindlessly for another 3 minutes until you forced t2 botside (which also wouldn't happen. There was NO team pressure anywhere else, they should COLLAPSE on you. Which, yea, maybe they would get K.O.'d, but at this point it's all their fault anyways). You went B with FIVE THOUSAND GOLD, MY MAN! You were saving it up for the holidays or something?
Yet y'all kept loosing towers and lost baron. That's all you, you are the gold-tunneler, the person that got ALL the gold, you should be doing the plays here, you're full build after all!
Well... All I gotta say is good game, my friend. Picked nicely, built nicely (although I'd prefer trinity first item), and went around and around collecting all you could, harvesting if you will, until you harvested your victory and drained their souls. Nice work!
No, seriously, work on your Macro.
Bye bye!
You shouldve built spear of shojin! Ability haste for that q and than increasing dmg
Hex plate also woulda been a good one
Zwag got the dog in him 😂😂
This Yasuo has absolutely zero clue how to lane --especially against a Nasus lol
"A warrior who doesn't know his limit is a dead warrior"
New upload new smile
I love playing Nasus so much. Just quietly farm away then all of a sudden you just start dropping players on the enemy team.
Yeah he's great at lower elo's. I made the mistake of playing him qued with my gold diamond and plat friends. Never wanted to off myself more in this game. There's a stupid minion trick that pulls minions to the tower. High elo players will do that and call their jungle for free kills on you. At 5 minutes I was dying under my own tower and couldn't farm at all. They shut me down so hard I had like 30 cs by mid game. I'm like bronze or silver. I'll be the first to admit I'm not that great but that was ridiculous. The biggest counter to Nasus is his early game is so damn weak he can be fully shut down. We were like a 4-5 que so I'm convinced the enemy top was their plat or diamond qued up with their jungle and they pulled up my history, realized I was the teams lowest rank, and decided I wouldn't be allowed to play that game. It's not even like it was ranked. How desperate do you have to be to sweat that hard in normals?
Nasus's back must be hurting from all that stacking
phantom dancer can be a good boot replacement if you need the speed. alternatively experimental hexplate since you have so many ults. both would give attack speed and a ton of movement, and i think both were in the game at the time?
lol bro died on the stairs in the end like Ryan Gosling in the end of Bladerunner
23:15 keeps complaining about team doesn’t want to do anything but he has 21 of the kills and yummi always attached
True, but league players are so toxic if you let them get the kills they tell you ur useless and report. If there is no appeasing th3 toxic community than screw it. How the beef and make a video lol
bro sounds like Hiccup from How to Train Your Dragon
13:04 The timing of that👌🏻
genuine question to nasus players, what champions and items do you hate to vs most? because I have absolutely no idea how to counter a nasus like wtaf do you pick into that to stop his stacking or counteract him?
best part of this video is his inting teammates that dont know how to play
Wish everyone would understand that a nasus with a shitload of stacks becomes a raid boss. Had a sivir earlier today who legit had 100 farm end of game in aram on my team while i had 30. Absolutely did everything in her power to deny me stacks. And then talk crap bc i had a ton of deaths.
You could have sold your boots for Berserker Greaves and built Zephyr.
1434 stacks, 3060 health.
that's ~47% of his max health for reference.
so he can kill himself with 2Q
8:40 nasus meanwhile: that tickels xD
I just love how thocckkkyy ur keyboard is
absurd cd and stacks, holy.😮
This Nasus cured my cancer