Unmedicated Birth

  • Опубликовано: 25 июн 2024
  • Do you hear me say “is she almost there” while pushing? 😅 For years I planned on getting an epidural. Social media, a book & podcasts gave me a chance to see the side of unmedicated births. I was inspired by these women to give birth naturally. Labor was much more doable than society portrayed (to me at least). I was told if you trust your body & lean into the experience/ accept it, instead of fighting it, you’ll be set. I did that & it wasn’t a walk in the park but it wasn’t too bad. I will do it again.
    I gave birth at a hospital that calls themselves a birthing center. I was told 90% of women there have natural births. Delivering somewhere that aligned with my birth goals was important to me. I wanted to be supported. My hospital had 4 free birth classes you could take while pregnant. They were very educational for myself & my husband. In 2024, they decided to add an additional class where doulas taught us labor techniques. This class was pivotal because I got to practice the positions/ tools you use to cope with labor. My contractions became consistently intense 12 hours before my daughter made her grand entrance. Since I did all my laboring at home everything I learned in the doula class was so helpful. I preferred laboring on the toilet & ball. Also, I had back labor which I was told is the worst. It’s amazing how much relief ice on my lower back provided me. That was my saving grace/ secret weapon.
    The only thing I will do different is be prepared to push. Anyone can push but I’m sure there are techniques to get your baby out quicker. 3 hours was too long to me.😂 I was told the way she came down made it harder for me to get her out. That contributed to the excruciating back pain. Also, they say first time births usually take longer. I have friends who got their babies out in 30 minutes though. I hope that’s me next time!
    If you made it this far thanks for reading.😁 If an unmedicated birth has ever interested you, you can do it too!

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