This is too serious man. Prepa was chill surtout l 1ère année baed f 2ème a jour en terme de cours w f revision khedma balanced maghyr madhahyt bchay had fun, went out w aamalthom lkoll w still made it to the top 100 f concours MP 2020 ( taking into consideration li i was never a brilliant student ). Prepa was ahsen 2 years f hyety ema as a whole experience mch juste 9raya w growth f dimegh tei. Still Big big fan of your content w you're one of the reasons li motivewni chnmchi prepa. Arigato
I love the fast pace of the video! Also very straight to the point 👌 w kil 3ada contenu pertinent, wish i have seen this video 10 years ago 9bal ma nod5ol lel prepa
5lef li enty ingénieur tayara wel chay hedha dhaher mel parcours académique mte3ek , mais enty zeda a7sen content creator fi tounes w 3andek tari9a mezyena fi tawsil l ma3louma , manestaghrebch nhar nod5el lel dar nel9a 3zizti tetfarrej fi videoetek w t9olli wallahi ma7leh ka tfoll khormo yfasser bien
I can relate with almost everything you said belhak el prepa as3ab kraya tajam taamelha ou tajam facilement tokhrej mhatam menha ama ken el efforts hekom lkol yetkhetmou b result behya thess b pride kbir. Looking forward for the next video ❤
❤❤❤❤ Yomken w 7amdoullah Ama I gave a lot of importance bech nefhem fil 9esm ! barcha yest5aybouni nma7reth ama profeti kont nta3abhom mayo5rjo mel cours kén ki nebda fehem w as2elti el kol tjewbou (fama 7ata chkoun ken y5rajni exclu Hhaahah) Mastering a lesson is too important
@@Khormologia my nemesis li ena hachem nebda mouch fehem barcha hweyej w nokhroj manich fehem khater li yes2el "barcha" l amphi lkol ywaliw yoghzrouli 9oul alih mojrem hahha
Merci pour vidéo, tu as tout résumé, il faut avoir la confiance en soi pour réussir le concours, j’ai été candidat à IPEIM - PT l’année de révolution 2011 et c’était difficile avec ce qui se passait dans le pays, du coup j’ai échoué (mauvais rang) j’ai décidé de repasser le concours en 2012 rang 412 sur 1200 (avec perte 15 points a l’époque) j’ai fait génie Civil a ENIS et puis CHEBAP au Chec à Paris et taw nontej ou Hamdoullah en France. La meilleure expérience wallah. Bon courage à Tous 😊
i am aware eli el prepa bich tiktaseb feha barcha mental skills w kol ama frankly aleh nakraw fi hajet mich chnistaamalha fi cycle ing w fama e risk enek takhlaltch rang yhezek lil theb alih la9adara alh w stress w kol anyway i am looking forward lil ep e jeya cause i still think it s not worth it e tadh7iyet w raw ena nheb rayi yitbadel ena deja prepa mp si nn great job khormo keep up the good work ❤❤❤❤
I was a prepa student and i watched the video !😅 follow his advices they are all TRUE ❤❤and i want to thank khormoloujya for those kind of videoo keep the work up ! Now I’m a data science student so A video about this topic will be so helpful 🙏waiting ..
We define a period of life with its output. nsaya7 adhia mwajha l ness lkol cuz no matter how hard it is fi prd l9raya rahou l output ynassik fi kol chay .
ههه سؤال جريء شويا, هل سيستام ال prepa سيستام صحيح من أساسو ؟؟ والا سيستام يخلي نسبة قليلة من التلامذة تنجح و النسبة الأكبر يصير تهديمها ؟ هاو في المانيا مثلا فماش prepa و نتصور فماش مهندسين يطيرو على الألمان في الهندسة ! يلزم نراجعو رواحنا شوي و نسألو علاش نعملو فلي نعملو فيه من اصلو. ههه و كان نركزو شوي تو ندركو انو prepa هي نفسها squid Game متع الدنيا.
Kol systeme wahdou..ahna fi tounes fehmin denya bel ghalet mechi fibelna fi almania maandhomch prepa yaani ashel w houwa c pas vrai..s3ina aalekher wel math li krineh ahna fi aamin prepa houma yakrawah zeda w yokood ytabaa fehom..prepa systeme ykhalik tekhou les outils de bases taa math w physique bech mbaad fel cycle tejbed mel bagages heka w tkoun aandek base behya fel math khater el math theb wala takrah c la base des sciences d'ingénieurie..w theb wala takrah el prepa taalmek baaarcha hajet w tkhalik tkoun ensen serieux yeser w thelek mokhek yeser w baad f cycle bch thes rohek merteh yeser..w prepa ray 3aklia mch ken kraya tkhalik tkoun aandek un etat d'esprit d'un ingenieur li mission teeou bch taka la meilleur solution fi un minimum de temps..w theb wala takrah les elites matalhom ken fel prepa
@@farouk5101 خويا انا مشيت لل prepa المنار و وريت سيستامهم كيفاش و ما كملتش خرجت من شطر السماستر وتو انا في جامعة هانوفر نقرى بسيستام خير بألف مرة و نجم نفهم كل شي و من الدار منغير حتى مانكون مجبور بش نمشي نحضر. و بطبيعة الحال انا نقرا و بش نكمل فلي نحب عليه الي هوا informatique. و انا نعرف و انت تعرف اشنوا حضوضك بش تقرا info في تونس بعد ال prepa. من اللخر انا نقرا و نمحرث و متهني خاتر بش نوصل للي نحب عليه كيفي كيف اي طالب مجتهد في الجامعة. الوضع في تونس حرب أهلية مش قراية. و بالنسبا للخرافة لي خرفوهالنا و شبعنا بيها وهي انو ال prepa تحل المخ ولا ابصر شنوا. ايلون ماسك، بيلغيتس و ستيف جوبز اذوما كل مخاخهم مسكرة ولا كيفاه خاتر ما يعرفوش اشمعنتها prepa !
@@discoveries77 khouya mch maaneha enti manjahtech feha wala maajebtekch yaani hia khayba..haw eni krit feha w njahet feha w hamdoullah w kont dima moktanaa biha li hia ahsen choix w barcha kifi w benesba lili prepa niveau ekher w thebelha aabed mouaaynin.. w kol wehed win yalka rohou..eni mathalan moktanaa bih système w nra fih haja nejha w aan tajrba baad 3amin w taw nakra cycle d'ing w hamdoullah moktanaa beli naamel fih ..w bara chouf les ingenieurs twensa chnia 9imethom fel europe..kol wehed w système mteeou w kol systeme fih hajet behya w hajet khayba w kol aand win yaka rahtou khir..weni makotlekch li mayaamalch prepa raw mokhou msaker kima enti kotli ala bill gates w elon musk w kol..mafhemtnich..eni nahki aal systeme prepa manich nahki aal système americain..bro medem ensen mouaayen nejah fel prepa raw ynajem mbaad yanjah fi ay haja khater medem wsel njah fel prepa aaref li houwa aabd aandou fi mokhou yeser..tohkomch ala haja taarafhech wala mathebch..medem makamaltech krit l3amin lkol wala khater maajebtkch donc tohkomch aaleha wala t3amem kol wehed wchnia yheb f denya hedhi
@@farouk5101 فكرت انك يلزم تكون سوبرمان بش تقرا لقراية لي تحب عليها، هاذي ما فهمتش كيفاه تقنعنا بيها. كي نحكيو امور ارقام تعرف مليح اش يصير في الأغلبية. و مدام لاغلبية ما توصلش للي تحب عليه. كيفاش هذا تقول عليه سيستام ناجح ؟
This video threw me back to the memories hole xd. However I don't agree with some of the points and I would like to add one point too. Presence for example, I don't agree li lezem tkoun dima present, fama nes tnajem tkadem wahadha faster than ki takra fl classe. I also see that ennek tahdher f les matieres secondaires is as important if not more important than l math wl physique. The reason is, ennek tejbed serie chimie wala sta arzen men ennek tkadem fi chapitre phyisique ki bch takra wahdek. Pour les concours (waktech tabda tekhdem des concours wahdek), It can be much earlier than the last three months before the national exam. L math par exemple, a partir mn Janvier fama des concours elli ynajmou yetkhedmou juste en connaissant les chapitres li karehom waktha, kont nemchi l profi mtaa l math baad kol chapitre ykoli chneya les concours elli ennajem nekhdemhom at that point in the year, w kont kol weekend (or at least I try to do that chaque weekend) nhot rouhi fi des conditions mtaa examens w nekhdem wehed mn les concours li kali alehom. Fl physique, en general les concours ykounou des problemes win chaque probleme ytraiti chapitre wala max zouz, zeda l prof ynajem yaati which ones tnajem tekhdemhom at the end of a chapter. I also want to add nsi7a l ay ensen mechi prepa, don't fall into the trap of comparing yourself to other people. It's a marathon not a race w your methods are most likely not the same as laabed lokhrin. You can also have fun, makritech fl sif entre 1ere et 2eme année (mais ken andek hajet nekes fehom I recommend ennek takrahom), Saturday was a day off dima (manakrach wahdi fih). I did IPEIT MP, managed to rank 1st prepa level in every semester and got rang in the top 10 fl ccr .
Ena akthar 7aja ndemt 3liha fi 7yety leprepa ! Ena manich style karkar ki nabda na9ra fi matière n7ebbha ! Mais leprepa ta9ra koll chy w ba3ad ki temchi lel école d'ingénieurs tal9a li partie kbira matest7a99elhech !!! Energie dhay3a fel fera8 !! Lwa9t wett3ab mte77a aala 7ajet zeyda !! Mafammech we7ed parfait fi koll chy ! W bch ta9ra 7aja lezem famma 3lech bch tabda motivé ... mouch ta9ra bessif ... système fechel w manansa7 7add bih ! Supcom tal9a jme3et l isetcom ijiw majeur fiha !! 3leh ?? 5ater l3amin w lenergie li dhayya3neha fel prepa homa 9raw fiha fi domaine mou3ayyan... w bch tanja7 feddenya hedhi lezmek trakkez fi 7aja barka !!
ana snee bac w n5amm fel prepa mn tw na3rech 3lech jani fou4oul bch na5oo fekra 3al prepa ra8m dima el asta4a yjbdoo e sujet w y9oulou enoo el prepa te3 korsi w tawla w fmch 7ata wa9t win ttnafes w mch b cho3ab lkol tnajam tayarha w fou9 ha4a lkol 9alk tw harbin menha ( a9na3niiiiiiiiiiii i need to khow everythin abt prepa ) btw ana bac info
very good advices ama nasay7ek hadhom yemchiw lele jma3a el maghrouma w bdanha yet7amel hadha el koll ama feme shkoun sob7annelah badnou yet3b w maynjmsh i9awm el rythme hadha el koll w hadhaka nsi7ti lih just dont give up and take a rest when u r tired and learn well when u feel good and dont give up , eni nja7t b rang 500 pc wel hamdullah
There is something I want to mention here, for subjects like info, fran, angl, sti and chimie, aka les matieres secondaires those subjects are gonna make the difference in your final ranking (el rang), and that's from statistics view point, using gauss normal distribution, fi prepa everyone gonna focus really hard on core subjects(math, physique) and that's ok but I said EVERYONE not just you, so at the end grades r gonna be the same with some marginal variance, so if the average math grades( fi concour) 10, approx. 90% of students r gonna score between 9 and 11 it's a variance of 1, so core subjects are really important but not gonna make you in the first 100 fi concour MP, unless u r too talented in math, physics and u can have 16 or 17 where the average is 10, another point I want to mention is by using the concept of diminishing returns, if you studied let's say physics for 100 hours, adding an extra 10 hours to this intense preparation will likely result in only marginal improvements, if any statistically speaking, these extra hours might not even shift their position in the Gaussian curve. However, if that same student dedicated those 10 extra hours to studying a secondary subject, where fewer students are putting in substantial effort, the impact could be much greater, excelling in that secondary subject could provide a significant boost to their overall ranking.
shih allekher netfaker kif kont prep kont nulle fel analyse w metwasta fel algebre w metwasta fel les matières l mouhemmin ama kont ntir fel fr wel ang wel chimie w el info fel révision makhdemt ken les matières hekom w chwayya physique w algebre w STI. Jit parmi les 20 premiers. Naaref barcha kenou khir menni fel les matières li fihom coeff 9ouin jebt presque nafs les notes maahom alors que kont nra fihom the gods mtaa l maths wel physics. tdhay3ouch fihom wa9tkom nes lkol tjib fihom 6 fellekher 😂😂 ama l fr wel chimie wel ang tjib fihom facilement fou9 l 10 ki thadharhom bel behi west l3am ! 😁 Rabbi m3akom lkol w ynajahkom 🎉
@@zainebhaloui8319 Exactly! in math there's this big gap between bad, good, and super good, but somehow if you're bad at it, you can study hard and catch the good ones, and in exams everyone answering the same basic questions, and the grades almost the same, the good students aren't even that good, they just aren't struggling as much, but they're still not answering hard and tricky questions that would show who's actually better, so it's like everyone is stuck in the same plate, and only the top notch super good student r gonna make it through, and bad, good math students gonna get similar grades, wondering how that's happened😅.
البريبا اكثر حاجة ممكن تدمر الطالب تعب نفسي و جسدي و يقرى فيزيك و شيمي و ميكانيك و فلخر يتوجه انفو مثلا يعني تضييع وقت و خاصة ديبوم الهندسة في تونس مع احتراماتي طاح قدرو للاسف مع البريفي
sahbi ena nahki ala rohi nkoum 6 taa sbeh w nrawah ml fac 17.30 nousel l dar 20.00 baad 2 moyens de transports w nhar keml kraya bellehi kifech thbni nzid nakra f dar
البريبا أحسن 3 سنين في حياتي 😂😂 باش نكونو واضحين و نصيحة أخرى لتلامذة الباك... لو كان ما تخلطش على وحدة مالبريبا المعروفين زايد باش تعمل بريبا الله غالب هذاكا الموجود تو انا عن تجربتي بريبا المهدية ثالث عام تو الشي الي نقراو فيه مختلف تماما عاللي يجي في الكونكور و عاللي يقراو فيه في تونس و صفاقس و نابل و المنستير... البريبا 30% وين تقرا و كور الاساتذة و 70% خدمتك انت لو كان ال30% الي هي الbase متاعك ماهيش موجودة راك باش تتعب بااااارشا و هذا الكل باش تخلط على rg 600 والله ولي التوفيق
Doing good and helping people does not require financial gain. I do not think that those who deserve your advice is only the well-off or rich. You are taking the exam for 10 dinars. This is a lot.
An opinion that I respect and I can argue 1) do you buy books, exercicet examanet mel maktba eli ba7dhek ? Yes ? why does he not give it for free ? I just charge for the time and the resources I found. 2) I obliged no one to buy anything from me, there a lot of resoruces free online. Those who buy will support the channel (and they willingly know about that) for me to create more content and support the channel and never I am going to use it for personal finance. 3) I do not think 10 TND will make me rich or make you poor anything above average tunisian da5l, 10 TND tji fi 7a9 kaskrout gezouza w dessert … go look to US/FRA how much they charge for their Digital product sometimes above insanity... 4) I think this “mentality” mta3 kol chay n7ebou bou ballouchi needs to change and you better need to work on your relationship with money. but I really respect your opinion w hawki the advice video are for free 😉
Barcha mobel8a mouch lha darja jemla alahoma wehed yhb 3al les premiers rangs li homa barcha 3bed mouch tejri 3lih 5ater mouch nes lkol theb ta9ra ken info
Shyyyh l methodes mt3ou mt3 les premiers rangs ema tnsech ella 7keh isn’t easy to be applied ! Msh ness kol bsh tnjm ta9ra b rythm wela facon ella 7ka alaha it’s enough to make his methodes a leader for your study habits and by trying to stick to it you’re gonnna guarantee a respectful Rank
a3mellna vid 3la rayek 3la khedmtek e jdida ka data engineer w was the career switch worth it wla le , w does it pay well wla le w shneya heya aslan khedmet e data engineer , ena bac info sne w mzlt ma3ndi 7ata fekra shbesh na3mel ba3d el bac
بالله كان فما كتب و تمارين متع برنامج ثانية ثانوي اعلامية على خاطر نحن السنة اول مرة في الليساي متعنا يقرو الشعبة ذي منذ عشرة سنين و كان نشوف الانتلرنات مانلقا كان السيونس في المواد الاعلامية و لالاتر في الموا الحفيظة نحس روحي في شعبة منبوذة و شكرا مقدما
Mouch shih! Ena prepa mp kont nakra max seaa kolyoum fiwest elaam wnaateha hakha kbal bjomaa meldevoirat wnjib 15 moyenne mteei facilement Melekher yektheb aalik likolk lprepa siiba, kenek berasmi brilliant w meant to be an engineer mekch chtalka lprepa siiba maybe challenging sometimes ama doable alakher w you can have a social and sport life maaha.
01. Get in right mindset 0:37 02. Develop a study system 1:26 03. Consistent hard work 2:45 04. Don't skip classes 3:58 05. Review, do homework and practice 5:20 06. Tutoring 6:45 07. Skim over before writing an exam 7:59 08. Do study groups 9:45 09. You can always change 10:32 10. Turn stress into an asset 11:34
يا ليت شوفت الفيديو هذا قبل , البريبا مثلتلي عقدة نفسية مما نجمتش نتجاوزها بالرغم الي خذيت طرق اخرى و وصلت نوعا ما للي نحب عليه لكن للاسف في تونس عقلية المهندس وانسان مكمل الماستار ديما مش كيف كيف
9oli fi ana prépa ta9ra
Sinon el collection hné 👉 :
@@Khormologia IPEIN
montagek yase ma7lih .... chkoun 3malik il montage!
شكون كيفي معنده حتى دخل في Prepa واصلا يخدم ورغم هذا يحب يسمع النصائح ويكمل الفيديو... برافو وشكرا انك موجود في اليوتيوب التونسي
hahaha Aychou Amine rabi ykhalik
RUclips tounsi ?
@@noescapei9077 ؟
kifek hhhhh
This is too serious man. Prepa was chill surtout l 1ère année baed f 2ème a jour en terme de cours w f revision khedma balanced maghyr madhahyt bchay had fun, went out w aamalthom lkoll w still made it to the top 100 f concours MP 2020 ( taking into consideration li i was never a brilliant student ). Prepa was ahsen 2 years f hyety ema as a whole experience mch juste 9raya w growth f dimegh tei. Still Big big fan of your content w you're one of the reasons li motivewni chnmchi prepa. Arigato
That’s actually good, if you concentrate enough fil classe and you do the right amount of study u will have the same results
I love the fast pace of the video! Also very straight to the point 👌 w kil 3ada contenu pertinent, wish i have seen this video 10 years ago 9bal ma nod5ol lel prepa
❤️ ya 7asra ! ama that’s my normal pace HAHAHA (sfa9 taking over)
5lef li enty ingénieur tayara wel chay hedha dhaher mel parcours académique mte3ek , mais enty zeda a7sen content creator fi tounes w 3andek tari9a mezyena fi tawsil l ma3louma , manestaghrebch nhar nod5el lel dar nel9a 3zizti tetfarrej fi videoetek w t9olli wallahi ma7leh ka tfoll khormo yfasser bien
You made my day ❤️ Thank you ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
I can relate with almost everything you said belhak el prepa as3ab kraya tajam taamelha ou tajam facilement tokhrej mhatam menha ama ken el efforts hekom lkol yetkhetmou b result behya thess b pride kbir. Looking forward for the next video ❤
عيشك ❤️ كان تنجم تبرطاجي مع صحابك ❤️
Je suis en 2eme année, kont nestana fel video b d9i9a w draj w tawa kif hbat zedt tmotivit besh na9ra. Merci beaucoup et bonne continuation.
Aycheeek ❤️don’t forget to share with your friends ❤️❤️❤️❤️
menich prepa ama gotta answer the khormo call, good luck prepa fellas!
❤ Aycheeek
Bravo Khormo I wish I had found his video in my first year of my preparatory cycle
يا سكندر كنت تجي لول خاطرك doué و من،عند،ربي ما شاء اللله ربي يبارك و يزيد الشي لا فيه طريقة لا شي
البريبا عسكر ذكريات لا تنسى
❤❤❤❤ Yomken w 7amdoullah
Ama I gave a lot of importance bech nefhem fil 9esm ! barcha yest5aybouni nma7reth ama profeti kont nta3abhom mayo5rjo mel cours kén ki nebda fehem w as2elti el kol tjewbou (fama 7ata chkoun ken y5rajni exclu Hhaahah)
Mastering a lesson is too important
@@Khormologia my nemesis li ena hachem nebda mouch fehem barcha hweyej w nokhroj manich fehem khater li yes2el "barcha" l amphi lkol ywaliw yoghzrouli 9oul alih mojrem hahha
Not true ,elklem li 9alou fil video s7i7 w ki etaba3 lmanhajiya hethy w ykoun 3andek system 7ata ken makch doue tnajem tousel
@@Khormologiachnouwa taamel taw ? 😅
m3alem raak, I wish this video had been around before I started prepa. Keep inspiring the next generation! 💪
Thankk youuu
This was helpful! Looking forward to the next one!
❤️❤️❤️❤️ Aycheeek, Tensech tpartagi m3a s7abek ❤️
Merci pour vidéo, tu as tout résumé, il faut avoir la confiance en soi pour réussir le concours, j’ai été candidat à IPEIM - PT l’année de révolution 2011 et c’était difficile avec ce qui se passait dans le pays, du coup j’ai échoué (mauvais rang) j’ai décidé de repasser le concours en 2012 rang 412 sur 1200 (avec perte 15 points a l’époque) j’ai fait génie Civil a ENIS et puis CHEBAP au Chec à Paris et taw nontej ou Hamdoullah en France.
La meilleure expérience wallah.
Bon courage à Tous 😊
Louder ❤️
WHAT A VIDEO ✨ good job ❤️
You welcome Lad
i am aware eli el prepa bich tiktaseb feha barcha mental skills w kol ama frankly aleh nakraw fi hajet mich chnistaamalha fi cycle ing w fama e risk enek takhlaltch rang yhezek lil theb alih la9adara alh w stress w kol anyway i am looking forward lil ep e jeya cause i still think it s not worth it e tadh7iyet w raw ena nheb rayi yitbadel ena deja prepa mp si nn great job khormo keep up the good work ❤❤❤❤
That’s so true ❤️don’t forget to share with your friends ❤️❤️❤️❤️
برافو، فيديو ياسر مفيد لجماعة البريبا
❤❤❤❤ Aycheeek do not hesitate to share with your friends
We love this kind of videos 🙌💞 Keep up!
❤❤❤ Aycheek
Bravo Khormo 👏
An hour ago kont f une deeeeep conversation with a friend w kona nkhammou how were gonna survive this yearrr w rawaht nalka cette vidéo
❤❤❤❤ Nchallah rabi ynaja7kom
Ex-IPEIT MP rang 37 w je confirme klemek kol. Bravo ❤
brabi ahkilna aal INSAT ken aandek chwaya ideas
especially la 1 ere année MPI ET MERCIII
Great person with good job,may Allah bless you bro
❤ Aycheeek ❤ Tensech tpartagi el video m3a s7abek ❤ ❤
I was a prepa student and i watched the video !😅 follow his advices they are all TRUE ❤❤and i want to thank khormoloujya for those kind of videoo keep the work up ! Now I’m a data science student so A video about this topic will be so helpful 🙏waiting ..
Aycheeeek Nihel ❤❤
Bravo good job Please tanjem ta7ki 3la 2eme prepa w revision lel councours @Khormologia
merci pour le partage Khormo ❤
Aycheeek ❤️don’t forget to share with your friends ❤️❤️❤️❤️
عمري 13 و حمستني للجامعة😂
Ekbess ro7k fy 9raytek wmathamel 7atta matière wa3mel jw fy l9raya wmatesma3ch s7abek illy y9oulou h4i matière ma3na man3mlou bha w mhich bch tfidna fy 7yatna rany aka la8lat lkol 3malthom wana jayek melmosta9bel wn9olik i4a kan matekbesch ro7k rak baad bch tendem barcha. Nsa7tik 5aterny nadem barcha illy ana ma9ritch kima yelzem ki kont fy 3omrek wa4aka illy 5allany nchouf andasy y9admou wana wa7el fy blasty. E5dem 3la ro7k w saker y4nik mn klam l3bad l5ayba. Wrbby ywf9ek w tousell lly t7eb 3lih❤❤
هاو المحتوى الصحيح #khormo #maalim keep going ❤❤
❤️❤️❤️ tensech tpartagi maa shabek
Video 9bal ds 9ad 9ad ya3tik essa7a ❤
❤❤❤❤ Aycheeek do not hesitate to share with your friends
@@Khormologia already did
@@lemonatededitz3603 M3alem
We define a period of life with its output. nsaya7 adhia mwajha l ness lkol cuz no matter how hard it is fi prd l9raya rahou l output ynassik fi kol chay .
Video raaw3a ❤ ama hal famma far9 bin nsay7 li 3tithom we7d prepa classique w we7d prepa intégré et merci
En principe mafamech far9 kbir ❤
Tensech tpartagi el video m3a s7abek ❤ ❤
Merci pour la motivation 🔥
❤❤❤ Aycheeek, tensech tpartagi m3a s7abek ken tnajem ❤
winek wa9t el bard kleni :'))))) i needed this 5 years ago
ههه سؤال جريء شويا, هل سيستام ال prepa سيستام صحيح من أساسو ؟؟ والا سيستام يخلي نسبة قليلة من التلامذة تنجح و النسبة الأكبر يصير تهديمها ؟ هاو في المانيا مثلا فماش prepa و نتصور فماش مهندسين يطيرو على الألمان في الهندسة ! يلزم نراجعو رواحنا شوي و نسألو علاش نعملو فلي نعملو فيه من اصلو. ههه و كان نركزو شوي تو ندركو انو prepa هي نفسها squid Game متع الدنيا.
❤️ Thanks 3al commentaire, Oui fih barcha na9a2es el system
Kol systeme wahdou..ahna fi tounes fehmin denya bel ghalet mechi fibelna fi almania maandhomch prepa yaani ashel w houwa c pas vrai..s3ina aalekher wel math li krineh ahna fi aamin prepa houma yakrawah zeda w yokood ytabaa fehom..prepa systeme ykhalik tekhou les outils de bases taa math w physique bech mbaad fel cycle tejbed mel bagages heka w tkoun aandek base behya fel math khater el math theb wala takrah c la base des sciences d'ingénieurie..w theb wala takrah el prepa taalmek baaarcha hajet w tkhalik tkoun ensen serieux yeser w thelek mokhek yeser w baad f cycle bch thes rohek merteh yeser..w prepa ray 3aklia mch ken kraya tkhalik tkoun aandek un etat d'esprit d'un ingenieur li mission teeou bch taka la meilleur solution fi un minimum de temps..w theb wala takrah les elites matalhom ken fel prepa
@@farouk5101 خويا انا مشيت لل prepa المنار و وريت سيستامهم كيفاش و ما كملتش خرجت من شطر السماستر وتو انا في جامعة هانوفر نقرى بسيستام خير بألف مرة و نجم نفهم كل شي و من الدار منغير حتى مانكون مجبور بش نمشي نحضر. و بطبيعة الحال انا نقرا و بش نكمل فلي نحب عليه الي هوا informatique. و انا نعرف و انت تعرف اشنوا حضوضك بش تقرا info في تونس بعد ال prepa. من اللخر انا نقرا و نمحرث و متهني خاتر بش نوصل للي نحب عليه كيفي كيف اي طالب مجتهد في الجامعة. الوضع في تونس حرب أهلية مش قراية. و بالنسبا للخرافة لي خرفوهالنا و شبعنا بيها وهي انو ال prepa تحل المخ ولا ابصر شنوا. ايلون ماسك، بيلغيتس و ستيف جوبز اذوما كل مخاخهم مسكرة ولا كيفاه خاتر ما يعرفوش اشمعنتها prepa !
@@discoveries77 khouya mch maaneha enti manjahtech feha wala maajebtekch yaani hia khayba..haw eni krit feha w njahet feha w hamdoullah w kont dima moktanaa biha li hia ahsen choix w barcha kifi w benesba lili prepa niveau ekher w thebelha aabed mouaaynin.. w kol wehed win yalka rohou..eni mathalan moktanaa bih système w nra fih haja nejha w aan tajrba baad 3amin w taw nakra cycle d'ing w hamdoullah moktanaa beli naamel fih ..w bara chouf les ingenieurs twensa chnia 9imethom fel europe..kol wehed w système mteeou w kol systeme fih hajet behya w hajet khayba w kol aand win yaka rahtou khir..weni makotlekch li mayaamalch prepa raw mokhou msaker kima enti kotli ala bill gates w elon musk w kol..mafhemtnich..eni nahki aal systeme prepa manich nahki aal système americain..bro medem ensen mouaayen nejah fel prepa raw ynajem mbaad yanjah fi ay haja khater medem wsel njah fel prepa aaref li houwa aabd aandou fi mokhou yeser..tohkomch ala haja taarafhech wala mathebch..medem makamaltech krit l3amin lkol wala khater maajebtkch donc tohkomch aaleha wala t3amem kol wehed wchnia yheb f denya hedhi
@@farouk5101 فكرت انك يلزم تكون سوبرمان بش تقرا لقراية لي تحب عليها، هاذي ما فهمتش كيفاه تقنعنا بيها. كي نحكيو امور ارقام تعرف مليح اش يصير في الأغلبية. و مدام لاغلبية ما توصلش للي تحب عليه. كيفاش هذا تقول عليه سيستام ناجح ؟
This video threw me back to the memories hole xd.
However I don't agree with some of the points and I would like to add one point too.
Presence for example, I don't agree li lezem tkoun dima present, fama nes tnajem tkadem wahadha faster than ki takra fl classe. I also see that ennek tahdher f les matieres secondaires is as important if not more important than l math wl physique. The reason is, ennek tejbed serie chimie wala sta arzen men ennek tkadem fi chapitre phyisique ki bch takra wahdek.
Pour les concours (waktech tabda tekhdem des concours wahdek), It can be much earlier than the last three months before the national exam. L math par exemple, a partir mn Janvier fama des concours elli ynajmou yetkhedmou juste en connaissant les chapitres li karehom waktha, kont nemchi l profi mtaa l math baad kol chapitre ykoli chneya les concours elli ennajem nekhdemhom at that point in the year, w kont kol weekend (or at least I try to do that chaque weekend) nhot rouhi fi des conditions mtaa examens w nekhdem wehed mn les concours li kali alehom. Fl physique, en general les concours ykounou des problemes win chaque probleme ytraiti chapitre wala max zouz, zeda l prof ynajem yaati which ones tnajem tekhdemhom at the end of a chapter.
I also want to add nsi7a l ay ensen mechi prepa, don't fall into the trap of comparing yourself to other people. It's a marathon not a race w your methods are most likely not the same as laabed lokhrin.
You can also have fun, makritech fl sif entre 1ere et 2eme année (mais ken andek hajet nekes fehom I recommend ennek takrahom), Saturday was a day off dima (manakrach wahdi fih).
I did IPEIT MP, managed to rank 1st prepa level in every semester and got rang in the top 10 fl ccr .
This comment is so much valuable ❤️❤️❤️ Glad I have you part of my community and I hope one day we meet IRL
@@Khormologia Always have been ❤ And I'd be glaad to meet up IRL too
Keep Up the good work !!
❤️❤️❤️ Aycheek, ❤️ Do not forget to share with your friends ❤️
Bravo !wassel haka 👏💗
❤️❤️❤️❤️ Aycheeek, Tensech tpartagi m3a s7abek ❤️
بربي تنجم تعمللنا نصائح على كيفاش تبدى مشروعك على السوشل ميديا ولا كيفاش تربح فلوس من الانترنت 😊😂❤
❤❤❤❤ Nchallah
Mazalou jim3a lles DS thanks khormo for the vd
Ena akthar 7aja ndemt 3liha fi 7yety leprepa ! Ena manich style karkar ki nabda na9ra fi matière n7ebbha ! Mais leprepa ta9ra koll chy w ba3ad ki temchi lel école d'ingénieurs tal9a li partie kbira matest7a99elhech !!! Energie dhay3a fel fera8 !! Lwa9t wett3ab mte77a aala 7ajet zeyda !! Mafammech we7ed parfait fi koll chy ! W bch ta9ra 7aja lezem famma 3lech bch tabda motivé ... mouch ta9ra bessif ... système fechel w manansa7 7add bih ! Supcom tal9a jme3et l isetcom ijiw majeur fiha !! 3leh ?? 5ater l3amin w lenergie li dhayya3neha fel prepa homa 9raw fiha fi domaine mou3ayyan... w bch tanja7 feddenya hedhi lezmek trakkez fi 7aja barka !!
Ey Ey fama barcha critique par rapport au system
Amazing video , i hope i'v watched it before i started el prépa 🤣
Hope you enjoyed it! 😂
ana snee bac w n5amm fel prepa mn tw na3rech 3lech jani fou4oul bch na5oo fekra 3al prepa ra8m dima el asta4a yjbdoo e sujet w y9oulou enoo el prepa te3 korsi w tawla w fmch 7ata wa9t win ttnafes w mch b cho3ab lkol tnajam tayarha w fou9 ha4a lkol 9alk tw harbin menha ( a9na3niiiiiiiiiiii i need to khow everythin abt prepa ) btw ana bac info
ما شاء اللّٰه عليك ، اللهم بارك
❤❤ Chokran
a7la 5ormou video tayara
في الجزء الثاني لازم تستظيفني نحكيلك على تجربتي مع البريبا. تجربة فريدة من نوعها و بكلها تحديات. تعدى عليها 20 عام تقول كاينها امبارح
محتوى رااءع ❤🙏
Aycheeek ❤️don’t forget to share with your friends ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Ena zeda il prépa a7sen 3amin fi 7yeti ❤❤❤ dédicace prépa binzart Ipeib 😍
Let’s goooo ta7yeya lel IPEIB
good job ❤ ma 9ritch prepa mais nja7t fi concours mp condidat libre (2eme licence math fonda) tmanit rak habet video 3am li fet 🙂
Aycheeek ❤️ allah ghaleb amnewel 9ases
@@Khormologia hamdoullah ki rja3t social media mest7a9a nes kifk ❤
yekhy tnjm t3ady lconcours mi licence ?
@@salhijasser8336 oui en 2eme année licence lezm mekch m3awed hata 3am ou el fac li ta9ra feha ta3tik el mouwef9a
@@quatigral-androgames3054 chnwa les licences illy njim n3dy minhom
Belehi bac informatique 🎀🥰
very good advices ama nasay7ek hadhom yemchiw lele jma3a el maghrouma w bdanha yet7amel hadha el koll ama feme shkoun sob7annelah badnou yet3b w maynjmsh i9awm el rythme hadha el koll w hadhaka nsi7ti lih just dont give up and take a rest when u r tired and learn well when u feel good and dont give up , eni nja7t b rang 500 pc wel hamdullah
Maw I give the top then everyone adjust with It’s rythm, "Aim for the stars, If you fail, You'll Land on the moon"
@@Khormologia ❤️❤️❤️
Rythme l prépa classique chnya yefra9 3al prépa intégré ?
طلعولي الكومنتار انا 3eme لا نعرف شمعناها بريبا لا ليسونس كان تعمل فيديو تفسيري يتضمن زادة الأفاق الجامعي الناس المغرومة بالمات
I'm a business student ama ani ntfrej fil video mtaa khormo 😂 ❤
Sending u love and support 🫶🏻
❤❤❤ Aycheek you are the best
شكراااا خرموووو🥰🥰🥰
Bravo Khormologia
❤❤❤ Aycheek, Tensech tpartagi m3a s7abek ken tnajem
@@Khormologia donee❤️
Fsrlna kifh nmajrou blhi ❤
There is something I want to mention here, for subjects like info, fran, angl, sti and chimie, aka les matieres secondaires those subjects are gonna make the difference in your final ranking (el rang), and that's from statistics view point, using gauss normal distribution, fi prepa everyone gonna focus really hard on core subjects(math, physique) and that's ok but I said EVERYONE not just you, so at the end grades r gonna be the same with some marginal variance, so if the average math grades( fi concour) 10, approx. 90% of students r gonna score between 9 and 11 it's a variance of 1, so core subjects are really important but not gonna make you in the first 100 fi concour MP, unless u r too talented in math, physics and u can have 16 or 17 where the average is 10, another point I want to mention is by using the concept of diminishing returns, if you studied let's say physics for 100 hours, adding an extra 10 hours to this intense preparation will likely result in only marginal improvements, if any statistically speaking, these extra hours might not even shift their position in the Gaussian curve. However, if that same student dedicated those 10 extra hours to studying a secondary subject, where fewer students are putting in substantial effort, the impact could be much greater, excelling in that secondary subject could provide a significant boost to their overall ranking.
shih allekher netfaker kif kont prep kont nulle fel analyse w metwasta fel algebre w metwasta fel les matières l mouhemmin ama kont ntir fel fr wel ang wel chimie w el info fel révision makhdemt ken les matières hekom w chwayya physique w algebre w STI. Jit parmi les 20 premiers. Naaref barcha kenou khir menni fel les matières li fihom coeff 9ouin jebt presque nafs les notes maahom alors que kont nra fihom the gods mtaa l maths wel physics. tdhay3ouch fihom wa9tkom nes lkol tjib fihom 6 fellekher 😂😂 ama l fr wel chimie wel ang tjib fihom facilement fou9 l 10 ki thadharhom bel behi west l3am ! 😁 Rabbi m3akom lkol w ynajahkom 🎉
@@zainebhaloui8319 Exactly! in math there's this big gap between bad, good, and super good, but somehow if you're bad at it, you can study hard and catch the good ones, and in exams everyone answering the same basic questions, and the grades almost the same, the good students aren't even that good, they just aren't struggling as much, but they're still not answering hard and tricky questions that would show who's actually better, so it's like everyone is stuck in the same plate, and only the top notch super good student r gonna make it through, and bad, good math students gonna get similar grades, wondering how that's happened😅.
Yeser creative rak!
keep going bro
Aycheeek ❤️don’t forget to share with your friends ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Wa khormo raw tfol hedha zabour😂😂😂😂😂
@@bachar1411 hhhhhhhhh
كنقرا ف بريبا المغرب احبكم برشا ❤ 🫶
Yam3alem laha darja ne9es ken t9oli lwa9et elli netfarej fih fil video ou ma9ritech bech net7asib alih
Yes hahaha
c efficace pour tous les etudiants en Ingenierie generalement , 7ata mch fy les systeme francais , Bravo !
عيشك ❤️ كان تنجم تبرطاجي مع صحابك ❤️
كملت قرايتي عندي سنين و توا حاسة روحي على أعصابي لازم نقوم نقرى 😂❤
البريبا اكثر حاجة ممكن تدمر الطالب تعب نفسي و جسدي و يقرى فيزيك و شيمي و ميكانيك و فلخر يتوجه انفو مثلا يعني تضييع وقت و خاصة ديبوم الهندسة في تونس مع احتراماتي طاح قدرو للاسف مع البريفي
That’s the main critique
sahbi ena nahki ala rohi nkoum 6 taa sbeh w nrawah ml fac 17.30 nousel l dar 20.00 baad 2 moyens de transports w nhar keml kraya bellehi kifech thbni nzid nakra f dar
البريبا أحسن 3 سنين في حياتي 😂😂 باش نكونو واضحين و نصيحة أخرى لتلامذة الباك... لو كان ما تخلطش على وحدة مالبريبا المعروفين زايد باش تعمل بريبا الله غالب هذاكا الموجود تو انا عن تجربتي بريبا المهدية ثالث عام تو الشي الي نقراو فيه مختلف تماما عاللي يجي في الكونكور و عاللي يقراو فيه في تونس و صفاقس و نابل و المنستير... البريبا 30% وين تقرا و كور الاساتذة و 70% خدمتك انت لو كان ال30% الي هي الbase متاعك ماهيش موجودة راك باش تتعب بااااارشا و هذا الكل باش تخلط على rg 600 والله ولي التوفيق
5sara ja ma5r (3am concours kan kabous hhh) ya3tik sa7a yasser yfid
❤❤❤ hhhhh
Doing good and helping people does not require financial gain. I do not think that those who deserve your advice is only the well-off or rich. You are taking the exam for 10 dinars. This is a lot.
An opinion that I respect and I can argue
1) do you buy books, exercicet examanet mel maktba eli ba7dhek ? Yes ? why does he not give it for free ? I just charge for the time and the resources I found.
2) I obliged no one to buy anything from me, there a lot of resoruces free online. Those who buy will support the channel (and they willingly know about that) for me to create more content and support the channel and never I am going to use it for personal finance.
3) I do not think 10 TND will make me rich or make you poor anything above average tunisian da5l, 10 TND tji fi 7a9 kaskrout gezouza w dessert … go look to US/FRA how much they charge for their Digital product sometimes above insanity...
4) I think this “mentality” mta3 kol chay n7ebou bou ballouchi needs to change and you better need to work on your relationship with money.
but I really respect your opinion w hawki the advice video are for free 😉
Plz prepare a data engineering and big data roadmap
Merci beaucoup ❤❤
Aycheeek ❤️don’t forget to share with your friends ❤️❤️❤️❤️
@@Khormologia your are the only content creator eli ntabaa fih w akthar wahed yesthak khatrek tenfaa labed ❤❤
NICE VIDEO KHORMO juste nhb nashelek collection bakchich document pc wela mp ?
Top ! Beaucoup de souvenirs
❤️ I was hunting for your comment :D
maalim khormo zeyd maak ❤🔥
❤️❤️❤️❤️ Aycheeek, Tensech tpartagi m3a s7abek ❤️
Barcha mobel8a mouch lha darja jemla alahoma wehed yhb 3al les premiers rangs li homa barcha 3bed mouch tejri 3lih 5ater mouch nes lkol theb ta9ra ken info
Shyyyh l methodes mt3ou mt3 les premiers rangs ema tnsech ella 7keh isn’t easy to be applied ! Msh ness kol bsh tnjm ta9ra b rythm wela facon ella 7ka alaha it’s enough to make his methodes a leader for your study habits and by trying to stick to it you’re gonnna guarantee a respectful Rank
a3mellna vid 3la rayek 3la khedmtek e jdida ka data engineer w was the career switch worth it wla le , w does it pay well wla le w shneya heya aslan khedmet e data engineer , ena bac info sne w mzlt ma3ndi 7ata fekra shbesh na3mel ba3d el bac
❤❤❤ Yes nchallah
اخي كيف نتواصلو معاك خارج اليوتوب
klemek shih bnesba l chkoun yheb yjib rang top 1%
krit 50% men rythme el bac wela akal w khlat namel haja nhebha w 7awast w chekht w amalthom lkol
كملت الفيديو للٱخر ، رغم اني موش بريبا ، اما نعييش في نفس الريتم
Haha Nice ❤️
Khormo yekhy alech ma amaltech ipest waktha kont takhltelha ?
Non na5let Supcom and lower (in rankà
@@Khormologia nahky al prepa mouch ecole d’ingénieur temchilha mel bac fy blaset el ipeit yhezou jmeet lauréat
بالله كان فما كتب و تمارين متع برنامج ثانية ثانوي اعلامية على خاطر نحن السنة اول مرة في الليساي متعنا يقرو الشعبة ذي منذ عشرة سنين و كان نشوف الانتلرنات مانلقا كان السيونس في المواد الاعلامية و لالاتر في الموا الحفيظة نحس روحي في شعبة منبوذة و شكرا مقدما
a3mlelna video ala 3amet l bac mte3ek 😁😁😁😁
Hawki video 9dima m3a béki yezzi 🤣
الله عليك❤
❤❤❤ Aycheeek, tensech tpartagi m3a s7abek ken tnajem ❤
@@Khormologia كان نلقا نبعثهلولها 100 مرة الفيديو 🤣🤣🤣❤️
chkoun l9a mochkla fil paiement m7abch yt3adeli
Carte Edinar Smart non accepté
❤️❤️❤️ Aycheeek ❤️ Do not forget to share the video with your friends
tbh , prepa intégrée haja okhra jemla par rapport lel classique , rythme tayeh allekher o ne3ma
Mouch shih! Ena prepa mp kont nakra max seaa kolyoum fiwest elaam wnaateha hakha kbal bjomaa meldevoirat wnjib 15 moyenne mteei facilement
Melekher yektheb aalik likolk lprepa siiba, kenek berasmi brilliant w meant to be an engineer mekch chtalka lprepa siiba maybe challenging sometimes ama doable alakher w you can have a social and sport life maaha.
Depends on your concentration in class
❤❤❤ bravo❤❤❤
❤️❤️❤️ Aycheek, ❤️ Do not forget to share with your friends ❤️
الحمد لله مكملتش قراتي للاخر و الا راني تخذت
Hamdoullah :D
Chnwa far9 bin fi Fransa wle tounes bech tas3ab wle
Fransa zeydin quelque cours + fama Orale
thank u 💗🤩🤩🤩🤩
Aycheeek ❤️don’t forget to share with your friends ❤️❤️❤️❤️
el tips yemchiw aali ya9raw fel insat mpi wala el prepa classique as3eb b barcha
Yadi 9ari MP Ipeit :3
Blh a7kilna ama khir licence wala prépa bech twalli ingénieur informatique
Ey w prépa intégrée nafs l7keya ?
01. Get in right mindset 0:37
02. Develop a study system 1:26
03. Consistent hard work 2:45
04. Don't skip classes 3:58
05. Review, do homework and practice 5:20
06. Tutoring 6:45
07. Skim over before writing an exam 7:59
08. Do study groups 9:45
09. You can always change 10:32
10. Turn stress into an asset 11:34
9edeh el rang mta3ek ?
M3allem Skan 🙏🏻
❤️❤️❤️ Aycheeek ❤️ Do not forget to share the video with your friends
يا ليت شوفت الفيديو هذا قبل , البريبا مثلتلي عقدة نفسية مما نجمتش نتجاوزها بالرغم الي خذيت طرق اخرى و وصلت نوعا ما للي نحب عليه لكن للاسف في تونس عقلية المهندس وانسان مكمل الماستار ديما مش كيف كيف
prepa as3ab 9raya tnejem ta9raha f 7yetik , PERIOD ( aand tajrba )
Bravo 🎉. Concours 2012 Techno