i had like a whole build but they changed so many items sadly x.x idk i guess muramana, sheen item, kraken, ruined king, nashors works too but idk bout that lul
You should try Ap Garen you build nashors into bersekers then lichbane after that you build malignance to spam ults then rabadons and final item is rift maker. (Bersek shoes arent considered ad or ap so its okay also you start with dorans shield so you will not die early (runes are classic conqueror runes the game gives you)
Full armor fidlesticks
This guys content is so good. I hope more people find his channel
onhit ezreal can be pretty fun since his q actually applies onhit effects
so stuff like kraken can work with it lul
i had like a whole build but they changed so many items sadly x.x
idk i guess muramana, sheen item, kraken, ruined king, nashors works too but idk bout that lul
True Chad tahm kench defended you for handicapping yourself and still carrying
You should try Ap Garen you build nashors into bersekers then lichbane after that you build malignance to spam ults then rabadons and final item is rift maker. (Bersek shoes arent considered ad or ap so its okay also you start with dorans shield so you will not die early (runes are classic conqueror runes the game gives you)
OK, i get the other items but why rabadons?
@@lukakobetic1419 to stronger his nashor and lichbane because their scale wih ap
Coming right up buddy.Thank you for your suggestions!
@@Senranken luv u
at that point, instead of going rabadon, go that item that makes magic and true damage crit on low hp targets, and fit rylais somewhere too
bro so many insertions !!!! I just want to see the gameplay
I can make a full gameplay one as well.Will look into it.
just..... WHY?!
Its a classic
A man of culture... Bravo.
try on hit cho gath xd. Actually no a troll build, hail of blades for oneshots or lethal tempo for tanky-er build
Also a titanic hydra would be good for infinite hp scaling
Got it boss! 🫡
adc thresh