Birth of the Churches: EarlyChurch, RomanCatholics, Protestants, Baptists, Pentecostals - Zac Poonen

  • Опубликовано: 26 окт 2024

Комментарии • 42

  • @clementlobo3375
    @clementlobo3375 4 года назад +17

    Bro Zac u r are a true man of God I Love litsening to you only .u are anointed by the holy Spirit

  • @barbentz2771
    @barbentz2771 4 года назад +6

    Very interesting, I learned alot
    Thank-you God bless

  • @financersyiemlieh5313
    @financersyiemlieh5313 3 года назад +2

    Thank you so much. God bless you

  • @arundominic207
    @arundominic207 4 года назад +3

    Praise the lord. It's also God's will like God had created good evil, man women etc.

  • @davidkuledjawa8447
    @davidkuledjawa8447 4 года назад +5

    Dear brother I wish the comment section of this channel be turned off

  • @danielministries1816
    @danielministries1816 2 года назад +1

    Thank you sir

  • @leenacabral4620
    @leenacabral4620 3 года назад +3

    Thank you bro. I learnt much from you..

  • @meghamalasarilla1059
    @meghamalasarilla1059 4 года назад +3

    Thanks a lot

  • @duryodhannaik2036
    @duryodhannaik2036 4 года назад +3

    Praise the lord

  • @susanthprabhub.ssatyamevja7533
    @susanthprabhub.ssatyamevja7533 3 года назад +1

    According to the Holy Scriptures, there's only one True Church, an organism that's being built by the LORD Himself. Matthew 16:18.

    • @maverickcruise
      @maverickcruise 3 года назад +3

      One Church of Jesus Christ. Where two or three are gathered in Jesus name, Jesus is in their midst.
      That's a church.
      Read the Word Dr.

    • @susanthprabhub.ssatyamevja7533
      @susanthprabhub.ssatyamevja7533 3 года назад

      @@maverickcruise you better read the Holy Scriptures with full attention.

  • @mahaveersree1873
    @mahaveersree1873 3 года назад +2

    Sir, is your Church in Bangalore?

  • @a.abhasker649
    @a.abhasker649 4 года назад +1

    What about the salvation of all those people who believe such false church ?

    • @maverickcruise
      @maverickcruise 3 года назад +1

      They have the Bible. They don't read the Word of God, they deserve it.

  • @charlesbooker8138
    @charlesbooker8138 3 года назад +1

    What happened two one church Jesus say he was going to build his church so how did this names change to baptish there where no baptish Church of Christ

    • @sam-gs1qu
      @sam-gs1qu 3 года назад +1

      That's why we shouldn't have a name. We are always a universal church. We have a description-church in Bangalore. Just like church in Jerusalem etc.

  • @davidkordas3339
    @davidkordas3339 5 месяцев назад

    "TRINITY". Not in the Bible.

  • @bobthrasher8226
    @bobthrasher8226 4 года назад +2

    It is not just money, but the need for money through the creation of institutions that has brought compromise/corruption. No institution, no need for regular support.

  • @Ancient-Paths
    @Ancient-Paths 3 года назад +3

    I love Zac's teaching and it grieves my heart to say this - but I became very disturbed by something I heard on one of his videos. I post this because Zac says we must speak up for the truth.
    On this videoвидео.html
    Zac says (starting at 41:07):
    "I don't agree with Mother Teresa's doctrine, but I believe that she was a godly woman who loved Jesus and cared for the poor. And I believe her heart was much better than mine. And I believe in the Kingdom of God she will be way ahead of me. An Indian brother living in the US, who was a converted Catholic, came to me and said, 'How can you say that, she prayed to Mary, and she prayed the Rosary.' I said 'Brother those are all matters of the head. She was wrong in her doctrine. Okay she was wrong, but in her heart she loved Jesus.' I think, this brother, who left India to go to America to make money, and to give his children a good future in life, he's despising this Mother Teresa who went to the poorest people in India to pick up people from the gutter.
    I should be ashamed to despise that lady, just because you have a right doctrine. This is the type of craziness that some people have. 'I've got the right doctrine Lord. I thank you I'm not like those Roman Catholics. I'm not like those people, because my doctrine is better.' It's a deception.
    It's very easy for us to despise people who are serving the Lord in a way ten times better than us, but whose doctrine is maybe a little inferior to ours. Do you think in the final day Jesus is gonna give us all a sheet to answer questions on doctrine? No you'll get a surprise, He's not going to question your doctrine."
    I do not believe Roman Catholic doctrine is "a little inferior to ours" I believe it is diametrically opposed to the true faith. I do not believe this Indian brother was despising Mother Teresa - instead he was despising the RC doctrine. The doctrine we believe (the commands & teachings of Jesus) is vitally important for our salvation. Mother Teresa showed that she despised Christ's doctrines by remaining within the RC Church. Unless she repented, she will sadly go to a lost eternity in hell - no matter how 'compassionate' she was.
    It is not a case of "my doctrine is better" but whether or not my doctrine is true. Doctrines are either true or false. If they are false then we need to expose them - not tolerate them because we like the believer. I am truly shocked at all Zac's statements regarding the RCC. Catholic doctrines are "damnable heresies" presenting "another gospel, another Jesus and another Spirit." However, Zac is saying that doctrine does not matter for salvation - all we need is a loving heart. He clearly states that Mother Teresa will be going to heaven. He appears to believe that a kind and compassionate Catholic - could enter heaven without believing the doctrines of Jesus (the Gospel) and without being born again.
    Zac states: "Okay she was wrong, but in her heart she loved Jesus.“ I respectfully disagree. If she was wrong in her doctrine - she could not truly love the Lord Jesus Christ. The Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses profess to love Jesus and can be very loving and kind - but their doctrine will one day send them to hell. "In vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrine the commandments of men." (Matt. 15:9) "Now I urge you, brethren, note those who cause divisions and offences, contrary to the doctrine which you learned, and avoid them." (Rom. 16:17) RC doctrine is "contrary to sound doctrine." (1 Tim. 1:10) "Take heed to yourself and to the doctrine." (1 Tim. 4:16)
    You cannot call someone 'godly' because they love the poor and have compassion on them. A person does not have to be saved to be compassionate. There are many lovely Hindus, Buddhists, Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, and, of course, atheists who have compassion and show great love towards the poor and needy - but they do not bring them the Gospel of salvation - the only expression of real love. Yes, she prayed for the dying (Muslims, Hindus etc.) - but she prayed that their 'god' (whoever they believed in) would take them to heaven. Would a truly godly saved lady do that?
    I was so shocked when I listened to that video - that I made a short comment. However, CFC deleted it! I then sent Zac an email - but I have had no reply.
    Also, on Zac's wife Annie's video:
    "Be Content with What God Gives You"видео.html
    she states that the Catholic mystic Madame Guyon is a very godly woman.

    • @roshni6565
      @roshni6565 2 года назад +1

      Inspired messages,speaking in strange tongues will cease one day. What will remain is love. So don't ponder about too much who'll go to heaven or not.

    • @Ancient-Paths
      @Ancient-Paths 2 года назад +1

      @@roshni6565 But surely teaching false doctrines (that lead others astray) is the opposite of being loving? Scripture warns us about false teachers, and false gospels that can lead others to hell. That is why doctrine is so important. If we promote a false gospel (Roman Catholicism) and mysticism it will lead others astray. Being 'loving' and ignoring such things - is not really being loving at all. There are some wonderfully 'loving' Muslims, atheists and Catholics out there (who will one day go to hell) - and yes, it does concern me that many who may say, "Lord, Lord" will still not get to heaven. By condoning Catholicism and mysticism - you are promoting a false gospel and a false Jesus. That is why I was so shocked that such a godly man as Zac could do so.

    • @Daniel-lt1gy
      @Daniel-lt1gy 2 года назад

      One thing to think about is that a majority of Christians in the past were Roman Catholic. Are all of these people in hell? What about those charismatic churches that mix praying in one language with praying tongues because they believe that it will enhance prayers?
      Indeed when you read something like the Quran which is a mutated version of the gospel, it’s so easy to be led astray, but for those who actually believe in the promises given and seek the God mentioned in the Quran (since enough of the Old Testament is still there) they will find Jesus at the end, it’s the same with JW’s and Catholics, only that it’s naturally much more difficult.
      Now what about all those people who did not have the chance to hear about the gospel and died or babies and so on, our God is a lot more merciful than many people seem to realize.
      If you listen to Calvinists then they are probably the ones who speak against charismatic and Pentecostal churches the most yet I have yet to hear them say that the members of those congregations are lost, instead they would say even in churches with teachers who know what they are teaching is false there will be a few true converts (though by staying in that church they are being starved)
      How much more for these “crazy” people who truly believe that they are teaching according to the gospel.
      Just about every denomination is at the throat of the others and when a certain portion of theology is different then many Christians don’t speak very kindly about that denomination
      I’ve heard pastor zac mention that he’s met a only few born again Catholics, even he knows how hard it is to find such people with all their falsehoods but some of these people really do love Jesus and they center their lives around Him, I know a charismatic pastor who spends most of his time in the church or in the Bible and his faith is large because he was saved through a miracle and yet he still sticks with a lot of the teachings that are taught by this denomination (which i disagree with)
      When the time of testing comes, perhaps quite a bit of what they’ve built will burn but they won’t be condemned
      Right now there is so much deception, that God fearing Christian’s who read the Bible don’t even notice that something is wrong (I mean who would have a problem with Sunday school and youth groups, yet they are probably doing more harm than good).
      Hmmm, I’ve gone off quite a bit and yet I still can’t really say what I want… I guess summing it all up it would be something like “look at their fruits in order to judge if they are in the faith as according to James since only God can know one’s heart”, are they trying to conform their life to what they know about scripture? Have they changed to be more like Christ in some way? Catholics believe in a lot of nonsense but I think that they still teach that Jesus is the son God and that God is a triune God, when they repent and confess their sins, they know who they are doing to

    • @Ancient-Paths
      @Ancient-Paths 2 года назад +1

      ​@@Daniel-lt1gy Thank you for your carefully considered reply.
      I think I was just rather shocked when I heard Zac say that - as I so respect him. It is true that neither Zac nor I know the heart of a person - but I was simply judging on the fruit. When someone prays for a dying person, invoking their 'god' to take them into eternity - that is not the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Mother Teresa seemed to believe that all roads would lead to God.
      The only thing that really concerns me - is the "gospel" message that anyone portrays - since Galatians 1:6-12 and 2 Cor. 11:3-4 are pretty scary concerning "another gospel" and "another Jesus."
      Since I (like Zac) believe you can forfeit your salvation - any passage regarding a false gospel / doctrine that mentions falling from grace and being damned - I believe should be taken very seriously. There are many warnings in Scripture - that show it is not only our deliberate and continued sin that will bring damnation - but also a false gospel message presenting "another Jesus."
      We can only 'judge' another person by their fruit - by what they say and what they do. To be kind and loving is admirable - but such deeds can be performed by anyone - even the atheist. Even doing so, 'in the name of Christ' does not mean they are actually saved as our Lord said in Matthew 7:22-23. "I never knew you" will be the most terrible words anyone could hear on Judgement Day.
      You say, "Catholics believe in a lot of nonsense but I think that they still teach that Jesus is the son God and that God is a triune God." True, but are their other doctrines just "nonsense" or heretical? The Bible harshly condemns those who add anything to the written Word. But what about those who add to God's truth by their own erroneous doctrines?
      To say you are saved by: simply being in the RCC / believing Catholic Tradition / penance / the Eucharist / the prayers of Mary and the saints / purgatory / indulgences / the Last rites etc. etc. - is that the Christian gospel or man-made lies? Will they damn a person to hell?
      Scripture says that "a little leaven leavens the whole lump." A little error alongside a lot of truth - is often even more dangerous than complete heresy - because it is more deceptive. Someone said: "The only thing more dangerous than a lie is a half-truth where the part that is a lie is hidden."
      I pray I have not been too harsh - but all the warnings in the NT must be taken very seriously - especially those regarding doctrinal issues - which are no light matter in the eyes of the Lord. God bless you.

    • @Daniel-lt1gy
      @Daniel-lt1gy 2 года назад

      @@Ancient-Paths I agree, Aaron’s sons died due to offering a strange fire to the Lord, a man was put to death for blatantly despising the Lord by picking up sticks on the sabbath, if a woman were to hit a man’s private part , that limb would have to be cut off and so on, even Moses wasn’t allowed into the promised land because he made the Lord seem less Holy In front of the people, one must take the scriptures seriously.
      Even today, Christians know what the Lord considers an abomination yet things like movies and games they still go and enjoy (which also provides much support for those anti Christian companies and people), many Christian women dress like the rest of the world and when they hear things on modest dressing it goes right past them
      Scriptures on how to raise your children aren’t followed, as long as we take them to Sunday school and make sure they stay away from “big” sins like homosexuality it’s alright.
      How it must grieve the Lord when we who have sworn to follow Him and yet would rather enjoy these things than spend time with Him and study His word.
      I don’t believe that you are saved by going to a Catholic Church, or any church for that matter, yet if a person who was introduced to the Catholic Church, heard of Christ, confessed their sins and truly repented, what of them? A person still has school or work which take most of the day and it takes time to truly read the Bible and understand, when you don’t know the word, those who mix truth and lies when teaching can easily deceive you on many aspects and then your thought process on many passages becomes different .
      If that person who has really been born again, grieves the Lord by praying to the saints, are they going to be cast away?
      False teachings like the Catholic Church should be exposed and with their methods it’s much much more likely for a person to either fall away or believe that they are saved by mere rituals (this is why it’s important for a person to humble themselves, pray and read the word daily and meditate on it ) yet there are people who are still saved, which might be the crux of this debate, even a person on their deathbed, if they aren’t so hard of heart that they can cry out for mercy they may still be able to go to heaven despite doing nothing for the Lord their whole lives
      As for the rest, I agree that in all honestly those people probably have it worse, for they have read the scriptures yet never truly sought the Lord in His word and thus never learned of Him or how to test themselves to see if they are truly in the faith.
      You’re attitude isn’t wrong in my opinion, this is something I’ve had to learn as well but like how you were shocked that pastor Zac stood up for a Catholic, many Christians when they see something they believe is wrong, their words and maybe without even realizing it, their thoughts aren’t kind.
      When I heard something I thought wasn’t right at all I would day dream of a situation where I was speaking to them and telling them what was right - this only bolstered my pride.
      If you’re from a church that teaches that women can’t be pastors and you see a female pastor, many people just outright call them false teachers and would not even think to listen to their teachings, yet despite them pointing to scriptures to back up this claim, there are those female pastors who seemingly bear a lot of fruit.
      One pastor went to live with homeless people for a period of time to understand them and throughout her ministry in poor countries there have been several miracles such as them not having enough food yet after praying and handing out food, it didn’t run out and they were able to serve 10 times more people food than they had.
      I’m not saying that you shouldn’t openly expose false teachings nor do I think that pastor Zac is supporting Catholics and the like, just be careful, the scriptures purposely don’t make some matters crystal clear and when people dive into them, they often end up with different interpretations like John Wesley and John Calvin which in some aspects are opposite of one another yet who would doubt that they are saved?
      Is this not the great mercy of God, that whole ever is born again can bear no bad fruit for they are a branch attached to the vine called Jesus? Only when they stop bearing fruit are they cast away, rituals and the like which are sin will indeed prevent one from receiving many of the promises of God yet if they can still offer up some spiritual fruit, will they not barely be allowed into heaven according to scripture? (Though of course, those who don’t take the word seriously and become lazy or complacent can become so spiritually hardened that they don’t even realize that they’ve been cast away)
      With the exception of the core of the gospel, I think just about every Christian when they get to heaven will have found out that quite a bit of their doctrine was wrong, yet even then, they will pray for others, weep for others, bleed for others, labour for the Lord and so on, for some matters it will indeed clearly be their fault for their lack of knowledge but will the Lord deny them?
      I often get into disagreements with someone I know because we disagree on quite a few parts of the bible yet even I were correct about everything I don’t doubt that she would receive the greater reward in heaven for I can see how she’s been living and what she does and I compare it to myself.

  • @JTCBR
    @JTCBR 4 года назад +3

    He says the church jesus christ found failed . And god had to bring a new formation which is against sola scriptura!!

  • @carbonicoyster5907
    @carbonicoyster5907 2 года назад

    Indulgences, sounds like PCR testing

  • @gregstickler3798
    @gregstickler3798 3 года назад
